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Book ABC             2022     3        No 237

Download or read book ABC 2022 3 No 237 written by LiveABC編輯群 and published by 希伯崙股份有限公司. This book was released on 2022-02-24 with total page pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: 奧斯卡之夜 英語愛說笑 Living the Facebook Way 臉書生活家 短篇故事集 Our Lady's Child 〈聖母的孩子〉 品格英語 Don't Be Afraid to Speak Up 具備敢言的勇氣 克漏字測驗 Food Delivery Creates More Waste 外送餐點造成更多垃圾 科技漫遊 Kahoot! Makes Learning Fun! Kahoot! 讓你愛上學習 悠遊文化 The Golden Peace—A Timeless Meeting Place 在金色和平餐廳細細品味好食光 ABC 長知識 Female Teenagers Are Developing Strange Tics 抖音後遺症 聽說圖寫 My Dream House 我的夢想屋 本月之星 朱軒洋

Book ABC             2023     3        No 249

Download or read book ABC 2023 3 No 249 written by LiveABC編輯群 and published by 希伯崙股份有限公司. This book was released on 2023-02-22 with total page 91 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: ABC Interactive English No. 249 March, 2023 Contents 每日一句 Money Phrases and Idioms 與金錢有關的實用句 短篇故事集 The Bremen Town Musicians 〈布萊梅樂隊〉 活用ABC Shopping English: Picking Up Clothes and Shoes 購物英語:衣服鞋子篇 品格英語 Living in the Moment 活在當下 畫中有話 Taking the Maokong Gondola 搭乘貓空纜車 本月焦點 Your Meals 一日三餐 What Are Your Meals Like? 飲食習慣大不同 世界好望角 Uluru: More Than Just a Rock 世界遺產:烏魯魯巨石 文法補給站 At the Hairdresser’s 在美髮店 Taking Time Off 休假 流行最前線 Working Holiday: Holiday First and Work Second 邊度假邊工作的雙贏模式 玩味生活 River Crossing Puzzles—Can You Figure Them Out? 考驗邏輯思考的渡河問題 安妮信箱 Do You Want to Live Abroad? 你想住在國外嗎? 克漏字測驗 Why We Impulse Buy and How to Stop It 如何擺脫衝動購物? 小人物大視界 Yuzuru Hanyu: The Greatest of All Time 永遠的滑冰王子:羽生結弦 悠遊文化 Manga Are Not Your Ordinary Comic Books 獨樹一格的日漫 ABC長知識 Dogs in Red 小狗為什麼穿紅色背心呢? 聽說圖寫 Moving Plan 搬家計畫 本月之星 柏霖PoLin

Book ALL               2023     3        No 220

    Book Details:
  • Author : LiveABC編輯群
  • Publisher : 希伯崙股份有限公司
  • Release : 2023-02-22
  • ISBN :
  • Pages : 103 pages

Download or read book ALL 2023 3 No 220 written by LiveABC編輯群 and published by 希伯崙股份有限公司. This book was released on 2023-02-22 with total page 103 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Unit 1 News Report 看新聞學英語 A New AI-Powered Speech-to-Speech Translation System 新的人工智慧語音翻譯系統 Unit 2 Literature 文學花園 The Legend of Savitri and Satyavan 〈莎維特莉與薩諦梵的傳說〉 Unit 3 Plus Talk 會話百分百 Dining at a Restaurant 到餐廳用餐 1. Waiting for a Table 候位 2. Asking for Recommendations 詢問建議 3. A Food Allergy and a Special Request 食物過敏和特殊要求 4. Learning about a Discount 優惠訊息 Unit 4 Fun Facts 動物新知 Your Cat Is Listening to You 看!你的貓咪在聽你說話 Unit 5 Entertainment 娛樂前哨站 Celebrating the World’s Brightest Stars at the Oscars 奧斯卡:星光閃閃的娛樂盛典 Unit 6 People 人物側寫 Taylor Swift: Making Records and Breaking Records 橫掃樂壇的流行天后:泰勒絲 Unit 7 綜合測驗 Protests, Paintings, and Climate Change 抗議.畫作.氣候變遷 Unit 8 Reading Skill 閱讀素養專欄 Don’t Be a Goldfish 戰勝金魚腦 Unit 9 Writing 寫作練習 Translation Practice 翻譯寫作 Unit 10 Dialogue Focus 情境對話 Breakfast Treats 早餐饗宴 Time for Breakfast 早餐時間 Unit 11 Travel 繞著地球玩 Los Angeles: The City That Has It All 洛杉磯:應有盡有的城市 Unit 12 Topic Writing 主題式寫作 Learning from a Misunderstanding 從一次誤會中學習 Unit 13 文意選填 Ex Libris: The Almost Forgotten Art of Bookplates 藏書票:幾乎被遺忘的藝術品 Unit 14 Environment 環境保育 Under the Radar: The World’s Unseen Environmental Disaster 缺沙危機:鮮為人知的環境問題 Unit 15 篇章結構 A Brief History of Blood Transfusions 淺談輸血的歷史 Unit 16 Animal 動物趣聞 A Lizard Full of Tricks 變色龍:自然界的偽裝大師

Book Live             2023     3        No 263

    Book Details:
  • Author : LiveABC編輯群
  • Publisher : 希伯崙股份有限公司
  • Release : 2023-02-22
  • ISBN :
  • Pages : 103 pages

Download or read book Live 2023 3 No 263 written by LiveABC編輯群 and published by 希伯崙股份有限公司. This book was released on 2023-02-22 with total page 103 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: 4 Live關鍵時事新聞 9 焦點話題 10 大師名作選 The Importance of Being Earnest 《不可兒戲》 14 飲食文化 The Tamale: A Taste of Ancient History 品味歷史悠久的美食——塔瑪玉米粽 18 英語聽力測驗1 19 主題式會話 Making Appointments 預約英語 22 數學素養 Examining the Birthday Problem 破解「生日問題」 25 翻譯練習 Translation Practice 翻譯練習 28 心理科學 The Principle of “Just Right” 金髮姑娘原則:恰到好處的藝術 32 太空探索 The Final Frontier 飛向浩瀚無垠的宇宙! 36 克漏字 Flying the Flag of Death 降半旗的由來 38 在地臺灣 Taroko National Park: Millions of Years in the Making 太魯閣國家公園:數百萬年造就的鬼斧神工 42 生活情境對話 Getting a Houseplant 選購盆栽 45 英語聽力測驗2 46 焦點人物 Chris Evans: More than a Marvel 克里斯.伊凡:不只是漫威英雄 50 唱歌學英語 51 閱讀素養專欄 Las Fallas Lights Up Valencia 法雅節點亮瓦倫西亞的夜空 54 動物趣聞 Do Animals Experience Emotions like Us? 動物會像我們一樣表達情緒嗎? 58 永續科技 Making Water Fresh 製造淡水:海水淡化技術 62 全民英檢中級模擬閱讀試題 64 看預告片學英文 65 中文翻譯與解答 72 全民英檢中級模擬試題解答

Book CNN              2023     3        No 270

Download or read book CNN 2023 3 No 270 written by LiveABC編輯群 and published by 希伯崙股份有限公司. This book was released on 2023-02-22 with total page 76 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: 科學 A Nu-clean Future 新世代潔淨能源――核融合科技大突破! Scientists Produce a Nuclear Fusion Reaction after Decades of Work 經過數十年的努力,美國能源部總算在一項實驗中達成核融合的能量淨增益,為潔淨能源的未來帶來突破性的進展。 社會 A Roller-Coaster Year CNN回顧2022年大事件 CNN Checks Out the Highs and Lows of 2022 2022年如雲霄飛車般高潮迭起,歷經疫情解封、烏俄戰爭、英國女王的白金禧與駕崩等關鍵大事。CNN回顧去年的重大議題。 科技 Skyscraping Pyrotechnics CNN獨家直擊!台北101煙火工程 Taiwan Rings In the New Year with a Fireworks Extravaganza 台北101的跨年煙火秀是全球矚目的一大盛事,這項自2005年展開的傳統需要逾60人的團隊來打造,以確保展演順利、安全無虞。 體育 The King of Soccer 巴西足球傳奇 比利的一生 The World Bids Farewell to Brazilian Legend Pelé 傳奇足球員比利逝世,他率領巴西三度贏得世足金盃,被該國譽為國寶,他的生涯成就和謙遜也讓他成為二十世紀全球最具代表性的運動員之一。 社會 America’s Tug-of-War 槍枝管制在美國為什麼這麼難? Republicans and Democrats Still Disagree over Gun Control 美國大規模槍擊案頻傳,而對槍枝管制的論戰仍僵持不下。由於美國兩大黨未能就此取得共識,使得相關法案的推動窒礙難行。 娛樂 An Impossible Stunt 不可能的新任務!湯姆.克魯斯再次挑戰極限 Tom Cruise Pushes Himself to the Limit in His Action-Packed Movies 向來不畏挑戰極限的阿湯哥在最新《不可能的任務》續集中又有驚人之舉——騎摩托車跳山!本文帶您一窺驚險特技的幕後花絮。 保健 The Hidden Cost of the Pandemic 疫情大流行加速青少年大腦老化!? Study Reveals That Coronavirus Had an Effect on Teenagers Brains 一項健康研究發現,美國青少年的大腦皮質在2020年新冠疫情大流行期間發生了不尋常的老化,導致他們更容易出現焦慮和憂鬱等症狀。 文化 A Splendid Dance 優美典雅的維也納華爾滋 Richard Quest Learns the Steps of the Viennese Waltz CNN記者來到華爾滋的發源地維也納,在「圓舞曲之王」史特勞斯曾演出的庫爾沙龍音樂廳學習這種優美的經典社交舞。 美食 Japan’s Signature Drink 日本清酒釀酒師的職人精神 The Art of Centuries-Old Sake Brewing in Hiroshima 在日本,清酒釀酒廠稱為「酒藏」,酒藏的首席釀酒師則叫作「杜氏」。需要經歷漫長又艱辛的訓練,才能成為一名優秀的清酒釀酒師。 旅遊 A Bird’s-Eye View of Turkey IG 打卡大熱門!卡帕多西亞熱氣球飛行 Discovering Cappadocia’s Fairy Chimneys by Hot-Air Balloon 搭乘熱氣球飛越土耳其的卡帕多西亞,從高空鳥瞰鬼斧神工的精靈煙囪,壯麗景緻盡收眼底。 焦點話題 CNN 全球瞭望 Pope Benedict XVI Lies in State 教宗本篤十六世辭世安息 Egypt Retrieves Stolen Mummy Case 埃及取回遭竊的木乃伊棺蓋 NFL Star Suffers On-Pitch Heart Attack NFL球星在場上心臟病發 全方位理解CNN How Vivienne Westwood Inuenced Fashion 薇薇安.魏斯伍德——永遠叛逆的龐克時尚教母 新聞片語通 CNN主編教你唸 電影類型 單字聯想地圖 電影產業

Book The Oxford Handbook of Gabriel Garc  a M  rquez

Download or read book The Oxford Handbook of Gabriel Garc a M rquez written by Gene H. Bell-Villada and published by Oxford University Press. This book was released on 2021 with total page 665 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This Handbook offers a comprehensive examination of Gabriel García Márquez's life, oeuvre, and legacy, the first such work since his death in 2014. It incorporates ongoing critical approaches such as feminism, ecocriticism, Marxism, and ethnic studies, while elucidating key aspects of his work, such as his Caribbean-Colombian background; his use of magical realism, myth, and folklore; and his left-wing political views. Thirty-two wide-ranging chapters coverthe bulk of the author's writings, giving special attention to the global influence of García Márquez.

Book Public Sociology

    Book Details:
  • Author : John Germov
  • Publisher : Taylor & Francis
  • Release : 2023-05-12
  • ISBN : 1000821269
  • Pages : 642 pages

Download or read book Public Sociology written by John Germov and published by Taylor & Francis. This book was released on 2023-05-12 with total page 642 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Public Sociology highlights the relevance of sociological perspectives to Australian social life and encourages students to apply a sociological gaze to their own lives and the communities in which they live. This fully revised and updated fifth edition adds new chapters and material on a wide range of contemporary issues, from the COVID-19 pandemic and ‘fake news’ to Iindigenous issues and the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement. Public Sociology presents a wide range of topics in a user-friendly and accessible way, introducing key theories and research methods, and exploring core themes, including youth, families and intimate relationships, class and inequality, and race and ethnic relations. All chapters have been extensively revised to bring them up to date in a fast-changing social world, reflecting the latest sociological debates in response to changing lifestyles and evolving political landscapes. In addition to updated statistics and research findings, an expanded glossary and the latest citations to the scholarly literature, each chapter includes numerous learning features for students and instructors, including definitions of key terms, concise summaries of main points, discussion questions and guides to further reading and additional resources. This is the essential sociological reference to help students in the social sciences make sense of a complex and challenging world. New to the Fifth Edition: New chapters on the COVID-19 pandemic, Indigenous issues, youth and identity, and sport Exploration of the latest social issues including the pandemic, BLM, expanded discussion of gender, #MeToo, LGBTIQ+ and intersectionality, rising inequality and the ‘post-truth’ age All chapters thoroughly revised and updated with the latest research Updated design, images, and chapter opening vignettes to engage the reader

Book Agency and Ownership in Reconciliation

Download or read book Agency and Ownership in Reconciliation written by Caitlin Mollica and published by State University of New York Press. This book was released on 2024-04-01 with total page 360 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The importance of youth's substantive participation for the realization of inclusive reconciliation practices has rarely been acknowledged. Agency and Ownership in Reconciliation provides a comprehensive, nuanced, and empirical account of the contribution of young people's voices to the success of transitional justice and peacebuilding practices. Caitlin Mollica illustrates the role of political will and agency in the development of transitional justice mechanisms that are substantively inclusive of those traditionally marginalized by post-conflict institutions, most notably youth. In doing so, she highlights the importance of youth to lasting peace and meaningful justice. She does so by looking specifically at how truth and reconciliation commissions from South Africa to the Solomon Islands engage with the voices of youth and the meanings youth self-ascribe to their experiences during truth and reconciliation commission processes. In a field which traditionally prioritizes stories about youth, Agency and Ownership in Reconciliation looks to center stories by youth.

Book Proceedings of the International Conference on Economics  Management  and Accounting  ICEMAC 2022

Download or read book Proceedings of the International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting ICEMAC 2022 written by Prasetyo Hartanto and published by Springer Nature. This book was released on 2023-09-30 with total page 551 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This is an open access book.The International Conference on Economics, Management, and Accounting (ICEMAC) is an activity held at an international conference by presenting new studies and research results in the fields of Economics, Management, and Accounting. The Management and Accounting Study Program is the organizer of this international conference. ICEMAC is the third conference held by us and will be held virtually due to the COVID-19 Pandemic which has not shown a better situation. The 3rd ICEMAC 2022 conference will be expected to bring together national and international scale researchers, practitioners, students, and community and industry activists in our chosen fields. Considering the occurrence of disruptive technology in Indonesia which has an impact on business transformation in various fields, especially the accounting and economic fields which have changed massively into digitalization and put forward a new equilibrium or new balance. In order to move into the 5.0 era, the 3rd ICEMAC 2022 international conference has the main theme, namely “Sustainable business strategy to face challenges & Opportunity in digitalization era”.

Book The Connected Species

    Book Details:
  • Author : Mark A. Williams
  • Publisher : Rowman & Littlefield
  • Release : 2023-08-15
  • ISBN : 1538179016
  • Pages : 231 pages

Download or read book The Connected Species written by Mark A. Williams and published by Rowman & Littlefield. This book was released on 2023-08-15 with total page 231 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Human beings have succeeded as the most dominant species on earth in large part due to our need to connect and cooperate. It was our ability to socialize and connect that catapulted our species to phenomenal heights of innovation, through collaboration and specialization. This drive has fine-tuned our unconscious perception of faces, facial expressions, body language, and touch. Our primitive drive to connect changes how we perceive the world and the people around us. We see, hear, empathize with, and understand others differently depending on whether they are a member of our in-group or not. This unconscious drive to connect can draw us together, but it also emphasizes the differences between groups. And it is getting worse, as overcrowding, technology, and the media often focus us on our differences. We become more and more divided into groups as a result. Here, Mark Williams shows us how to recapture the drive for connection in a way that will help us look past our differences and reconnect, even with those whom we perceive to be outside our groups. He starts by discussing the human brain’s specialization for connection and how it evolved, and the fascinating way we automatically process the thoughts and feelings of others. He focuses on how connection works in practice and why it is important for learning, innovating, health and wellbeing. He then explores the negative consequences of our drive for connection and explains how it contributes to racism, sexism, nationalism, and many other social issues of our day, as well as its impact on our individual health and wellbeing. He ends with a positive perspective by examining how we can use our drive for connection to expand our in-group and extend multicultural societies for the good of our planet.

Book The Air Almanac

Download or read book The Air Almanac written by and published by . This book was released on with total page 338 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book ABC             2024     9        No 267

Download or read book ABC 2024 9 No 267 written by LiveABC編輯群 and published by 希伯崙股份有限公司. This book was released on 2024-09-01 with total page 97 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: ABC Interactive English No. 267 September, 2024 Contents 每日一句 Talking About Problems 用英語談論問題 本月焦點 Fruit 水果 Fruit, Fruit, and More Fruit 美味水果大集合 品格英語 Learn to Accept Change 學習接受改變:與自己建立更好的關係 玩味生活 Line Standers—A New Kind of Job 跑腿代排族的懶人商機 活用ABC Talking About Days and Dates 用英語表達星期和日期 世界好望角 Moon Festival in Asia 月圓人團圓 流行最前線 Love Pokémon? Go to Pokémon Center TAIPEI 喜歡寶可夢嗎?去一趟寶可夢中心台北吧! 短篇故事集 The Flying Trunk 〈飛行箱〉 文法補給站 My Family 我的家人 My Hobbies 我的嗜好 安妮信箱 Introduce Yourself 自我介紹 悠遊文化 The World of Vending Machines 一按即得:自動販賣機的魔法 小地方大玩意 Lots to See and Do at Gaomei Wetland 高美濕地:大自然的遊樂場 ABC長知識 Why Cats Love Cardboard Boxes? 為什麼喵星人對紙箱情有獨鍾? 聽說圖寫 Spirit Week 主題活動週 本月之星 梁舒涵

Book Handbook on COVID 19 Pandemic and Older Persons

Download or read book Handbook on COVID 19 Pandemic and Older Persons written by Mala Kapur Shankardass and published by Springer Nature. This book was released on 2023-06-22 with total page 638 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This handbook provides an in-depth analysis of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on older people across different countries, focusing on important issues affecting ageing societies. It presents an analytical framework of various emerging concerns affecting societies, transforming of social relationships, bringing in of new health problems, including mental health, elder abuse, impact on intergenerational relationships and emotional and psychological matters. It explores the choices of governments to address the arising issues, indicates different community responses and discusses the experiences of older people in handling of problems cropping up, which affect their quality of life in various ways. The book offers readers new dimensions of the issues nations face with possible similar solutions and ways to handle the concerns. The book is valuable for researchers, practitioners, and students pursuing anthropology, sociology, psychology, and gerontology. The book offers many disciplinary international and national perspectives to understand the relationship between the pandemic and older people.

Book Black Lives  White Law

Download or read book Black Lives White Law written by Russell Marks and published by La Trobe University Press. This book was released on 2022-08-02 with total page 439 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: How and why Australia's legal system fails Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people 'Russell Marks unravels a national tragedy. From the front line he delivers a first-rate, firsthand account of how so many First Nations people end up in jail, again and again.' --Patrick Dodson, Labor Senator for Western Australia Indigenous Australians are the most incarcerated people on the planet. Indigenous men are fifteen times more likely to be locked up than their non-Indigenous counterparts; Indigenous women are twenty-one times more likely. Featuring vivid case studies and drawing on a deep sense of history, Black Lives, White Law explores Australia's extraordinary record of locking up First Nations people. It examines Australia's system of criminal justice -- the web of laws and courts and police and prisons -- and how that system interacts with First Nations people and communities. How is it that so many are locked up? Why have imprisonment rates increased in recent years? Is this situation fair? Almost everyone agrees that it's not. And yet it keeps getting worse. In this groundbreaking book, Russell Marks investigates Australia's incarceration epidemic. What would happen if the institutions of Australian justice received the same scrutiny to which they routinely subject Indigenous Australians? 'How should we tell the story of Indigenous incarceration in Australia? Only part of it is in the numbers. And we can't get very far by looking at the crimes that see Indigenous offenders punished by courts and sentenced to prison ... To really grapple with the problem of Indigenous incarceration requires us to accept the possibility that there might be another way. That the current state of affairs -- where entire families sometimes spend time behind bars -- is not inevitable.' --Russell Marks Shortlisted, Australian Political Book of the Year 2023 Shortlisted, Prime Minister's Literary Awards 2023 'This passionate, timely book shines a critical light on First Nations' incarceration rates in Australia, bringing history into the present with a sense of urgency and purpose ... Powerfully interventionist while avoiding polemic, this book reminds us that frontier violence has a present as well as a past.' --Judges' comments, Prime Minister's Literary Awards

Book Business Education Index

Download or read book Business Education Index written by and published by . This book was released on 1990 with total page 814 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book Strategic Communication and the 2022 Australian Federal Election Campaign

Download or read book Strategic Communication and the 2022 Australian Federal Election Campaign written by James Mahoney and published by Taylor & Francis. This book was released on 2023-10-13 with total page 169 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This book presents a new approach to the analysis of Australian federal election campaigns, approaching them from a professional communication perspective. It stress-tests the campaigns of the major parties against the requirements of effective strategic communication planning and implementation parameters used in professional practice. Research undertaken during the 2022 election period analyses campaign issues, whether communication tools were appropriate, and whether strategic directions led to real outcomes by delivering votes to the parties. Applying the Hallahan model for the first time in an Australian election study, the book offers rare insights into a political culture that employs compulsory voting. It will be of interest to scholars and students of Australian politics, public relations, and communication studies.

Book Youmans and Winn Neurological Surgery E Book

Download or read book Youmans and Winn Neurological Surgery E Book written by H. Richard Winn and published by Elsevier Health Sciences. This book was released on 2022-01-21 with total page 7439 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Widely regarded as the definitive reference in the field, Youmans and Winn Neurological Surgery offers unparalleled, multimedia coverage of the entirety of this complex specialty. Fully updated to reflect recent advances in the basic and clinical neurosciences, the 8th Edition covers everything you need to know about functional and restorative neurosurgery, deep brain stimulation, stem cell biology, radiological and nuclear imaging, and neuro-oncology, as well as minimally invasive surgeries in spine and peripheral nerve surgery, and endoscopic and other approaches for cranial procedures and cerebrovascular diseases. In four comprehensive volumes, Dr. H. Richard Winn and his expert team of editors and authors provide updated content, a significantly expanded video library, and hundreds of new video lectures that help you master new procedures, new technologies, and essential anatomic knowledge in neurosurgery. Discusses current topics such as diffusion tensor imaging, brain and spine robotic surgery, augmented reality as an aid in neurosurgery, AI and big data in neurosurgery, and neuroimaging in stereotactic functional neurosurgery. 55 new chapters provide cutting-edge information on Surgical Anatomy of the Spine, Precision Medicine in Neurosurgery, The Geriatric Patient, Neuroanesthesia During Pregnancy, Laser Interstitial Thermal Therapy for Epilepsy, Fetal Surgery for Myelomeningocele, Rehabilitation of Acute Spinal Cord Injury, Surgical Considerations for Patients with Polytrauma, Endovascular Approaches to Intracranial Aneurysms, and much more. Hundreds of all-new video lectures clarify key concepts in techniques, cases, and surgical management and evaluation. Notable lecture videos include multiple videos on Thalamotomy for Focal Hand Dystonia and a video to accompany a new chapter on the Basic Science of Brain Metastases. An extensive video library contains stunning anatomy videos and videos demonstrating intraoperative procedures with more than 800 videos in all. Each clinical section contains chapters on technology specific to a clinical area. Each section contains a chapter providing an overview from experienced Section Editors, including a report on ongoing controversies within that subspecialty. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.