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Book Fundamentos de psicolog  a jur  dica e investigaci  n criminal

Download or read book Fundamentos de psicolog a jur dica e investigaci n criminal written by Anastasio Ovejero Bernal and published by Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca. This book was released on 2009 with total page 364 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Aunque de alguna manera siempre hubo interés por relacionar los procesos psicosociales y los jurídicos, y a pesar de que existen importantes antecedentes, incluso en España (Mira i López, 1932, quien publicó el primer manual de Psicología Jurídica en nuestro país), sin embargo el psicólogo social se ha mantenido tradicionalmente al margen de las cuestiones legales y de las cuestiones jurídicas, y sólo recientemente ha empezado a preocuparse por este campo, eso sí, cada vez más. De hecho, hay que esperar a 1980 para que aparezca en nuestro país otro manual de Psicología Jurídica, el de Muñoz, Bayés y Munné (1980). Pero con el crecimiento de la Psicología Social, y su expansión sobre todo por los ámbitos aplicados, está surgiendo también aquí una cada vez más potente Psicología Jurídica. Y es que las implicaciones mutuas entre el mundo jurídico y el de la psicología son numerosas. «A fin de cuentas, el Derecho y los sistemas de administración de justicia no son más que intentos, decantados y cristalizados a través de un proceso histórico, de regular la convivencia social, de reducir y resolver el conflicto que la interacción produce inevitablemente... No hace falta ser muy psicologicista, ni caer en tentaciones corporativas, para concluir que los conocimientos sobre el comportamiento deben ser una herramienta fundamental en el análisis y comprensión de este proceso. La psicología se sitúa así en una atalaya privilegiada desde la que observar a sujetos, grupos e instituciones implicadas. Y, desde luego, esa psicología que lleva lo social por apellido no puede renunciar a tener como alguno de sus objetivos más queridos aquello que tenga que ver con la ley: su inspiración, su violación y castigo, la prevención del delito, sus causas y explicaciones, las instituciones carcelarias, las posibilidades de reinserción de los delincuentes, etc. (Sobral, 1996, p. 254)». Por otra parte, en este libro mostraremos numerosos casos en que, en contra de lo que muchos profesionales del Derecho creen, la Psicología y la Psicología Social están encontrando y construyendo en sus investigaciones una serie de fenómenos que no sólo van más allá del sentido común, sino que incluso le contradicen abierta y frontalmente. Al lector le sorprenderán muchos de estos hallazgos psicológicos y psicosociales. Pero es que además de sorprenderlos, puede serles de gran ayuda en su práctica profesional, tanto en la testificación, como en las ruedas de reconocimiento o en sus investigaciones sobre casos criminales como pueden ser violaciones o asesinatos. Es cierto que, «la Psicología Jurídica a lo largo de las apariciones esporádicas antes de los años ochenta del siglo XX y en su prolífica aparición y asentamiento durante los últimos 25 años, ha estado siempre a merced de la ciencia jurídica, quizá, como analiza acertadamente Carson (2003), por el simple hecho histórico de que el Derecho existe desde que las personas comenzaron a convivir, lo que les ha obligado a definir y redefinir conceptos que pueden escapárseles a los psicólogos; quizá, simplemente, porque el Derecho es el poder y ‘conoce’ las reglas fácticas de la convivencia y el poder no se deja juzgar sino que juzga e impone sus normas, como bien ha señalado la llamada criminología crítica (Garrido y Herrero, 2006, p. 33)». Pero también debe ser cierto, como añaden Garrido y Herrero, que «hacer hoy leyes o aplicarlas sin tener en cuenta los hallazgos de las ciencias sociales es, cuando menos, una temeridad. Pero no lo es menor llevar a cabo investigaciones en Psicología Jurídica alejadas de las necesidades que tienen quienes han de dictar leyes o sentencias». Para mostrar, ya desde estas primeras páginas, la utilidad que puede tener la Psicología para el Derecho recordemos, por no poner ahora sino un solo ejemplo, que una de las principales causas de los errores judiciales son precisamente las identificaciones erróneas de los testigos presenciales y los errores no intencionales en las testificaciones. Veamos un sorprendente ejemplo real, expuesto por Loftus, Green y Doyle (1990) sobre el conocido caso del psicólogo Donald Thomson, quien participó en un debate televisado sobre el tema del testigo presencial. Posteriormente sería arrestado y acusado de violación e identificado por la víctima en una rueda de reconocimiento. Thomson consiguió de la policía detalles de la violación, descubriendo que había ocurrido en el mismo momento de su aparición en la pantalla, con lo que tenía una coartada perfecta. Más tarde la investigación mostró que la mujer había sido violada mientras veía la imagen de Thomson en el televisor, de forma que había fusionado mentalmente la imagen de éste con la del agresor. Pues bien, aunque el caso de Thomson es un caso muy especial, no es raro encontrar otros muchos ejemplos similares. Así, Milagros Sáiz (2002) llevó a cabo un experimento en la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona en el que un grupo de estudiantes fueron testigos de un asesinato, presentado a través de una filmación en la que una joven que estaba conversando en el interior de un coche con un hombre de color fue asesinada por otro hombre, también de color, que disparó desde otro vehículo que se detuvo unos breves instantes. Los resultados mostraron que la mayoría de los estudiantes, en concreto el 60%, cometieron un importante error de reconocimiento: en la rueda de reconocimiento que se preparó a través de fotogramas de películas y en la que entre los presuntos culpables se hallaban tanto el hombre que acompañaba a la mujer asesinada como el verdadero asesino, eligieron erróneamente al primero creyéndole el real ejecutor del asesinato. Pero lo grave es que, como dice Wells (1993), «las falsas identificaciones ocurren con sorprendente frecuencia en los experimentos y la mayoría de la gente tiene demasiada confianza o fe sobre la evidencia y la identificación aportada por los testigos». Y más grave aún, si cabe, es el hecho de que un testigo que hace una falsa identificación, a menudo, es tan persuasivo como un testigo que hace una identificación exacta o correcta, y, sobre todo, que son frecuentes los casos de persona que han sido consideradas culpables en base a la aceptación del testimonio de los testigos presenciales que han incurrido en errores involuntarios. Frente a todo esto, la Psicología del testigo intenta determinar la calidad de los testimonios que sobre delitos y accidentes presentan los testigos presenciales. No olvidemos que Psicología y Ley son dos fenómenos absolutamente inseparables por la sencilla razón de que, como señalan Garrido y Herrero (2006, p. 5), en pocos escritos se encuentra tanta Psicología como en los textos legales. Digamos que la función del Derecho fue hacer psicología antes incluso de que existiera la Psicología. Pero ahora que existen ambas disciplinas, Psicología y Derecho, están condenadas a entenderse y a colaborar entre sí, si realmente quiere cada una de ellas comprender cabalmente su campo de estudio. Y, con toda seguridad, más útil le será la Psicología al Derecho que al revés, pues los profesionales del Derecho y la Ley (jueces, abogados, policías, criminólogos, forenses, etc.) trabajan con personas, y es la Psicología la disciplina que estudia la conducta humana y los factores que la dirigen (cogniciones, sesgos cognitivos, emociones, pasiones, estereotipos, prejuicios, influencia del ambiente, etc.). Espero que la lectura de este libro sea capaz de convencer a sus lectores de lo que acabo de decir, caso de que algunos no lo tuvieran ya claro antes de leer este libro. Al fin y al cabo, por no poner sino un ejemplo, cada sentencia judicial está contaminada, en mayor o menor medida y lo quiera o no lo quiera el juez que la ha emitido, por las actitudes, los estereotipos, los prejuicios, la ideología, etc., del propio juez, así como por factores sociales y colectivos como la alarma social, el hecho de que haya sido muy publicitada por los medios de comunicación, etc. Y si esto es así en los veredictos de los jueces, ¿qué deberíamos decir de los veredictos o toma de decisiones de los jurados, que, al constituir un grupo, se ven afectados, además, por los procesos grupales que rigen el comportamiento de los individuos dentro de los grupos y el del grupo mismo? Por otra parte, el término Psicología Jurídica tiene dos grandes significados, como luego veremos mejor: tiene un significado estricto, refiriéndose esencialmente a las aportaciones que puede hacer la Psicología y particularmente la Psicología Social en la Sala de Justicia, y tiene también un significado más amplio de forma que puede abarcar todas las aplicaciones de la Psicología y especialmente de la Psicología Social al campo de la Ley y del Derecho y que, como luego volveremos a decir, tal vez sea útil y oportuno llamarla Psicología Judicial, para distinguirla de la Psicología Jurídica. Es en este segundo sentido, en el amplio, en el que tenemos que subrayar que el ámbito de la Psicología Jurídica, o mejor Psicología Judicial, es muy amplio y diverso (Psicología Jurídica propiamente dicha, Psicología Forense, Psicología Policial, Psicología Criminal o Criminología, etc.). De hecho, si se examinan los numerosos manuales existentes en este campo podrá constarse que incluyen temas tan diversos como los de la testificación, la psicología de las sectas, el acoso laboral, la violencia de género, el abuso sexual a niños y niñas, la protección de menores, la psicología del terrorismo, etc. Pues bien, este texto pretende hacer un análisis relativamente profundo y exhaustivo de lo que podríamos llamar la Psicología Judicial para criminólogos, con lo que, por fuerza, deberemos concentrarnos sobre todo en dos de los ámbitos de la Psicología Jurídica antes apuntados: la Psicología Jurídica en sentido estricto, que constituirá la primera parte del libro y que desarrollará en profundidad algunos de los temas más relevantes tanto para abogados y jueces como para psicólogos, policías criminólogos y otros profesionales de la Ley y del Derecho, en especial todo lo relacionado con lo que podemos llamar psicología del testimonio. Más en concreto, y en coherencia con lo anterior, en este libro analizaremos ante todo las relaciones entre la Psicología y el Derecho (capítulo 1), así como los problemas de la declaración de los testigos, sean éstos adultos (capítulo 3) o sean niños (capítulo 4). Igualmente, y una vez vistos los problemas de la testificación y de la propia memoria humana, trataremos la toma de decisiones judiciales tanto de jueces como, sobre todo, de jurados (capítulo 5), decisiones enormemente complicadas y difíciles si tenemos en cuenta no sólo los sesgos de percepción y memoria de los individuos, sino también los derivados de aspectos tan humanos como la categorización social (de donde derivan los estereotipos y los prejuicios) o la psicología de los grupos. Pero siempre basándolo en un análisis relativamente profundo de la irracionalidad humana (capítulo 2), incluyendo los sesgos de percepción y de atribución así como los heurísticos y los problemas inherentes a la memoria humana, dado que el ser humano es ante todo un ser social y emocional más que cognitivo, por lo que se hace del todo imposible la «metáfora computacional» que parte de la base de una identificación excesiva y errónea entre el cerebro humano y el ordenador. De otro lado, la que podemos considerar la segunda parte del libro incluye cuatro capítulos que deberían ser incluidos en la Psicología Criminal o Criminológica. De hecho, veremos las principales relaciones entre la Psicología Social y la Criminología (capítulo 6), diferentes aplicaciones psisociales a la investigación criminal (capítulo 7), la Psicología Social del comportamiento sectario, incluyendo dos ámbitos, el de las sectas y el de los grupos terroristas (capítulo 8) y, finalmente, un fenómeno que cada día adquiere más resonancia y, a medida que es más y mejor conocido, más alarma social produce, dado el enorme dramatismo de sus efectos. Me refiero al acoso laboral o mobbing (capítulo 9). Finalmente, se añade una amplísima bibliografía que incluye todas las referencias citadas señalando con un asterisco aquellas cuya lectura se aconseja especialmente para una ampliación de los temas aquí tratados.

Book Fundamentos de psicolog  a jur  dica e investigaci  n criminal

Download or read book Fundamentos de psicolog a jur dica e investigaci n criminal written by José Luis Alba Robles and published by . This book was released on 2006 with total page 267 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book Manual de psicolog  a jur  dica e investigaci  n criminal

Download or read book Manual de psicolog a jur dica e investigaci n criminal written by Miguel Angel Soria Verde and published by Piramide Ediciones Sa. This book was released on 2005 with total page 260 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Este manual abarca las distintas áreas de la psicología jurídica más desarrolladas en España y ofrece una visión específica de los diversos ámbitos de aplicación. Su objetivo principal es introducir al lector en los fundamentos de la psicología jurídica, sus bases teóricas psicológicas y jurídicas, los distintos procedimientos que regulan la práctica profesional y las técnicas más comúnmente utilizadas. En los capítulos de esta obra se aborda la materia desde dos grandes vertientes: la jurídica aplicada y la de investigación criminal. La primera es tratada de forma amplia y detallada, y de la segunda se realiza una introducción centrada en las bases que la configuran y posibilitan. Por último, el manual tiene como vocación final servir de punto y seguido en el desarrollo de los conocimientos de la psicología jurídica con la esperanza de que pronto sea desbordado por una necesidad formativa y profesional en constante evolución.

Book Seeing Things as They are

Download or read book Seeing Things as They are written by John R. Searle and published by Oxford University Press, USA. This book was released on 2015 with total page 255 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This book provides a comprehensive account of the intentionality of perceptual experience. With special emphasis on vision Searle explains how the raw phenomenology of perception sets the content and the conditions of satisfaction of experience. The central question concerns the relation between the subjective conscious perceptual field and the objective perceptual field. Everything in the objective field is either perceived or can be perceived. Nothing in the subjective field is perceived nor can be perceived precisely because the events in the subjective field consist of the perceivings, whether veridical or not, of the events in the objective field. Searle begins by criticizing the classical theories of perception and identifies a single fallacy, what he calls the Bad Argument, as the source of nearly all of the confusions in the history of the philosophy of perception. He next justifies the claim that perceptual experiences have presentational intentionality and shows how this justifies the direct realism of his account. In the central theoretical chapters, he shows how it is possible that the raw phenomenology must necessarily determine certain form of intentionality. Searle introduces, in detail, the distinction between different levels of perception from the basic level to the higher levels and shows the internal relation between the features of the experience and the states of affairs presented by the experience. The account applies not just to language possessing human beings but to infants and conscious animals. He also discusses how the account relates to certain traditional puzzles about spectrum inversion, color and size constancy and the brain-in-the-vat thought experiments. In the final chapters he explains and refutes Disjunctivist theories of perception, explains the role of unconscious perception, and concludes by discussing traditional problems of perception such as skepticism.

Book Criminal Justice 2000

Download or read book Criminal Justice 2000 written by and published by . This book was released on 2000 with total page 548 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book Divination on stage

Download or read book Divination on stage written by Folke Gernert and published by Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG. This book was released on 2021-02-08 with total page 260 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Magicians, necromancers and astrologers are assiduous characters in the European golden age theatre. This book deals with dramatic characters who act as physiognomists or palm readers in the fictional world and analyses the fictionalisation of physiognomic lore as a practice of divination in early modern Romance theatre from Pietro Aretino and Giordano Bruno to Lope de Vega, Calderón de la Barca and Thomas Corneille.

Book Sexism and Stereotypes in Modern Society

Download or read book Sexism and Stereotypes in Modern Society written by William B. Swann and published by Amer Psychological Assn. This book was released on 1999 with total page 324 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Once the province of a small group of theorists and researchers operating on the periphery of psychological science, gender research has charged into the psychological mainstream during the last two decades. In large measure, Janet T. Spence has been responsible for this transformation, challenging the traditional ideas of fundamental difference between men and women. The simple idea of difference, once used to rationalize prejudices and discrimination, has now been replaced by a complex, sophisticated awareness of how gender is constructed and maintained. This book explores new empirical work and theoretical models about the causes and consequences of constructing gender.

Book Psychodynamic Psychiatry in Clinical Practice

Download or read book Psychodynamic Psychiatry in Clinical Practice written by Glen O. Gabbard and published by American Psychiatric Pub. This book was released on 2014-04-16 with total page 656 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: It is difficult to improve on a classic, but the fifth edition of Psychodynamic Psychiatry in Clinical Practice does just that, offering the updates readers expect with a deft reorganization that integrates DSM-5® with the author's emphasis on psychodynamic thinking. The individual patient is never sacrificed to the diagnostic category, yet clinicians will find the guidance they need to apply DSM-5® appropriately. Each chapter has been systematically updated to reflect the myriad and manifold changes in the 9 years since the previous edition's publication. All 19 chapters have new references and cutting-edge material that will prepare psychiatrists and residents to treat patients with compassion and skill. The book offers the following features: Each chapter integrates new neurobiological findings with psychodynamic understanding so that clinicians can approach their patients with a truly biopsychosocial treatment plan. Excellent writing and an intuitive structure make complicated psychodynamic concepts easy to understand so that readers can grasp the practical application of theory in everyday practice. The book links clinical understanding to the new DSM-5® nomenclature so that clinicians and trainees can adapt psychodynamic thinking to the new conceptual models of disorders. New coverage of psychodynamic thinking with relation to the treatment of patients on the autism spectrum addresses an increasingly important practice area. Posttraumatic stress and dissociative disorders have been combined to allow for integrated coverage of primary psychiatric disorders related to trauma and stressors. A boon to clinicians in training and practice, the book has been meticulously edited and grounded in the latest research. The author firmly believes that clinicians must not lose the complexities of the person in the process of helping the patient. Psychodynamic Psychiatry in Clinical Practice, Fifth Edition, keeps this approach front and center as it engages, instructs, and exhorts the reader in the thoughtful, humane practice of psychodynamic psychiatry.

Book Anthropometric Standardization Reference Manual

Download or read book Anthropometric Standardization Reference Manual written by Timothy G. Lohman and published by . This book was released on 1991-01-01 with total page 96 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book Assessing Correctional Rehabilitation

Download or read book Assessing Correctional Rehabilitation written by Francis T. Cullen and published by Createspace Independent Pub. This book was released on 2012-07-17 with total page 68 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: A theme that has persisted throughout the history of American corrections is that efforts should be made to reform offenders. In particular, at the beginning of the 1900s, the rehabilitative ideal was enthusiastically trumpeted and helped to direct the renovation of the correctional system (e.g., implementation of indeterminate sentencing, parole, probation, a separate juvenile justice system). For the next seven decades, offender treatment reigned as the dominant correctional philosophy. Then, in the early 1970s, rehabilitation suffered a precipitous reversal of fortune. The larger disruptions in American society in this era prompted a general critique of the “state run” criminal justice system. Rehabilitation was blamed by liberals for allowing the state to act coercively against offenders, and was blamed by conservatives for allowing the state to act leniently toward offenders. In this context, the death knell of rehabilitation was seemingly sounded by Robert Martinson's (1974b) influential “nothing works” essay, which reported that few treatment programs reduced recidivism. This review of evaluation studies gave legitimacy to the antitreatment sentiments of the day; it ostensibly “proved” what everyone “already knew”: Rehabilitation did not work. In the subsequent quarter century, a growing revisionist movement has questioned Martinson's portrayal of the empirical status of the effectiveness of treatment interventions. Through painstaking literature reviews, these revisionist scholars have shown that many correctional treatment programs are effective in decreasing recidivism. More recently, they have undertaken more sophisticated quantitative syntheses of an increasing body of evaluation studies through a technique called “meta-analysis.” These meta-analyses reveal that across evaluation studies, the recidivism rate is, on average, 10 percentage points lower for the treatment group than for the control group. However, this research has also suggested that some correctional interventions have no effect on offender criminality (e.g., punishment-oriented programs), while others achieve substantial reductions in recidivism (i.e., approximately 25 percent). This variation in program success has led to a search for those “principles” that distinguish effective treatment interventions from ineffective ones. There is theoretical and empirical support for the conclusion that the rehabilitation programs that achieve the greatest reductions in recidivism use cognitive-behavioral treatments, target known predictors of crime for change, and intervene mainly with high-risk offenders. “Multisystemic treatment” is a concrete example of an effective program that largely conforms to these principles. In the time ahead, it would appear prudent that correctional policy and practice be “evidence based.” Knowledgeable about the extant research, policymakers would embrace the view that rehabilitation programs, informed by the principles of effective intervention, can “work” to reduce recidivism and thus can help foster public safety. By reaffirming rehabilitation, they would also be pursuing a policy that is consistent with public opinion research showing that Americans continue to believe that offender treatment should be an integral goal of the correctional system.

Book Host Bibliographic Record for Boundwith Item Barcode 30112044669122 and Others

Download or read book Host Bibliographic Record for Boundwith Item Barcode 30112044669122 and Others written by and published by . This book was released on 2013 with total page 1880 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book Language  Interaction and Social Cognition

Download or read book Language Interaction and Social Cognition written by G. R. Semin and published by Sage Publications (CA). This book was released on 1992 with total page 282 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The importance of language is increasingly acknowledged within social psychology. In this seminal book, a group of distinguished authors goes beyond general theory to address, from a research base, key issues in the interrelationship between language, interaction and social cognition. Their starting point is that the ways in which we perceive and, therefore, interact with others are structured by the language available to us, as a socially constructed system above and beyond individual minds. The relationship between language and social cognition is not, however, a fixed or unicausal one: linguistic terms are also generated in response to social and cultural development. The interplay is dialectical - a dialectic of the social. The authors explore this dialectic through such themes as: the use and power of category labels; trait-behaviour relations in social information processing; and interpersonal verbs and attribution. They examine the significance of language use in the persistence of stereotypes, and the links between syntactical reasoning processes and social cognition, as well as the impact of perspectivity. They consider the ways in which communication roles and context shape, and are shaped by, language. Language, Interaction and Social Cognition will be essential reading for all those in social psychology, psycholinguistics, linguistics and communication studies concerned with the role of language in interaction and social cognition.

Book Social Enterprise in Latin America

    Book Details:
  • Author : Taylor & Francis Group
  • Publisher : Routledge Studies in Social Enterprise & Social Innovation
  • Release : 2021-03-31
  • ISBN : 9780367675714
  • Pages : 0 pages

Download or read book Social Enterprise in Latin America written by Taylor & Francis Group and published by Routledge Studies in Social Enterprise & Social Innovation. This book was released on 2021-03-31 with total page 0 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: In the absence of a widely accepted and common definition of social enterprise (SE), a large research project, the International Comparative Social Enterprise Models (ICSEM) Project, was carried out over a five-year period; it involved more than 200 researchers from 55 countries and relied on bottom-up approaches to capture the SE phenomenon. This strategy made it possible to take into account and give legitimacy to locally embedded approaches, thus resulting in an analysis encompassing a wide diversity of social enterprises, while simultaneously allowing for the identification of major SE models to delineate the field on common grounds at the international level. These SE models reveal or confirm an overall trend towards new ways of sharing the responsibility for the common good in today's economies and societies. We tend to consider as good news the fact that social enterprises actually stem from all parts of the economy. Indeed, societies are facing many complex challenges at all levels, from the local to the global level. The diversity and internal variety of SE models are a sign of a broadly shared willingness to develop appropriate although sometimes embryonic--responses to these challenges, on the basis of innovative economic/business models driven by a social mission. In spite of their weaknesses, social enterprises may be seen as advocates for and vehicles of the general interest across the whole economy. Of course, the debate about privatisation, deregulation and globalised market competition--all factors that may hinder efforts in the search for the common good-has to be addressed as well. The second of a series of four ICSEM books, Social Enterprise in Latin America will serve as a key reference and resource for teachers, researchers, students, experts, policy makers, journalists and other categories of people who want to acquire a broad understanding of the phenomena of social enterprise and social entrepreneurship as they emerge and develop across the world.

Book Fear of Crime in the United States

Download or read book Fear of Crime in the United States written by Jodi Lane and published by . This book was released on 2014 with total page 0 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Fear of Crime in the United States: Causes, Consequences, and Contradictions examines the nature and extent of crime-related fear. The authors describe and evaluate key research findings in the specific areas of methodology; gender, age, race and ethnicity, and socioeconomic status; contextual predictors; and the consequences of fear of crime. They discuss the improvement of fear of crime measures over time; the consistent finding that women are more afraid of crime; the impact of age, race and ethnicity, and socioeconomic status on fear; and the importance of environmental factors (such as witnessing crime and perceptions of diversity, disorder, and decline) and indirect victimization (through acquaintances and the media) on fear. The book also describes the physical, psychological, behavioral, and social effects of fear of crime. In the end, the authors tie the findings together to suggest important policy and research implications from the wealth of available research. There is no other book of which I am aware that so masterfully reviews empirical studies on fear of crime during the past half century to show how the research has changed and will continue to evolve. As long as there is crime, there will be perceptions of risk and fear of victimization; and Lane et al. help one to sift through the research with conceptual precision to formulate the most scientifically valid conclusions about the phenomena. The book is a hedgehog view of the research but points the way to needed research on topics such as fear of terrorism and how social context shapes perceptions of crime. The book is must-reading for those involved in research on victimization or fear of crime. - Kenneth F. Ferraro, Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Director of the Center on Aging and the Life Course, Purdue University This book consolidates the literature on fear of crime in a way that is unprecedented and that lends much-needed coherence to the area. It is

Book Strategic Communication in Context  Theoretical Debates and Applied Research

Download or read book Strategic Communication in Context Theoretical Debates and Applied Research written by Sara Balonas and published by UMinho Editora/CECS. This book was released on 2021-07-30 with total page 431 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Strategic communication is becoming more relevant in communication sciences, though it needs to deepen its reflective practices, especially considering its potential in a VUCA world — volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. The capillary, holistic and result-oriented nature that portrays this scientific field has led to the imperative of expanding knowledge about the different approaches, methodologies and impacts in all kinds of organisations when strategic communication is applied. Therefore Strategic Communication in Context: Theoretical Debates and Applied Research assembles several studies and essays by renowned authors who explore the topic from different angles, thus testing the elasticity of the concept. Moreover, this group of authors represents various schools of thought and geographies, making this book particularly rich and cross-disciplinary.

Book Restorative Justice  Self interest and Responsible Citizenship

Download or read book Restorative Justice Self interest and Responsible Citizenship written by Lode Walgrave and published by Routledge. This book was released on 2013-05-13 with total page 248 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Lode Walgrave has made a highly significant contribution to the worldwide development of the restorative justice movement over the last two decades. This book represents the culmination of his vision for restorative justice. Coming to the subject from a juvenile justice background he initially saw restorative justice as a means of escaping the rehabilitation-punishment dilemma, and as the basis for a more constructive judicial response to youth crime that had been the case hitherto. Over time his conception of restorative justice moved in the direction of focusing on repairing harm and suffering rather than ensuring that the youthful offender met with a 'just' response, and encompassing the notion that restorative justice was not so much about a justice system promoting restoration, more a matter of doing justice through restoration. This book develops Lode Walgrave's conception of restorative justice further, incorporating a number of key elements. • a clearly outcome-based definition of restorative justice • acceptance of the need to use judicial coercion to impose sanctions as part of the reparative process • presenting restorative justice as a fully fledged alternative to the punitive apriorism • development of a more sophisticated concept of the relationship between restorative justice and the law, and acceptance of the need for legal regulation • a consideration of the expansion of a restorative justice philosophy into other areas of social life and the threats and opportunities this provides • a consideration of the implications of the expansion of restorative justice for the discipline of criminology and democracy

Book Computer Supported Qualitative Research

Download or read book Computer Supported Qualitative Research written by António Pedro Costa and published by Springer. This book was released on 2017-06-19 with total page 448 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This book includes a selection of the articles accepted for presentation and discussion at the second International Symposium on Qualitative Research (ISQR2017), held in Salamanca, Spain, July 12-14, 2017. ISQR2017 is part of the Iberian-American Congress on Qualitative Research (CIAIQ), and featured four main application fields (Education, Health, Social Sciences, and Engineering and Technology) and seven main subjects: Rationale and Paradigms of Qualitative Research; Systematization of approaches with Qualitative Studies; Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research; Data Analysis Types; Innovative Processes of Qualitative Data Analysis; Qualitative Research in Web Contexts; Qualitative Analysis with the Support of Specific Software. This book is a valuable resource for academics, researchers, teachers and students who need information on the above topics, as well as on the use of Computer Assisted Qualitative Data AnalysiS (CAQDAS).