Download or read book 2012 La Nueva Humanidad written by Antonio Ruíz and published by Palibrio. This book was released on 2012-02-27 with total page 40 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Amigos lectores en esta mi segunda publicacin 2012 La Nueva Humanidad ha sido un largo proceso de precognicin que he venido ordenando en estados de consciencia paralelo a mi realidad fsica. Este es quizs el trabajo ms importante que he debido organizar a lo largo de toda mi vida. Han llegado a mi mente muchos sueos desde que era tan solo un nio con pocos das de nacido. Recuerdo claramente, soaba que venan unos seres de otro planeta a buscarme para darme instrucciones, acerca de lo que deba yo hacer en la tierra, ellos eran unos ancianos que se reunan en una gran mesa de cristal mientras yo observaba. Sueos que se repetan, inclusive hasta cuando tuve 4 aos de edad, siempre los recordaba mientras estaba en la escuela. Jams pens que todo se convertira en una gran experiencia pre cognitiva. Ahora ha llegado el momento de transmitir toda la informacin, de hablar y expresar claramente todo aquello que he venido escuchando, percibiendo y sintiendo en mi interior o realidades fsicas alternas de mi universo mental supra consciente, solo para aquellos quienes desde la perfecta expresin de su potencialidad mental saben comprender el mensaje que trae mi libro para este era, para este tiempo. El miedo a ir ms all a expandir el saber, ms all de lo conocido lo palpable y demostrado. Es ignorancia No saber actuar ante una gran verdad que se manifiesta en nuestra existencia, el hecho de no saber desenvolvernos o enfrentarnos a una gran verdad que nos paraliza ante el aparente desconocimiento orgullo o prepotencia. Es ignorancia El impedimento de ustedes mismos de integrar asumir y experimentar la informacin que su propio yo superior les est ofreciendo. Es ignorancia Lo que se aproxima a la tierra, escapa de la comprensin del hombre pervertido y manipulador. Es decir, no podr ser percibido o detectado por ningn representante de gobierno o religioso; ni siquiera por la actual tecnologa terrestre. Un proceso de perfeccionamiento confeccionado por DIOS. Solo ser manifiesto al ser puro de alma y espritu, aquel hombre honesto de corazn en su interior y con su entorno, aquel hombre responsable de su palabra y sus acciones, aquel hombre consciente de sus movimientos en el universo mental. LO QUE SE APROXIMA A LA TIERRA ES REALMENTE UN ACONTECIMIENTO MARAVILLOSO Y ESPECTACULAR, UN GRAN ACONTECIMIENTO QUE NADIE QUERRA PERDERCE.
Download or read book Introducci n a la teolog a cristiana AETH written by Dr. Justo L. Gonzalez and published by Abingdon Press. This book was released on 2003-03-01 with total page 169 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Una clara, concisa y atrayente introducción a un campo que esta regresando una vez mas, especialmente entre los laicos comprometidos con el renovado interés en el crecimiento espiritual dentro del contexto de una tradición eclesiástica. Como historiadores del cristianismo, los autores de este libro ofrecen una introducción a las doctrinas cristianas tradicionales. Escrito en un estilo claro directo, este libro presenta una reseña de las raíces, los contextos particulares, y los entendimientos doctrinales de temas como la teología, Dios, el ser humano, Jesucristo, la iglesia, y la esperanza. A clear, concise and attractive introduction to a field that is returning once again, especially among the laity committed to the renewed interest in spiritual growth within the context of church tradition. As historians of Christianity, the authors of this book provide an introduction to traditional Christian doctrines. Written in a direct style, this book provides an overview of the roots, contexts, and understandings of issues of doctrine and theology, God, man, Jesus Christ, the church, and hope.
Download or read book Comuni n y comunidad Introducci n a la espiritualidad Cristiana AETH written by Giacomo Cassese and published by Abingdon Press. This book was released on 2004-11-01 with total page 174 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: “La vida en comunidad es lo más esencial de la espiritualidad cristiana, y es la esencia misma del reino de Dios... La espiritualidad cristiana consiste en un nuevo modo de relacionarnos en amor, pues es precisamente esto lo que claramente distingue a la comunidad creyente de cualquier otra comunidad humana”. Al definir así la espiritualidad cristiana, el Dr. Cassese derriba el obsoleto paradigma que intentaba buscar la perfecta relación con Dios a través del aislamiento, de la pura relación personal e individual con Dios. En particular porque en realidad es en la comunidad donde la espiritualidad se realiza, se prueba, se evalúa, crece y se perfecciona. Este libro, por lo tanto, nos ayudará a comprender y vivir la espiritualidad desde la vida cotidiana en comunidad, desde la inter-relación e inter-acción con nuestros hermanos y hermanas, desde la inmersión profunda en la vida misma. ENDOSO AL LIBRO COMUNIÓN Y COMUNIDAD Por Roberto Amparo Rivera, PhD La iglesia como institución tradicionalmente ha reflejado en la práctica las tendencias y valores de la sociedad en que se desenvuelven. Por eso no es de maravillarse encontrar hoy día creyentes individualistas y congregaciones que son más grupos de individuos que comunidades integradas. A pesar de que el amor de Dios, que supuestamente distingue la comunidad, “no busca lo suyo”, los miembros de estas iglesias se preocupan más de sus propios intereses que del bienestar comunitario. En este estado de cosas, el libro Comunión y comunidad, de Giacomo Cassese, es un grito de alerta y una invitación a recobrar el sentido comunitario de la fe cristiana. Hay una opinión generalizada de que la cultura occidental es cada vez más espiritualista. En este contexto, la espiritualidad se mide en términos de prácticas esotéricas de meditación, ayuno, contemplación de la naturaleza y lecturas de documentos misteriosos de religiones orientales. La contraparte cristiana percibe la espritualidad solo en su dimensión vertical; “el alma en relación con Dios”, mientras que el resto de la vida no hace ninguna aplicación a las relaciones diarias con los semejantes. En marcado contraste, Cassese define espiritualidad como un estilo de relacionarse y de vivir en comunidad. Para los cristianos, afirma el autor, espiritualidad conlleva vivir la vida en su plenitud y con propósito. Solo en la comunión con Cristo nos entendemos como personas de comunidad. Y es a partir de la persona de Cristo que descubrimos la dignidad de los demás como personas. Solamente recibiendo a nuestros hermanos y hermanas como regalo de Dios, y experimentando a través de las comunión con ellas y ellos la encarnación de la Trinidad, tendremos la vida en abundancia que el camino hacia Dios promete. Comunión y comunidad es un oasis al espíritu solitario que aun no ha descubierto que su mayor riqueza está en la vida relacional con sus hermanos y hermanas en Cristo. La lectura es amena y fácil de seguir. Cassese se esmera por hacer comprensibles los términos teológicos que emplea. Con marcada paciencia toma de la mano a los lectores y lectoras y les guía con su habilidad característica a través de los caminos de la espiritualidad, dejándoles un sentido de “¡Ahora sí entiendo!” El resumen al final de los capítulos, así como el glosario al terminar la lectura, son ayudas adicionales en caso de que algún lector o lectora las necesite. Definitivamente, el libro de Cassese es un instrumento valioso para la iglesia que quiere vencer el individualismo que destruye las riquezas de vida cristiana en comunidad, el dualismo que hace separación artificial deformadora entre la creación material y el mundo del espíritu, y el pragmatismo que reduce la vida a valores puramente materiales. Cassese combate eficientemente estos tres enemigos acérrimos de la espiritualidad cristiana. Recomendamos a pastoras y pastores, líderes denominacionales, y otras personas responsables de dirigir la vida espiritual de sus respectivas comunidades, que adquieran y distribuyan copias de este libro entre su equipo de trabajo y lo usen como herramienta para provocar un movimiento de renovación espiritual comunitario. Roberto Amparo Rivera es Director de Cuidado Ministerial en la Iglesia de Dios en Puerto Rico. Es ministro, escritor, editor y profesor de seminario. Posee un doctorado en filosofía, con especialidad en liderato y política educacional de The Ohio State University, y un doctorado honorífico en divinidad de Caribbean Graduate School of Theology, en Kingston, Jamaica.
Download or read book Boston s Cardinal written by Bernard F. Law and published by Lexington Books. This book was released on 2002 with total page 382 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Boston's Cardinal, a portrait of one of the most respected and influential leaders of the Catholic Church, provides a unique view of the Church in the modern world. Ever since the 1960s, when he spoke out courageously for racial justice as a young priest in Mississippi, Bernard Law has witnessed and participated in many of the struggles and events that have shaped American and Church history. An unusual childhood spent mainly in Latin America and the Caribbean prepared him for a vocation that has been marked from the beginning by outreach across racial, religious, and national boundaries. A gifted writer, Law recorded his reflections in the columns, speeches, and homilies that are assembled here. The book thus provides valuable insight into the man whom many consider to be the quintessential post-Vatican II bishop and into the role of the Catholic hierarchy in a time of social, political, and ecclesiastical turbulence. With the growing salience of religion in American public life, these writings on such topics as 'being Catholic and American, ' the Gulf War, urban violence, Northern Ireland, relations with Cuba, welfare, and affordable housing will be of interest to all who are concerned with advancing religiously grounded moral viewpoints in a pluralistic society.
Download or read book Companeros Spanish Edition written by Joe Gatlin and published by Wipf and Stock Publishers. This book was released on 2018-04-05 with total page 165 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Un jueves de mañana en 1981, cuatro mil campesinos, huyendo un escuadrón de la muerte salvadoreño patrocinado por los Estados Unidos, trastabilló bajando una ladera por un monte cubierto de follaje, hacia el Río Lempa. Algunos fueron indiscriminadamente fusilados por las ametralladoras de soldados y helicópteros; otros se ahogaron mientras la corriente los arrastraba por el río. Los demás escaparon para vivir los próximos ocho años en campamentos de refugiados en Honduras. In 1989 muchos de estos refugiados regresaron a El Salvador como la comunidad repatriada de Valle Nuevo. Compañeros relata las historias de una relación de veinticinco años de acompañamiento, sanidad, y perdón entre Valle Nuevo y una asociación de iglesias en los Estados Unidos, las Comunidades de Misión Shalom. Los dos grupos han llegado a adoptar una comunión transnacional entre si a pesar de los abismos económicos, políticos, y espirituales que existen hoy. Esta obra es un esfuerzo colectivo y colaborativo de relatos y reflexión teológica, entrelazando relatos orales y escritos de sufrimiento, gratitud, de compartir, recordar, y proclamar la muerte de Cristo hasta que él venga.
Download or read book EL RAPTO EL GOBIERNO MUNDIAL Y LA GRAN TRIBULACI N written by Luis Mu�oz and published by Palibrio. This book was released on 2013-07 with total page 335 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Este libro explica en gran detalle y claridad excepcional los asuntos relacionados con el rapto de la Iglesia, el gobierno del Anticristo, la "gran tribulacin", y todos los juicios apocalpticos que Dios derramara sobre el mundo, en los ltimos das. Creemos que el rapto de la Iglesia causara el colapso de las instituciones econmicas, polticas y religiosas a travs de todo el mundo. En ese momento, la humanidad buscara un lder capaz de salvar el mundo, y de ofrecerles paz y seguridad a las gentes. De manera que por aclamacin popular, el mundo le dar la bienvenida a un falso principe que la Biblia llama el Anticristo. Este hombre inspirara las masas, dicindoles lo que ellos quieren or. El Anticristo empujara la humanidad a los niveles ms bajos de degradacin, vicios, inmoralidad, crimen y rebelin abierta contra Dios. El corromper el orden social y moral y como resultado, billones de personas morirn. El hundir la humanidad en oscuridad espiritual y la guiara derecho la perdicin. No nos podemos ni siquiera imaginar el horror y el sufrimiento sin fin que la humanidad experimentara a travs del caos que el Anticristo creara en la Tierra. La Biblia dice que el imperio del Anticristo "devorara, trillara y despedazara" toda la Tierra (Daniel 7:23b VRV). Con respecto a este periodo de sufrimiento humano, el Seor Jess dijo: "Porque aquellos das sern de tribulacin cual nunca ha habido desde el principio de la creacin que Dios creo, hasta este tiempo, ni la habr" (Marcos 13:19 VRV). La "gran tribulacin" ser un periodo caracterizado por guerra, hambre y desastres naturales a gran escala, esparcidos por toda la Tierra. La Biblia dice que 25 y 33 por ciento de la poblacin mundial morir durante ese periodo como resultado de dos eventos globales. Si esos eventos ocurrieran en nuestro tiempo, 3.56 billones de la poblacin del mundo, morira.
Download or read book El Mes as de Israel y el pueblo de Dios written by Mark S. Kinzer and published by Wipf and Stock Publishers. This book was released on 2024-04-16 with total page 229 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: El Mesias de Israel y el pueblo de Dios ofrece una rica y variada seleccion de ensayos del teologo Mark S. Kinzer, cuya obra constituye un avance pionero en la teologia judia mesianica. Esta coleccion, que incluye varios trabajos nunca antes publicados, saca a la luz el pensamiento de Kinzer sobre temas como la Tora oral, la oracion judia, la escatologia, la soteriologia y el dialogo de los judios mesianicos con los catolicos. En el libro, el lector encontrara numerosas vias para adentrarse en la vision del judaismo mesianico expuesta en Postmissionary Messianic Judaism (2005), obra fundacional de la teologia de Kinzer. Breves presentaciones de cada tema y un ensayo introductorio de la editora Jennifer M. Rosner ponen en contexto el pensamiento y los escritos de Kinzer.
Download or read book Evangelization and Cultural Conflict in Colonial Mexico written by Robert H. Jackson and published by Cambridge Scholars Publishing. This book was released on 2014-05-02 with total page 293 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: In a study published in the mid-twentieth century, French historian Robert Ricard postulated that the evangelization and conversion of the native populations of Mexico had been rapid and relatively easy. However, different forms of evidence show that the so-called “spiritual conquest” was anything but easy or rapid, and, in fact, natives continued to practice their traditional beliefs alongside Catholicism. Within several decades of initiating the so-called “spiritual conquest,” the campaign to evangelize and convert the native populations, the missionaries faced growing evidence of idolatry or the persistence of traditional religious practices and apostasy, straying from Church teachings. The evidence includes written documents such as inquisition investigations that resulted, for example, in the execution of don Carlos, the native ruler of Tezcoco, on December 1, 1539, or that uncovered evidence of systematic organized resistance to Dominican missionaries in the Sierra Mixteca of Oaxaca. Other forms of evidence include pre-Hispanic religious iconography incorporated into what ostensibly were Christian murals, and pre-Hispanic stones embedded in the churches and convents the missionaries had built. One example of this was the stone with the face of Tláloc at the rear of the Franciscan church Santiago Tlatelolco in Distrito Federal. During the course of some three centuries, missionaries from different Catholic religious orders attempted to convert the native populations of colonial Mexico, with mixed results. Native groups throughout colonial Mexico resisted the imposition of the new religion in overt and covert forms, and incorporated Catholicism into their worldview on their own terms. Native cultural and religious traditions were more flexible than the Iberian Catholic norms introduced by the missionaries. The so-called “spiritual conquest,” a term coined by Ricard, evolved as a cultural war set against the backdrop of the imposition of a foreign colonial regime. The 11 essays in this volume examine the efforts to evangelize the native populations of Mexico, the approaches taken by the missionaries, and native responses. The contributions investigate the interplay between natives and missionaries in central Mexico, and on the southern and northern frontiers of New Spain, and among sedentary and non-sedentary natives. In the end, many natives found little in the new faith to attract them, and resisted the imposition of new religious norms and way of life.
Download or read book Paradoxes of Utopia written by Juan Suriano and published by AK Press. This book was released on 2010-08-17 with total page 288 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: An engaging historical look at fin de siécle Buenos Aires that brings to life the vibrant culture behind one of the world’s largest anarchist movements: the radical schools, newspapers, theaters, and social clubs that made revolution a way of life. Cultural history in the best sense, Paradoxes of Utopia explores how a revolutionary ideology was woven into the ordinary lives of tens of thousands of people, creating a complex tapestry of symbols, rituals, and daily practices that supported—and indeed created the possibility of—the Argentine labor movement. Juan Suriano is a professor of social history at the University of Buenos Aires.
Download or read book LA FUERZA DEL CORAZ N ORANTE written by Emilio Mazariegos and published by Editorial San Pablo. This book was released on with total page 269 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:
Download or read book Dancing to Mozart written by Edward Eriksson and published by Outskirts Press. This book was released on 2023-07-13 with total page 165 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The culture is out of control, everyone knows it, and Dancing to Mozart is an imaginative satire that will appeal to readers who sense that the best way to deal with the situation is to have a good laugh at its expense. Personal relationships, silly behavior, Hollywood movies, extremes in politics and religion–eccentric characters and other wacky stuff offer the reader a good deal of amusement in colorful worldwide settings that include Europe, Africa, Asia, and New York City. Of course, there is a plot to the story, and it carries the reader along to the final and sensible ending, where all is resolved and the characters come to a common sense view of themselves and the world around them.
Download or read book Dangerous Anarchist Strikers written by Steve J. Shone and published by BRILL. This book was released on 2023-11-13 with total page 404 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This book explores the ideas of three largely forgotten radical women who participated in labor union strikes in Argentina and Uruguay, Canada, and the United States: Virginia Bolten (c.1876-1960), one of the most militant anarchists of southern South America; Helen Armstrong (1875-1947), a major leader of the Winnipeg General Strike of 1919, whose involvement in that important event in Canadian history was, for a long time, obscured by accounts that emphasized the accomplishments of men; and Elizabeth Gurley Flynn (1890-1964), the Wobbly leader who directed many industrial strikes throughout the United States, and was one of the founders of the American Civil Liberties Union, who eventually became the leader of the Communist Party, USA. It also examines the contributions of two similarly neglected anarchist men who participated in labor union strikes and industrial action in New Zealand, Australia, Chile, Argentina, and Japan. Tom Barker (1887-1970) was an anarchist who eventually became a socialist who worked to promote labor unionism on four continents and who tried to create a global One Big Union for sailors. Kōtoku, Shūsui (1871-1911) was a liberal who became a socialist and finally an anarchist. An opponent of governmental imperialism and ecological mismanagement, he studied and translated the works of Western thinkers and sought to apply what he learned from other cultures to the development of Japan.
Download or read book Income Inequality in OECD Countries written by Peter Hoeller and published by University of New Mexico Press. This book was released on 2014 with total page 282 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This bilingual panoramic book presents the songs that are the life's work of Cipriano Frederico Vigil, the most important performer of traditional Nuevomexicano folk music in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries.
Download or read book New Mexican Folk Music Cancionero del Folklor Nuevomexicano written by Cipriano Frederico Vigil and published by University of New Mexico Press. This book was released on 2014-03-01 with total page 283 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Cipriano Frederico Vigil is the most important performer of traditional Nuevomexicano folk music in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. This bilingual panoramic book presents the songs that are his life’s work, spanning half a century of listening, playing, composing, and singing ritual, social, and dance music. New Mexican Folk Music includes much traditional material that has never been seen before or studied by scholars or students. Renowned as a composer, Vigil works in traditional genres such as the romance, the décima, the cuando, and corrido. Like the Mexican group Los Folkloristas with which he apprenticed in the late 1970s, his goal has been to research and master local styles, to introduce new listeners to traditional music, and to build on tradition by creating new compositions that address contemporary social themes. An audio CD accompanies this comprehensive study on the work and music of Cipriano Frederico Vigil.
Download or read book The Cosmic Race La Raza Cosmica written by José Vasconcelos and published by JHU Press. This book was released on 1997-08-13 with total page 164 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: In this influential 1925 essay, presented here in Spanish and English, José Vasconcelos predicted the coming of a new age, the Aesthetic Era, in which joy, love, fantasy, and creativity would prevail over the rationalism he saw as dominating the present age. In this new age, marriages would no longer be dictated by necessity or convenience, but by love and beauty; ethnic obstacles, already in the process of being broken down, especially in Latin America, would disappear altogether, giving birth to a fully mixed race, a "cosmic race," in which all the better qualities of each race would persist by the natural selection of love.
Download or read book City at the Center of the World written by Ernesto Capello and published by University of Pittsburgh Pre. This book was released on 2011-11-13 with total page 313 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: In the seventeenth century, local Jesuits and Franciscans imagined Quito as the "new Rome." It was the site of miracles and home of saintly inhabitants, the origin of crusades into the surrounding wilderness, and the purveyor of civilization to the entire region. By the early twentieth century, elites envisioned the city as the heart of a modern, advanced society—poised at the physical and metaphysical centers of the world. In this original cultural history, Ernesto Capello analyzes the formation of memory, myth, and modernity through the eyes of Quito's diverse populations. By employing Mikhail Bakhtin's concept of chronotopes, Capello views the configuration of time and space in narratives that defined Quito's identity and its place in the world. He explores the proliferation of these imaginings in architecture, museums, monuments, tourism, art, urban planning, literature, religion, indigenous rights, and politics. To Capello, these tropes began to crystallize at the end of the nineteenth century, serving as a tool for distinct groups who laid claim to history for economic or political gain during the upheavals of modernism. As Capello reveals, Quito's society and its stories mutually constituted each other. In the process of both destroying and renewing elements of the past, each chronotope fed and perpetuated itself. Modern Quito thus emerged at the crux of Hispanism and Liberalism, as an independent global society struggling to keep the memory of its colonial and indigenous roots alive.