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Book Occultism and Kabbalah are only masks to hide the sacred truth from the profane

Download or read book Occultism and Kabbalah are only masks to hide the sacred truth from the profane written by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2018-05-28 with total page 24 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Madame Blavatsky on the hidden truths of Occultism and Kabbalah. Eastern Occultism has veiled for ages its profound pantheistic unitarianism with the exuberance of an exoteric polytheism. However, the Jewish Kabbalah, behind the screen of exoteric monotheism, produced a religion of sexual and phallic worship. Kabbalah is fire philosophy and fire theology.

Book Rosicrucianism was one of many offshoots of Oriental Occultism

Download or read book Rosicrucianism was one of many offshoots of Oriental Occultism written by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2022-03-28 with total page 27 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Rosicrucianism was not a sect, is was but one of many branches of the same tree. Rosicrucians no longer exist, the last of that fraternity having departed in the person of Cagliostro. Occultism is a double-edged weapon for one who is unprepared to devote his whole life to it. The theory of it, unaided by serious practice, will always remain a foolish and ignorant speculation. He who rejects the immortality of man’s soul cannot perceive the unity of homogeneity of his Creator through the plurality of heterogeneity, and he therefore condemns himself to live hand-by-hand with death in the “vale of tears.” Any attempt to learn about Occultism by book study alone will always prove insufficient — even to the analytical mind trained to extract the quintessence of truth scattered throughout myriads of contradictory statements — unless supported by practice and experience. As primitive Christianity split into numerous sects, so the science of Occultism gave birth to a variety of doctrines and brotherhoods. For example, the Egyptian Ophites, became the Christian Gnostics, shooting forth the Basilideans of the second century. And the original Rosicrucians, created the Paracelsists or Fire-Philosophers, the European Alchemists, and other branches of their sect. The Brotherhood of the Rosy Cross was not founded until the middle of the thirteenth century, by Christian Rosenkreuz — a reformed sorcerer. The Rosicrucians gave birth to the early Theosophists, at whose head was Paracelsus, and to the Alchemists, one of the most celebrated of whom was Thomas Vaughan who wrote the most practical things on Occultism, under the name of Eugenius Philalethes. The Welsh Alchemist was definitely “made before he became.” Unlike the European Rosicrucians who, in order “to become and not be made,” have struggled alone, violently robbing Nature of her secrets, the Oriental “Rosicrucians” in the serene beatitude of their divine knowledge, are ever ready to help the earnest student struggling “to become” with practical knowledge, which dissipates like a heavenly breeze the darkest clouds of sceptical doubt. Whereas the lofty principles and doctrines of Christ and Buddha were calculated to embrace the whole of humanity, Confucius confined his attention solely to his own countrymen without troubling his head about the rest of mankind. Intensely Chinese in patriotism and views, his philosophical doctrines are as much devoid of the purely poetic element, which characterizes the teachings of Christ and Buddha, as the religious tendencies of his people lack in that spiritual exaltation which we find, for instance, in India. Confucius did not have the depth of feeling and spiritual striving of his contemporary, Lao-tzu. The heavy, childish, cold, sensual nature of the Chinese explains the peculiarities of their history. Marginal are the differences between the Rosicrucian and the Oriental Kabbalah. American Spiritualism, which has proved such a sore in the side of the materialists, will soon become a science of mathematical certitude, instead of being regarded only as the crazy delusion of epileptic monomaniacs. The Zohar is an inexhaustible mine of hidden wisdom and mystery for all subsequent Kabbalists. All recent Kabbalahs are copies of the God’s Splendour. While the Oriental Kabbalah remained in its pure primitive shape, the Mosaic or Jewish one is full of drawbacks, and with the keys to many secrets purposely misinterpreted. If the primitive Rosicrucians learned their first lessons of wisdom from Oriental Masters, that was not so with their direct descendants, the Paracelsists: the Kabbalah of the latter Illuminati degenerated into the twin sister of the Jewish. The custodians of the real Kabbalah of primitive humanity are certain Oriental philosophers. Their location will not be revealed until the day when humanity shall awake from its spiritual lethargy, and open its blind eyes to the dazzling rays of Truth. Thus the light of Truth will finally dissipate the unhealthy mists of the battalions of religious sects which disgrace our times. They will warm up and recall into new life the millions of wretched souls, who shiver and are half frozen under the icy hand of deadly scepticism. Occultism without practice will ever be like the statue of Pygmalion that no one can animate without infusing into it a spark of the Sacred Divine Fire. The Jewish Kabbalah, the only authority of the European Occultist, is based on the secret meanings of the Hebrew scriptures, which afford no hope for the adepts to solve them practically. More! The likelihood of anyone becoming a practical Kabbalist-Rosicrucian through studying the Jewish Kabbalah single-handed, without being initiated and so being “made” such by someone who “knows,” is as foolish as to hope to thread the Cretan labyrinth without a clue, or to open the secret locks of the ingenious inventors of the mediaeval ages, without having possession of the keys. The Seventh Rule of the Rosicrucian “who became but was not made” has its secret meaning, like every other phrase left by the Kabbalists to posterity. The Rosicrucian has to struggle alone and toil long years in the hope of finding out some of the lesser secrets of the great Kabbalah. His mental, moral, and physical fitness will be tested to the extreme. His spirit will have to pass through the ordeal of incarnation and life, and be baptised with matter before he could attain inner knowledge. There is nothing new under the Sun. There is not a science, nor a modern discovery in any section of it, which was not known to the Oriental Occultists of the hoary antiquity. What would not modern physicians, practitioners of their blind and lame science of medicine, give for a part of the knowledge of botany and plants! The hope of finding remnants of such wisdom as Ancient Asia possessed, ought to tempt our conceited modern science to explore that territory assiduously. Religions and sciences, laws and customs, they are all the direct products of Oriental Occultism, disguised by the hand of time, and palmed upon us under new pseudonyms. The time is near when the old superstitions and the errors of centuries will be swept away by the hurricane of Truth. There is scarcely a rite or ceremony of the Christian Church that does not descend from Occultism. When the devout worshippers of the Vatican lift up their eyes in mute adoration upon the head of their God on Earth, their Pontifex Maximus, what they admire the most is the caricatured head-dress, the Amazon-like helmet of Pallas Athene, the heathen goddess Minerva.

