Download or read book LA OBESIDAD M RBIDA written by Dr. Eduardo Chapunoff and published by Xlibris Corporation. This book was released on 2010-06-11 with total page 268 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Continuando el estilo de sus previos libros, “El Sexo y el Paciente Cardiaco”, “Contestando sus Preguntas sobre Padecimientos Cardiacos y el Sexo”, y “Cómo Evitar el Caerse Muerto: Una Guía para la Prevención de 201 Causas de Muerte Súbita o Rápida”, el Dr. Eduardo Chapunoff nos sumerge ahora en el mundo complejo de las personas que sufren de obesidad mórbida. Esta obra describe cómo y por qué el sistema cardiovascular y otros sistemas del cuerpo humano llegan a afectarse por pesos corporales excesivos. Sus propias ilustraciones, simples y esquemáticas, lo ayudarán a comprender cómo la obesidad mórbida causa infartos de miocardio, insuficiencia cardiaca, accidentes cerebro-vasculares, apnea obstructiva del sueño, y muchas otras condiciones, incluyendo la muerte súbita. Decisiones críticas son facilitadas por las explicaciones prácticas y realistas del Dr. Chapunoff. También discute la inefectividad y el injusto enfoque de ciertas compañías de seguros en la cobertura de los gastos que incurre la cirugía bariatríca o cirugía de obesidad. Muchas personas que leerán este libro adquirirán un entendimiento de esta enfermedad muy distinto del que poseen en la actualidad. El Dr. Eduardo Chapunoff es un diplomado de los Boards Norteamericanos de Medicina Interna y de Enfermedad Cardiovascular, un “fellow” del American College of Physicians y un “fellow” del American College of Cardiology. Fue profesor asociado de Medicina en la Universidad de Miami desde el año 1985 hasta el año 1997. Ha sido incluído en los registros biográficos de “Quién es Quién Marquis Publication Board, Líderes Comunitarios de Norteamérica, Personalidades de Estados Unidos (American Biographical Institute), el Hombre Internacional del Año 1991-1992, y Quién es Quién entre los Intelectuales (International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England). El Dr. Chapunoff es actualmente el jefe de cardiologia del Doctor’s Medical Center y sus seis institutos localizados en Miami, Florida. El Customer’s Research Council of America 2009 lo seleccionó como “Uno de los Cardiólogos Topes de Estados Unidos”.
Download or read book Fundamentals of Clinical Nutrition written by Sarah L. Morgan and published by Elsevier España. This book was released on 1998 with total page 314 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Written mainly for medical students and residents in training, this book is intended to complement medical training by emphasizing the relevance of nutrition to medical practice and to heighten awareness of nutrition as a medical specialty that is important for both disease prevention and the treatment of diseases of essentially every organ system. Topics covered include lifestyle, diet, and disease; nutrients and the metabolic process; nutrition and the hospitalized patient, etc.
Download or read book Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics written by Richard E. Behrman and published by Elsevier España. This book was released on 2004 with total page 2694 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Accompanying CD-ROM contains: contents of book; continuous updates; slide image library; references linked to MEDLINE; pediatric guidelines; case studies; review questions.
Download or read book Neutrosophic Sets and Systems Vol 44 2021 Special issue Impact of neutrosophy in solving the Latin American s social problems written by Florentin Smarandache and published by Infinite Study. This book was released on with total page 475 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This special issue reflects the impact of neutrosophic theory in Latin America, especially after creating the Latin American Association of Neutrosophic Sciences. Among the areas of publication most addressed in the region are found in the interrelation of social sciences and neutrosophy, presenting outstanding results in these research areas. The main objective of this special issue is to divulge the impact publication related to the Neutrosophic theory and explore new areas of research and application in the region. The SI reflects the influence of the neutrosophic publications in Latin America by opening new research areas mainly related to Neutrosophic Statistics, Plithogeny, and NeutroAlgebra. Furthermore, it is worth mentioning the incorporation of authors from new countries in the region, such as Paraguay, Uruguay, and Panama, to have authors in total from 15 countries, 12 of them from the Latin American region.
Download or read book Tratamiento quir rgico de la obesidad written by Buchwald, H. and published by Elsevier España. This book was released on with total page 486 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: "Surgical Management of Obesity" has been translated into Spanish. This brand-new resource presents the most comprehensive coverage of bariatric surgery. Individual chapters present the best surgical approaches, their outcomes, and other considerations involved.
Download or read book Endocrinolog a pedi trica pr ctica en poblaciones con recursos limitados written by M. Zacharin and published by Karger Medical and Scientific Publishers. This book was released on 2019-10-31 with total page 569 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Este libro fue concebido como un recurso accesible y útil para los pediatras e incluso para médicos generales y otros trabajadores de la salud, con el objetivo de proporcionar lineamientos claros de diagnóstico y estrategias de tratamiento. Muchos endocrinólogos experimentados en todo el mundo han contribuido a este libro, muchos de los cuales han viajado y han enseñado ampliamente en países en vías de desarrollo. El libro resultante no tiene la intención de ocupar el lugar de los textos estándar; su objetivo es proporcionar información breve y actualizada sobre las afecciones endocrinas, con énfasis en las posibilidades de diagnóstico y las pruebas analíticas y de imagen más útiles y de bajo costo, así como en el tratamiento más apropiado de acuerdo con la posibilidad que se tiene de utilizar recursos terapéuticos cuando, independientemente de que estén indicados, resulten accesibles. También se proporciona una guía sobre cómo acceder a tecnologías más sofisticadas cuando sea necesario. "La influencia de este libro de texto va mucho más allá del diagnóstico y el tratamiento de las enfermedades endocrinas pediátricas en los países en vías de desarrollo. Apoyará las iniciativas existentes que apuntan a la creación de la capacitación en Endocrinología Pediátrica en entornos donde estas condiciones no se reconocen en gran medida. Servirá como un recurso para la capacitación de enfermeras, dietistas, funcionarios de salud y otros profesionales de la salud que trabajan como aliados de los endocrinólogos pediátricos recién capacitados. Les proporcionará una herramienta para abogar por los niños y adolescentes con enfermedades endocrinas y los ayudará a sensibilizar a los legisladores y a las autoridades locales de salud pública sobre la importancia de proporcionar a los pacientes fármacos simples y relativamente asequibles que figuran en la Lista de medicamentos esenciales para niños de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) (tales como insulina, hidrocortisona, fludrocortisona, diazóxido y levotiroxina) pero que, a menudo, no están disponibles a nivel local." Jean-Pierre Chanoine, Profesor Clínico, Hospital de Niños de Columbia Británica y Universidad de Columbia Británica, Vancouver.
Download or read book Ferri s Clinical Advisor 2020 E Book written by Fred F. Ferri and published by Elsevier Health Sciences. This book was released on 2019-06-01 with total page 7615 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Significantly updated with the latest developments in diagnosis and treatment recommendations, Ferri's Clinical Advisor 2020 features the popular "5 books in 1" format to organize vast amounts of information in a clinically relevant, user-friendly manner. This efficient, intuitive format provides quick access to answers on 1,000 common medical conditions, including diseases and disorders, differential diagnoses, and laboratory tests – all reviewed by experts in key clinical fields. Updated algorithms, along with hundreds of new figures, tables, and boxes, ensure that you stay current with today's medical practice. - Contains significant updates throughout, covering all aspects of current diagnosis and treatment. - Features 27 all-new topics including chronic traumatic encephalopathy, medical marijuana, acute respiratory failure, gallbladder carcinoma, shift work disorder, radial tunnel syndrome, fertility preservation in women, fallopian tube cancer, primary chest wall cancer, large-bowel obstruction, inguinal hernia, and bundle branch block, among others. - Includes a new appendix covering Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS) Measures. - Provides current ICD-10 insurance billing codes to help expedite insurance reimbursements. - Patient Teaching Guides for many of the diseases and disorders are included, most available in both English and Spanish versions, which can be downloaded and printed for patients.
Download or read book Hacia la cobertura universal en salud y la equidad en Am rica Latina y el Caribe written by Tania Dmytraczenko and published by World Bank Publications. This book was released on 2017-11-20 with total page 239 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: En las ultimas tres decadas, muchos pafses en America Latina y el Caribe han reconocido el tema de la salud como un derecho humano. Desde inicios de la decada del 2000, 46 millones de personas adicionales, de los pafses estudiados, gozan de la protecci6n de programas de salud con explfcitos derechos a recibir atenci6n. Las reformas han venido acompafiadas por un incremento en el gasto publico del sector salud, financiado en gran pa rte por los ingresos fiscales generales que priorizan o estan dirigidos explfcitamente hacia las poblaciones sin capacidad de pago. Los compromisos polfticos se han traducido en general en presupuestos mas elevados yen leyes aprobadas que circunscriben los fondos destinados al sector salud. En la mayorfa de los pafses se ha priorizado la atenci6n primaria en salud por su costo efectividad y han adoptado metodos de adquisici6n que incentivan la eficiencia y la transparencia en los resultados y que les dan a los administradores del sector salud un mayor apalancamiento para dirigir a los proveedores hacia la . consecuci6n de las prioridades de salud publica. Sin embargo, a pesar de los avances. aun subsisten las disparidades en el financiamiento y calidad de los servicios de los subsistemas de salud. Cumplir con el compromiso de la cobertura universal de salud exigira esfuerzos concertados para mejorar la generaci6n de los ingresos fiscales de manera sostenible y de elevar la productividad y efectividad del gasto. En el re po rte Hacia la cobertura universal en salud v la equidad en America Latina v el Caribe: Evidencia de poises seleccionados. los autores sefialan que la evidencia tomada de un analisis de 54 encuestas de hogares corrobora que las inversiones en la ampliaci6n de la cobertura estan generando resultados. A pesar que los pobres aun presentan los peores fndices de salud en comparaci6n con los ricos, las disparidades se han reducido en gran medida, especialmente durante las primeras etapas de vida. Los pafses han alcanzado elevados niveles de cobertura y equidad en la utilizaci6n de los servicios de salud maternoinfantil. El panorama se torna mas lleno de matices y no tan positivo cuando se trata de la salud en adultos y de la prevalencia de condiciones y enfermedades cr6nicas. La cobertura de las intervenciones de enfermedades no transmisibles no es muy alta y la utilizaci6n de los servicios se inclina hacia aquellos que gozan de una mejor posici6n. La prevalencia de las enfermedades no transmisibles no ha mostrado el comportamiento esperado en vista de la cafda en las tasas de mortalidad: un mayor acceso a los servicios de diagn6stico por pa rte de los segmentos mas ricos podrfa encubrir cambios en la prevalencia real. Los gastos de salud provocados por situaciones catastr6ficas han ido en descenso en la mayorfa de los pafses. El panorama en torno a la equidad, sin embargo es mixto, apuntando hacia limitaciones en la medida. Si bien la tasa de empobrecimiento a causa de gastos de salud es baja, con tendencia decreciente en terminos generales, entre dos y cuatro millones de personas en los pafses estudiados aun caen por debajo de la lfnea de la pobreza despues de haber incurrido en gastos de salud. Los esfuerzos para darle un seguimiento sistematico a la calidad de la atenci6n en la region, apenas dan sus primeros pasos. Sin embargo, un repaso a la literatura revela graves deficiencias en la calidad de la atenci6n de salud, asi como sustanciales diferencias entre los diversos subsistemas. Elevar la calidad de la atenci6n y asegurar la sostenibilidad de las inversiones en salud siguen siendo una agenda inconclusa.
Download or read book Machine Translation Capabilities and limitations written by Ana Fernández Guerra and published by Universitat de València. This book was released on 2000 with total page 164 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:
Download or read book Ferri s Clinical Advisor 2019 E Book written by Fred F. Ferri and published by Elsevier Health Sciences. This book was released on 2018-05-26 with total page 7409 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Updated annually with the latest developments in diagnosis and treatment recommendations, Ferri’s Clinical Advisor uses the popular "5 books in 1" format to organize vast amounts of information in a clinically relevant, user-friendly manner. This efficient, intuitive format provides quick access to answers on more than 900 common medical conditions, including diseases and disorders, differential diagnoses, and laboratory tests – all updated by experts in key clinical fields. Updated algorithms and current clinical practice guidelines help you keep pace with the speed of modern medicine. Contains significant updates throughout, with more than 500 new figures, tables, and boxes added to this new edition. Features 17 all-new topics including opioid overdose, obesity-Hypoventilation syndrome, acute pelvic pain in women, new-onset seizures, and eosinophilic esophagitis, among many others. Provides current ICD-10 insurance billing codes to help expedite insurance reimbursements. Includes cross-references, outlines, bullets, tables, boxes, and algorithms to help you navigate a wealth of clinical information. Offers access to exclusive online content: more than 90 additional topics; new algorithms, images, and tables; EBM boxes; patient teaching guides, color images, and more.
Download or read book Ferri s Clinical Advisor 2017 E Book written by Fred F. Ferri and published by Elsevier Health Sciences. This book was released on 2016-05-27 with total page 7076 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Access up-to-date diagnostic and treatment information on more than 700 common medical conditions with Ferri’s Clinical Advisor 2017, which boasts the popular "5 books in 1" format! Published annually and now in its 19th year, it provides quick guidance on diseases and disorders, differential diagnoses, medical algorithms, laboratory tests, and clinical practice guidelines, while additional electronic content equips you with e-only topics, images, tables, and much more. Updated content by experts in key clinical fields helps you keep pace with the speed of modern medicine. Popular "5 books in 1" format includes cross-references, outlines, bullets, tables, boxes, and algorithms to help expedite search. Diseases and Disorders section features more than 300 new figures and tables, as well as 20 new topics including: cyclic vomiting syndrome, traveler’s diarrhea, chronic pruritus, post-herpetic neuralgia, enteropathic arthritis, and hoarding disorder. Differential Diagnosis section highlights 50 new topics, including: alcohol-related seizures, dysentery and inflammatory enterocolitis, hair loss, cystic and solid pancreatic lesions, and COPD decompensation. New algorithms offer important diagnostic information on 19 added conditions, including allergic reaction to vaccines, cardiac arrest, occupational asthma, urinary tract infection, and vertigo and dizziness. Current ICD-10 insurance billing codes help expedite insurance reimbursements.
Download or read book Programa de Formaci n Profesional del Param dico Nancy Caroline Volumen 1 Impreso Volumen 2 libro electr nico En espa ol written by American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS), and published by Jones & Bartlett Learning. This book was released on 2023-11-08 with total page 6324 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: El Programa de Formación Profesional del Paramédico, de Nancy Caroline, segunda edición, es la evolución más reciente del principal programa de formación académica para paramédicos.
Download or read book Spanish Sentences Vol 5 written by Nik Marcel and published by 2Language Books. This book was released on 2014-09-04 with total page 612 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Spanish Sentences Vol.5: English & Spanish THIS EDITION: Volume 5 of ‘Spanish Sentences’ contains a series of articles and accompanying sentences. The sentences provide insight into grammatical structure and sentence building strategies. The idea is to study these sentences and then read the articles. The source of the articles is the official Spanish-language blog of the United States government: ‘’. Please note, the articles are not always exactly as they appear on the official ‘gobiernoUSA’ website. They have in some cases been shortened, simplified, or generalised. The Spanish articles have been translated into English for this dual-language project. The dual-language text in the articles has been arranged into sentences and short paragraphs for quick and easy cross-referencing. The reader can choose between four formats: Section 1: English to Spanish Section 2: Spanish to English Section 3: English Section 4: Spanish A methodology for getting the most out of this bilingual format is explained in the book’s Foreword. This edition can be used on its own. However, the content is ideal for reinforcing grammar, and as a precursor to more advanced bilingual editions. Topics in this text include: technology, travel, environment, family & babies, family & children, family (general), health (general), mental health, and finance. (A Dual-Language Book Project) 2Language Books
Download or read book Ferri s Clinical Advisor 2018 E Book written by Fred F. Ferri and published by Elsevier Health Sciences. This book was released on 2017-05-25 with total page 7276 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Ferri’s Clinical Advisor 2018 is the most efficient, intuitive, and thorough resource of its kind, trusted by physicians to provide current diagnosis and treatment recommendations for hundreds of common medical conditions. The renowned "5 books in 1" format organizes vast amounts of data in a user-friendly, accessible manner, allowing quick retrieval of essential information. You’ll find guidance on diseases and disorders, differential diagnoses, and laboratory tests– updated annually by experts in key clinical fields. Medical algorithms and clinical practice guidelines round out the core content. Updated content by experts in key clinical fields helps you keep pace with the speed of modern medicine. Popular "5 books in 1" format includes cross-references, outlines, bullets, tables, boxes, and algorithms to help expedite search. Features 30 all-new topics, including Zika virus, hepatitis E, asthma-COPD overlap syndrome, drug-induced parenchymal lung disease, binge eating disorder, hereditary breast and ovarian cancer syndrome, transient global amnesia, and more. Updates 900 topics with the latest developments in medicine over the past year. Contains significantly expanded coverage throughout, including nearly 200 new illustrations, more than 100 new tables and boxes, 50 new differential diagnoses, and 30 new algorithms.
Download or read book La Homeopatia written by and published by . This book was released on 1910 with total page 1154 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: