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Book Primeros pasos con Flask

Download or read book Primeros pasos con Flask written by Andrés Cruz Yoris and published by Andres Cruz. This book was released on with total page 282 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Esta guía tiene la finalidad de dar los primeros pasos con Flask empleando Python; con esto, vamos a plantear dos cosas: No es un libro que tenga por objetivo conocer al 100% Flask, o de cero a experto, ya que, sería un objetivo demasiado grande para el alcance de esta guía, si no, conocer que nos ofrece y crear las primeras aplicaciones web con Flask, conocer sus extensiones, crear una API, usar Jinja2 entre otros. Se da por hecho de que el lector tiene conocimientos al menos básicos en el desarrollo de Python. Este libro tiene un enfoque práctico, conociendo los aspectos claves de la tecnología y pasando a la práctica, implementando de a poco pequeñas características de una aplicación que tiene alcance real. Para seguir este libro necesitas tener una computadora con Windows, Linux o MacOS. El libro se encuentra actualmente en desarrollo. Este libro consta de 20 capítulos, con los cuales conoceremos en detalle las características más importantes y básicas de Flask: Capítulo 1: En este capítulo daremos una introducción a Python conociendo sus características básicas y funcionalidades como variables, tipos de datos, funciones, clases entre otros. Capítulo 2: En este capítulo vamos a presentar el software necesario para crear proyectos en Flask, qué pasa desde Python, hasta preparar el entorno, el editor que emplearemos VSC y un navegador web. Capítulo 3: Presentamos algunos comandos imprescindibles para desarrollar en Flask, prepararemos el entorno y daremos una introducción al framework, crearemos una estructura para el proyecto en Flask y conoceremos de manera básica el ruteo para los controladores. Capítulo 4: En este capítulo veremos cómo emplear el motor de plantillas en por excelencia en Flask que es Jinja, con el cual podremos devolver respuestas en formato HTML y personalizar la página con código Python incrustado con el cual podremos personalizar mediante bloques, filtros, macros, entre otros. Capítulo 5: En este capítulo veremos cómo conectar una aplicación en Flask a una base de datos relacional como lo es MySQL empleando SQLAlchemy; veremos cómo configurar una base de datos, conexión mediante los modelos, generación de migraciones automáticas en base a los modelos y las operaciones CRUDs básicas para manipular la base de datos. Capítulo 6: En este capítulo instalaremos la extensión de Flask Migrate para configurar un sistema de migraciones para el proyecto y de esta forma poder personalizar las tablas y tener un esquema robusto para poder realizar cambios en la base de datos de manera práctica y escalable, además de poder crear una traza con estos cambios. Capítulo 7: En este capítulo usaremos la extensión de Form WTF para crear formularios, aplicar validaciones, valores iniciales y posteriormente volcar estos datos a la base de datos, estos formularios son clases con los atributos anteriormente mencionados y de esta forma podemos aplicar un mismo esquema para manipulación de los datos del lado del servidor y cliente. Capítulo 8: En este capítulo veremos cómo emplear las relaciones de tipo uno a uno, uno a muchos y muchos a muchos en Flask con SQLAlchemy. Capítulo 9: En este capítulo veremos cómo emplear los mensajes tipo flash útiles para indicar al usuario sobre las operaciones realizadas. Capítulo 10: En este capítulo usaremos Flask Login para crear un sistema de autenticación para registrar usuarios, realizar el login, hacer el logout y poder proteger controladores. Capítulo 11: En este capítulo veremos cómo implementar una Rest Api empleando el paquete de Flash Restful, generar tokens de acceso y realizar las conexiones de pruebas en Postman y empleando el paquete de requests. Capítulo 12: En este capítulo veremos cómo implementar pruebas unitarias que forman parte del desarrollo de cualquier aplicación, para ello, usaremos el paquete de Pytest disponible para Python. Capítulo 13: En este capítulo integraremos el framework web Bootstrap 5 a nuestro proyecto en Flask, de esta manera, veremos cómo emplear ambas tecnologías en conjunto y aplicaremos estilos a los formularios, listados, menú de navegación, entre otros. Capítulo 14: En este capítulo usaremos Flask Babel para agregar un sistema de multilenguaje a la aplicación, para dotar a la aplicación de que pueda emplear más de un idioma. Capítulo 15: En este capítulo conoceremos varias extensiones de Flask que no hemos empleado hasta este capítulo, como caché, CLI, un debug banner, email, entre otros. Capítulo 16: En este capítulo aprenderemos a crear decoradores personalizados para emplear en los controladores. Capítulo 17: En este capítulo integraremos un sistema de roles a la aplicación, además de esto, potenciaremos el perfil de usuario con varias opciones como opción de cambiar la contraseña, redes sociales, dirección, idioma preferido entre otros. Capítulo 18: Este capítulo vamos a conocer algunas operaciones a la base de datos empleando SQLAlchemy, además de conocer cómo emplear la shell de Flask. Capítulo 19: En este capítulo vamos a conocer cómo emplear los archivos para manejar las variables de entorno en Flask. Capítulo 20: En este capítulo vamos a crear nuestro primer experimento que será un filtro para filtrar por término de búsqueda, categoría y etiqueta.

Book Getting started with Flask

Download or read book Getting started with Flask written by Andrés Cruz Yoris and published by Andres Cruz. This book was released on with total page 278 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This guide is intended to take your first steps with Flask using Python; with this, we are going to propose two things: It is not a book that aims to know Flask 100%, or from zero to expert, since it would be too big an objective for the scope of this guide, otherwise, to know what it offers us and create the first web applications with Flask , know its extensions, create an API, use Jinja2 among others... It is assumed that the reader has at least basic knowledge of Python development. This book has a practical approach, knowing the key aspects of the technology and moving into practice, gradually implementing small features of an application that has real scope. To follow this book you need to have a computer with Windows, Linux or MacOS. The book is currently in development. This book consists of 20 chapters, with which we will learn in detail the most important and basic features of Flask: Chapter 1: In this chapter we will give an introduction to Python, knowing its basic characteristics and functionalities such as variables, data types, functions, classes, among others. Chapter 2: In this chapter we are going to present the software necessary to create projects in Flask, what happens from Python, to preparing the environment, the editor that we will use, VSC and a web browser. Chapter 3: We present some essential commands to develop in Flask, we will prepare the environment and give an introduction to the framework, we will create a structure for the project in Flask and we will get a basic understanding of the routing for the controllers. Chapter 4: In this chapter we will see how to use the template engine par excellence in Flask, which is Jinja, with which we can return responses in HTML format and customize the page with embedded Python code with which we can customize using blocks, filters, macros, among others. Chapter 5: In this chapter we will see how to connect an application in Flask to a relational database such as MySQL using SQLAlchemy; We will see how to configure a database, connection through the models, generation of automatic migrations based on the models and basic CRUD operations to manipulate the database. Chapter 6: In this chapter we will install the Flask Migrate extension to configure a migration system for the project and in this way be able to customize the tables and have a robust schema to be able to make changes to the database in a practical and scalable way, in addition to be able to create a trace with these changes. Chapter 7: In this chapter we will use the Form WTF extension to create forms, apply validations, initial values and later dump this data into the database, these forms are classes with the aforementioned attributes and in this way we can apply the same schema for server and client side data manipulation. Chapter 8: In this chapter we will see how to use one-to-one, one-to-many and many-to-many relationships in Flask with SQLAlchemy. Chapter 9: In this chapter we will see how to use flash messages useful to inform the user about the operations carried out. Chapter 10: In this chapter we will use Flask Login to create an authentication system and protect drivers. Chapter 11: In this chapter we will see how to implement a Rest Api using the Restful Flash package, generate access tokens and make test connections. Chapter 12: In this chapter we will see how to implement unit tests that are part of the development of any application. To do this, we will use the Pytest package available for Python. Chapter 13: In this chapter we will integrate the Bootstrap 5 web framework to our project in Flask, in this way, we will see how to use both technologies together and we will apply styles to the forms, lists, navigation menu, among others. Chapter 14: In this chapter we will use Flask Babel to add a multilanguage system to the application, to give the application the ability to use more than one language. Chapter 15: In this chapter we will learn about several Flask extensions that we have not used until this chapter, such as cache, CLI, a debug banner, email, among others. Chapter 16: In this chapter we will learn how to create custom decorators to use in controllers. Chapter 17: In this chapter we will integrate a role system into the application, in addition to this, we will enhance the user profile with several options such as the option to change the password, social networks, address, preferred language, among others. Chapter 18: In this chapter we are going to learn about some operations on the database using SQLAlchemy, in addition to knowing how to use the Flask shell. Chapter 19: In this chapter we are going to learn how to use files to manage environment variables in Flask. Chapter 20: In this chapter we are going to create our first experiment which will be a filter to filter by search term, category and tag.

