Download or read book Enjeux europ ens et mondiaux de la protection des donn es personnelles written by Alain Grosjean and published by Éditions Larcier. This book was released on 2016-02-10 with total page 367 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Cet ouvrage offre une analyse des grands enjeux en matière de protection des données à caractère personnel, à la lumière des dispositions de la proposition de règlement européen et des législations européennes en vigueur. Nous assistons actuellement à une véritable révolution sociale, économique et technologique. L’exploitation des données avec le big data, l’internet des objets, va changer le monde. Face aux avancées, mais également aux inquiétudes que cette révolution suscite, il est important de s’appuyer sur les droits fondamentaux. Ainsi l’ouvrage revient sur la jurisprudence tant de la Cour de justice européenne que celle de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme. Une attention particulière est également donnée au champ d’application territorial de la proposition de règlement et au transfert des données. L’ouvrage met également en relief la perception américaine des règles de protection des données personnelles par rapport aux dernières négociations entre l’Europe et les Etats-Unis ; il traite en particulier du droit à l’oubli, du profilage ou de la notification des failles de sécurité ; il met en exergue les défis de la protection des données personnelles dans le domaine des services financiers, notamment en matière de fraude au paiement. L’ouvrage s’intéresse ainsi non seulement aux mesures à prendre par les entreprises pour respecter les règles de protection des données, mais aussi à la façon des autorités de les faire respecter. Un ouvrage qui propose une approche aussi bien juridique que pratique sur le sujet. À PROPOS DE L'ÉDITEUR Larcier Group, composé des marques d’édition juridique prestigieuses que sont Larcier, Bruylant, Promoculture-Larcier, propose des solutions documentaires adaptées aux besoins spécifiques de tous les professionnels du droit belge, luxembourgeois et français (avocats, magistrats, notaires, juristes d’entreprise,...). Fournisseur historique et privilégié de toutes les sources du droit, son offre éditoriale est composée, notamment, de la base de données juridique la plus complète de Belgique (Strada lex), de plus de 300 nouvelles monographies par an, plus de 70 revues juridiques, plusieurs collections de Codes, de logiciels de calculs et d’un riche catalogue de formations. Larcier Group est l’éditeur numéro 1 dans le segment juridique en Belgique.À côté de ce segment juridique, Larcier Group s’adresse également aux professions économiques et aux professions RH en Belgique avec sa marque Larcier Business et son offre éditoriale principalement numérique.Avec Indicator, Larcier Group fait partie, depuis juin 2016, du Groupe Éditions Lefebvre- Sarrut, à présent leader en Belgique sur tous les segments de l’édition juridique et fiscale.
Download or read book Digues maritimes et fluviales de protection contre les submersions 2e colloque national Digues 2013 written by ROYET Paul and published by Lavoisier. This book was released on 2013-05-01 with total page 730 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Au regard du Code de l’environnement, les digues, considérées comme ouvrages hydrauliques, ne doivent pas rompre de façon dangereuse pour les populations. En tant que moyen de prévention du risque d’inondation ou de submersion, les performances et les limites de ces digues doivent être connues avec précision. Les digues de protection constituent donc une question politique mise en évidence par plusieurs événements récents (Xynthia 2010, la NouvelleOrléans 2005, Rhône aval 2003, Gard 2002, Aude 1999). Cet ouvrage rassemble les contributions présentées lors du 2e colloque national Digues maritimes et fluviales de protection contre les submersions (Digues2013), organisé par l’Irstea et Promosciences, les 12, 13 et 14 juin 2013 au Centre des Congrès d’AixenProvence, avec le soutien du MEDDE, du CFBR, et de la Région ProvenceAlpesCôte d’Azur. Il s’adresse aux maîtres d’ouvrages, gestionnaires, concepteurs, constructeurs, enseignants et chercheurs, services de contrôle, organismes financeurs, agissant dans les domaines d’activités liés, directement ou indirectement, à la sûreté des digues maritimes et fluviales.
Download or read book L largissement de l Union europ enne Enjeux et implications sociod mographiques written by Godelieve Masuy-Stroobant and published by Presses univ. de Louvain. This book was released on 2012-04 with total page 467 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: En 2003, peu avant l'élargissement de 2004 qui amène la population de l'UE à plus de 450 millions d'habitants, les démographes de Louvain entament une réflexion sur les conséquences de cet élargissement sur le comportement démographique des Européens.
Download or read book Les ressources naturelles un enjeu cl pour l avenir de I Afrique written by James Cust and published by World Bank Publications. This book was released on 2023-12-06 with total page 292 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Ce livre se penche sur le rôle des richesses en ressources naturelles dans la transformation économique de l’Afrique et évoque les enjeux de la transition sobre en carbone pour les économies riches en ressources. La richesse en ressources constitue en effet un facteur clé dans la majeure partie des économies subsahariennes, dont le sol recèle un important potentiel inexploité. Les gisements souterrains de métaux, minerais, pétrole et gaz représentent des sources prépondérantes de recettes publiques et de revenus d’exportation, tout en offrant des possibilités de développement dans la plupart des pays du continent. En dépit de réserves conséquentes, la conversion de la richesse du sous-sol en prospérité durable n’a pas été pas couronnée de succès. Depuis la baisse du prix des matières premières constaté en 2014, la croissance des pays d’Afrique riches en ressources est plus lente que le taux de croissance moyen observé dans la région. Il est donc vital pour son avenir économique que le continent africain puisse tirer profit de ses richesses en ressources naturelles et ainsi favoriser sa transformation économique. Alors que le monde s’éloigne des combustibles fossiles conformément aux engagements pris dans le cadre de l’Accord de Paris, les pays africains riches en ressources voient surgir de nouveaux risques et de nouvelles opportunités. Des estimations récentes suggèrent que 80 % des réserves de combustibles fossiles attestées dans le monde doivent rester enfouies pour atteindre les objectifs de Paris; or, une grande partie de ces réserves «échouées» se situent en Afrique. Pour les nombreuses économies africaines qui dépendent de l’extraction et de l’exportation du pétrole, cette problématique des actifs «échoués», et par là -même, de «nations échouées», a des implications considérables. Mais cette transition énergétique va également avoir pour effet d’augmenter la demande en intrants de matières premières indispensables aux technologies des énergies vertes. La transition entre combustibles fossiles et énergies vertes devrait ainsi générer une demande de 3milliards de tonnes de minerais et de métaux nécessaires au déploiement des technologies à énergie solaire, éolienne et géothermique. Une question se pose alors: comment les économies africaines peuvent-elles pleinement saisir ces opportunités tout en gérant les risques inhérents aux combustibles fossiles, dans un contexte où leur demande est vouée à décroître? Les ressources naturelles, un enjeu clé pour l’avenir de l’Afrique aborde ces thèmes et offre aux décideurs politiques des pistes pour gérer les écueils de l’incertitude au cours des années à venir.
Download or read book Rapport Et Documents Pr sent s L atelier de la FAO Sur la Technologie L utilization Et L assurance de Qualit Du Poisson written by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and published by Food & Agriculture Org.. This book was released on 2007 with total page 272 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The Workshop was held to review progress and problems in post-harvest fish utilization in Africa and formulate recommendations to FAO, its member countries and all institutes, institutions and persons interested in fish utilization in Africa. The experts reviewed in particular fresh fish utilization, fish processing, quality assurance, and marketing and socio-economic issues. The review was done through presentation by the secretariat of a report on progress and events since the Consultation in Fish Technology held in 2001, presentation of 26 papers, abstracts of two additional papers, and a field trip to the Mbegani Fisheries Development Centre, a fish market and a processing unit in Dar es Salaam. The report includes the recommendations as well as the papers that were available to the experts. - L'atelier a ete organise pour passer en revue les progres et problemes dans l'utilisation du poisson apres capture en Afrique, et formuler des recommandations a la FAO, a ses pays membres et a tous les instituts, institutions et personnes interesses par l'utilisation du poisson en Afrique. Les experts ont examine notamment l'utilisation du poisson frais, la transformation du poisson, l'assurance de qualite, la commercialisation et les questions socioeconomiques. Cet examen s'est effectue a travers la presentation, par le secretariat, du rapport sur les progres et evenements depuis la Consultation d'experts FAO sur la technologie du poisson en Afrique qui s'est tenue en 2001, des presentations de 26 communications, des resumes de deux contributions supplementaires, et une visite de terrain au Mbegani Fisheries Development Centre, au marche au poisson et dans une unite de transformation de poisson a Dar es Salaam. Le rapport inclut les recommandations de meme que les communications qui etaient a la disposition des experts."
Download or read book Enjeux et usages du Big Data Technologies m thodes et mise en oeuvre written by BRASSEUR Christophe and published by Lavoisier. This book was released on 2013-04-01 with total page 226 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Le développement spectaculaire d’internet, des réseaux sociaux, de la technologie mobile et la multiplication des capteurs provoquent une croissance exponentielle des données à laquelle les entreprises doivent faire face : c’est le phénomène du Big Data. Ses enjeux sont considérables. Au-delà de la simple question technique du stockage, il offre la possibilité de tirer profit du contenu de ces nouvelles sources d’information. Les solutions décisionnelles classiques laissent progressivement place au Business Analytics et aux méthodes prédictives, transformant l’avalanche de données en valeur ajoutée. La technologie est aujourd’hui disponible, les bases de données traditionnelles ont évolué et les solutions dédiées à l’exploitation des données massives, telles que Hadoop, sont désormais opérationnelles. S’appuyant sur différents cas pratiques, Enjeux et usages du Big Data met l’accent sur les méthodes, les techniques et les ressources nécessaires pour permettre aux entreprises d’entrer avec succès dans l’ère de l’information à grande échelle.
Download or read book Communication Et ducation Interculturelles written by Fred Dervin and published by Peter Lang. This book was released on 2006 with total page 248 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: In the context of cultural and economic globalization, intercultural communication is of central importance for the study of social and educational processes and practices. This volume contains contributions on conceptual issues as well as case studies on intercultural communication and education in Finland. Some of the contributions were first presented at the conference «Enhancing the Visibility and Collaboration of Researchers in Intercultural Communication and Education in Finland» which took place at the University of Turku, Finland, in October 2004. The other collected articles offer various contrasting perspectives on issues related to interculturality. Dans le contexte de la mondialisation culturelle et économique, la recherche en communication interculturelle est d'une importance capitale pour l'étude des pratiques et des processus sociaux et éducatifs. Les contributions de ce volume relèvent tant du traitement de problèmes conceptuels que de l'étude de cas, réunies autour du thème de la communication et de l'éducation interculturelles en Finlande. Certaines d'entre elles ont été présentées lors de la conférence intitulée « Visibilité et collaboration des chercheurs en communication et en éducation interculturelles en Finlande », qui s'est déroulée en octobre 2004 à l'Université de Turku. D'autres viennent s'ajouter à l'ouvrage, offrant ainsi des éclairages à la fois complémentaires et différents sur les problématiques de l'interculturalité.
Download or read book Marine Insurance at the Turn of the Millennium written by Marc Huybrechts and published by Intersentia nv. This book was released on 2000-09-26 with total page 260 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Both volumes present an in depth analysis of actual marine insurance relative to hull insurance, cargo insurance and P&I insurance. The impact of European law on marine insurance and, more specifically, European Competition Rules in relation to P&I insurance are covered. In addition, specific issues such as the future Belgian Marine Insurance statute and the Antwerp Marine Policy are dealt with. The subjects are covered in a broad comparative law perspective, combining practice and theory. Also topics such as the ISM code and its relation to marine insurance and the position of classification societies and quality insurance are considered.
Download or read book conom trie de la Protection Sociale written by Association déconométrie appliquée and published by IICA Biblioteca Venezuela. This book was released on 1992 with total page 706 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:
Download or read book Educational Gameplay and Simulation Environments Case Studies and Lessons Learned written by Kaufman, David and published by IGI Global. This book was released on 2010-01-31 with total page 528 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: "This book covers theoretical, social, and practical issues related to educational games and simulations, contributing to a more effective design and implementation of these activities in learning environments"--Provided by publisher.
Download or read book Hospital Logistics and e Management written by Philippe Blua and published by John Wiley & Sons. This book was released on 2019-12-12 with total page 198 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: As new information and communication technologies (NICTs) increasingly reorganize our practices and influence our daily lives, there is a pressing need to study their impact in the field of hospital logistics and to question their future use. Hospital Logistics and e-Management presents an inventory of the health information system, and deals with informational and logistical issues with regard to medical information. Through two case studies of hospital logistics systems which have drawn on academic research, this book examines how powerful decision support tools can improve the quality of patient service and logistics organization. The first case study deals with the influx of patients to emergency services and service organization, and the second with the optimization of product collection and distribution flows.
Download or read book Europa written by Giuseppe Casale and published by FrancoAngeli. This book was released on 2002 with total page 516 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:
Download or read book Labour Market and Social Protection Reforms in International Perspective written by Giuliano Bonoli and published by Taylor & Francis. This book was released on 2017-07-05 with total page 519 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Social protection systems and labour markets have undergone major changes in the past two decades. Welfare states are being reformed, scaled back and modernised; labour markets, at the same time, are more precarious, more feminised, more unequal, and throughout the OECD area, older. The interaction between labour markets and social protection has become increasingly crucial to the social and economic policy mix concerning unemployment, the transformation of work, the new poverty, and even demographics. Against this background, an interdisciplinary team of leading labour market and social protection experts from various OECD countries examine the multifaceted aspects of the changing relationship between social protection systems and labour markets. They identify and analyse key emerging issues, such as the link between employment and social protection financing, the adaptation of social protection systems to women's career patterns, and the development of new forms of social protection that aim at promoting employment. With practical policy guides and recommendations using case studies and comparative chapters, this will be engaging reading for policy-makers, social actors and academics alike.
Download or read book The Collaborative Economy in Action European Perspectives written by Andrzej Klimczuk and published by University of Limerick. This book was released on 2021-10-04 with total page 387 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The book titled The Collaborative Economy in Action: European Perspectives is one of the important outcomes of the COST Action CA16121, From Sharing to Caring: Examining the Socio-Technical Aspects of the Collaborative Economy (short name: Sharing and Caring; that was active between March 2017 and September 2021. The Action was funded by the European Cooperation in Science and Technology - COST ( The main objective of the COST Action Sharing and Caring is the development of a European network of researchers and practitioners interested in investigating the collaborative economy models, platforms, and their socio-technological implications. The network involves scholars, practitioners, communities, and policymakers. The COST Action Sharing and Caring helped to connect research initiatives across Europe and enabled scientists to develop their ideas by collaborating with peers. This collaboration opportunity represented a boost for the participants' research, careers, and innovation potential. The main aim of this book is to provide a comprehensive overview of the collaborative economy (CE) in European countries with a variety of its aspects for a deeper understanding of the phenomenon as a whole. For this reason, in July 2017, an open call for country reports was distributed among the members of the COST Action Sharing and Caring. Representatives of the member countries were invited to produce short country reports covering: definition(s) of the CE; types and models of the CE; key stakeholders involved; as well as legislation and technological tools relevant for the CE. Submitted reports varied in length and regarding the level of detail included, in accordance with how much information was available in each respective country at the time of writing. Editors of the book have compiled these early reports into a summary report, which was intended as a first step in mapping the state of the CE in Europe. The Member Countries Report on the Collaborative Economy, edited by Gaia Mosconi, Agnieszka Lukasiewicz, and Gabriela Avram (2018) that was published on the Sharing and Caring website, represented its first synergetic outcome and provided an overview of the CE phenomenon as interpreted and manifested in each of the countries part of the network. Additionally, Sergio Nassare-Aznar, Kosjenka Dumančić, and Giulia Priora compiled a Preliminary Legal Analysis of Country Reports on Cases of Collaborative Economy (2018). In 2018, after undertaking an analysis of the previous reports' strengths and weaknesses, the book editors issued a call for an updated version of these country reports. Prof. Ann Light advised the editorial team, proposing a new format for country reports and 4000 words limit. The template included: Introduction, Definition, Key Questions, Examples, Illustration, Context, Developments, Issues, Other Major Players, and Relevant Literature. The new template was approved by the Management Committee in October 2018. The task force that had supported the production of the first series of country reports (Dimitar Trajanov, Maria del Mar Alonso, Bálint Balázs, Kosjenka Dumančić, and Gabriela Avram) acted as mentors for the team of authors in each country. The final reports arrived at the end of 2018, bringing the total number of submissions to 30 (twenty-nine European countries plus Georgia). A call for book editors was issued, and a new editorial team was formed by volunteers from the participants of the COST Action: Andrzej Klimczuk, Vida Česnuityte, Cristina Miguel, Santa Mijalche, Gabriela Avram, Bori Simonovits, Bálint Balázs, Kostas Stefanidis, and Rafael Laurenti. The editorial team organized the double-blind reviews of reports and communicated to the authors the requirements for improving their texts. After reviews, the authors submitted updated versions of their country reports providing up-to-date interdisciplinary analysis on the state of the CE in 2019, when the reports were collected. During the final phase, the chapters were again reviewed by the lead editors together with all editorial team members. At the time, the intention was to update these reports again just before the end of the COST Action Sharing and Caring in 2021 and to produce a third edition. However, the COVID-19 pandemic changed these plans. Thus, this final volume was created by 82 scholars-editors and contributors-and consists of reports on 27 countries participating in the COST Action.
Download or read book Genetic Testing and the Governance of Risk in the Contemporary Economy written by Lara Khoury and published by Springer Nature. This book was released on 2020-10-01 with total page 354 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This book addresses emerging questions concerning who should bear responsibility for shouldering risk, as well as the viability of existing and experimental governance mechanisms in connection with new technologies. Scholars from 14 jurisdictions unite their efforts in this edited collection to provide a comparative analysis of how various legal systems are tackling the challenges produced by the legal aspects of genetic testing in insurance and employment. They cover the diverse set of norms that surround this issue, and share insights into relevant international, regional and national incursions into the field. By doing so, the authors offer a basis for comparative reflection, including on whether transnational standard setting might be useful or necessary for the legal aspects of genetic testing as they relate to the insurance and employment contexts. The respective texts cover a broad range of topics, including the prevalence of genetic testing in the contexts of insurance and employment, and policy factors that might affect this prevalence, such as the design of national health or social insurance systems, of private insurance schemes or the availability of low-cost direct-to-consumer genetic testing. Further, the field of genetics is gaining in importance at the international and regional levels. Relevant concepts – mainly genetic tests and genetic data/information – have been internationally defined, and these definitions have influenced definitions adopted nationally. International law also recognizes a “special status” for human genetic data. The authors therefore also consider these definitions and the recognition of the special status of human genetic data within regional and national legal orders. They investigate the range of norms that specifically address the use of genetic testing in employment and insurance, encompassing international sources – including human rights norms – that may be binding or non-binding, as well national statutory, regulatory and soft-law mechanisms. Accordingly, some of the texts examine general frameworks relevant to genetic testing in each country, including those that stem from general anti-discrimination rules and norms protecting rights to autonomy, self-determination, confidentiality and privacy. In closing, the authors provide an overview of the efficiency of their respective legal regimes’ approaches – specific and generalist – to genetic testing or disclosure of genetic information in the employment or insurance contexts, including the effect of lack of legal guidance. In this regard, some of the authors highlight the need for transnational action in the field and make recommendation for future legal developments.
Download or read book Big Data for Insurance Companies written by Marine Corlosquet-Habart and published by John Wiley & Sons. This book was released on 2018-01-19 with total page 196 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This book will be a "must" for people who want good knowledge of big data concepts and their applications in the real world, particularly in the field of insurance. It will be useful to people working in finance and to masters students using big data tools. The authors present the bases of big data: data analysis methods, learning processes, application to insurance and position within the insurance market. Individual chapters a will be written by well-known authors in this field.