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Book Evolution and Structure of the Internet

Download or read book Evolution and Structure of the Internet written by Romualdo Pastor-Satorras and published by Cambridge University Press. This book was released on 2004-02-12 with total page 287 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: "This book describes the application of statistical physics and complex systems theory to the study of the evolution and structure of the Internet." "The presentation focuses on statistical regularities observed in the large-scale structure of the network, the so-called "global Internet" as well as on the importance of dynamics in the formulation of adequate models. Using this approach it is possible to provide a unified picture of results obtained on the Internet in the context of different scientific communities. This makes use of methods and concepts that have proven to be extremely useful in the analysis of more classical statistical physics systems, such as percolation theory, mean-field methods, and cellular automata simulations." "This book will be of interest to graduate students and researchers in statistical physics, computer science, and mathematics studying the structure and evolution of the internet."--BOOK JACKET.

Book MITRE Systems Engineering Guide

Download or read book MITRE Systems Engineering Guide written by and published by . This book was released on 2012-06-05 with total page pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book At the Nexus of Cybersecurity and Public Policy

Download or read book At the Nexus of Cybersecurity and Public Policy written by National Research Council and published by National Academies Press. This book was released on 2014-06-16 with total page 170 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: We depend on information and information technology (IT) to make many of our day-to-day tasks easier and more convenient. Computers play key roles in transportation, health care, banking, and energy. Businesses use IT for payroll and accounting, inventory and sales, and research and development. Modern military forces use weapons that are increasingly coordinated through computer-based networks. Cybersecurity is vital to protecting all of these functions. Cyberspace is vulnerable to a broad spectrum of hackers, criminals, terrorists, and state actors. Working in cyberspace, these malevolent actors can steal money, intellectual property, or classified information; impersonate law-abiding parties for their own purposes; damage important data; or deny the availability of normally accessible services. Cybersecurity issues arise because of three factors taken together - the presence of malevolent actors in cyberspace, societal reliance on IT for many important functions, and the presence of vulnerabilities in IT systems. What steps can policy makers take to protect our government, businesses, and the public from those would take advantage of system vulnerabilities? At the Nexus of Cybersecurity and Public Policy offers a wealth of information on practical measures, technical and nontechnical challenges, and potential policy responses. According to this report, cybersecurity is a never-ending battle; threats will evolve as adversaries adopt new tools and techniques to compromise security. Cybersecurity is therefore an ongoing process that needs to evolve as new threats are identified. At the Nexus of Cybersecurity and Public Policy is a call for action to make cybersecurity a public safety priority. For a number of years, the cybersecurity issue has received increasing public attention; however, most policy focus has been on the short-term costs of improving systems. In its explanation of the fundamentals of cybersecurity and the discussion of potential policy responses, this book will be a resource for policy makers, cybersecurity and IT professionals, and anyone who wants to understand threats to cyberspace.

Book Networks of Outrage and Hope

Download or read book Networks of Outrage and Hope written by Manuel Castells and published by John Wiley & Sons. This book was released on 2015-06-04 with total page 151 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Networks of Outrage and Hope is an exploration of the new forms of social movements and protests that are erupting in the world today, from the Arab uprisings to the indignadas movement in Spain, from the Occupy Wall Street movement to the social protests in Turkey, Brazil and elsewhere. While these and similar social movements differ in many important ways, there is one thing they share in common: they are all interwoven inextricably with the creation of autonomous communication networks supported by the Internet and wireless communication. In this new edition of his timely and important book, Manuel Castells examines the social, cultural and political roots of these new social movements, studies their innovative forms of self-organization, assesses the precise role of technology in the dynamics of the movements, suggests the reasons for the support they have found in large segments of society, and probes their capacity to induce political change by influencing people’s minds. Two new chapters bring the analysis up-to-date and draw out the implications of these social movements and protests for understanding the new forms of social change and political democracy in the global network society.

Book Coordinating the Internet

    Book Details:
  • Author : Fredrik Lindeberg
  • Publisher : Linköping University Electronic Press
  • Release : 2019-12-10
  • ISBN : 9179299350
  • Pages : 401 pages

Download or read book Coordinating the Internet written by Fredrik Lindeberg and published by Linköping University Electronic Press. This book was released on 2019-12-10 with total page 401 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Många självklarheter i vårt digitala samhälle är beroende av Internet för att fungera. Allt från smarta dörrar för hemtjänster, till självscanningsapparaterna på ICA, till nyare bilar, moderna tillverkningsrobotar, telefoner och affärssystem. Den här licentiatavhandlingen reder ut vad Internet är, hur det styrs och vad det har för praktiska konsekvenser. Tidigare forskning finns bland annat inom telekommunikation där Internet liknas vid andra telekommunikationstjänster, så som kabel-TV eller mobiltelefoni, och inom digitalisering både inom management och informationssystem där Internet i det närmaste tas för givet som teknisk infrastruktur. Här tar jag en ansatts där jag förklarar Internet ur ett kombinerat tekniskt och organisatoriskt perspektiv. Studien är principiellt uppdelad i tre delar. Den första delen fokuserar på att begreppsmässigt hitta ett sätt att diskutera Internet utan att essentiella aspekter faller bort, såsom styrningen eller konsekvenser av den tekniska designen. Jag landar i att Internet är både ett tekniskt och ett organisatoriskt fenomen. Tekniskt i bemärkelsen att det handlar om digital paketbaserad kommunikation (dvs att olika paket kan ta olika väg och att det inte finns ett beroende på en viss specifik väg, eller “krets”), vilket kan särskiljas från exempelvis kretskopplad kommunikation (dvs en specific väg från sändare till mottagare) eller rent analog kommunikation. I denna tekniska dimension är Internet förhållandevis likt klassisk telekommunikation såsom kabel-TV och mobiltelefoni, och förlitar sig på best-effort paketbaserad kommunikation. I den andra dimensionen, styrning och organisation, är Internet ett explicit bottom-up fenomen som styrs med andra principer och ideal än klassisk telekommunikation. Till sin utformning är denna minsta möjliga koordination som krävs för att möjliggöra koordinering av de tekniska unika identifierare som behövs för att Internet ska fungera (dvs idag DNS- och BGP-flororna av protokoll för användning av namn och nummer på Internet). Båda dimensionerna, de organisatoriska och tekniska, följer samma designprinciper, och generellt är det meningsfullt att se Internet som en ekologi av aktörer snarare än en organisation i strikt teoretiska termer (exempelvis finns ingen tydlig övergripande strategi, organisationsnummer eller löneutbetalare). Det är dessa designprinciper, som ligger väl i linje med systemarkitektursprinciper för datorsystem, som är orsaken till Internets lager-design där man (generellt) inte ska bry som om vad som händer på andra lager än sitt eget (beskrivet som “separation of concerns” eller i dubbel negation “high cohesion” i texten) samt att ha en minimalistisk ansatts till koordinering och enbart koordinera eller skapa beroenden mellan enheter (både tekniskt och organisatoriskt) när det verkligen behövs (beskrivet som “minimum coordination” eller “low coupling” i texten). Den andra delen fokuserar på hur Internet kan socialt påverkas eller förändras till något annat, eller till något med en annan funktion sett som en styrd organisation. Jag använder begreppet social robusthet, som motpol till teknisk robusthet som i hur man tekniskt kan förstöra Internet, för att diskutera dessa aspekter. Slutsatserna här mynnar ut i att Internets explicita bottom-up och problemsuppdelnings-design gör det märkbart svårt för någon att medvetet påverka Internet för att ändra dess beskaffenhet, och dessutom visar jag att även om man praktiskt lyckas ta över de formellt beslutande råden (exempelvis ICANNs och IETFs styrelser) så finns det inga formella eller praktiska hinder för att bara ignorera dem (dvs switching costs för just ICANN eller IETF är låga, om än tekniskt omständligt med att konfigurera om rötter och routing-tabeller, och betydligt enklare än att gå från IPv4 till IPv6 då utrustning kan behöva ersättas och därmed en betydligt högre switching cost). Med andra ord, det är enklare att byta ut Internets koordinerare än att byta ut Internet mot något som fungerar annorlunda. Däremot är den rådande politiska världsordningen ett hot mot Internet, eftersom den regelstyrda och koordinerade världsordningen inte längre är lika självklar som den varit tidigare. Den tredje och sista studien fokuserar på nätneutralitet, dvs rätten nätverksoperatörer har att fånga värde i andra dimensioner än trafikmängd, som en praktiskt effekt av hur Internet styrs och fungerar. Det primära praktiska bidraget är att nätneutralitet inte får ses som enbart en reglerings och lagstiftningfråga utan det är mer relevant att prata om i termer av nätneutralitet i praktiken. I den bemärkelsen är lagstiftningens vara eller inte vara mindre intressant än praktisk nätneutralitets vara eller inte vara och en tyngdpunktsförskjutning i den offentliga debatten hade fört diskussionen närmare hur Internet fungerar. Sammanfattningsvis ger Internets designprinciper att marknadskrafter, och ej direkt reglering, ska möjliggöra nätneutralitet. För att förtydliga, tanken är att det ska finnas konkurrens inom de flesta nivåer eller lager, och att det är av vikt att det finns konkurrens rakt igenom så att en kundvilja för paketneutralitet på tjänstenivå även påverkar nätägar- och infrastrukturnivå, så att det är användarnas efterfrågan som leder till nätneutralitet (om den användarviljan finns). Dock kan det mycket väl vara så att man som användare inte är intresserad av nätneutralitet och då ska tjänsteleverantörer, nätägare och infrastrukturoperatörer inte heller tvingas vara neutrala genom lagstiftning då det går stick i stäv med designprinciperna. Inte heller ska en grupps vilja kring nätneutralitet påverka andras möjligheter att välja. Genomgående identifierar jag två kolliderande världsbilder, den distribuerade regelstyrda och koordinerade ordningen i sitt perspektiv med sina förkämpar, och den mer integrerande och suveräna världsordningen med sitt perspektiv och sina förkämpar. Rent praktiskt uppfyller Internet en önskad funktion i den tidigare men ej i den senare, då Internet designmässigt är byggt för att tillåta snarare än kontrollera och bestämma. Exempelvis finns det inte inbyggda (tekniska) mekanismer i Internet för att till exempel möjliggöra statlig övervakning eller kontroll av material som finns tillgängligt, och då ligger det mer i statens intresse att ha kontrollerade telekommunikationstjänster, såsom kabel-TV, mobiltelefoni och liknande lösningar där man inte helt enkelt kan lägga på ett “extra lager” för att uppnå kryptering, anonymitet eller tillgång till andra tjänster. I texten använder jag perspektiven tillsammans med teknologi, marknader och byråkrati för att fånga upp dynamiken och strömningarna i Internet-ekologin och jämför med tekniska samhällsförändringar, som exempelvis järnvägsnät, postverk och finansiella marknader. Jag konstaterar att Internet har varit styrt av teknologiskt baserade värderingar, till skillnad från de andra exemplen som i huvudsak har utformats av dynamiken mellan byråkrati och marknad. I denna mån förelår jag att teknologi kan användas som strömning och motperspektiv till den klassiska uppställningen med byråkrati och marknad för att beskriva fenomen i digitaliseringens tidsålder. Avhandlingen sätter även pågående trender i ett bredare perspektiv mot både organisation och teknik, och trycker på vikten av att förstå delarna var för sig och tillsammans för att på ett rikare sätt måla upp helheten. The modern society is to a large extent Internet-dependent. Today we rely on the Internet to handle communication for smart doors, self-scanning convenience stores, connected cars, production robots, telephones and ERP-systems. The purpose of this thesis is to unbundle the Internet, its technology, its coordination, and practical and theoretical consequences. Earlier research has, in telecommunications, focused on the Internet as one of many potential telecommunications services, such as cellphones or cable-TV, and the management and information systems field has by and large treated the Internet as black-boxable infrastructure. This thesis explains the Internet from the combined perspectives of technology and coordination. This text contains three empirical studies. The first is focused on conceptualizing and discussing the Internet in a meaningful way using both technology and coordination frameworks. I unceremoniously conclude that the Internet is both a technological and a coordination phenomenon and neither of these aspects can be ignored. The Internet is technological in that it concerns digital packet switched digital communication (as opposed to circuit switched) or purely analog communications. The technological dimension of the Internet is similar in its constituency to classical telecommunications networks, and has best-effort mechanisms for packet delivery. In the other dimension, coordination, the Internet is an explicit bottom-up phenomenon minimally coordinated (or governed) by other ideals than classical telecommunications networks and systems. At its core this least necessary coordination concerns technical unique identifiers necessary for inter-network communication (in practice today manifested as naming with the DNS protocol suite, and numbering with the BGP protocol suite). Both dimensions follow similar design characteristics; the design of the technical Internet is similar to the design of the coordination of the Internet. These design principles, which are well aligned with software design principles, is the cause of the Internet’s layered design (“separation of concerns” in practice) and minimal view of coordination (the “least coordinated Internet”). In general terms it is fruitful to view the Internet and involved actors as an ecology, rather than one organization or entity in need of governance or control. The second study looks at the social resilience of the Internet. That is, is it possible through social means to change what the Internet is or can be viewed as. I use social resilience as a counterpart to technical resilience, i.e. resilience to technical interference. In essence, the bottom-up and separations of concerns design of the coordination aspect of the Internet minimizes possible influence of actors intent on mission disruption. I also practically show that even a take-over of the central councils have little effect the constituency of the Internet, since these councils are not invested with formal powers of enforcement. This thesis suggests that the cost of switching from ICANN and IETF to another set of organizations is quite low due to the nature of the coordination of the Internet, compared to for example, switching all equipment to IPv6 capable equipment. However, the current political situation is a threat to the current Internet regime, since an international and rule-based world order is no longer on all states’ agendas. The final empirical study focus on the practical and theoretical implications of the Internet on the case of net neutrality. The primary contribution is that de facto and de jure net neutrality differ in practice, and as such de facto net neutrality deserves more attention. Also, I suggest that any regulation, either for or against net neutrality, is problematic, since such regulation would interfere with the inherent coordination mechanisms of the Internet. As such regulation should focus on providing the necessary markets for Internet function given the coordination and design of the Internet. As a net neutrality example, net neutral Internet access options should exist as part of a natural service offering if wanted by customers, not due to direct regulation. Throughout the thesis I identify two colliding world orders, both in terms of digital communication networks and terms of organizing society in general: the rule-based and coordinating order with its champions, and the integrated or sovereign order with its champions. In practical terms, the Internet can be considered a want in the former (the distributed perspective), but not the later (the integrative perspective), since the Internet lacks inherent (technical) controls for surveillance and content control which are necessary in a world order where borders are important. Regardless of if that importance stems from state oversight or intellectual property rights legislation. I use these perspectives together with technology, markets and bureaucracy to catch the dynamics of the Internet ecology. I then compare these dynamics with other technological and societal phenomena, such as railway networks, postal services and financial markets. And conclude that the Internet (as conceptualized in this thesis) can best be explained by technological values, in opposite to the other examples which can best by explained by the dynamics of markets and bureaucracies without any real influence of the values of technology. As such, I suggest that the classical frame of markets and bureaucracy can fruitfully be expanded with technology to better explain the Internet and similar digitization phenomena. This thesis puts current trends in a broader perspective based on technology and organization, where the two perspectives together better can draw the full picture in a rich fashion.

Book Understanding ICT Standardization

Download or read book Understanding ICT Standardization written by Nizar Abdelkafi and published by . This book was released on 2019-05-23 with total page 274 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: To advance education about ICT standardization, comprehensive and up-to-date teaching materials must be available. With the support of the European Commission, ETSI has developed this textbook to facilitate education on ICT standardization, and to raise the knowledge level of ICT standardization-related topics among lecturers and students in higher education, in particular in the fields of engineering, business administration and law. Readers of this book are not required to have any previous knowledge about standardization. They are introduced firstly to the key concepts of standards and standardization, different elements of the ecosystem and how they interact, as well as the procedures required for the production of standardization documents. Then, readers are taken to the next level by addressing aspects related to standardization such as innovation, strategy, business, and economics. This textbook is an attempt to make ICT standardization accessible and understandable to students. It covers the essentials that are required to get a good overview of the field. The book is organized in chapters that are self-contained, although it would be advantageous to read the book from cover to cover. Each chapter begins with a list of learning objectives and key messages. The text is enriched with examples and case studies from real standardization practice to illustrate the key theoretical concepts. Each chapter also includes a quiz to be used as a self-assessment learning activity. Furthermore, each book chapter includes a glossary and lists of abbreviations and references. Alongside the textbook, we have produced a set of slides that are intended to serve as complementary teaching materials in face-to-face teaching sessions. For all interested parties there is also an electronic version of the textbook as well as the accompanying slides that can be downloaded for free from the ETSI website (www.etsi.org/standardization-education).

Book Fiscal Policy and Long Term Growth

Download or read book Fiscal Policy and Long Term Growth written by International Monetary Fund and published by International Monetary Fund. This book was released on 2015-04-20 with total page 257 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This paper explores how fiscal policy can affect medium- to long-term growth. It identifies the main channels through which fiscal policy can influence growth and distills practical lessons for policymakers. The particular mix of policy measures, however, will depend on country-specific conditions, capacities, and preferences. The paper draws on the Fund’s extensive technical assistance on fiscal reforms as well as several analytical studies, including a novel approach for country studies, a statistical analysis of growth accelerations following fiscal reforms, and simulations of an endogenous growth model.

Book Routing in the Internet

Download or read book Routing in the Internet written by Christian Huitema and published by Prentice Hall. This book was released on 2000 with total page 408 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This work explains both the concepts and procedures involved in network routing, Internet architecture and Protocols, and more. It details up-to-date advances in routing Protocols and their support of real-time applications.

Book Fourier Analysis of Time Series

Download or read book Fourier Analysis of Time Series written by Peter Bloomfield and published by John Wiley & Sons. This book was released on 2004-04-05 with total page 285 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: A new, revised edition of a yet unrivaled work on frequency domain analysis Long recognized for his unique focus on frequency domain methods for the analysis of time series data as well as for his applied, easy-to-understand approach, Peter Bloomfield brings his well-known 1976 work thoroughly up to date. With a minimum of mathematics and an engaging, highly rewarding style, Bloomfield provides in-depth discussions of harmonic regression, harmonic analysis, complex demodulation, and spectrum analysis. All methods are clearly illustrated using examples of specific data sets, while ample exercises acquaint readers with Fourier analysis and its applications. The Second Edition: * Devotes an entire chapter to complex demodulation * Treats harmonic regression in two separate chapters * Features a more succinct discussion of the fast Fourier transform * Uses S-PLUS commands (replacing FORTRAN) to accommodate programming needs and graphic flexibility * Includes Web addresses for all time series data used in the examples An invaluable reference for statisticians seeking to expand their understanding of frequency domain methods, Fourier Analysis of Time Series, Second Edition also provides easy access to sophisticated statistical tools for scientists and professionals in such areas as atmospheric science, oceanography, climatology, and biology.

Book Governing Cyberspace

Download or read book Governing Cyberspace written by Dennis Broeders and published by Rowman & Littlefield. This book was released on 2020-06-26 with total page 337 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Cyber norms and other ways to regulate responsible state behavior in cyberspace is a fast-moving political and diplomatic field. The academic study of these processes is varied and interdisciplinary, but much of the literature has been organized according to discipline. Seeking to cross disciplinary boundaries, this timely book brings together researchers in fields ranging from international law, international relations, and political science to business studies and philosophy to explore the theme of responsible state behavior in cyberspace. . Divided into three parts, Governing Cyberspace first looks at current debates in and about international law and diplomacy in cyberspace. How does international law regulate state behaviour and what are its limits? How do cyber superpowers like China and Russia shape their foreign policy in relation to cyberspace? The second focuses on power and governance. What is the role for international organisations like NATO or for substate actors like intelligence agencies? How do they adapt to the realities of cyberspace and digital conflict? How does the classic balance of power play out in cyberspace and how do different states position themselves? The third part takes a critical look at multistakeholder and corporate diplomacy. How do global tech companies shape their role as norm entrepreneurs in cyberspace, and how do their cyber diplomatic efforts relate to their corporate identity?

Book Sustainability in a Digital World

Download or read book Sustainability in a Digital World written by Thomas Osburg and published by Springer. This book was released on 2017-05-17 with total page 272 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This book offers a comprehensive introduction to the different emerging concepts in the innovative area of sustainability and digital technology. More than 20 leading thinkers from the fields of digitalization, strategic management, sustainability and organizational development share clearly structured insights on the latest developments, advances and remaining challenges concerning the role of sustainability in an increasingly digital world. The authors not only introduce a profound and unique analysis on the state-of-the art of sustainability and digital transformation, but also provide business leaders with practical advice on how to apply the latest management thinking to their daily business decisions. Further, a number of significant case studies exemplify the issues discussed and serve as valuable blueprints for decision makers.

Book Interconnecting the Network of Networks

Download or read book Interconnecting the Network of Networks written by Eli M. Noam and published by MIT Press. This book was released on 2001-08-17 with total page 346 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This book describes the transformation of telecommunications from national network monopolies to a new system, the "network of networks," and the glue that holds it together, interconnection. By their very nature, monopoly-owned networks provided a small number of standardized, nationwide services. Over the past two decades, however, new forces in the world economy began to unravel this traditional system. The driving force behind the change was the shift toward an information-based economy. Especially for large organizations, the price, control, security, and reliability of telecommunications became variables requiring organized attention. Thus, monopoly began to give way to the "network of networks," the foundation of today's telecommunications and Internet infrastructure. Taking a broad, multidisciplinary perspective Eli Noam discusses the importance and history of interconnection policy, as well as recent policy reforms both within the United States and around the globe. Other important topics he discusses include interconnection prices, the unbundling of interconnection, and the technology of interconnection. He concludes with an examination of social and policy issues, including the free flow of content, universal service and privacy protection, and the future of telecommunications.

Book Mathematical Modeling in Economics  Ecology and the Environment

Download or read book Mathematical Modeling in Economics Ecology and the Environment written by N.V. Hritonenko and published by Springer Science & Business Media. This book was released on 2013-04-17 with total page 225 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The problems of interrelation between human economics and natural environment include scientific, technical, economic, demographic, social, political and other aspects that are studied by scientists of many specialities. One of the important aspects in scientific study of environmental and ecological problems is the development of mathematical and computer tools for rational management of economics and environment. This book introduces a wide range of mathematical models in economics, ecology and environmental sciences to a general mathematical audience with no in-depth experience in this specific area. Areas covered are: controlled economic growth and technological development, world dynamics, environmental impact, resource extraction, air and water pollution propagation, ecological population dynamics and exploitation. A variety of known models are considered, from classical ones (Cobb Douglass production function, Leontief input-output analysis, Solow models of economic dynamics, Verhulst-Pearl and Lotka-Volterra models of population dynamics, and others) to the models of world dynamics and the models of water contamination propagation used after Chemobyl nuclear catastrophe. Special attention is given to modelling of hierarchical regional economic-ecological interaction and technological change in the context of environmental impact. Xlll XIV Construction of Mathematical Models ...

Book Data Center Fundamentals

Download or read book Data Center Fundamentals written by Mauricio Arregoces and published by Cisco Press. This book was released on 2003-12-04 with total page 1114 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Master the basics of data centers to build server farms that enhance your Web site performance Learn design guidelines that show how to deploy server farms in highly available and scalable environments Plan site performance capacity with discussions of server farm architectures and their real-life applications to determine your system needs Today's market demands that businesses have an Internet presence through which they can perform e-commerce and customer support, and establish a presence that can attract and increase their customer base. Underestimated hit ratios, compromised credit card records, perceived slow Web site access, or the infamous "Object Not Found" alerts make the difference between a successful online presence and one that is bound to fail. These challenges can be solved in part with the use of data center technology. Data centers switch traffic based on information at the Network, Transport, or Application layers. Content switches perform the "best server" selection process to direct users' requests for a specific service to a server in a server farm. The best server selection process takes into account both server load and availability, and the existence and consistency of the requested content. Data Center Fundamentals helps you understand the basic concepts behind the design and scaling of server farms using data center and content switching technologies. It addresses the principles and concepts needed to take on the most common challenges encountered during planning, implementing, and managing Internet and intranet IP-based server farms. An in-depth analysis of the data center technology with real-life scenarios make Data Center Fundamentals an ideal reference for understanding, planning, and designing Web hosting and e-commerce environments.

Book Networked Life

Download or read book Networked Life written by Mung Chiang and published by Cambridge University Press. This book was released on 2012-09-10 with total page 506 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: How does the internet really work? This book explains the technology behind it all, in simple question and answer format.

Book Economics of Information Security

Download or read book Economics of Information Security written by L. Jean Camp and published by Springer Science & Business Media. This book was released on 2006-04-11 with total page 300 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Designed for managers struggling to understand the risks in organizations dependent on secure networks, this book applies economics not to generate breakthroughs in theoretical economics, but rather breakthroughs in understanding the problems of security.

Book Cyber Security

    Book Details:
  • Author : Xiaochun Yun
  • Publisher : Springer
  • Release : 2019-02-19
  • ISBN : 9811366217
  • Pages : 184 pages

Download or read book Cyber Security written by Xiaochun Yun and published by Springer. This book was released on 2019-02-19 with total page 184 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This open access book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 15th International Annual Conference on Cyber Security, CNCERT 2018, held in Beijing, China, in August 2018. The 14 full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 53 submissions. The papers cover the following topics: emergency response, mobile internet security, IoT security, cloud security, threat intelligence analysis, vulnerability, artificial intelligence security, IPv6 risk research, cybersecurity policy and regulation research, big data analysis and industrial security.