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Book Nello spessore  Traiettorie e stanze dentro la citt

Download or read book Nello spessore Traiettorie e stanze dentro la citt written by Sara Marini and published by Edizioni Nuova Cultura. This book was released on 2012 with total page 204 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book The Social City

    Book Details:
  • Author : Scopacasa, Antonello
  • Publisher : Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin
  • Release : 2022-12-27
  • ISBN : 379833143X
  • Pages : 438 pages

Download or read book The Social City written by Scopacasa, Antonello and published by Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin. This book was released on 2022-12-27 with total page 438 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: In the post-war period, Berlin and Naples experienced a phase of profound changes, essentially influenced by external factors: the less rigid urban structure which had been ruined by World War II, resulting in severe changes in the social and economic structure, an uncritical reception and implementation of largely theoretical models of functionalism in urban planning, and in the design of the new public building interventions. On the one hand, between the 1940s and the 1980s, Berlin experienced a considerable loss in population, a political isolation and an urban splitting, as the urban planning institutions, deeply influenced by relevant politics, slowly and thoroughly changed the cityscape. On the other hand, Naples suffered from a new phase of immigration as well as from the parallel densification of the old suburbs and the physical expansion of the city limits without consistent and socially appropriate urban planning measures. This phase of change, so full of contrasts, coincided with the establishment of new democratic systems in the Federal Republic of Germany and Italy, and with the fundamental goal of socially adequate housing in both the West and the East. The research involved a series of historical analyses of the relationship between urban development and social housing for critical reflection and to allow an informed evaluation of the contemporary condition. In particular, it investigated housing settlements realised in Berlin and Naples in the first four decades of the post-war period, which corresponds to the period in which public housing was central in both political and urban planning terms. The book focuses on places of living, the city and the house. Consequently, it investigates the scale of the project and that of the intervention, the relationship between innovation and the cultural reception of urban phenomena and, again, between the stage of the project and the realisation and upkeep of the interventions, between democratic expectations and the adequacy of the administration system. These steps have a direct effect on the social identity that inspires, structures and transforms the planned and then built city, that continuous dialogue between form and content (the past) that occurs, in general, through progressive and mutual adaptations. In the selection of the case studies, we have favoured interventions on the “periphery,” which are those in which theoretical and aesthetic trends have best manifested themselves and in which planning and design cultures could develop most widely. However, the periphery does not necessarily coincide with the geographical edges of the cities: both in Berlin and in Naples, historical events, or the particular topography have naturally shifted the “peripheral” location along a radius that only ideally starts from the city centre and often extends to its inner fringes. Rather, from a sociological point of view, the same interventions generally generate the peripheral condition, that is, marginalisation or social division. This, as we shall see, can be traced both on the large scale of the city and inside the neighbourhood. The materials are arranged in the following way: the text is introduced by a graphic and synthetic presentation of the historical context in Berlin and Naples and the documentation of the twelve case studies. In the second chapter, Comparison, which was mostly developed as the first by the young scholars involved in the project, three theoretical issues highlighted during the seminars are better presented: The ability of the project to involve the social level; the experimentalism of the interventions, in particular in construction technology, social approach and democratic participation; the relationship between public and private in the phases of implementation and the upkeep of the programmes. The third chapter, In-Depth Analysis, includes the contributions of the scientists involved to give a better articulated historical and critical analysis of many of selected case studies and of the wider urban and social context. The closing editorial paper offers a brief overview focusing on a selection of the theoretical nodes that emerged from the comparison of the materials from a contemporary perspective. The publication is the outcome of the homonymous research programme fully funded by DAAD German Academic Exchange Service and runned in 2019 in cooperation between the Technische Universität of Berlin, Department of Architecture (Habitat Unit) with the Università della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli," Dipartimento di Architettura e Disegno Industriale in Aversa (Italy). In der Nachkriegszeit erlebten Berlin und Neapel eine Phase tiefgehender Veränderungen, die im Wesentlichen von externen Faktoren beeinflusst wurde: der aufgelockerten, infolge des Zweiten Weltkriegs ruinierten Stadtform, der starken Veränderung der sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Struktur, der unkritischen Rezeption und Implementierung von stark theoretisch geprägten Modellen des Funktionalismus in der Stadtplanung sowie in der Gestaltung der neuen öffentlichen Bauinterventionen. Auf der einen Seite erlebt Berlin zwischen den 40er und den 80er Jahren einen starken Bevölkerungsverlust, eine politische Isolierung und eine urbane Aufspaltung, indem eine stark politisch beeinflusste Stadtplanung das Stadtbild tief verändert. Auf der anderen Seite leidet Neapel unter einer neuen Einwanderungsphase sowie der parallelen Verdichtung der alten Vorstädte und der physischen Erweiterung der Stadtgrenze, ohne dass konsequente und sozial gemäße stadtplanerische Maßnahmen vorgenommen wurden. Diese kontrastreiche Umbruchsphase stimmt überein mit der Etablierung der neuen demokratischen Regierungssysteme in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland wie auch in Italien und damit mit dem für beide - und im Westen wie im Osten - grundlegenden Ziel des sozial gerechten Wohnens. Das Forschungsvorhaben beinhaltete eine Reihe von historischen Analysen der Beziehung zwischen Stadtentwicklung und sozialem Wohnungsbau zum Zweck der kritischen Reflexion und um eine fundierte Bewertung der jeweiligen zeitgenössischen Bedingungen zu ermöglichen. Insbesondere wurden Wohnsiedlungen untersucht, die in Berlin wie in Neapel in den ersten vier Jahrzehnten nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg errichtet wurden, d.h. in eben dem Zeitraum, in dem öffentlicher Wohnungsbau sowohl unter politischen wie auch unter stadtplanerischen Aspekten zentral war. Das Buch konzentriert sich auf Lebensräume, die Stadt und das Haus. Folglich untersucht es das Ausmaß des Projekts wie das der Intervention, die Beziehung zwischen Innovation und kultureller Rezeption städtischer Phänomene wie auch zwischen dem jeweiligen Stadium des Projekts und der Umsetzung und Aufrechterhaltung der Interventionen und schließlich zwischen den demokratischen Erwartungen und der Leistungsfähigkeit des Verwaltungssystems. Diese Schritte haben direkte Auswirkungen auf die soziale Identität, welche die zunächst geplante und dann gebaute Stadt inspiriert, strukturiert und transformiert, d.h. diesen ständigen Dialog zwischen Form und Inhalt (die Vergangenheit), der im Allgemeinen durch fortschreitende und gegenseitige Anpassungen abläuft. Bei der Auswahl der Fallstudien haben wir Interventionen in der "Perpherie" bevorzugt, da sie es sind, in denen sich theoretische und ästhetische Trends am deutlichsten abzeichnen und in denen sich Kulturen der Planung und des Designs am weitesten entwickeln könnten. Die Peripherie fällt jedoch nicht unbedingt zusammen mit den geografischen Rändern der Städte: sowohl in Berlin wie in Neapel haben historische Ereignisse oder auch die jeweilige Topografie naturgemäß die "periphere" Lage entlang einem Radius verschoben, der nur im Idealfall vom Stadtzentrum ausgeht und sich oft bis an seine Ränder erstreckt. Von einer soziologischen Perspektive aus ist es eher so, dass im Allgemeinen die gleichen Interventionen zu einer peripheren Situation führen. d.h. zu Marginalisierung oder sozialer Aufspaltung. Wie wir sehen werden, gilt dies sowohl im größeren Rahmen für die Stadt wie auch innerhalb eines Stadtviertels. Die Materialien sind folgendermaßen angeordnet: Der Text wird eingeführt durch eine grafische und zusammenfassende Präsentation der historischen Zusammenhänge in Berlin und Neapel und eine Dokumentation zu den zwölf Fallstudien. Im zweiten Kapitel – "Vergleich/Comparison" – , das ursprünglich als erstes Kapitel von den jüngeren Forschern, die am Projekt teilnahmen, entwickelt wurde, werden drei Fragen, die während der Seminare im Mittelpunkt standen, genauer vorgestellt: die Eignung des Projekts dafür, die soziale Ebene mit einzubeziehen; der experimentelle Charakter der Interventionen, insbesondere in der Bautechnologie, im sozialen Ansatz und in der demokratischen Teilhabe; die Beziehung zwischen öffentlichem und privatem Engagement in der Phase der Umsetzung wie der Aufrechterhaltung der Programme. Das dritte Kapitel – "Eingehende Analyse/In-Depth-Analyses" – besteht aus den Beiträgen der beteiligten Wissenschaftler, um so eine klarere historische und kritische Analyse von etlichen der ausgewählten Fallstudien und der weiterreichenden städtischen und sozialen Zusammenhänge zu gewährleisten. Der abschließende Kommentarteil bietet einen kurzen Überblick, der den Schwerpunkt auf eine Auswahl von theoretischen Verknüpfungen legt, die sich aus dem Vergleich der Materialien aus zeitgenössischen Perspektive ergeben. Die Veröffentlichung ist das Ergebnis des gleichnamigen Forschungsprogramms, das vollständig vom DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) finanziert wurde und 2019 in einer Zusammenarbeit der Architektur-Fakultät (Habitat Unit) der Technischen Universität Berlin mit dem Dipartmento di Architettura e Disegno Industriale der Università della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" in Aversa (Italien) durchgeführt wurde. Nel secondo dopoguerra Berlino e Napoli vivono una fase di profondo cambiamento che è condizionato in maniera preponderante da fattori esterni: la parziale disgregazione della forma urbana causata dei bombardamenti bellici, il cambiamento della struttura socio-economica, il recepimento delle teorie funzionaliste nella pianificazione urbana e nella progettazione dei nuovi interventi di edilizia residenziale pubblica. Per un verso, tra gli anni quaranta e gli anni ottanta, Berlino rileva una pesante contrazione demografica, l'isolamento politico, la separazione interna del Muro, gli effetti di una pianificazione urbana fortemente influenzata dal sdoppiato piano politico che deriva dalla fondazione nel 1949 dei due stati tedeschi, la GDR e la DDR. Per altro verso, Napoli osserva una nuova fase di immigrazione che si aggiunge alla naturale crescita demografica del primo dopoguerra, lo sviluppo urbano dei sobborghi e dei principali centri dell’entroterra costiero, l'espansione fisica ma non amministrativa dei confini della città, l’inadeguatezza ed il costante ritardo del piano amministrativo-urbanistico nella gestione dei fenomeni sociali ed urbani. Si tratta in pratica di una fase carica di contrasti che coincide con l'instaurazione delle nuove repubbliche liberali in Germania ed Italia, e con la definitiva affermazione della questione abitativa e della residenza popolare che assurge, in ambito socialista, al rango di elemento funzionale alla stessa costruzione statale. Lo studio indaga la relazione tra sviluppo urbano ed edilizia residenziale pubblica e si propone come strumento per la riflessione critica e per la valutazione informata della condizione contemporanea. Le indagini e le valutazioni storiche che esso raccoglie si concentrano sugli interventi realizzati a Berlino e a Napoli nei primi quarant’anni del dopoguerra, ovvero nel periodo in cui la questione abitativa diviene urgente e centrale per vari ordini di motivi sia in termini politici che urbanistici. Lo sguardo si concentra sui luoghi dell'abitare, la città e la casa; indaga e confronta la scala teorica e quella reale, il rapporto tra innovazione e recezione culturale; confronta i piani del progetto, della costruzione e della successiva manutenzione degli interventi residenziali, tra le aspettative democratiche e l'adeguatezza del sistema amministrativo nel gestirli. Si tratta di passaggi che hanno un effetto diretto sull'identità sociale che, di risposta, ispira e struttura la nuova città attraverso un dialogo tra forma e contenuto (il passato) che procede per progressivi e reciproci adattamenti. Nella selezione dei casi studio sono stati privilegiati interventi di "periferia", ovvero quelli in cui le culture della pianificazione e del progetto, e le tendenze teoriche ed estetiche si sono potute manifestare nella maniera più completa. Come si vedrà, tuttavia, la periferia non coincide necessariamente con i margini geografici delle città: sia a Berlino che a Napoli gli eventi storici o la particolare topografia hanno dislocato la condizione "periferica" lungo un raggio che solo idealmente conduce dal centro della città. Da un punto di vista sociologico, e per la coincidenza di diversi fattori, inoltre, gli stessi interventi residenziali generano al loro interno la condizione periferica che si manifesta generalmente in degrado degli spazi comuni, mancanza di prossimità, emarginazione sociale. I materiali del testo sono organizzati in tre parti: nel primo capitolo Documentation si introduce al contesto storico, amministrativo ed urbanistico e si presentano schematicamente e secondo un criterio uniforme i dodici casi studio selezionati; nel secondo capitolo Comparison, che, come il primo, è stato redatto dai giovani ricercatori coinvolti nel progetto di ricerca, vengono meglio presentate tre questioni teoriche emerse nel corso dei laboratori: la capacità del progetto di coinvolgere il piano sociale; lo sperimentalismo degli interventi, in particolare per tecnologia costruttiva, approccio sociale e partecipazione democratica; il rapporto tra il piano amministrativo-pubblico ed il piano civico-privato nelle fasi di realizzazione e mantenimento dei programmi residenziali. Il terzo capitolo, In-Depth-Analysis, raccoglie i contributi degli studiosi coinvolti per fornire un'analisi storica e critica articolata dei casi di studio selezionati e del più ampio contesto urbano e sociale. Infine, le conclusioni raccolgono e presentano i principali nodi teorici emersi nel corso della ricerca in una prospettiva aperta alla condizione contemporanea. La pubblicazione restituisce e meglio sviluppa sul piano documentale e critico i materiali raccolti nel corso dei due laboratori tenuti nel 2019 presso la Technische Universität di Berlino, Dipartimento di Urbanistica e Sviluppo urbano sostenibile “Habitat Unit,” e l’Università della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli," Dipartimento di Architettura e Disegno Industriale di Aversa, nell’ambito dell’omonimo progetto di ricerca finanziato dal DAAD (Servizio Tedesco per lo Scambio Accademico).

Book Quaderni di Sociologia 91

Download or read book Quaderni di Sociologia 91 written by AA.VV. and published by Rosenberg & Sellier. This book was released on 2024-04-09 with total page 164 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Gianfranco Poggi (1934-2023) la società contemporanea / Re-thinking the quality of public space (I) Letteria G. Fassari, Martina Löw, Gioia Pompili, Emanuela Spanò, Preface Dominik Bartmanski, Seonju Kim, Martina Löw, Timothy Pape, Jörg Stollmann, Smart New World. Ways of Seeing Spatiotemporal Logics of Social Refiguration in New Songdo City Paolo Do, Letteria G. Fassari, The Quality of Public Space Among Hybrid Nature-Ruins. The Case of Bullicante Lake in Rome Elifcan Karacan, Quality of Space as Experienced: Impacts of Needs and Affordability on Spatial Appropriation of Cross-border Labor Commuters Alina Dambrosio Clementelli, Women’s Safety Between Neo-Liberalization and Re-Writings of Public Spaces Séverine Marguin, Vivien Sommer, Public Spaces as Homophilic Spaces. Belonging and Accessibility in Berlin’s Club Culture Claudia Cantale, Mapping Change. Imagine Antico Corso: What Family Photo Archives Say About the Neighbourhood teoria e ricerca Antonio Russo, Il Mezzogiorno nella trappola dello sviluppo intermedio: un’interpretazione neo-schumpeteriana della mancata convergenza recensioni Alfio Mastropaolo, Fare la guerra con altri mezzi. Sociologia storica del governo democratico, 2023 (Alon Helled) Stefano Tomelleri, Il capro espiatorio. L’uso strategico della violenza, 2023 (Uliano Conti)

Book Anthropotes

    Book Details:
  • Author : Philippe Bordeyne
  • Publisher : Edizioni Studium S.r.l.
  • Release : 2024-03-26
  • ISBN : 8838254346
  • Pages : 213 pages

Download or read book Anthropotes written by Philippe Bordeyne and published by Edizioni Studium S.r.l.. This book was released on 2024-03-26 with total page 213 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Philippe Bordeyne – Waldecir Gonzaga, Joie et fraternité: semences et premiers fruits du pontificat de François / Joy and Fraternity: the Seeds and First Fruits of Francis’ Pontificate Card. Orani João Tempesta, O. Cist., Saluto I opening words marIa clara lucchETTI BInGEmEr, alegría y fraternidad: ejes de una santidad humanizadora / Joy and Fraternity: axes of a humanising holiness Peter Casarella, alegría y fraternidad, factores de renovación para una iglesia mundial / Joy and Fellowship, Factors of renewal for a World church Carlos Eduardo Ferré, la familia come sujeto social y político y su rol en espacio público. una visión desde el pensamiento social de la igle- sia / The Family as a Social and Political Subject and its role in Public Space. a Wiew from the Social Thought of the church Card. José Tolentino De Mendonça, Saluto I opening words Gilfredo Marengo, Trasformazione missionaria della chiesa: una rin- novata recezione del Vaticano II / missionary Transformation of the church: a renewed reception of Vatican II Isabella Guanzini, la gioia di credere: dire dio nel “cambiamento d’epo- ca” / The Joy of Believing: Saying God in the “change of age” Vincenzo Rosito, la fraternità tra ecclesiologia politica e innovazione so- ciale / Fraternity between Political Ecclesiology and Social Innovation Indice dell’annata

Book Fabrizio Rossi Prodi

Download or read book Fabrizio Rossi Prodi written by Fabrizio Rossi Prodi and published by Alinea Editrice. This book was released on 2007 with total page 210 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book Editorial  An Exhibition in Words

Download or read book Editorial An Exhibition in Words written by L. Lo Pinto and published by . This book was released on 2022 with total page 128 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book La Divinit   Nemica

    Book Details:
  • Author : Enrico Francot
  • Publisher : L'Osssione Espressa Editore - Milano
  • Release : 2017-09-12
  • ISBN : 8890460253
  • Pages : 420 pages

Download or read book La Divinit Nemica written by Enrico Francot and published by L'Osssione Espressa Editore - Milano. This book was released on 2017-09-12 with total page 420 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Non è vero che in un individuo l’equilibrio si raggiunge con l’equilibrio tra la parte maschile e la parte femminile né si sa cosa tali “parti” siano davvero. Non è vero che l’anima è un archetipo che può “far crescere” un maschio soltanto se proiettato su una donna, farlo procedere dallo stato beluino a quello di “vero uomo” o, più falso ancora, da bambino ad adulto. Semmai sono le donne a essere le eterne bambine. Non è vero che un uomo possa avere pace soltanto armonizzando in unità di tutte le componenti della psiche. Al contrario, può raggiungere se non quiete almeno dignità e rispetto per se stesso soltanto imparando a navigare tra le sue contraddizioni, nel suo caos. Un altro luogo comune da sfatare? La teoria della santificante conciliazione degli opposti. Conduce a scelte devastanti per la società e assassine per l’individuo, è la culla di ogni bastardo compromesso politico, è il frutto avvelenato del pensiero di Hegel e dell’eterno oscillare tra assolutismo assassino e lassismo scatenato proprio della sua patria tedesca. Ultima chicca: nel rapporto con i sentimenti è la donna a essere handicappata, schiava com’è delle emozioni che sono causa prima dei sentimenti stessi ma in grado, se non filtrate alchenicamente, di soffocarli sul nascere, di portare ogni individuo – donna o uomo che sia – alle scelte più sbagliate della propria vita. Erich Weisz esamina tutti questi “miti” dell’età moderna, “miti” nel senso etimologico di indiscutibili verità. Sono verità assolute come in passato lo sono state quelle che affermavano essere i negri non umani, la terra piatta, le donne inferiori quando non streghe, unico dio il dio dominante della cultura militarmente superiore. Ipotesi da cui Erich Weisz deduce essere ogni guerra una guerra tra dèi combattuta con la carne e il sangue degli umani. Tra tanti luoghi comuni incrollabili, pietrificati opinioni Erich Weisz naviga per fare aprire gli occhi del lettore sul fatto che tante devastanti menzogne sono volte a riportare al potere assoluto nella cultura occidentale una divinità arcaica ostile al maschio della specie e al progredire della specie umana. Per lui tale divinità nemica è la Grande Madre. Weisz espone il proprio eterodosso pensiero attraverso un saggio romanzato in cui compaiono dèi, oltre a uomini e donne. Gli dèi intervengono nelle loro umane vicende come facevano in remoti poemi epici o come sono sentiti vivi e presenti e vengono invocati ogni giorno in famiglie religiose d’ogni credo. Gli dèi di questa saga non sono come i pupazzi di un cartone animato o le figure costruite al computer in storie contemporanee di grande successo, in film e romanzi. Non sono mere immagini commoventi. Non offrono effetti visivi speciali in 3D, roba da videogiochi. Sono dèi veri ed eterni. Sono dèi difficili da “sentire” ma turbano quando toccano l’animo. Il loro costellarsi grazie alle righe di queste libro possono disturbare molti, come disturbano le verità più profonde, le verità che si agitano nel profondo dell’inconscio. Se inascoltate, possono persino sconvolgere, irritare, fare arrabbiare. Si sconsiglia pertanto la lettura de La Divinità Nemica a conformisti e iracondi, qualunque sia la loro età e il modo di esprimere la propria sessualità.

Book The ineffable in Charles Correa

Download or read book The ineffable in Charles Correa written by Edoardo Narne and published by LetteraVentidue Edizioni. This book was released on 2021-11-18 with total page 80 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Charles Correa – seen by many in India as a sort of guru, as someone capable to transcend and grasp the ineffable reality that surrounds us – has left his noteworthy architectural heritage across the globe. In 2013, the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) celebrated him as one of the greatest contemporary urban planners showcasing his work in an exhibition called: “Charles Correa: India’s greatest architect”. Profoundly tied to my Indian origins, to me Correa has been the master over distance, a personal benchmark to set my goals against. He was my inspiring thinker, architect and urbanist, or simply said, the designer I would have liked to be. Many of Correa’s last works show his deep-rooted search of the highest spiritual dimension in the attempt to trap part of the cosmic energy surrounding us into architectural works that were – and are – the shadow of his soul.

Book 2005

    Book Details:
  • Author : Massimo Mastrogregori
  • Publisher : Walter de Gruyter
  • Release : 2009-12-22
  • ISBN : 3598441614
  • Pages : 433 pages

Download or read book 2005 written by Massimo Mastrogregori and published by Walter de Gruyter. This book was released on 2009-12-22 with total page 433 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Annually published since 1930, the International Bibliography of Historical Sciences (IBOHS) is an international bibliography of the most important historical monographs and periodical articles published throughout the world, which deal with history from the earliest to the most recent times. The IBOHS is thus currently the only continuous bibliography of its kind covering such a broad period of time, spectrum of subjects and geographical range. The works are arranged systematically according to period, region or historical discipline, and alphabetically according to authors names or, in the case of anonymous works, by the characteristic main title word. The bibliography contains a geographical index and indexes of persons and authors.

Book Lingue  letterature  nazioni

Download or read book Lingue letterature nazioni written by Sandro Caruana and published by FrancoAngeli. This book was released on 2012 with total page 685 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book Crisis and Post Crisis in Rural Territories

Download or read book Crisis and Post Crisis in Rural Territories written by Fatma Nil Döner and published by Springer Nature. This book was released on 2020-08-31 with total page 214 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This book sheds light on the effects of the financial and economic crisis in a diverse set of countries of Southern and Mediterranean Europe. Drawing on case studies from Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, and Turkey, this book presents a broad and integrative perspective on the impact of the crisis in different rural territories, discussing the similarities and dissimilarities of those impacts together with the resilience strategies adopted in each context. The impacts of the crisis in rural restructuring processes are also taken in consideration in this volume. Based on diverse theoretical and methodological approaches, the book discusses the challenges presented by the new socioeconomic contexts emerging from the crisis, as well as the resilience strategies adopted in rural territories by old and new actors. The book compiles nine empirical chapters dealing with the different cases and a final chapter devoted to the discussion of the shared and dissimilar processes of rural change. This book is a useful and valuable resource for scholars and post-graduate students from different disciplines, such as rural sociology, geography, anthropology, regional planning and agricultural studies.

Book  When All of Rome was Under Construction

Download or read book When All of Rome was Under Construction written by Dorothy Metzger Habel and published by Penn State Press. This book was released on 2013 with total page 250 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: "Analyzes the politics and economics of architecture and the building process in seventeenth-century Rome. Explores topics ranging from the financing of construction to the availability of materials and personnel"--Provided by publisher.

Book R S I

Download or read book R S I written by and published by . This book was released on 2002 with total page 396 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book The Attack

    Book Details:
  • Author : Yasmina Khadra
  • Publisher : Anchor
  • Release : 2007-05-08
  • ISBN : 0307386953
  • Pages : 274 pages

Download or read book The Attack written by Yasmina Khadra and published by Anchor. This book was released on 2007-05-08 with total page 274 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: From the bestselling author of The Swallows of Kabul comes this timely and haunting novel that powerfully illuminates the devastating human costs of terrorism.Dr. Amin Jaafari is an Arab-Israeli surgeon at a hospital in Tel Aviv. As an admired and respected member of his community, he has carved a space for himself and his wife, Sihem, at the crossroads of two troubled societies. Jaafari’s world is abruptly shattered when Sihem is killed in a suicide bombing.As evidence mounts that Sihem could have been responsible for the catastrophic bombing, Jaafari begins a tortured search for answers. Faced with the ultimate betrayal, he must find a way to reconcile his cherished memories of his wife with the growing realization that she may have had another life, one that was entirely removed from the comfortable, modern existence that they shared.

Book Abitare

Download or read book Abitare written by and published by . This book was released on 1965 with total page 334 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book The Author in Criticism

Download or read book The Author in Criticism written by Elio Attilio Baldi and published by Rowman & Littlefield. This book was released on 2020-03-11 with total page 307 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The Author in Criticism:Italo Calvino’s Authorial Image in Italy, the United States, and the United Kingdom explores the cultural and historic patterns and differences in the critical readings of Italian author Italo Calvino’s works in the United States of America, the United Kingdom, and Italy. It considers the external factors that contribute to create recognizable patterns in the readings of Calvino’s texts in different contexts. This volume therefore covers, most notably, matters of genre (science fiction, postmodernism), cultural perceptions and conventions, the (re)current image of the author in different media, academic schools, -curricula and -canons, biographical information (such as gender and background), and translation and the language in which the author speaks (or fails to speak) to us. It traces the influence of these aspects in the academic discourse on Calvino. The Author in Criticism also analyzes Calvino’s various professional roles as writer, editor, essayist, journalist, private correspondent, and public, cosmopolitan intellectual, reappraising their often little acknowledged importance for academic criticism. An important underlying idea is that the preconceived image that every critic has of Calvino before even opening one of his books is often solidified and repeated even in the most refined and complex critical analyses. This volume purposefully foregrounds the textual and non-textual parts that are usually considered peripheral to the works of an author, such as book covers, blurbs, reviews, talks, interviews, etc. In this way, this book provides insight into the reception of Calvino’s works in different countries. Moreover, it forms a broader reflection of and on important constants in the workings of literary criticism, and on the way academic discourses have developed in various cultural contexts over the last decades.

Book The Author s Hand and the Printer s Mind

Download or read book The Author s Hand and the Printer s Mind written by Roger Chartier and published by John Wiley & Sons. This book was released on 2013-12-06 with total page 240 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: In Early Modern Europe the first readers of a book were not those who bought it. They were the scribes who copied the author’s or translator’s manuscript, the censors who licensed it, the publisher who decided to put this title in his catalogue, the copy editor who prepared the text for the press, divided it and added punctuation, the typesetters who composed the pages of the book, and the proof reader who corrected them. The author’s hand cannot be separated from the printers’ mind. This book is devoted to the process of publication of the works that framed their readers’ representations of the past or of the world. Linking cultural history, textual criticism and bibliographical studies, dealing with canonical works - like Cervantes’ Don Quixote or Shakespeare’s plays - as well as lesser known texts, Roger Chartier identifies the fundamental discontinuities that transformed the circulation of the written word between the invention of printing and the definition, three centuries later, of what we call 'literature'.