Download or read book Commercial Agency Franchise and Distribution Contracts PEL CAFDC written by Martijn Willem Hesselink and published by sellier. european law publ.. This book was released on 2006 with total page 413 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The rules presented in this volume of "Principles of European Law" deal with commercial agency, franchise and distribution contracts, and with other contracts where one party uses the other party's skill and efforts to bring its products to the market. Although these Principles are not directly applicable to other long-term (commercial) contracts, some of the Articles may be applied to such contracts by way of analogy where appropriate. The economic function of all three contracts is that they are instrumental in bringing products to the market. They are so-called vertical agreements, as they are agreements between economic actors on different levels in the production and distribution chain. Obviously, the economic importance of these contracts is enormous since they form the connection between producers and retailers who sell the products to consumers and other final users. There are only very few economic sectors where producers regularly sell their products directly to final consumer users. Goodwill compensation after the ending of a distribution contract, the moment at which the agent's commission is due, the franchisor's obligation to maintain the good reputation of the network are but a few examples of issues where specific rules are needed in order to give legal practice some guidance and to provide practitioners with a reasonable degree of legal certainty.
Download or read book Commercial Agency Franchise and Distribution Contracts written by Martijn W. Hesselink and published by Walter de Gruyter. This book was released on 2009-04-27 with total page 414 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The rules presented in this volume of "Principles of European Law" deal with commercial agency, franchise and distribution contracts, and with other contracts where one party uses the other party's skill and efforts to bring its products to the market. Although these Principles are not directly applicable to other long-term (commercial) contracts, some of the Articles may be applied to such contracts by way of analogy where appropriate. The economic function of all three contracts is that they are instrumental in bringing products to the market. They are so-called vertical agreements, as they are agreements between economic actors on different levels in the production and distribution chain. Obviously, the economic importance of these contracts is enormous since they form the connection between producers and retailers who sell the products to consumers and other final users. There are only very few economic sectors where producers regularly sell their products directly to final consumer users. Goodwill compensation after the ending of a distribution contract, the moment at which the agent's commission is due, the franchisor's obligation to maintain the good reputation of the network are but a few examples of issues where specific rules are needed in order to give legal practice some guidance and to provide practitioners with a reasonable degree of legal certainty.
Download or read book I contratti di compravendita nazionali ed internazionali written by Renzo Pravisano and published by IPSOA. This book was released on 2010-11-05 with total page 565 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: I contratti di compravendita mirano a definire le più importanti decisioni di gestione delle imprese commerciali. Assumono particolare importanza non solo sotto il profilo della corretta e completa stesura, ma anche per tutti gli adempimenti successivi che possono riguardare i settori della logistica aziendale, attraverso il ricevimento o l’invio del materiale oggetto del contratto, la contabilità e l’amministrazione, nella fase dell’emissione e/o ricevimento della documentazione contabile e del controllo dei documenti ricevuti e/o emessi, e per il settore finanziario, con il controllo delle relative movimentazioni finanziarie. Nel commercio internazionale, sia comunitario che con Paesi terzi, tali contratti mirano anche a regolamentare le operazioni e la documentazione internazionale, con particolare riferimento a quella doganale, di conformità, di origine dei beni oggetto di compravendita. Il testo tratta in forma distinta e completa i seguenti argomenti: Contratti di compravendita nazionali, Contratti di compravendita internazionali, Convenzione delle Nazioni Unite in materia di compravendita dei beni fungibili Vengono inoltre analizzati gli aspetti giuridici in materia di contratti e sono riportati i fac-simili dei contratti di compravendita. Nelle parti concernenti i contratti sono stati esaminati gli aspetti giuridici commerciali, fiscali e doganali, nonché tutta la documentazione aziendale e contabile necessaria per la conclusione di ogni singolo affare, al fine di offrire al lettore una valutazione completa sull’argomento. È stata inserita una parte con la Convenzione delle Nazioni Unite in materia di contratti di compravendita internazionale con la traduzione, non ufficiale, in italiano dei vari articoli, e con l’esposizione sintetica delle principali sentenze. Il formulario è stato redatto per fornire agli Operatori una base di partenza per la redazione dei contratti, nelle loro varie tipologie giuridiche e commerciali. STRUTTURA Parte Prima- Aspetti giuridici in materia di contratti 1. Nozioni giuridiche generali in materia di contratti commerciali 2. I contratti internazionali 3. I principi UNIDROIT in materia di contratti commerciali inter-nazionali 4. Profili fiscali in materia di contratti 5. I contratti nel diritto e nella pratica contabile Parte Seconda- I contratti di compravendita nazionali 6. I contratti di compravendita nazionali: aspetti giuridici 7. I contratti di vendita di beni mobili 8. Vendita a termine di titoli di credito 9. Vendita di beni immobili 10. I contratti affini alla vendita 11. Aspetti fiscali dei contratti di compravendita nazionali 12. Aspetti contabili sui contratti di vendita Parte terza -I contratti di compravendita internazionali 13. Caratteri generali in materia di contratti internazionali di vendita 14. I contratti relativi agli scambi in compensazione 15. Il contratto di consignement stock 16. Contratti internazionali di investimento Parte quarta - la convenzione Onu in materia di contratti di com-pravendita di beni fungibili e Incoterms 2000 17. La convenzione di Vienna sui contratti di vendita internaziona-le dei beni mobili 18. La convenzione delle nazioni unite sulla vendita internaziona-le di beni mobili 19. I termini di resa internazionali Incoterms 2000 Appendice – Fac-simile contratti
Download or read book Competition Law in Italy written by Alberto Toffoletto and published by Kluwer Law International B.V.. This book was released on 2019-03-26 with total page 488 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Derived from the renowned multi-volume International Encyclopaedia of Laws, this practical analysis of competition law and its interpretation in the Italy covers every aspect of the subject – the various forms of restrictive agreements and abuse of dominance prohibited by law and the rules on merger control; tests of illegality; filing obligations; administrative investigation and enforcement procedures; civil remedies and criminal penalties; and raising challenges to administrative decisions. Lawyers who handle transnational commercial transactions will appreciate the explanation of fundamental differences in procedure from one legal system to another, as well as the international aspects of competition law. Throughout the book, the treatment emphasizes enforcement, with relevant cases analysed where appropriate. An informative introductory chapter provides detailed information on the economic, legal, and historical background, including national and international sources, scope of application, an overview of substantive provisions and main notions, and a comprehensive description of the enforcement system including private enforcement. The book proceeds to a detailed analysis of substantive prohibitions, including cartels and other horizontal agreements, vertical restraints, the various types of abusive conduct by the dominant firms and the appraisal of concentrations, and then goes on to the administrative enforcement of competition law, with a focus on the antitrust authorities’ powers of investigation and the right of defence of suspected companies. This part also covers voluntary merger notifications and clearance decisions, as well as a description of the judicial review of administrative decisions. Its succinct yet scholarly nature, as well as the practical quality of the information it provides, make this book a valuable time-saving tool for business and legal professionals alike. Lawyers representing parties with interests in the Italy will welcome this very useful guide, and academics and researchers will appreciate its value in the study of international and comparative competition law.
Download or read book Il recupero dei crediti internazionali written by Maurizio Gardenal - Christian Montana and published by IPSOA. This book was released on 2010-11-04 with total page 484 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Stipulare un contratto con una controparte estera può far sorgere dubbi e problemi più complessi ed articolati rispetto a quelli generati dai rapporti contrattuali con soggetti nazionali. Il contesto in cui si sviluppa una transazione con l'estero è, infatti, caratterizzato dalla diversità di sistemi giuridici, dalla diversità di norme, di consuetudini, di significato attribuito a termini di uso comune che suggeriscono un esame attento delle diverse clausole contrattuali per ricercare quelle più idonee. Le componenti valutarie, finanziarie, creditizie, logistiche e commerciali, gli usi e le consuetudini, la scelta dei termini di consegna delle merci, le forme di pagamento in uso nei singoli Paesi possono, infatti, incidere in misura rilevante nella determinazione della natura e del contenuto del rapporto contrattuale. Nel volume sono approfondite le normative che interessano l'operatore italiano impegnato nel recupero di somme di denaro all'estero. Si esaminano il quadro normativo in vigore nell'Unione Europea, le norme italiane di diritto internazionale privato e processuale nonché le principali disposizioni di diritto uniforme relative alla vendita di beni mobili previste dalla Convenzione di Vienna. Si analizzano poi le disposizioni in essere in alcuni principali Paesi del mondo, ossia gli USA, la Cina, il Brasile, l'India, la Turchia e la Russia. STRUTTURA DEL VOLUME CAPITOLO 1 - Normativa comunitaria CAPITOLO 2 - La Convenzione di Vienna e la tutela contrattuale della parte venditrice CAPITOLO 3 - Il diritto internazionale privato italiano CAPITOLO 4 - Il recupero dei crediti negli Stati Uniti CAPITOLO 5 - Il recupero dei crediti in Cina CAPITOLO 6 - Il recupero dei crediti in Brasile CAPITOLO 7 - Il recupero dei crediti in India CAPITOLO 8 - Il recupero dei crediti in Turchia CAPITOLO 9 - Il recupero dei crediti in Russia Appendice
Download or read book The UNIDROIT Principles in Practice written by Michael Joachim Bonell and published by Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. This book was released on 2006-09-01 with total page 1179 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Since fall 2006: a new, revised edition of Unidroit Principles in Practice, featuring approximately 120-130 cases. The UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contacts, published in 1994, were an entirely new approach to international contract law. Prepared by a group of eminent experts from around the world as a “restatement” of international commercial contract law, the Principles are not a binding instrument but are referred to in many legal matters. They are widely recognized now as a balanced set of rules designed for use throughout the world irrespective of the legal traditions and the economic and political conditions of the countries in which they are applied.
Download or read book Contracts for the International Sale of Goods written by Franco Ferrari and published by Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. This book was released on 2011-12-23 with total page 291 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Contracts for the International Sale of Goods provides an examination of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG). Extensively referenced, this volume focuses on three fundamental issues, which, due to added attention from courts and arbitral tribunals, are considered “typical” of CISG related disputes. These include the exact determination of the CISG’s sphere of application; issues relating to the non-conformity of delivered goods; and the determination of the rate of interest on sums in arrears. This analysis will also help readers understand the broader context in which these issues are embedded, and ultimately illustrates how the CISG is interpreted and applied in different jurisdictions. A special course adoption price is available for an order of six or more copies from a university bookstore. Contact [email protected] or [email protected].
Download or read book 10 passi verso l internazionalizzazione written by Giovanni Battista Martelli and published by Studio Martelli & Partners. This book was released on 2014-10-18 with total page 41 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Guida per le aziende all'internazionalizzazione d'impresa a cura di Studio Martelli & Partners
Download or read book Transfer Pricing written by Studio Trivoli Staff and published by Springer. This book was released on 2013-12-20 with total page 97 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: As a part of the provisions governing the subject of the measurement of the income of business enterprises, the fifth paragraph, sub paragraph b), of article 53 of the Presidential Decree no. 597 of 29 September, 1973, provides, as it is well known, that "the difference between the normal value of goods and services, and the consideration for transfers made and for services rendered to companies, whose legal seat or administrative headquarters and whose main object are not in the Italian territory, and which either directly or indirectly control the enterprise, or are controlled by the same company that controls the enterprise", is tobe included in the proceeds. The second paragraph of the successive article 56 further states that the cost of acquisition of the goods transferred and of the services rendered by the same enterprises is to be curtailed of any surplus tn respect of the normal value. The same provision also applies to the goods transferred and the services rendered by companies not having in Italy their legal seat or their administrative office or the main object of their activity, for account of which the enterprise carries out an activity for the sale and placement of raw materials or goods, or for the manufacturing or processing of products.
Download or read book Antitrust between EU law and national law Antitrust fra diritto nazionale e diritto dell Unione Europea written by Enrico Adriano Raffaelli and published by Primento. This book was released on 2013-02-22 with total page 522 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This work contains the papers of the Tenth Conference on “Antitrust between EU Law and national law”, held in Treviso on May 17 and 18 , 2012 under the patronage of the European Lawyers Union – Union des Avocats Européens (UAE), the Associazione Italiana per la Tutela della Concorrenza - the Italian section of the Ligue Internationale du Droit de la Concurrence (LIDC)-, the Associazione Italiana Giuristi di Impresa (AIGI), the European Company Lawyers Association (ECLA), and the Associazione Antitrust Italiana (AAI). Some of the papers have been extensively reviewed and updated by the authors prior to publication. Contributions contained in this volume are the result of an in-depth analysis and study of the most salient issues arising from the application of antitrust rules, carried out by experienced and high-ranking professionals, company lawyers, academics and EU/national institutional representatives who attended the Conference. They deal with extremely topical issues, lying at the heart of current antitrust debate. Some of the most contemporary topics include those relative to the large-scale distribution sector and the control of concentrations at both national and European level. Ample consideration is also given to salient antitrust issues encountered in undertakings’ day-to-day business life, as well as to the future of antitrust in the global economy, also in the light of the new powers recently attributed to the Italian Antitrust Authority to challenge administrative acts. This volume also includes some precious insights on the assessment and quantification of damages in antitrust infringements, from both an economic and legal perspective, as well as reflections on the role of judges in the application of antitrust law, also following the principles set forth by the European Court of Human Rights in the well-known Menarini case.
Download or read book Azienda Dei Sali written by Italy. Dir. Generale delle Privative and published by . This book was released on 1908 with total page 618 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:
Download or read book Personal Data in Competition Consumer Protection and Intellectual Property Law written by Mor Bakhoum and published by Springer. This book was released on 2018-11-02 with total page 569 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This book analyses the legal approach to personal data taken by different fields of law. An increasing number of business models in the digital economy rely on personal data as a key input. In exchange for sharing their data, online users benefit from personalized and innovative services. But companies’ collection and use of personal data raise questions about privacy and fundamental rights. Moreover, given the substantial commercial and strategic value of personal data, their accumulation, control and use may raise competition concerns and negatively affect consumers. To establish a legal framework that ensures an adequate level of protection of personal data while at the same time providing an open and level playing field for businesses to develop innovative data-based services is a challenging task.With this objective in mind and against the background of the uniform rules set by the EU General Data Protection Regulation, the contributions to this book examine the significance and legal treatment of personal data in competition law, consumer protection law, general civil law and intellectual property law. Instead of providing an isolated analysis of the different areas of law, the book focuses on both synergies and tensions between the different legal fields, exploring potential ways to develop an integrated legal approach to personal data.
Download or read book The Bricklayer Mason and Plasterer written by and published by . This book was released on 1917 with total page 254 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:
Download or read book The Concept of Permanent Establishment in the Insurance Business written by Daniele Frescurato and published by Kluwer Law International B.V.. This book was released on 2021-04-22 with total page 430 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: siness models adopted by insurance companies; and comparative analysis of double tax treaty policies adopted in a number of countries with respect to the permanent establishment provision in the insurance business, highlighting Switzerland for comparative purposes. In a concluding chapter, the author proposes changes to the definition of the dependent agent permanent establishment currently enshrined in the model treaties and their respective commentaries, aligning such a definition to the regulatory framework in which insurance companies conduct their business in countries other than that of incorporation. As a highly significant and timely contribution to the study of the interplay between insurance regulation and tax implications, this very original work will prove of especial value to practitioners in international tax and insurance law, as well as professionals in the financial services sector and tax academics.
Download or read book Yearbook of Private International Law written by Andrea Bonomi and published by sellier. european law publ.. This book was released on 2009-04-17 with total page 760 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This is a very special volume of the Yearbook of Private International Law as it represents the celebration of the tenth anniversary of its first publication. It continues to provide interesting information on the future evolution in private international law. Contents includes: The New Lugano Convention on Jurisdiction and the Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments of 30 October 2007 . Commercial Agents under European Jurisdiction Rules . Grunkin-Paul and Beyond - A Seminal Case in the Field of International Family Law . The New Rome I / Rome II / Brussels I-Synergy . Rome I and Contracts on Intellectual Property . Rome I and Distribution Contracts . Rome I and Franchise Contracts . Rome I and Financial Market Contracts . Special Section on Maintenance Obligations.
Download or read book UNILEX written by and published by . This book was released on 2003 with total page 1130 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:
Download or read book Auto per aziende e professionisti written by Antonio Gigliotti - Alberto Nastasia and published by IPSOA. This book was released on 2010-11-05 with total page 319 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Il volume è un importante strumento per comprendere tutte le regole fiscali che devono essere osservate per la corretta deducibilità dei costi di acquisizione e di consumo inerenti i mezzi di trasporto utilizzati nell’attività di impresa, arti e professioni. Analizzando in modo completo l’ordinamento tributario sugli autoveicoli, il volume guida il lettore nella gestione fiscale di un bene la cui amministrazione non è sempre facile. In particolare, il volume analizza il trattamento degli autoveicoli a deducibilità integrale, a deducibilità limitata, utilizzati dagli agenti e rappresentanti e dagli esercenti arti e professioni, oltre alla nuova disciplina IVA, al nuovo “F24 auto UE”, così come modificato dal Provvedimento dell’Agenzia delle Entrate del 29 marzo 2010. Vengono affrontate le novità su ammortamenti, leasing e interessi passivi, la cessione degli autoveicoli, l'autovettura concessa al dipendente, amministratore o collaboratore. Le problematiche trattate abbracciano la casistica più ampia: approvvigionamento degli autoveicoli (acquisto, noleggio, leasing), l’imposizione indiretta, l’accertamento nel settore auto, il fermo amministrativo e le operazioni intracomunitarie.