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Book ABC             2022     11        No 245

Download or read book ABC 2022 11 No 245 written by LiveABC編輯群 and published by 希伯崙股份有限公司. This book was released on 2022-10-24 with total page 90 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: ABC Interactive English No. 245 November, 2022 Contents 每日一句 Running Errands 辦事英語實用句 本月焦點 Bugs and Insects 蟲蟲圖鑑 Bugs in Our World 歡迎光臨蟲蟲世界 安妮信箱 My Favorite Restaurant 我最喜歡的餐廳 短篇故事集 The Count and the Wedding Guest 〈伯爵與婚禮嘉賓〉 活用ABC Asking for Directions 問路實用英語 世界好望角 Clown Doctors Have the Best Medicine 小丑醫生的微笑處方 文法補給站 What Is Everyone Doing? 大家正在做什麼? Where Are You Going? 你要去哪裡? 流行最前線 The 2022 FIFA World Cup 令人熱血沸騰的世界盃足球賽 畫中有話 Using a COVID-19 Rapid Test 新冠肺炎快篩記 品格英語 How to Do the Things That You Hate to Do 如何完成討厭的事情 克漏字測驗 World Communication Week: Communication Is an Important Part of Life 世界溝通週:話出心地圖 玩味生活 Solo Camping Is like Nothing Else 享受一個人的露營 悠遊文化 Stand-Up Comedy Is Good for a Laugh 想大笑一場嗎?那就來聽單口喜劇吧! 環境議題 Whale Sharks: Gentle Giants of the Seas 鯨鯊:海中的溫柔巨人 ABC長知識 Why Is There No Grape Ice Cream? 為什麼沒有葡萄口味的冰淇淋? 聽說圖寫 Hotel Policy 飯店住宿須知 本月之星 陳零九 Bugs in Our World 歡迎光臨蟲蟲世界 Part A Simon and Heidi are at a pond. 賽門和海蒂在池塘邊。 (Simon = S ; Heidi = H) S: Look at all these dragonflies. We can’t see them at this time back home. H: Really? What bugs can you see then? S: We can see ants, bees, and locusts. They are a kind of grasshopper. H: Are they bigger or smaller than crickets? S: They are bigger, and they can fly. H: Hey, do you have fireflies and cicadas in your home country? S: Sure. We see them in the summer, but we only see cicadas once every 13 years. H: Wow! That’s so different. We see cicadas here every year. Part A 賽門:妳看這些蜻蜓,這個時期在我的家鄉看不到蜻蜓。 海蒂:真的嗎?那你會看到哪些蟲? 賽門:我們會看到螞蟻、蜜蜂和蝗蟲,蝗蟲是蚱蜢的一種。 海蒂:牠們比蟋蟀大還是小? 賽門:牠們比較大,而且還會飛。 海蒂:嘿,你的家鄉有螢火蟲和蟬嗎? 賽門:當然有,我們在夏天會看到那些蟲,不過每十三年才會看到一次蟬。 海蒂:哇!那還真不一樣,我們這裡每年都看得到蟬。 Part B Heidi and Simon are in her kitchen. 海蒂和賽門在海蒂家的廚房裡。 (Heidi = H ; Simon = S) H: Do you smell that smell? It’s really bad. S: Yes. It smells like oil, and it’s coming from around the sink. H: It can’t be oil because I don’t throw it out in the sink. S: OK. Can I take a look under the sink? H: Sure, but be careful. I have many things under there. S: Uh-oh! I see lots of bug droppings, and they’re not from beetles or ladybugs. H: Oh, no! Are they from spiders? I don’t like spiders. S: No. It’s worse. The droppings are from cockroaches. Part B 海蒂:你有聞到那個味道嗎?好臭。 賽門:有,聞起來像是油耗味,而且是從流理台周圍散發出來的。 海蒂:不可能是油,因為我不會把油倒進流理台。 賽門:了解,我可以看一下流理台下方嗎? 海蒂:當然可以,不過要小心,我在那下面放了很多東西。 賽門:哎呀!我看見很多蟲的排泄物,不是甲蟲或瓢蟲的。 海蒂:喔,不!是蜘蛛的嗎?我不喜歡蜘蛛。 賽門:不是,更糟,這些是蟑螂的排泄物。 Part C Simon and Heidi just entered his place. 賽門和海蒂剛踏進賽門的家。 (Simon = S ; Heidi = H) S: Ouch! Something bit me on my back. H: My guess is a mosquito. Do you want me to put some cream on it? S: Yes, please. It’s starting to get really itchy. H: Hey, something fell out when you pulled up your shirt. S: Oh, I see it. That’s not a mosquito. That’s a spider. H: That’s not good. What do I do for a spider bite? S: First, wash it with warm soapy water. Then, put ice on it. H: OK, I’ll go and get those things ready. Part C 賽門:唉喲!有東西咬我的背。 海蒂:我猜是蚊子,要我幫你塗一點藥膏嗎? 賽門:好,謝謝,傷口開始變得很癢了。 海蒂:嘿,你把上衣拉高的時候,有東西掉出來了。 賽門:噢,我看到了,那不是蚊子,是一隻蜘蛛。 海蒂:那可糟糕了,蜘蛛咬傷要怎麼處理? 賽門:首先,用溫熱的肥皂水清洗傷口,接著在上面冰敷。 海蒂:好,我去準備那些東西。

Book CNN              2023     1       No 268

Download or read book CNN 2023 1 No 268 written by LiveABC編輯群 and published by 希伯崙股份有限公司. This book was released on 2022-12-28 with total page 78 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: 政治 The New British PM 英國首相又換人 誰是里希.蘇納克? Rishi Sunak Takes Over as Britain’s Leader after Liz Truss Resigns 英國在短短三個月內迎來第三位首相——前財政大臣里希.蘇納克。本文介紹他的出身背景、經歷與將面臨的挑戰。 商業 The Bird Is Freed? 拍板定案!伊隆.馬斯克成功買下推特 Elon Musk Completes His Twitter Takeover 經過半年來的峰迴路轉,全球首富馬斯克終於以440億美元完成推特併購案。他會為這個社群媒體平台帶來什麼改變呢? 社會 Tragedy in Seoul 首爾梨泰院踩踏事故震驚全球 Over 150 Die in Crowd Crush at Korean Halloween Party 商業 The House of Trump 川普豪宅海湖莊園奢華內裝大公開 The Nuts and Bolts of the Mar-a-Lago Resort 位於弗羅里達州的海湖莊園是川普名下的私人俱樂部,他在總統任內曾多次在此招待外賓。這座富麗堂皇的豪宅裡面長什麼樣子,帶你一窺究竟! 社會 Aftermath of Occupation 戰火漸息 烏克蘭從創傷中重生 Ukraine Rebuilds Cities and People in Liberated Regions 烏克蘭首都基輔西北方的布查市挺過俄軍肆虐,展開家園重建,但居民們心理上的創傷更需時間及耐心去療癒。 政治 Political Insight CNN 主播分析美國期中選情 CNN Anchor Gives His Thoughts on the Midterm Election 美國期中選舉向來被視為對現任總統執政頭兩年所打的成績單。CNN主播約翰.金恩回顧美國政治情勢,分析可能對此屆期中選舉造成影響的關鍵因素。 體育 A Chat with Shaq 集霸氣與風趣於一身的NBA傳奇中鋒 俠客.歐尼爾 Sitting Down with Basketball Legend Shaquille O’Neal NBA傳奇中鋒俠客.歐尼爾從球員身分退役多年仍保有高人氣,他與CNN主播暢聊過往生涯和未來規劃。 科學 The Noise of Nothing 你聽過宇宙黑洞的聲音嗎? NASA Reveals the Eerie Sounds of a Black Hole 美國太空總署顛覆太空是真空、沒有聲波傳播介質的普遍認知,揭露了黑洞的聲音。他們是怎麼做到的? 旅遊 Hidden Holy Sites 鬼斧神工的卡帕多西亞石窟教堂群 Delving into the Ancient Cave Monasteries of Cappadocia 土耳其卡帕多西亞以火山熔岩凝固沉積而成的地形聞名,更令人驚奇的是,這片奇岩怪石中藏著許多飾有中世紀壁畫的岩洞教堂。 保健 The Brain Bank CNN記者帶你一窺人類大腦的奧秘 Sanjay Gupta Gets Hands-On with Our Most Vital Organ 丹麥的「大腦銀行」保存著數千顆人類大腦,用於研究各式精神病症。CNN團隊入內採訪,揭開人類大腦的神秘面紗。 焦點話題 CNN 全球瞭望 Kherson Residents Celebrate Liberation from Russia 烏克蘭赫爾松市民歡慶俄軍退散 The World’s Longest Passenger Train Launches 世上最長的載客火車在瑞士上路 “Challenger” Space Shuttle Debris Found Undersea 潛水員發現挑戰者號太空梭殘骸 談天說地話英文 全方位理解CNN Should the US Abandon Its Push for North Korean Denuclearization? 北韓不放棄核武 美國應如何作為? 新聞片語通 單字聯想地圖 聊選舉必備字 CNN主編教你唸 美國選舉關鍵字

Book Merchant Vessels of the United States

Download or read book Merchant Vessels of the United States written by and published by . This book was released on 1969 with total page 1608 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book ABC             2022     1        No 235

Download or read book ABC 2022 1 No 235 written by LiveABC編輯群 and published by 希伯崙股份有限公司. This book was released on 2021-12-25 with total page pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: ABC Interactive English No. 235 January, 2022 Contents 每日一句 Happy New Year! 新年快樂! 本月焦點 Tableware 餐具大集合 Good Table Manners 用餐禮儀養成術 品格英語 Good Family Relationships Help People Feel Safe 良好的家庭關係 世界好望角 Many Good Things Happened in 2020 淚水與歡笑交織的二○二○年 活用ABC Let's Bargain! 用英語討價還價 畫中有話 Getting Vaccinated 接種疫苗 文法補給站 A New Experience 全新的體驗 An Embarrassing Moment 尷尬時刻 流行最前線 Help the World with Slow Fashion 奉行慢時尚,一起愛地球 短篇故事集 The Creation 〈創世紀〉 玩味生活 The Art of Magic 歡迎光臨魔術世界 安妮信箱 New Year's Resolutions 新年願望 環境議題 Are You Ready for UFOs and Aliens to Come? 如果外星人造訪地球,你準備好了嗎? 一本好書 Harbor Me 《星期五的沒事教室》 ABC 長知識 The World's Fastest Train 世界上最快的火車 聽說圖寫 Want Ads 徵人廣告 本月之星 怪奇比莉

Book Merchant Vessels of the United States

Download or read book Merchant Vessels of the United States written by United States. Coast Guard and published by . This book was released on 1976 with total page 1436 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book Environmental Governance of the S  o Paulo Macrometropolis

Download or read book Environmental Governance of the S o Paulo Macrometropolis written by Pedro Roberto Jacobi and published by Springer Nature. This book was released on with total page 405 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book The Air Almanac

Download or read book The Air Almanac written by and published by . This book was released on with total page 474 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book Innovative curriculum design

Download or read book Innovative curriculum design written by Neal Petersen and published by AOSIS. This book was released on 2023-09-29 with total page 300 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The focus of this book is original research regarding the implementation of problem-based learning and pedagogies of play as active approaches to foster self-directed learning. With the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) in mind, educational institutions need to rethink teaching and learning for the future. As such, active engagement can be encouraged, as evident in this book, where problem-based learning drives learning through real-world problems, while pedagogy of play focuses on innovative environments where the action of play and learning are integrated with the aim of developing SDL. The following are addressed in the chapters: an overview of problem-based learning and pedagogy of play, metaliteracy, playful problem-based learning tasks, computational thinking in game-based tasks and geometry, solving puzzles, applying LEGO®, using drama as the pedagogy of play and implementing educational robotics. The empirical research findings disseminated in this book aim to inspire academics in the research focus area of self-directed learning with active learning approaches in the school and tertiary classroom that hold affordances to enhance 21st-century skills. Active learning is an umbrella term for pedagogies that mainstream student engagement, such as problem-based learning, cooperative learning, gamification, role-play and drama. This scholarly book highlights various engaging pedagogies.

Book Soil Stabilization in Pavement Structures

Download or read book Soil Stabilization in Pavement Structures written by Terrel, Epps, and Associates and published by . This book was released on 1979 with total page 208 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book 1990 Census of Population

Download or read book 1990 Census of Population written by and published by . This book was released on 1993 with total page 836 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book Algebra I  1001 Practice Problems For Dummies    Free Online Practice

Download or read book Algebra I 1001 Practice Problems For Dummies Free Online Practice written by Mary Jane Sterling and published by John Wiley & Sons. This book was released on 2022-05-24 with total page 466 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Practice your way to a great grade in Algebra I Algebra I: 1001 Practice Problems For Dummies gives you 1,001 opportunities to practice solving problems on all the major topics in Algebra I—in the book and online! Get extra help with tricky subjects, solidify what you’ve already learned, and get in-depth walk-throughs for every problem with this useful book. These practice problems and detailed answer explanations will get you solving for x in no-time, no matter what your skill level. Thanks to Dummies, you have a resource to you put key concepts into practice. Work through practice problems on all Algebra I topics covered in class Step through detailed solutions for every problem to build your understanding Access practice questions online to study anywhere, any time Improve your grade and up your study game with practice, practice, practice The material presented in Algebra I: 1001 Practice Problems For Dummies is an excellent resource for students, as well as parents and tutors looking to help supplement classroom instruction. Algebra I: 1001 Practice Problems For Dummies (9781119883470) was previously published as 1,001 Algebra I Practice Problems For Dummies (9781118446713). While this version features a new Dummies cover and design, the content is the same as the prior release and should not be considered a new or updated product.

Book Master Resource Book in Mathematics for JEE Main 2022

Download or read book Master Resource Book in Mathematics for JEE Main 2022 written by Prafful K Agarwal and published by Arihant Publications India limited. This book was released on 2021-08-26 with total page 1032 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: 1. The ‘Master Resource book’ gives complete coverage of Mathematics 2. Questions are specially prepared for AIEEE & JEE main exams 3. The book is divided into 2 parts; consisting 35 chapters from JEE Mains 4. Each chapter is accessorized with 2 Level Exercises and Exam Questions 5. Includes highly useful JEE Main Solved papers Comprehensively covering all topics of JEE Main Syllabus, here’s presenting the revised edition of “Master Resource Book for JEE Main Mathematics” that is comprised for a systematic mastery of a subject with paramount importance to a problem solving. Sequenced as per the syllabus of class 11th & 12th, this book has been divided into two parts accordingly. Each chapter is contains essential theoretical concepts along with sufficient number of solved paper examples and problems for practice. To get the insight of the difficulty level of the paper, every chapter is provided with previous years’ question of AIEEE & JEE. Single Correct Answer Types and Numerical Value Questions cover all types of questions. TOC PART I - Class 11th: Sets, Fundamentals and Relations and Functions, Sequences and Series, Complex Numbers, Quadratic Equations, Permutation and Combinations, Mathematical Inductions, Binomial Theorem and its Applications, Trigonometrical Function and Equations, Properties of Triangles, Heights and Distances, Cartesian Coordinate system, Straight Lines, Circles, Parabola, Ellipse, Hyperbola, Introduction to 3 Dimensional Geometry, Limits and Derivatives, Mathematical Reasoning, Statistics, Fundamentals of Probability, Part II: Class 12th – Matrices, Determinants, Relations and Functions, Continuity and Differentiability, Differentiation, Applications of Derivations, Indefinitive Integration, Area Bound by Curves, Differential Equations, Vector Algebra, Three Dimensional Geometry, Advanced Probability.

Book Annual Report of the Boy Scouts of America

Download or read book Annual Report of the Boy Scouts of America written by Boy Scouts of America and published by . This book was released on 1950 with total page 1710 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book Autism Spectrum Disorder and Alzheimer s Disease

Download or read book Autism Spectrum Disorder and Alzheimer s Disease written by Ghulam Md Ashraf and published by Springer Nature. This book was released on 2022-02-08 with total page 315 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This book talks about the multidimensional biological etiology of Alzheimer’s disease and autism spectrum disorder which leads to distinctive ways of perception, thinking and learning in affected individuals. It provides a deeper emphasis on the need for early diagnosis, continuous assessment of patients and the proper educational methods and environment required towards enabling people affected with these disorders capable of evolving and learning. This book explores alternative solutions for autism spectrum disorder based on the theory of brain plasticity, the relationship between the gut microbiota and the central nervous system along with genetic factors and toxic metal exposures which are responsible for the oxidative damage resulting in a decreased ability of the patients to use objects or response to auditory stimuli. It also identifies and provides the latest research towards dealing with memory loss, which is the first sign of cognitive impairment followed by behavioral disturbances. These symptoms are associated with a rigorous neuronal decline and the appearance of two brain lesions, senile plaques and neurofibrillary tangles, which are mainly composed of Aβ and hyper phosphorylated tau protein respectively. This book also provides the latest research towards reducing autism disorder severity such as targeting the disease with symptomatic treatments such as cholinesterase inhibitors, NMDA receptor antagonist, β-secretase and γ-secretase inhibitors, α-secretase stimulators, tau inhibitors, immunotherapy, nutraceuticals, and nano drugs. This book will not only be a good resource for professors and lecturers teaching in the area of neuroscience, medicine, biochemistry, neuroinformatics, and nanotechnology, etc. but also for professionals working in the field of occupational therapy and geriatric clinics and rehabilitation.

Book Merchant Vessels of the United States      including Yachts

Download or read book Merchant Vessels of the United States including Yachts written by and published by . This book was released on 1969 with total page 1574 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book Official Airline Guide

Download or read book Official Airline Guide written by and published by . This book was released on 1980 with total page 1992 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: