Download or read book Rapport sur le developpement dans le monde 2018 written by POUR and published by World Bank Publications. This book was released on 2009 with total page 522 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Chaque annee, le Rapport sur le developpement dans le monde de la Banque mondiale met en vedette un sujet d'importance capitale pour le developpement mondial. Le Rapport sur le developpement dans le monde 2018 - APPRENDRE pour realiser la promesse de l'education - est le premier consacre integralement a l'education. Et le moment s'y prete particulierement : l'education a toujours ete essentielle au bien-etre de l'etre humain, mais elle l'est plus encore en cette periode de rapides mutations economiques et sociales. Le meilleur moyen de preparer les enfants et les jeunes a l'avenir est de placer l'apprentissage au centre de toutes les interventions de promotion de l'education. Le Rapport sur le developpement dans le monde 2018 aborde quatre themes majeurs :La promesse de l'education. L'education est un levier important pour eradiquer la pauvrete et promouvoir une prosperite partagee. Mais pour qu'elle puisse realiser ce potentiel, il faut ameliorer les politiques - a l'interieur comme en dehors du systeme educatif.La necessite de mettre l'apprentissage en lumiere. En depit des progres accomplis en matiere d'acces a l'education, les recentes evaluations des acquis scolaires revelent que de nombreux jeunes a travers le monde, particulierement ceux qui sont issus des couches pauvres ou marginalisees de la population, quittent l'ecole sans avoir acquis ne seraient-ce que les competences necessaires a la vie. En meme temps, des evaluationsscolaires comparables sur le plan international montrent que les competences disponibles dans de nombreux pays a revenu intermediaire sont nettement inferieures a ce que ces pays ambitionnent. Et trop souvent, ces lacunes sont cachees - par consequent, pour faire face a la crise de l'apprentissage, il est crucial de commencer par la mettre en lumiere en ameliorant l'evaluation des acquis des eleves.Comment mettre l'ecole au service de l'ensemble des apprenants ? Les travaux de recherche sur le cerveau, l'innovation pedagogique et la gestion des etablissements scolaires, entre autres, ont identifie des interventions qui favorisent l'apprentissage en faisant en sorte que les apprenants soient mieux prepares, que les enseignants soient a la fois competents et motives, et que d'autres moyens soient mis en oeuvre pour soutenir larelation entre l'enseignant et l'apprenant.Comment faire en sorte que le systeme favorise l'apprentissage ? Pour realiser les objectifs d'apprentissage a travers le systeme educatif dans son ensemble, il ne suffit pas de transposer a plus grande echelle les interventions efficaces. Les pays doivent aussi surmonter des obstacles techniques et politiques en ayant recours a des outils de mesure et indicateurs suffisamment parlants pour mobiliser les acteurs concernes etsuivre les progres, en formant des coalitions au service de l'apprentissage et en adoptant une approche de reforme evolutive.
Download or read book Cognitive Development in Infancy written by John Oates and published by Psychology Press. This book was released on 1987 with total page 322 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Consists of articles reprinted from various sources.
Download or read book Publications of the Centre International de L enfance Coordinated Growth Studies 1951 1968 written by and published by . This book was released on 1969 with total page 28 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:
Download or read book Advances in Child Development and Behavior written by and published by Academic Press. This book was released on 1965-01-01 with total page 281 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Advances in Child Development and Behavior
Download or read book Les traductions fran aises du De regimine principum de Gilles de Rome written by Noëlle-Laetitia Perret and published by BRILL. This book was released on 2011-05-23 with total page 484 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This book deals with the different translations into Old French of Giles of Rome’s De regimine principum, dedicated to Philippe le Bel around 1279, and their readership. First-hand manuscript research has permitted us to understand not only the general context of their production but also the social conditions of their transmission and circulation. This work concentrates on different aspects of the reception of Giles of Rome’s pedagogical ideas by his “translators”, who are by no means passive in this process. This book provides not only a concrete idea of what Giles of Rome’s educational ideas became when mediated for the consumption of a lay public but also how the translators, in their translations, supported the transmission of re-appropriated knowledge.
Download or read book Early Child Development in the French Tradition written by Andre Vyt and published by Psychology Press. This book was released on 2013-05-13 with total page 386 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This volume shares significant contemporary "Francophone" contributions to developmental psychology outside geographic and intellectual borders of French-speaking countries. Except for the spread of Piagetian theory after World War II into Anglophone psychology, these new publications have not become so well known worldwide as progress in Francophone developmental psychology warrants. However, the work of a new generation of developmental theorists and experimentalists continues to shape important and original lines of thinking and research in France, Canada, and in other French-speaking countries. This work also contributes uniquely to issues such as sensori-motor development, perception, language acquisition, social interaction, and the growth and induction of cognitive mechanisms. Scientific concepts are not only embedded in a paradigm, but also in a culture and a language. Instead of writing about Francophone developmental psychology from "outside," this volume brings together original English-language contributions written by researchers working in different Francophone countries. Chapters summarize and interpret research on a given topic, making explicit the context of philosophical and theoretical traditions in which the empirical advances are embedded. Original essays are accompanied by editorial commentaries from eminent scientists working on the same topics in other parts of the world -- topics that are closely related to Francophone streams of thought and themes of study. Together, these essays fully and faithfully represent modern scientific perspectives toward understanding many facets of mental growth and development of the young child.
Download or read book Childrens Agency and Development in African Societies written by Yaw Ofosu-Kus and published by African Books Collective. This book was released on 2017-07-19 with total page 234 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This book focuses on African childhood and youth within the context of development and socialization where children are expected to be moulded in the image of adults. In many African societies children are generally held as passive bearers of the demands of adults, regardless of the fact that they are often exposed to a multitude of challenges that originate from the capriciousness of those adults. However, buoyed by international conventions and national legislations that offer them greater protection, and the ubiquitous internet that exposes them to childhood and youth experiences elsewhere, many of them are increasingly becoming assertive in homes, schools, and communities as well as re-invigorating their survival and self-preservation instincts. It is in this regard that this book, through the various chapters, engages with their competencies, skills and creativity to respond to experiential challenges as independent migrants or ones under coercion working in city streets and markets or cocoa farms or juggling work and schooling in pursuit of some education. Confronted with their parents and siblings health predicaments and the inadequacies of state and familial care, or urgent negotiation of their sexualities, they demonstrate incredible resilience. Similarly, their perceptiveness is demonstrated in a unique appreciation of politics and its actors and a capacity to assume responsibilities beyond their chronological age. Thus while highlighting some of the challenges confronting African children, the book provides gripping evidence of how they resiliently negotiate those challenges.
Download or read book Educability and Group Differences written by Arthur Robert Jensen and published by Routledge. This book was released on 2012 with total page 419 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Jensen is a controversial figure, largely for his conclusions based on his and other research regarding the causes of race based differences in intelligence and in this book he develops more fully the argument he formulated in his controversial Harvard Education Review article 'How Much Can We Boost IQ and Scholastic Achievement?'. In a wide-ranging survey of the evidence he argues that measured IQ reveals a strong hereditary component and he argues that the system of education which assumes an almost wholly environmentalist view of the causes of group differences capitalizes on a relatively narrow category of human abilities. Since its original publication the controversy surrounding Jensen's ideas has continued as successive generations of psychologists, scientists and policy-makers have grappled with the same issues.
Download or read book Handbook of Early Childhood Development Research and Its Impact on Global Policy written by Pia Rebello Britto, Ph.D. and published by Oxford University Press, USA. This book was released on 2013-01-31 with total page 561 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Handbook of Early Childhood Development Research and Its Impact on Global Policy calls for placing early childhood development at the top of the global policy agenda, enabling children to achieve their full developmental potential and to contribute to equitable economic and social progress worldwide.
Download or read book Nature and Nurture in Early Child Development written by Daniel P. Keating and published by Cambridge University Press. This book was released on 2010-12-31 with total page 313 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: For developmental scientists, the nature versus nurture debate has been settled for some time. Neither nature nor nurture alone provides the answer. It is nature and nurture in concert that shape developmental pathways and outcomes, from health to behavior to competence. This insight has moved far beyond the assertion that both nature and nurture matter, progressing into the fascinating terrain of how they interact over the course of development. In this volume, students, practitioners, policy analysts, and others with a serious interest in human development will learn what is transpiring in this new paradigm from the developmental scientists working at the cutting edge, from neural mechanisms to population studies, and from basic laboratory science to clinical and community interventions. Early childhood development is the critical focus of this volume, because many of the important nature-nurture interactions occur then, with significant influences on lifelong developmental trajectories.
Download or read book Les syst mes de mise en uvre de la protection sociale written by Kathy Lindert and published by World Bank Publications. This book was released on 2023-01-13 with total page 727 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Le Manuel de référence sur les systèmes de mise en œuvre de la protection sociale synthétise les expériences et les leçons apprises des systèmes de mise en œuvre de la protection sociale à travers le monde. Il adopte un concept de la protection sociale large, qui couvre différentes populations telles que les familles pauvres ou à faible revenu, les chômeurs, les personnes handicapées et les personnes confrontées à des risques sociaux. Il analyse différents types d’interventions des gouvernements pour la protection des individus, des familles ou des ménages, au travers de programmes spécifiques allant de programmes ciblant la pauvreté, aux prestations et services en faveur de l’emploi, et aux prestations et services au bénéfice des personnes handicapées et d’autres services sociaux. Ce Manuel de référence cherche à répondre à différentes questions pratiques soulevées au cours de la mise en œuvre, en particulier : • Comment les pays mettent-ils en œuvre les prestations et services de protection sociale ? • Comment le font-ils avec l’efficacité et l’efficience voulues ? • Comment assurent-ils une inclusion dynamique, en particulier celle des personnes les plus vulnérables et les plus défavorisées ? • Comment favorisent-ils une meilleure coordination et intégration non seulement entre les différents programmes de protection sociale mais aussi avec les programmes mis en œuvre par d’autres acteurs gouvernementaux ? • Comment peuvent-ils répondre aux besoins des populations ciblées et assurer une meilleure expérience client ? Le cadre de mise en œuvre des systèmes de protection sociale précise les principaux éléments de cet environnement opérationnel. Il se décline en différentes phases qui s’échelonnent tout au long de la chaîne de mise en oeuvre. Ces phases sont les lieux d’interactions entre différents acteurs, parmi lesquels des personnes et des institutions. La communication, les systèmes d’information et la technologie facilitent ces interactions. Ce cadre peut s’appliquer à la mise en œuvre d’un ou plusieurs programmes ainsi qu’à la mise en place d’une protection sociale adaptative. Le Manuel de référence des systèmes de mise en œuvre de la protection sociale s’articule autour de huit principes clés qui constituent le code de conduite de la mise en œuvre : 1. Les systèmes de mise en œuvre ne suivent pas un modèle unique, mais tous les modèles partagent des points communs qui forment le coeur du cadre de mise en œuvre des systèmes de protection sociale. 2. La qualité de la mise en œuvre a une grande importance et la faiblesse de l’un des éléments constitutifs de la chaîne de mise en œuvre affectera négativement l’ensemble de celle-ci et réduira les impacts du ou des programmes qui lui sont associés. 3. Les systèmes de mise en œuvre évoluent dans le temps, de manière non linéaire et leur point de départ est important. 4. Dès le début de la mise en œuvre, des efforts devront être déployés pour « garder les choses simples » et pour « bien faire les choses simples ». 5. Le premier segment de la chaîne, à savoir l’interface entre les futurs bénéficiaires et l’administration, est souvent son maillon le plus faible. Son amélioration peut nécessiter des changements systémiques, mais ceux-ci contribueront considérablement à l’efficacité globale et atténueront les risques d’échec de cette interface. 6. Les programmes de protection sociale ne fonctionnent pas dans le vide et, par conséquent, leur système de mise en œuvre ne doit pas être développé en vase clos. Des opportunités de synergies entre institutions et systèmes d’information existent et les saisir peut améliorer les résultats des programmes. 7. Au-delà de la protection sociale, ces systèmes de mise en œuvre peuvent aussi améliorer la capacité des gouvernements à fournir d’autres prestations ou services, comme les subventions à l’assurance maladie, les bourses d’études, les tarifs sociaux de l’énergie, les allocations logement et l’accès aux services juridiques. 8. L’inclusion et la coordination sont des défis omniprésents et permanents. Pour les relever, il faut donc améliorer de façon continue les systèmes de mise en œuvre à travers une approche dynamique, intégrée et centrée sur la personne.
Download or read book Mental tests and cultural adaptation written by L. J. Cronbach and published by Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG. This book was released on 2018-12-03 with total page 508 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: No detailed description available for "Mental tests and cultural adaptation".
Download or read book Bonne Attitude Chez Le Jeune Enfant written by and published by . This book was released on 1948 with total page 36 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:
Download or read book The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of Childhood Cognitive Development written by Usha Goswami and published by John Wiley & Sons. This book was released on 2013-11-11 with total page 818 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This definitive volume is the result of collaboration by top scholars in the field of children's cognition. New edition offers an up-to-date overview of all the major areas of importance in the field, and includes new data from cognitive neuroscience and new chapters on social cognitive development and language Provides state-of-the-art summaries of current research by international specialists in different areas of cognitive development Spans aspects of cognitive development from infancy to the onset of adolescence Includes chapters on symbolic reasoning, pretend play, spatial development, abnormal cognitive development and current theoretical perspectives
Download or read book Human Abilities in Cultural Context written by S. H. Irvine and published by Cambridge University Press. This book was released on 1988-09-30 with total page 634 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Originally published in 1988, Human Abilities in Cultural Context constituted a major development in conceptualising and studying human abilities. It formed a unique reference frame. This study offers a re-evaluation of ability theory by the editors, S. H. Irvine and J. W. Berry, and strong individual statements by H. J. Eysenck, Arthur R. Jensen, Joseph R. Royce, and Robert J. Sternberg, who represent markedly different approaches to the measurement of intelligence. It also focuses on contexts in which the limits of assessment by psychological tests are defined: in minority native groups in North America, in migrants to Britain, in lower-caste enclaves in India, among African minorities, and among Australian Aborigines. Written by long-term residents of the regions in question, these chapters presented a wealth of fresh data in relation to Western formulations of theory and practice.
Download or read book Handbook of Attachment written by Jude Cassidy and published by Guilford Publications. This book was released on 2018-03-19 with total page 1089 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Widely regarded as the state-of-the-science reference on attachment, this handbook interweaves theory and cutting-edge research with clinical applications. Leading researchers examine the origins and development of attachment theory; present biological and evolutionary perspectives; and explore the role of attachment processes in relationships, including both parent–child and romantic bonds. Implications for mental health and psychotherapy are addressed, with reviews of exemplary attachment-oriented interventions for children and adolescents, adults, couples, and families. Contributors discuss best practices in assessment and critically evaluate available instruments and protocols. New to This Edition *Chapters on genetics and epigenetics, psychoneuroimmunology, and sexual mating. *Chapters on compassion, school readiness, and the caregiving system across the lifespan. *Chapter probing the relation between attachment and other developmental influences. *Nearly a decade's worth of theoretical and empirical advances.