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Book SEVEN BOOKS IN ONE  Sinyal Digital  Citra Digital  Machine Learning  Deep Learning  dan Data Science dengan Python GUI

Download or read book SEVEN BOOKS IN ONE Sinyal Digital Citra Digital Machine Learning Deep Learning dan Data Science dengan Python GUI written by Vivian Siahaan and published by BALIGE PUBLISHING. This book was released on 2021-07-24 with total page 2192 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: BUKU 1: Konsep dan Implementasi Pemrograman Python Buku ini merupakan buku teks pemrograman komputer menggunakan Python yang difokuskan untuk pembelajaran efektif. Sengaja dirancang untuk pelbagai tingkat ketertarikan dan kemampuan pembelajar, buku ini cocok untuk siswa SMA/SMK, mahasiswa, insinyur, dan bahkan peneliti dalam berbagai displin ilmu. Tidak ada pengalaman pemrograman yang diperlukan, dan hanya sedikit kemampun aljabar tingkat sekolah menenga atas yang diperlukan. Buku ini memang dirancang untuk mengambil rute tradisional, dengan lebih dahulu menekankan sintaksis-sintaksis dasar, struktur-struktur kendali, fungsi, dekomposisi prosedural, dan struktur data built-in seperti list, set, dan kamus (dictionary). Panduan langkah-demi-langkah di dalamnya diharapkan bisa membantu kepercayaan diri pembaca untuk menjadi programer yang bisa menyelesaikan permasalahan-permasalahan pemrograman. Sejumlah contoh disediakan untuk mendemonstrasikan bagaimana menerapkan konsep-konsep yang telah disajikan terhadap sejumlahan tantangan pemrograman. Pada Bab 1, Anda akan diajari mengenal IDE Spyder untuk memprogram Python dan mengetahui sintaksis dasar dari program sederhana Python. Pada Bab 2, Anda akan belajar: Mendefinisikan dan menggunakan variabel dan konstanta; Memahami sejumlah watak dan keterbatasan bilangan integer (bilangan bulat) dan titik-mengambang (bilangan pecahan); Memahami pentingnya komentar dan tataletak kode; Menulis ekspresi aritmatik dan statemen penugasan; Menciptakan program yang membaca dan memproses masukan, dan menampilkan hasilnya; Bagaimana menggunakan string Python; Menciptakan program grafika menggunakan sejumlah bangun dasar dan teks. Pada Bab 3, Anda akan belajar: Mengimplementasikan keputusan menggunakan statemen if; Membandingkan bilangan integer, titik-mengambang, dan string; Menuliskan statemen menggunakan ekspresi Boolean; Memvalidasi masukan user. Pada Bab 4, Anda akan belajar: Mengimplementasikan loop while dan for; Menjadi familiar dengan algoritma-algoritma yang melibatkan loop; Memahami loop bersarang; Memproses string. Pada Bab 5, Anda akan belajar: Bagaimana mengimplementasikan fungsi; Menjadi familiar dengan konsep pelewatan parameter; Mengembangkan strategi pendekomposisian pekerjaan kompleks menjadi pekerjaan-pekerjaan yang lebih mudah; Mampu menentukan skop variabel. Pada Bab 6, Anda akan belajar: Mengumpulkan elemen-elemen menggunkan list; Menggunakan loop for untuk menjelajah list; Menggunakan sejumlah algoritma umum untuk memproses list; Menggunakan list dengan fungsi; Bekerja dengan tabel data. Pada Bab 7, Anda akan belajar: Membangun dan menggunakan kontainer set; Menggunakan operasi-operasi set untuk memproses data; Membangun dan menggunakan kontainer dictionary; Menggunakan dictionary untuk tabel; Menggunakan struktur kompleks. BUKU 2: SINYAL DAN CITRA DIGITAL dengan PYTHON GUI Buku ini merupakan versi bahasa Indonesia dari buku kami yang berjudul “LEARN FROM SCRATCH SIGNAL AND IMAGE PROCESSING WITH PYTHON GUI”. Anda bisa mengaksesnya di Amazon maupun di Google Books. Pada buku ini, Anda akan belajar bagaimana menggunakan OpenCV, NumPy dan sejumlah pustaka lain untuk melakukan pemrosesan sinyal, pemrosesan citra, deteksi objek, dan ekstraksi fitur dengan memanfaatkan Python GUI (PyQt). Anda akan belajar cara memfilter sinyal, mendeteksi tepi dan segmen, dan menekan derau pada citra dengan memanfaatkan PyQt. Anda juga akan belajar cara mendeteksi objek (wajah, mata, dan mulut) menggunakan Haar Cascades dan cara mendeteksi fitur pada citra menggunakan Harris Corner Detection, Shi-Tomasi Corner Detector, Scale-Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT), dan Features from Accelerated Uji Segmen (FAST). Pada bab 1, Anda akan mempelajari secara langkah demi langkah: membuat aplikasi gui sederhana; menggunakan tombol radio; mengelompokkan tombol radio; menggunakan widget kotak centang; menggunakan dua grup kotak centang; memahami sinyal dan slot; mengonversi jenis data; menggunakan widget spin box; menggunakan scrollbar dan slider; menggunakan list widget; menggunakan kotak kombo; dan menggunakan widget Table. Pada bab 2, Anda akan mempelajari secara langkah demi langkah: membuat grafik garis sederhana; membuat grafik garis sederhana dengan python gui; membuat grafik garis sederhana dengan python gui: bagian 2; membuat dua atau lebih banyak grafik di sumbu yang sama;membuat dua sumbu dalam satu kanvas; menggunakan dua widget;menggunakan dua widget, masing-masing memiliki dua sumbu; menggunakan sumbu dengan tingkat opacity tertentu; memilih warna garis dari combo box; menghitung fast fourier transform; membuat gui untuk FFT; membuat gui untuk FFT dengan beberapa sinyal input lain; membuat gui untuk sinyal bising; membuat gui untuk penapisan sinyal berderau; dan membuat gui untuk penapisan sinyal wav. Pada bab 3, Anda akan mempelajari secara langkah demi langkah: mengkonversi citra RGB menjadi grayscale; mengubah citra RGB menjadi citra YUV; mengkonversi citra RGB menjadi citra HSV; memfilter citra; menampilkan histogram citra; menampilkan histogram citra tertapis; memfilter citra dengan memanfaatkan opsi pada kotak centang; menerapkan ambang batas citra; dan menerapkan ambang batas citra adaptif. Pada bab 4, Anda akan mempelajari secara langkah demi langkah: membangkitkan dan menampilkan citra berderau; menerapkan deteksi tepi pada citra; menerapkan segmentasi citra menggunakan algoritma multiple thresholding dan k-means; dan menerapkan penekanan derau citra. Pada bab 5, Anda akan mempelajari secara langkah demi langkah: mendeteksi wajah, mata, dan mulut menggunakan haar cascades; mendeteksi wajah menggunakan haar cascades dengan pyqt; mendeteksi mata, dan mulut menggunakan haar cascades dengan pyqt; dan mengekstraksi objek yang terdeteksi. Pada bab 6, Anda akan mempelajari secara langkah demi langkah: mendeteksi fitur citra menggunakan deteksi harris corner; mendeteksi fitur citra menggunakan deteksi sudut shi-tomasi; mendeteksi fitur citra menggunakan Scale-Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT); dan mendeteksi fitur citra menggunakan Features from Accelerated Uji Segmen (FAST). BUKU 3: IMPLEMENTASI MACHINE LEARNING DENGAN PYTHON GUI Buku ini merupakan versi bahasa Indonesia dari buku kami yang berjudul “LEARN FROM SCRATCH MACHINE LEARNING WITH PYTHON GUI”. Anda bisa mengaksesnya di Amazon maupun di Google Books. Pada buku ini, Anda akan mempelajari cara menggunakan NumPy, Pandas, OpenCV, Scikit-Learn, dan pustaka lain untuk memplot grafik dan memproses citra digital. Kemudian, Anda akan mempelajari cara mengklasifikasikan fitur menggunakan model Perceptron, Adaline, Logistic Regression (LR), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Decision Tree (DT), Random Forest (RF), dan K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN). Anda juga akan belajar cara mengekstraksi fitur menggunakan algoritma Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), Kernel Principal Component Analysis (KPCA) dan menggunakannya dalam pembelajaran mesin (machine learning). Pada Bab 1, Anda akan mempelajari dasar-dasar penggunakan Python GUI dengan Qt Designer. Pada Bab 2, Anda akan mempelajari: Langkah-Langkah Menciptakan Grafik Garis Sederhana; Langkah-Langkah Menampilkan Grafik Garis dengan Python GUI: Bagian 1; Langkah-Langkah Menampilkan Grafik Garis dengan Python GUI: Bagian 2; Langkah-Langkah Menampilkan Dua atau Lebih Grafik pada Sumbu yang Sama; Langkah-Langkah Menciptakan Dua Sumbu pada Satu Canvas; Langkah-Langkah Menggunakan Dua Widget; Langkah-Langkah Menggunakan Dua Widget, Masing-Masing Memiliki Dua Sumbu; Langkah-Langkah Menggunakan Sumbu dengan Tingkat Keburaman Tertentu; Langkah-Langkah Memilih Warna Garis dari Combo Box; Langkah-Langkah Menghitung Fast Fourier Transform; Langkah-Langkah Menciptakan GUI untuk FFT; Langkah-Langkan Menciptakan GUI untuk FFT atas Sinyal-Sinyal Masukan Lain; Langkah-Langkah Menciptakan GUI untuk Sinyal Berderau; Langkah-Langkah Menciptakan GUI untuk Penapisan Sinyal Berderau; Langkah-Langkah Mencipakan GUI untuk Penapisan Sinyal Wav; Langkah-Langkah Mengkonversi Citra RGB Menjadi Keabuan; Langkah-Langkah Mengkonversi Citra RGB Menjadi Citra YUV; Langkah-Langkah Mengkonversi Citra RGB Menjadi Citra HSV; Langkah-Langkah Menapis Citra; Langkah-Langkah Menampilkan Histogram Citra ; Langkah-Langkah Menampilkan Histogram Citra Tertapis; Langkah-Langkah Menapis Citra: Memanfaatkan CheckBox; Langkah-Langkah Mengimplementasikan Ambang Batas Citra; dan Langkah-Langkah Mengimplementasikan Ambang Batas Adaptif. Pada Bab 3, Anda akan mempelajari: Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Perceptron; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Perceptron dengan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Adaline (ADAptive LInear NEuron); dan Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Adaline dengan PyQt. Pada Bab 4, Anda akan mempelajari: Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Perceptron Menggunakan Scikit-Learn dengan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Model Logistic Regression (LR); Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Model Logistic Regression dengan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Model Logistic Regression Menggunakan Scikit-Learn dengan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Mode Support Vector Machine (SVM) Menggunakan Scikit-Learn; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Decision Tree (DT) Menggunakan Scikit-Learn; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Model Random Forest (RF) Menggunakan Scikit-Learn; dan Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Model K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) Menggunakan Scikit-Learn. Pada Bab 5, Anda akan mempelajari: Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Principal Component Analysis (PCA); Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Principal Component Analysis (PCA); Menggunakan Scikit-Learn; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Menggunakan Scikit-Learn dengan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA); Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) dengan scikit-learn; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA); Menggunakan Scikit-Learn dengan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Kernel Principal Component Analysis (KPCA) Menggunakan Scikit-Learn; dan Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Kernel Principal Component Analysis (KPCA) Menggunakan Scikit-Learn dengan PyQt. Pada Bab 6, Anda akan mempelajari: Langkah-Langkah Memuat Dataset MNIST; Langkah-Langkah Memuat Dataset MNIST dengan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Perceptron dengan Ekstraktor Fitur PCA pada Dataset MNIST Menggunakan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Perceptron dengan Ekstraktor Fitur LDA pada Dataset MNIST Menggunakan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Perceptron dengan Ekstraktor Fitur KPCA pada Dataset MNIST Menggunakan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Logistic Regression (LR) dengan Ekstraktor Fitur PCA pada Dataset MNIST Menggunakan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Logistic Regression (LR) dengan Ekstraktor Fitur LDA pada Dataset MNIST Menggunakan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Logistic Regression (LR) dengan Ekstraktor Fitur KPCA pada Dataset MNIST Menggunakan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Support Vector Machine (SVM) dengan Ekstraktor Fitur PCA pada Dataset MNIST Menggunakan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Support Vector Machine (SVM) dengan Ekstraktor Fitur LDA pada Dataset MNIST Menggunakan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Support Vector Machine (SVM) dengan Ekstraktor Fitur KPCA pada Dataset MNIST Menggunakan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Decision Tree (DT) dengan Ekstraktor Fitur PCA pada Dataset MNIST Menggunakan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Decision Tree (DT) dengan Ekstraktor Fitur LDA pada Dataset MNIST Menggunakan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Decision Tree (DT) dengan Ekstraktor Fitur KPCA pada Dataset MNIST Menggunakan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Random Forest (RF) dengan Ekstraktor Fitur PCA pada Dataset MNIST Menggunakan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Random Forest (RF) dengan Ekstraktor Fitur LDA pada Dataset MNIST Menggunakan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Random Forest (RF) dengan Ekstraktor Fitur KPCA pada Dataset MNIST Menggunakan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) dengan Ekstraktor Fitur PCA pada Dataset MNIST Menggunakan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) dengan Ekstraktor Fitur LDA pada Dataset MNIST Menggunakan PyQt; dan Langkah-Langkah Implementasi K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) dengan Ekstraktor Fitur KPCA pada Dataset MNIST Menggunakan PyQt. Pada Bab 7, Anda akan mempelajari: Langkah-Langkah Membangkitkan dan Menampilkan Citra Berderau; Langkah-Langkah Mengimplemantasikan Deteksi Tepi pada Citra; Langkah-Langkah Mengimplementasikan Segmentasi Menggunakan Ambang Batas Jamak dan Algoritma K-Means; Langkah-Langkah Mengimplementasikan Penekanan Derau pada Citra; Langkah-Langkah Mendeteksi Wajah, Mata, dan Mulut dengan Haar Cascades; Langkah-Langkah Mendeteksi Wajah Menggunakan Haar Cascades dengan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Mendeteksi Mata dan Mulut Menggunakan Haar Cascades dengan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Mengekstraksi Objek-Objek Terdeteksi; Langkah-Langkah Mendeteksi Fitur Citra dengan Harris Corner Detection; Langkah-Langkah Mendeteksi Fitur Citra dengan Shi-Tomasi Corner Detection; Langkah-Langkah Mendeteksi Fitur Citra dengan Scale-Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) ; dan Langkah-Langkah Mendeteksi Fitur Citra dengan Accelerated Segment Test (FAST). BUKU 4: Implementasi DEEP LEARNING Menggunakan Scikit-Learn, Keras, Dan Tensorflow Dengan Python GUI Buku ini merupakan versi bahasa Indonesia dari buku kami yang berjudul “The Practical Guides On Deep Learning Using SCIKIT-LEARN, KERAS, and TENSORFLOW with Python GUI” yang dapat dilihat di Amazon maupun Google Books. Dalam buku ini, Anda akan mempelajari cara menggunakan TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy, dan library lainnya untuk mengimplementasikan deep learning dalam mengenali rambu lalu lintas menggunakan dataset GTSRB, mendeteksi tumor otak menggunakan dataset MRI Brain Image, mengklasifikasikan gender, dan mengenali ekspresi wajah menggunakan dataset FER2013. Pada bab 1, Anda akan belajar membuat aplikasi GUI untuk menampilkan grafik garis menggunakan PyQt. Anda juga akan belajar bagaimana mengkonversi citra menjadi keabuan, menjadi ruang warna YUV, dan menjadi ruang warna HSV. Bab ini juga mengajarkan bagaimana menampilkan citra dan histogramnya dan merancang GUI untuk mengimplementasikannya. Pada bab 2, Anda akan belajar menggunakan TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, Pandas, NumPy dan sejumlah pustaka lain untuk memprediksi digit-digit tulisan tangan menggunakan dataset MNIST. Pada bab 3, Anda akan mempelajari cara menggunakan TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, PIL, Pandas, NumPy, dan pustaka lain untuk mengenali rambu lalu lintas menggunakan dataset GTSRB dari Kaggle. Ada beberapa jenis rambu lalu lintas seperti batas kecepatan, dilarang masuk, rambu lalu lintas, belok kiri atau kanan, anak-anak menyeberang, tidak ada kendaraan berat yang lewat, dll. Klasifikasi rambu lalu lintas adalah proses untuk mengidentifikasi kelas rambu lalu lintas tersebut. Pada proyek Python ini, Anda akan membangun model jaringan saraf tiruan (deep neural network) yang dapat mengklasifikasikan rambu lalu lintas dalam citra ke dalam kategori yang berbeda. Dengan model ini, Anda akan dapat membaca dan memahami rambu lalu lintas yang merupakan pekerjaan yang sangat penting bagi semua kendaraan otonom. Anda juga akan membangun sebuah GUI untuk tujuan ini. Pada bab 4, Anda akan mempelajari cara menggunakan TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, Pandas, NumPy dan pustaka lainnya untuk melakukan pendeteksian tumor otak menggunakan dataset Brain Image MRI yang disediakan oleh Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/navoneel/brain-mri-images-for-brain-tumor-detection). Anda juga akan membangun sebuah GUI untuk tujuan ini. Pada bab 5, Anda akan mempelajari cara menggunakan TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy dan library lain untuk melakukan klasifikasi gender menggunakan dataset yang disediakan oleh Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/cashutosh/gender-classification-dataset). Anda juga akan membangun sebuah GUI untuk tujuan ini. Pada bab 6, Anda akan mempelajari cara menggunakan TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy dan pustaka lain untuk melakukan pengenalan ekspresi wajah menggunakan dataset FER2013 yang disediakan oleh Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/nicolejyt/facialexpressionrecognition). Anda juga akan membangun sebuah GUI untuk tujuan ini. BUKU 5: Panduan Praktis Deep Learning Menggunakan Scikit-Learn, Keras, Dan Tensorflow Dengan Python GUI Buku ini merupakan versi bahasa Indonesia dari buku kami yang berjudul “STEP BY STEP TUTORIALS ON DEEP LEARNING USING SCIKIT-LEARN, KERAS, AND TENSORFLOW WITH PYTHON GUI” yang dapat dilihat di Amazon maupun Google Books. Dalam buku ini, Anda akan mempelajari cara menerapkan TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy, dan library lainnya untuk mengimplementasikan deteksi wajah, mata, dan mulut menggunakan Haar Cascades, klasifikasi/prediksi buah, klasifikasi/prediksi kucing/anjing, klasifikasi/prediksi mebel, klasifikasi/prediksi mode (fashion). Pada bab 1, Anda akan belajar bagaimana menggunakan pustaka OpenCV, PIL, NumPy dan pustaka lain untuk melakukan deteksi wajah, mata, dan mulut menggunakan Haar Cascades dengan Python GUI (PyQt). Pada bab 2, Anda akan mempelajari bagaimana memanfaatkan TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy dan pustaka-pustaka lain untuk mengimplementasikan klasifikasi buah menggunakan dataset Fruits 360 yang disediakan oleh Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/moltean/fruits/code). Anda juga akan membangun sebuah GUI untuk tujuan ini. Pada bab 3, Anda akan belajar menerapkan TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy dan sejumlah pustaka lain untuk klasifikasi kucing/anjing menggunakan dataset yang disediakan oleh Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/chetankv/dogs-cats-images). Anda juga akan membangun sebuah GUI untuk tujuan ini. Pada bab 4, Anda akan belajar menggunakan TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy dan pustakan lain untuk mendeteksi atau mengklasifikasi mebel menggunakan dataset Furniture Detector yang disediakan oleh Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/akkithetechie/furniture-detector). Anda juga akan membangun sebuah GUI untuk tujuan ini. Pada bab 5, Anda akan memanfaatkan TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy dan sejumlah modul lain untuk melakukan klasifikasi terhadap citra-citra mode menggunakan dataset Fashion MNIST yang disediakan oleh Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/zalando-research/fashionmnist/code). Anda juga akan membangun sebuah GUI untuk tujuan ini. BUKU 6: Tutorial Langkah Demi Langkah DEEP LEARNING Menggunakan Scikit-Learn, Keras, Dan TensorFlow Dengan Python GUI Buku ini merupakan versi bahasa Indonesia dari buku kami yang berjudul “Step by Step Tutorials Image Classification Using Scikit-Learn, Keras, and Tensorflow with Python GUI” yang dapat dilihat di Amazon maupun Google Books. Pada bab 1, Anda akan belajar dasar-dasar penggunaan PyQt untuk pemrosesan citra digital. Sejumlah projek Python GUI yang diimplementasikan di sini adalah mengkonversi citra RGB menjadi keabuan, mengkonversi citra RGB menjadi citra YUV, mengkonversi citra RGB menjadi citra HSV, menapis citra, menampilkan histogram citra, menampilkan histogram citra tertapis, dan memanfaatkan widget checkbox untuk penapisan citra, dan menerapkan ambang batas citra. Pada bab 2, Anda akan memanfaatkan TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy dan sejumlah pustaka lain untuk mengklasifikasi spesies monyet menggunakan dataset 10 Monkey Species yang disediakan oleh Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/slothkong/10-monkey-species/download). Anda juga akan membangun sebuah GUI untuk tujuan ini. Pada bab 3, Pada tutorial ini, Anda akan belajar menerapkan TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy dan sejumlah pustakan lain untuk mengklasifikasi batu, kertas, dan gunting menggunakan dataset yang disediakan oleh Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/sanikamal/rock-paper-scissors-dataset/download). Anda juga akan membangun sebuah GUI untuk tujuan ini. Pada bab 4, Anda akan belajar menerapkan TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy dan sejumlah pustaka lain untuk mengklasifikasi pesawat, mobil, dan kapal menggunakan dataset Multiclass-image-dataset-airplane-car-ship yang disediakan oleh Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/abtabm/multiclassimagedatasetairplanecar). Anda juga akan membangun sebuah GUI untuk tujuan ini. Pada bab 5, Anda akan belajar menggunakan TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy dan sejumlah pustaka lain untuk mendeteksi face mask menggunakan dataset Face Mask Detection Dataset yang disediakan oleh Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/omkargurav/face-mask-dataset/download). Anda juga akan membangun sebuah GUI untuk tujuan ini. BUKU 7: Klasifikasi Citra Berbasis Deep Learning Menggunakan Scikit-Learn, Tensorflow, Dan Keras Dengan Python GUI Buku ini merupakan versi bahasa Indonesia dari buku kami yang berjudul “Project-Based Approach On DEEP LEARNING Using Scikit-Learn, Keras, and Tensorflow with Python GUI” yang dapat dilihat di Amazon maupun Google Books. Dalam buku ini, Anda akan mempelajari cara menerapkan TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy, dan library lainnya untuk mengimplementasikan klasifikasi citra. Pada Bab 1, Anda akan menggunakan TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy danb sejumlah pustaka lain untuk klasifikasi cuaca menggunakan dataset Multi-class Weather Dataset yang disediakan oleh Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/pratik2901/multiclass-weather-dataset/download). Pada Bab 2, Anda akan menerapkan TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy dan sejumlah pustaka lain untuk mengenali jenis bunga menggunakan dataset Flowers Recognition dataset yang disediakan oleh Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/alxmamaev/flowers-recognition/download). Anda juga akan membangun sebuah GUI untuk tujuan ini. Pada Bab 3, Anda akan menggunakan TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy dan sejumlah pustaka lain untuk mendeteksi plat nomor kendaraan menggunakan dataset Car License Plate Detection yang disediakan oleh Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/andrewmvd/car-plate-detection/download). Anda juga akan membangun sebuah GUI untuk tujuan ini. Pada Bab 4, Anda akan belajar bagaimana menggunakan TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy dan sejumlah pustaka lain untuk melakukan pengenalan bahasa isyarat menggunakan Sign Language Digits Dataset yang disediakan oleh Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/ardamavi/sign-language-digits-dataset/download). Anda juga akan membangun sebuah GUI untuk tujuan ini. Pada Bab 5, Anda akan belajar bagaimana menerapkan pustaka TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy dan sejumlah pustaka lain untuk mendeteksi keretakan permukaan beton menggunakan dataset Surface Crack Detection yang disediakan oleh Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/arunrk7/surface-crack-detection/download). Anda juga akan membangun sebuah GUI untuk tujuan ini.

Book THREE BOOKS IN ONE  Machine Learning dan Deep Learning dengan Python GUI

Download or read book THREE BOOKS IN ONE Machine Learning dan Deep Learning dengan Python GUI written by Vivian Siahaan and published by BALIGE PUBLISHING. This book was released on 2021-05-07 with total page 1160 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: BUKU 1: IMPLEMENTASI MACHINE LEARNING DENGAN PYTHON GUI Buku ini merupakan versi bahasa Indonesia dari buku kami yang berjudul “LEARN FROM SCRATCH MACHINE LEARNING WITH PYTHON GUI”. Anda bisa mengaksesnya di Amazon maupun di Google Books. Pada buku ini, Anda akan mempelajari cara menggunakan NumPy, Pandas, OpenCV, Scikit-Learn, dan pustaka lain untuk memplot grafik dan memproses citra digital. Kemudian, Anda akan mempelajari cara mengklasifikasikan fitur menggunakan model Perceptron, Adaline, Logistic Regression (LR), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Decision Tree (DT), Random Forest (RF), dan K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN). Anda juga akan belajar cara mengekstraksi fitur menggunakan algoritma Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), Kernel Principal Component Analysis (KPCA) dan menggunakannya dalam pembelajaran mesin (machine learning). Pada Bab 1, Anda akan mempelajari dasar-dasar penggunakan Python GUI dengan Qt Designer. Pada Bab 2, Anda akan mempelajari: Langkah-Langkah Menciptakan Grafik Garis Sederhana; Langkah-Langkah Menampilkan Grafik Garis dengan Python GUI: Bagian 1; Langkah-Langkah Menampilkan Grafik Garis dengan Python GUI: Bagian 2; Langkah-Langkah Menampilkan Dua atau Lebih Grafik pada Sumbu yang Sama; Langkah-Langkah Menciptakan Dua Sumbu pada Satu Canvas; Langkah-Langkah Menggunakan Dua Widget; Langkah-Langkah Menggunakan Dua Widget, Masing-Masing Memiliki Dua Sumbu; Langkah-Langkah Menggunakan Sumbu dengan Tingkat Keburaman Tertentu; Langkah-Langkah Memilih Warna Garis dari Combo Box; Langkah-Langkah Menghitung Fast Fourier Transform; Langkah-Langkah Menciptakan GUI untuk FFT; Langkah-Langkan Menciptakan GUI untuk FFT atas Sinyal-Sinyal Masukan Lain; Langkah-Langkah Menciptakan GUI untuk Sinyal Berderau; Langkah-Langkah Menciptakan GUI untuk Penapisan Sinyal Berderau; Langkah-Langkah Mencipakan GUI untuk Penapisan Sinyal Wav; Langkah-Langkah Mengkonversi Citra RGB Menjadi Keabuan; Langkah-Langkah Mengkonversi Citra RGB Menjadi Citra YUV; Langkah-Langkah Mengkonversi Citra RGB Menjadi Citra HSV; Langkah-Langkah Menapis Citra; Langkah-Langkah Menampilkan Histogram Citra ; Langkah-Langkah Menampilkan Histogram Citra Tertapis; Langkah-Langkah Menapis Citra: Memanfaatkan CheckBox; Langkah-Langkah Mengimplementasikan Ambang Batas Citra; dan Langkah-Langkah Mengimplementasikan Ambang Batas Adaptif. Pada Bab 3, Anda akan mempelajari: Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Perceptron; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Perceptron dengan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Adaline (ADAptive LInear NEuron); dan Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Adaline dengan PyQt. Pada Bab 4, Anda akan mempelajari: Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Perceptron Menggunakan Scikit-Learn dengan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Model Logistic Regression (LR); Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Model Logistic Regression dengan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Model Logistic Regression Menggunakan Scikit-Learn dengan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Mode Support Vector Machine (SVM) Menggunakan Scikit-Learn; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Decision Tree (DT) Menggunakan Scikit-Learn; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Model Random Forest (RF) Menggunakan Scikit-Learn; dan Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Model K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) Menggunakan Scikit-Learn. Pada Bab 5, Anda akan mempelajari: Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Principal Component Analysis (PCA); Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Principal Component Analysis (PCA); Menggunakan Scikit-Learn; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Menggunakan Scikit-Learn dengan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA); Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) dengan scikit-learn; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) Menggunakan Scikit-Learn dengan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Kernel Principal Component Analysis (KPCA) Menggunakan Scikit-Learn; dan Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Kernel Principal Component Analysis (KPCA) Menggunakan Scikit-Learn dengan PyQt. Pada Bab 6, Anda akan mempelajari: Langkah-Langkah Memuat Dataset MNIST; Langkah-Langkah Memuat Dataset MNIST dengan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Perceptron dengan Ekstraktor Fitur PCA pada Dataset MNIST Menggunakan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Perceptron dengan Ekstraktor Fitur LDA pada Dataset MNIST Menggunakan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Perceptron dengan Ekstraktor Fitur KPCA pada Dataset MNIST Menggunakan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Logistic Regression (LR) dengan Ekstraktor Fitur PCA pada Dataset MNIST Menggunakan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Logistic Regression (LR) dengan Ekstraktor Fitur LDA pada Dataset MNIST Menggunakan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Logistic Regression (LR) dengan Ekstraktor Fitur KPCA pada Dataset MNIST Menggunakan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Support Vector Machine (SVM) dengan Ekstraktor Fitur PCA pada Dataset MNIST Menggunakan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Support Vector Machine (SVM) dengan Ekstraktor Fitur LDA pada Dataset MNIST Menggunakan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Support Vector Machine (SVM) dengan Ekstraktor Fitur KPCA pada Dataset MNIST Menggunakan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Decision Tree (DT) dengan Ekstraktor Fitur PCA pada Dataset MNIST Menggunakan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Decision Tree (DT) dengan Ekstraktor Fitur LDA pada Dataset MNIST Menggunakan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Decision Tree (DT) dengan Ekstraktor Fitur KPCA pada Dataset MNIST Menggunakan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Random Forest (RF) dengan Ekstraktor Fitur PCA pada Dataset MNIST Menggunakan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Random Forest (RF) dengan Ekstraktor Fitur LDA pada Dataset MNIST Menggunakan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Random Forest (RF) dengan Ekstraktor Fitur KPCA pada Dataset MNIST Menggunakan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) dengan Ekstraktor Fitur PCA pada Dataset MNIST Menggunakan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) dengan Ekstraktor Fitur LDA pada Dataset MNIST Menggunakan PyQt; dan Langkah-Langkah Implementasi K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) dengan Ekstraktor Fitur KPCA pada Dataset MNIST Menggunakan PyQt. Pada Bab 7, Anda akan mempelajari: Langkah-Langkah Membangkitkan dan Menampilkan Citra Berderau; Langkah-Langkah Mengimplemantasikan Deteksi Tepi pada Citra; Langkah-Langkah Mengimplementasikan Segmentasi Menggunakan Ambang Batas Jamak dan Algoritma K-Means; Langkah-Langkah Mengimplementasikan Penekanan Derau pada Citra; Langkah-Langkah Mendeteksi Wajah, Mata, dan Mulut dengan Haar Cascades; Langkah-Langkah Mendeteksi Wajah Menggunakan Haar Cascades dengan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Mendeteksi Mata dan Mulut Menggunakan Haar Cascades dengan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Mengekstraksi Objek-Objek Terdeteksi; Langkah-Langkah Mendeteksi Fitur Citra dengan Harris Corner Detection; Langkah-Langkah Mendeteksi Fitur Citra dengan Shi-Tomasi Corner Detection; Langkah-Langkah Mendeteksi Fitur Citra dengan Scale-Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) ; dan Langkah-Langkah Mendeteksi Fitur Citra dengan Accelerated Segment Test (FAST). BUKU 2: IMPLEMENTASI DEEP LEARNING MENGGUNAKAN SCIKIT-LEARN, KERAS, DAN TENSORFLOW DENGAN PYTHON GUI Buku ini merupakan versi bahasa Indonesia dari buku kami yang berjudul “The Practical Guides On Deep Learning Using SCIKIT-LEARN, KERAS, and TENSORFLOW with Python GUI” yang dapat dilihat di Amazon maupun Google Books. Dalam buku ini, Anda akan mempelajari cara menggunakan TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy, dan library lainnya untuk mengimplementasikan deep learning dalam mengenali rambu lalu lintas menggunakan dataset GTSRB, mendeteksi tumor otak menggunakan dataset MRI Brain Image, mengklasifikasikan gender, dan mengenali ekspresi wajah menggunakan dataset FER2013. Pada bab 1, Anda akan belajar membuat aplikasi GUI untuk menampilkan grafik garis menggunakan PyQt. Anda juga akan belajar bagaimana mengkonversi citra menjadi keabuan, menjadi ruang warna YUV, dan menjadi ruang warna HSV. Bab ini juga mengajarkan bagaimana menampilkan citra dan histogramnya dan merancang GUI untuk mengimplementasikannya. Pada bab 2, Anda akan belajar menggunakan TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, Pandas, NumPy dan sejumlah pustaka lain untuk memprediksi digit-digit tulisan tangan menggunakan dataset MNIST. Pada bab 3, Anda akan mempelajari cara menggunakan TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, PIL, Pandas, NumPy, dan pustaka lain untuk mengenali rambu lalu lintas menggunakan dataset GTSRB dari Kaggle. Ada beberapa jenis rambu lalu lintas seperti batas kecepatan, dilarang masuk, rambu lalu lintas, belok kiri atau kanan, anak-anak menyeberang, tidak ada kendaraan berat yang lewat, dll. Klasifikasi rambu lalu lintas adalah proses untuk mengidentifikasi kelas rambu lalu lintas tersebut. Pada proyek Python ini, Anda akan membangun model jaringan saraf tiruan (deep neural network) yang dapat mengklasifikasikan rambu lalu lintas dalam citra ke dalam kategori yang berbeda. Dengan model ini, Anda akan dapat membaca dan memahami rambu lalu lintas yang merupakan pekerjaan yang sangat penting bagi semua kendaraan otonom. Anda juga akan membangun sebuah GUI untuk tujuan ini. Pada bab 4, Anda akan mempelajari cara menggunakan TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, Pandas, NumPy dan pustaka lainnya untuk melakukan pendeteksian tumor otak menggunakan dataset Brain Image MRI yang disediakan oleh Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/navoneel/brain-mri-images-for-brain-tumor-detection). Anda juga akan membangun sebuah GUI untuk tujuan ini. Pada bab 5, Anda akan mempelajari cara menggunakan TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy dan library lain untuk melakukan klasifikasi gender menggunakan dataset yang disediakan oleh Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/cashutosh/gender-classification-dataset). Anda juga akan membangun sebuah GUI untuk tujuan ini. Pada bab 6, Anda akan mempelajari cara menggunakan TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy dan pustaka lain untuk melakukan pengenalan ekspresi wajah menggunakan dataset FER2013 yang disediakan oleh Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/nicolejyt/facialexpressionrecognition). Anda juga akan membangun sebuah GUI untuk tujuan ini. BUKU 3: PANDUAN PRAKTIS DEEP LEARNING MENGGUNAKAN SCIKIT-LEARN, KERAS, DAN TENSORFLOW DENGAN PYTHON GUI Buku ini merupakan versi bahasa Indonesia dari buku kami yang berjudul “STEP BY STEP TUTORIALS ON DEEP LEARNING USING SCIKIT-LEARN, KERAS, AND TENSORFLOW WITH PYTHON GUI” yang dapat dilihat di Amazon maupun Google Books. Dalam buku ini, Anda akan mempelajari cara menerapkan TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy, dan library lainnya untuk mengimplementasikan deteksi wajah, mata, dan mulut menggunakan Haar Cascades, klasifikasi/prediksi buah, klasifikasi/prediksi kucing/anjing, klasifikasi/prediksi mebel, klasifikasi/prediksi mode (fashion). Pada bab 1, Anda akan belajar bagaimana menggunakan pustaka OpenCV, PIL, NumPy dan pustaka lain untuk melakukan deteksi wajah, mata, dan mulut menggunakan Haar Cascades dengan Python GUI (PyQt). Pada bab 2, Anda akan mempelajari bagaimana memanfaatkan TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy dan pustaka-pustaka lain untuk mengimplementasikan klasifikasi buah menggunakan dataset Fruits 360 yang disediakan oleh Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/moltean/fruits/code). Anda juga akan membangun sebuah GUI untuk tujuan ini. Pada bab 3, Anda akan belajar menerapkan TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy dan sejumlah pustaka lain untuk klasifikasi kucing/anjing menggunakan dataset yang disediakan oleh Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/chetankv/dogs-cats-images). Anda juga akan membangun sebuah GUI untuk tujuan ini. Pada bab 4, Anda akan belajar menggunakan TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy dan pustakan lain untuk mendeteksi atau mengklasifikasi mebel menggunakan dataset Furniture Detector yang disediakan oleh Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/akkithetechie/furniture-detector). Anda juga akan membangun sebuah GUI untuk tujuan ini. Pada bab 5, Anda akan memanfaatkan TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy dan sejumlah modul lain untuk melakukan klasifikasi terhadap citra-citra mode menggunakan dataset Fashion MNIST yang disediakan oleh Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/zalando-research/fashionmnist/code). Anda juga akan membangun sebuah GUI untuk tujuan ini.

Book Data Science and Deep Learning Workshop For Scientists and Engineers

Download or read book Data Science and Deep Learning Workshop For Scientists and Engineers written by Vivian Siahaan and published by BALIGE PUBLISHING. This book was released on 2021-11-04 with total page 1977 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: WORKSHOP 1: In this workshop, you will learn how to use TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy and other libraries to implement deep learning on recognizing traffic signs using GTSRB dataset, detecting brain tumor using Brain Image MRI dataset, classifying gender, and recognizing facial expression using FER2013 dataset In Chapter 1, you will learn to create GUI applications to display line graph using PyQt. You will also learn how to display image and its histogram. In Chapter 2, you will learn how to use TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, Pandas, NumPy and other libraries to perform prediction on handwritten digits using MNIST dataset with PyQt. You will build a GUI application for this purpose. In Chapter 3, you will learn how to perform recognizing traffic signs using GTSRB dataset from Kaggle. There are several different types of traffic signs like speed limits, no entry, traffic signals, turn left or right, children crossing, no passing of heavy vehicles, etc. Traffic signs classification is the process of identifying which class a traffic sign belongs to. In this Python project, you will build a deep neural network model that can classify traffic signs in image into different categories. With this model, you will be able to read and understand traffic signs which are a very important task for all autonomous vehicles. You will build a GUI application for this purpose. In Chapter 4, you will learn how to perform detecting brain tumor using Brain Image MRI dataset provided by Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/navoneel/brain-mri-images-for-brain-tumor-detection) using CNN model. You will build a GUI application for this purpose. In Chapter 5, you will learn how to perform classifying gender using dataset provided by Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/cashutosh/gender-classification-dataset) using MobileNetV2 and CNN models. You will build a GUI application for this purpose. In Chapter 6, you will learn how to perform recognizing facial expression using FER2013 dataset provided by Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/nicolejyt/facialexpressionrecognition) using CNN model. You will also build a GUI application for this purpose. WORKSHOP 2: In this workshop, you will learn how to use TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy and other libraries to implement deep learning on classifying fruits, classifying cats/dogs, detecting furnitures, and classifying fashion. In Chapter 1, you will learn to create GUI applications to display line graph using PyQt. You will also learn how to display image and its histogram. Then, you will learn how to use OpenCV, NumPy, and other libraries to perform feature extraction with Python GUI (PyQt). The feature detection techniques used in this chapter are Harris Corner Detection, Shi-Tomasi Corner Detector, and Scale-Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT). In Chapter 2, you will learn how to use TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy and other libraries to perform classifying fruits using Fruits 360 dataset provided by Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/moltean/fruits/code) using Transfer Learning and CNN models. You will build a GUI application for this purpose. In Chapter 3, you will learn how to use TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy and other libraries to perform classifying cats/dogs using dataset provided by Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/chetankv/dogs-cats-images) using Using CNN with Data Generator. You will build a GUI application for this purpose. In Chapter 4, you will learn how to use TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy and other libraries to perform detecting furnitures using Furniture Detector dataset provided by Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/akkithetechie/furniture-detector) using VGG16 model. You will build a GUI application for this purpose. In Chapter 5, you will learn how to use TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy and other libraries to perform classifying fashion using Fashion MNIST dataset provided by Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/zalando-research/fashionmnist/code) using CNN model. You will build a GUI application for this purpose. WORKSHOP 3: In this workshop, you will implement deep learning on detecting vehicle license plates, recognizing sign language, and detecting surface crack using TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy and other libraries. In Chapter 1, you will learn how to use TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy and other libraries to perform detecting vehicle license plates using Car License Plate Detection dataset provided by Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/andrewmvd/car-plate-detection/download). In Chapter 2, you will learn how to use TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy and other libraries to perform sign language recognition using Sign Language Digits Dataset provided by Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/ardamavi/sign-language-digits-dataset/download). In Chapter 3, you will learn how to use TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy and other libraries to perform detecting surface crack using Surface Crack Detection provided by Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/arunrk7/surface-crack-detection/download). WORKSHOP 4: In this workshop, implement deep learning-based image classification on detecting face mask, classifying weather, and recognizing flower using TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy and other libraries. In Chapter 1, you will learn how to use TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy and other libraries to perform detecting face mask using Face Mask Detection Dataset provided by Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/omkargurav/face-mask-dataset/download). In Chapter 2, you will learn how to use TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy and other libraries to perform how to classify weather using Multi-class Weather Dataset provided by Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/pratik2901/multiclass-weather-dataset/download). WORKSHOP 5: In this workshop, implement deep learning-based image classification on classifying monkey species, recognizing rock, paper, and scissor, and classify airplane, car, and ship using TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy and other libraries. In Chapter 1, you will learn how to use TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy and other libraries to perform how to classify monkey species using 10 Monkey Species dataset provided by Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/slothkong/10-monkey-species/download). In Chapter 2, you will learn how to use TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy and other libraries to perform how to recognize rock, paper, and scissor using 10 Monkey Species dataset provided by Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/sanikamal/rock-paper-scissors-dataset/download). WORKSHOP 6: In this worksshop, you will implement two data science projects using Scikit-Learn, Scipy, and other libraries with Python GUI. In Chapter 1, you will learn how to use Scikit-Learn, Scipy, and other libraries to perform how to predict traffic (number of vehicles) in four different junctions using Traffic Prediction Dataset provided by Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/fedesoriano/traffic-prediction-dataset/download). This dataset contains 48.1k (48120) observations of the number of vehicles each hour in four different junctions: 1) DateTime; 2) Juction; 3) Vehicles; and 4) ID. In Chapter 2, you will learn how to use Scikit-Learn, NumPy, Pandas, and other libraries to perform how to analyze and predict heart attack using Heart Attack Analysis & Prediction Dataset provided by Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/rashikrahmanpritom/heart-attack-analysis-prediction-dataset/download). WORKSHOP 7: In this workshop, you will implement two data science projects using Scikit-Learn, Scipy, and other libraries with Python GUI. In Project 1, you will learn how to use Scikit-Learn, NumPy, Pandas, Seaborn, and other libraries to perform how to predict early stage diabetes using Early Stage Diabetes Risk Prediction Dataset provided by Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/ishandutta/early-stage-diabetes-risk-prediction-dataset/download). This dataset contains the sign and symptpom data of newly diabetic or would be diabetic patient. This has been collected using direct questionnaires from the patients of Sylhet Diabetes Hospital in Sylhet, Bangladesh and approved by a doctor. You will develop a GUI using PyQt5 to plot distribution of features, feature importance, cross validation score, and prediced values versus true values. The machine learning models used in this project are Adaboost, Random Forest, Gradient Boosting, Logistic Regression, and Support Vector Machine. In Project 2, you will learn how to use Scikit-Learn, NumPy, Pandas, and other libraries to perform how to analyze and predict breast cancer using Breast Cancer Prediction Dataset provided by Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/merishnasuwal/breast-cancer-prediction-dataset/download). Worldwide, breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women and the second highest in terms of mortality rates.Diagnosis of breast cancer is performed when an abnormal lump is found (from self-examination or x-ray) or a tiny speck of calcium is seen (on an x-ray). After a suspicious lump is found, the doctor will conduct a diagnosis to determine whether it is cancerous and, if so, whether it has spread to other parts of the body. This breast cancer dataset was obtained from the University of Wisconsin Hospitals, Madison from Dr. William H. Wolberg. You will develop a GUI using PyQt5 to plot distribution of features, pairwise relationship, test scores, prediced values versus true values, confusion matrix, and decision boundary. The machine learning models used in this project are K-Nearest Neighbor, Random Forest, Naive Bayes, Logistic Regression, Decision Tree, and Support Vector Machine. WORKSHOP 8: In this workshop, you will learn how to use Scikit-Learn, TensorFlow, Keras, NumPy, Pandas, Seaborn, and other libraries to implement brain tumor classification and detection with machine learning using Brain Tumor dataset provided by Kaggle. This dataset contains five first order features: Mean (the contribution of individual pixel intensity for the entire image), Variance (used to find how each pixel varies from the neighboring pixel 0, Standard Deviation (the deviation of measured Values or the data from its mean), Skewness (measures of symmetry), and Kurtosis (describes the peak of e.g. a frequency distribution). It also contains eight second order features: Contrast, Energy, ASM (Angular second moment), Entropy, Homogeneity, Dissimilarity, Correlation, and Coarseness. The machine learning models used in this project are K-Nearest Neighbor, Random Forest, Naive Bayes, Logistic Regression, Decision Tree, and Support Vector Machine. The deep learning models used in this project are MobileNet and ResNet50. In this project, you will develop a GUI using PyQt5 to plot boundary decision, ROC, distribution of features, feature importance, cross validation score, and predicted values versus true values, confusion matrix, training loss, and training accuracy. WORKSHOP 9: In this workshop, you will learn how to use Scikit-Learn, Keras, TensorFlow, NumPy, Pandas, Seaborn, and other libraries to perform COVID-19 Epitope Prediction using COVID-19/SARS B-cell Epitope Prediction dataset provided in Kaggle. All of three datasets consists of information of protein and peptide: parent_protein_id : parent protein ID; protein_seq : parent protein sequence; start_position : start position of peptide; end_position : end position of peptide; peptide_seq : peptide sequence; chou_fasman : peptide feature; emini : peptide feature, relative surface accessibility; kolaskar_tongaonkar : peptide feature, antigenicity; parker : peptide feature, hydrophobicity; isoelectric_point : protein feature; aromacity: protein feature; hydrophobicity : protein feature; stability : protein feature; and target : antibody valence (target value). The machine learning models used in this project are K-Nearest Neighbor, Random Forest, Naive Bayes, Logistic Regression, Decision Tree, Support Vector Machine, Adaboost, Gradient Boosting, XGB classifier, and MLP classifier. Then, you will learn how to use sequential CNN and VGG16 models to detect and predict Covid-19 X-RAY using COVID-19 Xray Dataset (Train & Test Sets) provided in Kaggle. The folder itself consists of two subfolders: test and train. Finally, you will develop a GUI using PyQt5 to plot boundary decision, ROC, distribution of features, feature importance, cross validation score, and predicted values versus true values, confusion matrix, training loss, and training accuracy. WORKSHOP 10: In this workshop, you will learn how to use Scikit-Learn, Keras, TensorFlow, NumPy, Pandas, Seaborn, and other libraries to perform analyzing and predicting stroke using dataset provided in Kaggle. The dataset consists of attribute information: id: unique identifier; gender: "Male", "Female" or "Other"; age: age of the patient; hypertension: 0 if the patient doesn't have hypertension, 1 if the patient has hypertension; heart_disease: 0 if the patient doesn't have any heart diseases, 1 if the patient has a heart disease; ever_married: "No" or "Yes"; work_type: "children", "Govt_jov", "Never_worked", "Private" or "Self-employed"; Residence_type: "Rural" or "Urban"; avg_glucose_level: average glucose level in blood; bmi: body mass index; smoking_status: "formerly smoked", "never smoked", "smokes" or "Unknown"; and stroke: 1 if the patient had a stroke or 0 if not. The models used in this project are K-Nearest Neighbor, Random Forest, Naive Bayes, Logistic Regression, Decision Tree, Support Vector Machine, Adaboost, LGBM classifier, Gradient Boosting, XGB classifier, MLP classifier, and CNN 1D. Finally, you will develop a GUI using PyQt5 to plot boundary decision, ROC, distribution of features, feature importance, cross validation score, and predicted values versus true values, confusion matrix, learning curve, performace of the model, scalability of the model, training loss, and training accuracy. WORKSHOP 11: In this workshop, you will learn how to use Scikit-Learn, Keras, TensorFlow, NumPy, Pandas, Seaborn, and other libraries to perform classifying and predicting Hepatitis C using dataset provided by UCI Machine Learning Repository. All attributes in dataset except Category and Sex are numerical. Attributes 1 to 4 refer to the data of the patient: X (Patient ID/No.), Category (diagnosis) (values: '0=Blood Donor', '0s=suspect Blood Donor', '1=Hepatitis', '2=Fibrosis', '3=Cirrhosis'), Age (in years), Sex (f,m), ALB, ALP, ALT, AST, BIL, CHE, CHOL, CREA, GGT, and PROT. The target attribute for classification is Category (2): blood donors vs. Hepatitis C patients (including its progress ('just' Hepatitis C, Fibrosis, Cirrhosis). The models used in this project are K-Nearest Neighbor, Random Forest, Naive Bayes, Logistic Regression, Decision Tree, Support Vector Machine, Adaboost, LGBM classifier, Gradient Boosting, XGB classifier, MLP classifier, and ANN 1D. Finally, you will develop a GUI using PyQt5 to plot boundary decision, ROC, distribution of features, feature importance, cross validation score, and predicted values versus true values, confusion matrix, learning curve, performace of the model, scalability of the model, training loss, and training accuracy.

Book Deep Learning with Python

Download or read book Deep Learning with Python written by Francois Chollet and published by Simon and Schuster. This book was released on 2017-11-30 with total page 597 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Summary Deep Learning with Python introduces the field of deep learning using the Python language and the powerful Keras library. Written by Keras creator and Google AI researcher François Chollet, this book builds your understanding through intuitive explanations and practical examples. Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications. About the Technology Machine learning has made remarkable progress in recent years. We went from near-unusable speech and image recognition, to near-human accuracy. We went from machines that couldn't beat a serious Go player, to defeating a world champion. Behind this progress is deep learning—a combination of engineering advances, best practices, and theory that enables a wealth of previously impossible smart applications. About the Book Deep Learning with Python introduces the field of deep learning using the Python language and the powerful Keras library. Written by Keras creator and Google AI researcher François Chollet, this book builds your understanding through intuitive explanations and practical examples. You'll explore challenging concepts and practice with applications in computer vision, natural-language processing, and generative models. By the time you finish, you'll have the knowledge and hands-on skills to apply deep learning in your own projects. What's Inside Deep learning from first principles Setting up your own deep-learning environment Image-classification models Deep learning for text and sequences Neural style transfer, text generation, and image generation About the Reader Readers need intermediate Python skills. No previous experience with Keras, TensorFlow, or machine learning is required. About the Author François Chollet works on deep learning at Google in Mountain View, CA. He is the creator of the Keras deep-learning library, as well as a contributor to the TensorFlow machine-learning framework. He also does deep-learning research, with a focus on computer vision and the application of machine learning to formal reasoning. His papers have been published at major conferences in the field, including the Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), the Conference and Workshop on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), the International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), and others. Table of Contents PART 1 - FUNDAMENTALS OF DEEP LEARNING What is deep learning? Before we begin: the mathematical building blocks of neural networks Getting started with neural networks Fundamentals of machine learning PART 2 - DEEP LEARNING IN PRACTICE Deep learning for computer vision Deep learning for text and sequences Advanced deep-learning best practices Generative deep learning Conclusions appendix A - Installing Keras and its dependencies on Ubuntu appendix B - Running Jupyter notebooks on an EC2 GPU instance


Download or read book THREE BOOKS IN ONE Deep Learning Using SCIKIT LEARN KERAS and TENSORFLOW with Python GUI written by Vivian Siahaan and published by BALIGE PUBLISHING. This book was released on 2021-05-20 with total page 588 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: BOOK 1: THE PRACTICAL GUIDES ON DEEP LEARNING USING SCIKIT-LEARN, KERAS, AND TENSORFLOW WITH PYTHON GUI In this book, you will learn how to use TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy and other libraries to implement deep learning on recognizing traffic signs using GTSRB dataset, detecting brain tumor using Brain Image MRI dataset, classifying gender, and recognizing facial expression using FER2013 dataset In Chapter 1, you will learn to create GUI applications to display line graph using PyQt. You will also learn how to display image and its histogram. In Chapter 2, you will learn how to use TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, Pandas, NumPy and other libraries to perform prediction on handwritten digits using MNIST dataset with PyQt. You will build a GUI application for this purpose. In Chapter 3, you will learn how to perform recognizing traffic signs using GTSRB dataset from Kaggle. There are several different types of traffic signs like speed limits, no entry, traffic signals, turn left or right, children crossing, no passing of heavy vehicles, etc. Traffic signs classification is the process of identifying which class a traffic sign belongs to. In this Python project, you will build a deep neural network model that can classify traffic signs in image into different categories. With this model, you will be able to read and understand traffic signs which are a very important task for all autonomous vehicles. You will build a GUI application for this purpose. In Chapter 4, you will learn how to perform detecting brain tumor using Brain Image MRI dataset provided by Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/navoneel/brain-mri-images-for-brain-tumor-detection) using CNN model. You will build a GUI application for this purpose. In Chapter 5, you will learn how to perform classifying gender using dataset provided by Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/cashutosh/gender-classification-dataset) using MobileNetV2 and CNN models. You will build a GUI application for this purpose. In Chapter 6, you will learn how to perform recognizing facial expression using FER2013 dataset provided by Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/nicolejyt/facialexpressionrecognition) using CNN model. You will also build a GUI application for this purpose. BOOK 2: STEP BY STEP TUTORIALS ON DEEP LEARNING USING SCIKIT-LEARN, KERAS, AND TENSORFLOW WITH PYTHON GUI In this book, you will learn how to use TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy and other libraries to implement deep learning on classifying fruits, classifying cats/dogs, detecting furnitures, and classifying fashion. In Chapter 1, you will learn to create GUI applications to display line graph using PyQt. You will also learn how to display image and its histogram. Then, you will learn how to use OpenCV, NumPy, and other libraries to perform feature extraction with Python GUI (PyQt). The feature detection techniques used in this chapter are Harris Corner Detection, Shi-Tomasi Corner Detector, and Scale-Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT). In Chapter 2, you will learn how to use TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy and other libraries to perform classifying fruits using Fruits 360 dataset provided by Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/moltean/fruits/code) using Transfer Learning and CNN models. You will build a GUI application for this purpose. In Chapter 3, you will learn how to use TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy and other libraries to perform classifying cats/dogs using dataset provided by Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/chetankv/dogs-cats-images) using Using CNN with Data Generator. You will build a GUI application for this purpose. In Chapter 4, you will learn how to use TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy and other libraries to perform detecting furnitures using Furniture Detector dataset provided by Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/akkithetechie/furniture-detector) using VGG16 model. You will build a GUI application for this purpose. In Chapter 5, you will learn how to use TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy and other libraries to perform classifying fashion using Fashion MNIST dataset provided by Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/zalando-research/fashionmnist/code) using CNN model. You will build a GUI application for this purpose. BOOK 3: PROJECT-BASED APPROACH ON DEEP LEARNING USING SCIKIT-LEARN, KERAS, AND TENSORFLOW WITH PYTHON GUI In this book, implement deep learning on detecting vehicle license plates, recognizing sign language, and detecting surface crack using TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy and other libraries. In Chapter 1, you will learn how to use TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy and other libraries to perform detecting vehicle license plates using Car License Plate Detection dataset provided by Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/andrewmvd/car-plate-detection/download). In Chapter 2, you will learn how to use TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy and other libraries to perform sign language recognition using Sign Language Digits Dataset provided by Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/ardamavi/sign-language-digits-dataset/download). In Chapter 3, you will learn how to use TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy and other libraries to perform detecting surface crack using Surface Crack Detection provided by Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/arunrk7/surface-crack-detection/download).


Download or read book IMPLEMENTASI MACHINE LEARNING DENGAN PYTHON GUI written by Vivian Siahaan and published by BALIGE PUBLISHING. This book was released on 2021-03-21 with total page 651 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Buku ini merupakan versi bahasa Indonesia dari buku kami yang berjudul “LEARN FROM SCRATCH MACHINE LEARNING WITH PYTHON GUI”. Anda bisa mengaksesnya di Amazon maupun di Google Books. Pada buku ini, Anda akan mempelajari cara menggunakan NumPy, Pandas, OpenCV, Scikit-Learn, dan pustaka lain untuk memplot grafik dan memproses citra digital. Kemudian, Anda akan mempelajari cara mengklasifikasikan fitur menggunakan model Perceptron, Adaline, Logistic Regression (LR), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Decision Tree (DT), Random Forest (RF), dan K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN). Anda juga akan belajar cara mengekstraksi fitur menggunakan algoritma Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), Kernel Principal Component Analysis (KPCA) dan menggunakannya dalam pembelajaran mesin (machine learning). Pada Bab 1, Anda akan mempelajari dasar-dasar penggunakan Python GUI dengan Qt Designer. Pada Bab 2, Anda akan mempelajari: Langkah-Langkah Menciptakan Grafik Garis Sederhana; Langkah-Langkah Menampilkan Grafik Garis dengan Python GUI: Bagian 1; Langkah-Langkah Menampilkan Grafik Garis dengan Python GUI: Bagian 2; Langkah-Langkah Menampilkan Dua atau Lebih Grafik pada Sumbu yang Sama; Langkah-Langkah Menciptakan Dua Sumbu pada Satu Canvas; Langkah-Langkah Menggunakan Dua Widget; Langkah-Langkah Menggunakan Dua Widget, Masing-Masing Memiliki Dua Sumbu; Langkah-Langkah Menggunakan Sumbu dengan Tingkat Keburaman Tertentu; Langkah-Langkah Memilih Warna Garis dari Combo Box; Langkah-Langkah Menghitung Fast Fourier Transform; Langkah-Langkah Menciptakan GUI untuk FFT; Langkah-Langkan Menciptakan GUI untuk FFT atas Sinyal-Sinyal Masukan Lain; Langkah-Langkah Menciptakan GUI untuk Sinyal Berderau; Langkah-Langkah Menciptakan GUI untuk Penapisan Sinyal Berderau; Langkah-Langkah Mencipakan GUI untuk Penapisan Sinyal Wav; Langkah-Langkah Mengkonversi Citra RGB Menjadi Keabuan; Langkah-Langkah Mengkonversi Citra RGB Menjadi Citra YUV; Langkah-Langkah Mengkonversi Citra RGB Menjadi Citra HSV; Langkah-Langkah Menapis Citra; Langkah-Langkah Menampilkan Histogram Citra ; Langkah-Langkah Menampilkan Histogram Citra Tertapis; Langkah-Langkah Menapis Citra: Memanfaatkan CheckBox; Langkah-Langkah Mengimplementasikan Ambang Batas Citra; dan Langkah-Langkah Mengimplementasikan Ambang Batas Adaptif. Pada Bab 3, Anda akan mempelajari: Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Perceptron; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Perceptron dengan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Adaline (ADAptive LInear NEuron); dan Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Adaline dengan PyQt. Pada Bab 4, Anda akan mempelajari: Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Perceptron Menggunakan Scikit-Learn dengan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Model Logistic Regression (LR); Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Model Logistic Regression dengan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Model Logistic Regression Menggunakan Scikit-Learn dengan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Mode Support Vector Machine (SVM) Menggunakan Scikit-Learn; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Decision Tree (DT) Menggunakan Scikit-Learn; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Model Random Forest (RF) Menggunakan Scikit-Learn; dan Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Model K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) Menggunakan Scikit-Learn. Pada Bab 5, Anda akan mempelajari: Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Principal Component Analysis (PCA); Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Principal Component Analysis (PCA); Menggunakan Scikit-Learn; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Menggunakan Scikit-Learn dengan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA); Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) dengan scikit-learn; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA); Menggunakan Scikit-Learn dengan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Kernel Principal Component Analysis (KPCA) Menggunakan Scikit-Learn; dan Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Kernel Principal Component Analysis (KPCA) Menggunakan Scikit-Learn dengan PyQt. Pada Bab 6, Anda akan mempelajari: Langkah-Langkah Memuat Dataset MNIST; Langkah-Langkah Memuat Dataset MNIST dengan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Perceptron dengan Ekstraktor Fitur PCA pada Dataset MNIST Menggunakan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Perceptron dengan Ekstraktor Fitur LDA pada Dataset MNIST Menggunakan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Perceptron dengan Ekstraktor Fitur KPCA pada Dataset MNIST Menggunakan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Logistic Regression (LR) dengan Ekstraktor Fitur PCA pada Dataset MNIST Menggunakan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Logistic Regression (LR) dengan Ekstraktor Fitur LDA pada Dataset MNIST Menggunakan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Logistic Regression (LR) dengan Ekstraktor Fitur KPCA pada Dataset MNIST Menggunakan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Support Vector Machine (SVM) dengan Ekstraktor Fitur PCA pada Dataset MNIST Menggunakan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Support Vector Machine (SVM) dengan Ekstraktor Fitur LDA pada Dataset MNIST Menggunakan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Support Vector Machine (SVM) dengan Ekstraktor Fitur KPCA pada Dataset MNIST Menggunakan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Decision Tree (DT) dengan Ekstraktor Fitur PCA pada Dataset MNIST Menggunakan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Decision Tree (DT) dengan Ekstraktor Fitur LDA pada Dataset MNIST Menggunakan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Decision Tree (DT) dengan Ekstraktor Fitur KPCA pada Dataset MNIST Menggunakan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Random Forest (RF) dengan Ekstraktor Fitur PCA pada Dataset MNIST Menggunakan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Random Forest (RF) dengan Ekstraktor Fitur LDA pada Dataset MNIST Menggunakan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi Random Forest (RF) dengan Ekstraktor Fitur KPCA pada Dataset MNIST Menggunakan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) dengan Ekstraktor Fitur PCA pada Dataset MNIST Menggunakan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Implementasi K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) dengan Ekstraktor Fitur LDA pada Dataset MNIST Menggunakan PyQt; dan Langkah-Langkah Implementasi K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) dengan Ekstraktor Fitur KPCA pada Dataset MNIST Menggunakan PyQt. Pada Bab 7, Anda akan mempelajari: Langkah-Langkah Membangkitkan dan Menampilkan Citra Berderau; Langkah-Langkah Mengimplemantasikan Deteksi Tepi pada Citra; Langkah-Langkah Mengimplementasikan Segmentasi Menggunakan Ambang Batas Jamak dan Algoritma K-Means; Langkah-Langkah Mengimplementasikan Penekanan Derau pada Citra; Langkah-Langkah Mendeteksi Wajah, Mata, dan Mulut dengan Haar Cascades; Langkah-Langkah Mendeteksi Wajah Menggunakan Haar Cascades dengan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Mendeteksi Mata dan Mulut Menggunakan Haar Cascades dengan PyQt; Langkah-Langkah Mengekstraksi Objek-Objek Terdeteksi; Langkah-Langkah Mendeteksi Fitur Citra dengan Harris Corner Detection; Langkah-Langkah Mendeteksi Fitur Citra dengan Shi-Tomasi Corner Detection; Langkah-Langkah Mendeteksi Fitur Citra dengan Scale-Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) ; dan Langkah-Langkah Mendeteksi Fitur Citra dengan Accelerated Segment Test (FAST).

Book Data Science for Beginners

    Book Details:
  • Author : Russel R Russo
  • Publisher :
  • Release : 2020-10-30
  • ISBN : 9781801118620
  • Pages : 0 pages

Download or read book Data Science for Beginners written by Russel R Russo and published by . This book was released on 2020-10-30 with total page 0 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Are you fascinated by Data Science but it seems too complicated? Do you want to learn everything about Artificial Intelligence but it looks like it is an exclusive club? If this is you, please keep reading: you are in the right place, looking at the right book. SInce you are reading these lines you have probably already noticed this: Artificial Intelligence is all around you. Your smartphone that suggests you the next word you want to type, your Netflix account that recommends you the series you may like or Spotify's personalised playlists. This is how machines are learning from you in everyday life. And these examples are only the surface of this technological revolution. Everyone knows (well, almost everyone) how important Data Science is for the growth and success of the biggest tech companies, and many people know about the Machine Learning impact in science, medicine and statistics. Also, it is quite commonly known that Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning Deep Learning, and the mastering of their most important language, Python, can offer a lot of possibilities in work and business. And you yourself are probably thinking "I surely can see that opportunity, but how can I seize it?" Well, if you kept reading so far you are on the right track to answer your question. Either if you want to start your own AI entreprise, to empower your business or to work in the greatest and most innovative companies, Artificial Intelligence is the future, and Python and Neural Networks programming is The Skill you want to have. The good news is that there is no exclusive club, you can easily (if you commit, of course) learn how to find your way around Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Deep Learning and Machine Learning, and to do that Data Science for Beginners is the best way. In Data Science for Beginners you will discover: The most effective starting points when training deep neural nets The smartest way to approach Machine Learning What libraries are and which one is the best for you Tips and tricks for a smooth and painless journey into artificial intelligence Why decision tree is the way The TensorFlow parts that are going to make your coding life easy Why python is the best language for Machine Learning How to bring your ideas into a computer How to talk with deep neural networks How to deal with variables and data The most common myths about Machine Learning debunked Even If you don't know anything about programming, understanding Data Science is the ideal place to start. Still, if you already know something about programming but not about how to apply it to Artificial Intelligence, Data Science is what you want to understand. Buy now Data Science for Beginners to start your path of Artificial Intelligence.

Book In Depth Tutorials  Deep Learning Using Scikit Learn  Keras  and TensorFlow with Python GUI

Download or read book In Depth Tutorials Deep Learning Using Scikit Learn Keras and TensorFlow with Python GUI written by Vivian Siahaan and published by BALIGE PUBLISHING. This book was released on 2021-06-05 with total page 1459 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: BOOK 1: LEARN FROM SCRATCH MACHINE LEARNING WITH PYTHON GUI In this book, you will learn how to use NumPy, Pandas, OpenCV, Scikit-Learn and other libraries to how to plot graph and to process digital image. Then, you will learn how to classify features using Perceptron, Adaline, Logistic Regression (LR), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Decision Tree (DT), Random Forest (RF), and K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) models. You will also learn how to extract features using Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), Kernel Principal Component Analysis (KPCA) algorithms and use them in machine learning. In Chapter 1, you will learn: Tutorial Steps To Create A Simple GUI Application, Tutorial Steps to Use Radio Button, Tutorial Steps to Group Radio Buttons, Tutorial Steps to Use CheckBox Widget, Tutorial Steps to Use Two CheckBox Groups, Tutorial Steps to Understand Signals and Slots, Tutorial Steps to Convert Data Types, Tutorial Steps to Use Spin Box Widget, Tutorial Steps to Use ScrollBar and Slider, Tutorial Steps to Use List Widget, Tutorial Steps to Select Multiple List Items in One List Widget and Display It in Another List Widget, Tutorial Steps to Insert Item into List Widget, Tutorial Steps to Use Operations on Widget List, Tutorial Steps to Use Combo Box, Tutorial Steps to Use Calendar Widget and Date Edit, and Tutorial Steps to Use Table Widget. In Chapter 2, you will learn: Tutorial Steps To Create A Simple Line Graph, Tutorial Steps To Create A Simple Line Graph in Python GUI, Tutorial Steps To Create A Simple Line Graph in Python GUI: Part 2, Tutorial Steps To Create Two or More Graphs in the Same Axis, Tutorial Steps To Create Two Axes in One Canvas, Tutorial Steps To Use Two Widgets, Tutorial Steps To Use Two Widgets, Each of Which Has Two Axes, Tutorial Steps To Use Axes With Certain Opacity Levels, Tutorial Steps To Choose Line Color From Combo Box, Tutorial Steps To Calculate Fast Fourier Transform, Tutorial Steps To Create GUI For FFT, Tutorial Steps To Create GUI For FFT With Some Other Input Signals, Tutorial Steps To Create GUI For Noisy Signal, Tutorial Steps To Create GUI For Noisy Signal Filtering, and Tutorial Steps To Create GUI For Wav Signal Filtering. In Chapter 3, you will learn: Tutorial Steps To Convert RGB Image Into Grayscale, Tutorial Steps To Convert RGB Image Into YUV Image, Tutorial Steps To Convert RGB Image Into HSV Image, Tutorial Steps To Filter Image, Tutorial Steps To Display Image Histogram, Tutorial Steps To Display Filtered Image Histogram, Tutorial Steps To Filter Image With CheckBoxes, Tutorial Steps To Implement Image Thresholding, and Tutorial Steps To Implement Adaptive Image Thresholding. You will also learn: Tutorial Steps To Generate And Display Noisy Image, Tutorial Steps To Implement Edge Detection On Image, Tutorial Steps To Implement Image Segmentation Using Multiple Thresholding and K-Means Algorithm, Tutorial Steps To Implement Image Denoising, Tutorial Steps To Detect Face, Eye, and Mouth Using Haar Cascades, Tutorial Steps To Detect Face Using Haar Cascades with PyQt, Tutorial Steps To Detect Eye, and Mouth Using Haar Cascades with PyQt, Tutorial Steps To Extract Detected Objects, Tutorial Steps To Detect Image Features Using Harris Corner Detection, Tutorial Steps To Detect Image Features Using Shi-Tomasi Corner Detection, Tutorial Steps To Detect Features Using Scale-Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT), and Tutorial Steps To Detect Features Using Features from Accelerated Segment Test (FAST). In Chapter 4, In this tutorial, you will learn how to use Pandas, NumPy and other libraries to perform simple classification using perceptron and Adaline (adaptive linear neuron). The dataset used is Iris dataset directly from the UCI Machine Learning Repository. You will learn: Tutorial Steps To Implement Perceptron, Tutorial Steps To Implement Perceptron with PyQt, Tutorial Steps To Implement Adaline (ADAptive LInear NEuron), and Tutorial Steps To Implement Adaline with PyQt. In Chapter 5, you will learn how to use the scikit-learn machine learning library, which provides a wide variety of machine learning algorithms via a user-friendly Python API and to perform classification using perceptron, Adaline (adaptive linear neuron), and other models. The dataset used is Iris dataset directly from the UCI Machine Learning Repository. You will learn: Tutorial Steps To Implement Perceptron Using Scikit-Learn, Tutorial Steps To Implement Perceptron Using Scikit-Learn with PyQt, Tutorial Steps To Implement Logistic Regression Model, Tutorial Steps To Implement Logistic Regression Model with PyQt, Tutorial Steps To Implement Logistic Regression Model Using Scikit-Learn with PyQt, Tutorial Steps To Implement Support Vector Machine (SVM) Using Scikit-Learn, Tutorial Steps To Implement Decision Tree (DT) Using Scikit-Learn, Tutorial Steps To Implement Random Forest (RF) Using Scikit-Learn, and Tutorial Steps To Implement K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) Using Scikit-Learn. In Chapter 6, you will learn how to use Pandas, NumPy, Scikit-Learn, and other libraries to implement different approaches for reducing the dimensionality of a dataset using different feature selection techniques. You will learn about three fundamental techniques that will help us to summarize the information content of a dataset by transforming it onto a new feature subspace of lower dimensionality than the original one. Data compression is an important topic in machine learning, and it helps us to store and analyze the increasing amounts of data that are produced and collected in the modern age of technology. You will learn the following topics: Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for unsupervised data compression, Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) as a supervised dimensionality reduction technique for maximizing class separability, Nonlinear dimensionality reduction via Kernel Principal Component Analysis (KPCA). You will learn: Tutorial Steps To Implement Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Tutorial Steps To Implement Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Using Scikit-Learn, Tutorial Steps To Implement Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Using Scikit-Learn with PyQt, Tutorial Steps To Implement Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), Tutorial Steps To Implement Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) with Scikit-Learn, Tutorial Steps To Implement Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) Using Scikit-Learn with PyQt, Tutorial Steps To Implement Kernel Principal Component Analysis (KPCA) Using Scikit-Learn, and Tutorial Steps To Implement Kernel Principal Component Analysis (KPCA) Using Scikit-Learn with PyQt. In Chapter 7, you will learn how to use Keras, Scikit-Learn, Pandas, NumPy and other libraries to perform prediction on handwritten digits using MNIST dataset. You will learn: Tutorial Steps To Load MNIST Dataset, Tutorial Steps To Load MNIST Dataset with PyQt, Tutorial Steps To Implement Perceptron With PCA Feature Extractor on MNIST Dataset Using PyQt, Tutorial Steps To Implement Perceptron With LDA Feature Extractor on MNIST Dataset Using PyQt, Tutorial Steps To Implement Perceptron With KPCA Feature Extractor on MNIST Dataset Using PyQt, Tutorial Steps To Implement Logistic Regression (LR) Model With PCA Feature Extractor on MNIST Dataset Using PyQt, Tutorial Steps To Implement Logistic Regression (LR) Model With LDA Feature Extractor on MNIST Dataset Using PyQt, Tutorial Steps To Implement Logistic Regression (LR) Model With KPCA Feature Extractor on MNIST Dataset Using PyQt, Tutorial Steps To Implement , Tutorial Steps To Implement Support Vector Machine (SVM) Model With LDA Feature Extractor on MNIST Dataset Using PyQt, Tutorial Steps To Implement Support Vector Machine (SVM) Model With KPCA Feature Extractor on MNIST Dataset Using PyQt, Tutorial Steps To Implement Decision Tree (DT) Model With PCA Feature Extractor on MNIST Dataset Using PyQt, Tutorial Steps To Implement Decision Tree (DT) Model With LDA Feature Extractor on MNIST Dataset Using PyQt, Tutorial Steps To Implement Decision Tree (DT) Model With KPCA Feature Extractor on MNIST Dataset Using PyQt, Tutorial Steps To Implement Random Forest (RF) Model With PCA Feature Extractor on MNIST Dataset Using PyQt, Tutorial Steps To Implement Random Forest (RF) Model With LDA Feature Extractor on MNIST Dataset Using PyQt, Tutorial Steps To Implement Random Forest (RF) Model With KPCA Feature Extractor on MNIST Dataset Using PyQt, Tutorial Steps To Implement K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) Model With PCA Feature Extractor on MNIST Dataset Using PyQt, Tutorial Steps To Implement K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) Model With LDA Feature Extractor on MNIST Dataset Using PyQt, and Tutorial Steps To Implement K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) Model With KPCA Feature Extractor on MNIST Dataset Using PyQt. BOOK 2: THE PRACTICAL GUIDES ON DEEP LEARNING USING SCIKIT-LEARN, KERAS, AND TENSORFLOW WITH PYTHON GUI In this book, you will learn how to use TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy and other libraries to implement deep learning on recognizing traffic signs using GTSRB dataset, detecting brain tumor using Brain Image MRI dataset, classifying gender, and recognizing facial expression using FER2013 dataset In Chapter 1, you will learn to create GUI applications to display line graph using PyQt. You will also learn how to display image and its histogram. In Chapter 2, you will learn how to use TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, Pandas, NumPy and other libraries to perform prediction on handwritten digits using MNIST dataset with PyQt. You will build a GUI application for this purpose. In Chapter 3, you will learn how to perform recognizing traffic signs using GTSRB dataset from Kaggle. There are several different types of traffic signs like speed limits, no entry, traffic signals, turn left or right, children crossing, no passing of heavy vehicles, etc. Traffic signs classification is the process of identifying which class a traffic sign belongs to. In this Python project, you will build a deep neural network model that can classify traffic signs in image into different categories. With this model, you will be able to read and understand traffic signs which are a very important task for all autonomous vehicles. You will build a GUI application for this purpose. In Chapter 4, you will learn how to perform detecting brain tumor using Brain Image MRI dataset provided by Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/navoneel/brain-mri-images-for-brain-tumor-detection) using CNN model. You will build a GUI application for this purpose. In Chapter 5, you will learn how to perform classifying gender using dataset provided by Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/cashutosh/gender-classification-dataset) using MobileNetV2 and CNN models. You will build a GUI application for this purpose. In Chapter 6, you will learn how to perform recognizing facial expression using FER2013 dataset provided by Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/nicolejyt/facialexpressionrecognition) using CNN model. You will also build a GUI application for this purpose. BOOK 3: STEP BY STEP TUTORIALS ON DEEP LEARNING USING SCIKIT-LEARN, KERAS, AND TENSORFLOW WITH PYTHON GUI In this book, you will learn how to use TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy and other libraries to implement deep learning on classifying fruits, classifying cats/dogs, detecting furnitures, and classifying fashion. In Chapter 1, you will learn to create GUI applications to display line graph using PyQt. You will also learn how to display image and its histogram. Then, you will learn how to use OpenCV, NumPy, and other libraries to perform feature extraction with Python GUI (PyQt). The feature detection techniques used in this chapter are Harris Corner Detection, Shi-Tomasi Corner Detector, and Scale-Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT). In Chapter 2, you will learn how to use TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy and other libraries to perform classifying fruits using Fruits 360 dataset provided by Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/moltean/fruits/code) using Transfer Learning and CNN models. You will build a GUI application for this purpose. In Chapter 3, you will learn how to use TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy and other libraries to perform classifying cats/dogs using dataset provided by Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/chetankv/dogs-cats-images) using Using CNN with Data Generator. You will build a GUI application for this purpose. In Chapter 4, you will learn how to use TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy and other libraries to perform detecting furnitures using Furniture Detector dataset provided by Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/akkithetechie/furniture-detector) using VGG16 model. You will build a GUI application for this purpose. In Chapter 5, you will learn how to use TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy and other libraries to perform classifying fashion using Fashion MNIST dataset provided by Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/zalando-research/fashionmnist/code) using CNN model. You will build a GUI application for this purpose. BOOK 4: Project-Based Approach On DEEP LEARNING Using Scikit-Learn, Keras, And TensorFlow with Python GUI In this book, implement deep learning on detecting vehicle license plates, recognizing sign language, and detecting surface crack using TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy and other libraries. In Chapter 1, you will learn how to use TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy and other libraries to perform detecting vehicle license plates using Car License Plate Detection dataset provided by Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/andrewmvd/car-plate-detection/download). In Chapter 2, you will learn how to use TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy and other libraries to perform sign language recognition using Sign Language Digits Dataset provided by Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/ardamavi/sign-language-digits-dataset/download). In Chapter 3, you will learn how to use TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy and other libraries to perform detecting surface crack using Surface Crack Detection provided by Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/arunrk7/surface-crack-detection/download). BOOK 5: Hands-On Guide To IMAGE CLASSIFICATION Using Scikit-Learn, Keras, And TensorFlow with PYTHON GUI In this book, implement deep learning-based image classification on detecting face mask, classifying weather, and recognizing flower using TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy and other libraries. In Chapter 1, you will learn how to use TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy and other libraries to perform detecting face mask using Face Mask Detection Dataset provided by Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/omkargurav/face-mask-dataset/download). In Chapter 2, you will learn how to use TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy and other libraries to perform how to classify weather using Multi-class Weather Dataset provided by Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/pratik2901/multiclass-weather-dataset/download). In Chapter 3, you will learn how to use TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy and other libraries to perform how to recognize flower using Flowers Recognition dataset provided by Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/alxmamaev/flowers-recognition/download). BOOK 6: Step by Step Tutorial IMAGE CLASSIFICATION Using Scikit-Learn, Keras, And TensorFlow with PYTHON GUI In this book, implement deep learning-based image classification on classifying monkey species, recognizing rock, paper, and scissor, and classify airplane, car, and ship using TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy and other libraries. In Chapter 1, you will learn how to use TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy and other libraries to perform how to classify monkey species using 10 Monkey Species dataset provided by Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/slothkong/10-monkey-species/download). In Chapter 2, you will learn how to use TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy and other libraries to perform how to recognize rock, paper, and scissor using 10 Monkey Species dataset provided by Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/sanikamal/rock-paper-scissors-dataset/download). In Chapter 3, you will learn how to use TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy and other libraries to perform how to classify airplane, car, and ship using Multiclass-image-dataset-airplane-car-ship dataset provided by Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/abtabm/multiclassimagedatasetairplanecar).

Book The Practical Guides on Deep Learning Using SCIKIT LEARN  KERAS  and TENSORFLOW with Python GUI

Download or read book The Practical Guides on Deep Learning Using SCIKIT LEARN KERAS and TENSORFLOW with Python GUI written by Vivian Siahaan and published by BALIGE PUBLISHING. This book was released on 2023-06-17 with total page 386 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: In this book, you will learn how to use TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy and other libraries to implement deep learning on recognizing traffic signs using GTSRB dataset, detecting brain tumor using Brain Image MRI dataset, classifying gender, and recognizing facial expression using FER2013 dataset In Chapter 1, you will learn to create GUI applications to display image histogram. It is a graphical representation that displays the distribution of pixel intensities in an image. It provides information about the frequency of occurrence of each intensity level in the image. The histogram allows us to understand the overall brightness or contrast of the image and can reveal important characteristics such as dynamic range, exposure, and the presence of certain image features. In Chapter 2, you will learn how to use TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, Pandas, NumPy and other libraries to perform prediction on handwritten digits using MNIST dataset. The MNIST dataset is a widely used dataset in machine learning and computer vision, particularly for image classification tasks. It consists of a collection of handwritten digits from zero to nine, where each digit is represented as a 28x28 grayscale image. The dataset was created by collecting handwriting samples from various individuals and then preprocessing them to standardize the format. Each image in the dataset represents a single digit and is labeled with the corresponding digit it represents. The labels range from 0 to 9, indicating the true value of the handwritten digit. In Chapter 3, you will learn how to perform recognizing traffic signs using GTSRB dataset from Kaggle. There are several different types of traffic signs like speed limits, no entry, traffic signals, turn left or right, children crossing, no passing of heavy vehicles, etc. Traffic signs classification is the process of identifying which class a traffic sign belongs to. In this Python project, you will build a deep neural network model that can classify traffic signs in image into different categories. With this model, you will be able to read and understand traffic signs which are a very important task for all autonomous vehicles. You will build a GUI application for this purpose. In Chapter 4, you will learn how to perform detecting brain tumor using Brain Image MRI dataset. Following are the steps taken in this chapter: Dataset Exploration: Explore the Brain Image MRI dataset from Kaggle. Describe the structure of the dataset, the different classes (tumor vs. non-tumor), and any preprocessing steps required; Data Preprocessing: Preprocess the dataset to prepare it for model training. This may include tasks such as resizing images, normalizing pixel values, splitting data into training and testing sets, and creating labels; Model Building: Use TensorFlow and Keras to build a deep learning model for brain tumor detection. Choose an appropriate architecture, such as a convolutional neural network (CNN), and configure the model layers; Model Training: Train the brain tumor detection model using the preprocessed dataset. Specify the loss function, optimizer, and evaluation metrics. Monitor the training process and visualize the training/validation accuracy and loss over epochs; Model Evaluation: Evaluate the trained model on the testing dataset. Calculate metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score to assess the model's performance; Prediction and Visualization: Use the trained model to make predictions on new MRI images. Visualize the predicted results alongside the ground truth labels to demonstrate the effectiveness of the model. Finally, you will build a GUI application for this purpose. In Chapter 5, you will learn how to perform classifying gender using dataset provided by Kaggle using MobileNetV2 and CNN models. Following are the steps taken in this chapter: Data Exploration: Load the dataset using Pandas, perform exploratory data analysis (EDA) to gain insights into the data, and visualize the distribution of gender classes; Data Preprocessing: Preprocess the dataset by performing necessary transformations, such as resizing images, converting labels to numerical format, and splitting the data into training, validation, and test sets; Model Building: Use TensorFlow and Keras to build a gender classification model. Define the architecture of the model, compile it with appropriate loss and optimization functions, and summarize the model's structure; Model Training: Train the model on the training set, monitor its performance on the validation set, and tune hyperparameters if necessary. Visualize the training history to analyze the model's learning progress; Model Evaluation: Evaluate the trained model's performance on the test set using various metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score. Generate a classification report and a confusion matrix to assess the model's performance in detail; Prediction and Visualization: Use the trained model to make gender predictions on new, unseen data. Visualize a few sample predictions along with the corresponding images. Finally, you will build a GUI application for this purpose. In Chapter 6, you will learn how to perform recognizing facial expression using FER2013 dataset using CNN model. The FER2013 dataset contains facial images categorized into seven different emotions: anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, surprise, and neutral. To perform facial expression recognition using this dataset, you would typically follow these steps; Data Preprocessing: Load and preprocess the dataset. This may involve resizing the images, converting them to grayscale, and normalizing the pixel values; Data Split: Split the dataset into training, validation, and testing sets. The training set is used to train the model, the validation set is used to tune hyperparameters and evaluate the model's performance during training, and the testing set is used to assess the final model's accuracy; Model Building: Build a deep learning model using TensorFlow and Keras. This typically involves defining the architecture of the model, selecting appropriate layers (such as convolutional layers, pooling layers, and fully connected layers), and specifying the activation functions and loss functions; Model Training: Train the model using the training set. This involves feeding the training images through the model, calculating the loss, and updating the model's parameters using optimization techniques like backpropagation and gradient descent; Model Evaluation: Evaluate the trained model's performance using the validation set. This can include calculating metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score to assess how well the model is performing; Model Testing: Assess the model's accuracy and performance on the testing set, which contains unseen data. This step helps determine how well the model generalizes to new, unseen facial expressions; Prediction: Use the trained model to make predictions on new images or live video streams. This involves detecting faces in the images using OpenCV, extracting facial features, and feeding the processed images into the model for prediction. Then, you will also build a GUI application for this purpose.

Book Python Deep Learning

    Book Details:
  • Author : Dwain Debrot
  • Publisher :
  • Release : 2021-02-12
  • ISBN :
  • Pages : 318 pages

Download or read book Python Deep Learning written by Dwain Debrot and published by . This book was released on 2021-02-12 with total page 318 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Master the world of machine learning and data science with this comprehensive beginner's bundle. Data Science and Machine Learning are the biggest buzzwords in the business world nowadays. If you want to learn more about Machine Learning and Data Science or how to master them with Python quickly and easily - we have the answer! Machine Learning is the key to learning Python for machine learning, artificial intelligence, and data science. This is your guide to the future of how we do business! In this book, you will discover: What is a data scientist? What languages should be learned? The three musketeers of Data Science Python introduction Languages do you need to learn for data science These are some of the topics covered in this book: Machine Learning Algorithms K NN - Nearest Neighbor Method SVC - support vector machine Mathematics for Data Analysis Working with Threads in Python The following are the objectives of this book: To help you understand deep learning in detail To help you know how to get started with deep learning in Python by setting up the coding environment. To help you transition from a deep learning Beginner to a Professional. Model in Python on your own. And more Get this book now to learn more about -- Deep Learning in Python by setting up the coding environment and learn the Secrets of Machine Learning, Data Science Analysis, and Artificial Intelligence)

Book Python Programming

    Book Details:
  • Author : Frank Millstein
  • Publisher : Frank Millstein
  • Release : 2020-09-07
  • ISBN :
  • Pages : 643 pages

Download or read book Python Programming written by Frank Millstein and published by Frank Millstein. This book was released on 2020-09-07 with total page 643 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Programming With Python - 8 BOOK BUNDLE!! Deep Learning With Keras Here Is A Preview Of What You’ll Learn Here… The difference between deep learning and machine learning Deep neural networks Convolutional neural networks Building deep learning models with Keras Multi-layer perceptron network models And much more... Convolutional Neural Networks In Python Here Is A Preview Of What You’ll Learn Here… Convolutional neural networks structure How convolutional neural networks actually work Convolutional neural networks applications The importance of convolution operator How to build a simple image classification CNN And much, much more! Python Machine Learning Here Is A Preview Of What You’ll Learn Here… Basics behind machine learning techniques Most commonly used machine learning algorithms, linear and logistic regression, decision trees support vector machines, k-nearest neighbors, random forests Solving multi-clasisfication problems Data visualization with Matplotlib and data transformation with Pandas and Scikit-learn Solving multi-label classification problems And much, much more... Machine Learning With TensorFlow Here Is A Preview Of What You’ll Learn Here… What is machine learning Main uses and benefits of machine learning How to get started with TensorFlow, installing and loading data Data flow graphs and basic TensorFlow expressions Creating MNIST classifiers with one-hot transformation And much, much more... Data Analytics With Python Here Is A Preview Of What You’ll Learn Here… What is Data Analytics? Difference between data science, big data and data analytics Installing python Python data structures Pandas series and data frames And much, much more... Natural Language Processing With Python Here Is A Preview Of What You’ll Learn Here… Challenges of natural language processing How natural language processing works? Part of speech tagging N-grams Running natural language processing script And much, much more... DevOps Handbook Here Is A Preview Of What You’ll Learn Here… Issues and mistakes plaguing software development What is software development life cycle? How software development life cycle works? The origins of devops Testing and building systems tools And much, much more... DevOps Adoption Here Is A Preview Of What You’ll Learn Here… Devops definition Overcoming traditional dev and ops Devops and security integration Devops success factors Is devops right for you? And much, much more... Get this book bundle NOW and SAVE money!

Book Data Science with Python

Download or read book Data Science with Python written by Rohan Chopra and published by Packt Publishing Ltd. This book was released on 2019-07-19 with total page 426 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Leverage the power of the Python data science libraries and advanced machine learning techniques to analyse large unstructured datasets and predict the occurrence of a particular future event. Key FeaturesExplore the depths of data science, from data collection through to visualizationLearn pandas, scikit-learn, and Matplotlib in detailStudy various data science algorithms using real-world datasetsBook Description Data Science with Python begins by introducing you to data science and teaches you to install the packages you need to create a data science coding environment. You will learn three major techniques in machine learning: unsupervised learning, supervised learning, and reinforcement learning. You will also explore basic classification and regression techniques, such as support vector machines, decision trees, and logistic regression. As you make your way through chapters, you will study the basic functions, data structures, and syntax of the Python language that are used to handle large datasets with ease. You will learn about NumPy and pandas libraries for matrix calculations and data manipulation, study how to use Matplotlib to create highly customizable visualizations, and apply the boosting algorithm XGBoost to make predictions. In the concluding chapters, you will explore convolutional neural networks (CNNs), deep learning algorithms used to predict what is in an image. You will also understand how to feed human sentences to a neural network, make the model process contextual information, and create human language processing systems to predict the outcome. By the end of this book, you will be able to understand and implement any new data science algorithm and have the confidence to experiment with tools or libraries other than those covered in the book. What you will learnPre-process data to make it ready to use for machine learningCreate data visualizations with MatplotlibUse scikit-learn to perform dimension reduction using principal component analysis (PCA)Solve classification and regression problemsGet predictions using the XGBoost libraryProcess images and create machine learning models to decode them Process human language for prediction and classificationUse TensorBoard to monitor training metrics in real timeFind the best hyperparameters for your model with AutoMLWho this book is for Data Science with Python is designed for data analysts, data scientists, database engineers, and business analysts who want to move towards using Python and machine learning techniques to analyze data and predict outcomes. Basic knowledge of Python and data analytics will prove beneficial to understand the various concepts explained through this book.

Book Mastering Machine Learning with Python in Six Steps

Download or read book Mastering Machine Learning with Python in Six Steps written by Manohar Swamynathan and published by Apress. This book was released on 2017-06-05 with total page 374 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Master machine learning with Python in six steps and explore fundamental to advanced topics, all designed to make you a worthy practitioner. This book’s approach is based on the “Six degrees of separation” theory, which states that everyone and everything is a maximum of six steps away. Mastering Machine Learning with Python in Six Steps presents each topic in two parts: theoretical concepts and practical implementation using suitable Python packages. You’ll learn the fundamentals of Python programming language, machine learning history, evolution, and the system development frameworks. Key data mining/analysis concepts, such as feature dimension reduction, regression, time series forecasting and their efficient implementation in Scikit-learn are also covered. Finally, you’ll explore advanced text mining techniques, neural networks and deep learning techniques, and their implementation. All the code presented in the book will be available in the form of iPython notebooks to enable you to try out these examples and extend them to your advantage. What You'll Learn Examine the fundamentals of Python programming language Review machine Learning history and evolution Understand machine learning system development frameworks Implement supervised/unsupervised/reinforcement learning techniques with examples Explore fundamental to advanced text mining techniques Implement various deep learning frameworks Who This Book Is For Python developers or data engineers looking to expand their knowledge or career into machine learning area. Non-Python (R, SAS, SPSS, Matlab or any other language) machine learning practitioners looking to expand their implementation skills in Python. Novice machine learning practitioners looking to learn advanced topics, such as hyperparameter tuning, various ensemble techniques, natural language processing (NLP), deep learning, and basics of reinforcement learning.

Book Deep Learning with Python  Second Edition

Download or read book Deep Learning with Python Second Edition written by Francois Chollet and published by Simon and Schuster. This book was released on 2021-12-07 with total page 502 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Unlock the groundbreaking advances of deep learning with this extensively revised edition of the bestselling original. Learn directly from the creator of Keras and master practical Python deep learning techniques that are easy to apply in the real world. In Deep Learning with Python, Second Edition you will learn: Deep learning from first principles Image classification & image segmentation Timeseries forecasting Text classification and machine translation Text generation, neural style transfer, and image generation Deep Learning with Python has taught thousands of readers how to put the full capabilities of deep learning into action. This extensively revised second edition introduces deep learning using Python and Keras, and is loaded with insights for both novice and experienced ML practitioners. You’ll learn practical techniques that are easy to apply in the real world, and important theory for perfecting neural networks. Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications. About the technology Recent innovations in deep learning unlock exciting new software capabilities like automated language translation, image recognition, and more. Deep learning is becoming essential knowledge for every software developer, and modern tools like Keras and TensorFlow put it within your reach, even if you have no background in mathematics or data science. About the book Deep Learning with Python, Second Edition introduces the field of deep learning using Python and the powerful Keras library. In this new edition, Keras creator François Chollet offers insights for both novice and experienced machine learning practitioners. As you move through this book, you’ll build your understanding through intuitive explanations, crisp illustrations, and clear examples. You’ll pick up the skills to start developing deep-learning applications. What's inside Deep learning from first principles Image classification and image segmentation Time series forecasting Text classification and machine translation Text generation, neural style transfer, and image generation About the reader For readers with intermediate Python skills. No previous experience with Keras, TensorFlow, or machine learning is required. About the author François Chollet is a software engineer at Google and creator of the Keras deep-learning library. Table of Contents 1 What is deep learning? 2 The mathematical building blocks of neural networks 3 Introduction to Keras and TensorFlow 4 Getting started with neural networks: Classification and regression 5 Fundamentals of machine learning 6 The universal workflow of machine learning 7 Working with Keras: A deep dive 8 Introduction to deep learning for computer vision 9 Advanced deep learning for computer vision 10 Deep learning for timeseries 11 Deep learning for text 12 Generative deep learning 13 Best practices for the real world 14 Conclusions

Book DATA SCIENCE CRASH COURSE  Drinking Water Potability Classification and Prediction Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning with Python

Download or read book DATA SCIENCE CRASH COURSE Drinking Water Potability Classification and Prediction Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning with Python written by Vivian Siahaan and published by BALIGE PUBLISHING. This book was released on 2023-08-06 with total page 244 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: In this data science crash course project, we aim to build a classification and prediction model to determine the potability of drinking water using machine learning and deep learning techniques in Python. The first step of the project involves data exploration, where we examine the dataset's structure and characteristics. We identify the target variable, "Potability," which indicates whether the water is safe to drink (1) or not (0). We check for any missing values and handle them appropriately to ensure the dataset's integrity. Next, we analyze the distribution of features in the dataset to understand their statistical properties. We visualize the feature distributions through histograms, box plots, and density plots. This exploration helps us identify potential outliers or skewed features that might require preprocessing. Before building the predictive models, we split the dataset into training and testing sets. The training set is used to train the machine learning models, while the testing set evaluates their performance on unseen data. To start with machine learning models, we employ algorithms Logistic Regression, Support Vector Machines, K-Nearest Neighbors, Decision Trees, Random Forests, Gradient Boosting, Extreme Gradient Boosting, Light Gradient Boosting.. We use the Grid Search technique to optimize their hyperparameters, ensuring the best possible performance. After evaluating and selecting the best-performing machine learning model, we explore deep learning techniques using an Artificial Neural Network (ANN). The ANN architecture consists of input, hidden, and output layers. We determine the optimal number of hidden layers and neurons through experimentation. To train the ANN, we use the training data and optimize the model's weights using backpropagation and gradient descent. We also employ techniques like dropout and batch normalization to prevent overfitting. After training the models, we evaluate its performance on the test set. To gauge the model's accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score, we generate a classification report. Additionally, we plot the training and validation accuracy as well as the loss during the training process to visualize the model's learning progress. For further insights, we plot a confusion matrix, which provides a comprehensive view of the true positive, true negative, false positive, and false negative predictions. This helps us assess the model's performance in handling different classes. Throughout the project, we prioritize model evaluation to ensure reliable predictions. We compute the accuracy score, which gives us an overall understanding of the model's correctness. The classification report provides detailed precision, recall, and F1-score for each class, highlighting how well the model predicts the positive and negative cases. In conclusion, this data science crash course project focuses on drinking water potability classification and prediction using various machine learning and deep learning techniques in Python. The project begins with data exploration and feature distribution analysis, followed by the use of machine learning models with hyperparameter tuning through grid search. Subsequently, deep learning techniques using an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) are employed, and the model's performance is evaluated using multiple metrics. By following this comprehensive approach, we aim to build an accurate and robust model that can effectively predict drinking water potability and contribute to ensuring safe drinking water for communities.

Book Step By Step Neural Networks for Image Classification using Python GUI

Download or read book Step By Step Neural Networks for Image Classification using Python GUI written by Hamzan Wadi and published by Turida Publisher. This book was released on with total page 207 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This book provides a practical explanation of the backpropagation neural networks algorithm and how it can be implemented for image classification. The discussion in this book is presented in step by step so that it will help readers understand the fundamental of the backpropagation neural networks and its steps. This book is very suitable for students, researchers, and anyone who want to learn and implement the backpropagation neural networks for image classification using PYTHON GUI. The discussion in this book will provide readers deep understanding about the backpropagation neural networks architecture and its parameters. The readers will be guided to understand the steps of the backpropagation neural networks for image classification through case example. The readers will be guided to create their own neural networks class and build their complete applications for data image classification. The final objective of this book is that the readers are able to realize each step of the multilayer perceptron neural networks for image classification. In Addition, the readers also are able to create the neural networks applications which consists of two types of applications which are command window based application and GUI based application. Here are the material that you will learn in this book. CHAPTER 1: This chapter will guide you in preparing what software are needed to realize the backpropagation neural networks using Python GUI. The discussion in this chapter will start from installing Python and the libraries that will be used, installing Qt Designer, understanding and using Qt Designer to design the application UI, and the last is about how to create a GUI program using Python and Qt Designer. CHAPTER 2: This chapter discusses the important parts in the backpropagation neural networks algorithm which includes the architecture of the backpropagation neural networks, the parameters contained in the backpropagation neural networks, the steps of the backpropagation neural networks algorithm, and the mathematical calculations of the backpropagation neural networks. CHAPTER 3: This chapter discusses in detail the mathematical calculations of fruit quality classification using the backpropagation neural networks which includes the feature extraction process of fruit images, data normalization, the training process, and the classification process. The feature extraction method used in this case is GLCM (Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix). The image features that will be used in this case are energy, contrast, entropy, and homogeneity. CHAPTER 4: This chapter discusses how to implement the backpropagation neural networks algorithm for fruit quality classification using Python. This chapter will present the steps to create your backpropagation neural networks class and to define the functions that represent each process of the backpropagation neural networks. This chapter will also present the steps to create a class for image processing. And in final discussion you will be guided to create your backpropagation neural networks application from scratch to classify the quality of fruit. CHAPTER 5: This chapter will discuss how to create a GUI based application for fruit quality classification using the backpropagation neural networks algorithm. This chapter will discuss in detail the steps for designing the application UI by using Qt Designer, the steps for creating a class for the backpropagation neural networks GUI based application, and how to run the GUI based application to classify the fruit data.

Book Pro Deep Learning with TensorFlow

Download or read book Pro Deep Learning with TensorFlow written by Santanu Pattanayak and published by Apress. This book was released on 2017-12-06 with total page 412 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Deploy deep learning solutions in production with ease using TensorFlow. You'll also develop the mathematical understanding and intuition required to invent new deep learning architectures and solutions on your own. Pro Deep Learning with TensorFlow provides practical, hands-on expertise so you can learn deep learning from scratch and deploy meaningful deep learning solutions. This book will allow you to get up to speed quickly using TensorFlow and to optimize different deep learning architectures. All of the practical aspects of deep learning that are relevant in any industry are emphasized in this book. You will be able to use the prototypes demonstrated to build new deep learning applications. The code presented in the book is available in the form of iPython notebooks and scripts which allow you to try out examples and extend them in interesting ways. You will be equipped with the mathematical foundation and scientific knowledge to pursue research in this field and give back to the community. What You'll Learn Understand full stack deep learning using TensorFlow and gain a solid mathematical foundation for deep learning Deploy complex deep learning solutions in production using TensorFlow Carry out research on deep learning and perform experiments using TensorFlow Who This Book Is For Data scientists and machine learning professionals, software developers, graduate students, and open source enthusiasts