Download or read book ESTUDIO PRACTICO DE LA CONTABILIDAD ELECTRONICA 2017 written by C.P. Mónica Galindo Cosme and published by Ediciones Fiscales ISEF. This book was released on with total page 104 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: El objetivo de este libro, ESTUDIO PRÁCTICO DE LA CONTABILIDAD ELECTRÓNICA, es dar a conocer a los contribuyentes, contadores y personas interesadas en la materia contable los elementos con que cada parte cuenta para llevar a cabo el cumplimiento de las obligaciones establecidas en el CFF con respecto a la contabilidad electrónica; la autoridad para revisar y el contribuyente para evitar caer en violaciones que le llevan a pagar diferencias, multas, accesorios o consecuencias mayores . Contenido: PROLOGO ABREVIATURAS GLOSARIO CAPITULO I. GOBIERNO ELECTRONICO 1. Antecedentes 2. Qué es gobierno electrónico 3. Fases del gobierno electrónico Fase 1: Información Fase 2: Interacción Fase 3: Transacción Fase 4: Transformación 4. Experiencias internacionales 5. Experiencia en Chile CAPITULO II. CONTABILIDAD, DEFINICION, POSTULADOS Y NORMAS DE INFORMACION FINANCIERA 1. Antecedentes 2. Criterios de carácter interno del SAT 3. Definición de contabilidad 4. Qué son las normas de información financiera (NIF) 5. Postulados básicos A. Sustancia económica B. Entidad económica C. Negocio en marcha D. Devengación contable E. Asociación de costos y gastos vs. Ingresos F. Valuación G. Dualidad económica H. Consistencia 6. Depreciación fiscal vs. depreciación contable 7.Costeo absorbente y costeo directo CAPITULO III. CONTABILIDAD ELECTRONICA Y SU INTEGRACION 1.Contabilidad electrónica 2. Integración de la contabilidad para efectos fiscales de acuerdo con el CFF 3. Comentarios a los elementos integrantes de la contabilidad para efectos fiscales 3.1. Los libros 3.2. Sistemas y registros contables 3.3. Papeles de trabajo 3.4. Estados de cuenta 3.5.Cuentas especiales a. Cuentas de reserva de balance b. Cuentas de orden 3.6. Libros y registros sociales a. Reducción de capital b. Exhibición de capital c. Asambleas generales d. Sistema electrónico de la Secretaría de Economía 3.7. Control de inventarios y método de valuación a. PEPS (Primeras Entradas Primeras Salidas) b. Promedio c. Detallistas d. Determinación del margen de utilidad bruta 3.8.Discos y cintas o cualquier otro medio procesable de almacenamiento de datos 3.9. Los equipos o sistemas electrónicos de registro fiscal y sus respectivos registros 3.10. Además de la documentación comprobatoria de los asientos respectivos 3.11. Así como toda la documentación e información relacionada con el cumplimiento de las disposiciones fiscales 3.12. La que acredite sus ingresos y deducciones 3.13.Y la que obliguen otras leyes 3.14. Los avisos o solicitudes de inscripción al registro federal de contribuyentes, así como su documentación soporte (Art. 33 apartado A, fracción II) 3.15. Las declaraciones anuales, informativas y de pagos provisionales, mensuales, bimestrales, trimestrales o definitivos (Art. 33 apartado A, fracción III) 3.16.Las acciones, partes sociales y títulos de crédito en los que sea parte el contribuyente 3.17. La documentación relacionada con la contratación de personas físicas que presten servicios personales subordinados, así como la relativa a su inscripción y registro o avisos realizados en materia de seguridad social y sus aportaciones 3.18. La documentación relativa a importaciones y exportaciones en materia aduanera o comercio exterior 3.19. Comprobar el cumplimiento de los requisitos relativos al otorgamiento de estímulos fiscales y de subsidios 3.20. El control de los donativos de los bienes recibidos por las donatarias autorizadas en términos de la LISR CAPITULO IV. LOS REGISTROS CONTABLES 1. Requisitos de los asientos contables 2. Requisitos establecidos por el RCFF 3.Cinco días para hacer los registros 4. Registros cronológicos y descriptivos 5. Relacionar los folios con la póliza 6. Identificación de las inversiones y su deducción 7. Relacionar los saldos con las operaciones 8.Formulación de estados financieros 9. Relacionar balance general 10. Restitución de IVA e IEPS 11. Estímulos y subsidios fiscales 12. Control de inventarios 13. Asientos en español y moneda nacional a. Plasmarse en idioma español b. Consignar los valores en moneda nacional 14. Centros de costos 15. Operaciones de contado, crédito, parcialidades, etcétera 16. Conciliación aritmética y contable 17. Control de inventarios 18.Arrendamiento financiero 19. Control para donatarias autorizadas 20. Identificación del IVA con actos gravados, exentos o mixtos 21. Contabilidad electrónica a. Los registros contables 22. Publicación de los estados financieros en materia mercantil 23. Dictamen financiero para entidades extranjeras 24. Dictamen financiero para entidades que emiten obligaciones CAPITULO V. CONSERVACION DE LA CONTABILIDAD 1.Plazo para conservar la contabilidad 2. Medios de conservación 2.1. Dónde conservar la contabilidad 2.2. Avisos de cambio de domicilio a. Medios de conservación de la contabilidad 3. Casos de destrucción, robo 4. La nube y la niebla CAPITULO VI. FECHAS DE CUMPLIMIENTO 1. Antecedentes 1.1. Entrada en vigor para entregar la información 1.2. Entrega del catálogo de cuentas 1.3. Entrega ordinaria de la balanza de comprobación 1.3.1. Personas morales 1.3.2. Personas físicas 1.3.3. Contribuyentes emisores de valores que coticen en las bolsas de valores 1.3.4. AGAPES 1.3.5. Balanza de cierre del ejercicio 1.4. Entrega de pólizas (Regla y RMF) 1.4.1. Plazo para la entrega de las pólizas CAPITULO VII. INFORMACION A ENTREGAR AL SAT 1. Catálogo de cuentas 1.1. Nomenclatura y características del archivo 2. Código agrupador de cuentas del SAT 3. Balanza de comprobación 3.1. Balanza de comprobación. Caso práctico 4. Información de las pólizas del período 5. Sello digital de la contabilidad electrónica 6. Catálogo de métodos de pago 7. Buzón tributario 8. Proveedor de certificación de recepción de documentos digitales CAPITULO VIII. ASPECTOS A CUIDAR EN MATERIA CONTABLE 1. La operación “carrusel” en la compra de comprobantes fiscales 1.1. El dinero reciclado 2. Los préstamos de socios, accionistas o terceros con ellos relacionados 2.1. Dividendos fictos 2.2. Conceptos no considerados como dividendos fictos 2.3. Otros puntos a cuidar CAPITULO IX. REVISIONES ELECTRONICAS 1. La contabilidad como prueba en contra del contribuyente CAPITULO X. INFRACCIONES Y DELITOS, SANCIONES PECUNIARIAS Y CORPORALES 1. Infracciones relacionadas con la contabilidad Consideraciones 2. Delitos y penas relacionados con la contabilidad 3. Infracciones relacionadas con el envío de la contabilidad APENDICE I. JURISPRUDENCIAS EN MATERIA DE CONTABILIDAD ELECTRONICA REFERENCIAS DOCUMENTALES LEGISLATIVAS PAGINAS WEB CONSULTADAS BIBLIOGRAFICAS
Download or read book Taxation and Development A Comparative Study written by Karen B. Brown and published by Springer. This book was released on 2017-01-16 with total page 382 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This volume examines the tax systems of some twenty countries to determine whether their tax laws are used to support growth and development across borders in lower-income and poor countries. Given the critical economic development needs of poorer countries and the importance of stability in these regions to the security of populations throughout the world, the use of a country’s tax laws to support investment in the developing world gains crucial significance. This book explores whether international standards promoting the fundamental values of the major tax systems of the world accommodate incentives for these nations. In addition, it analyzes the way in which adoption of principles by higher income nations to protect their own revenue bases has a spill-over effect, impairing the ability of developing countries to sustain their economies. Following an introduction that synthesizes worldwide trends, the volume contains separate chapters for a variety of countries detailing the underlying goals and values of each system and the way in which the decision to employ (or not employ) incentives accommodates those ends. The chapters include reports for: Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Hong Kong, Israel, Italy, Japan, the Maldives, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, South Africa, Uganda, United Kingdom, United States, and Venezuela. The volume memorializes the work of the General Reporter and National Reporters at the Taxation and Development session of the 19th Congress of the International Academy of Comparative Law held in July, 2014, in Vienna, Austria.
Download or read book Problems and Alternatives in the Modern Americas written by Pablo A. Baisotti and published by Routledge. This book was released on 2021-09-30 with total page 424 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This volume explores several notable themes related to political processes in Latin America and offers insightful historical perspectives to understand national, regional, and global issues in the continent from the beginning of the 20th century to the present day. The collected essays focus on Latin American politics such as: political cycles, left-wing political parties, nationalism, progressivism, crime and resistance, violence, authoritarianism, and relationships with the United States, Venezuela, Chile, Ecuador, Brazil, Colombia, and Paraguay. The perspectives of the chapters presented an attempt to seek lines of continuity by highlighting traditional interpretations of new scenarios and refusing to impose a traditional and uncritical linear historical narrative. The fundamental objective of the volume is to provide a rational and critical political-historical explanation of Latin America since the early 20th century with the purpose, among others, of deepening understanding of the present.
Download or read book Trabajos de Estad stica Y de Investigacion Operativa written by and published by . This book was released on 1966 with total page 350 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:
Download or read book Annual Report written by Organization of American States. Secretary General and published by . This book was released on 1966 with total page 208 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:
Download or read book Abbott Laboratories International Company V United States of America written by and published by . This book was released on 1959 with total page 262 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:
Download or read book Catalog written by University of Texas. Library. Latin American Collection and published by . This book was released on 1969 with total page 724 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:
Download or read book Estudio fiscal de Panam written by Joint Tax Program of the Organization of American States and the Inter-American Development Bank. Fiscal Mission to Panama and published by . This book was released on 1964 with total page 292 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:
Download or read book La Revolucion Bolivariana Democratiza Los DD Hh Basicos written by Carlos Gonz Lez Irago and published by Palibrio. This book was released on 2012-01-06 with total page 409 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Sobre el libro: La Revolución Bolivariana es un proceso en marcha y está creando colectivamente y democráticamente, paso a paso, golpe a golpe un nuevo modelo de estado. El estado bolivariano es auténtico se fundamenta en la historia, las ideas solidarias de Simón Bolívar y la prioridad de los derechos humanos básicos de "seguridad y subsistencia" de todos los venezolanos sin exclusiones. Es revolucionario primero porque incorpora participativamente a un sector mayoritario de la población -incluyendo a los pobres y a los militares-- que habían sido históricamente marginados y excluidos de la política, la economía y la sociedad. Segundo, porque el nuevo modelo de "Seguridad y Subsistencia" es lo opuesto a su predecesor histórico: el modelo de "Seguridad Nacional" o "Pacto de Punto Fijo." La "Seguridad Nacional" fue impuesta desde los Estados Unidos durante la guerra fría a toda su área de influencia y ha causado estragos: guerras, muertes, torturas y la violación sistemática de los derechos humanos en Venezuela, en Latinoamérica y en muchas partes del mundo. Tercero, porque el modelo bolivariano ofrece una respuesta democrática y solidaria al capitalismo salvaje que propone el neo-liberalismo en la actualidad. Venezuela hoy nos ofrece algo radicalmente diferente, es "la posibilidad optimista" de una democracia nueva, solidaria, soberana, socialista, moderna, no dogmática y por qué no, ecológica.
Download or read book Empowerment Transparency Technological Readiness and their Influence on Financial Performance from a Latin American Perspective written by Martha Ríos Manríquez and published by Emerald Group Publishing. This book was released on 2021-08-23 with total page 192 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Empowerment, Transparency, Technological Readiness and their Influence on Financial Performance, from a Latin American Perspective showcases in-depth analysis, allowing companies to obtain information for a broader vision to help make decisions about intervention, market performance and strategy development possibilities.
Download or read book Aesthetics and Politics in the Mexican Film Industry written by M. MacLaird and published by Springer. This book was released on 2013-06-18 with total page 233 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Evaluating a broad selection of Mexican films produced from the early 1990s to the present, this study examines how production methods, audience demographics, and aesthetic approaches have changed throughout the past two decades and how these changes relate to the country's transitions to a democratic political system and a free-market economy.
Download or read book Carbon Pricing written by Larry Kreiser and published by Edward Elgar Publishing. This book was released on 2015-08-28 with total page 256 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Carbon Pricing reflects upon and further develops the ongoing and worthwhile global debate into how to design carbon pricing, as well as how to utilize the financial proceeds in the best possible way for society. Ê The world has recently witnesse
Download or read book Concept and Implementation of CFC Legislation written by Nathalie Bravo and published by Linde Verlag GmbH. This book was released on 2021-09-21 with total page 536 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: An in-depth analysis of various aspects of CFC legislation This volume provides an in-depth analysis of various aspects of the topic “Concept and Implementation of CFC legislation”. The volume is divided into four parts. The first part comprises chapters discussing the historical background, policy considerations, and different CFC approaches that have been implemented in domestic legislation. While the chapters included in the second part focus on the recommendation for the effective design of CFC rules found in BEPS Action 3, the chapters encompassed in the third part analyse the implementation of these criteria in Articles 7 and 8 of the ATAD and the compatibility of these provisions with EU primary law. Finally, the chapters encompassed in part four deal with selected issues related to CFC rules, including the compatibility of CFC legislation and tax treaties, the relationship between these rules and general anti-abuse rules, the implications of the proposed CCCTB Directive on CFC rules, alternative approaches to CFC legislation (such as the Global Anti-Base Erosion proposal of the OECD/G20), the interrelationship between CFC rules and transfer pricing legislation, and the balance between effective CFC rules and compliance burdens.
Download or read book A Guide to the Law and Legal Literature of Chile 1917 1946 written by Helen Lord Clagett and published by . This book was released on 1947 with total page 150 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Intended as a supplement to: Guide to the law and legal literature of Argentina, Brazil and Chile / Edwin M. Borchard. G.P.O., 1917.
Download or read book Latin America written by Conde Cortes and published by Univ of California Press. This book was released on 1977-01-01 with total page 710 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:
Download or read book The Attribution of Profits to Permanent Establishments written by Raffaele Russo and published by IBFD. This book was released on 2005 with total page 488 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: "The attribution of profits to permanent establishments (PEs) is probably one of the most complex subjects of the international tax arena. The interaction of treaty rules and domestic legislations sometimes leads to unacceptable results such as double taxation or double non-taxation. This book compares the tax treatment of cross-border dealings between different parts of the same enterprise in several countries."--Extracted from publisher website on June 29, 2016
Download or read book Agricultural Statistics written by and published by . This book was released on 1968 with total page 1058 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: