Download or read book Direito ambiental Para concursos de juiz federal written by Leandro Eustáquio and published by . This book was released on 2011 with total page 0 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Nesta obra, o autor resume todos os itens relacionados no edital de concurso para o cargo de juiz federal, de acordo com o Conselho da Justiça Federal. Abrangendo desde os conceitos e princípios fundamentais de direito ambiental e esclarecendo as normas constitucionais relativas à proteção ambiental, o livro aborda o sistema nacional de unidades de conservação da natureza e o sistema nacional do meio ambiente, além de licenciamento ambiental, biossegurança, poder de polícia e infrações ambientai s, áreas de preservação permanente, recursos hídricos e política energética. Com criteriosa seleção de jurisprudência e legislação, a obra traz ainda questões de direito ambiental extraídas de diferentes provas de concursos públicos, de modo a auxilia r o concursando em sua preparação. Esta obra faz parte da coleção Resumos Juiz Federal que se baseiam nas Resoluções no 67, de 3 de julho de 2009, do Conselho da Justiça Federal e no 75, de 12 de maio de 2009, do Conselho Nacional de Justiça, que dispõem sobre normas para a realização do concurso público para investidura no cargo de Juiz Federal Substituto, no âmbito da Justiça Federal. Com um livro para cada disciplina relacionada no programa oficial do concurso, o estudante, além de revisar a matéria, poderá verificar como os temas são cobrados nos exames da primeira etapa – prova objetiva seletiva, de caráter eliminatório e classificatório –, pois as obras apresentam cuidadosa seleção de questões extraídas de provas anteriores.
Download or read book Concurso para Juiz written by Ozéias de Jesus dos Santos and published by . This book was released on 2017-09-17 with total page 177 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Concurso para JuizDe acordo com os �ltimos editais.Prepara��o para o concurso p�blico da Magistratura Estadual e Federal, tratando as principais disciplinas com a profundidade te�rica necess�ria nos temas mais exigidos nos diversos editais do pa�s, com conte�do program�tico atualizado, com an�lise doutrin�ria e jurisprudencial aliada ao perfil das v�rias bancas examinadoras.M�todo estrat�gico de Prioriza��o de Temas.Direito na Medida Certa.�ndice Sum�rioCap�tulo IDireito AmbientalCompet�ncia AmbientalA��o Antr�picaCompet�ncias em Mat�ria Ambiental Cap�tulo IITratados AmbientaisTratados e Confer�ncias Internacionais sobre Mat�ria AmbientalVig�ncia do TratadoCap�tulo IIIPrinc�pios Ambientais Autoriza��es Excepcionais Constru��o de Cemit�rioCompensa��o AmbientalPrinc�pio da Precau��oPrinc�pio do Desenvolvimento Sustent�velEcossistema de ManguezalConstru��o de Estrada em Terra Ind�genaPreven��o e Precau��o Sistema Nacional do Meio Ambiente Instrumentos da Pol�tica Nacional do Meio Ambiente Cap�tulo IVResponsabilidade Civil Classifica��o do Dano Ambiental Responsabilidade Administrativa Responsabilidade Penal da Pessoa Jur�dica Cap�tulo VReserva Legal Florestal Unidades de Conserva��oPlano de ManejoCap�tulo VICrimes AmbientaisConceito de Crime AmbientalSujeito Ativo e Passivo nos Crimes AmbientaisPessoas Jur�dicas nos Crimes AmbientaisDesconsidera��o da Personalidade da Pessoa Jur�dicaAplica��o das Penas na Lei dos Crimes AmbientaisPenas Restritivas de DireitoInterdi��o Tempor�ria de DireitosSuspens�o das AtividadesPresta��o Pecuni�riaRecolhimento DomiciliarAtenua��o da PenaAgravantes da PenaSuspens�o Condicional da PenaCap�tulo VIICota de Reserva AmbientalRes�duos T�xicosManejo Sustent�vel para Explora��o FlorestalPatrim�nio Gen�tico Registro da Senten�a Declarat�ria de Usucapi�o Aplica��o de Multa AmbientalCap�tulo VIIISistema Nacional de Unidades de Conserva��oPol�tica Nacional do Meio AmbienteDireito Internacional do Meio Ambiente e Confer�ncias Internacionais sobre o Meio AmbienteRelat�rio BrundtlanMedidas propostas pela Comiss�o BrundtrandECO Rio 19922. Agenda 213. Princ�pios para a Administra��o Sustent�vel das Florestas4. Conven��o da Biodiversidade5. Conven��o sobre Mudan�a do ClimaOrganiza��es Internacionais com atua��o na �rea AmbientalA. Comiss�o de Desenvolvimento Sustent�vel (CDS) - Commission on Sustainable DevelopmentB. PNUMA (ou UNEP) C - Conselho Consultivo de Alto N�vel Sobre Desenvolvimento Sustent�vel (High Level Advisory Board On Sustainable Development) e Comit� Inter-Ag�ncias Sobre Desenvolvimento Sustent�velD - FAO (FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION) - Organiza��o das Na��es Unidas para a Alimenta��o e a AgriculturaE- WHO (WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION) - Organiza��o Mundial de Sa�deF - IAEA (INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY) - Ag�ncia Internacional de Energia At�micaG - WMO - WORLD METEREOLOGICAL ORGANIZATION - Organiza��o Metereol�gica MundialH - IMO (INTERNATIONAL MARITIME ORGANIZATION) - Organiza��o Mar�tima InternacionalI - IWC (INTERNATIONAL WHALING COMMISSION) - Comiss�o Internacional Sobre a Pesca da BaleiaJ - ILO (INTERNATIONAL LABOR ORGANIZATION) - Organiza��o Internacional do Trabalho (OIT)Rio+10LEGISLA��O LEI N� 12.651, DE 25 DE MAIO DE 2012. Disp�e sobre a prote��o da vegeta��o nativa; altera as Leis nos 6.938, de 31 de agosto de 1981, 9.393, de 19 de dezembro de 1996, e 11.428, de 22 de dezembro de 2006; revoga as Leis nos 4.771, de 15 de setembro de 1965, e 7.754, de 14 de abril de 1989, e a Medida Provis�ria no 2.166-67, de 24 de agosto de 2001; e d� outras provid�ncias. LEI N� 9.605, DE 12 DE FEVEREIRO DE 1998. Disp�e sobre as san��es penais e administrativas derivadas de condutas e atividades lesivas ao meio ambiente, e d� outras provid�ncias.
Download or read book The Governmental Process written by David Bicknell Truman and published by New York : Knopf. This book was released on 1962 with total page 584 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:
Download or read book Corrupt Cities written by and published by World Bank Publications. This book was released on 2000 with total page 180 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Much of the devastation caused by the recent earthquake in Turkey was the result of widespread corruption between the construction industry and government officials. Corruption is part of everyday public life and we tend to take it for granted. However, preventing corruption helps to raise city revenues, improve service delivery, stimulate public confidence and participation, and win elections. This book is designed to help citizens and public officials diagnose, investigate and prevent various kinds of corrupt and illicit behaviour. It focuses on systematic corruption rather than the free-lance activity of a few law-breakers, and emphasises practical preventive measures rather than purely punitive or moralistic campaigns.
Download or read book Patrons Clients and Policies written by Herbert Kitschelt and published by Cambridge University Press. This book was released on 2007-03-29 with total page 344 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: A study of patronage politics and the persistence of clientelism across a range of countries.
Download or read book A Frequency Dictionary of Portuguese written by Mark Davies and published by Routledge. This book was released on 2007-11-29 with total page 950 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: An invaluable tool for learners of Portuguese, this Frequency Dictionary provides a list of the 5000 most commonly used words in the language. Based on a twenty-million-word collection of Portuguese (taken from both Portuguese and Brazilian sources), which includes both written and spoken material, this dictionary provides detailed information for each of the 5000 entries, including the English equivalent, a sample sentence, and an indication of register and dialect variation. Users can access the top 5000 words either through the main frequency listing or through an alphabetical index. Throughout the frequency listing there are also thrity thematically-organized ‘boxed’ lists of the top words from a variety of key topics such as sports, weather, clothing and relations. An engaging and highly useful resource, A Frequency Dictionary of Portuguese will enable students of all levels to get the most out of their study of Portuguese vocabulary. Former CD content is now available to access at as support material. Designed for use by corpus and computational linguists it provides the full text in a format that researchers can process and turn into suitable lists for their own research work.
Download or read book Direito Ambiental Para Concursos written by Adeilson Nogueira and published by Clube de Autores. This book was released on 2018-05-20 with total page 46 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Se os juízes fossem chamados de “políticos” e suas sentenças consideradas políticas, não seria de surpreender se acabassem comportando-se politicamente e não juridicamente. Do mesmo modo, se o processo de decisão internacional fosse inteiramente político, outros encorajar-se-iam a focalizar exclusivamente os aspectos políticos e tomar atitudes que legitimassem uma conduta própria das instituições políticas, destruindo assim, de certo modo, a influência moderadora dos preceitos jurídicos. Talvez um breve inquérito sobre a natureza dos processos jurídicos e políticos e sobre o conteúdo dos sistemas jurídicos nos capacite a voltar a este tema e salientar com maior clareza os aspectos jurídicos da formulação das normas internacionais. Os tribunais desempenham papéis extremamente importantes na fiscalização do poder de polícia, na repressão às arbitrariedades dos pequenos funcionários, fazendo com que estes não exerçam sua parcela de poder público caprichosamente ou além do interesse público. Seria perigoso e errôneo menosprezar a importância dessas funções na proteção dos valores humanos fundamentais e na preservação das normas de decência e justiça que se desgastam nas mãos dos oportunistas. Raramente podem os tribunais intervir nas áreas de importância política. A tendência dos tribunais é capitular ou desviar-se das crises políticas genuínas. Na esfera internacional pode ser diferente, mas, não obstante, as semelhanças são dignas de nota. Os tratados não são apenas acordos formais que possam ser considerados “farrapos de papel”. A mais pura concepção analítica do “direito” talvez seja a do juiz imparcial que aplica objetivamente as regras preestabelecidas para dirimir controvérsias. A da “política” talvez seja o predomínio da influência ou do interesse mais forte na distribuição social dos valores. No mundo real, entretanto, os juízes não podem deixar de exercer um mínimo de discrição política nas suas decisões. Por sua vez, o processo político de qualquer sistema político estável sujeita-se também às limitações normativas. O direito só existe e os institutos legais só operam dentro de determinadas contexturas políticas. Estas variam no tempo e no espaço e são influenciadas por muitos fatores sociais, econômicos e culturais. Podemos legitimamente separar o “direito” da “política” em determinadas estruturas e para propósitos particulares. Nas instituições de ensino, por exemplo, o estudo do direito é em grande parte o estudo do processo judiciário e da aplicação das normas pelos juízes para resolução dos litígios que surgem de determinados fatos. Os cientistas políticos, de outro lado, focalizam principalmente o processo pelo qual as linhas de ação transformam-se em regras eficazes para a comunidade. Apesar disso tanto os juristas como os cientistas políticos sabem perfeitamente que os institutos jurídicos estão intimamente ligados aos outros processos de governo de uma dada comunidade num dado tempo, isto é, formando uma contextura dentro da qual são tomadas as decisões das autoridades. Como o direito associa-se a um corpo de princípios e regras imperativas, não é fora de propósito perguntar quem estabelece esses princípios e regras, quem os invoca, em que arenas e com quais resultados. Como e por quem são formulados, aplicados e cumpridos, e quais os seus efeitos. Se associa-se exclusivamente aos tribunais compostos de juízes imparciais é importante compreender-se que a imparcialidade dessas cortes, os tipos de demandas que podem eficazmente resolver e os processos de decisão judicial são estreitamente coordenados e dependentes de outros órgãos do governo da comunidade.
Download or read book Combating Corruption in Latin America written by Joseph S. Tulchin and published by . This book was released on 2000-08-17 with total page 260 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Shihata, and Laurence Whitehead.
Download or read book West Roman Vulgar Law written by Ernst Levy and published by . This book was released on 1951 with total page 336 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:
Download or read book Soldiers of the P tria written by Frank D. McCann and published by Stanford University Press. This book was released on 2004 with total page 636 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This book provides an authoritative history of the Brazilian army from the armys overthrow of the monarchy in 1889 to its support of the coup that established Brazils first civilian dictatorship in 1937. The period between these two events laid the political foundations of modern Brazila period in which the army served as the core institution of an expanding and modernizing Brazilian state. The book is based on detailed research in Brazilian, British, American, and French archives, and on numerous interviews with surviving military and civilian leaders. It also makes extensive use of hitherto unused internal army documents, as well as of private correspondence and diaries. It is thus able to shed new light on the armys personnel and ethos, on its ties with civilian elites, on the consequences of military professionalization, and on how the army reinvented itself after the collapse of its command structure in the crisis of 1930a reinvention that allowed the army to become the backbone of the post-1937 dictatorship of Getulio Vargas.
Download or read book The Quality of Government written by Bo Rothstein and published by University of Chicago Press. This book was released on 2011-09 with total page 301 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The relationship between government, virtue, and wealth has held a special fascination since Aristotle, and the importance of each frames policy debates today in both developed and developing countries. While it’s clear that low-quality government institutions have tremendous negative effects on the health and wealth of societies, the criteria for good governance remain far from clear. In this pathbreaking book, leading political scientist Bo Rothstein provides a theoretical foundation for empirical analysis on the connection between the quality of government and important economic, political, and social outcomes. Focusing on the effects of government policies, he argues that unpredictable actions constitute a severe impediment to economic growth and development—and that a basic characteristic of quality government is impartiality in the exercise of power. This is borne out by cross-sectional analyses, experimental studies, and in-depth historical investigations. Timely and topical, The Quality of Government tackles such issues as political legitimacy, social capital, and corruption.
Download or read book Direito Ambiental written by Frederico Augusto Di Trindade Amado and published by . This book was released on with total page 943 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: La 4e de couverture indique : "Trata-se de obra que traz a abordagem completa de temas que compõem os editais dos principais concursos nos quais a disciplina é exigida. A didática também foi privilegiada: esquemas e destaques estratégicos auxiliam o leitor em seu processo de compreensão e memorização, tornando eficiente o estudo. Traz, ainda, questões comentadas, extraídas de diversos certames, para acostumar o leitor às exigências das provas de concursos públicos, mostrando-lhe como o conteúdo teórico é exigido na prática. Além disso, o autor apresenta extensa pesquisa sobre a jurisprudência do Supremo Tribunal Federal, do Superior Tribunal de Justiça e dos Tribunais Regionais Federais em relação aos temas de todos os Capítulos, bem como expõe as posições dominantes dos nossos mais importantes doutrinadores especializados, sempre consignando o seu entendimento pessoal. A obra reflete a experiência do autor na área, adquirida no exercício do Magistério do Direito Ambiental em cursos preparatórios para concursos públicos e de pós-graduação, bem como no exercício do cargo de Procurador Federal, especialmente quando esteve lotado na Procuradoria Federal Especializada do IBAMA no Estado do Pará. Assim, o trabalho dirige-se não só àqueles que desejam ingressar nas carreiras públicas, mas também aos que se iniciam na disciplina nos bancos das faculdades, e aos profissionais que já atuam na área ambiental."
Download or read book The Courts and Social Policy written by Donald L. Horowitz and published by Brookings Institution Press. This book was released on 2010-12-10 with total page 326 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: In recent years, the power of American judges to make social policy has been significantly broadened. The courts have reached into many matters once thought to be beyond the customary scope of judicial decisionmaking: education and employment policy, environmental issues, prison and hospital management, and welfare administration—to name a few. This new judicial activity can be traced to various sources, among them the emergence of public interest law firms and interest groups committed to social change through the courts, and to various changes in the law itself that have made access to the courts easier. The propensity for bringing difficult social questions to the judiciary for resolution is likely to persist. This book is the first comprehensive study of the capacity of courts to make and implement social policy. Donald L. Horowitz, a lawyer and social scientist, traces the imprint of the judicial process on the policies that emerge from it. He focuses on a number of important questions: how issues emerge in litigation, how courts obtain their information, how judges use social science data, how legal solutions to social problems are devised, and what happens to judge-made social policy after decrees leave the court house. After a general analysis of the adjudication process as it bears on social policymaking, the author presents four cases studies of litigation involving urban affairs, educational resources, juvenile courts and delinquency, and policy behavior. In each, the assumption and evidence with which the courts approached their policy problems are matched against data about the social settings from which the cases arose and the effects the decrees had. The concern throughout the book is to relate the policy process to the policy outcome. From his analysis of adjudication and the findings of his case studies the author concludes that the resources of the courts are not adequate to the new challenges confronting them. He suggests
Download or read book The Novels of Justinian written by David Miller and published by . This book was released on 2018 with total page 0 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: First English translation of one of our most important sources for Roman law, with an extensive commentary and detailed introduction.
Download or read book Weak Courts Strong Rights written by Mark Tushnet and published by Princeton University Press. This book was released on 2009-07-20 with total page 288 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Unlike many other countries, the United States has few constitutional guarantees of social welfare rights such as income, housing, or healthcare. In part this is because many Americans believe that the courts cannot possibly enforce such guarantees. However, recent innovations in constitutional design in other countries suggest that such rights can be judicially enforced--not by increasing the power of the courts but by decreasing it. In Weak Courts, Strong Rights, Mark Tushnet uses a comparative legal perspective to show how creating weaker forms of judicial review may actually allow for stronger social welfare rights under American constitutional law. Under "strong-form" judicial review, as in the United States, judicial interpretations of the constitution are binding on other branches of government. In contrast, "weak-form" review allows the legislature and executive to reject constitutional rulings by the judiciary--as long as they do so publicly. Tushnet describes how weak-form review works in Great Britain and Canada and discusses the extent to which legislatures can be expected to enforce constitutional norms on their own. With that background, he turns to social welfare rights, explaining the connection between the "state action" or "horizontal effect" doctrine and the enforcement of social welfare rights. Tushnet then draws together the analysis of weak-form review and that of social welfare rights, explaining how weak-form review could be used to enforce those rights. He demonstrates that there is a clear judicial path--not an insurmountable judicial hurdle--to better enforcement of constitutional social welfare rights.
Download or read book Due Process and International Terrorism written by Roza Pati and published by Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. This book was released on 2009 with total page 533 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Acts of terror on a global scale are straining to the breaking point the due process guarantees of the legal systems of modern democracies. In unequalled breadth and depth, this book analyzes the rights of persons suspected of a crime, in normal times and emergencies, from the pre-trial phase to the trial and the post-trial period under all the universal and regional human rights treaty regimes, pertinent customary international law, general principles of law, international humanitarian law as well as the hybrid procedures developed by international criminal tribunals. The book then presents a detailed analysis of United States due process guarantees, in peacetime and in war, and the executive, legislative and judicial responses to the attacks of September 11, 2001. Professor Pati appraises the American actions in terms of international law s due process guarantees and proposes courses of action which can better defend a public order of human dignity.
Download or read book E voting written by Jaya Krishna S Naveen Kumar Agarwal and published by . This book was released on 2008 with total page 203 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: From time immemorial, by the people in a democratic set-up has been facilitated through a mechanism called Election. Electoral process involves voting by the eligible electorate and the voting system should facilitate people s true verdict. Till rec