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Book Eastern Occultism is the parent stream of Inner Wisdom

Download or read book Eastern Occultism is the parent stream of Inner Wisdom written by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2020-06-12 with total page 9 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book Eastern Occult Philosophy is the science of effects known by their causes  and vice versa

Download or read book Eastern Occult Philosophy is the science of effects known by their causes and vice versa written by Alexander Wilder, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2023-09-27 with total page 41 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book A Lay Chela on Occult Study

Download or read book A Lay Chela on Occult Study written by A Lay Chela and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2018-06-21 with total page 10 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book Cold Metaphysics versus Divine Wisdom

Download or read book Cold Metaphysics versus Divine Wisdom written by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2019-09-17 with total page 19 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Truth lingers even now among the masses. But it is only in the trans-Himalayan fastnesses that the Esoteric “Good Law,” or the “Heart’s Seal,” lives to the present day in all its pristine purity. Neither the Indian nor the Buddhist system can be understood without a key, nor can the study of comparative religion become a “science” until the symbols of every Religion yield their final secrets. The “Eye Doctrine” means dogma and dead-letter form, church ritualism intended for those who are content with exoteric formulæ. The “Heart Doctrine,” or the “Heart’s Seal” is the only real one. The essential difference between the “Eye” and the “Heart,” or the outward form and the hidden meaning, i.e., Cold Metaphysics versus Divine Wisdom, is clearly demonstrated in several volumes on Chinese Buddhism, written by sundry missionaries. It is useless to enumerate an endless string of the finest Oriental scholars who are credited with having exposed to view the ancient Hindu world, by revealing the sacred and secret books of Buddhism. But the world they revealed has never been veiled. Is it those who belong to the most anthropomorphic religion in the world, who have a right to take ancient Philosophers to task for an exaggerated religious awe and veneration? The pseudo-Buddhism of Joseph Edkins is unmasked. We fear the learned writer is on a false track as to Nirvana and Amita-Buddha. When the misuse of dogmatic Buddhist Scriptures had reached its climax, and the true spirit of the Buddha’s Philosophy was nearly lost, several reformers appeared from India, who established an oral teaching. Lord Buddha states that it is better to believe in a future life, in which happiness or misery can be felt: for, if the heart believes therein, it will abandon sin and act virtuously; and, even if there is no rebirth, a good life will bring a good name, and the reward of men. But those who believe in extinction at death will not fail to commit any sin that they may choose because of their disbelief in a bright and glorious future. Why has Truth to hide like a tortoise within its shell? Because no one can be entrusted with the knowledge of the Secret Science before his time.

Book In the early days of the Theosophical Movement occult phenomena were taken as miracles

Download or read book In the early days of the Theosophical Movement occult phenomena were taken as miracles written by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2020-12-05 with total page 10 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Wonders today no longer arouse veneration and awe, but curiosity. It was in the hope of arousing and utilizing this spirit of curiosity that occult phenomena were shown. The Roman Catholic Church excuses itself from the examination of any occult phenomena on the plea that they are necessarily the work of the Devil, whenever they occur outside of its own pale, since it has a lawful monopoly of the legitimate miracle business. While Religion cannot grasp the idea of natural law as applied to the supersensuous Universe, Science does not allow the existence of any supersensuous universe at all to which the reign of law could be extended; nor can it conceive the possibility of any other state of consciousness than our present terrestrial one. Occult phenomena were claimed by the Spiritualists as the work of their dear departed ones, and the leaders of Theosophy declared to be mediums in disguise. What mean and unreasoning animals ignorant men become when their cherished prejudices are touched! Did not the history of scientific research teach us how, very like an ignorant man, a learned man can behave when the truth of his theories is called in question?

Book A Lay Chela on the Secret Doctrine

Download or read book A Lay Chela on the Secret Doctrine written by A Lay Chela and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2018-06-21 with total page 10 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book Eastern Light Shines on Western Minds

Download or read book Eastern Light Shines on Western Minds written by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2018-06-23 with total page 13 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Eastern Psychology has given the West a clue to certain mysteries previously baffling as, for example, in the departments of: 1. Mesmerism and hypnotism. 2. The supposed posthumous relations of the disincarnate entity with the living. 3. The nature and relations of Force and Matter capable of practical verification by whomsoever may learn and follow out the experimental methods of the Oriental Schools of Occult science. Eastern Occult Science and its complementary philosophy throws light upon some of the deepest problems of man and nature. But Occultism is colourless, cosmopolitan, unsectarian, sexless, unworldly, altruistic.

Book Archaic Theosophy is pre Buddhist Wisdom Religion

Download or read book Archaic Theosophy is pre Buddhist Wisdom Religion written by William Quan Judge and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2021-08-07 with total page 33 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Theosophy is the Aletheia of Occult Science and the Religion of Reason. Prerequisites and qualifications and for aspirants. The fundamental propositions of the Secret Doctrine. First proposition — Cosmogenesis. Second proposition — Law governs Cosmos and Man. Third proposition — Anthropogenesis. “Spiritual” nature cannot be “cultivated.” A sincere lover of the race can accomplish more in three incarnations during Kali-Yuga, than he could in a much greater number in any other age. What is the “moment of choice”? The elementals are spirits of the four elements of the terrestrial world. Our Earth is densely populated by these mystifying centres of energy. By coalescing around our thoughts, and being coloured by them, they act as impartial agents of karma. Curses, like chickens, come home to roost. As universal law contains within itself the means for its own accomplishment, and the punishment for its violation, it requires no further authority to carry out its decrees. The origin of man, his “original sin,” and his destiny. The doctrine of reincarnation. The inner constitution of man. The real hell is life on earth. The bliss of “paradise” is a delusion of the lower self stemming from the “heresy of individuality,” which heresy determines the monad’s future birth. Upheld through Eternity, Karma decrees harmony across the Universe. Since Compassion is the Spirit of Truth, karma follows its behests and manifests as the Law of ethical causation. It is the One Law that governs the World of Being impartially, to Cosmos, Man, and Angel alike. The universal onward march of evolutionary progress proceeds along contrary directions — spirit falling gradually into matter, and matter ascending to its original condition, that of a pure spiritual substance. Greatness is measured by the standard of genuine spiritual (not psychic) development, i.e., the acquirement of soul-wisdom by personal effort and merit. Heart-wisdom and head-learning are divergent paths. A mountain abyss separates the two, so hopelessly impassable and obstructive to the traveller. The law of spiritual development supersedes the purely intellectual growth; the latter is more of an impediment than of help. Theosophy, being the only system of true religion and philosophy, offers lucid explanations and solutions to the puzzles of life. A rebuke to the Theosophical Publication Society: We are not seeking to cater to fiction readers and curiosity hunters, but to the pressing needs of earnest minds. The United States contain more theosophists and possible subscribers and readers than the whole of Europe. They do not want fiction. They want no padding in their search for truth. They are perfectly able to grasp that which the Theosophical Publication Society in London deems to be “too advanced.”

Book William Judge reflects on the True Theosophist s Path

Download or read book William Judge reflects on the True Theosophist s Path written by William Quan Judge and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2018-06-17 with total page 105 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book William Quan Judge on Theosophical Study and Work

Download or read book William Quan Judge on Theosophical Study and Work written by William Quan Judge and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2018-06-23 with total page 34 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book Who can read the Riddle of the Serpent

Download or read book Who can read the Riddle of the Serpent written by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2019-02-27 with total page 24 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The serpent is the most ancient symbol because the reptile preceded the bird, and the bird the mammal. He was honoured by the Gnostic Ophites because he taught primeval men the Mysteries of Cosmos and Man. Serpent and Dragon were some of the names given to the “Wise Ones,” the initiated adepts of olden times. The Nagas of the Hindu and Tibetan adepts were men, not reptiles. Perhaps, when St. Patrick drove the snakes from Ireland, he was the cause of its soil having ever since produced more wit than wisdom. On the lowest plane of materiality, the Serpent was adopted as a type of feminine pubescence, on account of its sloughing and self-renewal. The Serpent and the Tree of Life are indissolubly connected. These sacred symbols have never been so degraded by antiquity as they are now, in this age of the breaking of idols, not for truth’s sake but to glorify gross matter. In the beginning of their joint existence as a glyph of Immortal Being, the Tree and Serpent were divine imagery, truly. In the days of the divine Dynasties on Earth, the now dreaded reptile, emblem of the heaven-born Logos, was regarded as the first beam of light that radiated from the abyss of Divine Mystery. As the Serpent, originally dwelling beyond absolute space and infinite time, fell into the space and finite time, he was made to assume various forms: cosmic and astronomical, theistic and pantheistic, abstract and concrete. There is a universal belief that serpents are wise, cunning, and fascinating. The dragons and serpents of antiquity are seven-headed, one head for each root-race. The Crocodile is the Egyptian Dragon, the pre-planetary form of Saturn, Sevekh’s Word-Logos. He was the dual symbol of Heaven and Earth, of Sun and Moon, made sacred to Osiris and Isis because of its amphibious nature. The Serpent was degraded as the symbol of evil and devil, only during the middle ages, when the Sun, Tree, Serpent, Crocodile, and other ancient symbols were imported wholesale by dogmatic Christianity and passed in full into the Christian Church. The “True and Perfect Serpent,” the Dark Serpent of Absolute Wisdom of the Ophite creed, is the seven-vowelled God, represented by the Swastika — the seven-fold androgyne Logos unfolding out of its own essence the faculties and powers latent in Saptaparna, the seven-leaved Man-plant.

Book How Theosophy rekindled True Brotherhood on the sacred soil of India

Download or read book How Theosophy rekindled True Brotherhood on the sacred soil of India written by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2020-12-05 with total page 13 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The seeds of the True Brotherhood of Man, not of brother-religionists or sectarians only, have been finally sown on the sacred soil of India. No Theosophist has ever spoken against the teachings of Christ, no more than he did against those of Krishna, Buddha, or Shankaracharya. If Europeans cry against Brahmanical tyranny, caste, infant and widow marriage, and call every religious dogmatic rule idiotic, pernicious, and devilish, why should we not denounce the abuses and defects of Christian theology and sacerdotalism? The Christian missionaries degrade the pure ethics of Christ by their Jesuitical and deceptive attitude towards the natives by proselytising and enticing them to an inferior kind of worship.

Book Import and potency of numbers as symbols

Download or read book Import and potency of numbers as symbols written by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2018-07-03 with total page 18 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Warnings to those who plagiarized from our books, those who set up sham schools of magic, ambushed seekers after truth by deceiving them with holy names, misused and desecrated the sacred science by using it to get money by various means. Plus to all charlatans, fortune-tellers, and self-styled adepts. With the spread of the spiritualistic cult, the Messiah craze has vastly increased, and men and women alike have been involved in its whirlpools. Liberty to love according, to the impulse of the senses, is the most profound slavery. From the beginning nature has hedged that pathway with disease and death. And the false prophets shall become wind, for the word is not in them. To distinguish the white rays of truth from influx from the astral sphere, requires a training which ordinary sensitives, whether avowed spiritualists or not, do not possess. Ignorance emboldens, and the weak will always worship the bold. In the face of genuine spiritual growth and true illumination, the Theosophist grows in power to befriend and help his fellow-man, while he becomes the most humble, the most silent, the most guarded of men.

Book Aletheia is our God and Dogma

Download or read book Aletheia is our God and Dogma written by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2018-06-17 with total page 11 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Modern Science and Religions dissemble Truth. Only the Theogony of the Ancient Wisdom-Religion may afford a rare glimpse of Truth. And then Nature will give up her secrets to those who seek Truth for her own sake. And to those who are devoted to Truth, who disregard personal benefit, and who persevere and teach. Verily, that which is justice is truth. As a thing is not just because God wills it, but God wills it because it is just, so there can be no Religion more true or just, than to know the things that are, no Religion higher than Truth. Neither can happiness exist where Truth is absent and where intellectual progress refuses to be subordinated to ethical growth. If bereft of Truth, the whole world will turn upside down. That is why Philaletheia is every true Theosophist’s god and dogma.

Book Blavatsky defends Blavatsky

Download or read book Blavatsky defends Blavatsky written by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2020-09-21 with total page 10 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book Dr  Franz Hartmann on the Harmonical Society

Download or read book Dr Franz Hartmann on the Harmonical Society written by Dr. Franz Hartmann and Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2018-06-23 with total page 20 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book Isis Unveiled is the Majesty of Truth Unveiled

Download or read book Isis Unveiled is the Majesty of Truth Unveiled written by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2023-02-10 with total page 22 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The trinity of man is the master key to the wonders of nature. The sorcerer is society’s deadliest enemy. All those who have a voice in the education of the masses should first know, and then teach, that the safest guides to human happiness and enlightenment are those writings on genuine science and theology that descended to us from the remotest antiquity. The world needs neither churches nor temples. The real Temple of God is within every man, walled-in by the impenetrable jungle of matter. Only the pure in heart see God and obey the behests of the Spirit of Truth. The trinity of nature is the lock of magic, and the trinity of man is the master key to the wonders of nature. But the spirit must hold in complete subjection the combativeness of educated reason, until cold sophistry is vanquished beyond the skewed reality. Magic cannot be mastered by the white-skinned people for they are unfit physically, morally, and psychologically. Inflamed by dogmatic superstition, and the self-aggrandising sense of cultural superiority and national destiny over those whom the Anglo-Saxons term so contemptuously niggers, the white European would hardly submit himself to the practical tuition of Copt, Brahman, or Lama. Book learning of magic formulæ, unlit by spiritual intuition and bereft of higher mental faculties, is not only utterly useless but also fraught with unspeakable dangers for those who dabble in occult practices while their animal passions are rampant. Spiritualism is neither science, nor religion, nor philosophy. Is the boa constrictor of error resulting in spiritual ruin. Ignoring the teachings of the past, modern spiritualists have discovered no substitute. A thousand mortifying rebuffs have failed to open up their higher faculties above reason and sense. Bewildered by the contradictions they encounter, they keep waiting for their tentative hypotheses to be verified by further experience. Modern spiritualists are unconscious necromancers. They are disinclined to admit the axiomatic truths of Ancient Spiritualism (i.e. Eastern Occult Sciences), now so derided by crass materialism. They start with the fallacy that all phenomena are caused by the action of departed human spirits; they have not looked into the powers of the Protean power of spirit; and they do not know the extent to which spirit acts, how far it reaches, what it underlies. Christian theology is subversive of, rather than promotive of, spirituality and morality. Instead of expounding the rules of divine law and justice, it teaches but itself. Modern science, powerless to satisfy the aspirations of the race, makes the future shallow and meaningless and, by feeding on the putrescence of matter, it bereaves man of hope. Every religious faith is an offshoot from One Tree, the Archaic Wisdom-Religion. Combined, their aggregate represents One Eternal Truth; separate, they are but shades of human error and signs of imperfection. The world’s religions sprung from pre-Vedic Brahmanism and Buddhism. Judaism, Christianity, and Islamism, were inspired by Paganism, i.e., Ancient Wisdom, replete with Deity.