Download or read book Guadagnare e vendere con ebay written by Eugenio Carico and published by This book was released on 2013-09-30 with total page 93 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Guadagnare e vendere con ebay, è una Guida pratica che ti farà acquisire in breve tempo la capacità di vendere su ebay da Professionista, ti insegnerà i segreti dei grandi venditori ebay internazionali e ti mostrerà come trasformare ebay, da un semplice hobby, nella tua Attività principale.
Download or read book Vendere Online Come Guadagnare Vendendo Su Ebay Amazon Fiverr Etsy written by Nick Vulich and published by Babelcube Inc.. This book was released on 2014-12-12 with total page 110 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Vendere online è la vostra guida passo-passo per avere successo nell'ecommerce. Questo libro vi introdurrà ai principali quattro portali di e-commerce: eBay, Amazon, Fiverr ed Etsy. ***** Versione aggiornata e rivista per il 2014, include 78 pagine di nuovi contenuti, comprese sezioni sui blog e su come scrivere e vendere libri Kindle.***** Volete imparare come vendere online? L'autore, Nick Vulich, ha completato oltre 29000 transazioni su eBay negli ultimi quattordici anni; conosce le vendite su eBay, Amazon e Fiverr e vi sta offrendo la sua mano per guidarvi attraverso tutto il procedimento. Siete nuovi nell'e-commerce? Avete difficoltà o state cercando di capire come iniziare? Non vi preoccupate. Questo libro vi guiderà attraverso tutto quello che dovete sapere per iniziare a vendere online oggi. Tutti sognano di fare soldi online. Chi non vorrebbe un lavoro in cui si possa lavorare a casa in pigiama o in mutande? Un lavoro in cui non c'è un capo che ti sta alle spalle e ti dice cosa fare, come farlo e con quali tempistiche? Vendere online può realizzare questo sogno, e molto di più. Al contrario di quanto si pensi, non è facile. Non lo è affatto. Non avrete un capo che vi infastidisce dicendovi cosa fare, ma vi ritroverete a lavorare molto più duramente di quanto abbiate mai fatto nel vostro attuale lavoro. Vi potrete ritrovare in bolletta, specialmente all'inizio. Solo perché decidete di aprire un negozio su eBay, Amazon o su un qualsiasi altro negozio online non vuol dire che i clienti arriveranno magicamente a comprare da voi e vi ricopriranno di soldi. Come in tutte le cose, per avere successo nel vendere prodotti o servizi ci vuole tempo.Chiunque può andare online, pubblicare un elenco di articoli e fare un paio di vendite veloci, ma diventare un venditore di successo vuol dire replicare questo processo giorno dopo giorno e mese dopo mese.
Download or read book Smartmech Premium Coursebook Mechanical Technology Engineering Flip Book Per Gli Ist Tecnici written by Rosa Anna Rizzo and published by . This book was released on 2018 with total page pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:
Download or read book Fare Soldi Online con Ebay Guida Strategica per Guadagnare Denaro su Ebay con gli Annunci e le Aste Online Ebook Italiano Anteprima Gratis written by Giacomo Bruno and published by Bruno Editore. This book was released on 2014-01-01 with total page 92 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Programma di Fare Soldi Online con Ebay Guida Strategica per Guadagnare Denaro su Ebay con gli Annunci e le Aste Online COME VINCERE TUTTE LE ASTE SU EBAY PAGANDO IL MINIMO Scoprire come funziona eBay per vincere tutte le aste. Come puoi ottenere la massima credibilità a aumentare il flusso delle compravendite. Qual è il segreto per aggiudicarti quello che vuoi al prezzo che vuoi. COME DIVENTARE UN VENDITORE ECCELLENTE SU EBAY IN POCO TEMPO I prodotti che ti consentono di ottenere velocemente un ottimo punteggio di feedback. Impara a scegliere il formato giusto per vendere efficacemente. Come impostare la scadenza della tua asta per avere la massima visibilità e aumentare le probabilità di successo. Come fare per sapere cosa cercano gli utenti di eBay. COME CREARE ANNUNCI VINCENTI ED ESSERE PRIMO NEI RISULTATI DI EBAY Come strutturare il titolo del tuo annuncio per essere in cima ai risultati di ricerca su eBay. Come curare la tua pagina di vendita: il minisito. Quali leve devi usare per motivare il tuo cliente all'acquisto. Capire cosa serve per rafforzare la motivazione. Come dare e ottenere la massima fiducia. COME CREARE RENDITE AUTOMATICHE DI DENARO GRAZIE A EBAY Imparare a usare gli strumenti di eBay per moltiplicare le tue vendite durante la fase di acquisto. Come fidelizzare l'acquirente e invogliarlo ad acquistare ancora da te. Le tecniche per automatizzare le vendite e dare slancio al business. Come guadagnare su eBay anche senza vendere.
Download or read book Come vendere su eBay written by Richard G. Lowe Jr. and published by Babelcube Inc.. This book was released on 2019-07-08 with total page 104 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Guadagna un secondo reddito vendendo su Ebay! Potresti usare un po' di soldi extra? Hai bisogno di guadagnare un po' di soldi per pagare qualche bolletta, andare in vacanza o semplicemente accumulare dei risparmi? Vorresti guadagnare un reddito extra lavorando da casa in pigiama? Cercare lavoro a tempo parziale per aiutare a sbarcare il lunario è difficile, e lavorare un secondo, o anche un terzo lavoro, può rapidamente portare una persona a terra. Ma a volte hai bisogno di soldi per sbarcare il lunario. So esattamente cosa stai passando. Avevo bisogno di fare soldi, ma non potevo uscire e ottenere un secondo lavoro. Scopri come iniziare a vendere su eBay senza spendere soldi per l'inventario, utilizzando descrizioni, foto e titoli di prodotti validi per convincere i clienti a guardare i tuoi prodotti e fare acquisti. È possibile ottenere un secondo introito vendendo il proprio ammasso su eBay, quindi espandendo il nuovo reddito acquistando piccoli oggetti di valore da negozi locali, mercati in dollari e incontri di scambio. Lo so, perché è quello che ho fatto. In questo libro, ti dirò esattamente quali passi devi eseguire. * Cosa deve essere fatto PRIMA di iniziare a vendere * La ricerca che devi fare per familiarizzarti con eBay * Che tipo di prodotti puoi vendere, generalmente scegliendo la merce nella tua casa che non ti serve più * Come mantenere alto il punteggio di feedback, vitale per attirare nuovi clienti * Come spedire * Quali tipi di prodotti causano problemi nella spedizione * Cosa fare quando i tuoi prodotti non vendono E molti altri consigli preziosi e informazioni essenziali. Ho coperto tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno, dalle insidie, i problemi e le cose a cui essere attento! Ti terrò la mano e ti farò saltare in fretta. Non lasciare che passi un altro giorno senza prendere provvedimenti per guadagnare qualcosa in più per aiutarti a farti prendere e persin
Download or read book An Introduction to Online Platforms and Their Role in the Digital Transformation written by OECD and published by OECD Publishing. This book was released on 2019-05-13 with total page 218 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This report contains detailed profiles of twelve of the world’s leading platform companies and derives insights from those profiles about what platforms actually do, how they do it, and why they succeed financially.
Download or read book The 10 Best Habits of Successful People written by James David Rockefeller and published by The Publisher, LLC. This book was released on with total page 14 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: What makes people successful? Is it education? Is it money? Is it something beyond the understanding of humans? Does it require certain skills? Is it just hard work? Is it just a matter of being at the right place in the right time? Is it because they had the right people to guide them? If you have been asking yourself these questions, then you are in the right place. While it is true that almost all the things mentioned above are true to some extent, no one can deny that it takes more than sheer luck to become a success. It requires a lot of hard work. It requires a lot of focus, planning, and management. It requires learning and education. It requires availing oneself of the right opportunities. Success also involves the willingness to take risks and make challenging decisions at the right time and in the right place. Success requires getting rid of negative attitudes and replacing them with positive ones. It requires you to be open to new challenges that take you beyond your comfort zone. Success also requires a person to be constantly learning, changing, adapting, innovating, and keeping up with the times. While all this is easier said than done, it is definitely not an impossible task. If you want to be successful, you need to adopt the habits of successful people. The list of good habits is virtually endless and may vary from one individual to the other. But here in this guide, we will be discussing the 10 best habits that can put you on the road to success. So, let’s get started!
Download or read book Italian Headstart written by and published by . This book was released on 1985 with total page 268 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:
Download or read book Perspectives Advanced written by National Geographic Learning and published by Heinle ELT. This book was released on 2017-08-30 with total page pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:
Download or read book The New Leaders written by Paolo A.Ruggeri and published by Engage Editore. This book was released on 2015-02-18 with total page 481 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: «The motivational drive that led me to write my first book, THE NEW LEADERS, sprang from the need to understand group dynamics and how to manage groups successfully: improving others and above all helping them to live a better, more fulfilling and proactive life. After all, people’s success is measured by the success of those around them.» Paolo Ruggeri This book, written in simple and stimulating language, is the fruit of over ten years of research. It provides an analytical description of the successful solutions adopted by managers and entrepreneurs who have been successful in creating groups of extremely motivated and productive people. The book is divided into three parts. In the first part we analyze a number of factors and causes that lead the manager’s effectiveness to decline; in the second part we provide a very detailed analysis of staff motivation; the third and last part analyzes the character and philosophy of the motivational manager and company. It includes case histories of companies that have successfully resolved personnel management problems, providing many practical examples that every manager and entrepreneur can immediately apply in order to improve their staff’s productivity.
Download or read book The Art Forger s Handbook written by Eric Hebborn and published by Weidenfeld & Nicolson. This book was released on 1997 with total page 200 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The English artist Eric Hebborn (1934-1996) explains the secrets of his forging techniqes in this illustrated work compiled shortly before his death. Drawings previously attributed to artists such as Picasso and Corot were in fact the work of Hebborn and this work provides an insight through explanations of his work. Inks, papers, pigments, monograms and signatures are all explained as well as Hebborn's own often outrageous speculations about the nature of art and value.
Download or read book Crime in the Art and Antiquities World written by Stefano Manacorda and published by Springer Science & Business Media. This book was released on 2011-02-26 with total page 446 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The theft, trafficking, and falsification of cultural property and cultural heritage objects are crimes of a particularly complex nature, which often have international ramifications and significant economic consequences. Organized criminal groups of various types and origins are involved in these illegal acts. The book Crime in the Art and Antiquities World has contributions both from researchers specializing in the illegal trafficking of art, and representatives of international institutions involved with prevention and detection of cultural property-related crimes, such as Interpol and UNESCO. This work is a unique and useful reference for scholars and private and public bodies alike. This innovative volume also includes an Appendix of the existing legal texts, i.e. international treaties, conventions, and resolutions, which have not previously been available in a single volume. As anyone who has undertaken research or study relating to the protection of cultural heritage discovers one of the frustrations encountered is the absence of ready access to the multi- various international instruments which exist in the field. Since the end of the Second World War these instruments have proliferated, first in response to increasing recognition of the need for concerted multinational action to give better protection to cultural property during armed conflict as well as ensuring the repatriation of cultural property looted during such conflict. Thus the international community agreed in 1954 upon a Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict. That Convention, typically referred to as the Hague Convention of 1954, is now to be found reproduced in the Appendix to this book (Appendix I) together with 25 other important and diverse documents that we believe represent a core of the essential international sources of reference in this subject area. In presenting these documents in one place we hope that readers will now experience less frustration while having the benefit of supplementing their understanding and interpretation of the various instruments by referring to individual chapters in the book dealing with a particular issue or topic. For example, Chapter 9 by Mathew Bogdanos provides some specific and at times rather depressing descriptions of the application in the field of the Hague Convention 1954, and its Protocols (Appendices II and III), to the armed conflict in Iraq. Reference may also be had to the resolution of the UN Security Council in May 2003 (Appendix VI) urging Member States to take appropriate steps to facilitate the safe return of looted Iraqi cultural property taken from the Iraq National Museum, the National Library and other locations in Iraq. Despite such pleas the international antiquities market seems to have continued to trade such looted property in a largely unfettered manner, as demonstrated by Neil Brodie in Chapter 7. Fittingly, as referred to in the Preface to this book, the last document contained in the Appendix (Appendix 26) is the “Charter of Courmayeur”, formulated at a ground breaking international workshop on the protection of cultural property conducted by the International Scientific and Professional Advisory Council (ISPAC) to the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Program in Courmayeur, Italy, in June 1992. The Charter makes mention of many of the instruments contained in the Appendix while also foreshadowing many of the developments which have taken place in the ensuing two decades designed to combat illicit trafficking in cultural property through international collaboration and action in the arena of crime prevention and criminal justice.
Download or read book General Theory of the Precariat written by Alex Foti and published by . This book was released on 2017-10-12 with total page 156 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: From the fast-food industry to the sharing economy, precarious work has become the norm in contemporary capitalism, like the anti-globalization movement predicted it would. This book describes how the precariat came into being under neoliberalism and how it has radicalized in response to crisis and austerity. It investigates the political economy of precarity and the historical sociology of the precariat, and discusses movements of precarious youth against oligopoly and oligarchy in Europe, America, and East Asia.
Download or read book Hyperfocus written by Chris Bailey and published by Penguin. This book was released on 2018-08-28 with total page 256 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: A practical guide to managing your attention--the most powerful resource you have to get stuff done, become more creative, and live a meaningful life Our attention has never been as overwhelmed as it is today. Many of us recognize that our brains struggle to multitask. Despite this, we feel compelled to do so anyway while we fill each moment of our lives to the brim with mindless distraction. Hyperfocus provides profound insights into how you can best take charge of your attention to achieve a greater sense of purpose and productivity throughout the day. The most recent neuroscientific research reveals that our brain has two powerful modes that can be unlocked when we use our attention effectively: a focused mode (hyperfocus), which is the foundation for being highly productive, and a creative mode (scatterfocus), which enables us to connect ideas in novel ways. Hyperfocus helps you access each of the two mental modes so you can concentrate more deeply, think more clearly, and work and live more deliberately every day. Chris Bailey examines such topics such as: • identifying and dealing with the four key types of distraction and interruption; • establishing a clear physical and mental environment in which to work; • controlling motivation and working fewer hours to become more productive; • taking time-outs with intention; • multitasking strategically; and • learning when to pay attention and when to let your mind wander wherever it wants to. By transforming how you think about your attention, Hyperfocus reveals that the more effectively you learn to take charge of it, the better you'll be able to manage every aspect of your life.
Download or read book Perspectives Intermediate written by National Geographic Learning and published by Heinle ELT. This book was released on 2017-08-03 with total page 158 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Perspectives teaches learners to think critically and to develop the language skills they need to find their own voice in English. The carefully guided language lessons, real-world stories and TED Talks motivate learners to think, creatively and communicate effectively.
Download or read book Ebay Scatenato Guida Per Il Principiante Che Vuole Fare Soldi Su Ebay written by Nick Vulich and published by Babelcube Inc.. This book was released on 2014-12-12 with total page 63 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Hai mai pensato di vendere su eBay ma non sapevi d ache parte cominciare. eBay scatenato è la tua guida personale per fare soldi su eBay, seguendo i consigli dell’autore, che negli ultimi 13 anni ha completato oltre 29.000 transazioni su eBay e ti guiderà passo passo insegnandoti a vendere. Guardati intorno: puoi cominciare a vendere quello che hai in casa e non usi più. Questo libro ti insegnerà a decidere che cosa vendere.Aprire un account su eBayAprire un conto PayPalFare la tua prima inserzione.28 trucchi e spunti per aumentare le venditeEffettuare le spedizioni nel migliore dei modiStabilire il prezzo dei tuoi articoliIl servizio al consumatore nello stile di eBay Ricorda che oltre 450.000 persone si guadagnano da vivere vendendo su eBay e milioni se ne avvalgono per integrare gli introiti e potersi permettere un’auto nuova o una vacanza da sogno. Puoi farlo anche tu! Per cominciare ti basterà meno di un’ora. Non aspettare un minuto di più! Ordina la tua copia di questo libro ORA!!!