Book Blavatsky cuts down to size a sham adept and vulgar bully

Download or read book Blavatsky cuts down to size a sham adept and vulgar bully written by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2023-09-30 with total page 13 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book Rosicrucians emerged as an antidote to the material side of alchemy

Download or read book Rosicrucians emerged as an antidote to the material side of alchemy written by 8Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2020-11-13 with total page 27 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Rosicrucians emerged in Europe as an antidote to the material side of alchemy and to stem the tide of the folly. From this point of view, the Rosicrucians are group of Reformers. The spiritual side of man must be awakened and utilised, before the Philosopher’s Stone, or the Elixir of Life, can be discovered. Wonder-seekers then, as now, craving for power and wealth, did not appreciate that higher ethics are prerequisite to real wisdom. The Rosicrucians were alchemists in the spiritual sense and professors of divine magic, which is devoid of selfishness, love of power, ambition, and lucre. Most divergent are the lines of thought between Christian and Occultist.

Book Isis Unveiled is the Majesty of Truth Unveiled

Download or read book Isis Unveiled is the Majesty of Truth Unveiled written by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2023-02-10 with total page 22 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The trinity of man is the master key to the wonders of nature. The sorcerer is society’s deadliest enemy. All those who have a voice in the education of the masses should first know, and then teach, that the safest guides to human happiness and enlightenment are those writings on genuine science and theology that descended to us from the remotest antiquity. The world needs neither churches nor temples. The real Temple of God is within every man, walled-in by the impenetrable jungle of matter. Only the pure in heart see God and obey the behests of the Spirit of Truth. The trinity of nature is the lock of magic, and the trinity of man is the master key to the wonders of nature. But the spirit must hold in complete subjection the combativeness of educated reason, until cold sophistry is vanquished beyond the skewed reality. Magic cannot be mastered by the white-skinned people for they are unfit physically, morally, and psychologically. Inflamed by dogmatic superstition, and the self-aggrandising sense of cultural superiority and national destiny over those whom the Anglo-Saxons term so contemptuously niggers, the white European would hardly submit himself to the practical tuition of Copt, Brahman, or Lama. Book learning of magic formulæ, unlit by spiritual intuition and bereft of higher mental faculties, is not only utterly useless but also fraught with unspeakable dangers for those who dabble in occult practices while their animal passions are rampant. Spiritualism is neither science, nor religion, nor philosophy. Is the boa constrictor of error resulting in spiritual ruin. Ignoring the teachings of the past, modern spiritualists have discovered no substitute. A thousand mortifying rebuffs have failed to open up their higher faculties above reason and sense. Bewildered by the contradictions they encounter, they keep waiting for their tentative hypotheses to be verified by further experience. Modern spiritualists are unconscious necromancers. They are disinclined to admit the axiomatic truths of Ancient Spiritualism (i.e. Eastern Occult Sciences), now so derided by crass materialism. They start with the fallacy that all phenomena are caused by the action of departed human spirits; they have not looked into the powers of the Protean power of spirit; and they do not know the extent to which spirit acts, how far it reaches, what it underlies. Christian theology is subversive of, rather than promotive of, spirituality and morality. Instead of expounding the rules of divine law and justice, it teaches but itself. Modern science, powerless to satisfy the aspirations of the race, makes the future shallow and meaningless and, by feeding on the putrescence of matter, it bereaves man of hope. Every religious faith is an offshoot from One Tree, the Archaic Wisdom-Religion. Combined, their aggregate represents One Eternal Truth; separate, they are but shades of human error and signs of imperfection. The world’s religions sprung from pre-Vedic Brahmanism and Buddhism. Judaism, Christianity, and Islamism, were inspired by Paganism, i.e., Ancient Wisdom, replete with Deity.

