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Book Aletheia is our God and Dogma

Download or read book Aletheia is our God and Dogma written by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2018-06-17 with total page 11 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Modern Science and Religions dissemble Truth. Only the Theogony of the Ancient Wisdom-Religion may afford a rare glimpse of Truth. And then Nature will give up her secrets to those who seek Truth for her own sake. And to those who are devoted to Truth, who disregard personal benefit, and who persevere and teach. Verily, that which is justice is truth. As a thing is not just because God wills it, but God wills it because it is just, so there can be no Religion more true or just, than to know the things that are, no Religion higher than Truth. Neither can happiness exist where Truth is absent and where intellectual progress refuses to be subordinated to ethical growth. If bereft of Truth, the whole world will turn upside down. That is why Philaletheia is every true Theosophist’s god and dogma.

Book Our God is Humanity and our cult  the love of our fellow man

Download or read book Our God is Humanity and our cult the love of our fellow man written by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2018-06-29 with total page 22 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The only God whom we should serve is Humanity, and our only cult should be the love of our fellow man. Doing evil towards him, we wound God and make him suffer. This is our religion and only dogma. There now follows the response of Madame Blavatsky to an article by Charles Limousin, Editor of the Journal Acacia. A. The scientific aristocracy is full of vanity and struts on stilts of its own fabrication. B. A ray feeble light from the Sun of Truth worths much more than the artificial lights offered by physiologists and pathologists, and those elevated to the ranks of psychologists. C. The supernatural does not exist in Nature when one knows how to awaken the latent principle that animates matter. D. Divine wisdom rests on esoteric philosophy and facts of nature. E. A solitary ascetic is a living symbol of the most cowardly egotism. F. Universal Esotericism presents a periodic cosmic and human genesis which is logical and based on natural sciences, as well as on a pure transcendental philosophy. G. Budhist Esotericism has nothing to do with the Buddhist religion (note the difference in spelling). H. Theosophy is the forbear of modern science, though greatly transcending it in logic; and its metaphysics are vaster, far more beautiful and powerful than any emanating from a dogmatic cult. I. Happiness cannot exist where Truth is absent and egotism reigns supreme. It is merely a house of cards tumbling down at the first whiff. J-K. As long there is no room in the human heart for love of one’s fellow man for his own sake, and not for personal gratification, poor and rich man alike will always be unhappy. Modern science opposes to a natural force another natural force more powerful on the physical plane. Esoteric science opposes to a physical force, a spiritual or psychic force. L. Theosophists see in the priest of any religion a useless if not a pernicious being. M. The first law of the Sacred Science is never to use one’s knowledge for one’s own interest, but to work with and for others for their health and happiness. N. If a fusion of opposing and competing interests does not come about, individuals and nations will end devouring each other. O. Theosophy has nothing to do with Brahmanism, except to combat its abuses, remove the opium of superstition, and expose ecclesiastical cruelty. P. True Theosophists strive to be useful to their fellows, more especially to the disinherited ones of the world. Q. As long as the Brotherhood of Man remains an empty phrase in the air, progress will accomplish no other function than that of executioner of the poor and the downtrodden. R. As long as moral progress slumbers in inactivity, paralyzed by the ferocious egotism of everybody, the rich as well as the poor, happiness will remain a pie in the sky. S. The Secret Doctrine shows that at the beginning of the periodic evolution of our globe and its beings, the processes of generation offered varieties not even suspected in the modern laboratories. T. The infinite cannot associate with the finite; the unconditioned ignores the conditioned and the limited. Neither Brahmanas nor Bonzes, in their most acute exoteric delirium, have ever accepted the finiteness of Kosmos. U. Material progress, the so-called modern civilisation, has served only to provide the rich with enjoyments unknown in the centuries of barbarism. V. The West has not always refused the hand extended to it by the Eastern Adepts. X. Exoteric Brahmanism will soon be replaced by Esoteric Vedism, and Brotherly Love will bring about a fusion of the two Aryan Races. Z. But the mass has always bitten the hand that offered it help.