Book Building Web Apps with Python and Flask

Download or read book Building Web Apps with Python and Flask written by Malhar Lathkar and published by BPB Publications. This book was released on 2021-03-12 with total page 275 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: A practical guide for the rapid web application development with Flask KEY FEATURESÊ _ Expert-led coverage of core capabilities of Flask, key extensions and its implementation.Ê _ Explore the Werkzeug toolkit andÊ Jinja Template engine and see how FlaskÊ interacts with JavaScript and CSS. _ Detailed modules on building and deploying RESTful applications using Flask. Ê DESCRIPTIONÊ This book teaches the reader the complete workflow of developing web applications using Python and its most outperforming microframework, Flask. The book begins with getting you up to speed in developing a strong understanding of the web application development process and how Python is used in developing the applications. You will learn how to write your own first Flask-based web application in Python. You will learn about web gateway interfaces, including CGI and WSGI along with various tools like the Jinja 2 engine, Werkzeug toolkit, and Click toolkit.Ê You will learn and practice the core features of Flask such as URL routing, rendering, handling static assets of a web application, how to handle cookies and sessions, and other HTTP objects. Once you have developed a strong knowledge of Flask, you will now dive deeper into advanced topics that includes Flask extensions for working with relational and NoSQL databases, Flask_WTF, and Flask-Bootstrap. You will explore design patterns, various blueprints on how to build modular and scalable applications, and finally how to deploy the RESTful APIs successfully on your own. WHAT YOU WILL LEARNÊÊ _ Get to know everything about the core capabilities of Flask. _ Understand the basic building blocks of Flask. _ Get familiar with advanced features of Flask, including blueprints, Flask extensions, and database connectivity. _ Get ready to design your own Flask-based web applications and RESTful APIs. _ Learn to build modular and scalable applications and how to deploy them successfully. WHO THIS BOOK IS FORÊÊÊ This book is ideal for Python enthusiasts, open source contributors, and web app developers who intend to add Python web technologies in their skillsets and startup companies. The understanding of the core Python language with intermediate level expertise is required and experience of working with SQL, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is an added advantage. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Python for CGI 2. WSGI 3. Flask Fundamentals 4. URL Routing 5. Rendering Templates 6. Static Files 7. HTTP Objects 8. Using Databases 9. More Flask Extensions 10. Blueprints and Contexts 11. Web API with Flask 12. Deploying Flask Applications 13. Appendix

