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Book A prova no processo civil brasileiro  da teoria geral   s provas em esp  cie

Download or read book A prova no processo civil brasileiro da teoria geral s provas em esp cie written by JOSÉ HENRIQUE MOUTA ARAÚJO and published by Editora Thoth. This book was released on 2024-02-21 with total page 348 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Este livro representa mais um claro registro do pensamento do direito processual civil no Norte do Brasil. Depois do nosso procedimento comum no processo de conhecimento e de diversos textos publicados, apresentamos a obra “A prova no processo civil brasileiro: da teoria geral às provas em espécie”, fruto de estudos e reflexões nos últimos anos envolvendo tema dos mais complexos e, talvez, menos explorados da ciência processual. A obra inicia discutindo aspectos ligados à teoria geral da prova, com a definição de fato, thema, prova, norma, forma de produção e valoração judicial. Em seguida, passamos a discutir as regras de experiência para a análise da prova e as suas presunções para, em seguida, abordar o sempre complexo tema ligado à multiplicidade conceitual do ônus da prova.

Book Theoria das provas e sua aplica    o aos Actos Civis

Download or read book Theoria das provas e sua aplica o aos Actos Civis written by Antônio Pereira Gaio Júnior and published by Editora Thoth. This book was released on with total page 358 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: O oitavo livro da “Coleção Clássicos de Processo Civil em Domínio Público” é de autoria de Francisco Augusto das Neves e Castro. Nascido em Pampilhosa da Serra ou Fundão, Portugal, em 14 de abril de 1837 e falecido em Figueiró dos Vinhos, Figueiró dos Vinhos, também terra lusitana, em 13 de agosto de 1905, Francisco Augusto das Neves e Castro foi um Juiz de Direito da primeira instância e que se dedicou literariamente e em especial aos campos da Prova e da Execução. Desde 1862 que Neves e Castro tentava colocar escrito para todo público a grande importância das provas judiciárias em todos os seus variados ramos. Em 1880, traz à lume a 1ª edição da presente obra, aqui por nós já na 2ª edição e anotada por Francisco Cavalcanti Pontes de Miranda, datada do ano de 1917. A raridade do original foi relatada em 1917 por Jacintho Ribeiro dos Santos, editor da 2ª edição (publicada no Brasil) advertindo este que o livro era um clássico na matéria, esgotado e raro, motivo pelo qual fora reeditado no Brasil, dotado de notas de Pontes de Miranda, conforme apontado alhures e com legislação e doutrina vigente na época. Pouco se tem notícia sobre a vida de Francisco Augusto das Neves e Castro, mas inegável que suas obras influenciaram significativamente a doutrina e o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro (veja adiante o contexto histórico). inda catalogado, encontramos De Ofício (1887) de Neves e Castro ao Administrador do Conselho de Sintra, referente à comparência em Tribunal Judicial desta Câmara, de António Nunes, para testemunhar num processo. Este é o material disponível sobre Francisco Augusto das Neves e Castro. No que se refere à obra a qual trazemos na prestimosa Coleção, “Theoria das Provas e sua Applicação aos Actos Civis” de 1880, importante ponto é contextualizar o leitor o momento histórico vivenciado em 1880 e assim, compreender a importância do referido texto no âmbito do estudo do Direito, mais precisamente, do Direito Processual Civil no Brasil. Há de se recordar, preambularmente, que a regulamentação do processo para as causas comerciais foi a primeira manifestação significativa de autonomia legislativa no campo do Processo Civil Brasileiro e se deu com a publicação do presente Regulamento nº. 737, em 1850.3 Antes desse período, de 1595 a 1850, o Direito Processual Civil no Brasil foi regulamentando pelas Ordenações Filipinas, ou “Ordenações do Reino”. Em 1850, ocorre a publicação do Regulamento nº. 737, conhecido como o primeiro Código Processual brasileiro, sendo um divisor no pensamento jurídico processual. Verdade que, em 1871, foram consolidadas as leis processuais civis vigentes que constavam, basicamente, das Ordenações do Reino e de leis complementares, trabalho este que fora elaborado pelo Conselheiro Ribas e aprovado por resolução imperial com o título de “Consolidação das Leis de Processo Civil”. No entanto, com a Proclamação da República, o Decreto nº. 763, de 1890, estabeleceu que o Regulamento nº 737 passaria a reger também o processo das causas cíveis, entretanto ficaram excluídos da aplicação do Regulamento nº. 737 os processos especiais, tais como: as ações de execução e hipotecárias, as ações possessórias, as ações fiscais, as ações de despejo de casas, as ações de honorários de médicos e farmacêuticos, as ações de reforma de autos etc. Além destes, ficaram excluídos também os procedimentos de jurisdição graciosa (voluntária), como a nomeação e remoção de tutores, a arrecadação e administração de heranças jacentes dentre outros. Assim, após 1890, o processo das causas cíveis e comerciais passou a ser disciplinado pelo Regulamento nº. 737, com exceção dos processos especiais e de jurisdição graciosa que permaneceram sendo regidos pela Consolidação de Ribas, vale ressaltar, pelas Ordenações do Reino. Direta ou indiretamente, nosso Processo Civil foi regido pelo Regulamento n. 7374 até a promulgação do CPC de 1939, juntamente com as Ordenações do Reino. Embora a Constituição de 1891 tenha outorgado aos Estados a prerrogativa de legislar sobre processo e organização judiciária,5 alguns deles fizeram valer-se do Regulamento n. 737 e das Ordenações, tais como Alagoas, Amazonas, Goiás e Matogrosso. Possível constatar, portanto, que 1880, ano de publicação da presente obra de Neves e Castro, há importante contexto histórico vivenciado no Brasil, já que nesse período se tem início a vigência de significativas legislações brasileiras regulando aspectos processuais, abdicando-se em grande monta de legislações lusitanas. A obra em tela, conforme já destacado, tem sua segunda edição datada do ano de 1917, com anotações de Pontes de Miranda, sendo organizada em dois livros, cabendo ao primeiro tratar das Provas em Geral e Das Provas em Especial e o segundo, da Prova Artificial. Muito embora faça o autor a divisão de conteúdos em dois livros, tudo foi reunido em um único livro desde a primeira edição em 1880. Ao ler o presente volume da “Theoria das Provas e sua Applicação aos Actos Civis”, depreendemos importantes conclusões, dentre elas a qualidade dos escritos ante ao seu tempo de escrita e a evolução relativamente tímida acerca da matéria em 140 anos. Em verdade, algumas passagens são de grandeza nuclear, como a que toca na matéria da presunção probatória, aqui denominada “Prova Artificial”, onde, para o Neves e Castro, em caso de dúvida ou colisão de provas, não se pode buscar a solução da questão “como em 1644, à operação da sorte, o que foi reprovado pelo tribunal superior. A presunção em geral sempre está a favor do estado de liberdade.” Outra passagem importante se refere ao estudo das provas direta e indireta, reconhecendo o autor que a prova indireta, aquela que exige um trabalho de inteligência de uma ordem mais elevada, “carece de maior somma de regras, afim de que com maior facilidade se chegue á verdade, quando não real, ao menos aparente.” Com relação ao reconhecimento extrajudicial da prova, Neves e Castro não deixa passar despercebido a importante questão, apontando que a escritura ou o ato público possui a mesma força que aquele realizado pela parte em juízo, logo que se verifique a identidade do mesmo escrito. Discussões em torno da certeza também podem ser encontradas no presente volume, afirmando o autor, inclusive, ser “um problema insolúvel até hoje.” Encontramos, ainda, significativas problemáticas assentadas pelo autor: a falibilidade do testemunho; a importância de tirar dos juízes aspectos subjetivos e, com isso, necessidade de criar maior número de leis para proporcionar a investigação da verdade e evitar decisões injustas; regra de ônus da prova, obrigação de quem alega (capítulo 3); apresentava já regras de presunções; as provas de confissão, arbitramento, documentos, o caso julgado, o depoimento de testemunhas e o juramento, e provas artificiais as presunções. Aliás, esta divisão criada reflete, inclusive, na divisão do livro, sumário e conteúdo. Sempre atento, debate e questiona posicionamento de Bentham (outro Clássico publicado pela Coleção) quando trata “Quem tem obrigação de fazer a prova”. Trata o autor sobre importantes considerações relativas à confissão, inclusive a regra de confissão ficta para aquele que, intimado, recusa-se a depor, mas para tanto é necessária a citação pessoal do depoente; quando dependa o processo de perito, a prova deve ser por arbitramento (similar a prova pericial atual); avançado posicionamento é a possibilidade de perito de desempate, ou seja, um perito para desempatar dois outros laudos já apresentados e opostos em suas conclusões; ação de falsidade; força probante dos documentos; da prova por testemunhas. Trata de problemas relativos a falta de data e assinatura de partes, testemunhas, do tabelião ou do sinal público, Nos tempos atuais tanto se trata do raciocínio probatório e da busca de elementos que afastem as decisões de vieses, de impressões pessoais divorciadas do conjunto probatório, mas de há muito advertia que não se forma por experiência direta e própria salvo por uma pequena parte de seus conhecimentos a correta investigação acerca dos fatos. Importante é “concluir do conhecido para o desconhecido, porque não podemos ter sempre por base das nossas investigações a evidencia e inspecção imediata dos nossos sentidos” (prenoções) e fecha a reflexão com refinada crítica: “Se nos deliberássemos á pratica d’um acto só depois d’uma certeza metaphysica, raras vezes tomaríamos algum alimento sem receio de sermos envenenados”. Neves e Castro traz destaque ao “Caso julgado”, o que viria a ser questões relacionadas aos nossos atuais temas debatidos em “coisa julgada”, “prova emprestada” e “possível força probante da sentença”. Vale ainda pontuar, por derradeiro, a preocupação do autor em citar evolução histórica e o direito da época comparado, com legislação da França e Itália. De tudo, trata-se indiscutivelmente de um clássico de difícil acesso, resgatado e disponibilizado, com muito gosto, na Coleção Clássicos de Processo Civil em Domínio Público, merecendo, por seu conteúdo, o nosso destaque. Parabéns novamente à Editora Thoth por acreditar no Projeto e tornar possível o fomento a obras que, de certo, são importantes mananciais intelectivos para a compreensão da evolução do Direito Processual Civil em terras brasileiras, possibilitando ainda o acesso à leitura de estudantes, estudiosos e profissionais do direito. Antônio Pereira Gaio Júnior Bruno Augusto Sampaio Fuga William Santos Ferreira Organizadores

Book Civil and Commercial Mediation in Europe  set   Vols  1 2

Download or read book Civil and Commercial Mediation in Europe set Vols 1 2 written by Carlos Esplugues Mota and published by . This book was released on 2014-03-27 with total page 0 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Originally available as two separate volumes, Intersentia's Civil and Commercial Mediation in Europe is now available as a two volume set. *** About Volume I on National Mediation Rules and Procedures: Mediation is becoming an increasingly important tool for resolving civil and commercial disputes. Although it has been long since recognized in many legal systems, in recent years it has received an important boost and is currently one of the most topical issues in the field of dispute resolution. The European Directive 2008/52/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21.5.2008 on certain aspects of mediation in civil and commercial matters, prescribes a set of minimum common rules on mediation for all EU Member States, with the exception of Denmark. This book examines the current legal framework in every EU Member State regarding mediation in civil and commercial matters, as well as the way in which the Directive has been, or is expected to be, implemented in the near future. It is written by renowned specialists on mediation in Europe and provides an exhaustive account for both scholars and practitioners in Europe and beyond the continent. Every chapter on national law analyzes: both out-of-court and court-annexed mediation in the existing legal framework * the areas of law covered by mediation * the value and formal requirements of the agreement to submit any dispute to mediation * personal features and requirements for mediators * procedural requirements in the mediation procedure * the relationship between the mediator and public authorities * the outcome of the mediation procedure * in the scenario in which a mediation settlement is reached, its requirements and effects. *** About Volume II on Cross-Border Mediation: Mediation plays a leading role within the movement of Alternative Dispute Resolution after centuries in which for several reasons the State and State courts were regarded as the only available instrument to ensure access to justice to citizens. In the European Union the institution of mediation has received much support in the form of Directive 2008/52/EC which sets forth a minimum common legal framework for mediation in the Member States. The 2008 Directive has finally been implemented in the Member States and this book provides the much needed in-depth analysis of the status of the mediation regimes in the European Union. The analysis covers the legal regimes of the Member States set up for cross-border and national mediation. This volume includes national reports on cross-border mediation including in-depth information on all the relevant aspects of cross-border mediation: the notion of cross-border mediation, the law applicable to the mediation clause, the mediation proceedings and the content of the settlement reached by the parties. Special attention is of course given to the recognition and enforcement in the European Union of settlements reached in other Member States and outside Europe. In addition the role of mediators and requirements to become a mediator are examined. This book provides a unique picture of the legal situation in the European Union for cross-border mediation. It is an invaluable instrument for those who want to know more about this complex topic or want to become a mediator in Europe themselves.

Book The Laws of Robots

    Book Details:
  • Author : Ugo Pagallo
  • Publisher : Springer Science & Business Media
  • Release : 2013-05-16
  • ISBN : 9400765649
  • Pages : 222 pages

Download or read book The Laws of Robots written by Ugo Pagallo and published by Springer Science & Business Media. This book was released on 2013-05-16 with total page 222 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This book explores how the design, construction, and use of robotics technology may affect today’s legal systems and, more particularly, matters of responsibility and agency in criminal law, contractual obligations, and torts. By distinguishing between the behaviour of robots as tools of human interaction, and robots as proper agents in the legal arena, jurists will have to address a new generation of “hard cases.” General disagreement may concern immunity in criminal law (e.g., the employment of robot soldiers in battle), personal accountability for certain robots in contracts (e.g., robo-traders), much as clauses of strict liability and negligence-based responsibility in extra-contractual obligations (e.g., service robots in tort law). Since robots are here to stay, the aim of the law should be to wisely govern our mutual relationships.

Book Empire in Transition

    Book Details:
  • Author : Alfred Hower
  • Publisher : University Press of Florida
  • Release : 2018-02-20
  • ISBN : 1947372750
  • Pages : 315 pages

Download or read book Empire in Transition written by Alfred Hower and published by University Press of Florida. This book was released on 2018-02-20 with total page 315 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The books in the Florida and the Caribbean Open Books Series demonstrate the University Press of Florida’s long history of publishing Latin American and Caribbean studies titles that connect in and through Florida, highlighting the connections between the Sunshine State and its neighboring islands. Books in this series show how early explorers found and settled Florida and the Caribbean. They tell the tales of early pioneers, both foreign and domestic. They examine topics critical to the area such as travel, migration, economic opportunity, and tourism. They look at the growth of Florida and the Caribbean and the attendant pressures on the environment, culture, urban development, and the movement of peoples, both forced and voluntary. The Florida and the Caribbean Open Books Series gathers the rich data available in these architectural, archaeological, cultural, and historical works, as well as the travelogues and naturalists’ sketches of the area in prior to the twentieth century, making it accessible for scholars and the general public alike. The Florida and the Caribbean Open Books Series is made possible through a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, under the Humanities Open Books program.

Book Corrupt Cities

Download or read book Corrupt Cities written by and published by World Bank Publications. This book was released on 2000 with total page 180 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Much of the devastation caused by the recent earthquake in Turkey was the result of widespread corruption between the construction industry and government officials. Corruption is part of everyday public life and we tend to take it for granted. However, preventing corruption helps to raise city revenues, improve service delivery, stimulate public confidence and participation, and win elections. This book is designed to help citizens and public officials diagnose, investigate and prevent various kinds of corrupt and illicit behaviour. It focuses on systematic corruption rather than the free-lance activity of a few law-breakers, and emphasises practical preventive measures rather than purely punitive or moralistic campaigns.

Book When Experiments Travel

Download or read book When Experiments Travel written by Adriana Petryna and published by Princeton University Press. This book was released on 2009-04-27 with total page 271 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The phenomenal growth of global pharmaceutical sales and the quest for innovation are driving an unprecedented search for human test subjects, particularly in middle- and low-income countries. Our hope for medical progress increasingly depends on the willingness of the world's poor to participate in clinical drug trials. While these experiments often provide those in need with vital and previously unattainable medical resources, the outsourcing and offshoring of trials also create new problems. In this groundbreaking book, anthropologist Adriana Petryna takes us deep into the clinical trials industry as it brings together players separated by vast economic and cultural differences. Moving between corporate and scientific offices in the United States and research and public health sites in Poland and Brazil, When Experiments Travel documents the complex ways that commercial medical science, with all its benefits and risks, is being integrated into local health systems and emerging drug markets. Providing a unique perspective on globalized clinical trials, When Experiments Travel raises central questions: Are such trials exploitative or are they social goods? How are experiments controlled and how is drug safety ensured? And do these experiments help or harm public health in the countries where they are conducted? Empirically rich and theoretically innovative, the book shows that neither the language of coercion nor that of rational choice fully captures the range of situations and value systems at work in medical experiments today. When Experiments Travel challenges conventional understandings of the ethics and politics of transnational science and changes the way we think about global medicine and the new infrastructures of our lives.

Book Will to Live

    Book Details:
  • Author : João Biehl
  • Publisher : Princeton University Press
  • Release : 2009-05-17
  • ISBN : 0691143854
  • Pages : 480 pages

Download or read book Will to Live written by João Biehl and published by Princeton University Press. This book was released on 2009-05-17 with total page 480 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Will to Live tells how Brazil, against all odds, became the first developing country to universalize access to life-saving AIDS therapies--a breakthrough made possible by an unexpected alliance of activists, government reformers, development agencies, and the pharmaceutical industry. But anthropologist João Biehl also tells why this policy, hailed as a model worldwide, has been so difficult to implement among poor Brazilians with HIV/AIDS, who are often stigmatized as noncompliant or untreatable, becoming invisible to the public. More broadly, Biehl examines the political economy of pharmaceuticals that lies behind large-scale treatment rollouts, revealing the possibilities and inequalities that come with a magic bullet approach to health care. By moving back and forth between the institutions shaping the Brazilian response to AIDS and the people affected by the disease, Biehl has created a book of unusual vividness, scope, and detail. At the core of Will to Live is a group of AIDS patients--unemployed, homeless, involved with prostitution and drugs--that established a makeshift health service. Biehl chronicled the personal lives of these people for over ten years and Torben Eskerod represents them here in more than one hundred stark photographs. Ethnography, social medicine, and art merge in this unique book, illuminating the care and agency needed to extend life amid perennial violence. Full of lessons for the future, Will to Live promises to have a lasting influence in the social sciences and in the theory and practice of global public health.

Book Patrons  Clients and Policies

Download or read book Patrons Clients and Policies written by Herbert Kitschelt and published by Cambridge University Press. This book was released on 2007-03-29 with total page 344 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: A study of patronage politics and the persistence of clientelism across a range of countries.

Book Outcome Mapping

Download or read book Outcome Mapping written by Sarah Earl and published by IDRC (International Development Research Centre). This book was released on 2001 with total page 158 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Outcome Mapping: Building learning and reflection into development programs

Book Brazilian code of civil procedure

Download or read book Brazilian code of civil procedure written by and published by . This book was released on 2017 with total page 438 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry

Download or read book Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry written by Douglas A. Skoog and published by Cengage Learning. This book was released on 2013-01-01 with total page 1152 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Known for its readability and systematic, rigorous approach, this fully updated FUNDAMENTALS OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 9E, International Edition offers extensive coverage of the principles and practices of analytic chemistry and consistently shows students its applied nature. The book's award-winning authors begin each chapter with a story and photo of how analytic chemistry is applied in industry, medicine, and all the sciences. To further reinforce student learning, a wealth of dynamic photographs by renowned chemistry photographer Charlie Winters appear as chapter-openers and throughout the text. Incorporating Excel spreadsheets as a problem-solving tool, the Ninth Edition is enhanced by a chapter on Using Spreadsheets in Analytical Chemistry, updated spreadsheet summaries and problems, an "Excel Shortcut Keystrokes for the PC" insert card, and a supplement by the text authors, EXCEL® APPLICATIONS FOR ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, which integrates this important aspect of the study of analytical chemistry into the book's already rich pedagogy. New to this edition is OWL, an online homework and assessment tool that includes the Cengage YouBook, a fully customizable and interactive eBook, which enhances conceptual understanding through hands-on integrated multimedia interactivity.

Book An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America

Download or read book An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America written by Richard W. Merritt and published by Kendall Hunt. This book was released on 1996 with total page 894 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book Innovation and Quality in the University

Download or read book Innovation and Quality in the University written by and published by EDIPUCRS. This book was released on 2008 with total page 644 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book The Challenges of Education in Brazil

Download or read book The Challenges of Education in Brazil written by Colin Brock and published by Symposium Books Ltd. This book was released on 2004-05-10 with total page 238 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Education in Brazil has changed intensely over the last several years. Access to basic education is nearly universal, secondary education has been expanding very rapidly, and so too has higher education at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. However, serious issues remain related to quality, equity and inappropriate use of resources. Some of these problems are related to the fact that Brazil started to develop its education institutions very late, and did not build strong teaching and academic professions that could provide the necessary support for education policies committed to equity, quality and efficiency. This book, written by leading experts, is the first English-language text to provide a comprehensive analysis of the challenges facing Brazilian education at all levels, including issues such as the quality of basic education, the establishment of standards for higher education, the experiences of technical and vocational schools, teacher education, regulation and financing of public and private higher education, and the growing role of graduate education and research.

Book Arbitration   ADR

    Book Details:
  • Author :
  • Publisher : Universal Law Publishing
  • Release : 2009
  • ISBN : 9788175347465
  • Pages : 132 pages

Download or read book Arbitration ADR written by and published by Universal Law Publishing. This book was released on 2009 with total page 132 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book Law and Disorder in the Postcolony

Download or read book Law and Disorder in the Postcolony written by Jean Comaroff and published by University of Chicago Press. This book was released on 2008-09-15 with total page 368 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Are postcolonies haunted more by criminal violence than other nation-states? The usual answer is yes. In Law and Disorder in the Postcolony, Jean and John Comaroff and a group of respected theorists show that the question is misplaced: that the predicament of postcolonies arises from their place in a world order dominated by new modes of governance, new sorts of empires, new species of wealth—an order that criminalizes poverty and race, entraps the “south” in relations of corruption, and displaces politics into the realms of the market, criminal economies, and the courts. As these essays make plain, however, there is another side to postcoloniality: while postcolonies live in states of endemic disorder, many of them fetishize the law, its ways and itsmeans. How is the coincidence of disorder with a fixation on legalities to be explained? Law and Disorder in the Postcolony addresses this question, entering into critical dialogue with such theorists as Benjamin, Agamben, and Bayart. In the process, it also demonstrates how postcolonies have become crucial sites for the production of contemporary theory, not least because they are harbingers of a global future under construction.