Book Theoretical and practical arcane terms

Download or read book Theoretical and practical arcane terms written by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2017-07-13 with total page 23 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book Theosophical Society   Mission and Future

Download or read book Theosophical Society Mission and Future written by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2018-07-03 with total page 22 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: True Buddhism is neither a sect nor a religion. It is rather a moral and intellectual reform, which excludes no belief, but adopts none. Yet the Buddhism of today is less a rather dogmatic religion, split into many and heterogeneous sects. Like true Buddhism, Theosophy asserts and maintains the truth common to all religions, pure truth undefiled by the concretions of ages of human passions and needs, and unveils Its majesty to all thinking men.

Book Blavatsky defends Blavatsky

Download or read book Blavatsky defends Blavatsky written by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2020-09-21 with total page 10 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book 180 Keys to the Mystery Language

Download or read book 180 Keys to the Mystery Language written by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2017-07-01 with total page 84 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book The Divine Essence and Principles are Vistas of Virtue and Truth

Download or read book The Divine Essence and Principles are Vistas of Virtue and Truth written by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2018-07-07 with total page 15 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: What the masses call gods, are simply the First Principles of a Divine Essence permeating the creative and intelligent forces of Nature, and being diffused throughout the universe which is infinite. Theosophy is the spiritual as well as the physical science of that Truth, the very essence of deistic and philosophical research. We point to new intellectual horizons; we outline unexplored routes leading to the amelioration of humanity; and we offer a word of consolation to all the disinherited of the earth, whether suffering from starvation of soul or from lack of physical necessities. If one does not work for others one has no right to be called a Theosophist. The strife will be terrible between brutal materialism and blind fanaticism on the one hand, and philosophy and mysticism on the other — mysticism, that veil of more or less translucency, which hides Eternal Truth.

Book The Amaranthine Dream of Boris de Zirkoff

Download or read book The Amaranthine Dream of Boris de Zirkoff written by Boris de Zirkoff and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2023-09-27 with total page 10 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book Pledged students  prescribed guide for conduct

Download or read book Pledged students prescribed guide for conduct written by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2018-06-29 with total page 15 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book Theosophical Movement  the great moral but silent force

Download or read book Theosophical Movement the great moral but silent force written by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2018-07-03 with total page 15 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Human life, devoid of all its world-ideals and beliefs, becomes deprived of its higher sense and meaning. But the world-ideals can never completely die out. Exiled by the fathers, they will be received with open arms by the children. The Theosophical Movement was reborn in 1875 and thus the cyclic evolution of theosophical ideals continues.

Book A Lay Chela on Occult Study

Download or read book A Lay Chela on Occult Study written by A Lay Chela and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2018-06-21 with total page 10 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book Prerequisites to membership of the Theosophical Society

Download or read book Prerequisites to membership of the Theosophical Society written by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2018-07-03 with total page 13 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book The Heart Doctrine is Gautama Buddha   s Law

Download or read book The Heart Doctrine is Gautama Buddha s Law written by William Quan Judge and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2018-06-17 with total page 80 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book Humanity seems to progress by inventing one discovery after the other

Download or read book Humanity seems to progress by inventing one discovery after the other written by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2018-06-29 with total page 23 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The dark cycle of Kali Yuga has brought back a Babel of modern thought, compared with which the “confusion of tongues” itself appears a harmony. · Let us summon disciples and fill them with sacred fire. · Let us establish mysteries and teach the Doctrine. · Let us build a temple tower whose top may reach unto heaven. A scientist is wiser in his own conceit than seven theosophists that can render a reason. No new philosophy is set up in The Secret Doctrine, only the hidden meaning of some of the religious allegories of antiquity is given, light being thrown on these by the esoteric sciences, and the common source is pointed out, whence all the world-religions and philosophies have sprung. Truth must represent an unbroken continuity. It must have no gaps and contradictions, no broken or missing links. And which of our modern religions, sciences or philosophies, is free from such defects? One who affirms that the Universe and Man are objects of the senses only, and who fatally chains thought within the region of senseless matter (as do the Darwinian evolutionists) is, at best, a sophiaphobe when not a philosophaster — never a philosopher. The period when nascent Humanity, following the law of the natural and dual evolution, was descending along with spirit into matter has been closed. We are now helping matter to ascend toward spirit; and to do that, we have to help substance to disenthrall itself from the viscous grip of sense. The so-called barbaric peoples, who stood before the present division of nations, had a much higher civilization than has yet been found in geological strata. The period when nascent human speech was preceded by gesture signs, anteceded the Sanskrit only by two thousand years or so. However, relics of social and psychological culture can hardly be found in layers of soil.

Book Two Journals devoted to the Brotherhood of Man

Download or read book Two Journals devoted to the Brotherhood of Man written by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2020-11-13 with total page 10 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book Truth is always mixed with error and hindered by technological knowledge

Download or read book Truth is always mixed with error and hindered by technological knowledge written by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2018-07-07 with total page 13 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book Isis Unveiled is the Majesty of Truth Unveiled

Download or read book Isis Unveiled is the Majesty of Truth Unveiled written by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and published by Philaletheians UK. This book was released on 2023-02-10 with total page 22 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The trinity of man is the master key to the wonders of nature. The sorcerer is society’s deadliest enemy. All those who have a voice in the education of the masses should first know, and then teach, that the safest guides to human happiness and enlightenment are those writings on genuine science and theology that descended to us from the remotest antiquity. The world needs neither churches nor temples. The real Temple of God is within every man, walled-in by the impenetrable jungle of matter. Only the pure in heart see God and obey the behests of the Spirit of Truth. The trinity of nature is the lock of magic, and the trinity of man is the master key to the wonders of nature. But the spirit must hold in complete subjection the combativeness of educated reason, until cold sophistry is vanquished beyond the skewed reality. Magic cannot be mastered by the white-skinned people for they are unfit physically, morally, and psychologically. Inflamed by dogmatic superstition, and the self-aggrandising sense of cultural superiority and national destiny over those whom the Anglo-Saxons term so contemptuously niggers, the white European would hardly submit himself to the practical tuition of Copt, Brahman, or Lama. Book learning of magic formulæ, unlit by spiritual intuition and bereft of higher mental faculties, is not only utterly useless but also fraught with unspeakable dangers for those who dabble in occult practices while their animal passions are rampant. Spiritualism is neither science, nor religion, nor philosophy. Is the boa constrictor of error resulting in spiritual ruin. Ignoring the teachings of the past, modern spiritualists have discovered no substitute. A thousand mortifying rebuffs have failed to open up their higher faculties above reason and sense. Bewildered by the contradictions they encounter, they keep waiting for their tentative hypotheses to be verified by further experience. Modern spiritualists are unconscious necromancers. They are disinclined to admit the axiomatic truths of Ancient Spiritualism (i.e. Eastern Occult Sciences), now so derided by crass materialism. They start with the fallacy that all phenomena are caused by the action of departed human spirits; they have not looked into the powers of the Protean power of spirit; and they do not know the extent to which spirit acts, how far it reaches, what it underlies. Christian theology is subversive of, rather than promotive of, spirituality and morality. Instead of expounding the rules of divine law and justice, it teaches but itself. Modern science, powerless to satisfy the aspirations of the race, makes the future shallow and meaningless and, by feeding on the putrescence of matter, it bereaves man of hope. Every religious faith is an offshoot from One Tree, the Archaic Wisdom-Religion. Combined, their aggregate represents One Eternal Truth; separate, they are but shades of human error and signs of imperfection. The world’s religions sprung from pre-Vedic Brahmanism and Buddhism. Judaism, Christianity, and Islamism, were inspired by Paganism, i.e., Ancient Wisdom, replete with Deity.