Download or read book La ceramica medievale nel Mediterraneo Occidentale Atti del III Congresso Internazionale organizzato dal Dipartimento di Archeologia e Storia delle Arti dell Universit degli Studi di Siena e dal Museo delle Ceramiche di Faenza Siena Faenza 1984 written by Università degli studi di Siena Dipartamento di Archeologia e Storia delle Arti and published by All’Insegna del Giglio. This book was released on 1986-01-01 with total page 613 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:
Download or read book Rotte e porti del Mediterraneo dopo la caduta dell Impero romano d Occidente written by Lorenza De Maria and published by Rubbettino Editore. This book was released on 2004 with total page 452 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:
Download or read book Atti del IX Congresso Internazionale sulla Ceramica Medievale nel Mediterraneo written by Sauro Gelichi and published by All’Insegna del Giglio. This book was released on 2012-09-07 with total page 570 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: AVANT-PROPOS Au moment de conclure, pour moi-même, l’aventure de ces colloques, ce n’est pas sans quelque émotion que je regarde la série des actes qu’ils ont suscitée elle concrétise, de façon durable, le travail accompli et son apport, aussi bien méthodologique que scientifique. Dans ce domaine souvent quelque peu aride ou ingrat de la céramologie, liée à l’archéologie de terrain et en formant comme le langage explicite pour qui sait le déchiffrer, chacune de ces rencontres internationales-depuis la réunion initiale et fondatrice de Valbonne en 1978 – a été importante et révélatrice d’une évolution rapide et féconde de ces enquêtes. Elles ouvrent la voie, bien souvent, à de nouvellesrecherches toujours mieux contrôlées et faisant appel de plus en plus à l’archéométrie. L’imposant volume des Actes de Venise – ville symbole s’il en est par sa place au coeur de cette région méditerranéenne d’abord privilégiée – constitue désormais dans cette série une pièce maîtresse à bien des titres. Par son ampleur et la multiplicité de ses acteurs (qui surent tous se plier à des règles strictes) comme par la richesse des interventions présentées: si les «nouvelles découvertes» forment toujours une grande partie des apports, de nouveaux thèmes se précisent. Outre les recherches consacrées à «Venise et son territoire» (significativement d’ailleurs ouvertes aussi à l’analyse des importations orientales perçues dans cette zone), les travaux sur l’évolution des techniques, lescontraintes commerciales, les contextes sociaux, structurent des parts fondamentales de ce congrès. Il s’y ajoute aussi des ouvertures intéressantes et parfois surprenantes sur la place des céramiques dans l’architecture. Ou plus audacieusement encore, des enquêtes sur l’utilisation conjointe des sources écrites et archéologiques dans le monde byzantin, sur le décor intérieur des églises de Chypre, sur les dernières découvertes effectuées récemment à Mertola dans un contexte riverain spécifique. Comme toujours donc, mais ici avec une étendue exceptionnelle, ce congrès surprend d’abord et s’impose par l’abondance de la documentation ainsi présentée avec autant de soin que de générosité: une «mise à disposition» qui force à l’admiration comme à la gratitude envers les auteurs et les organisateurs de ce congrès, et d’abord à son maître d’oeuvre, Sauro Gelichi, qui a accepté ainsi avec son équipe, une très lourde charge. Il s’y ajoute l’affirmation d’un élargissement décisif de l’espace étudié. Centré à l’origine, par prudence comme par nécessité, sur la partie occidentale de la Méditerranée, celui-ci s’ouvre à présent – et de façon décisive – sur l’ensemble des régions méditerranéennes, et bien au-delà, sur leurs zones d’influences ou d’inspiration. Apports et échanges de plus en plus complexes, où la part des régions orientales, proches (ou surtout peut-être) plus lointaines, ne cesse et ne cessera sans doute pas de s’affirmer. Une nouvelle période s’instaure donc dans l’évolution de ces rencontres dont il faut souhaiter la continuité sous des formes de plus en plus exigeantes et critiques, dans un phénomène de mort et de transfiguration tel que celui rappelé ici par Juan Zozaya, l’un des premiers fondateurs de ces congrès. Gabrielle Démians d’Archimbaud
Download or read book XL Convegno 2007 Italia medio ed estremo Oriente commerci trasferimenti di tecnologie e influssi decorativi tra basso Medioevo ed Et moderna written by Centro ligure per la storia della ceramica and published by All’Insegna del Giglio. This book was released on 2008-05-01 with total page 209 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Sommario Julia Beltrán de Heredia, Núri Miró i Alaix, Aportación al estudio de las céramicas finas del Meditérraneo oriental, Siria/Egipto, y China en Barcelona; Claudio Capelli, Sauro Gelichi, Roberto Cabella, Caratterizzazione archeologica e archeometrica di ceramiche medievali da Harim (Siria); Giuseppe Immè, I materiali fittili tardomedievali di fabbrica locale da Garrison’s Camp (Cipro); Claudio Capelli, Catherina Richarté, Lucy Vallauri, Roberto Cabella, Florence Parent, Dati archeologici e archeometrici su alcune ceramcihe ingobbiate di area bizantina (sec. XII-XIII) rinvenute a Marsiglia; Anna Moore Valeri, Decorative motifs from the Far East in early majolica from Doccia (1740-1780); Raffaella Cassano, Caterina Laganara Fabiano, Lisa Pietropaolo, La ceramica in Puglia dal Tardoantico al Basso Medioevo tra Oriente e Occidente: nuovi dati; Pasquale Favia,Contatti transadriatici, rapporti con l’Oriente, mediazioni tecnologiche e culturali nella produzione ceramica bassomedievale della Puglia centrosettentrionale: gli influssi bizantini, la presenza saracena e le elaborazioni locali; Barbara Ciarrocchi, La ceramica smaltata di Gaeta: motivi zoomorfi e influssi decorativi dall’Oriente; Maria Raffaella Cataldo,Valenze islamiche dall’Irpinia nelle smaltate e invetriate a disegni zoomorfi; Palmina Pratillo, Motivi vegetali, astratto-geometrici edepigrafici di ascendenza islamica in alcune produzioni della Campania interna; MariangelaPreta, Emilia Andronico, Lo scavo archeologico di Piazza Italia (Reggio Calabria). Importazioni dal Mediterraneo di ceramiche fini e da trasporto; Marco Milanese, Laura Biccone, Le ceramiche dal Mediterraneo orientale in Sardegna Comunicazioni a tema libero Julia Beltrán de Heredia, Núria Miró i Alaix, Imitaciones de céramica ligur berettina en Barcelona; Valerio Diotto, Italia, Medio ed Estremo Oriente: commerci, trasferimenti di tecnologie ed influssi decorativi tra Basso Medioevo ed Età Moderna. Genova e Siviglia: laggioni a confronto; MarcellaGiorgio, Irene Trombetta, Vasellame privo di rivestimento depurato: aggiornamenti crono-tipologici su contenitori di produzione pisana provenienti da un contesto chiuso dello scavo di Via Toselli a Pisa; Marco Milanese, L’Inventario delle Robbe della Casina dell’Ostriche: dati sulla circolazione della ceramica a Livorno nella seconda metà del XVIII secolo; Marco Milanese, Irene Trombetta, Committenze di vasellame nei monasteri urbani di Pescia tra XVII e XVIII secolo. Il monastero di San Michele; Simona Pannuzi, Recenti ritrovamenti ceramici a Cori: ceramiche smaltate tardomedievali; Luigi Di Cosmo, Ceramica a vetrina pesante da San Vincenzo al Volturno (IS) ed invetriata verde solcata da Sant’Angelo da Alife (CE). Considerazioni su materiale dell’area interna della valle del Volturno; Simona Bruni, I ‘caroselli’, caratterizzazione e impiego di vasi cavi nel costruito storico calabrese; Marta Caroscio, La transizione fra Medioevo e Rinascimento e l’impiego del blu nelle smaltate basso medievali italiane. Materie prime e luoghi di approvvigionamento: fonti scritte e analisi archeometriche a confronto.
Download or read book The Oxford Handbook of African Archaeology written by Peter Mitchell and published by OUP Oxford. This book was released on 2013-07-04 with total page 1077 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Africa has the longest and arguably the most diverse archaeological record of any of the continents. It is where the human lineage first evolved and from where Homo sapiens spread across the rest of the world. Later, it witnessed novel experiments in food-production and unique trajectories to urbanism and the organisation of large communities that were not always structured along strictly hierarchical lines. Millennia of engagement with societies in other parts of the world confirm Africa's active participation in the construction of the modern world, while the richness of its history, ethnography, and linguistics provide unusually powerful opportunities for constructing interdisciplinary narratives of Africa's past. This Handbook provides a comprehensive and up-to-date synthesis of African archaeology, covering the entirety of the continent's past from the beginnings of human evolution to the archaeological legacy of European colonialism. As well as covering almost all periods and regions of the continent, it includes a mixture of key methodological and theoretical issues and debates, and situates the subject's contemporary practice within the discipline's history and the infrastructural challenges now facing its practitioners. Bringing together essays on all these themes from over seventy contributors, many of them living and working in Africa, it offers a highly accessible, contemporary account of the subject for use by scholars and students of not only archaeology, but also history, anthropology, and other disciplines.
Download or read book Studies in the Roman and Medieval Archaeology of Exeter written by Stephen Rippon and published by . This book was released on 2021 with total page 665 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This second volume presenting the research carried out through the Exeter: A Place in Time project presents a series of specialist contributions that underpin the general overview published in the first volume. Chapter 2 provides summaries of the excavations carried out within the city of Exeter between 1812 and 2019, while Chapter 3 draws together the evidence for the plan of the legionary fortress and the streets and buildings of the Roman town. Chapter 4 presents the medieval documentary evidence relating to the excavations at three sites in central Exeter (High Street, Trichay Street and Goldsmith Street), with the excavation reports being in Chapter 5-7. Chapter 8 reports on the excavations and documentary research at Rack Street in the south-east quarter of the city. There follows a series of papers covering recent research into the archaeometallurgical debris, dendrochronology, Roman pottery, Roman ceramic building material, Roman querns and millstones, Claudian coins, an overview of the Roman coins from Exeter and Devon, medieval pottery, and the human remains found in a series of medieval cemeteries.
Download or read book Byzantine Butrint written by Richard Hodges and published by Oxbow Books. This book was released on 2020-02-28 with total page 434 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Maskwork is a new way of looking at the art of masks and mask-making: a unique combination of ethnography, design and practical advice. Jenny Foreman's book for teachers and practitioners of drama, art, design and technology grew out of a research bursary from the UK's National Society for Education in Art and Design. They received her report with great enthusiasm as "one of the very best projects . . . likely to make a valuable and useful contribution" to both specific and cross-discipline school and college courses as well as to adult performing groups. The first part explains the anthropology, nature, use and meaning of masks around the world, from prehistory to modern times. Richly illustrated with colour and black-and-white photographs, this section introduces the ethical implications of free use of masks which have ethnographical connections - an important aspect completely neglected elsewhere. The second part comprises eight theme workshops, including theory, background and instructions for mask-making, supplemented by photographs of assembly and use by groups of people from all age-ranges. Materials are inexpensive and easy to acquire, while line drawings aid step-by-step construction. A bibliography and reference section helps readers go on to even greater understanding and achievements.
Download or read book Archaeologiae Una storia al plural Studi in memoria di Sara Santoro written by Sonia Antonelli and published by Archaeopress Publishing Ltd. This book was released on 2022-09-15 with total page 767 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Dedicated to the late Sara Santoro, an archaeologist and multifaceted scholar who worked actively in Italy, France and Albania, this volume is divided into Six sections, considering topics that include iconography and philology; Adriatic studies; field research; valorisation and planning in cultural heritage; 'minor' settlements; and more.
Download or read book Bibliography of Art and Architecture in the Islamic World 2 vols written by Susan Sinclair and published by BRILL. This book was released on 2012-04-03 with total page 1508 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Following the tradition and style of the acclaimed Index Islamicus, the editors have created this new Bibliography of Art and Architecture in the Islamic World. The editors have surveyed and annotated a wide range of books and articles from collected volumes and journals published in all European languages (except Turkish) between 1906 and 2011. This comprehensive bibliography is an indispensable tool for everyone involved in the study of material culture in Muslim societies.
Download or read book Materials Analysis of Byzantine Pottery written by Henry Maguire and published by Dumbarton Oaks. This book was released on 1997 with total page 196 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This publication brings to a wider audience important new findings in the fields of medieval pottery and archaeometry. The new data that materials analysis provides about Byzantine ceramics and their production at times supports, modifies, and even contradicts conclusions derived from traditional archaeological methods.
Download or read book A Companion to Sardinian History 500 1500 written by and published by BRILL. This book was released on 2017-08-28 with total page 681 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The first English-language survey of medieval and modern Sardinia, this volume offers access to long-awaited European scholarship on a critical missing link in the Mediterranean. Based on new archaeological fieldwork and current research from a variety of academic perspectives— architecture, colonialism, ecclesiastic history, cartography, demography, law, musicology, politics, trade, and urban planning—the authors provide the foundation to incorporate Sardinia into a broader European history. Among other contributions, archaeology adds critical insight into the relationship between Christian, Muslim, and Jewish inhabitants of Sardinia, through examinations of urban and rural settlement patterns. This volume aims to stimulate further analysis of the critical role Sardinia has played as one of the largest and most strategically located islands in the Mediterranean. Contributors are Laura Biccone, Nathalie Bouloux, Henri Bresc, Marco Cadinu, Roberto Coroneo, Laura Galoppini, Henrike Haug, Michelle Hobart, Rossana Martorelli, Giampaolo Mele, Marco Milanese, Giovanni Murgia, Gian Giacomo Ortu, Daniela Rovina, Olivetta Schena, Cecilia Tasca, Raimondo Turtas, and Corrado Zedda.
Download or read book Studies in the Archaeology of the Medieval Mediterranean written by and published by BRILL. This book was released on 2010-09-24 with total page 281 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The medieval Mediterranean world has inspired a rich variety of archaeological studies aimed at trying to piece together its past. This volume presents seven case studies that reveal the complexities of and possible solutions for exploring various areas of the Mediterranean basin. Individually, they offer models of interdisciplinary study that move beyond the disciplinary boundaries of archaeology to integrate evidence from other fields ranging from history to town planning. As a whole, they provide the only collection of studies of their kind for the medieval Mediterraean. They thus provide readers with a view of a field that is vibrant, nuanced, and utilizes a methodological approach that is capable of greatly increasing our knowledge of the medieval Mediterranean world. Contributors are Tasha Vorderstrasse, Jon van Leuven, Cédric Devais, Michelle Hobart, Giulia Annalinda Neglia, Johnny De Meulemeester, and Sauro Gelichi.
Download or read book The Ceramics Cultural Heritage written by P. Vincenzini and published by Techna Group. This book was released on 1995 with total page 872 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:
Download or read book Cosa V written by Elizabeth Fentress and published by University of Michigan Press. This book was released on 2003 with total page 446 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: A presentation of seven years' archaeological excavation, research, and analysis of the site of Cosa
Download or read book From Muslim Fortress to Christian Castle written by Thomas F. Glick and published by Manchester University Press. This book was released on 1995 with total page 238 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Explores the history of Spain from the Roman province, through the Visigothic and Arab conquests, to the Christian Reconquest and reorganisation of society in the thirteenth century
Download or read book Cultivating the City in Early Medieval Italy written by Caroline Goodson and published by Cambridge University Press. This book was released on 2021-03-25 with total page 323 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Demonstrates how food-growing gardens in early medieval cities transformed Roman ideas and economic structures into new, medieval values.
Download or read book The Glory of Byzantium written by Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.) and published by Metropolitan Museum of Art. This book was released on 1997 with total page 604 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Serves as both visual and textual record of the exhibition of the same name, surveying the art of the Middle Byzantine period from the restoration of the use of icons by the Orthodox Church in 843 to the occupation of Constantinople by the Crusader forces from the West from 1204 to 1261. Conceived as a sequel to the 1976 exhibition "Age of Spirituality," which focused on the first centuries of Byzantium. Preceding the catalogue, 17 essays treat the historical context, religious sphere, and secular courtly realm of the empire, and the interactions between Byzantium and other medieval cultures. Abundantly illustrated. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR