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Book Il Cosmo e il Buondio

    Book Details:
  • Author : Andrea Frova
  • Publisher : Bur
  • Release : 2012-05-16
  • ISBN : 8858628004
  • Pages : 384 pages

Download or read book Il Cosmo e il Buondio written by Andrea Frova and published by Bur. This book was released on 2012-05-16 with total page 384 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: La Terra sta per essere colpita da un cataclisma naturale e l'Onnipotente si risolve finalmente a occuparsi dell'umanità, per lui solo una insignificante briciola di un cosmo infinito e multiforme. Chiama dunque a consulto i grandi pensatori di tutti i tempi, da Pitagora a Newton, da Democrito a Galileo e Laplace, da Aristarco a Einstein e Hubble, da Aristotele a Darwin, oltre ad alcuni scienziati viventi, perché lo aiutino a risolvere la situazione riassumendogli le geniali intuizioni e le straordinarie imprese sperimentali che hanno trasformato l'astronomia da una fantasia filosofica in una delle branche della scienza che più testimonia il potere raggiunto dall'intelletto umano. A 400 anni dalle scoperte di Galileo e di Keplero, Andrea Frova accompagna i lettori lungo un'avventura millenaria che, nel rispondere ai grandi quesiti sull'universo, non cessa di interrogare la ragione sulle nostre origini e il nostro destino. E coglie lo spunto per una critica appassionata di quegli atteggiamenti dogmatici e irrazionali che sempre hanno frapposto ostacoli all'avanzamento della scienza, alla libera emancipazione dello spirito umano, al vivere civile.

Book From the Physical Universe to the Metaphysical Cosmos  The Quantum Entanglement and Synchronicity of Carl Jung

Download or read book From the Physical Universe to the Metaphysical Cosmos The Quantum Entanglement and Synchronicity of Carl Jung written by Bruno Del Medico and published by Bruno Del Medico Editore. This book was released on 2022-11-03 with total page 345 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This book is the second greatly expanded edition of the previous booklet "Quantum Entanglement and the Collective Unconscious". It collects the best contributions published by the author in his blogs, social networks and sites in Italian, translated into English. The reader will be amazed at the originality of the arguments. From the happy marriage between quantum physics and Carl Jung's collective unconscious, a new metaphysics of the universe is born and a place emerges in which matter and spirit collaborate and are guided by cosmic synchronicities to lead man towards incredible evolutionary projects. Carl Jung and Wolfgang Pauli worked respectively in the field of psyche and in that of matter. These two sectors are considered absolutely incompatible with each other. In fact, scientific materialism denies the existence of any psychic component in the known universe. Despite the enormous distance between their disciplines, the two scientists established a collaboration that lasted more than twenty years. During that period they never stopped looking for a "unifying element", capable of reconciling, on a scientific level, the reasons of the psychic dimension with those of the material dimension. Unfortunately, they did not achieve this in their lifetime, but they were prophets of a new scientific interpretation of the universe. In fact, the evolution of knowledge in the field of quantum physics, and above all the experimental confirmations of phenomena such as quantum entanglement, re-evaluate their theories. Today the idea of a universe that is not divided into "material objects" emerges strongly. The universe is not divided but consists of a single reality, made up of spirit and matter. This is the reality that Jung and Pauli called "Unus mundus". Matter and psyche have equal dignity and together contribute to the existence of the universe. The editorial series “Cenacolo Jung Pauli” is a place of knowledge and study. We believe it is the most suitable environment to resume work from the point where Carl Jung and Wolfgang Pauli left off. We can affirm that, today, scientific topicality ennobles their research and projects them towards even more daring interpretations than they themselves had imagined. Carl Gustav Jung (1865-1961) was a Swiss psychologist and psychotherapist, well known for his theories on the collective unconscious and synchronicity. Wolfgang Pauli (1900-1958) is one of the fathers of quantum physics. About Pauli we can say that in the year 1945 he received the Nobel Prize for his studies on a basic principle of quantum mechanics, known as the "Pauli exclusion principle". Finished printing on June 2, 2022 Bruno Del Medico is a blogger, writer, editor, specializing in the dissemination of issues related to social current events and the new frontiers of science. He is the author of many texts related to the recent pandemic and of a specialized series on quantum physics and metaphysics.


    Book Details:
  • Author : Bruno Del Medico
  • Publisher : Bruno Del Medico Editore
  • Release : 2023-04-29
  • ISBN :
  • Pages : 392 pages

Download or read book written by Bruno Del Medico and published by Bruno Del Medico Editore. This book was released on 2023-04-29 with total page 392 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Књига је подељена у три дела. У првом делу (Интуиције) аутор се бави најрелевантнијим хипотезама о лажној стварности уочљивог света. Велики мислиоци су предвидели постојање нивоа свести који превазилази материју. Ову идеју налазимо у Платоновом „Мит о пећини“, у Берклијевој „Нематеријалистичкој теорији“, а такође и у „Психологији форме“ (Гесталтпсицхологие). Најмеродавнији извор лежи у радовима о „колективној подсвести“ и о „Теорији синхроности“ Карла Јунга. У другом делу (Потврде) аутор на елементаран, али детаљан начин описује пут квантне физике, од експеримента Томаса Иоунга о баријери са два прореза до појава суперпозиције стања и квантне корелације. Кроз ове привилеговане кључеве могуће је разумети квантно преплитање. У трећем делу (Перспективе) аутор описује теорије које је Давид Бохм развио о „квантном потенцијалу“ о „имплицитном универзуму и експлицитном универзуму“ и о холографској визији космоса. Све је објашњено апсолутно једноставно, без употребе математичких формула и уз помоћ многих илустрација. Човечанство је од свог порекла желело да истражи порекло и састав ствари, да открије њихово функционисање и интимну сврху. Универзално коришћена метода је рашчлањивање предмета на све мање делове, а затим њихова анализа помоћу свих могућих техника, од визуелног испитивања до хемијских реакција. Ово се дешава и данас. На пример, ако научник жели да открије хемијску и физичку структуру гранитне коцке, разбијаће је на све мање делове док се не подели на појединачне атоме. Међутим, ако научник сам жели да истражи појединачне честице које чине атом, дочекује невероватно изненађење. Гранитна коцка се понаша као коцка леда. Научник види материју која постаје магла, испарава, нестаје међу прстима. Чврста материја постаје енергија која вибрира. Појединачне честице се претварају у флуктуирајуће таласе без икакве телесности. На субатомском нивоу, материја више није чврста материја, она постаје нешто другачије. Елементарне честице нас варају. Изгледају као чврсте мрље ако их неко посматра, али понашају се као вибрирајући таласи када их не примете. Атоми практично садрже само вакуум. На површини верујемо да можемо додирнути, измерити, манипулисати и измерити материју. Али, у свом најинтимнијем саставу, материја постаје таласа празнине, енергије, информација, таласа или вибрација. Оно што нам се чини чврстим материјалом, у својој најинтимнијој суштини више није чврст материјал. У овом тренутку је јасно да више не можемо говорити о једној стварности. У зависности од нивоа посматрања, од крајње малог до бескрајно великог, постоје многе стварности, све различите, али све апсолутно тачне. Или, можда, постоје многи аспекти више стварности, још увек непознати. Све филозофије и религије увек су претпостављале да „зона духа“ надилази материју; међутим, нико никада није успео да пружи доказ о његовом постојању. Данас квантна физика отвара огроман прозор на видике које до прошлог века нисмо могли да замислимо. Потврде потичу из успешно изведених експеримената, посебно оних који се односе на феномен квантног заплетања. Данас знамо да постоји ниво стварности који више није подложан ограничењима Њутнове физике. Физика материје више није довољна за описивање свемира. Квантна физика показује постојање нивоа на којем енергија и информације преузимају материју. Ово је такозвани „не-локални“ ниво. Могли бисмо то дефинисати психичким или духовним нивоом. На овом нивоу универзална Интелигенција комуницира са човечанством. Стазе комуникације са интелигентним универзумом пролазе кроз колективно несвесно које је теоретизовао Царл Јунг. Јунговске синхроности нас воде у културном еволуционом пројекту. То је пројекат којег почињемо да постајемо свесни.

Book Cosmo e universo

    Book Details:
  • Author : Uberto Scarpelli
  • Publisher :
  • Release : 1982
  • ISBN :
  • Pages : 6 pages

Download or read book Cosmo e universo written by Uberto Scarpelli and published by . This book was released on 1982 with total page 6 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book An Armenian Sketchbook

    Book Details:
  • Author : Vasily Grossman
  • Publisher : Hachette UK
  • Release : 2013-07-04
  • ISBN : 1782060871
  • Pages : 192 pages

Download or read book An Armenian Sketchbook written by Vasily Grossman and published by Hachette UK. This book was released on 2013-07-04 with total page 192 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Few writers had to confront so many of the last century's mass tragedies as Vasily Grossman. He is likely to be remembered, above all, for the terrifying clarity with which he writes about the Shoah, the Battle of Stalingrad and the Terror Famine in the Ukraine. An Armenian Sketchbook, however, shows us a very different Grossman; it is notable for its warmth, its sense of fun and for the benign humility that is always to be found in his writing. After the 'arrest' - as Grossman always put it - of Life and Fate, Grossman took on the task of editing a literal Russian translation of a lengthy Armenian novel. The novel was of little interest to him, but he was glad of an excuse to travel to Armenia. This is his account of the two months he spent there. It is by far the most personal and intimate of Grossman's works, with an air of absolute spontaneity, as though Grossman is simply chatting to the reader about his impressions of Armenia - its mountains, its ancient churches and its people.

Book The Work of Art

    Book Details:
  • Author : Gérard Genette
  • Publisher : Cornell University Press
  • Release : 1997
  • ISBN : 9780801482724
  • Pages : 292 pages

Download or read book The Work of Art written by Gérard Genette and published by Cornell University Press. This book was released on 1997 with total page 292 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: What art is--its very nature--is the subject of this book by one of the most distinguished continental theorists writing today. Informed by the aesthetics of Nelson Goodman and referring to a wide range of cultures, contexts, and media, The Work of Art seeks to discover, explain, and define how art exists and how it works. To this end, Gérard Genette explores the distinction between a work of art's immanence--its physical presence--and transcendence--the experience it induces. That experience may go far beyond the object itself.Genette situates art within the broad realm of human practices, extending from the fine arts of music, painting, sculpture, and literature to humbler but no less fertile fields such as haute couture and the culinary arts. His discussion touches on a rich array of examples and is bolstered by an extensive knowledge of the technology involved in producing and disseminating a work of art, regardless of whether that dissemination is by performance, reproduction, printing, or recording. Moving beyond examples, Genette proposes schemata for thinking about the different manifestations of a work of art. He also addresses the question of the artwork's duration and mutability.


    Book Details:
  • Author :
  • Publisher :
  • Release : 1992
  • ISBN :
  • Pages : 336 pages

Download or read book PACT written by and published by . This book was released on 1992 with total page 336 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book Novecento letterario italiano ed europeo

Download or read book Novecento letterario italiano ed europeo written by Giovanni Casoli and published by Città Nuova. This book was released on 2002 with total page 932 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book Bollettino della Unione matematica italiana

Download or read book Bollettino della Unione matematica italiana written by and published by . This book was released on 1946 with total page 1548 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book The Senses and the Intellect

Download or read book The Senses and the Intellect written by Alexander Bain and published by . This book was released on 1874 with total page 760 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book Liber annuus

    Book Details:
  • Author : Studium Biblicum Franciscanum
  • Publisher :
  • Release : 1995
  • ISBN :
  • Pages : 764 pages

Download or read book Liber annuus written by Studium Biblicum Franciscanum and published by . This book was released on 1995 with total page 764 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book Syrian Armenians and the Turkish Factor

Download or read book Syrian Armenians and the Turkish Factor written by Marcello Mollica and published by Springer Nature. This book was released on 2021-10-27 with total page 308 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This volume examines significant social transformations engendered by the ongoing Syrian conflict in the lives of Syrian Armenians. The authors draw on documentary material and fieldwork carried out in 2013-2019 among Syrian Armenians in Armenian and Lebanese urban settings. The stories of Syrian Armenians reveal how contemporary events are seen to have direct links to the past and to reproduce memories associated with the Armenian genocide; the contemporary involvement of Turkey in the Syrian war, for example, is seen on the ground as an attempt to control the Armenian presence in Syria. Today, the Syrian Armenian identity encapsulates the complex intersection of memory, transnational links to the past, collective identity and lived experience of wartime “everydayness.” Specifically, the analysis addresses the role of memory in key events, such as the bombing of Armenian historical sites during the commemorations of 24 April in the Eastern Syrian city of Deir ez-Zor; the (perceived) shift from destroying Syrian Armenians’ material culture to attempting to destroy the Armenian community in urban Aleppo; and the informal transactions that take place in the border area of Kessab. This carefully-researched ethnography will appeal to scholars of anthropology, sociology, and political science who specialize in studies of conflict, memory and diaspora.

Book Pulp

    Book Details:
  • Author : Scott McCracken
  • Publisher : Manchester University Press
  • Release : 1998-09-15
  • ISBN : 9780719047596
  • Pages : 228 pages

Download or read book Pulp written by Scott McCracken and published by Manchester University Press. This book was released on 1998-09-15 with total page 228 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Bringing together chapters on the bestseller, detective fiction, popular romance, science fiction and horror, this text provides an account of the cultural theories that have informed the study of popular fiction.

Book The Man I Pretend to Be

    Book Details:
  • Author : Guido Gozzano
  • Publisher : Princeton University Press
  • Release : 2014-07-14
  • ISBN : 1400855233
  • Pages : 282 pages

Download or read book The Man I Pretend to Be written by Guido Gozzano and published by Princeton University Press. This book was released on 2014-07-14 with total page 282 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Translated here in a bilingual edition is Gozzano's best and best-known collection of poems, The Colloquies, along with a selection of his other poems. Also included is an introductory essay by Eugenio Montale, the Italian poet and winner of the 1975 Nobel Prize for Literature. Originally published in 1981. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.

Book Catalog of Copyright Entries  Third Series

Download or read book Catalog of Copyright Entries Third Series written by Library of Congress. Copyright Office and published by Copyright Office, Library of Congress. This book was released on 1975 with total page 1760 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book Studi di archeologia paleocristiana e altomedievale

Download or read book Studi di archeologia paleocristiana e altomedievale written by Carlo Cecchelli and published by Ist. Patristico Augustinianum. This book was released on 2006 with total page 896 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book St  Francis of Assisi  Writings and Early Biographies

Download or read book St Francis of Assisi Writings and Early Biographies written by Marion Alphonse Habig and published by Chicago : Franciscan Herald Press. This book was released on 1973 with total page 1846 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: "Translations by Raphael Brown, Benen Fahy, Placid Hermann, Paul Oligny, Nesta de Robeck, Leo Sherley-Price, with a research bibliography by R. Brown." Bibliography: p. 1667-1760.