Book The power of the magician is inversely related to his worldly interests

Download or read book The power of the magician is inversely related to his worldly interests written by Eliphas Levi and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2022-07-07 with total page 63 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Occult philosophy is the key to all divine obscurities, and the absolute queen of society in those ages when it was reserved exclusively for the education of priests and kings. The multitude never conspires except against real powers; it possesses not the knowledge of what is true, but it has the instinct of what is strong. Emperor Julian was the Don Quixote of Roman Chivalry. Julian and Socrates were put to death for the same crime. Why do priests and potentates tremble? What secret power threatens tiaras and crowns? Magic, as a science, is the knowledge of the metaphysical principles, and of the way by which the omniscience and omnipotence of the spirit and its control over nature’s forces may be acquired by the individual while still in the body. Magic, as an art, is the application of this knowledge in practice. True Magic is the intimate knowledge of nature within the sanctuaries known as the “worship of the Light” and diligent research into those occult laws, which constitute the ultimate essence of every element. True Magic, being divine and spiritual wisdom, it can only be exercised by the pure in heart. Occultism is vastly different from “magic,” a term often confounded the occult sciences, including the “black arts,” and the “worship of Darkness.” The Sphinx is the living palladium of humanity and the imagination lighting up our blind senses. She is the eternal enigma of the vulgar, the granite pedestal of Divine Wisdom, the voracious and silent monster whose invariable form expresses the one dogma of the great universal mystery. By lifting the veil of Isis and balancing the twin opposing powers — spirituality and animalism — ever reacting upon each other, the Kabbalah affirms the eternal struggle of being, reconciles reason with faith, power with liberty, and science with mystery. The seeker of Truth must be fearless and forgiving, brave dangers, dishonour, and give up all expectation. Divine knowledge must be conquered by defiant intensity and virtue, before she opens the portals of her secret chambers. Unsullied by the hand of matter, she shows her treasures only to the Eye of Spirit. What is faith except the audacity of a will, which does not tarry in darkness, but moves on towards the light in spite of all ordeals, surmounting all obstacles? It is action that proves life and establishes will, therefore, we must act in order to be. Mysteries are disdained by modern science. Their primary benefit is that they forestall absolute brutality among men. Miracles are natural phenomena from occult causes. Admission of miracles implies ignorance of their causes. By providential law, the true alchemist can only exercise omnipotence in inverse proportion to his material interests: the more resigned is he to privations, and the more he esteems that poverty which protects the secrets of the magnum opus, the more gold he makes. He must be cool, dispassionate, and utterly unconcerned with self, yet ever ready to sacrifice himself for the welfare of others. He has no right to use his magnetic power to lessen his personal suffering, as long as there is a single creature that suffers and whose physical or mental pain he can lessen, if not heal. Passion forcibly projects the astral light and impresses unforeseen and uncontrollable movements on the universal agent. The more we restrain ourselves for an idea, the greater is the strength we acquire within the scope of that idea. Indolence and forgetfulness are the enemies of will, and for this reason all religions have multiplied their observances and made their worship minute and difficult. In order to do a thing we must believe in the possibility of our doing it, and this confidence must forthwith be translated into acts. Faith does not even try; it begins with the certitude of completing and proceeds calmly, as if omnipotence were at its disposal and eternity before it. True magicians are normally found in rural areas, often uninstructed folks and simple shepherds. Those who live in harmony with nature are wiser than doctors, whose spiritual perception is trammelled by the sophistries of their schools. While poverty has no natural tendency to bring forth selfishness, wealth requires it. Hardship and poverty are so favourable to spiritual progress that the greatest masters have preferred it, even when the wealth of the world was at their disposal. In poverty is benevolence assayed, and in the moment of anger is a man’s truthfulness displayed. By truth alone is man’s mind purified, and by the right discipline it does become inspired. We should always remember that we are dethroned sovereigns who consent to existence in order to reconquer our crowns. Therefore, we must avoid hideous objects and uncomely persons, must decline eating with those whom we do not esteem, and must be mild and considerate to all. The disciple, by following his inner light, will never be found judging, and far less condemning those weaker than himself. The lamp of truth guides his learning, the mantle which enwraps him is his discretion, the staff is the emblem of his strength and daring. Let us then learn diligently; and when we know, let us have the will to act in unison with the Cosmic Will. He who has silenced lusts and fears is a king among the wandering mass. Fragments of relative truths can be communicated orally by the Sage to the disciple, but not the complete, everlasting Truth. Therefore Sages speak sparingly not to disclose but to lead the pure in heart to discover. Energetic ecclesiastical mediocrity has managed to supplant modest superiority, misunderstood because of its feigned modesty. A man who is truly man can only will that which he should reasonably and justly do; so does he silence lusts and fears, that he may hearken solely to reason. Such a man is a natural king and a shepherd for the wandering multitude. Life is aspiration and respiration. Creation is the assumption of a shadow to serve as a bound to light, of a void to serve as space for the plenitude, of a passive fructified principle to sustain and realise the power of the active generating principle. Movement is the outcome of a preponderance of one over the other force (positive and negative) as determined by the laws of affinity and antipathy. If both forces are absolutely and invariably equal, the world will come to a stand-still. “If the two forces are expanded and remain so long inactive, as to equal one another and so come to a complete rest, the condition is death.” Man can produce two breathings at his pleasure, one warm and the other cold; he can also project either the active or passive light at will. Will is the offspring of Divinity; desire, the motive power of animal life. Miracles are the inexplicable effects of natural causes. They are commonly regarded as contradictions of nature or sudden vagaries of the divine mind — not seeing that a single causeless effect would reduce the universe to chaos. Anthropomorphism is the parent of materialism and author of black magic. God operates by His works in heaven by angels, and on earth by men. But in the “heaven” of human conceptions, it is humanity that creates God, and men think that God has made them in His image because they have made Him in theirs. The man who has come to fear nothing and desire nothing is master of all. Nothing on earth can withstand the power of rational will. Warm breathing attracts, cold repels, for heat is positive electricity; cold, negative electricity. Warm insufflation restores the circulation of the blood, cures rheumatic and gouty pains, restores the balance of the humours, and dispels lassitude. Cold insufflation soothes pains occasioned by congestions and fluidic accumulations. Occult medicine is essentially sympathetic. Good will and reciprocal affection must exist between doctor and patient. Syrups and juleps have little inherent virtue. Rabelais compelled his patients to laugh, and all the remedies he subsequently gave them succeeded better, as a result; he established a magnetic sympathy between himself and them, by means of which he communicated to them his own confidence and good humour; he flattered them in his prefaces, called them his precious, most illustrious patients, and dedicated his books to them. The cause of every bodily disorder can be traced back to a moral disorder. But the power to heal is never possessed by those addicted to vicious indulgences. Only the pure in heart can heal the ills of the body by exercising divine gifts. Such only can give peace to the disturbed spirit of their brothers and sisters, for their power to heal come from no poisonous source.

Book Mediumship and Adeptship are poles apart

Download or read book Mediumship and Adeptship are poles apart written by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2018-05-23 with total page 9 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Occultists forget self in favour of other selves. Spiritists doom other selves to unremitting recollection of their shameful existence. No wonder that Spiritualism is yet to produce a single Adept. Mediums are blind worshippers of dead thoughts decomposing, which vampirise both mediums and the living. Unlike Adepts, mediums lack self-control. Their raison d’être is to transmit unquestionably alien thoughts and passions. Theosophists are cautious in ascribing mediumistic communications to any foreign source. Rare cases of genuine mediumship may be the outcome of divine knowledge revealed to Atlantean stock.

Book Hylo Idealism is a fig leaf for Crass Materialism

Download or read book Hylo Idealism is a fig leaf for Crass Materialism written by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2020-11-13 with total page 41 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Privileged man! Evolution-forsaken baboon! Hylo-Idealism asserts that the origin of man has to be sought in the vesiculo-neurine of his hemispherical ganglia, and that even ingratitude is a phenomenon of atavism. Psychical Research is a misnomer for Pseusmatical Research. Modern Idealism is the great ally of Materialism. Their conclusions are so far stretched, that they both converge in their atheism and pessimism. The “scientific” union of Materialism and Idealism takes place in grey matter, affirms Dr. Lewins. New philosophies are the spawn of overworked intellect. They keep sprouting like mushrooms from their mycelium after a rainy morning — interminable, outlandish, multisyllabled, and multicipital. While we tearfully beg Dr. Lewins, in the interests of humanity, to have pity on his poor readers, we shall fight the usurper “Solipsism” in favour of the legitimate King of the Universe — Egoism. Hylo-Idealism is at odds with Hylo-Ideaism. Since Dr. Lewins regards consciousness as a function of the nerve-tissue, he is an uncompromising materialist. If apart from brain there is no Ego, no external world, what then is the brain itself — this solitary object in a void universe? On the one hand, matter is asserted; on the other, matter is denied. The Vedantins symbolise Cosmic Duality by Logos and Mulaprakriti, i.e., Universal Spirit and Noumenon of Matter. The latter is the metaphysical basis of the intelligent operations in Nature. The orthodox concept of God is not, as Dr. Lewins contends, a myth or phantasm of the brain; it is an individualised ray of the all-pervading Logos, the inner light of which is blurred by the fog of lower minds. Modern Idealism is based upon gigantic paradoxes and even contradictions in terms. Venus, the morning star, was created before the sun and the moon — metaphorically, not astronomically. Venus-Aphrodite is one with the Astarte-Astoreth, the moon-goddess of generation presiding at human birth, just as Jehovah is the god of generation, foremost of all. Astoreth, as a planet, is one with Lucifer, the Morning Star. Like modern Spiritualism, Hylo-Idealism is transcendental Materialism. No man can be at once a Materialist and an Idealist, and remain consistent. The new school teaches that brain is the Creator of the Universe and originator of consciousness; that in it alone all our ideas are born, and that, apart from it, nothing has real existence, everything being illusion. By denying the Vedantic idea of non-separateness, the Hylo-Idealists vitiate every one of their arguments. The real “I” which thinks, feels, and acts is a ray of Absolute Consciousness, which is no “consciousness.”

Book On malevolent bewitchments and venomous magic

Download or read book On malevolent bewitchments and venomous magic written by Eliphas Levi, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Paracelsus and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2022-07-07 with total page 66 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Bewitchment, whether voluntary or involuntary, physical or moral is a homicide — and the more infamous because it eludes self-defence by the victim and punishment by law. Moral maladies are far more contagious than physical. Some triumphs of infatuation are comparable to leprosy or cholera. Bewitchment by means of currents is exceedingly common, morally as well as physically; most of us are carried away by the crowd. Absolute hatred, unleavened by rejected passion or personal cupidity, is a death sentence for its object. Black magic is a graduated combination of sacrileges and murders designed for the perversion of the human will. It is the religion of the devil, the cultus of darkness, and the hatred of good carried to the height of paroxysm. Not only do the wicked torment the good, but the good torture the wicked unconsciously. We may die through love as well as through hate, for there are absorbing passions under the breath of which we feel depleted like the spouses of vampires. Antipathy is the presentiment of a possible bewitchment, either of love or hatred, for we find love frequently succeeding repulsion. Instantaneous sympathies and electric infatuations are explosions of the astral light, which is akin to the discharge of strong magnetic batteries. Bewitchment by a will persistently confirmed in ill-doing, cannot be pulled back without risk of death. The spell may be staved off by substitution or deflection of the astral current. But the sorcerer who releases a spell must have another object for his malevolence, or he himself will perish by his own spell because every poisoned magnetic emission that cannot reach its target will return with force to its point of departure. Virtue is one of the elixirs of long life and well-being. While vice is hid by hypocrisy, virtue is suspected to be hypocrisy. Sorcery, whether by spells or love-potions, is venomous magic. We write not to instruct but to warn. Sorcerers are often poor country folks, repulsed by all, and therefore afflicted by enduring bitterness. The fear which they inspired was their consolation and their revenge. Magical emblems and characters, engraved on amulets and talismans, are relics of old religious rites, the meaning of which is no longer understood. Only harmlessness and brotherhood in thought and deed, coupled with non-resistance to evil, can shield us from evil. Real protection comes from personal merit and virtue, not from talismans. Nought is permitted to the virtuous man. Love, above all in a woman, is a veritable hallucination; for want of a prudent motive, it will frequently select an absurd one. Cyanide, when not lethal, will enfeeble the mind already poisoned by an evil will. Stay clear of bitter almonds (as well as the kernels of apricot, peach, and cherry), almond flavour extracts such as Amaretto, almond milk, soaps, and perfumes, Datura stramonium, and other hallucinogens. Tobacco, by smoking or otherwise, is a dangerous and stupefying philtre and brain poison. Nicotine is not less deadly than cyanide. Moreover, the latter is present in tobacco in larger quantities than in bitter almonds. But the most terrific of all philtres is the exaltation of misdirected devotion. By fuelling the imagination, excessive fear becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Goodness is much stronger than evil. Rise then above childish fears and dumb desires. Stamp out evil influence by controlling unbridled imagination and fanciful speculation. Believe in supreme wisdom for true wisdom cannot ensnare your intelligence. Poisons can may make you ill but never immoral. Weakness sympathises with vice because vice itself is a weakness that assumes the mask of strength. Madness holds reason in horror, and delights in the exaggerations of falsehood. Every human being, whether magus or not, should oppose violence by mildness, chastise evil by good, cruelty by tenderness. There can be nothing more dangerous than to make magic a pastime, or part of an evening’s entertainment. Magnetic experiments, performed under such conditions, can only exhaust the subjects, mislead opinions, and defeat science. The milder and calmer you are, the more effective will be your anger; the more energetic you are, the more precious will be your forbearance; the more skilful you are, the better will you profit by your intelligence and even by your virtues; the more indifferent you are, the more easily will you make yourself loved. Excessive love produces antipathy; blind hate counteracts and scourges itself; vanity leads to abasement and the most cruel humiliations. Remember that the magus is sovereign, and a sovereign never avenges because he has the right to punish; in the exercise of this right he performs his duty, and is implacable as justice. The way to see clearly is not to be always looking; and he who spends his whole life upon a single object will not attain it. Ceremonies are methods to create a habit of will, however, redundant when the habit is firmly established. We will now expose and stigmatise some of the most abhorrent acts. What sorcerers seek above all, in their evocations of the impure spirit, is that magnetic power which is the possession of the true adept, so that they can shamefully abuse it. Providence seems to scorn those who despise the martyrs, and to slay those who would deprive them of life. The terrible menace of hell inflicted by Christianity upon its flock has created more nightmares, more nameless diseases, more furious madness, than all vices and excesses combined. That is what the Hermetic artists of the middle ages represented by the incredible and unheard-of monsters, which they carved at the doors of basilicas. Moral equilibrium rests upon the immutable distinction between true and false, good and bad; one must place himself, by his works, in the empire of truth and goodness or relapse eternally, like the rock of Sisyphus, into a pandemonium of falsehood and evil. Wash carefully your clothes before giving them away. In times of epidemic the terror-struck are the first to be attacked. The secret of not fearing evil is to ignore it altogether. The wise men have scarcely any sorceries to fear, save those of fortune, but when called upon to advise they must persuade the bewitched to do some act of goodness to his bewitcher, to render him some service which he cannot refuse, and lead him to the communion of salt. The chemist imitates nature, the alchemist surpasses nature herself. Chemistry decomposes and recombines material substances, it purifies simple substances of foreign elements, but leaves the primitive elements unchanged. Alchemy changes the character of things, and raises them up into higher states of existence. As all the powers of the universe are potentially contained in us, our body and its organs are the representatives of the powers of nature and a constellation of the same powers that formed the stars in the sky.

Book Evil is an illusion caused by the Circle of Necessity

Download or read book Evil is an illusion caused by the Circle of Necessity written by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2018-05-25 with total page 14 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Buddha’s doctrine shows evil immanent, not in matter which is eternal, but in the illusions created by it; and through the changes and transformations of matter generating life be-cause these changes are conditioned and such life is ephemeral. And, as life is death, so death is life, and the whole great cycle of lives forms but One Existence — the worst day of which is on our planet.

Book Papal dispensation for murder and mayhem

Download or read book Papal dispensation for murder and mayhem written by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2018-05-29 with total page 22 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Theosophy and Jesuitism are two opposite poles: one far above, the other far below even that stagnant marsh. One is the power of Light, the other that of Darkness. Theosophists are slandered and reviled by the Jesuits and their adherents everywhere. Roman Catholicism is but a name. As a Church it is a phantom of the past and a mask. The Jesuits have practised Black Magic in its worst form, far more than any other body of men; and to it they owe in large measure their power and influence. The day may come when their wealth will be violently taken from them, and they themselves mercilessly destroyed amidst the general execrations and applause of all nations and peoples. There is a Nemesis-Karma, though often it allows Evil and Sin to go on successfully for ages.

Book Yoga is a wolf in sheep s clothing

Download or read book Yoga is a wolf in sheep s clothing written by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2018-05-25 with total page 18 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book The Silent Brother

    Book Details:
  • Author : Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
  • Publisher : Philaletheians UK
  • Release : 2018-05-29
  • ISBN :
  • Pages : 12 pages

Download or read book The Silent Brother written by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2018-05-29 with total page 12 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book Phallicism and Phallic Worship

Download or read book Phallicism and Phallic Worship written by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2018-05-23 with total page 7 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book Instead of Black and White Magic  read selfish and unselfish motive

Download or read book Instead of Black and White Magic read selfish and unselfish motive written by William Quan Judge and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2018-05-23 with total page 7 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book When theological ethics speak no longer in man

Download or read book When theological ethics speak no longer in man written by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2021-03-10 with total page 16 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Divine conscience is being stifled by pure selfishness. Dicken’s “baleful roads of by-gone days” persist, only on a more gigantic scale, in the Emerald Island of today. Cases emanating directly from the realm of political and diplomatic action, cry loudly to the common ethics of humanity for exposure and punishment. The prosperity of every state is based upon the orderly establishment of family principles; and the first duty of those in power is to guard the sacred maternal rights against any brutal violation. A future King of Serbia is doomed to witness from his childhood daily scenes that seem to have been copied from the palaces of Messalina and the Borgia Popes. Love, wealth, and happiness smiled upon Nathalie Keshko from her very cradle, until that unfortunate marriage of hers with Michael Obrenovitch, the lineal descendant of swineherds. Natalie’s noble uprighteousness and true womanly moral qualities must have made him dread her from the first. Who gives you the right and audacity to so insult all law, divine and human? Is it in the name of Christianity that you perpetrate an act which would disgrace any “heathen” potentate and State? The unspeakable cruelty and wickedness inflicted upon the legitimate Queen of an insignificant Kingdom, may be done to any of you — when the hour of retributive justice strikes. Arise then, and protest in the name of human rights while you are still in power. For who knows how long that power may last? A heavy load of Karma is in store for the cruel King of Serbia. Whom God has joined together, let no man put asunder. Modern civilization is most uncivil as it can only advance at the expense of moral improvement and social cohesion. What an infamous act of despotism and injustice inflicted upon a woman, innocent and pure as few!

Book Blavatsky on the malignant fever of unsound scepticism

Download or read book Blavatsky on the malignant fever of unsound scepticism written by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2021-05-10 with total page 40 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: