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Book Mindfulness in pratica

Download or read book Mindfulness in pratica written by Ken A. Verni and published by Demetra. This book was released on 2023-11-02 with total page 226 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: NON DISPONIBILE PER KINDLE E-INK, PAPERWHITE, OASIS. Mindfulness. Una via accessibile a tutti per coltivare la felicità. Vivi nel momento presente, trova il tuo equilibrio e raggiungi la felicità. Questi sono alcuni dei benefici che ti offre la mindfulness e in queste pagine scoprirai com’è semplice ed efficace praticarla giorno per giorno. Un percorso illustrato e graduale con meditazioni step-by-step da mettere in pratica facilmente durante la giornata. Per esplorare i meccanismi della mente e modificare gli atteggiamenti inutili, ristabilire una relazione sana e amichevole con noi stessi, sentirci meno alienati e isolati e riconnetterci con la nostra profonda saggezza intuitiva e con il nostro spirito creativo.

Book I 7 pilastri della Mindfulness

Download or read book I 7 pilastri della Mindfulness written by Maria Beatrice Toro and published by Vallardi. This book was released on 2020-05-21T00:00:00+02:00 with total page 204 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: «Una mente distratta è una mente infelice.» Team di psicologi di Harvard sulla rivista Science «La Mindfulness restituisce la gioia di vivere per affrontare con rinnovato coraggio anche le situazioni più complicate.» Mark Williams, Università di Oxford Dalla guru italiana della mindfulness, il libro definitivo sulla più importante tecnica di meditazione, che secondo la scienza ha profondi effetti sul nostro benessere e sulla nostra salute. Sveglia alla solita ora, doccia, colazione. Poi il lavoro, i colleghi. O forse una scrivania a casa, con poco spazio e poca tranquillità. Il computer, i pasti, le relazioni: ogni giornata simile alla precedente, un ciclo di consuetudini che, spesso, invece di rassicurarci ci rende insensibili, ansiosi, spaventati, ossessivi. Forte della sua esperienza decennale, Maria Beatrice Toro – psicologa, psicoterapeuta e presidente dell’Istituto di Mindfulness Interpersonale – concentra tecniche e segreti della mindfulness in un libro ricchissimo, che ci accompagna in un percorso individuale per riprendere il contatto con noi stessi e spezzare il circolo vizioso dei malesseri psichici. Usata con successo come terapia coadiuvante nel trattamento di ansia, depressione, stress, squilibri nel rapporto col cibo e nelle relazioni personali, la meditazione mindfulness ci riporta alla felicità del qui e ora, facendoci ritrovare attraverso ogni esercizio la bellezza della nostra natura originaria, allenando la mente e mantenendo il corpo e i sensi attivi. Ovunque siamo, a casa o in ufficio, da soli o in compagnia, la mindfulness è una risorsa a cui attingere. Basata su ricerche scientifiche, agisce a livello psicologico e neuronale e ci aiuta a spezzare il circolo dell’ansia e della rabbia per abitare più serenamente la nostra vita. Sette percorsi con esercizi, letture e testimonianze per apprendere a fondo la mindfulness e utilizzarla per esercitare mente e spirito alla calma, gestire il cambiamento, essere in pace con se stessi. I sette pilastri della Mindfulness 1. Non-giudizio 2. Pazienza 3. Mente del principiante 4. Fiducia 5. Non cercare risultati 6. Accettazione 7. Lasciar andare

Book Mindfulness Ed Intelligenza Emotiva

Download or read book Mindfulness Ed Intelligenza Emotiva written by Mario Pellegrini and published by Independently Published. This book was released on 2024-01-30 with total page 0 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Ti senti spesso sopraffatto dallo stress e dall'ansia, incapace di trovare un momento di pace nella frenesia della vita quotidiana? Dubiti di te stesso e del tuo valore, lottando con una bassa autostima che ti impedisce di vivere pienamente? Forse ti trovi ad affrontare difficoltà nelle tue relazioni, desideroso di migliorare la comunicazione e l'empatia con coloro che ti circondano, o forse, le emozioni intense come la rabbia o la tristezza ti sembrano insormontabili, lasciandoti alla ricerca di strumenti efficaci per una migliore gestione emotiva? Ti ritrovi a rimandare sempre, distratto e con difficoltà a mantenere la concentrazione, influenzando la tua produttività e il senso di realizzazione? Forse aspiri a un maggior equilibrio nella tua vita, bilanciando le esigenze lavorative, familiari e personali, ma non sai da dove iniziare. Potresti anche essere in una fase di ricerca di maggior senso e soddisfazione, esplorando percorsi di crescita personale e spirituale che risuonino con il tuo vero sé? "Mindfulness ed Intelligenza Emotiva - Trova Equilibrio e Serenità" di Mario Pellegrini potrebbe essere la chiave. Questo libro non è solo una guida, ma un viaggio trasformativo che promette di migliorare autostima e relazioni, offrendo un'autentica crescita personale. Con esercizi pratici, storie ispiratrici e profonde riflessioni, sarai guidato alla scoperta di te stesso. Adatto sia ai novizi della mindfulness che a chi desidera approfondire, questo manuale è una fonte di ispirazione e guida. Questo libro, più che una semplice guida, è un invito a intraprendere un percorso trasformativo. Attraverso le sue pagine, Pellegrini condivide con te il frutto di anni di ricerca e pratica nel campo della mindfulness e dell'intelligenza emotiva. Con un linguaggio chiaro e accessibile, ti introduce a tecniche e strategie per affrontare e trasformare le sfide quotidiane in opportunità di crescita. Coprendo temi dall'autostima alla gestione dello stress, dalle relazioni alla consapevolezza quotidiana, questo libro è essenziale per chi cerca una vita più appagante. Pellegrini condivide la sua vasta conoscenza ed empatia, rendendolo un prezioso compagno di crescita personale. Intraprendi un viaggio trasformativo verso una vita di soddisfazione e armonia. Non perdere l'opportunità di crescere e trovare serenità ogni giorno. Aggiungi "Mindfulness ed Intelligenza Emotiva - Trova Equilibrio e Serenità" al tuo carrello ora e inizia il tuo percorso verso una vita più ricca e consapevole.

Book Vita  Mindfulness   Stress Addio   Chakra Per Principianti   3 Libri Raccolti in Un Unico Volume Per Ritrovare Se Stessi Ed

Download or read book Vita Mindfulness Stress Addio Chakra Per Principianti 3 Libri Raccolti in Un Unico Volume Per Ritrovare Se Stessi Ed written by Miranda Loxley and published by Independently Published. This book was released on 2019-04 with total page 420 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Per una Vita felice, piena di amore, soddisfazione e gioia, devi assolutamente leggere tutto fino alla fine! Questo è senza dubbio uno dei più grandi volumi in circolazione, che riguardano la gestione delle emozioni, il controllo dello stress e la consapevolezza profonda di sé. Nella vita, così frenetica, in cui ci muoviamo quotidianamente, non senti anche tu la necessità di ritrovare te stesso e la tua serenità interiore? È proprio questo il motivo che mi ha spinto a cambiare la mia vita: non ne potevo più! Non riuscivo a trovare pace, mi sentivo sempre sotto stress, depressa, in affanno sul lavoro e avevo perso addirittura la capacità di stare bene col mio compagno e la mia famiglia... Ero talmente stressata, che un giorno il mio corpo ha smesso di collaborare e mi ha completamente abbandonata... ...avevo perso il controllo...mi sentivo morire... Mi hanno portato all'ospedale, mi hanno fatto mille analisi ed esami... La diagnosi fu: "Lei ha avuto un forte attacco di panico" È iniziato tutto così. È strano immaginare che da un evento tanto traumatico, come un attacco di panico, possa nascere una nuova vita! Così, ho scoperto nuovo mondo, un nuovo modo di STARE al mondo. E ho pensato che avrei potuto aiutare tante persone come me a migliorare la propria vita, attraverso gli studi che avevo intrapreso. Questo libro è esattamente questo: una raccolta di tre grandi volumi che riguardano tre grandi aspetti della vita. Parliamo di questi 3 libri: Mindfulness: cos'è la mindfuness, i meccanismi del pensiero e come coltivare la consapevolezza + Stress Addio! Combattere lo stress per vivere serenamente e più a lungo + Chakra per principianti: Guida pratica per conoscere i Chakra, risvegliare l'energia curarla In questo unico grande volume, ho raccolto tutti i principi di base che riguardano la gestione del proprio essere, seguendo le più importanti linee guida delle tradizioni orientali e occidentali. Leggendo questo libro troverai: Mindfulness: che cos'è e come si mette in pratica Ristrutturazione cognitiva: cos'è e come funziona Meditazione: cos'è + esercizi nel dettaglio Stress: tecniche per la gestione dello stress, dell'ansia e degli attacchi di panico Chakra: cosa sono, perché sono così importanti Energia vitale Consapevolezza di sé Concetti base di medicina cinese Una vasta gamma di esercizi di respirazione e meditazione facili ed eseguibili da chiunque. Inoltre, con l'acquisto del libro in formato cartaceo, potrai scaricare GRATUITAMENTE il formato ebook da portare sempre con te! Basta attendere, inizia il tuo percorso verso una Vita migli

Book The Story Cure

Download or read book The Story Cure written by Susan Elderkin and published by Canongate Books. This book was released on 2016-10-27 with total page 476 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The stories that shape our children's lives are too important to be left to chance. With The Story Cure, bibliotherapists Ella Berthoud and Susan Elderkin have put together the perfect manual for grown-ups who want to initiate young readers into one of life's greatest pleasures. There's a remedy for every hiccup and heartache, whether it's between the covers of a picture book, a pop-up book, or a YA novel. You'll find old favourites like The Borrowers and The Secret Garden alongside modern soon-to-be classics by Michael Morpurgo, Malorie Blackman and Frank Cottrell-Boyce, as well as helpful lists of the right reads to fuel any obsession - from dogs or dinosaurs, space or spies. Wise and witty, The Story Cure will help any small person you know through the trials and tribulations of growing up, and help you fill their bookshelves with adventure, insight and a lifetime of fun.

Book The Art of Communicating

Download or read book The Art of Communicating written by Thich Nhat Hanh and published by Harper Collins. This book was released on 2013-08-13 with total page 80 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh, bestselling author of Peace is Every Step and one of the most respected and celebrated religious leaders in the world, delivers a powerful path to happiness through mastering life's most important skill. How do we say what we mean in a way that the other person can really hear? How can we listen with compassion and understanding? Communication fuels the ties that bind, whether in relationships, business, or everyday interactions. Most of us, however, have never been taught the fundamental skills of communication—or how to best represent our true selves. Effective communication is as important to our well-being and happiness as the food we put into our bodies. It can be either healthy (and nourishing) or toxic (and destructive). In this precise and practical guide, Zen master and Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh reveals how to listen mindfully and express your fullest and most authentic self. With examples from his work with couples, families, and international conflicts, The Art of Communicating helps us move beyond the perils and frustrations of misrepresentation and misunderstanding to learn the listening and speaking skills that will forever change how we experience and impact the world.

Book 30 Second Literature

Download or read book 30 Second Literature written by Ella Berthoud and published by Ivy Press. This book was released on 2020-03-03 with total page 162 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Whether you're looking for a new author or genre to explore, 30-Second Literature provides you with summaries of the major literary genres, styles and histories. Part of the 30-Second series, this introductory guide to literature is split into 7 chapters that cover: The History of Literature – from Sanskrit to Modernism The Novel – in all its glorious genres Literary Prose – non-fiction from diaries to philosophies Poetry – from the sonnet to the haiku Drama – interesting theatrical forms and genres Literary Devices – the techniques authors use in their works Literary Styles – the features and history of different styles of writing Each topic is summarized in 300 words and contains a small bibliography for you to expand your bookworm horizons. You can also brush up on literary terms ahead of that book-club meeting, as each chapter features its own glossary. Interspersed throughout the book are profiles of key literary figures that have impacted one of our most beloved hobbies. Literature is not just any written work; it is work that has stood the test of time, that is most widely thought to be of lasting merit. Just how particular books are elevated to literary status, reflects the values and judgements of society and mirrors the development of civilisation. This book is a broad overview of the multitude of voices used to describe our human experience. If you like this, you might also be interested in 30-Second Mythology . . .

Book The Montessori Toddler

Download or read book The Montessori Toddler written by Simone Davies and published by Workman Publishing Company. This book was released on 2019-03-19 with total page 240 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Announcing that rare parenting book that will not only help you become a more effective parent but actually change how you see your children. Written by Montessori educator Simone Davies, this book shows you how to bring the educational values of a Montessori classroom into your home—while turning the whole idea of the “terrible twos” on its head. Here is how to set up Montessori-friendly spaces in your home. Principles for fostering curiosity in your child—and in yourself. Specific Montessori skills—the winter coat flip; getting your toddler to pour his or her own water and clean up whatever spills might occur. And it goes much deeper, showing how a parent can really be present, be the child’s guide, and handle tantrums and problematic behavior without resorting to bribes, threats, or punishment and truly celebrate every stage. It’s also that rare parenting book that’s beautiful to look at, with a bright, airy design and simple color illustrations and photographs.

Book The Third Industrial Revolution

Download or read book The Third Industrial Revolution written by Jeremy Rifkin and published by Macmillan + ORM. This book was released on 2011-10-04 with total page 407 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The Industrial Revolution, powered by oil and other fossil fuels, is spiraling into a dangerous endgame. The price of gas and food are climbing, unemployment remains high, the housing market has tanked, consumer and government debt is soaring, and the recovery is slowing. Facing the prospect of a second collapse of the global economy, humanity is desperate for a sustainable economic game plan to take us into the future. Here, Jeremy Rifkin explores how Internet technology and renewable energy are merging to create a powerful "Third Industrial Revolution." He asks us to imagine hundreds of millions of people producing their own green energy in their homes, offices, and factories, and sharing it with each other in an "energy internet," just like we now create and share information online. Rifkin describes how the five-pillars of the Third Industrial Revolution will create thousands of businesses, millions of jobs, and usher in a fundamental reordering of human relationships, from hierarchical to lateral power, that will impact the way we conduct commerce, govern society, educate our children, and engage in civic life. Rifkin's vision is already gaining traction in the international community. The European Union Parliament has issued a formal declaration calling for its implementation, and other nations in Asia, Africa, and the Americas, are quickly preparing their own initiatives for transitioning into the new economic paradigm. The Third Industrial Revolution is an insider's account of the next great economic era, including a look into the personalities and players — heads of state, global CEOs, social entrepreneurs, and NGOs — who are pioneering its implementation around the world.

Book The Art of Mindful Reading

Download or read book The Art of Mindful Reading written by Ella Berthoud and published by Leaping Hare Press. This book was released on 2019-06-04 with total page 147 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: "The beautiful new book from Salon bibliotherapist Ella Berthoud ... explores how reading mindfully enhances our lives and asks, if reading is our daily nourishment, how best should it be consumed?" - Damian Barr The Art of Mindful Reading embraces the joy of absorbing words on a page, encouraging a state of mind as deeply therapeutic and vital to our wellbeing as breathing. The healing power of reading has been renowned since Aristotle; focus, flow and enlightenment can all be discovered through this universal act. Bibliotherapist Ella Berthoud explores how reading mindfully can shape the person you are, teach empathy with others and give you your moral backbone. Through meditative exercises, engaging anecdote and expert insight, discover the enriching potential of reading for mindfulness. Learn: • How to use reading to develop your emotional intelligence • Different ways of reading • Reading like a child – without preconceptions and in exciting places • The benefits of reading with others • How to find yourself in a book – remembering what you have read If you like this, you might also be interested in Writer’s Creative Workbook, Mindful Thoughts for Walkers and Mindfulness & the Art of Drawing. . .

Book The Crossroads of Should and Must

Download or read book The Crossroads of Should and Must written by Elle Luna and published by Hachette+ORM. This book was released on 2015-07-14 with total page 161 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: There are two paths in life: Should & Must. We arrive at this crossroads over and over again, and every day. And we get to choose. Starting out or starting over, making a career change or making a life change, the most life-affirming thing you can do is to honor the voice inside that says your have something special to give, and then heed the call and act. Many have traveled this road before. Here’s how you can, too. #choosemust An inspirational gift book for every recent graduate, every artist, every seeker, and every career change.

Book The Art of Dealing With People

Download or read book The Art of Dealing With People written by Les Giblin and published by Les Giblin Books. This book was released on 2001-01-01 with total page 54 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: What is the one quality that all successful people have in common? They have mastered the art of dealing with people! Let this book show you how to: Achieve your goals Handle the human ego Become a master conversationalist Make others feel good about themselves And much more! Skill with people is the one essential ingredient for success and happiness at home and in business. "The Art of Dealing With People" gives you the skills to take your people skills to a level that you never thought possible! Skill in human relations is similar to skill in any other field, in that success depends on understanding and mastering certain basic general principles. You must not only know what to do, but why you're doing it. As far as basic principles are concerned, people are all the same. Yet each individual person you meet is different. If you attempted to learn some gimmick to deal successfully with each separate individual you met, you would be face with a hopeless task. Influencing people is an art, not a gimmick. When you apply gimmicks in a superficial, mechanical manner, you go through the same motions as the person who "has a way," but it doesn't work for you. The purpose of this book is to give you knowledge based upon an understanding of human nature: why people act the way they do. The methods presented in this book have been tested on thousands of people who have attended my human relations seminars. They are not just my pet ideas of how you should deal with people, but ideas that have stood the test of how you must deal with people. That is, if you want to get along with them and get what you want at the same time. Yes, we all want success and happiness. And the day is long past, if it ever existed, when you could achieve these goals by forcing people to give you what you want. And begging is no better, for no one has respect for, or any desire to help, the person who constantly kowtows and literally goes around with his hand out, begging other people to like him. The one successful way to get the things you want from life is to acquire skill in dealing with people. Download now and you will learn how.

Book Work

    Book Details:
  • Author : Thich Nhat Hanh
  • Publisher : Parallax Press
  • Release : 2008-11-08
  • ISBN : 1937006204
  • Pages : 122 pages

Download or read book Work written by Thich Nhat Hanh and published by Parallax Press. This book was released on 2008-11-08 with total page 122 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: In Thich Nhat Hanh’s latest teachings on applied Buddhism for both the work place and daily life, chapters include dealing with workplace scenarios; dealing with home and family; encounters with strangers and with daily life; transportation; and creating communities wherever you are. This book is designed for adults who are new to meditation as well as those who are more experienced. The emphasis is on how to use applied Buddhism in daily life. Work aims at contributing to new models of leadership and doing business. It is also a book full of life-coaching advice, finding happiness, and positive psychology. We all need to "Chop Wood and Carry Water". Most of us experience work, hardship, traffic jams, and everything modern, urban life offers. By carefully examining our everyday choices we can move in the direction of right livelihood; we can be a lotus in a muddy world by building mindful communities, learning about compassionate living, or by coming to understand the concept of "Buddha nature." Work also discusses mindful consumption, or the mindful use of limited resources. Instead of Living Large in Lean Times or Ramen to Riches we can learn to appreciate living less large and think about what kind of riches we want for ourselves and others.

Book Two Awesome Hours

Download or read book Two Awesome Hours written by Josh Davis and published by Harper Collins. This book was released on 2015-05-05 with total page 106 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Feeling overwhelmed with work and life demands? Rushing, multitasking, or relying on fancy devices and apps won't help. The answer is to create the conditions for two awesome hours of peak productivity per day. Drawing on cutting-edge neuroscience, Josh Davis, director of research at the NeuroLeadership Institute explains clearly that our brains and bodies operate according to complex biological needs that, when leveraged intelligently, can make us incredibly effective. From what and when we eat, to when we tackle tasks or disengage—how we plan our activities has a huge impact on performance. Davis shows us how we can create the conditions for two awesome hours of effective mental performance by: Recognizing when to effective flip the switch on our automatic thinking; Scheduling tasks based on their “processing demand” and recovery time; Learning how to direct attention, rather than avoid distractions; Feeding and moving our bodies in ways that prep us for success; Identifying what matters in our environment to be at the top of our mental game. We are capable of impressive feats of comprehension, motivation, thinking, and performance when our brain and biological systems are functioning optimally. Two Awesome Hours will show you how to be your most productive every day.

Book How to Live When a Loved One Dies

Download or read book How to Live When a Loved One Dies written by Thich Nhat Hanh and published by Parallax Press. This book was released on 2021-07-27 with total page 180 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: In this comforting book that will offer relief to anyone moving through intense grief and loss, Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh shares accessible, healing words of wisdom to transform our suffering. In the immediate aftermath of a loss, sometimes it is all we can do to keep breathing. With his signature clarity and compassion, Thich Nhat Hanh will guide you through the storm of emotions surrounding the death of a loved one. How To Live When A Loved One Dies offers powerful practices such as mindful breathing that will help you reconcile with death and loss, feel connected to your loved one long after they have gone, and transform your grief into healing and joy.