Download or read book Historia de los m todos de meditaci n no dual written by Javier Alvarado Planas and published by EDITORIAL SANZ Y TORRES S.L.. This book was released on 2012-07-16 with total page 618 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Este libro tiene por finalidad el estudio de ciertos métodos de meditación seguidos no solo por tradiciones religiosas o movimientos metafísicos que continúan vivos actualmente como el vedanta advaita, la cábala (dentro de la tradición judía), el cristianismo o el islám (particularmente el sufismo), sino practicados también por otras corrientes o escuelas que, aunque ya desaparecidas, influyeron significativamente en Occidente. Es el caso del neoplatonismo o del estoicismo cuya influencia se dejó sentir en el cristianismo antiguo y medieval, o del hermetismo grecoegipcio que tuvo un papel destacado en el Renacimiento cultural europeo a partir del siglo XV. Especial consideración se ha dado a la tradición cristiana mostrando algunos de los autores más representativos del recogimiento y de sus métodos de meditación. El objeto de este estudio puede parecer paradójico. De un lado suele afirmase que los métodos se transmiten de maestro a discípulo y se custodian en cofradías y linajes espirituales. Pero, de otra parte, también se afirma que no existe método alguno y que todo ello no es más que una invención de la mente o, si se prefiere, del ego, que disfruta entreteniéndose con las ideas de “búsqueda”, “progreso espiritual”, “Iluminación”, etc. De hecho, algunos sabios hablan del método como un no-método, pues, en rigor, ¿qué método puede haber para ir de mí mismo a mí mismo? Pero si el Espíritu no necesita progresar ni encontrar nada, ¿quién es entonces el que busca y quien es el que es encontrado? Al final parece que el método no se encamina a obtener nada (pues lo que buscamos ya lo tenemos) sino a despojarnos de lo que, erróneamente, creemos que somos... Ante tamañas cuestiones, la empresa de escribir un libro sobre este asunto parece, a primera vista, demasiado ambiciosa. Advirtamos de entrada, no obstante, que al adoptar el punto de vista historicista, ni siquiera es necesario resolver el enigma... basta con señalar la existencia de la paradoja. Precisamente el punto de vista histórico-crítico es el más adecuado para introducirse desde fuera en ese sutil universo. No obstante lo anterior, se advierte que la exposición temporal obedece a fines meramente utilitarios que no prejuzgan o implican la aceptación de una historia evolutiva de la espiritualidad, el misticismo, el esoterismo o que tal evolución resida exclusivamente en influencias o préstamos que hayan pasado de una tradición a otra. Por el contrario, las similitudes de las descripciones de las denominadas experiencias místicas también se deben a la existencia de dimensiones o estados supraindividuales fuera del tiempo y del espacio propiamente humanos que pueden ser transcendidos o rebasados hic et nunc en determinadas circunstancias. Por eso, quienes en nuestros días han vivido o reproducido una tal experiencia y han conectado con Eso o sido tomados por esa Fuente, lo han hecho de la misma manera que lo experimentaron los ascetas, sabios, magos o filósofos de hace siglos. La Fuente es la Misma y Única, y el momento es siempre Ahora. En nuestro deseo de respetar el pensamiento original de los autores aquí estudiados, hemos seleccionado los textos más significativos de ciertas obras guiando al lector por un determinado itinerario con algunas glosas procurando permanecer siempre detrás del discurso originario. Al respecto, una de las dificultades que encontramos al intentar profundizar en el pensamiento de autores antiguos proviene del diferente sentido que confieren a conceptos como “Dios”, “alma”, “místico”, “método”, “conocimiento espiritual”, etc. Ante tal pluralidad de significados nos ha parecido más adecuado respetar el vocabulario utilizado por cada autor efectuando, en algunos casos, algunas aclaraciones. Es el caso, por ejemplo, de la palabra “mystika”, tan polifacética hoy en día, y que hemos procurado recuperar en su sentido estrictamente etimológico. En efecto, palabras como “místico”, del griego mystikos, al igual que «mito» o «misterio», mustêrion, o silencio, mueô, lo referente a los misterios (ta mystika), es decir, a las ceremonias mistéricas, el iniciado (mystes), el adverbio mystikos (secretamente), proceden del verbo myo. Este verbo se origina del sonido onomatopéyico derivado de la acción de cerrar fuertemente los labios para no articular sonido alguno. Por tal motivo, tradicionalmente, la palabra “mística” o “misticismo” ha designado la “ciencia del misterio”, la “ciencia de los iniciados” y, más expresivamente, la «disciplina del silencio», entendiendo por silencio o secreto no solo aquella “experiencia” espiritual que, por su propia naturaleza, es «inexpresable» e «incomunicable», sino también un cierto método y técnica para facilitar el paso de la meditación en formas y objetos hacia la meditación pura o contemplativa, es decir, exenta de pensamientos. Ilustres sabios como Guénon han mostrado su rechazo a emplear la palabra “mística” referida al ámbito metafísico con el argumento de que “el sentido actual de la palabra mística está demasiado alejado de su acepción etimológica como para permitir volver a ella”, proponiendo sustituirla por la de “esotérico”, “iniciático” o “metafísico”. Sin embargo, la palabra “esoterismo”, asumible en la época de Guénon (primera mitad del siglo XX), ya no resulta tan clarificadora a comienzos del XXI debido a su indiscriminado uso en todo tipo de ámbitos. Otro tanto sucede, aunque en menor medida, con el empleo del término “iniciático”, o “metafísico”, que han sido privados de todo contenido espiritual y se utilizan fundamentalmente en un sentido filosófico especulativo cuando no vulgar. Ello explica que retomenos las palabras “mystika” y “mystes”, en su sentido originario. Lo mismo acontece con el uso indiferenciado de palabras como “espíritu” y “alma” que se hace en numeras obras antigüas y modernas siendo, no obstante, dos conceptos totalmente distintos. También aquí hemos respetado la terminología de cada autor. Bien es verdad que en la tradición religiosa judeocristiana se distingue entre ruach (espíritu), el alma (heb. néfesch) y el cuerpo, de modo que, mientras que el alma o néfesch muere con el cuerpo, la ruach (espíritu) es inmortal. Sin embargo, como ruach y néfesch fueron traducidas ambas al griego como ψυχή (psykhé) y al latín como ánima (alma), muchos místicos han utilizado las palabras “alma” o “espíritu” como sinónimas. También los estoicos distinguían entre cuerpo (soma), alma (psiqué) y espíritu (hegemonikón). Igualmente, algunos autores tradicionales hacen la distinción entre el “Ser que causa el Ser” (es decir, el Dios antes de la aparición de Dios y que en el Antiguo Testamento se denomina Yahweh) y el “Ser” mismo, lo que equivale a la distinción que en la India se hace entre Parabrahman (es decir, lo que está más allá de “Yo soy”) y Brahman (“Yo soy”), o la que Eckhart hacía entre la Divinidad (antes de la aparición de la Creación) y Dios (como creador). El que tales distinciones respondan a una realidad metafísica o sean más bien constructos mentales de utilidad pedagógica, es cuestión que veremos más adelante. Hechas estas consideraciones, pasemos a comentar algunos de los autores, episodios y textos representativos del camino metafísico.
Download or read book History of Non dual Meditation Methods written by Javier Alvarado Planas and published by EDITORIAL SANZ Y TORRES S.L.. This book was released on 2014-08-29 with total page 676 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The aim of this book is to study certain meditation methods followed not only by religious traditions or metaphysical movements that are still alive nowadays like Advaita Vedanta, Kabbalah (within the Jewish tradition), Christianity or Islam (particularly Sufism), but also practiced by other currents or schools that, even though already gone, significantly influenced the West. This is the case of Neoplatonism or Stoicism, whose influence was felt by ancient and medieval Christianity, or Greco-Egyptian Hermetism, which played an important role in the European cultural Renaissance from the 15th century on. A special consideration has been given to Christian tradition, introducing some of the most representative authors of recollection and their meditation methods. Este libro tiene por finalidad el estudio de ciertos métodos de meditación seguidos no solo por tradiciones religiosas o movimientos metafísicos que continúan vivos actualmente como el vedanta advaita, la cábala (en la tradición judía), el cristianismo o el islám (particularmente el sufismo), sino practicados también por otras corrientes o escuelas que, aunque ya desaparecidas, influyeron significativamente en Occidente. Es el caso del neoplatonismo o del estoicismo cuya influencia se dejó sentir en el cristianismo antiguo y medieval, o del hermetismo greco-egipcio que tuvo un papel destacado en el Renacimiento cultural europeo a partir del siglo XV. Especial consideración se ha dado a la tradición cristiana mostrando algunos de los autores más representativos del recogimiento y de su método de meditación.
Download or read book Overarching Greek Trends in European Philosophy written by Marco Antonio Coronel Ramos and published by John Benjamins Publishing Company. This book was released on 2021-08-16 with total page 282 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This book is an enquiry into memory in the Western world. Specifically, memory is the framework of culture, because it links the present to the past - or tradition - and projects it into the future. For this reason, any work focusing on memory involves a double challenge: (1) to reveal the origin of concepts and (2) to glimpse the course of thoughts. This is the case of the present volume, in which the authors make several tastings of Europe's intellectual heritage, by taking into account both the Greek origin of this legacy and its relevance for understanding the European philosophical heritage. In particular, these papers focus on the Aristotelian tradition, the true keystone of Europe, and on other currents of thought that have also played an essential role in the intellectual evolution of the Old Continent. In the latter field, there are contributions, for instance, on philosophical-religious traditions such as Orphism or on certain fundamental aspects of Neoplatonism both in the Classical World and in Christian authors. The volume concludes with various works on the survival of these intellectual trends from the Renaissance to the present day. Consequently, this work offers the opportunity to delve deeper into some of the aspects that define Western civilisation, observed both from its origin and its evolution over the centuries. The volume contains papers in Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and English. Este libro es una indagación en la memoria del mundo occidental. Específicamente, la memoria es el armazón de la cultura, porque liga el presente al pasado —o tradición— y lo proyecta al futuro. Por ello, toda obra centrada en la memoria entraña un doble reto: (1) revelar el origen de los conceptos y (2) atisbar el rumbo de los pensamientos. Este es el caso del presente volumen, en el que realizan diversas catas en el patrimonio intelectual europeo. Lo hace teniendo en cuenta tanto el origen griego de ese legado como su relevancia para comprender el acervo filosófico europeo. En concreto, se centra en la tradición aristótelica, verdadera clave de bóveda de Europa, y en otras corrientes de pensamiento que también han jugado un papel esencial en la evolución intelectual del viejo continente. En éste último ámbito hay contribuciones, por ejemplo, sobre tradiciones filosófico-religiosas como el orfismo o sobre determinados aspectos fundamentales del neoplatonismo en el mundo clásico y en autores cristianos. Concluye el volumen con diversos trabajos sobre la pervivencia de esas tendencias intelectuales desde el renacimiento hasta nuestros días. En consecuencia, esta obra ofrece la oportunidad de profundizar en algunos aspectos que definen nuestra civilización, observados tanto desde su origen como desde su evolución a lo largo de los siglos.
Download or read book Understanding the City written by Gülçin Erdi-Lelandais and published by Cambridge Scholars Publishing. This book was released on 2014-06-30 with total page 260 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Henri Lefebvre is undoubtedly one of the most influential thinkers in the field of urban space and its organization; his theories offer reflections still valid for analyzing social relations in urban areas affected by the crisis of the neoliberal economic system. Lefebvre’s ideal of the “right to the city” is now more widely accepted given today’s current cultural and social situation. Most current research on Henri Lefebvre refers solely to his ideas and their theoretical discussion, without focusing on the empirical transcription of the philosopher. This book fills this gap, and proposes examples about the empirical use of Henri Lefebvre’s sociology from the perspective of different cities and researchers in order to understand the city and its evolutions in the context of neoliberal globalization. The book’s main purpose is to revisit Lefebvre’s still-relevant key concepts to propose new comprehensions of the contemporary city. Case studies in this book will show also that the reception of Lefebvrian concepts differs across different contexts, depending on the social and political circumstances of each country. The debates in this book both expand the scope of urban imagination, and help to reinvigorate, unify, and empower shared desires for just urban outcomes. The contributions to this book also illuminate the everyday choices concerning the form and social processes of the city, and the inspiration that they draw from Lefebvre’s theoretical legacy in the realm of urban sociology.
Download or read book The Tourism Area Life Cycle Conceptual and theoretical issues written by Richard Butler and published by Channel View Publications. This book was released on 2006 with total page 358 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This book is divided into five sections: the conceptual origins of the TALC, spatial relationships and the TALC, alternative conceptual approaches, renewing or retiring with the TALC, and predicting with the TALC. It concludes with a review of the future potential of the model in the area of the destination development process.
Download or read book The Philosophy of the Church Fathers Faith Trinity Incarnation written by Harry Austryn Wolfson and published by . This book was released on 1956 with total page 680 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:
Download or read book Professional Nursing in the Philippines written by Lydia M. Venzon and published by . This book was released on 2016 with total page pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:
Download or read book Strategic Procurement written by Caroline Booth and published by Kogan Page Publishers. This book was released on 2010-09-03 with total page 192 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Most organizations, regardless of industry, spend more money on suppliers than they do on employing their staff. Written for the non-procurement expert, Strategic Procurement explores the 'why' and 'what' of good procurement rather than the 'how.' It explains why you should focus your efforts on this previously neglected area of business and rich rewards, where P&L impact is relatively painless and immediate, where benefit to cost ratios of 10 to 1 are realistic ambitions and in-year payback is possible. It covers all the aspects of strategic procurement, including The role of the executive and the organization in procurement; Primary and secondary supply chains; Cost reduction techniques Making yourself important to suppliers; Sustaining procurement improvement; Keeping procurement on the business agenda Showing you how to cut costs without harming your business and the importance of recognizing supplier relationship management, Strategic Procurement offers real understanding of the true worth of procurement in the boardroom.
Download or read book Jewish Mysticism written by and published by Westminster John Knox Press. This book was released on 2001-01-01 with total page 318 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Presents a historical overview of the movements and trends in Jewish mysticism including Hekhaloth mysticism, classical and Lurianic Kabbalah, Shabbetai Zevi, and Hasidism, seeking to define and explain how the various currents of tradition throughout the centuries are related. Original.
Download or read book Hidden Riches written by Christopher B. Hays and published by Presbyterian Publishing Corp. This book was released on 2014-01-01 with total page 453 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This study considers the historical, cultural, and literary significance of some of the most important Ancient Near East (ANE) texts that illuminate the Hebrew Bible. Christopher B. Hays provides primary texts from the Ancient Near East with a comparison to literature of the Hebrew Bible to demonstrate how Israel's Scriptures not only draw from these ancient contexts but also reshape them in a unique way. Hays offers a brief introduction to comparative studies, then lays out examples from various literary genres that shed light on particular biblical texts. Texts about ANE law collections, treaties, theological histories, prophecies, ritual texts, oracles, prayers, hymns, laments, edicts, and instructions are compared to corresponding literature in the Pentateuch, Prophets, and Writings of the Hebrew Bible. The book includes summaries to help instructors and students identify key points for comparison. By considering the literary and historical context of other literature, students will come away with a better understanding of the historical, literary, and theological depth of the Hebrew Bible.
Download or read book Democracy in Mexico written by Pablo González Casanova and published by New York : Oxford University Press. This book was released on 1970 with total page 272 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:
Download or read book Cuisine and Empire written by Rachel Laudan and published by Univ of California Press. This book was released on 2015-04-03 with total page 488 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Rachel Laudan tells the remarkable story of the rise and fall of the world’s great cuisines—from the mastery of grain cooking some twenty thousand years ago, to the present—in this superbly researched book. Probing beneath the apparent confusion of dozens of cuisines to reveal the underlying simplicity of the culinary family tree, she shows how periodic seismic shifts in “culinary philosophy”—beliefs about health, the economy, politics, society and the gods—prompted the construction of new cuisines, a handful of which, chosen as the cuisines of empires, came to dominate the globe. Cuisine and Empire shows how merchants, missionaries, and the military took cuisines over mountains, oceans, deserts, and across political frontiers. Laudan’s innovative narrative treats cuisine, like language, clothing, or architecture, as something constructed by humans. By emphasizing how cooking turns farm products into food and by taking the globe rather than the nation as the stage, she challenges the agrarian, romantic, and nationalistic myths that underlie the contemporary food movement.
Download or read book Inner Christianity written by Richard Smoley and published by Shambhala Publications. This book was released on 2002-10-08 with total page 305 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: An eye-opening introduction to the complex world of esoteric Christianity—perfect for the general reader This guide to mystical and esoteric Christianity speaks from a nonsectarian point of view, unearthing insights from the whole of the Christian tradition, orthodox and heretical, famous and obscure. The esoteric tradition has traditionally searched for meanings that would yield a deeper inner knowledge of the divine. While traditional Christianity draws a timeline from Adam's Fall to the Day of Judgment, the esoteric often sees time as folding in on itself, bringing every point to the here and now. While the Church fought bitterly over dogma, the esoteric borrowed freely from other traditions—Kabbalah, astrology, and alchemy—in their search for metaphors of inner truth. Rather than basing his book around exponents of esoteric doctrine, scholar Richard Smoley concentrates on the questions that are of interest to every searching Christian. How can one attain direct spiritual experience? What does "the Fall" really tell us about coming to terms with the world we live in? Can we find salvation in everyday life? How can we ascend, spiritually, through the various levels of existence? What was Christ's true message to humankind? From the Gospel of Thomas to A Course in Miracles, from the Jesus Prayer to alchemy and Tarot, from Origen to Dante to Jung, Richard Smoley sheds the light of an alternative Christianity on these issues and more.
Download or read book Toolkit for Counseling Spanish Speaking Clients written by Lorraine T. Benuto and published by Springer. This book was released on 2017-11-14 with total page 537 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This timely practical reference addresses the lack of Spanish-language resources for mental health professionals to use with their Latino clients. Geared toward both English- and Spanish-speaking practitioners in a variety of settings, this volume is designed to minimize misunderstandings between the clinician and client, and with that the possibility of inaccurate diagnosis and/or ineffective treatment. Coverage for each topic features a discussion of cultural considerations, guidelines for evidence-based best practices, a review of available findings, a treatment plan, plus clinical tools and client handouts, homework sheets, worksheets, and other materials. Chapters span a wide range of disorders and problems over the life-course, and include reproducible resources for: Assessing for race-based trauma. Using behavioral activation and cognitive interventions to treat depression among Latinos. Treating aggression, substance use, abuse, and dependence among Latino Adults. Treating behavioral problems among Latino adolescents. Treating anxiety among Latino children. Working with Latino couples. Restoring legal competency with Latinos. The Toolkit for Counseling Spanish-Speaking Clients fills a glaring need in behavioral service delivery, offering health psychologists, social workers, clinical psychologists, neuropsychologists, and other helping professionals culturally-relevant support for working with this under served population. The materials included here are an important step toward dismantling barriers to mental health care.
Download or read book Syntax written by Andrew Radford and published by Cambridge University Press. This book was released on 1997-07-10 with total page 298 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This textbook provides a concise, readable introduction to contemporary work in syntactic theory, particularly to key concepts of Chomsky's minimalist programme. Andrew Radford gives a general overview of the main theoretical concepts and descriptive devices used in 1990s work. The discussion is largely based on data from a range of varieties of English (not only Modern Standard, but also Belfast English, Shakespearean English, Jamaican Creole, etc.) and does not presuppose any prior knowledge of syntax. There are exercises and a substantial glossary. This is an abridged version of Radford's major textbook Syntactic Theory and the Structure of English: A Minimalist Approach, and will be welcomed as a short introduction to current syntactic theory.
Download or read book The Science of Meditation written by Daniel Goleman and published by Viking. This book was released on 2018 with total page 0 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Drawing on cutting-edge research, friends and Harvard collaborators Daniel Goleman and Richard Davidson expertly reveal what we can learn from a one-of-a-kind data pool that includes world-class meditators. They share for the first time remarkable findings that show how meditation - without drugs or high expense - can cultivate qualities such as selflessness, equanimity, love and compassion, and redesign our neural circuitry. Demonstrating two master thinkers at work, The Science of Meditation explains precisely how mind training benefits us. More than daily doses or sheer hours, we need smart practice, including crucial ingredients such as targeted feedback from a master teacher and a more spacious worldview. These two bestselling authors sweep away the misconceptions around these practices and show how smart practice can change our personal traits and even our genome for the better. Gripping in its storytelling and based on a lifetime of thought and action, this is one of those rare books that has the power to change us at the deepest level.
Download or read book Colonialism and Its Aftermath written by Peggy Brock and published by . This book was released on 2017 with total page 480 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: A history of Aboriginal South Australia in a collection of essays by both indigenous and white writers and historians.