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Book Animated statues  trophies of the Black Art

Download or read book Animated statues trophies of the Black Art written by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2018-05-25 with total page 16 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Such illusive shadows, belonging to neither Earth nor Heaven, are used by sorcerers and other adepts of the Black Art to help them in persecutions of victims; to hallucinate the minds of very honest and well-meaning persons occasionally, who fall victims to the mental epidemics aroused by them for a purpose; and to oppose in every way the beneficent work of the guardians of mankind, whether divine or human.

Book Presentiments of what lies in the bosom of future

Download or read book Presentiments of what lies in the bosom of future written by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2018-05-29 with total page 11 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Occultism has long passed beyond the region of careless amusement and entered that of serious inquiry. Works of fiction are no fictions, but true presentiments of what lies in the bosom of the future. Woe to the ignorant and the unprepared, and those who listen to the sirens of materialistic science!

Book Selfishness is the hallmark of fakirs  hermits  and yogins

Download or read book Selfishness is the hallmark of fakirs hermits and yogins written by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2018-05-23 with total page 10 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: No one can escape from the clutches of Karma by adopting masterly inactivity. For how can a hermit practice charity or industry if he runs away from man? The greatest ascetics and saints of our own day are not those who retire into inaccessible places, They live in the midst of us. Lord Buddha retreated from society only for the first six years of his ascetic life. “Self-culture” is for cloistered yogins who live apart from the society of their fellow human beings: they are spiritually selfish! Some theosophists have arrived at a certain hostility and indignation towards matter. But “where two or three are gathered” in the name of the Spirit of Truth — the Spirit of Theosophy will be in the midst of them.

Book When theological ethics speak no longer in man

Download or read book When theological ethics speak no longer in man written by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2021-03-10 with total page 16 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Divine conscience is being stifled by pure selfishness. Dicken’s “baleful roads of by-gone days” persist, only on a more gigantic scale, in the Emerald Island of today. Cases emanating directly from the realm of political and diplomatic action, cry loudly to the common ethics of humanity for exposure and punishment. The prosperity of every state is based upon the orderly establishment of family principles; and the first duty of those in power is to guard the sacred maternal rights against any brutal violation. A future King of Serbia is doomed to witness from his childhood daily scenes that seem to have been copied from the palaces of Messalina and the Borgia Popes. Love, wealth, and happiness smiled upon Nathalie Keshko from her very cradle, until that unfortunate marriage of hers with Michael Obrenovitch, the lineal descendant of swineherds. Natalie’s noble uprighteousness and true womanly moral qualities must have made him dread her from the first. Who gives you the right and audacity to so insult all law, divine and human? Is it in the name of Christianity that you perpetrate an act which would disgrace any “heathen” potentate and State? The unspeakable cruelty and wickedness inflicted upon the legitimate Queen of an insignificant Kingdom, may be done to any of you — when the hour of retributive justice strikes. Arise then, and protest in the name of human rights while you are still in power. For who knows how long that power may last? A heavy load of Karma is in store for the cruel King of Serbia. Whom God has joined together, let no man put asunder. Modern civilization is most uncivil as it can only advance at the expense of moral improvement and social cohesion. What an infamous act of despotism and injustice inflicted upon a woman, innocent and pure as few!

Book Christian Science purports to popularise the treatment of disease

Download or read book Christian Science purports to popularise the treatment of disease written by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2024-09-13 with total page 14 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Diseases are said to be nothing but mental pictures, which man creates for himself and believes in religiously. We must therefore learn to dominate all those conditions which may be susceptible to the implantation of mental germs. And, as man is the creator of every form of sin and suffering, so is he also the vector of his misdeeds being transmitted to others by mental germs, instead of physical germs. The assertion of the Christian Scientists that it was through their “Science” that Jesus healed, is a preposterous absurdity! When told to turn our left cheek to him who smites us on the right, we are not commanded to deny the blow but, on the contrary, to bear the offence without encouraging the offender to smite the other cheek. Sins and diseases are neither denied by Jesus, nor are their opposites (virtue and moral purity) anywhere affirmed. The Christian Scientists deny every theological dogma from Eden downwards, as much as Theosophists do, yet the former affirm that they are not at one with the Omnipotent Spirit of Truth, which alone can heal. Mrs. Gestefeld warns the would-be healer that if he treats for personal gain, the power to heal will desert him and he will be no longer a Christian Scientist, only a Mesmerist; but to the Occultist, this would be no objection. Mrs. Gestefeld’s assertion that diseases are the result of “wrong beliefs” is a fallacious syllogism, absurd and ridiculous in equal measure. The child, who has no belief, knowledge, or conception of true and false, can only catch scarlet fever through the oropharyngeal secretions of close contacts infected by Streptococcus pyogenes (or even asymptomatic carriers) — not through the alleged “infectivity” of someone else’s thought. More! Epidemics, such as cholera, flourish in crowded slums and camps of displaced populations (our brothers and sisters, in fact), who are forced to live in unsanitary and inhumane conditions. Are all these poor and lowly, despised and oppressed people sinners? Or are they victims of ecclesiastical and secular cruelty, and of man against his kith and kin? There are also climatic conditions, as in the outbreak of cholera in , when the epidemic seemed confined to certain areas following some law of atmospheric currents, or some other undetected, but not undiscoverable, physical cause. “Christian Science” goes further by asserting that physical disease is the direct effect of mental disease and wickedness. As an example, Bright’s disease of the kidneys is supposed to affect persons who are untruthful and deceitful. Shall we be next told that cancer of the tongue or throat is produced in those who backbite and slander their fellow men? Or are the Christian Scientists themselves, who are untruthful and deceitful? If, in the age of slander we live in, people are told that strangers can deny their faults and vices by barging into their mind (thereby absolving them from the effects of demerit arising from their actions) — would not such a belief cut from under their feet personal responsibility, and every hope of redemption and salvation? The diseases and other exigencies, in which we find ourselves entangled in their meshes, are the Karmic progeny of our former thoughts and deeds that are governed unerringly by Karma, the Law of Ethical Causation and Harmony across the Universe. By fostering responsibility and self-reliance, Karma frees every man from the servitude of religion and the clutches of “Christian Science.” “Christian Science” is Hypnotism under a Christian Garb. It is a pernicious form of Black Magic practised by Roman Catholic priests, adepts of the Black Art, enchanters, dugpas, and necromancers, who are known to have incited mental epidemics. Occult philosophy is the only remedy for the ills of mind and body. Let us cultivate brotherly feeling, charity, and tolerance towards the whole of creation, extending even to the dumb brute, and all shall be well.

Book Reflections of an ardent apostle of materialism on God

Download or read book Reflections of an ardent apostle of materialism on God written by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2023-01-01 with total page 12 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Belief in, and fear of, a human-like god breeds selfishness and sensuality. Where is God? God dwells in the heart of every man; when we wound our brother we wound God. On the brutal foot of materialism bringing out self-adoration and greed.

Book Soul destroying sophistry is fake wisdom  a hot bed of doubts and conjectures

Download or read book Soul destroying sophistry is fake wisdom a hot bed of doubts and conjectures written by Samuel Taylor Coleridge and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2022-02-23 with total page 17 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Insights to the wisdom-peddlers of Greece. Protagoras, followed by Gorgias and others, found Pythagoras’ title philosopher too narrow, and so they assumed the title of Sophist, signifying one who professes the power of making others wise, a wholesale and retail dealer in wisdom — a wisdom-monger, in the same sense as an iron-monger or fish-monger. Many Sophists, e.g., Euthydemus and Dionysiodorus, were empty disputants, sleight-of-word jugglers, but this was far from being their common character. Both Plato and Aristotle repeatedly admit the brilliancy of their talents and the extent of their acquirements. Gorgias will ever be cited as an example of prostituted genius from the immoral nature of his objects, and the baseness of his motives. These, and not his sophisms, constituted him a Sophist whose eloquence and logical skill rendered him only the more pernicious. The causes of the corruption that came about, first in private and next in public life, which displayed itself in all the free states and communities of Greece, but most of all in Athens, are themselves the effects of that passion for military glory and political preponderance, which may well be called the bastard and the parricide of liberty. Being hireling hunters of the young and rich, the Sophists offered to the vanity of youth and the ambition of wealth a substitute for that authority, which by the institutions of Solon had been attached to high birth and property, as the regular and ordinary results of comparative opulence and renowned ancestry. The minds of men were to be sensualized; and even if the arguments themselves failed, yet the principles so attacked were to be brought into doubt by the mere frequency of hearing all things doubted, and the most sacred of all now openly denied, and then insulted by sneer and ridicule. Religion, in its widest and purest sense, is the act of reverencing the Invisible, as the highest in nature and man. By celestial observations alone can even terrestrial charts be constructed scientifically. The first attempt of the Sophists was to separate ethics from the faith in the Invisible, and to stab morality through the side of religion — an attempt to which the idolatrous polytheism of Greece had furnished too many facilities. Polybius attributes the ruin of the Greek states to the frequency of perjury, which they had learnt from the Sophists, to laugh at as a trifle that broke no bones, nay, as in some cases, an expedient and justifiable exertion of the power given to us by nature over our own words, without which no man could have a secret that might not be extorted from him by the will of others. In the same spirit, the sage and observant historian attributes the growth and strength of the Roman republic to the general reverence of the invisible powers, and the consequent horror in which the breaking of an oath was held. Those who first made the laws were feeble creatures which, in fact, the greater numbers of men are. Laws, honour, and ignominy were all calculated for the advantage of the law-makers. But in order to frighten away the stronger, whom they could not coerce by fair contest, and to secure greater advantages for themselves than their feebleness could otherwise have procured, they preached up the doctrine that it was base and contrary to right to wish to have anything beyond others; and that in this wish consisted the essence of injustice. Another code of right was that the nobler and stronger should possess more than the weaker and more pusillanimous and, therefore, the stronger has a right to control the weaker for his own advantage. The language of sophistry is the power of barefaced selfishness that excludes partnership, a power which all men should have an interest in repelling. And if for power we substitute pleasure, and the means of pleasure, it is easy to construct a system well fitted to corrupt natures, and the more mischievous in proportion as it is less alarming. Music may be divided from poetry, and both may continue to exist, though with diminished influence. But religion and morals cannot be disjoined without the destruction of both; and that this does not take place to the full extent, we owe to the frequency with which both take shelter in the heart, and that men are always better or worse than the maxims which they adopt or concede. As sciences are systems based on principles, so is morality a principle without a system. Systems of morality are nothing more than the old books of casuistry generalized, even of that casuistry which the genius of Protestantism gradually worked off from itself like a heterogeneous bodily fluid, together with the practice of auricular confession. Selfishness it the origin and cause of all evil. It is the thorn in the soul which, unless a man shall have it removed, he can never soar above and be free as air. The word constitution has been altered to mean capitulation, a treaty imposed by the people on their own government (as on a conquered enemy), thus giving sanction to falsehood, and universality to anomaly. Popularise and philosophy and you will soon end in perverting every noble truth.

Book Madame Blavatsky on the imprudent animus and petty spite of two ex Fellows of the Theosophical Society

Download or read book Madame Blavatsky on the imprudent animus and petty spite of two ex Fellows of the Theosophical Society written by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2024-09-25 with total page 10 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Wm. Oxley is an ardent Spiritualist equipped with a wily tongue, and habitually swayed by deceitful visions in his boots. A.D. Bathell is another calumniator and manqué philosopher, yet a useful purgative of the Theosophical Society. Wm. Oxley attributes the authorship of the Mahabharata to a “Spirit” named Busiris. By adjusting the force of its two-faced blowing Wm. Oxley manages to keep himself from falling off the fence. The initiated Brahmans do not know when the Vedas, the Mahabharata, and especially the Bhagavad-Gita, were written, and by whom. But Wm. Oxley who is not a philosopher, still less a sage, does know. Harken! Whomsoever Wm. Oxley claims that he had seen and conversed with, was not with Master Koot-Hoomi as he alleges.

Book Occultism and Kabbalah are only masks to hide the sacred truth from the profane

Download or read book Occultism and Kabbalah are only masks to hide the sacred truth from the profane written by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2018-05-28 with total page 24 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Madame Blavatsky on the hidden truths of Occultism and Kabbalah. Eastern Occultism has veiled for ages its profound pantheistic unitarianism with the exuberance of an exoteric polytheism. However, the Jewish Kabbalah, behind the screen of exoteric monotheism, produced a religion of sexual and phallic worship. Kabbalah is fire philosophy and fire theology.

Book Insights to the occult causes of epidemic diseases

Download or read book Insights to the occult causes of epidemic diseases written by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2022-01-13 with total page 36 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Epidemics in moral and physical affairs are more now more rife than ever. The seeds of vice and crime spring up and bring forth fruit with appalling rapidity and paralyzing succession. The reciprocal relations between planetary bodies and man are as perfect as those between the red blood cells, which float in a common fluid. Each body, whether planetary of human, is affected by the combined influences of all and, in its turn, affects each and all. Pythagoras’ music of the spheres is more than a mere fancy, as certain planetary aspects may disturb the æther of our planet, while others may bring about rest and harmony. Some pathological conditions have a tendency to become rapidly spreading epidemics, influenced by causes unknown to modern science. Plato says that animal man is a son of necessity. A physically pure body will strengthen the soul which, though liable to err, will always side with reason against the lusts and proclivities of the body. The rapid growth of human intellect has paralysed spiritual perceptions. It is at the expense of wisdom that intellect thrives, and mankind is quite unprepared to comprehend the awful drama of disobedience of the laws of spiritual life and those governing natural life. The Sun is the Mind and Heart of our Cosmos. Its bright spots are the blood cells of that luminary. Its coronal changes have no effect upon the earth’s climate, but the sunspots have. The connection between sunspots and epidemics affecting plants is well-established, but the karmic influence of sunspots on the fortunes of man, the living barometer, is not even suspected. The current solar cycle of sunspot activity began in December 2019 and will continue for eleven years. The fact that the current COVID-19 pandemic also began in December 2019 is no coincidence. This is further evidence of the magnetic sympathy between man and the planetary orbs that rule and guide human destinies. In Occultism atoms are called vibrations; also sound, collectively. It is the sound that produces the colour, and not the other way around. By correlating the vibrations of a sound in the proper way, a new colour can be made. Now, if the nerves of the human body thrill in synch with a low form of life, such as a virus for example, the outcome of this abnormal chromatic vibration is likely to be an infection acquired by magnetic affinity. Epidemics such as cholera, are the consequence of man’s sin, though his neglect of hygienic laws, of cleanliness and good drainage, are preventable. But there are also climatic conditions, as those in the outbreak of cholera in 1884, when the epidemic seemed confined to certain areas, following some law of atmospheric currents. Number 9 represents the earth under the influence of an evil principle. It is a digit dreaded by the ancients, for its natural depravity is awful. Influenza epidemics have a mysterious predilection for royalty. That which is now called influenza was known before as the grippe, and the latter devastated Europe centuries before the cholera made its first appearance in the so-called civilized lands. Epidemics of influenza and other respiratory tract infections are often caused by an abnormal exuberance of ozone in the air. The real ozone is the Elixir of Life. Thought is neither less material nor less objective than the elusive germs of infectious diseases — current and continuously emerging — the causes of which are such a puzzle for modern science. Since the mind of a living person can psychologize another mind at will, so can the thought of a person already dead. Mental epidemics are often caused by sorcerers who arouse the earth-bound shadows of the dead to hallucinate the minds of good men. Moral taint is as communicable as the physical. Bad companions will degrade personal magnetism and this is more pernicious than the impressions conveyed to the eye or the ear. The latter may be repelled by avoiding seeing or hearing what is bad; but the moral poison of the former, floating in the air, enwraps the sensitive and penetrates his very being. A negatively polarized man, a man of a susceptible temperament, if exposed to a current of foul emanations from some vicious person will be absorb the insidious poison until he is saturated by it. Likewise, a susceptible body will absorb pathogenic microorganisms. The two best remedies for the sensitive to have his sensitiveness destroyed, is to change his negative polarity to positive, and to avoid passivity at all costs by maintaining full control of his mind at all times. While the fear that the presence of the dead brings pollution to the living is no better than a superstition, the real cause of the religious prohibition not to handle too closely the dead and to bury them without first subjecting the bodies to the disinfectant process of fire, vultures, or nitric acid, was as beneficent in its results as it was wise, since it was the best and most necessary sanitary precaution against epidemics. The Astral Light is no light, it is a huge storehouse of human corruption and degeneracy. It gives out nothing but what it has received; it is the great terrestrial crucible, in which the vile emanations of the earth (moral, psychic, and physical, upon which the Astral Light is fed) are all converted into their subtlest essence, radiated back intensified, and then spread as epidemics — moral, psychic, and physical.

