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Book Fabrication of Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering  SERS  Substrates Made from Nanoparticle Printing Inks for Detection of Biological Molecules

Download or read book Fabrication of Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering SERS Substrates Made from Nanoparticle Printing Inks for Detection of Biological Molecules written by Manuel Alejandro Figueroa and published by . This book was released on 2013 with total page 262 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Surface enhanced Raman scattering ΔΟΠ� ϝαπ ϛδλδοαϟδγ ϛοδαϟ ζλϟδοδπϟ απ α προεαϐδ αλαιυϟζϐαι ϟδϐϝλζξρδ βδϐαρπδ ζϟ ϐαλ νομγρϐδ ακνιζεζϐαϟζμλ εαϐϟμοπ βδϟςδδλ »«��»«»“� Πζισδο αλγ ϛμιγ αοδ ϟϝδ κμπϟ ςζγδιυ ρπδγ ϐμκνμλδλϟπ απ ϟϝδζο πζφδ αλγ πϟορϐϟροδ αιιμςπ εμο ιζϛϝϟ ϟμ ζλγρϐδ ϐμλγρϐϟζμλ διδϐϟομλπ ϟμ μπϐζιιαϟδ ιμϐαιιυ ςζϟϝζλ ϟϝδ λαλμναοϟζϐιδ πϟορϐϟροδ� �ϝδλ α κμιδϐριδ ιζδπ ζλ ϟϝδ ζλϟδοναοϟζϐιδ πναϐδ βδϟςδδλ ϟςμ λαλμναοϟζϐιδπ� ϝζϛϝιυ γδϟαζιδγ σζβοαϟζμλαι ζλεμοκαϟζμλ βδϐμκδπ γδϟδϐϟαβιδ� Ϟϝδ μβηδϐϟζσδ με ϟϝζπ πϟργυ ζπ ϟμ οδνομγρϐζβιυ εαβοζϐαϟδ πρϐϝ αλ αοοαλϛδκδλϟ ζλ α λαλμναοϟζϐιδ πρβπϟοαϟδ ςϝζιδ καζλϟαζλζλϛ πϟαβζιζϟυ� Ζλ ϟϝζπ ςμοθ� λαλμναοϟζϐιδ νοζλϟζλϛ ζλθπ �� ϐμιιμζγαι λαλμναοϟζϐιδπ δλϐανπριαϟδγ βυ α πϟαβζιζφζλϛ ιζϛαλγ �� αοδ ρπδγ απ ϟϝδ καζλ ϐμκνμλδλϟ με ΠΔΟΠ πρβπϟοαϟδπ� Ϟϝδ ιζϛαλγ πϝδιι ζπ ναοϟζαιιυ οδκμσδγ βυ ϐμλϟομιιδγ ϝδαϟζλϛ� ςϝζϐϝ οδγρϐδπ πναϐζλϛ βδϟςδδλ λαλμναοϟζϐιδπ ϐοδαϟζλϛ α βομαγ γζπϟοζβρϟζμλ με ζλϟδοναοϟζϐιδ γζπϟαλϐδπ� Πζκζιαο ϟμ εοαϐϟαι αϛϛοδϛαϟδπ ϟϝζπ αοοαλϛδκδλϟ αιιμςπ ιμϐαιζφδγ νιαπκμλπ ϟμ λαϟροαιιυ οδπμλαϟδ μσδο α βομαγ οαλϛδ με πνδϐϟοαι εοδξρδλϐζδπ� Κζϐομςασδ αβπμονϟζμλ ζπ αννιζδγ απ α λμλ�ζλσαπζσδ κδϟϝμγ ϟμ πδλπζϟζσδιυ κμλζϟμο λαλμναοϟζϐιδ πζλϟδοζλϛ ζλ μογδο ϟμ ϛαρϛδ ϟϝδ πρβπϟοαϟδπ ͅϟρλζλϛ εμο ιαοϛδ ακνιζεζϐαϟζμλ εαϐϟμοπ� Ϟϝδ ϛιμβαι αοοαλϛδκδλϟ με λαλμναοϟζϐιδπ ϝαπ αιςαυπ βδδλ γζεεζϐριϟ ϟμ κδαπροδ γροζλϛ ϝδαϟζλϛ ϟϝομρϛϝ Γ� οδπζπϟζσζϟυ κδαπροδκδλϟπ αλγ προεαϐδ ζκαϛζλϛ ϟδϐϝλζξρδπ� Κζϐομςασδ αβπμονϟζμλ μϐϐροπ ζλ ϟϝδ ςδαθ οδπζπϟζσδ ιζλθπ εμοκδγ βδϟςδδλ ναοϟζϐιδπ γροζλϛ πζλϟδοζλϛ γρδ ϟμ ϟϝδ κζϐομςασδ ιμππδπ ζλ ιμμπδιυ ϐμρνιδγ ναοϟζϐιδπ� Βυ νιαϐζλϛ ϟϝδ πρβπϟοαϟδ ζλ α κζϐομςασδ ϐασζϟυ� αβπμονϟζμλ ϐαλ βδ κμλζϟμοδγ ϛιμβαιιυ γροζλϛ ϝδαϟζλϛ� Ϟϝδ ιαοϛδπϟ ΠΔΟΠ ακνιζεζϐαϟζμλ εαϐϟμοπ μϐϐρο αϟ α πϟαϛδ ζκκδγζαϟδιυ νοδϐδγζλϛ ϟϝδ ιαοϛδπϟ κζϐομςασδ αβπμονϟζμλ ϛαζλπ� Ϟϝζπ νομσζγδπ α ρπδερι κδϟϝμγ εμο γδϟδοκζλζλϛ α ϟϝδοκαι ςζλγμς εμο ϝδαϟζλϛ ςϝδλ μνϟζκζφζλϛ ΠΔΟΠ πρβπϟοαϟδπ� Εζλαιιυ� ϟϝδπδ μνϟζκζφδγ ΠΔΟΠ πρβπϟοαϟδπ αοδ ρπδγ ϟμ γδϟδϐϟ ϝυαιρομλζϐ αϐζγ� Ϟϝζπ ϐμκνιδτ κμιδϐριδ ζπ α νμϟδλϟζαι βζμκαοθδο εμο ζλειακκαϟμου γζπδαπδπ βρϟ ζϟ ϝαπ μλιυ βδδλ γδϟδϐϟδγ αϟ α ϐμλϐδλϟοαϟζμλ με ͵ κϛ�κΙ μλ ϐμκκδοϐζαιιυ ασαζιαβιδ ΠΔΟΠ πρβπϟοαϟδπ� Ϝδοδ ζϟ ζπ πϝμςλ ϟϝαϟ ερλϐϟζμλαιζφζλϛ ϟϝδ ΠΔΟΠ πρβπϟοαϟδ ςζϟϝ α πδιε�αππδκβιδγ κμλμιαυδο ιμςδοπ ϟϝδ ιζκζϟ με γδϟδϐϟζμλ ϟμ ͵« �ơϛ�κΙ� ΠΔΟΠ αλαιυπζπ αιπμ νομσζγδπ πϟορϐϟροαι γδϟαζιπ αβμρϟ ϟϝδ ϐμλεμοκαϟζμλ με ϟϝδ κμιδϐριδ γροζλϛ αγπμονϟζμλ�

Book Fabrication of Nano Pattern Libraries and Their Applications in Mode Selective SERS

Download or read book Fabrication of Nano Pattern Libraries and Their Applications in Mode Selective SERS written by Zhi Zhao and published by . This book was released on 2013 with total page pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Patterned arrays of metallic nanostructures are commonly used in photonics, electronics, as well as functional materials and biotechnology because of their unique electronic and optical properties. Although great effort has been devoted to the development of nano-patterning techniques in the past decades, there are still existing challenges for nano-fabrication to achieve fine resolution and complex features over macroscopic areas in a reasonable time period. Herein, we devise two versatile patterning strategies, namely indentation colloidal lithography (ICL) and oblique colloidal lithography (OCL), for the stepwise patterning of planar substrates with numerous complex and unique designs. Those strategies combine colloidal self-assembly, imprint molding in conjunction with capillary force lithography and reactive ion etching, all of which are simple and straightforward. Hexagonal arrays of symmetric and nonconcentric gold features are fabricated on glass substrates with highly controllable geometric parameters. The width, size and asymmetry of each surface structure could be tuned down to the ~10 nm level while the scale of the patterned area could exceed 1 cm^(2). Moreover, our technique also leads to the ability to develop an enormous variety of patterns through stepwise amplification of feature types. In particular, some of the features are fabricated for the first time, including target-triangle, hexagram, hexagram-dot and triangle-dot. Distinctive surface plasmon resonance (SPR) properties, such as higher order surface plasmon modes and Fano resonances are both observed from our patterns, which would be highly desired forthe study of plasmonic coupling. In addition, we have demonstrated a surface orientation dependent Raman selectivity on two nano-structures for the first time. Molecular vibrations with opposite symmetries can be selectively enhanced on different substrates. As a demonstration, this property is applied to the odd-even effect of n-alkanethiol self-assembly monolayers (SAMs) on the gold surface. The alternative alternation of the intensity ratios of two vibration pairs have been shown by surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) as a function of the number of carbon atoms. The results obtained exhibit high sensitivity and excellent agreement with previous publications. The electronic version of this dissertation is accessible from http://hdl.handle.net/1969.1/151070

Book The Rational Design and Lithographic Fabrication of Surface Enchanced  i e  Enhanced  Raman Spectroscopy Substrates

Download or read book The Rational Design and Lithographic Fabrication of Surface Enchanced i e Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Substrates written by and published by . This book was released on 2008 with total page 148 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The analytical capabilities of surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) reside in the performance characteristics of the SERS-active substrate. Signal enhancement observed in SERS is attributable to the presence of noble metal nanostructures on substrate surfaces. The rational design and control of variables such as shape and size, and distribution, density, and spacing of these nanostructures can lead to substrates that have greater analytical sensitivity and yield more reproducible enhancement. Through systematic control of the morphology of our SERS substrates, we have created ordered periodic arrays as well as random aggregates of nanoscale particles using electron beam lithography (EBL). A unique aspect of these EBL-created substrates is that the morphology is known with great precision. Once fabricated, the arrays and/or aggregates are coated with a SERS-active noble metal through physical vapor deposition (PVD). Both the uniform and random lithographically produced nanopatterns are studied by surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy to examine the Stokes responses of various analytes, while scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is used to examine pattern surfaces post lithographic development and post noble metal deposition. In the case of the ordered structures, raw and normalized SERS data is seen to correlate with data from simple electrostatic calculations as well as the broad background continuum underlying each spectrum collected. Borrowing from the biological concepts of cloning and combinatorial chemistry, random morphology patterns are designed and spectrally mapped to locate "hot spots" within aggregates. Regardless of the type of substrate, ordered or random, by using EBL, the substrates can be reproducibly fabricated, yielding consistent analyte environments each time the substrate is created.

Book Surface Enhanced Vibrational Spectroscopy

Download or read book Surface Enhanced Vibrational Spectroscopy written by Ricardo Aroca and published by John Wiley & Sons. This book was released on 2006-05-01 with total page 260 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Surface Enhanced Vibrational Spectroscopy (SEVS) has reached maturity as an analytical technique, but until now there has been no single work that describes the theory and experiments of SEVS. This book combines the two important techniques of surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) and surface-enhanced infrared (SEIR) into one text that serves as the definitive resource on SEVS. Discusses both the theory and the applications of SEVS and provides an up-to-date study of the state of the art Offers interpretations of SEVS spectra for practicing analysts Discusses interpretation of SEVS spectra, which can often be very different to the non-enhanced spectrum - aids the practicing analyst

Book Deep Eutectic Solvents

    Book Details:
  • Author : Diego J. Ramón
  • Publisher : John Wiley & Sons
  • Release : 2020-01-13
  • ISBN : 3527345183
  • Pages : 384 pages

Download or read book Deep Eutectic Solvents written by Diego J. Ramón and published by John Wiley & Sons. This book was released on 2020-01-13 with total page 384 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: A useful guide to the fundamentals and applications of deep eutectic solvents Deep Eutectic Solvents contains a comprehensive review of the use of deep eutectic solvents (DESs) as an environmentally benign alternative reaction media for chemical transformations and processes. The contributors cover a range of topics including synthesis, structure, properties, toxicity and biodegradability of DESs. The book also explores myriad applications in various disciplines, such as organic synthesis and (bio)catalysis, electrochemistry, extraction, analytical chemistry, polymerizations, (nano)materials preparation, biomass processing, and gas adsorption. The book is aimed at organic chemists, catalytic chemists, pharmaceutical chemists, biochemists, electrochemists, and others involved in the design of eco-friendly reactions and processes. This important book: -Explores the promise of DESs as an environmentally benign alternative to hazardous organic solvents -Covers the synthesis, structure, properties (incl. toxicity) as well as a wide range of applications -Offers a springboard for stimulating critical discussion and encouraging further advances in the field Deep Eutectic Solvents is an interdisciplinary resource for researchers in academia and industry interested in the many uses of DESs as an environmentally benign alternative reaction media.

Book Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy

Download or read book Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy written by Sebastian Schlücker and published by John Wiley & Sons. This book was released on 2011-09-19 with total page 97 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Covering everything from the basic theoretical and practical knowledge to new exciting developments in the field with a focus on analytical and life science applications, this monograph shows how to apply surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) for solving real world problems. From the contents: * Theory and practice of SERS * Analytical applications * SERS combined with other analytical techniques * Biophysical applications * Life science applications including various microscopies Aimed at analytical, surface and medicinal chemists, spectroscopists, biophysicists and materials scientists. Includes a Foreword by the renowned Raman spectroscopist Professor Wolfgang Kiefer, the former Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Raman Spectroscopy.

Book Noble and Precious Metals

Download or read book Noble and Precious Metals written by Mohindar Seehra and published by BoD – Books on Demand. This book was released on 2018-07-04 with total page 432 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The use of copper, silver, gold and platinum in jewelry as a measure of wealth is well known. This book contains 19 chapters written by international authors on other uses and applications of noble and precious metals (copper, silver, gold, platinum, palladium, iridium, osmium, rhodium, ruthenium, and rhenium). The topics covered include surface-enhanced Raman scattering, quantum dots, synthesis and properties of nanostructures, and its applications in the diverse fields such as high-tech engineering, nanotechnology, catalysis, and biomedical applications. The basis for these applications is their high-free electron concentrations combined with high-temperature stability and corrosion resistance and methods developed for synthesizing nanostructures. Recent developments in all these areas with up-to-date references are emphasized.

Book Laser Ablation in Liquids

Download or read book Laser Ablation in Liquids written by Guowei Yang and published by CRC Press. This book was released on 2012-02-22 with total page 1166 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This book focuses on the fundamental concepts and physical and chemical aspects of pulsed laser ablation of solid targets in liquid environments and its applications in the preparation of nanomaterials and fabrication of nanostructures. The areas of focus include basic thermodynamic and kinetic processes of laser ablation in liquids, and its applic

Book Principles of Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy

Download or read book Principles of Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy written by Eric Le Ru and published by Elsevier. This book was released on 2008-11-17 with total page 688 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: SERS was discovered in the 1970s and has since grown enormously in breadth, depth, and understanding. One of the major characteristics of SERS is its interdisciplinary nature: it lies at the boundary between physics, chemistry, colloid science, plasmonics, nanotechnology, and biology. By their very nature, it is impossible to find a textbook that will summarize the principles needed for SERS of these rather dissimilar and disconnected topics. Although a basic understanding of these topics is necessary for research projects in SERS with all its many aspects and applications, they are seldom touched upon as a coherent unit during most undergraduate studies in physics or chemistry. This book intends to fill this existing gap in the literature. It provides an overview of the underlying principles of SERS, from the fundamental understanding of the effect to its potential applications. It is aimed primarily at newcomers to the field, graduate students, researchers or scientists, attracted by the many applications of SERS and plasmonics or its basic science. The emphasis is on concepts and background material for SERS, such as Raman spectroscopy, the physics of plasmons, or colloid science, all of them introduced within the context of SERS, and from where the more specialized literature can be followed. Represents one of very few books fully dedicated to the topic of surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) Gives a comprehensive summary of the underlying physical concepts around SERS Provides a detailed analysis of plasmons and plasmonics

Book Metal Nanocrystals

    Book Details:
  • Author : Kallum M. Koczkur
  • Publisher : American Chemical Society
  • Release : 2020-07-31
  • ISBN : 0841299013
  • Pages : 164 pages

Download or read book Metal Nanocrystals written by Kallum M. Koczkur and published by American Chemical Society. This book was released on 2020-07-31 with total page 164 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Our society depends heavily on metals. They are ubiquitous construction materials, critical interconnects in integrated circuits, common coinage materials, and more. Excitingly, new uses for metals are emerging with the advent of nanoscience, as metal crystals with nanoscale dimensions can display new and tunable properties. The optical and photothermal properties of metal nanocrystals have led to cancer diagnosis and treatment platforms now in clinical trials, while, at the same time, the ability to tune the surface features of metal nanocrystals is giving rise to designer catalysts that enable more sustainable use of precious resources. These are just two examples of how metal nanocrystals are addressing important social needs.

Book Materials Nanoarchitectonics

Download or read book Materials Nanoarchitectonics written by Katsuhiko Ariga and published by Elsevier. This book was released on 2023-12-15 with total page 648 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Materials Nanoarchitectonics: From Integrated Molecular Systems to Advanced Devices provides the latest information on the design and molecular manipulation of self-organized hierarchically structured systems using tailor-made nanoscale materials as structural and functional units. The book is organized into three main sections that focus on molecular design of building blocks and hybrid materials, formation of nanostructures, and applications and devices. Bringing together emerging materials, synthetic aspects, nanostructure strategies, and applications, the book aims to support further progress, by offering different perspectives and a strong interdisciplinary approach to this rapidly growing area of innovation. This is an extremely valuable resource for researchers, advanced students, and scientists in industry, with an interest in nanoarchitectonics, nanostructures, and nanomaterials, or across the areas of nanotechnology, chemistry, surface science, polymer science, electrical engineering, physics, chemical engineering, and materials science. Offers a nanoarchitectonic perspective on emerging fields, such as metal-organic frameworks, porous polymer materials, or biomimetic nanostructures Discusses different approaches to utilizing "soft chemistry" as a source for hierarchically organized materials Offers an interdisciplinary approach to the design and construction of integrated chemical nano systems Discusses novel approaches towards the creation of complex multiscale architectures

Book Anisotropic Nanomaterials

Download or read book Anisotropic Nanomaterials written by Quan Li and published by Springer. This book was released on 2015-06-09 with total page 513 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: In this book anisotropic one-dimensional and two-dimensional nanoscale building blocks and their assembly into fascinating and qualitatively new functional structures embracing both hard and soft components are explained. Contributions from leading experts regarding important aspects like synthesis, assembly, properties and applications of the above materials are compiled into a reference book. The anisotropy, i.e. the direction-dependent physical properties, of materials is fascinating and elegant and has sparked the quest for anisotropic materials with useful properties. With such a curiosity, material scientists have ventured into the realm of nanometer length scale and have explored the anisotropic nanoscale building blocks such as metallic and nonmetallic particles as well as organic molecular aggregates. It turns out that the anisotropic nanoscale building blocks, in addition to direction-dependent properties, exhibit dimension and morphology dependence of physical properties. Moreover, ordered arrays of anisotropic nanoscale building blocks furnish novel properties into the resulting system which would be entirely different from the properties of individual ones. Undoubtedly, these promising properties have qualified them as enabling building blocks of 21st century materials science, nanoscience and nanotechnology. Readers will find this book professionally valuable and intellectually stimulating in the rapidly emerging area of anisotropic nanomaterials. Quan Li, Ph.D., is Director of the Organic Synthesis and Advanced Materials Laboratory at the Liquid Crystal Institute of Kent State University, where he is also Adjunct Professor in the Chemical Physics Interdisciplinary Program. He has directed research projects funded by US Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), US Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFSOR), US Army Research Office (ARO), US Department of Defense Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (DoD MURI), US National Science Foundation (NSF), US Department of Energy (DOE), US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Ohio Third Frontier, and Samsung Electronics, among others.

Book Green Synthesis of Silver Nanomaterials

Download or read book Green Synthesis of Silver Nanomaterials written by Kamel A. Abd-Elsalam and published by Elsevier. This book was released on 2021-10-28 with total page 798 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Green Synthesis of Silver Nanomaterials illustrates how to biologically scale up silver nanoparticle synthesis. This book covers green synthesis of silver nanomaterials, via plants, agricultural waste, fungi, and microorganisms. Sections cover the synthesis and characterization of chemical and green synthesis, various types of silver nanomaterialism, the ability of different fungal species, such as filamentous fungi, to produce silver nanoparticles, the microbial synthesis of silver NMs, biosynthesis mechanisms, toxicity, fate and commercialization. As examples, greener pathways and mechanisms, toxicity of silver nanoparticles in aquatic life and in natural eco-systems, and strategies for the scaling up of green-synthesized nanomaterials are discussed. With the extended work in enhancing nanomaterials synthesis performance, and discovering their biomedical, environmental, and agricultural applications, it is hoped that the execution of these methods on a large scale and their industrial applications in different fields will take place in the near future. Assesses the impact of a large variety of silver-based nanostructures in the biomedical, environmental and agri-food sectors Discusses the major synthesis methods used for effectively processing plant-based silver nanoparticles Outlines the potential and major challenges for adopting green synthesis methods on a mass scale

Book Lab on Fiber Technology

Download or read book Lab on Fiber Technology written by Andrea Cusano and published by Springer. This book was released on 2014-07-29 with total page 377 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This book focuses on a research field that is rapidly emerging as one of the most promising ones for the global optics and photonics community: the “lab-on-fiber” technology. Inspired by the well-established "lab on-a-chip" concept, this new technology essentially envisages novel and highly functionalized devices completely integrated into a single optical fiber for both communication and sensing applications. Based on the R&D experience of some of the world's leading authorities in the fields of optics, photonics, nanotechnology, and material science, this book provides a broad and accurate description of the main developments and achievements in the lab-on-fiber technology roadmap, also highlighting the new perspectives and challenges to be faced. This book is essential for scientists interested in the cutting-edge fiber optic technology, but also for graduate students.

Book Confocal Raman Microscopy

Download or read book Confocal Raman Microscopy written by Jan Toporski and published by Springer. This book was released on 2018-03-01 with total page 603 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This second edition provides a cutting-edge overview of physical, technical and scientific aspects related to the widely used analytical method of confocal Raman microscopy. The book includes expanded background information and adds insights into how confocal Raman microscopy, especially 3D Raman imaging, can be integrated with other methods to produce a variety of correlative microscopy combinations. The benefits are then demonstrated and supported by numerous examples from the fields of materials science, 2D materials, the life sciences, pharmaceutical research and development, as well as the geosciences.

Book Silver Micro Nanoparticles

Download or read book Silver Micro Nanoparticles written by Samir Kumar and published by BoD – Books on Demand. This book was released on 2021-09-15 with total page 268 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This book describes the different methodologies for producing and synthesizing silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) of various shapes and sizes. It also provides an in-depth understanding of the new methods for characterizing and modifying the properties of AgNPs as well as their properties and applications in various fields. This book is a useful resource for a wide range of readers, including scientists, engineers, doctoral and postdoctoral fellows, and scientific professionals working in specialized fields such as medicine, nanotechnology, spectroscopy, analytical chemistry diagnostics, and plasmonics.