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Book Algorithms and architectures for the detection of MIMO signals

Download or read book Algorithms and architectures for the detection of MIMO signals written by Micaela Troglia Gamba and published by . This book was released on 2011 with total page 164 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Les systèmes multi-antennes (Multiple-Input Multiple-Output: MIMO) représentent une technologie clé pour le déploiement de systèmes de communication sans fil. Cependant, la complexité des détecteurs MIMO de haut débit pose un problème sérieux de mise en oeuvre. Parmi les détecteurs MIMO existants, l'algorithme nommé détecteur à sphère (Sphere Decoder Algorithm: SDA) a vu le jour pour réduire la complexité de traitement par rapport à la technique de détection originale basée sur le maximum de vraisemblance (ML). En outre, il a été démontré que SDA atteint des performances optimales pour les systèmes non codés. Toutefois, pour les systèmes codés, d'autres simplifications dans l'algorithme de détection peuvent être utilisées sans altérer les performances en taux d'erreur. Dans ce contexte, le SDA peut être modifié afin de prévoir une détection basée sur des informations pondérées. LSD (List-Sphere Decoder) a été introduit comme une version à entrées/sorties pondérées de la version SDA originale. Ce travail de thèse traite les aspects algorithmique, architectural et de mise en oeuvre de la détection MIMO basée sur SDA et LSD. Le principal objectif est de proposer des solutions de mise en oeuvre de faible complexité, tout en considérant les exigences des systèmes de communication numérique en termes de débit, de flexibilité et de taux d'erreurs. En particulier, la première contribution est représentée par une amélioration de SDA, ce qui permet une augmentation significative du débit avec une complexité supplémentaire très limitée et sans dégradation en termes de performance en taux derreurs binaires. La méthode de détection proposée, appelée LASDA (Look-Ahead SDA), est basée sur des transformations formelles, à savoir Look-Ahead, recalage et pipeline et sur une stratégie modifiée de recherche arborescente. Une conception efficace de type VLSI du détecteur LASDA supportant un system MIMO 4x4 avec une modulation MAQ-16 est proposée. La deuxième contribution concerne une étude détaillée sur la flexibilité et la convergence de la détection itérative. Deux détecteurs à entrées/sorties pondérées (Soft-Input Soft-Output: SISO) sont considérés: LSD et un filtrage linéaire de faible complexité (Linear Minimum-Mean-Square-Error-Interference-Canceller (MMSE-IC)). Des diagrammes de transfert d'information mutuelle (EXIT charts) sont développés. Cette analyse est orientée pour obtenir les compromis possibles entre complexité et performance pour une implémentation matérielle flexible. La dernière contribution est liée à la conception d'un processeur à jeu d'instructions dédié à l'application (Application-Specific Instruction-set Processor (ASIP)) pour un détecteur SISO LSD. L'ASIP proposé supporte différentes configurations MIMO (2x2, 3x3, 4x4) et différents ordres de modulation (QPSK, MAQ-16, MAQ-64) en plus d'une taille de liste flexible (1 à 64 éléments).

Book Cell Free Massive MIMO

    Book Details:
  • Author : Giovanni Interdonato
  • Publisher : Linköping University Electronic Press
  • Release : 2020-09-09
  • ISBN : 9179298087
  • Pages : 75 pages

Download or read book Cell Free Massive MIMO written by Giovanni Interdonato and published by Linköping University Electronic Press. This book was released on 2020-09-09 with total page 75 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The fifth generation of mobile communication systems (5G) is nowadays a reality. 5G networks are been deployed all over the world, and the first 5G-capable devices (e.g., smartphones, tablets, wearable, etc.) are already commercially available. 5G systems provide unprecedented levels of connectivity and quality of service (QoS) to cope with the incessant growth in the number of connected devices and the huge increase in data-rate demand. Massive MIMO (multiple-input multiple-output) technology plays a key role in 5G systems. The underlying principle of this technology is the use of a large number of co-located antennas at the base station, which coherently transmit/receive signals to/from multiple users. This signal co-processing at multiple antennas leads to manifold benefits: array gain, spatial diversity and spatial user multiplexing. These elements enable to meet the QoS requirements established for the 5G systems. The major bottleneck of massive MIMO systems as well as of any cellular network is the inter-cell interference, which affects significantly the cell-edge users, whose performance is already degraded by the path attenuation. To overcome these limitations and provide uniformly excellent service to all the users we need a more radical approach: we need to challenge the cellular paradigm. In this regard, cell-free massive MIMO constitutes the paradigm shift. In the cell-free paradigm, it is not the base station surrounded by the users, but rather it is each user being surrounded by smaller, simpler, serving base stations referred to as access points (APs). In such a system, each user experiences being in the cell-center, and it does not experience any cell boundaries. Hence, the terminology cell-free. As a result, users are not affected by inter-cell interference, and the path attenuation is significantly reduced due to the presence of many APs in their proximity. This leads to impressive performance. Although appealing from the performance viewpoint, the designing and implementation of such a distributed massive MIMO system is a challenging task, and it is the object of this thesis. More specifically, in this thesis we study: Paper A) The large potential of this promising technology in realistic indoor/outdoor scenarios while also addressing practical deployment issues, such as clock synchronization among APs, and cost-efficient implementations. We provide an extensive description of a cell-free massive MIMO system, emphasizing strengths and weaknesses, and pointing out differences and similarities with existing distributed multiple antenna systems, such as Coordinated MultiPoint (CoMP). Paper B) How to preserve the scalability of the system, by proposing a solution related to data processing, network topology and power control. We consider a realistic scenario where multiple central processing units serve disjoint subsets of APs, and compare the spectral efficiency provided by the proposed scalable framework with the canonical cell-free massive MIMO and CoMP. Paper C) How to improve the spectral efficiency (SE) in the downlink (DL), by devising two distributed precoding schemes, referred to as local partial zero-forcing (ZF) and local protective partial ZF, that provide an adaptable trade-off between interference cancelation and boosting of the desired signal, with no additional front-haul overhead, and that are implementable by APs with very few antennas. We derive closed-form expressions for the achievable SE under the assumption of independent Rayleigh fading channel, channel estimation error and pilot contamination. These closed-form expressions are then used to devise optimal max-min fairness power control. Paper D) How to further improve the SE by letting the user estimate the DL channel from DL pilots, instead of relying solely on the knowledge of the channel statistics. We derive an approximate closed-form expression of the DL SE for conjugate beamforming (CB), and assuming independent Rayleigh fading. This expression accounts for beamformed DL pilots, estimation errors and pilot contamination at both the AP and the user side. We devise a sequential convex approximation algorithm to globally solve the max-min fairness power control optimization problem, and a greedy algorithm for uplink (UL) and DL pilot assignment. The latter consists in jointly selecting the UL and DL pilot pair, for each user, that maximizes the smallest SE in the network. Paper E) A precoding scheme that is more suitable when only the channel statistics are available at the users, referred to as enhanced normalized CB. It consists in normalizing the precoding vector by its squared norm in order to reduce the fluctuations of the effective channel seen at the user, and thereby to boost the channel hardening. The performance achieved by this scheme is compared with the CB scheme with DL training (described in Paper D). Paper F) A maximum-likelihood-based method to estimate the channel statistics in the UL, along with an accompanying pilot transmission scheme, that is particularly useful in line-of-sight operation and in scenarios with resource constraints. Pilots are structurally phase-rotated over different coherence blocks to create an effective statistical distribution of the received pilot signal that can be efficiently exploited by the AP when performing the proposed estimation method. The overall conclusion is that cell-free massive MIMO is not a utopia, and a practical, distributed, scalable, high-performance system can be implemented. Today it represents a hot research topic, but tomorrow it might represent a key enabler for beyond-5G technology, as massive MIMO has been for 5G. La quinta generazione dei sistemi radiomobili cellulari (5G) è oggi una realtà. Le reti 5G si stanno diffondendo in tutto il mondo e i dispositivi 5G (ad esempio smartphones, tablets, indossabili, ecc.) sono già disponibili sul mercato. I sistemi 5G garantiscono livelli di connettività e di qualità di servizio senza precedenti, per fronteggiare l’incessante crescita del numero di dispositivi connessi alla rete e della domanda di dati ad alta velocità. La tecnologia Massive MIMO (multiple-input multiple-output) riveste un ruolo fondamentale nei sistemi 5G. Il principio alla base di questa tecnologia è l’impiego di un elevato numero di antenne collocate nella base station (stazione radio base) le quali trasmettono/ricevono segnali, in maniere coerente, a/da più terminali utente. Questo co-processamento del segnale da parte di più antenne apporta molteplici benefici: guadagno di array, diversità spaziale e multiplazione degli utenti nel dominio spaziale. Questi elementi consentono di raggiungere i requisiti di servizio stabiliti per i sistemi 5G. Tuttavia, il limite principale dei sistemi massive MIMO, così come di ogni rete cellulare, è rappresentato dalla interferenza inter-cella (ovvero l’interferenza tra aree di copertura gestite da diverse base stations), la quale riduce in modo significativo le performance degli utenti a bordo cella, già degradate dalle attenuazioni del segnale dovute alla considerevole distanza dalla base station. Per superare queste limitazioni e fornire una qualità del servizio uniformemente eccellente a tutti gli utenti, è necessario un approccio più radicale e guardare oltre il classico paradigma cellulare che caratterizza le attuali architetture di rete. A tal proposito, cell-free massive MIMO (massive MIMO senza celle) costituisce un cambio di paradigma: ogni utente è circondato e servito contemporaneamente da numerose, semplici e di dimensioni ridotte base stations, denominate access points (punti di accesso alla rete). Gli access points cooperano per servire tutti gli utenti nella loro area di copertura congiunta, eliminando l’interferenza inter-cella e il concetto stesso di cella. Non risentendo più dell’effetto “bordo-cella”, gli utenti possono usufruire di qualità di servizio e velocità dati eccellenti. Sebbene attraente dal punto di vista delle performance, l’implementazione di un tale sistema distribuito è una operazione impegnativa ed è oggetto di questa tesi. Piu specificatamente, questa tesi di dottorato tratta: Articolo A) L’enorme potenziale di questa promettente tecnologia in scenari realistici sia indoor che outdoor, proponendo anche delle soluzioni di implementazione flessibili ed a basso costo. Articolo B) Come preservare la scalabilità del sistema, proponendo soluzioni distribuite riguardanti il processamento e la condivisione dei dati, l’architettura di rete e l’allocazione di potenza, ovvero come ottimizzare i livelli di potenza trasmessa dagli access points per ridurre l’interferenza tra utenti e migliorare le performance. Articolo C) Come migliorare l’efficienza spettrale in downlink (da access point verso utente) proponendo due schemi di pre-codifica dei dati di trasmissione, denominati local partial zero-forcing (ZF) e local protective partial ZF, che forniscono un perfetto compromesso tra cancellazione dell’interferenza tra utenti ed amplificazione del segnale desiderato. Articolo D) Come migliorare l’efficienza spettrale in downlink permettendo al terminale utente di stimare le informazioni sulle condizioni istantanee del canale da sequenze pilota, piuttosto che basarsi su informazioni statistiche ed a lungo termine, come convenzionalmente previsto. Articolo E) In alternativa alla soluzione precedente, uno schema di pre-codifica che è più adatto al caso in cui gli utenti hanno a disposizione esclusivamente informazioni statistiche sul canale per poter effettuare la decodifica dei dati. Articolo F) Un metodo per permettere agli access points di stimare, in maniera rapida, le condizioni di canale su base statistica, favorito da uno schema di trasmissione delle sequenze pilota basato su rotazione di fase. Realizzare un sistema cell-free massive MIMO pratico, distribuito, scalabile e performante non è una utopia. Oggi questo concept rappresenta un argomento di ricerca interessante, attraente e stimolante ma in futuro potrebbe costituire un fattore chiave per le tecnologie post-5G, proprio come massive MIMO lo è stato per il 5G. Den femte generationens mobilkommunikationssystem (5G) är numera en verklighet. 5G-nätverk är utplacerade på ett flertal platser världen över och de första 5G-kapabla terminalerna (såsom smarta telefoner, surfplattor, kroppsburna apparater, etc.) är redan kommersiellt tillgängliga. 5G-systemen kan tillhandahålla tidigare oöverträffade nivåer av uppkoppling och servicekvalitet och är designade för en fortsatt oavbruten tillväxt i antalet uppkopplade apparater och ökande datataktskrav. Massiv MIMO-teknologi (eng: multiple-input multiple-output) spelar en nyckelroll i dagens 5G-system. Principen bakom denna teknik är användningen av ett stort antal samlokaliserade antenner vid basstationen, där alla antennerna sänder och tar emot signaler faskoherent till och från flera användare. Gemensam signalbehandling av många antennsignaler ger ett flertal fördelar, såsom hög riktverkan via lobformning, vilket leder till högre datatakter samt möjliggör att flera användare utnyttjar samma radioresurser via rumslig användarmultiplexering. Eftersom en signal kan gå genom flera olika, möjligen oberoende kanaler, så utsätts den för flera olika förändringar samtidigt. Denna mångfald ökar kvaliteten på signalen vid mottagaren och förbättrar radiolänkens robusthet och tillförlitlighet. Detta gör det möjligt att uppfylla de höga kraven på servicekvalitet som fastställts för 5G-systemen. Den största begränsningen för massiva MIMO-system såväl som för alla cellulära mobilnätverk, är störningar från andra celler som påverkar användare på cellkanten väsentligt, vars prestanda redan begränsas av sträckdämpningen på radiokanalen. För att övervinna dessa begränsningar och för att kunna tillhandahålla samma utmärkta servicekvalitet till alla användare behöver vi ett mer radikalt angreppssätt: vi måste utmana cellparadigmet. I detta avseende utgör cellfri massiv-MIMO teknik ett paradigmskifte. I cellfri massive-MIMO är utgångspunkten inte att basstationen är omgiven av användare som den betjänar, utan snarare att varje användare omges av basstationer som de betjänas av. Dessa basstationer, ofta mindre och enklare, kallas accesspunkter (AP). I ett sådant system upplever varje användare att den befinner sig i centrum av systemet och ingen användare upplever några cellgränser. Därav terminologin cellfri. Som ett resultat av detta påverkas inte användarna av inter-cellstörningar och sträckdämpningen reduceras kraftigt på grund av närvaron av många accesspunkter i varje användares närhet. Detta leder till imponerande prestanda. Även om det är tilltalande ur ett prestandaperspektiv så är utformningen och implementeringen av ett sådant distribuerat massivt MIMO-system en utmanande uppgift, och det är syftet med denna avhandling att studera detta. Mer specifikt studerar vi i denna avhandling: A) den mycket stora potentialen med denna teknik i realistiska inomhus- såväl som utomhusscenarier, samt hur man hanterar praktiska implementeringsproblem, såsom klocksynkronisering bland accesspunkter och kostnadseffektiva implementeringar; B) hur man ska uppnå skalbarhet i systemet genom att föreslå lösningar relaterade till databehandling, nätverkstopologi och effektkontroll; C) hur man ökar datahastigheten i nedlänken med hjälp av två nyutvecklade distribuerade överföringsmetoder som tillhandahåller en avvägning mellan störningsundertryckning och förstärkning av önskade signaler, utan att öka mängden intern signalering till de distribuerade accesspunkterna, och som kan implementeras i accesspunkter med mycket få antenner; D) hur man kan förbättra prestandan ytterligare genom att låta användaren estimera nedlänkskanalen med hjälp av nedlänkspiloter, istället för att bara förlita sig på kunskap om kanalstatistik; E) en överföringsmetod för nedlänk som är mer lämpligt när endast kanalstatistiken är tillgänglig för användarna. Prestandan som uppnås genom detta schema jämförs med en utökad variant av den nedlänk-pilotbaserade metoden (beskrivet i föregående punkt); F) en metod för att uppskatta kanalstatistiken i upplänken, samt en åtföljande pilotsändningsmetod, som är särskilt användbart vid direktvägsutbredning (line-of-sight) och i scenarier med resursbegränsningar. Den övergripande slutsatsen är att cellfri massiv MIMO inte är en utopi, och att ett distribuerat, skalbart, samt högpresterande system kan implementeras praktiskt. Idag representerar detta ett hett forskningsämne, men snart kan det visa sig vara en viktig möjliggörare för teknik bortom dagens system, på samma sätt som centraliserad massiv MIMO har varit för de nya 5G-systemen.

Book Massive MIMO

    Book Details:
  • Author : Hien Quoc Ngo
  • Publisher : Linköping University Electronic Press
  • Release : 2015-01-16
  • ISBN : 9175191474
  • Pages : 69 pages

Download or read book Massive MIMO written by Hien Quoc Ngo and published by Linköping University Electronic Press. This book was released on 2015-01-16 with total page 69 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The last ten years have seen a massive growth in the number of connected wireless devices. Billions of devices are connected and managed by wireless networks. At the same time, each device needs a high throughput to support applications such as voice, real-time video, movies, and games. Demands for wireless throughput and the number of wireless devices will always increase. In addition, there is a growing concern about energy consumption of wireless communication systems. Thus, future wireless systems have to satisfy three main requirements: i) having a high throughput; ii) simultaneously serving many users; and iii) having less energy consumption. Massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) technology, where a base station (BS) equipped with very large number of antennas (collocated or distributed) serves many users in the same time-frequency resource, can meet the above requirements, and hence, it is a promising candidate technology for next generations of wireless systems. With massive antenna arrays at the BS, for most propagation environments, the channels become favorable, i.e., the channel vectors between the users and the BS are (nearly) pairwisely orthogonal, and hence, linear processing is nearly optimal. A huge throughput and energy efficiency can be achieved due to the multiplexing gain and the array gain. In particular, with a simple power control scheme, Massive MIMO can offer uniformly good service for all users. In this dissertation, we focus on the performance of Massive MIMO. The dissertation consists of two main parts: fundamentals and system designs of Massive MIMO. In the first part, we focus on fundamental limits of the system performance under practical constraints such as low complexity processing, limited length of each coherence interval, intercell interference, and finite-dimensional channels. We first study the potential for power savings of the Massive MIMO uplink with maximum-ratio combining (MRC), zero-forcing, and minimum mean-square error receivers, under perfect and imperfect channels. The energy and spectral efficiency tradeoff is investigated. Secondly, we consider a physical channel model where the angular domain is divided into a finite number of distinct directions. A lower bound on the capacity is derived, and the effect of pilot contamination in this finite-dimensional channel model is analyzed. Finally, some aspects of favorable propagation in Massive MIMO under Rayleigh fading and line-of-sight (LoS) channels are investigated. We show that both Rayleigh fading and LoS environments offer favorable propagation. In the second part, based on the fundamental analysis in the first part, we propose some system designs for Massive MIMO. The acquisition of channel state information (CSI) is very importantin Massive MIMO. Typically, the channels are estimated at the BS through uplink training. Owing to the limited length of the coherence interval, the system performance is limited by pilot contamination. To reduce the pilot contamination effect, we propose an eigenvalue-decomposition-based scheme to estimate the channel directly from the received data. The proposed scheme results in better performance compared with the conventional training schemes due to the reduced pilot contamination. Another important issue of CSI acquisition in Massive MIMO is how to acquire CSI at the users. To address this issue, we propose two channel estimation schemes at the users: i) a downlink "beamforming training" scheme, and ii) a method for blind estimation of the effective downlink channel gains. In both schemes, the channel estimation overhead is independent of the number of BS antennas. We also derive the optimal pilot and data powers as well as the training duration allocation to maximize the sum spectral efficiency of the Massive MIMO uplink with MRC receivers, for a given total energy budget spent in a coherence interval. Finally, applications of Massive MIMO in relay channels are proposed and analyzed. Specifically, we consider multipair relaying systems where many sources simultaneously communicate with many destinations in the same time-frequency resource with the help of a massive MIMO relay. A massive MIMO relay is equipped with many collocated or distributed antennas. We consider different duplexing modes (full-duplex and half-duplex) and different relaying protocols (amplify-and-forward, decode-and-forward, two-way relaying, and one-way relaying) at the relay. The potential benefits of massive MIMO technology in these relaying systems are explored in terms of spectral efficiency and power efficiency.

Book Radiowave propagation and antennas for high data rate mobile communications in the 60 GHz band

Download or read book Radiowave propagation and antennas for high data rate mobile communications in the 60 GHz band written by Sylvain Ranvier and published by . This book was released on 2009 with total page 44 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: La bande de fréquence millimétrique autour de 60 GHz est considérée comme l’une des meilleures options pour l’implémentation des réseaux sans fils à très hauts débits de type WPAN (wireless personal area network). De plus, les systèmes multi-antennes de type MIMO (multiple-input multiple-output) sont très prometteurs. Ils peuvent augmenter de manière significative l’efficacité spectrale ou la fiabilité des communications sans fil. De ce fait, l’utilisation de systèmes multi-antennes à 60 GHz est, théoriquement, très prometteuse. Bien que les performances des systèmes MIMO aient été étudiées de manière approfondie à la fois théoriquement et expérimentalement à basses fréquences (2 et 5 GHz), il y a clairement un manque d’évaluation expérimentale de ces systèmes à 60 GHz. De plus, la conception et l’évaluation d’antennes millimétriques compactes à bas coûts pour des applications de type WPAN sont des sujets sur lesquels beaucoup de recherches doivent être encore faites. Dans la première partie de la thèse, le premier sondeur de canal MIMO à 60 GHz est présenté. Ce système, construit à partir d’un sondeur existant pour 2 et 5 GHz, utilise des réseaux d’antennes virtuelles. Afin d’améliorer la résolution temporelle, deux autres systèmes de mesure ont été développés. Le premier est construit à partir d’un sondeur ultra large bande et le second à partir d’un analyseur vectoriel de réseau. Ces systèmes permettent la caractérisation totale du canal MIMO dans les domaines temporel et angulaire. Dans la seconde partie, les performances de techniques pour systèmes multi-antennes sont analysées grâce aux mesures obtenues dans la première partie de la thèse. Les trois techniques étudiées sont: MIMO, MIMO avec sélection d’antennes et dépointage de faisceau. Les résultats indiquent que la capacité du canal MIMO mesuré est relativement proche de celle d’un canal idéal. Dans des conditions réalistes, la capacité obtenue grâce à la technique MIMO avec sélection d’antennes est souvent inférieure à celle obtenue avec la technique MIMO. Par ailleurs, lorsque l’on considère un réseau à déphasage avec des pertes réalistes, il apparait que la capacité obtenue avec la technique MIMO est presque toujours supérieure à celle obtenue avec la technique du dépointage du faisceau. Dans la dernière partie de la thèse, une antenne omnidirectionnelle est présentée. Cette antenne convient parfaitement aux applications de types WPAN car elle est plane et n’utilise qu’une seule couche de métallisation, ce qui la rend facile à réaliser et peut coûteuse. De plus, un banc de mesure quasi-3D de diagrammes de rayonnement d’antennes à 60 GHz à été développé. Ce système a une très bonne répétabilité. Le rayonnement de la pointe elle-même a été mesuré et les résultats indiquent que c’est la principale limitation de la dynamique d’amplitude de ce système.

Book Multiple Input Multiple Output Channel Models

Download or read book Multiple Input Multiple Output Channel Models written by Nelson Costa and published by John Wiley & Sons. This book was released on 2010-06-25 with total page 244 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: A complete discussion of MIMO communications, from theory to real-world applications The emerging wireless technology Wideband Multiple-Input, Multiple-Output (MIMO) holds the promise of greater bandwidth efficiency and wireless link reliability. This technology is just now being implemented into hardware and working its way into wireless standards such as the ubiquitous 802.11g, as well as third- and fourth-generation cellular standards. Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Channel Models uniquely brings together the theoretical and practical aspects of MIMO communications, revealing how these systems use their multipath diversity to increase channel capacity. It gives the reader a clear understanding of the underlying propagation mechanisms in the wideband MIMO channel, which is fundamental to the development of communication algorithms, signaling strategies, and transceiver design for MIMO systems. MIMO channel models are important tools in understanding the potential gains of a MIMO system. This book discusses two types of wideband MIMO models in detail: correlative channel models—specifically the Kronecker, Weichselberger, and structured models—and cluster models, including Saleh-Valenzuela, European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research (COST) 273, and Random Cluster models. From simple to complex, the reader will understand the models' mechanisms and the reasons behind the parameters. Next, channel sounding is explained in detail, presenting the theory behind a few channel sounding techniques used to sound narrowband and wideband channels. The technique of digital matched filtering is then examined and, using real-life data, is shown to provide very accurate estimates of channel gains. The book concludes with a performance analysis of the structured and Kronecker models. Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Channel Models is the first book to apply tensor calculus to the problem of wideband MIMO channel modeling. Each chapter features a list of important references, including core literary references, Matlab implementations of key models, and the location of databases that can be used to help in the development of new models or communication algorithms. Engineers who are working in the development of telecommunications systems will find this resource invaluable, as will researchers and students at the graduate or post-graduate level.

Book Multiantenna Systems for MIMO Communications

Download or read book Multiantenna Systems for MIMO Communications written by Franco De Flaviis and published by Morgan & Claypool Publishers. This book was released on 2013-08-01 with total page 266 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Advanced communication scenarios demand the development of new systemswhere antenna theory, channel propagation and communication models are seen from a common perspective as a way to understand and optimize the system as a whole. In this context, a comprehensive multiantenna formulation for multiple-input multiple-output systems is presented with a special emphasis on the connection of the electromagnetic and communication principles. Starting from the capacity for amultiantenna system, the book reviews radiation, propagation, and communicationmechanisms, paying particular attention to the vectorial, directional, and timefrequency characteristics of the wireless communication equation for low- and high-scattering environments. Based on the previous concepts, different space—time methods for diversity and multiplexing applications are discussed, multiantenna modeling is studied, and specific tools are introduced to analyze the antenna coupling mechanisms and formulate appropriate decorrelation techniques.Miniaturization techniques for closely spaced antennas are studied, and its fundamental limits and optimization strategies are reviewed. Finally, different practical multiantenna topologies for new communication applications are presented, and its main parameters discussed. A relevant feature is a collection of synthesis exercises that review the main topics of the book and introduces state-of-the art system architectures and parameters, facilitating its use either as a text book or as a support tool for multiantenna systems design. Table of Contents: Principles of Multiantenna Communication Systems / The Radio Channel for MIMO Communication Systems / Coding Theory for MIMO Communication Systems / Antenna Modeling for MIMO Communication Systems / Design of MPAs for MIMO Communication Systems / Design Examples and Performance Analysis of Different MPAs / References / List of Acronyms / List of Symbols / Operators and Mathematical Symbols

Book MIMO Antenna Systems for 5G and Beyond

Download or read book MIMO Antenna Systems for 5G and Beyond written by Xiaoming Chen and published by John Wiley & Sons. This book was released on 2024-10-29 with total page 404 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Discover current design practices and performance metrics in this comprehensive guide to the latest methods of developing MIMO antenna systems Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antenna systems use multiple sets of antennas to increase the capacity of a radio link, or to send and receive multiple simultaneous data signals over the same radio channel. It’s become an increasingly integral part of wireless and mobile data networks, from the earliest generations of wireless internet to cutting-edge 5G systems. The coming 6G networks will also rely on 6G antenna systems, making it all the more critical for the next generation of engineers and antenna designers to have a firm grasp of this foundational technology. MIMO Antenna Systems for 5G and Beyond offers a timely introduction to these systems and their design principles. Incorporating the latest designs and a comprehensive overview of current system configurations, it provides complete design procedures and performance metrics for MIMO systems. The result is a one-stop shop for all MIMO applications and wireless standards. MIMO Antenna Systems for 5G and Beyond readers will also find: The first book ever to cover MIMO design practices specific to 5G wireless communications—and beyond Detailed discussion of MIMO configurations including passive, reconfigurable, beamforming, and more Detailed illustrations and design files MIMO Antenna Systems for 5G and Beyond is ideal for practicing engineers, as well as researchers in wireless and radio engineering sectors.

Book Multi antenna Transceiver Techniques for 3G and Beyond

Download or read book Multi antenna Transceiver Techniques for 3G and Beyond written by Ari Hottinen and published by John Wiley & Sons. This book was released on 2004-08-13 with total page 342 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Multi-antenna techniques are widely considered to be the most promising avenue for significantly increasing the bandwidth efficiency of wireless data transmission systems. In so called MIMO (multiple input multiple output) systems, multiple antennas are deployed both at the transmitter and the receiver. In MISO (multiple input single output) systems, the receiver has only one antenna, and the multiple transmit antennas are used for transmit diversity. The key aspects of multiple antenna transceiver techniques for evolving 3G systems and beyond are presented. MIMO and MISO (transmit diversity) techniques are explained in a common setting. In particular, the book covers linear processing transmit diversity methods with and without side information at the transmitter (feedback), including the current transmit diversity concepts in the WCDMA standards, as well as promising MIMO concepts, crucial for future high data rate systems. As an example, MIMO and MISO aspects of 3GPP HSDPA (high speed downlink packet access) will be considered. Furthermore, examples of high throughput, low complexity space-time codes will be provided, when signalling without side information (open loop concepts). The theory of linear space-time block codes will be developed, and optimal non-orthogonal high throughput codes will be constructed, both for MIMO and MISO systems. Performance may be further improved by feedback from receiver to transmitter. The corresponding closed loop modes in the current 3GPP specifications will be discussed, along with their extensions for more than two transmit antennas. In addition, feedback signalling for MIMO channels will be addressed. Optimal quantisation methods of the feedback messages will be discussed. Finally, hybrid schemes are constructed, where the amount of feedback is reduced using partly open, partly closed loop signalling. * Provides a concise and up-to-date description of perhaps the most active area of research in wireless communications * Unique in presenting recent developments in both WCDMA and MIMO * MIMO and MISO techniques are explained in a common setting * Special emphasis is placed on combining theoretical understanding with engineering applicability For Research engineers in academia and industry, and development engineers in 3G system design as well as research students.

Book Spatial Resource Allocation in Massive MIMO Communications

Download or read book Spatial Resource Allocation in Massive MIMO Communications written by Trinh Van Chien and published by Linköping University Electronic Press. This book was released on 2019-12-09 with total page 66 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Massive MIMO (multiple-input multiple-output) is considered as an heir of the multi-user MIMO technology and it has gained lots of attention from both academia and industry since the last decade. By equipping base stations (BSs) with hundreds of antennas in a compact array or a distributed manner, this new technology can provide very large multiplexing gains by serving many users on the same time-frequency resources and thereby bring significant improvements in spectral efficiency (SE) and energy efficiency (EE) over the current wireless networks. The transmit power, pilot training, and spatial transmission resources need to be allocated properly to the users to achieve the highest possible performance. This is called resource allocation and can be formulated as design utility optimization problems. If the resource allocation in Massive MIMO is optimized, the technology can handle the exponential growth in both wireless data traffic and number of wireless devices, which cannot be done by the current cellular network technology. In this thesis, we focus on the five different resource allocation aspects in Massive MIMO communications: The first part of the thesis studies if power control and advanced coordinated multipoint (CoMP) techniques are able to bring substantial gains to multi-cell Massive MIMO systems compared to the systems without using CoMP. More specifically, we consider a network topology with no cell boundary where the BSs can collaborate to serve the users in the considered coverage area. We focus on a downlink (DL) scenario in which each BS transmits different data signals to each user. This scenario does not require phase synchronization between BSs and therefore has the same backhaul requirements as conventional Massive MIMO systems, where each user is preassigned to only one BS. The scenario where all BSs are phase synchronized to send the same data is also included for comparison. We solve a total transmit power minimization problem in order to observe how much power Massive MIMO BSs consume to provide the requested quality of service (QoS) of each user. A max-min fairness optimization is also solved to provide every user with the same maximum QoS regardless of the propagation conditions. The second part of the thesis considers a joint pilot design and uplink (UL) power control problem in multi-cell Massive MIMO. The main motivation for this work is that the pilot assignment and pilot power allocation is momentous in Massive MIMO since the BSs are supposed to construct linear detection and precoding vectors from the channel estimates. Pilot contamination between pilot-sharing users leads to more interference during data transmission. The pilot design is more difficult if the pilot signals are reused frequently in space, as in Massive MIMO, which leads to greater pilot contamination effects. Related works have only studied either the pilot assignment or the pilot power control, but not the joint optimization. Furthermore, the pilot assignment is usually formulated as a combinatorial problem leading to prohibitive computational complexity. Therefore, in the second part of this thesis, a new pilot design is proposed to overcome such challenges by treating the pilot signals as continuous optimization variables. We use those pilot signals to solve different max-min fairness optimization problems with either ideal hardware or hardware impairments. The third part of this thesis studies a two-layer decoding method that mitigates inter-cell interference in multi-cell Massive MIMO systems. In layer one, each BS estimates the channels to intra-cell users and uses the estimates for local decoding within the cell. This is followed by a second decoding layer where the BSs cooperate to mitigate inter-cell interference. An UL achievable SE expression is computed for arbitrary two-layer decoding schemes, while a closed form expression is obtained for correlated Rayleigh fading channels, maximum-ratio combining (MRC), and largescale fading decoding (LSFD) in the second layer. We formulate a sum SE maximization problem with both the data power and LSFD vectors as optimization variables. Since the problem is non-convex, we develop an algorithm based on the weighted minimum mean square error (MMSE) approach to obtain a stationary point with low computational complexity. Motivated by recent successes of deep learning in predicting the solution to an optimization problem with low runtime, the fourth part of this thesis investigates the use of deep learning for power control optimization in Massive MIMO. We formulate the joint data and pilot power optimization for maximum sum SE in multi-cell Massive MIMO systems, which is a non-convex problem. We propose a new optimization algorithm, inspired by the weighted MMSE approach, to obtain a stationary point in polynomial time. We then use this algorithm together with deep learning to train a convolutional neural network to perform the joint data and pilot power control in sub-millisecond runtime. The solution is suitable for online optimization. Finally, the fifth part of this thesis considers a large-scale distributed antenna system that serves the users by coherent joint transmission called Cell-free Massive MIMO. For a given user set, only a subset of the access points (APs) is likely needed to satisfy the users' performance demands. To find a flexible and energy-efficient implementation, we minimize the total power consumption at the APs in the DL, considering both the hardware consumed and transmit powers, where APs can be turned off to reduce the former part. Even though this is a nonconvex optimization problem, a globally optimal solution is obtained by solving a mixed-integer second-order cone program (SOCP). We also propose low-complexity algorithms that exploit group-sparsity or received power strength in the problem formulation.

Book Recherche des caract  ristiques optimales d antennes multi capteurs pour les syst  mes MIMO  Multiple Input Multiple Output

Download or read book Recherche des caract ristiques optimales d antennes multi capteurs pour les syst mes MIMO Multiple Input Multiple Output written by Sophie Vergerio and published by . This book was released on 2018 with total page 0 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: La technologie MIMO est une solution intéressante pour répondre à l'augmentation des débits liée au développement des services multimédia dans les systèmes de communications sans fil. Elle promet une augmentation linéaire des débits en fonction du nombre d'antennes à l'émission et à la réception en exploitant la diversité du réseau d'antennes et en tirant parti de la propagation multi-trajets. Cette technologie, déjà utilisée dans les réseaux WLAN, rencontre quelques problèmes en téléphonie mobile. En effet, il n'est pas évident d'implanter plusieurs capteurs sur un terminal de taille compatible avec un téléphone mobile tout en conservant de bonnes performances. La proximité des éléments engendre des couplages provoquant des pertes de puissance émise et des déformations de diagramme. Cette thèse présente la conception d'une antenne à deux éléments rayonnants pour téléphone portable suivie d'une étude sur les performances des systèmes MIMO pour la téléphonie mobile dans des conditions réalistes. La conception d'un simulateur de capacité basé sur un modèle de propagation complet a permis de comparer les antennes et leurs caractéristiques en environnement cellulaire urbain dans la bande UMTS.

Book Wireless Multi Antenna Channels

Download or read book Wireless Multi Antenna Channels written by Serguei Primak and published by Wiley. This book was released on 2011-10-31 with total page 272 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This book offers a practical guide on how to use and apply channel models for system evaluation In this book, the authors focus on modeling and simulation of multiple antennas channels, including multiple input multiple output (MIMO) communication channels, and the impact of such models on channel estimation and system performance. Both narrowband and wideband models are addressed. Furthermore, the book covers topics related to modeling of MIMO channel, their numerical simulation, estimation and prediction, as well as applications to receive diversity, capacity and space-time coding techniques. Key Features: Contains significant background material, as well as novel research coverage, which make the book suitable for both graduate students and researchers Addresses issues such as key-hole, correlated and non i.i.d. channels in the frame of the Generalized Gaussian approach Provides a unique treatment of generalized Gaussian channels and orthogonal channel representation Reviews different interpretations of scattering environment, including geometrical models Focuses on the analytical techniques which give a good insight into the design of systems on higher levels Describes a number of numerical simulators demonstrating the practical use of this material. Includes an accompanying website containing additional materials and practical examples for self-study This book will be of interest to researchers, engineers, lecturers, and graduate students.

Book Signal Level Relaying Strategies for Broadband MIMO ARQ Communications

Download or read book Signal Level Relaying Strategies for Broadband MIMO ARQ Communications written by Hatim Chergui and published by . This book was released on 2015 with total page 112 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Le relayage coopératif, multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) et hybrid-ARQ sont des techniques primordiales pour améliorer le débit et la qualité des transmissions sans-fil sur les canaux large-bande. L'analyse de performance permet d'en évaluer les gains conséquents, mais également dévoile les compromis qu'elles impliquent: la diversité spatiale des relais est obtenue aux dépens de la capacité suite à la contrainte half-duplex; la déficience de rang du canal multi-antennes aux bordures de la cellule, où les relais sont généralement déployés, entrave l'activation du multiplexage spatio-temporel; la diversité temporelle du hybrid-ARQ se trouve rapidement dégradée par la nature quasi-statique et long-terme des environnements à évanouissement lent. Cette thèse essaie de surmonter ces enjeux inhérents en proposant une conception conjointe des trois techniques pour les communications sur les canaux MIMO-ARQ limités par les interférences entre symboles (IES). Dans une approche niveau-signal, nous exploitons la déficience de rang du canal source-relai--découlant de la distribution des réflecteurs et/ou du nombre d'antennes--en s'appuyant sur un relayage de type project-and-forward (PF). Le concept de projection est premièrement validé à travers l'analyse de sa performance sur un canal mixte MIMO-pinhole/Rayleigh à évanouissement plat, et ce en utilisant des fonctions mathématiques généralisées. En invoquant la théorie des résidus, nous étudions le comportement asymptotique du système, ce qui mène à des recommandations sur la conception des schémas de relayage basés sur PF. Nous appliquons ensuite le concept de projection orthogonale aux canaux MIMO à IES pour alléger la contrainte half-duplex. Ainsi, nous introduisons une architecture de multiplexage spatial coopératif à base de PF pour réduire la durée de la phase de relayage, sans toutefois recourir à la détection ou la remodulation au niveau du relais. Le modèle de communication mis en place permet d'assimiler le système de relayage à une transmission point à point MIMO, ce qui permet d'adopter les techniques de détection et de combinaison conjointes côté destination. Finalement, nous introduisons une conception inter-couches, où la projection est effectuée conjointement sur des transmissions MIMO-ARQ multiples, augmentant ainsi le gain de diversité et l'efficacité spectrale.

Book MIMO Channel Hardware Simulator for LTE and 802 11ac Wireless Communication Systems

Download or read book MIMO Channel Hardware Simulator for LTE and 802 11ac Wireless Communication Systems written by Bachir Habib and published by . This book was released on 2013 with total page 199 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Pour évaluer les performances des systèmes de communications sans fil, un simulateur matériel de canal MIMO (Multiple-Input Multiple-Output) est réalisé pour les nouveaux systèmes de communication. Il fournit la vitesse de traitement nécessaire et permet d’évaluer les performances en temps réel. Il permet de comparer les différents systèmes dans les mêmes conditions souhaitées. Les objectifs de ce travail concernent principalement les modèles de canal MIMO et l'architecture de bloc numérique du simulateur matériel.Le simulateur matériel conçu peut être configuré avec les nouveaux réseaux radio-mobiles (LTE) et les réseaux locaux sans fil (WLAN 802.11ac). Il utilise des modèles de canaux standardisés, comme le TGn IEEE 802.11n et le 3GPP-LTE, ou des résultats de mesures effectuées avec un sondeur de canalMIMO conçu et réalisé dans notre laboratoire. Récemment, le sondeur de canal a été utilisé au cours de campagnes de mesure pour des environnements à bord d’un navire et de l’extérieur-vers-l’intérieur (outdoor-to-indoor). Un algorithme est proposé pour que les réponses impulsionnelles mesurées soient compatibles avec la bande des signaux LTE. En outre, le modèle de Kronecker avec des évanouissements de Rayleigh est utilisé pour obtenir un canal variant dans le temps.Le simulateur doit être capable de reproduire différents types d'environnement. Dans ce contexte, de nombreux scénarios ont été proposés. Ils considèrent le mouvement à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur pour des environnements et des réseaux hétérogènes. Un algorithme est proposé et analysé pour basculer entre les environnements d’une manière continue. Ces réseaux offrent des services à travers un réseau cellulaire à l'aide du LTE et sont capables de maintenir le service lors du passage à un réseau local sans fil WLAN 802.11ac.Deux architectures pour le bloc numérique du simulateur matériel sont proposées. La première opère dans le domaine fréquentiel en utilisant des modules de transformée de Fourier rapide (FFT/IFFT). Dans ce contexte, une nouvelle architecture fréquentielle améliorée qui fonctionne avec des signaux d'entrée de longue durée est proposée. La seconde opère dans le domaine temporel en utilisant des filtres à Réponse Impulsionnelle Finie (FIR).Les architectures ont été implémentées sur des circuits programmables (FPGA : Field Programmable Gate Array) Virtex-IV de Xilinx. Leurs occupations sur FPGA, la précision des signaux de sortie et leur latence sont analysées et comparées. De plus, une solution basée sur un facteur d’échelle automatique (ASF: Auto-Scale Factor) est introduite pour augmenter la précision des signaux de sortie.

Book Compact Multi user Wideband MIMO System Using Multiple mode Antennas

Download or read book Compact Multi user Wideband MIMO System Using Multiple mode Antennas written by Amitav Mukherjee and published by . This book was released on 2007 with total page 66 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: [Author abstract] A complete multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) communication system with orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) based on multiple excitation modes for a single circular microstrip antenna is introduced. Traditional diversity techniques such as spatial diversity by means of a linear antenna array or polarization diversity by means of a crosspolarized antenna array may prove to be unsuitable in the case of severe restrictions on antenna size and spacing. A single microstrip antenna employing multiple modes is shown to be comparable to conventional antenna arrays at a much lower cost in terms of size and spacing in an urban micro-cell setting as defined by the Third-Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) standards body. The throughput performance and signal detection of multimode antennas in flat and frequency-selective fading environments is examined subsequently. Mathematical expressions for the increase in capacity and diversity using an array of multimode antennas are derived thereafter. Finally, a novel space-pattern diversity array is analyzed to determine theoretical limits of capacity and diversity gain over traditional spatial MIMO diversity.

Book MIMO Transceiver Design Via Majorization Theory

Download or read book MIMO Transceiver Design Via Majorization Theory written by Daniel P. Palomar and published by . This book was released on 2007 with total page 224 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channels provide an abstract and unified representation of different physical communication systems, ranging from multi-antenna wireless channels to wireless digital subscriber line (DSL) systems. They have the key property that several data streams can be simultaneously established. MIMO Transceiver Design via Majorization Theory presents an up-to-date unified mathematical framework for the design of point-to-point MIMO transceivers with channel state information (CSI) at both sides of the link according to an arbitrary cost function as a measure of the system performance. In addition, the framework embraces the design of systems with given individual performance on the data streams. MIMO Transceiver Design via Majorization Theory is an invaluable resource for researchers and practitioners involved in the state-of-the-art design of MIMO-based communication systems.