Book The Astral Light preserves and reflects images of every thought and action

Download or read book The Astral Light preserves and reflects images of every thought and action written by Éliphas Lévi, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2022-01-01 with total page 12 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The body of the world is a huge storehouse of corruption and degeneracy. In the great magical agent, which is the Astral light, are preserved all the impressions of things, all the images formed, either by their rays or by their reflections; it is in this light that our dreams appear to us, it is this light which intoxicates the insane and sweeps away their enfeebled judgment into the pursuit of the most fantastic phantoms. To see without illusions in this light it is necessary to push aside the reflections by a powerful effort of the will, and draw to oneself only the rays. Who are the dead whom we take for the living, and the vampires whom we mistake for friends? They are the poisonous mushrooms of the human species, absorbing the vitality of the living; that is why their approach paralyzes the soul, and sends a chill to the heart. These corpse-like beings prove all that has ever been said of the vampires, those dreadful creatures who rise at night and suck the blood from the healthy bodies of sleeping persons. In the hands of the true adept of the East, a simple wand of bamboo with seven joints, supplemented by their ineffable wisdom and indomitable will-power, suffices to evoke spirits and produce the miracles authenticated by the testimony of a cloud of unprejudiced witnesses.

Book The third volume of the Secret Doctrine is an unworthy companion to the first two

Download or read book The third volume of the Secret Doctrine is an unworthy companion to the first two written by Boris Mihailovich de Zirkoff and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2021-05-30 with total page 21 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: A survey of the contents and authenticity of “The Secret Doctrine, Volume III,” as published in 1897.

Book Adoration of male gods led to phallicism and black magic

Download or read book Adoration of male gods led to phallicism and black magic written by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2023-03-21 with total page 10 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Buddhism is the first religious system in history that sprang up with the determinate object of putting an end to all the male gods and to the degrading idea of a sexual personal deity being the generator of mankind and the “father” of men. Buddhism is a passionate reactionary protest against the phallic worship that led every nation first to the adoration of a personal god, and finally to black magic, and the same object was aimed at by the Nazarene Initiate and prophet.

Book On malevolent bewitchments and venomous magic

Download or read book On malevolent bewitchments and venomous magic written by Eliphas Levi, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Paracelsus and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2022-07-07 with total page 66 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Bewitchment, whether voluntary or involuntary, physical or moral is a homicide — and the more infamous because it eludes self-defence by the victim and punishment by law. Moral maladies are far more contagious than physical. Some triumphs of infatuation are comparable to leprosy or cholera. Bewitchment by means of currents is exceedingly common, morally as well as physically; most of us are carried away by the crowd. Absolute hatred, unleavened by rejected passion or personal cupidity, is a death sentence for its object. Black magic is a graduated combination of sacrileges and murders designed for the perversion of the human will. It is the religion of the devil, the cultus of darkness, and the hatred of good carried to the height of paroxysm. Not only do the wicked torment the good, but the good torture the wicked unconsciously. We may die through love as well as through hate, for there are absorbing passions under the breath of which we feel depleted like the spouses of vampires. Antipathy is the presentiment of a possible bewitchment, either of love or hatred, for we find love frequently succeeding repulsion. Instantaneous sympathies and electric infatuations are explosions of the astral light, which is akin to the discharge of strong magnetic batteries. Bewitchment by a will persistently confirmed in ill-doing, cannot be pulled back without risk of death. The spell may be staved off by substitution or deflection of the astral current. But the sorcerer who releases a spell must have another object for his malevolence, or he himself will perish by his own spell because every poisoned magnetic emission that cannot reach its target will return with force to its point of departure. Virtue is one of the elixirs of long life and well-being. While vice is hid by hypocrisy, virtue is suspected to be hypocrisy. Sorcery, whether by spells or love-potions, is venomous magic. We write not to instruct but to warn. Sorcerers are often poor country folks, repulsed by all, and therefore afflicted by enduring bitterness. The fear which they inspired was their consolation and their revenge. Magical emblems and characters, engraved on amulets and talismans, are relics of old religious rites, the meaning of which is no longer understood. Only harmlessness and brotherhood in thought and deed, coupled with non-resistance to evil, can shield us from evil. Real protection comes from personal merit and virtue, not from talismans. Nought is permitted to the virtuous man. Love, above all in a woman, is a veritable hallucination; for want of a prudent motive, it will frequently select an absurd one. Cyanide, when not lethal, will enfeeble the mind already poisoned by an evil will. Stay clear of bitter almonds (as well as the kernels of apricot, peach, and cherry), almond flavour extracts such as Amaretto, almond milk, soaps, and perfumes, Datura stramonium, and other hallucinogens. Tobacco, by smoking or otherwise, is a dangerous and stupefying philtre and brain poison. Nicotine is not less deadly than cyanide. Moreover, the latter is present in tobacco in larger quantities than in bitter almonds. But the most terrific of all philtres is the exaltation of misdirected devotion. By fuelling the imagination, excessive fear becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Goodness is much stronger than evil. Rise then above childish fears and dumb desires. Stamp out evil influence by controlling unbridled imagination and fanciful speculation. Believe in supreme wisdom for true wisdom cannot ensnare your intelligence. Poisons can may make you ill but never immoral. Weakness sympathises with vice because vice itself is a weakness that assumes the mask of strength. Madness holds reason in horror, and delights in the exaggerations of falsehood. Every human being, whether magus or not, should oppose violence by mildness, chastise evil by good, cruelty by tenderness. There can be nothing more dangerous than to make magic a pastime, or part of an evening’s entertainment. Magnetic experiments, performed under such conditions, can only exhaust the subjects, mislead opinions, and defeat science. The milder and calmer you are, the more effective will be your anger; the more energetic you are, the more precious will be your forbearance; the more skilful you are, the better will you profit by your intelligence and even by your virtues; the more indifferent you are, the more easily will you make yourself loved. Excessive love produces antipathy; blind hate counteracts and scourges itself; vanity leads to abasement and the most cruel humiliations. Remember that the magus is sovereign, and a sovereign never avenges because he has the right to punish; in the exercise of this right he performs his duty, and is implacable as justice. The way to see clearly is not to be always looking; and he who spends his whole life upon a single object will not attain it. Ceremonies are methods to create a habit of will, however, redundant when the habit is firmly established. We will now expose and stigmatise some of the most abhorrent acts. What sorcerers seek above all, in their evocations of the impure spirit, is that magnetic power which is the possession of the true adept, so that they can shamefully abuse it. Providence seems to scorn those who despise the martyrs, and to slay those who would deprive them of life. The terrible menace of hell inflicted by Christianity upon its flock has created more nightmares, more nameless diseases, more furious madness, than all vices and excesses combined. That is what the Hermetic artists of the middle ages represented by the incredible and unheard-of monsters, which they carved at the doors of basilicas. Moral equilibrium rests upon the immutable distinction between true and false, good and bad; one must place himself, by his works, in the empire of truth and goodness or relapse eternally, like the rock of Sisyphus, into a pandemonium of falsehood and evil. Wash carefully your clothes before giving them away. In times of epidemic the terror-struck are the first to be attacked. The secret of not fearing evil is to ignore it altogether. The wise men have scarcely any sorceries to fear, save those of fortune, but when called upon to advise they must persuade the bewitched to do some act of goodness to his bewitcher, to render him some service which he cannot refuse, and lead him to the communion of salt. The chemist imitates nature, the alchemist surpasses nature herself. Chemistry decomposes and recombines material substances, it purifies simple substances of foreign elements, but leaves the primitive elements unchanged. Alchemy changes the character of things, and raises them up into higher states of existence. As all the powers of the universe are potentially contained in us, our body and its organs are the representatives of the powers of nature and a constellation of the same powers that formed the stars in the sky.

Book No one has the right to control the mind of another  for any purpose

Download or read book No one has the right to control the mind of another for any purpose written by William Quan Judge and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2018-05-28 with total page 9 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book Teraphim are the elemental spirits of ancient divination

Download or read book Teraphim are the elemental spirits of ancient divination written by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2020-10-07 with total page 13 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The priest-hierophant of the Egyptian temples wore a breast-plate of precious stones, in every way similar to that of the high priest of the Israelites. The tabernacle was simply the archaic telephone of those days of Magic, when Occult powers were acquired by Initiation, just as they are now. Ancient divination was always accomplished with the help of the spirits of the elements. But there are good as well as bad spirits, beneficent and malevolent “gods” in all ages. Alas, Christians are still worshipping the Jewish Jehovah, the “spirit” who spoke through his teraphim.

Book Phallicism and Phallic Worship

Download or read book Phallicism and Phallic Worship written by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2018-05-23 with total page 7 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: