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Download or read book THE PURREALITY LIFEIS THE ALLIS written by DUANE THE GREAT WRITER and published by Lulu.com. This book was released on 2014-07-12 with total page 479 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The Gods of Man are in Creation. Creation is not the 'Ultimate' THE ALLIS IS The TruReality LifeIS. The DarkBrats own Ratican City in Rome and rule the earth and Kontrol Everyone with their 'Mind Games' This is nothing new with this world, as it has been going on for eons. The Fear Based Belief Systems were created to Kontrol the masses and to steal everything they have worked for. Duane The Great Writer is 'Simply Reporting The News' to this world as a WorldWide WakeUp Call. Duane has a lot of Real Experiences on the earth and in many dimensions, worlds and UNUverses. DuaneIS Sharing 'An Adventure Like No Other' like Indiana Jones & James Bond. DuaneIS Real & Honorable with everything he is presenting and this can be verified on The RealSide LifeIS with Rebazar Tarzs & Paul Twitchell & The Real UNUversal Guides. Take The Risk and learn to Test The NU-U Sessions and Watch Your DreamVisions. We are on Facebook and YouTube Sites all over the world... www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.info


Download or read book THE LEVELS LIFE IS AN INTRODUCTION written by DUANE THE GREAT WRITER and published by Lulu.com. This book was released on 2013-02-09 with total page 141 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: As each of us is born into this One-Dimensional Matrix Zone we soon become the conditioned human with other dimensions and worlds attached to us that are unseen and for the most part we do not Recognize. The Whole of Life IS about Becoming MoreAware and Recognizing The RealAwareness, The RealU, we have always been. Because societies have been established as they have, they have created educational systems that have nothing to do with The TruReality Life IS. On the 'surface' it would seem they have, but only those who See Beyond the 'fronts' of the Social Makers will eventually discover RealTruth, moreso than just one of the many 'truths' formed on this physical level. The fear of The Unknown is what holds most people back from Becoming MoreAware, and so the masses will stay unaware of their own TruPotential. TAKE THE RISK AND DISCOVER THE TRUREALITY LIFE IS!! www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info

Book LIFE IS Bigger than the Gods

Download or read book LIFE IS Bigger than the Gods written by DUANE THE GREAT WRITER and published by Lulu.com. This book was released on 2015-05-02 with total page 306 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The Gods of Man are Real, but they are not bigger than Life ITSelf. The Gods of Man do Kontrol Creation, but Creation IS Not The TruReality LifeIS. Most people are usually the Effect of the Causes in Creation, because they are unaware that Creation and Consciousness is not The Wholeniss LifeIS. YU, The RealU has come thru millions of lifetimes that pass like wisps in the wind to this very moment. YU are Now in The NUNowniss of The TruReality, THE ALLIS... LUCKY YU!!! DR. NUMAN IS The Direct Representative with ALLIS The Natural Environment that Supports ALL of US. Along with DR. EVA, we are here creating and providing 'An Adventure Like No Other!' Very Real! www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.info / ASK DUANE&EVA on Facebook


Download or read book AMAZING ROMANTIC ADVENTURES BOOK SEVEN written by DUANE THE GREAT WRITER and published by Lulu.com. This book was released on 2013-01-29 with total page 303 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: AMAZING ROMANTIC ADVENTURES is what everyone wants. In our Hearts and Being we want a Real Life and Real Life Experiences, not just study time with books in rooms that we can only look outside and dream of a Real Life. Being educated on the earth has its place along with making a living here, but this 'Place in Life' is so temporary, and Duane The Great Writer is sharing a way to have everything a person wants, if they will only take the time to develop their insight, intuition and most of all their TruPerception of The TruReality Life IS. It takes a Real Heart! In what is termed the PsycRealms, there is creation, but The Whole of Life IS Already Complete. Once a person has Real Experience with The TruReality Life IS, they will See Beyond the limitations of their mind and See this world for what it really is. There is no hype with The TruReality Life IS, there is only a Real Life that is ALL Complete! REAL AND AMAZING ROMANTIC ADVENTURES is only for The Real RiskTaker! www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info


Download or read book THE NUWAVIS DUANE THE GREAT WRITER NUBOOK 7 written by DUANE THE GREAT WRITER and published by Lulu.com. This book was released on 2014-03-11 with total page 294 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This IS NUBook Seven, 'REBAZAR TARZS AND THE GOLDENGUIDES' Visit the website: www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.info


Download or read book SHAMS TABRIZ IS NOW DOING THE NU U WITH THE ALLIS written by DUANE THE GREAT WRITER and published by Lulu.com. This book was released on 2014-08-20 with total page 553 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Duane was given The Rod of Power in 2001, from Rebazar & Paul, I was shown that the HU Word was destroyed by THE IS. Reptilian Joanny and her Kontrolling Krone Korporation has convinced the Dumbed Down MemberShrimps that they must worship and pray to the Kalaum God and be a part of the Sacrificial Religious Priests that the Kalaum God supports with the RoundWorlds in time and Space. SHE has totally possessed HarOld, who is now the TapLining Master and has infected thousands upon thousands of unaware people with Reptilian TapLines in the unseen Astral Bodies of the membershrimps. Rebazar Tarzs, Yauble Sacabi & The RealGuides are telling everyone who will listen to "Sing The NU-U Now" to break the TapLines set by Reptilian Mate Joanny. The NU-U Session IS The RealConnection to THE ALLIS. In 2007, The Rod of Power became, THE NUWAVIS THE NUMAN NOW. For those who pay attention to The RealGuidance from Rebazar Tarzs, they will be shown in Your DreamVisions, What IS Real Now! www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.info


    Book Details:
  • Publisher : Lulu.com
  • Release : 2013-11-14
  • ISBN : 1304623033
  • Pages : 533 pages

Download or read book THE REALSIDE LIFEIS written by DUANE THE GREAT WRITER and published by Lulu.com. This book was released on 2013-11-14 with total page 533 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: We are all Beings of RealLight from The TruReality LifeIS, THE ALLIS. This is Real! You can 'think' of yourself any way you want to, but The RealTruth IS, You are a Being of Incredible Light and RealAwareniss. You have come a long ways through many different created forms of processing to where you are ready to compare all you have been through into The NUNowniss LifeIS. You have gone through countless creations from yourself and others and bowed and knelt to the Invented Gods of Man, those who have convinced you for lifetimes you are to be subordinate to them and all their Authoritarian Rulers. You have come from lifetimes of unconsciousness to this very moment when you can finally decide to Become MoreAware of who you really are. The Invented Systems of the earth want to keep you coming back here as their slave, which they have done this same routine so many times before and here you are again. Take The Risk and Test what Duane is presenting to you Now! www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.info


    Book Details:
  • Publisher : Lulu.com
  • Release : 2014-07-30
  • ISBN : 1312396210
  • Pages : 564 pages

Download or read book NUWAVIS THE ALLIS written by DUANE THE GREAT WRITER and published by Lulu.com. This book was released on 2014-07-30 with total page 564 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: We have all experienced what 'seems' to be a real life and what is here and seen is all there is. This idea and all the other ones the average person can invent are so far from anything Authentic and Real! It is very easy for any of us to say anything, so the only 'Truth & RealTruth' we can each experience is with what we discover for ourselves. Everyone is searching for THE ALLIS. This IS Very Real! Because we each have to first go through a process of Waking Up and Becoming MoreAware, we are very limited with the inadequate faculties we have to work with here. And so from all that we can create there has become more distortion than what is really beneficial. So, a huge sorting out has to take place before we can even begin to 'Recognize' THE ALLIS. This TruReality IS such an Accurate & Pure Reality, that from the limited area of human understanding with a body and mind, it is almost impossible for most people to fathom and see that such a TruReality can even exist. www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.info


Download or read book YOUR DREAMVISIONS THE REALSIDE LIFEIS written by DUANE THE GREAT WRITER & EDUCATOR and published by Lulu.com. This book was released on 2013-10-04 with total page 278 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Everyone is having nightly experiences while their physical body sleeps, whether they are aware of the fact or not. Each of us is individually unique and so are Your RealSide Experiences, Your DreamVisions. Duane The Great Writer & Educator is here to share his RealSide Experiences with those who want to realize their TruPotential as a 'Being of Light'. This Journey to RealFreedom is huge and it takes RealGuidance and a RealEducation for a person to learn to See Beyond this one-dimensional 'Place in Life'. You are now invited to enter The Hidden Worlds and Real UNUverses LifeIS. There is so much more to Life that is unseen than seen. Those who are successful with Your DreamVisions are usually more childlike in nature and their RealExperiences come to them rather easily. RealGuidance and a RealEducation is The Key to Secret UNUverses. For more information about Your DreamVisions, I will send you a Free NUBook. Email Duane at: [email protected] / www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info


Download or read book THE REAL CURE FOR ALL PART TWO written by DUANE THE GREAT WRITER and published by Lulu.com. This book was released on 2012-02-21 with total page 492 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: THE REALCURE FOR ALL - THE BECOMING MOREAWARE SERIES, is for ALL of Mankind. With this world the way it is now, it is time for Something Real and Wonderful. The Political and Religious Systems of The Earth, have already proven they do not have a Real Cure For ALL, not even any Real Freedom, but only politically 'implied freedoms.' There is a gigantic whirlpool of purposely driven deception and total-control, which has been formulating for hundreds of years, and it is showing up all over. Most people have been 'dumbed down' to stay asleep to what is taking place, and this is why I am providing 'THE REAL NEWS NOW.' I do not advocate anything of a rebelious nature, but only that of Becoming MoreAware Now. When one has read any my NUBooks, they will begin to See Beyond all the 'fronts' that have been created on this 'Place in Life' called earth. Website: www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info


Download or read book OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCES AND BEYOND written by DUANE THE GREAT WRITER and published by Lulu.com. This book was released on 2012-12-27 with total page 346 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: OUT OF THE BODY EXPERIENCES are a step into what lies beyond the mind and senses. Most Out of Body Experiences are Astral Projection or Remote Viewing, which is along the lines of the First Heaven of Man, and the light contained within that level. But, there are so many more levels to Become MoreAware of. Reincarnation and Karma are a reality here and in the five psychic levels, and so it benefits a person to discover The Real Universes beyond all time and space and the appointed deities who reside over the realms of the mind and senses. RealGuidance and a RealEducation is The Key to Secret Worlds and Universes, beyond the knowledge that is found upon the earth. Rebazar Tarzs and The Real Universal Guides, are the main focus in this NUBook. When a person tests The NU-U Sessions, they will begin to have RealExperiences in their DreamVisions, while their physical body sleeps. www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info


Download or read book WAKEUP DUMBED DOWN HUMANS written by DUANE THE GREAT WRITER and published by Lulu.com. This book was released on 2012-10-26 with total page 338 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Dumbed Down Humans have been taught to 'believe' in something, but The Whole of Life is so much bigger than any belief. It takes a lot of Real Guidance and Real Education to understand what is being presenting here. There is no mistake as to all the pollution and destruction this world is experiencing. It is time for people to 'Wakeup' or be totally taken over by the Invented Systems and their plans to have everyone here as their slaves as they are now and into future lifetimes. If you as the reader will simply 'test' what is being presented here with The NU-U Sessions and Your DreamVisions with Rebazar Tarzs, then you will soon Become MoreAware and conscious in Your DreamVisions of The RealGuidance that can be with you always, then See for yourself from The RealSide of Life what has and is taking place on earth Now. www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info


Download or read book DUANE THE GREAT EDUCATOR written by DUANE THE GREAT WRITER and published by Lulu.com. This book was released on 2012-09-08 with total page 345 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Duane The Great Educator, is an ALLHumanitarian Developer and Professional Writer. His only intent and purpose is to provide a RealEducation for ALLPeople Everywhere. Most of the public is not aware of the complexity of the hidden side of how the Controlling Systems of the Earth actually work. Since 1970, Duane has been in the public, and even paying his way to provide a better understanding for people to Become MoreAware. For those who do take the time to read what Duane is presenting, then patiently test it out, they will come to experience what very few people ever do. There is a much Bigger Picture of The Whole of Life, than what can be thought of and understood from the Literal Senses and mental capabilities of most people, no matter how well they have been educated according to the systems that have been invented here. Duane, has taught people how to look to themselves for a better understanding and discover their own answers for a RealCure. www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info


Download or read book I AM SIMPLY REPORTING THE NEWS written by DUANE THE GREAT WRITER and published by Lulu.com. This book was released on 2012-10-31 with total page 340 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: I AM SIMPLY REPORTING THE NEWS ON EARTH...Things are being created and happening on the planet all the time, and just like a newspaper with a good reporter, Duane The Great Writer is simply Reporting The News. Most people want to 'believe' Human History, as the so-called historians have written it and what we have studied in school to be all there is, but fortunately with the Internet and so many other sources to discover Real Human History, each person can now explore and discover there is a lot more to learn and Become MoreAware of. With this understanding, one can eventually surpass all the limitations of this world and enter new worlds and universes, that are so much better than constantly returning to earth as another 9 to 5 worker for some invented system of control. take the time to explore and you will find a way to RealFreedom! www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info


Download or read book GO WITH YOUR HEAR NOT THE MIND written by DUANE THE GREAT WRITER and published by Lulu.com. This book was released on 2012-08-20 with total page 337 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: When a person goes with their Heart, they are taking the risk into discovering their own Being. Of course, all most all of us go through some type of schooling, which makes sense for the society in which we live, but if we never take the risk to discover our Heart and Being, then we continue on for many more unconscious lifetimes, until we are ready to WakeUp. But, we definitely need RealGuidance to discover who we are and why we are here, moreso than what can be found in any of the Literal Institutions. Young children, live with their Heart and not their head or mind, as they have not been overly conditioned. Nature, and all the creatures in it are the same way, as they are Being with Life, and not working against it or trying to destroy it. Of course, none of us can destroy Life, but we can create things that distort what Life has provided for us on the Earth. The Reality Life IS, is all about Becoming MoreAware from the Heart. www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info


Download or read book THE BIGGEST TEST OF ALL written by DUANE THE GREAT WRITER and published by Lulu.com. This book was released on 2012-08-31 with total page 344 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Science, has only guessed at what came first, the chicken or the egg. In Real Truth, it is neither, but then again we are all living in a society of propaganda and almost total conspiracy, so where is it that people can find The Real Connection to The TruReality? First, one has to find the right knowledge to start their journey into The Incredible Unknown LifeIS. To most people, the Earth is their home, as it has been for lifetimes. There are many books on the market about people who remember their past lives. This information can get some people to start to explore, but most of the masses will always be 'home bodies,' as they feel there can nothing other than what they are experiencing right here. The human body, with its senses, is a huge burden for all of us to carry, but this is the process we have all come through, because Reality IS Far Too Real. Once a person can understand the process they have been through, then they can start The RealAdventure! www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info


Download or read book REBAZAR TARZS AND RADIANT BOY written by DUANE THE GREAT WRITER and published by Lulu.com. This book was released on 2012-05-26 with total page 318 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: REBAZAR TARZS is the leading Universal Guide who is well known in Human History, and to this present day. Rebazar Tarzs and The RealGuides, over lifetimes, have trained The Radiant Boy to be THE NUWAVIS NOW. The Earth World is one of the many Dimensional Traps that has been setup to keep unaware souls here and in a deep sleep. Even the Religious and Political Systems have no idea as to The TruReality, THE ALLIS, as they pray and worship the GodLords of the Astral and Mental Heavens of Man. The Authoritarians on Earth control the minds of the masses through extreme Marketing Ploy, which are 'fronts' to make people interested in being slaves to a Distorted System of Deception. Rebazar Tarzs and THE NUWAVIS NOW, are here to rescue those who want to get to The Real Universes during this lifetime and into RealTruth and RealFreedom...www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info