Book Primeros pasos con Forge2D y Flame con Flutter

Download or read book Primeros pasos con Forge2D y Flame con Flutter written by and published by Andres Cruz. This book was released on with total page 143 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Esta guía tiene la finalidad de dar los primeros pasos con Forge 2D empleando Flame con Flutter; con esto, vamos a plantear dos cosas: No es un libro que tenga por objetivo conocer al 100% Forge con Flame, o de cero a experto, ya que, sería un objetivo demasiado grande para el alcance de esta guía, si no, conocer que nos ofrece, sus principales características y cómo aplicarlas al desarrollo de juegos con físicas en 2D. Se da por hecho de que el lector tiene conocimientos al menos básicos en el desarrollo de Flame, Flutter y sus tecnologías básicas como Dart. Este libro tiene un enfoque práctico, conociendo los aspectos claves de la tecnología y pasando a la práctica, implementando de a poco pequeñas características y funcionalidades que pueden ser adaptadas a un juego real. Para seguir este libro necesitas tener una computadora con Windows, Linux o MacOS. El libro se encuentra actualmente en desarrollo. Este libro tiene un total de 7 capítulos, se recomienda que leas en el orden en el cual están dispuestos y a medida que vayamos explicando los fundamentos de Forge 2D con Flame en base a ejemplos; una vez domines la librería, puedes consultar las secciones en el orden que desees. Capítulo 1: Crearemos un proyecto en Flutter con las dependencias básicas necesarias para crear juegos con Forge 2D, Flame y Flutter. Capítulo 2: Explicaremos los conceptos básicos como qué es Forge 2D, los cuerpos, sus características y componentes, aplicar impulso, velocidad o fuerzas, formas de los cuerpos, manejar el contacto entre cuerpos y cómo interactuar con el mundo de Forge2D en general. Capítulo 3: Crearemos vários ejemplos pequeños para ir presentando uno a uno las características principales y funcionalidades de Forge2D, veremos de manera práctica los conceptos presentados en el anterior capítulo. Capítulo 4: Crearemos nuestro primer juego real en Forge que sería un juego de plataformas de saltos y desplazamiento horizontal, veremos cómo manejar el movimiento, saltos empleando la velocidad lineal además de emplear mapas de tipo tile. Capítulo 5: Crearemos un segundo juego en donde implementaremos funcionalidades similares al de Angry Birds como la de posicionar un ave, desplazar el ave en un radio específico mediante el evento drag y agregar impulsos en base a un vector resultante entre el origen y posición final. Capítulo 6: Crearemos un tercer juego en donde implementaremos funcionalidades similares a la de Pinball, agregar una bola, crear obstáculos, crear un brazo e implementar una meta movible. Capítulo 7: Crearemos cuarto juego al estilo Pong en el cual consiste en crear paredes, un par de barras e inclinar las barras y paredes según el ángulo de impacto de la pelota.

Book Get Started with MicroPython on Raspberry Pi Pico

Download or read book Get Started with MicroPython on Raspberry Pi Pico written by Gareth Halfacree and published by . This book was released on 2024-02-28 with total page 0 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book Getting started with Vue Native

Download or read book Getting started with Vue Native written by Andrés Cruz and published by Andres Cruz. This book was released on with total page 112 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Vue Native is a framework to create native mobile applications for Android and IOS using JavaScript, specifically Vue; with this technology we can create good quality mobile applications. Another fundamental point is that Vue Native uses the React Native code for each of the components that we have to create our applications; therefore, Vue Native communicates directly with the React Native core to be able to display through components, images, texts, buttons, lists, and much more. The fundamental window that this platform has is that we can use the Vue and React Naive plugins to create our applications. Unfortunately this technology was obsolete at the time of writing this book; therefore, the book does not have all the chapters that were initially thought and it remains as a reference to start with this framework. However, even if it is obsolete or deprecated, it helps us to know everything that this tool offers us, we can use it to encourage us to develop in similar frameworks such as React Native, Galio, among others. As a recommendation, use Visual Studio Code as editor, since it is an excellent editor, with many customization options, extensions, intuitive, light and that you can develop in a lot of platforms, technologies, frameworks and programming languages; so overall Visual Studio Code will be a great companion for you; but, if you prefer other editors like Sublime Text, PHPStorm or similar, you can use it without any problem. Chapters This book has a total of 8 chapters, it is recommended that you read in the order in which they are arranged and as we explain the components of the framework, go directly to the practice, replicate, test and modify the codes that we show in this book. Chapter 1: It explains what is the necessary software, and its installation to develop in Vue Native. Chapter 2: We'll talk about Vue Native technology, create a project, and do some very basic testing. Chapter 3: We will give a detailed explanation of each of the most used components in Vue Native. Chapter 4: We will use a plugin to enable navigation between screens and see its practical use. Chapter 5: We will see the different ways to work with the styles in a project in Vue Native. Chapter 6: We will create a listing app consuming a Rest API on the Internet. Chapter 7: We will see the use of animations in Vue Native in a basic way along with tweens. Chapter 8: We will create a CRUD type application with forms, lists, several pages, validations, confirmation messages and redirections. Who is this book for This book is for anyone who wants to get started with mobile development and knows the basics of Vue. For those who want to know the framework and who know Vue, who want to know current frameworks similar to this one, but do not have the necessary knowledge to venture into these because they do not know the bases that support them. For those people who want to learn something new, learn about a framework that has very little documentation, who want to improve a skill in web development, who want to grow as a developer and who want to continue climbing their path with others frameworks superior to this; As long as you meet at least some of the above considerations, this book is for you.

Book General Alonso de Le  n s Expeditions into Texas  1686 1690

Download or read book General Alonso de Le n s Expeditions into Texas 1686 1690 written by Lola Orellano Norris and published by Texas A&M University Press. This book was released on 2017-05-29 with total page 255 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: In the late seventeenth century, General Alonso de León led five military expeditions from northern New Spain into what is now Texas in search of French intruders who had settled on lands claimed by the Spanish crown. Lola Orellano Norris has identified sixteen manuscript copies of de León’s meticulously kept expedition diaries. These documents hold major importance for early Texas scholarship. Some of these early manuscripts have been known to historians, but never before have all sixteen manuscripts been studied. In this interdisciplinary study, Norris transcribes, translates, and analyzes the diaries from two different perspectives. The historical analysis reveals that frequent misinterpretations of the Spanish source documents have led to substantial factual errors that have persisted in historical interpretation for more than a century. General Alonso de León’s Expeditions into Texas is the first presentation of these important early documents and provides new vistas on Spanish Texas.

Book Culture of Cells for Tissue Engineering

Download or read book Culture of Cells for Tissue Engineering written by Gordana Vunjak-Novakovic and published by John Wiley & Sons. This book was released on 2006-03-31 with total page 528 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Step-by-step, practical guidance for the acquisition, manipulation,and use of cell sources for tissue engineering Tissue engineering is a multidisciplinary field incorporatingthe principles of biology, chemistry, engineering, and medicine tocreate biological substitutes of native tissues for scientificresearch or clinical use. Specific applications of this technologyinclude studies of tissue development and function, investigatingdrug response, and tissue repair and replacement. This area israpidly becoming one of the most promising treatment options forpatients suffering from tissue failure. Written by leading experts in the field, Culture of Cellsfor Tissue Engineering offers step-by-step, practicalguidance for the acquisition, manipulation, and use of cell sourcesfor tissue engineering. It offers a unique focus on tissueengineering methods for cell sourcing and utilization, combiningtheoretical overviews and detailed procedures. Features of the text include: Easy-to-use format with a two-part organization Logically organized—part one discusses cell sourcing,preparation, and characterization and the second part examinesspecific engineered tissues Each chapter covers: structural and functional properties oftissues, methodological principles, culture, cellselection/expansion, cell modifications, cell seeding, tissueculture, analytical assays, and a detailed description ofrepresentative studies End-of-chapter features include useful listings of sources forreagents, materials, and supplies, with the contact details of thesuppliers listed at the end of the book A section of elegant color plates to back up the figures in thechapters Culture of Cells for Tissue Engineering givesnovice and seasoned researchers in tissue engineering an invaluableresource. In addition, the text is suitable for professionals inrelated research, particularly in those areas where cell and tissueculture is a new or emerging tool.

Book The Narrative of John Smith

Download or read book The Narrative of John Smith written by Arthur Conan Doyle and published by . This book was released on 2011 with total page 0 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: "This text has been published from an untitled manuscript that was among the Conan Doyle papers sold at aution in 2004 and acquired by the British Library."--P. [121].

Book Franco s Internationalists

Download or read book Franco s Internationalists written by David Brydan and published by Oxford University Press. This book was released on 2019 with total page 215 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Despite the repression, violence, and social hardship which characterised Spanish life in the 1940s and 1950s, the Franco regime sought to win popular support by promoting its apparent commitment to social justice. This study tells the story of the experts in public health, medicine, and social insurance sent to sell Franco's regime overseas.

Book Science  Literature  and Film in the Hispanic World

Download or read book Science Literature and Film in the Hispanic World written by J. Hoeg and published by Springer. This book was released on 2006-10-17 with total page 257 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Driven by such diverse advances as the Human Genome Project and the explosion of the World Wide Web, and also by the threat of human-inspired disasters such as global warming, the field of science and literature studies is currently undergoing an unprecedented expansion. The relations between science and literature have been and continue to be central to understanding Hispanic civilization and culture. In spite of this, Science, Literature, and Film in the Spanish-Speaking World is the first and only book to treat this new and dynamic field from an Hispanic perspective. This unique volume opens the door to an entirely new focus in the study of Hispanic literature and culture.

Book Python Basics

    Book Details:
  • Author : Dan Bader
  • Publisher : Real Python (Realpython.Com)
  • Release : 2021-03-16
  • ISBN : 9781775093329
  • Pages : 636 pages

Download or read book Python Basics written by Dan Bader and published by Real Python (Realpython.Com). This book was released on 2021-03-16 with total page 636 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Make the Leap From Beginner to Intermediate in Python... Python Basics: A Practical Introduction to Python 3 Your Complete Python Curriculum-With Exercises, Interactive Quizzes, and Sample Projects What should you learn about Python in the beginning to get a strong foundation? With Python Basics, you'll not only cover the core concepts you really need to know, but you'll also learn them in the most efficient order with the help of practical exercises and interactive quizzes. You'll know enough to be dangerous with Python, fast! Who Should Read This Book If you're new to Python, you'll get a practical, step-by-step roadmap on developing your foundational skills. You'll be introduced to each concept and language feature in a logical order. Every step in this curriculum is explained and illustrated with short, clear code samples. Our goal with this book is to educate, not to impress or intimidate. If you're familiar with some basic programming concepts, you'll get a clear and well-tested introduction to Python. This is a practical introduction to Python that jumps right into the meat and potatoes without sacrificing substance. If you have prior experience with languages like VBA, PowerShell, R, Perl, C, C++, C#, Java, or Swift the numerous exercises within each chapter will fast-track your progress. If you're a seasoned developer, you'll get a Python 3 crash course that brings you up to speed with modern Python programming. Mix and match the chapters that interest you the most and use the interactive quizzes and review exercises to check your learning progress as you go along. If you're a self-starter completely new to coding, you'll get practical and motivating examples. You'll begin by installing Python and setting up a coding environment on your computer from scratch, and then continue from there. We'll get you coding right away so that you become competent and knowledgeable enough to solve real-world problems, fast. Develop a passion for programming by solving interesting problems with Python every day! If you're looking to break into a coding or data-science career, you'll pick up the practical foundations with this book. We won't just dump a boat load of theoretical information on you so you can "sink or swim"-instead you'll learn from hands-on, practical examples one step at a time. Each concept is broken down for you so you'll always know what you can do with it in practical terms. If you're interested in teaching others "how to Python," this will be your guidebook. If you're looking to stoke the coding flame in your coworkers, kids, or relatives-use our material to teach them. All the sequencing has been done for you so you'll always know what to cover next and how to explain it. What Python Developers Say About The Book: "Go forth and learn this amazing language using this great book." - Michael Kennedy, Talk Python "The wording is casual, easy to understand, and makes the information flow well." - Thomas Wong, Pythonista "I floundered for a long time trying to teach myself. I slogged through dozens of incomplete online tutorials. I snoozed through hours of boring screencasts. I gave up on countless crufty books from big-time publishers. And then I found Real Python. The easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions break the big concepts down into bite-sized chunks written in plain English. The authors never forget their audience and are consistently thorough and detailed in their explanations. I'm up and running now, but I constantly refer to the material for guidance." - Jared Nielsen, Pythonista

Book Adsorption Engineering

    Book Details:
  • Author : Motoyuki Suzuki
  • Publisher :
  • Release : 1990
  • ISBN : 9780444412959
  • Pages : 295 pages

Download or read book Adsorption Engineering written by Motoyuki Suzuki and published by . This book was released on 1990 with total page 295 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book A Frequency Dictionary of Spanish

Download or read book A Frequency Dictionary of Spanish written by Mark Davies and published by Routledge. This book was released on 2017-12-12 with total page 362 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: A Frequency Dictionary of Spanish has been fully revised and updated, including over 500 new entries, making it an invaluable resource for students of Spanish. Based on a new web-based corpus containing more than 2 billion words collected from 21 Spanish-speaking countries, the second edition of A Frequency Dictionary of Spanish provides the most expansive and up-to-date guidelines on Spanish vocabulary. Each entry is accompanied with an illustrative example and full English translation. The Dictionary provides a rich resource for language teaching and curriculum design, while a separate CD version provides the full text in a tab-delimited format ideally suited for use by corpus and computational linguistics. With entries arranged both by frequency and alphabetically, A Frequency Dictionary of Spanish enables students of all levels to get the most out of their study of vocabulary in an engaging and efficient way.

Book Ambivalent Desires

    Book Details:
  • Author : María Mercedes Andrade
  • Publisher : Bucknell University Press
  • Release : 2011-04-01
  • ISBN : 1611480019
  • Pages : 203 pages

Download or read book Ambivalent Desires written by María Mercedes Andrade and published by Bucknell University Press. This book was released on 2011-04-01 with total page 203 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Ambivalent Desires: Representations of Modernity and Private Life in Colombia (1890s-1950s) is a literary and cultural study of the reception of modernity in Colombia. Unlike previous studies of Latin American modernization, which have usually focused on the public aspect of the process, this book discusses the intersection between modernity and the private sphere. It analyzes canonical and non-canonical works that reflect the existing ambivalence toward the modernizing project being implemented in the country at the time, and it discusses how the texts in question reinterpret, adapt, and even reject the ideology of modernity. The focus of the study is how the understanding of the relationship between modernity and private life relates to the project of constructing a modern nation, and the discontinuities and contradictions that appear in the process. The question of what modernity is, its implications for everyday life, and its desirability or undesirability as a new cultural paradigm were central issues in Colombian texts from the end of the nineteenth century through the first half of the twentieth. At stake was the definition of the nation's identity and the project of breaking away from the cultural patterns of the colonial past. Considering that the apparently peaceful process of modernization in Colombia was interrupted in the 1950s by the eruption of political violence across the country, this study situates itself on the eve of a crisis and asks how representations of modernity in texts from the period evidence the social fragmentation that may have led to it. The book begins with an analysis of the theme of the private collection in the work of JosZ Asunci-n Silva, and how it is used to propose a specific notion of personal and cultural identity. It continues with an analysis of the modernizing ideology of the popular magazine El GrOfico during the period of economic prosperity of the 1920s known as the 'Dance of the Millions,' focusing on the publication's advertisements and the section devoted to women and the home. Subsequently, the canonical writings of TomOs Rueda Vargas are analyzed in the context of the relation between autobiographical writing and public life, emphasizing the contradiction between the author's public liberalism and his private conservatism, and highlighting his critique of modern life. The works of previously neglected women writers Manuela Mallarino Isaacs, Juana SOnchez Lafaurie, and Fabiola Aguirre are studied in the context of women's relationship to modernity and their conflict between traditional roles that relegated them to the private sphere, and their desire to accept modern standards. The book concludes with an analysis of the novels of Ignacio G-mez DOvila, which have received scant attention to this date, as it discusses his critique of the upper classes' flight into the private and what the author sees as their alienation from a society on the verge of a crisis.

Book Cloud Computing  Big Data   Emerging Topics

Download or read book Cloud Computing Big Data Emerging Topics written by Marcelo Naiouf and published by Springer. This book was released on 2021-08-17 with total page 203 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This book constitutes the revised selected papers of the 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Big Data & Emerging Topics, JCC-BD&ET 2021, held in La Plata, Argentina*, in June 2021. The 12 full papers and 2 short papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from a total of 37 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on parallel and distributed computing; machine and deep learning; big data; web and mobile computing; visualization.. *The conference was held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Book Introduction to Machine Learning with Python

Download or read book Introduction to Machine Learning with Python written by Andreas C. Müller and published by "O'Reilly Media, Inc.". This book was released on 2016-09-26 with total page 400 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Machine learning has become an integral part of many commercial applications and research projects, but this field is not exclusive to large companies with extensive research teams. If you use Python, even as a beginner, this book will teach you practical ways to build your own machine learning solutions. With all the data available today, machine learning applications are limited only by your imagination. You’ll learn the steps necessary to create a successful machine-learning application with Python and the scikit-learn library. Authors Andreas Müller and Sarah Guido focus on the practical aspects of using machine learning algorithms, rather than the math behind them. Familiarity with the NumPy and matplotlib libraries will help you get even more from this book. With this book, you’ll learn: Fundamental concepts and applications of machine learning Advantages and shortcomings of widely used machine learning algorithms How to represent data processed by machine learning, including which data aspects to focus on Advanced methods for model evaluation and parameter tuning The concept of pipelines for chaining models and encapsulating your workflow Methods for working with text data, including text-specific processing techniques Suggestions for improving your machine learning and data science skills