Download or read book Labostat Guide de validation des m thodes d analyse written by FEINBERG and published by Lavoisier. This book was released on 2012-02-01 with total page 386 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Unique en son genre dans sa conception et dans son contenu, Labo-Stat - Guide de validation des méthodes d'analyses présente une nouvelle stratégie de validation selon une démarche raisonnée fondée sur le profil d'exactitude. Les techniques statistiques adaptées y sont explicitées sous une forme didactique et les solutions possibles ainsi que les limites éventuelles de diverses normes existantes sont largement développées et illustrées d'exemples concrets directement exploitables. Les applications numériques, sous forme de feuilles de calcul modèles pour des tableurs et des petits scripts, sont téléchargeables en ligne. Complétée par les explications de cet ouvrage, elles permettent au non-statisticien d'accéder aisément à une interprétration graphique des résultats. Labo-Stat a été conçu pour pouvoir être facilement utilisé sur la paillasse du laboratoire et permettre à tout un chacun, responsable, ingénieur, chercheur, technicien ou étudiant, de s'approprier les techniques indispensables pour déboucher sur une conclusion claire et sans ambiguïté et mener la validation des méthodes dans un souci de contrôle des coûts.
Download or read book S curit des proc d s chimiques Connaissances et m thodes d analyse des risques 2 d written by LAURENT André and published by Lavoisier. This book was released on 2011-08-01 with total page 634 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: La maîtrise des risques technologiques et industriels est maintenant une exigence sociétale majeure. En effet à la suite de l'accident AZF à Toulouse, un foisonnement de protocoles et d'applications réglementaires a induit une évolution de la conception du danger et de la notion de risque, qui a conduit au passage d'une évaluation déterministe à une causalité probabiliste. Sécurité des procédés chimiques vise à fournir les outils permettant d'appréhender l'analyse du risque et l'appréciation des conséquences. La terminologie y est actualisée avec les nouveaux termes d'aléa, d'enjeux, d'intensité, de cinétique et de vulnérabilité. Les connaissances de base sont présentées suivant les récentes typologies classiques des caractéristiques des effets des phénomènes de dangers. Outre les méthodes simples et classiques d'analyse des risques (APR - HAZOP - Arbres), l'aspect méthodologique est complété par la présentation de la méthode du nœud papillon et de quelques nouvelles méthodes systémiques intégrées (MOSAR - ARAMIS - LOPA). La démarche de la maîtrise des risques est enrichie d'une revue très complète des concepts de défense en profondeur, de couches de protection, de lignes de défense, de fonctions de sécurité et de différentes barrières rarement proposés simultanément. Enfin, le contenu de l'étude de dangers est décrit d'après la base réglementaire de leur guide d'élaboration. Compte tenu de son approche systémique et pédagogique, ce livre est accessible au débutant tout en répondant aux exigences des spécialistes. Sécurité des procédés chimiques s'adresse donc aussi bien aux ingénieurs, industriels, techniciens, cadres des services publics, des communautés urbaines et des collectivités territoriales, enseignants, chercheurs qu'aux élèves ingénieurs des grandes écoles scientifiques et aux étudiants de licence, master et doctorat des universités…
Download or read book Food Safety and Preservation written by Alexandru Mihai Grumezescu and published by Academic Press. This book was released on 2018-04-18 with total page 698 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Food Safety and Preservation: Modern Biological Approaches to Improving Consumer Health explores the most recent and investigated hot topics in food safety, microbial contamination, food-borne diseases and advanced preservation methods. It brings together the significant, evidence-based scientific progress of various approaches to improve the safety and quality of foods, also offering solutions to help address food industry challenges. Recent studies and technological advancements in biological control are presented to control foodborne pathogens. In addition, analytical methods for reducing potential biological hazards make this book essential to researchers, scientists, technologists and grad students. - Covers all aspects of food contamination, from food degradation, to food-borne diseases - Examines validated, biological control approaches to reduce microbial and chemical contamination - Includes detailed discussions of risk and safety assessments in food preservation
Download or read book Pesticide Protocols written by José L. Martínez Vidal and published by Springer Science & Business Media. This book was released on 2007-10-26 with total page 491 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: A comprehensive collection of robust methods for the detection of pesticide compounds or their metabolites useful in food, environmental, and biological monitoring, and in studies of exposure via food, water, air, and the skin or lungs. The readily reproducible methods range from gas and liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry detection and other classic detectors, to capillary electrophoresis and immunochemical or radioimmunoassay methods. The authors have focused on extraction and cleanup procedures, in order to develop and optimize more fullyautomated and miniaturized methods, including solid-phase extraction, solid-phase microextraction, microwave-assisted extraction, and on-line tandem liquid chromatography (LC/LC) trace enrichment, among others. The protocols offer step-by-step laboratory instructions, an introduction outlining the principles behind the technique, lists of the necessary equipment and reagents, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls.
Download or read book Twenty Sixth International Congress on Large Dams Vingt Sixi me Congr s International des Grands Barrages written by CIGB ICOLD and published by CRC Press. This book was released on 2018-06-27 with total page 4571 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The International Committee on Large Dams (ICOLD) held its 26th International Congress in Vienna, Austria (1-7 July 2018). The proceedings of the congress focus on four main questions: 1. Reservoir sedimentation and sustainable development; 2. Safety and risk analysis; 3. Geology and dams, and 4. Small dams and levees. The book thoroughly discusses these questions and is indispensable for academics, engineers and professionals involved or interested in engineering, hydraulic engineering and related disciplines.
Download or read book Rapport et documents de l Atelier r gional sur les facteurs de non durabilit et de surexploitation des p ches maritimes de l Afrique de l Ouest et du sud de la M diterran e written by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and published by Food & Agriculture Org.. This book was released on 2007 with total page 132 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: L'objectif de l'atelier ?tait d'examiner l'efficacit? des principaux instruments juridiques internationaux du secteur p?che et d'identifier d'autres mesures permettant d'aborder les facteurs de non durabilit? et de surexploitation. Ces facteurs oint ?t? identifi's et discut's lors de trois ateliers organis's par la FAO depuis 2002. Ont particip? ? cet atelier r?gional des experts de l'Afrique de l'Ouest et du sud de la M?diterran?e. Des ateliers similaires seront organis's dans d'autres r?gions en 2006. Un r?sum? en anglais figure dans les pages pr?liminaires. La troisi?me partie du document pr?sente la version anglaise de la totalit? de la deuxi?me partie.
Download or read book Interpr tation des spectres de masse en couplage GC MS cours et exerices corrig s written by BOUCHONNET Stéphane and published by Lavoisier. This book was released on 2012-09-04 with total page 218 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: C’est avec une réelle volonté didactique que cet ouvrage aborde l’interprétation des spectres de masse pour confirmer ou élucider des structures chimiques. Les publications scientifiques dédiées à la spectrométrie de masse sont souvent complexes et présentent une approche très théorique, souvent difficile à comprendre et à mettre en pratique. Ce livre se fait fort, grâce à sa simplicité et à sa démarche ancrée dans la pratique, d’offrir aux débutants comme aux spécialistes du domaine, les clés de cette technique. Un premier chapitre présente des rappels de chimie organique nécessaires à une bonne compréhension des réactions impliquées. Dans un deuxième chapitre, les mécanismes de formation et de dissociation des ions sont détaillés : ruptures simples et réarrangements, fragmentations secondaires, etc. Ces mécanismes sont illustrés de nombreux exemples concrets. La seconde partie de cet ouvrage propose une cinquantaine d'exercices corrigés permettant d'acquérir maîtrise et autonomie. À la fois manuel universitaire et guide pratique quotidien, L’interprétation des spectres de masse en couplage GC-MS constitue une référence pour tous les utilisateurs de couplage GC-MS tels que les ingénieurs, techniciens, chercheurs, étudiants, etc., débutants ou confirmés, désireux d'interpréter judicieusement leurs spectres de masse. Outre l'élucidation structurale, la compréhension des mécanismes qui régissent l'interprétation des spectres permet l'amélioration des méthodes analytiques et la fiabilisation des résultats.
Download or read book Geotechnical Engineering Education and Training written by I Antonescu and published by CRC Press. This book was released on 2020-09-10 with total page 537 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This volume contains papers and reports from the Conference held in Romania, June 2000. The book covers many topics, for example, place, role and content of geotechnical engineering in civil, environmental and earthquake engineering.
Download or read book Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods Verification and Validation written by Tiziana Margaria and published by Springer. This book was released on 2010-11-02 with total page 726 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This volume contains the conference proceedings of the 4th International S- posium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Veri?cation and Vali- tion, ISoLA 2010, which was held in Greece (Heraklion, Crete) October 18–21, 2010, and sponsored by EASST. Following the tradition of its forerunners in 2004, 2006, and 2008 in Cyprus and Chalchidiki, and the ISoLA Workshops in Greenbelt (USA) in 2005, in Poitiers (France) in 2007, and in Potsdam (Germany) in 2009, ISoLA 2010 p- vided a forum for developers, users, and researchers to discuss issues related to the adoption and use of rigorous tools and methods for the speci?cation, ana- sis, veri?cation, certi?cation, construction, testing, and maintenance of systems from the point of view of their di?erent application domains. Thus, the ISoLA series of events serves the purpose of bridging the gap between designers and developers of rigorous tools, and users in engineering and in other disciplines, and to foster and exploit synergetic relationships among scientists, engineers, software developers, decision makers, and other critical thinkers in companies and organizations. In particular, by providing a venue for the discussion of c- mon problems, requirements, algorithms, methodologies, and practices, ISoLA aims at supporting researchers in their quest to improve the utility, reliability, ?exibility, and e?ciency of tools for building systems, and users in their search for adequate solutions to their problems.
Download or read book Digues maritimes et fluviales de protection contre les submersions 2e colloque national Digues 2013 written by ROYET Paul and published by Lavoisier. This book was released on 2013-05-01 with total page 730 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Au regard du Code de l’environnement, les digues, considérées comme ouvrages hydrauliques, ne doivent pas rompre de façon dangereuse pour les populations. En tant que moyen de prévention du risque d’inondation ou de submersion, les performances et les limites de ces digues doivent être connues avec précision. Les digues de protection constituent donc une question politique mise en évidence par plusieurs événements récents (Xynthia 2010, la NouvelleOrléans 2005, Rhône aval 2003, Gard 2002, Aude 1999). Cet ouvrage rassemble les contributions présentées lors du 2e colloque national Digues maritimes et fluviales de protection contre les submersions (Digues2013), organisé par l’Irstea et Promosciences, les 12, 13 et 14 juin 2013 au Centre des Congrès d’AixenProvence, avec le soutien du MEDDE, du CFBR, et de la Région ProvenceAlpesCôte d’Azur. Il s’adresse aux maîtres d’ouvrages, gestionnaires, concepteurs, constructeurs, enseignants et chercheurs, services de contrôle, organismes financeurs, agissant dans les domaines d’activités liés, directement ou indirectement, à la sûreté des digues maritimes et fluviales.
Download or read book Mod lisation et analyse de syst mes embarqu s written by KORDON Fabrice and published by Lavoisier. This book was released on 2013-04-01 with total page 322 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Les systèmes embarqués rendent un nombre de services grandissant et font partie de notre vie quotidienne : ascenseurs, transports, téléphonie, médecine, énergie, industrie, etc. Ainsi, si l’on parle de plus en plus de systèmes embarqués, il s’agit avant tout d’un ensemble complet et intégré (matériel + logiciel). Le point central de leur développement est leur interaction avec leur environnement et les conséquences associées en termes de sécurité et de fiabilité. Cet ouvrage dresse un état de l’art du développement des systèmes embarqués. Il se concentre particulièrement sur leur modélisation et leur analyse. Il s’agit d’opérations cruciales qui détermineront la fiabilité du futur système. L’apparition récente des techniques basées sur l’ingénierie des modèles pourrait révolutionner le développement de ces systèmes en assurant une continuité entre le niveau conceptuel et l’implémentation de la partie logicielle. L’ouvrage expose trois approches parmi les plus utilisées : SysML (aspects ingénierie système), UML/MARTE et AADL (conception/analyse).
Download or read book Transverse Disciplines in Metrology written by French College of Metrology and published by John Wiley & Sons. This book was released on 2013-05-10 with total page 634 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Based on The International Metrology Congress meeting, this reference examines the evolution of metrology, and its applications in industry, environment and safety, health and medicine, economy and quality, and new information and communication technologies; details the improvement of measurement procedures to guarantee the quality of products and processes; and discusses the development of metrology linked to innovating technologies. The themes of the Congress (quality and reliability of measurement, measurement uncertainties, calibration, verification, accreditation, sensory metrology, regulations and legal metrology) are developed either in a general way or applied to a specific economic sector or to a specific scientific field.
Download or read book Groundwater Science and Policy written by Philippe Quevauviller and published by Royal Society of Chemistry. This book was released on 2007-10-31 with total page 797 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Until recently, focus on groundwater mainly concerned its use as drinking water and as an important resource for industry (e.g. cooling waters) and agriculture (irrigation). It has, however, become increasingly obvious that groundwater should not only be viewed as a drinking water reservoir, but that it should also be protected for its environmental value. In this respect, groundwater represents an important link of the hydrological cycle through the maintenance of wetlands and river flows, acting as a buffer through dry periods. Hence, deterioration of groundwater quality may directly affect other related aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. The groundwater legislative framework under the EU Water Framework Directive and the newly adopted Groundwater Directive establishes criteria linked to environmental objectives which have to be met by 2015 following successive operational steps including characterisation, risk assessment (analysis of pressures and impacts), monitoring and design of programmes of measures. These milestones require that sound technical and scientific information be made accessible to water managers, which is so far still not sufficiently streamlined. In this context, this book describes the groundwater legislative milestones and presents series of research and development activities that aim to directly support them. It has, therefore, the ambition to become a vehicle liaising policy requirements and available scientific knowledge in this area.
Download or read book Forages and grazing in horse nutrition written by Markku Saastamoinen and published by Springer Science & Business Media. This book was released on 2012-08-17 with total page 513 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Forages should be the basis of all diets in horse feeding. Therefore it is of major importance to determine which parameters will influence their quality. Changes on chemical composition along the vegetative cycle, nutrient losses during harvesting, preservation and storage are factors that could have an effect on nutritive value, as well on digestibility and palatability. A specific grazing and ingesting behaviour, linked to plant preferences and the selection of feeding sites will have an impact on biodiversity. This will determine the options on plant species and varieties and further management of pastures for horses. This book highlights the role of forages and grazing in horse nutrition and also gathers information about related topics, such as the contribution of local breeds for the sustainability and development of rural areas, their impact on landscape and relationships with environmental preservation. This book is the 6th volume in a scientific series conceived through the European Workshop on Equine Nutrition (EWEN) which falls under the umbrella of the Horse Commission of the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP). All these materials provide an interesting basis for further discussion, not only in specialized forums, but also for those involved in horse production.
Download or read book Safety Management for Software based Equipment written by Jean-Louis Boulanger and published by John Wiley & Sons. This book was released on 2013-05-06 with total page 130 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: A review of the principles of the safety of software-based equipment, this book begins by presenting the definition principles of safety objectives. It then moves on to show how it is possible to define a safety architecture (including redundancy, diversification, error-detection techniques) on the basis of safety objectives and how to identify objectives related to software programs. From software objectives, the authors present the different safety techniques (fault detection, redundancy and quality control). “Certifiable system” aspects are taken into account throughout the book. Contents 1. Safety Management. 2. From System to Software. 3. Certifiable Systems. 4. Risk and Safety Levels. 5. Principles of Hardware Safety. 6. Principles of Software Safety. 7. Certification. About the Authors Jean-Louis Boulanger is currently an Independent Safety Assessor (ISA) in the railway domain focusing on software elements. He is a specialist in the software engineering domain (requirement engineering, semi-formal and formal method, proof and model-checking). He also works as an expert for the French notified body CERTIFER in the field of certification of safety critical railway applications based on software (ERTMS, SCADA, automatic subway, etc.). His research interests include requirements, software verification and validation, traceability and RAMS with a special focus on SAFETY.
Download or read book Validation of Dynamic Analyses of Dams and Their Equipment written by Jean-Jacques Fry and published by CRC Press. This book was released on 2018-06-27 with total page 658 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Validation of Dynamic Analyses of Dams and Their Equipment is the outcome of a three year cooperation program between CFBR (Comite Francais des Barrages et Reservoirs or French Committee on Large dams) and JCOLD (Japan Commission on Large Dams), and focusses on the dynamic behavior of concrete and embankment dams analyzed based on acceleration records of the JCOLD data base. The book covers a broad range of topics, including simplified and detailed methods of dynamic analysis for the seismic response of concrete and embankment dams compared with measured behavior. The response of embankment dams subjected to a 1.0 g foundation acceleration time history is computed by several analytical methods and compared. The modelling of stress-strain behavior of compacted soils for seismic stability analysis of earth-fill dams and its application for a failed earthfill dam is described. The cracking of the face slab of four faced rockfill dams during earthquakes is analyzed. The seismic behavior of concrete arch dams is discussed by the comparison of numerical and experimental results. Displacement-based seismic assessment of concrete dams is presented. Finally the book contains a comparison between the Japanese and French design criteria of gates and a comparison of the analysis of gates and field measurements. Validation of Dynamic Analyses of Dams and Their Equipment will be useful to professional and academics involved or interested in dam engineering.
Download or read book M thodes et outils pour l analyse phon tique des grands corpus oraux written by NGUYEN Noël and published by Lavoisier. This book was released on 2013-05-01 with total page 322 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Cet ouvrage offre un panorama des méthodes et des outils utilisables pour les analyses phonétiques sur de grands corpus oraux. Les ressources considérables dont nous disposons aujourd'hui dans le domaine de l’oral, en sont venues à jouer un rôle majeur pour les phonologues et les phonéticiens, qui entreprennent de soumettre leurs hypothèses théoriques à des tests empiriques étendus. On a vu se généraliser l'utilisation d'un large ensemble d'instruments et de méthodes pour le traitement et l'analyse automatique des données recueillies. L'ouvrage aborde notamment le prétraitement des données acoustiques, l’extraction (semi-)automatique des paramètres d’analyse, la mise en relation entre les données acoustiques et les catégories phonologiques. L’accent est placé sur le français, et les données recueillies dans le projet « Phonologie du français contemporain » sont utilisées dans de nombreux exemples. Une large place est accordée à la contribution des technologies de la parole, et notamment les systèmes de reconnaissance automatique de la parole, à l’analyse phonétique des grands corpus oraux.