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Book Under the Ivi Tree

Download or read book Under the Ivi Tree written by Cyril S. Belshaw and published by Routledge. This book was released on 2013-11-05 with total page 374 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This study concerns the differentials of economic growth among the Fijian people. It brings together relevant factors drawn from social, cultural, economic and political analysis. As a case study in economic growth, it portrays the interplay between individuals and the social and economic conditions which surround them, and demonstrates the limitations of the institutions within which they function. Controversial points of interpretation are discussed and supported with documentation gathered from field-work. Originally published in 1964.

Book Diversity and Dynamics in Forest Ecosystems

Download or read book Diversity and Dynamics in Forest Ecosystems written by Munesh Kumar and published by CRC Press. This book was released on 2021-12-28 with total page 395 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Providing a wealth of in-depth knowledge of forest ecosystems, this new volume explores a collection of important topics on forest community dynamics. It looks at the diversity of forest ecosystems and explores such aspects as forest products in enhancing local livelihoods and community participation, forage production, forest conservation and sustainable management, regeneration patterns, seed handling, and more. Chapters in Diversity and Dynamics in Forest Ecosystems present new research on forest products, livelihood generation mechanisms of forest-dependent communities, utilization patterns of untapped resources from forests, and the structure of different ecosystems from the tropical to the temperate landscape. This book also features different drivers of community dynamics, such as the role of seed handling in forests, the influence of altitudinal variations, and protected and community-conserved forests on the forest diversity. Chapters also consider the role of non-timber forest products and their significance in livelihood diversification for tribal communities and forage crop genetic resources, and forest resource extraction by forest fringe dwellers. Also explored are aspects of soil organic carbon in agroforestry systems and integrated approaches of sustainable agroforestry development in diverse forest ecosystems. This edition also examines the vegetation structure and regeneration aspects of timberline zone, including diversity of herbaceous flora along the altitudinal gradient. The abundance of in-depth knowledge of the diversity and dynamics of forest ecosystems in this volume will be valuable in conservation and management of forests, which play an important role in the world environment. Forests are presently facing multiple disturbances, and this volume will help forestry professionals and others formulate further strategies to mitigate global climate change and other challenges.

Book Bumps on a Long Road

Download or read book Bumps on a Long Road written by Cyril S. Belshaw and published by Lulu.com. This book was released on 2010-06 with total page 366 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Cyril Belshaw's career began as a colonial officer in the South Pacific where he later did fieldwork with his family. He describes the arcne world of academia and recounts his work for United Nations and other international organisatiions. He travels widely in countries such as the Soviet Union, Thailand, Israel and Cambodia and in Africa. His long concluding chapter, before he moves on to Volume II celebrates the food and country of France.

Book Suva Stories

    Book Details:
  • Author : Nicholas Halter
  • Publisher : ANU Press
  • Release : 2022-09-08
  • ISBN : 1760465348
  • Pages : 520 pages

Download or read book Suva Stories written by Nicholas Halter and published by ANU Press. This book was released on 2022-09-08 with total page 520 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Suva Stories explores a fascinating tapestry of histories in one of the Pacific’s oldest and most culturally diverse urban centres, the capital of Fiji. Charting the trajectory of Suva from indigenous village to colonial hub to contemporary Pacific metropolis, it draws on a rich colonial archive and moving personal memoirs that bear witness to their time. The diverse contributions in this volume form a complex mosaic of urban lives and histories that contribute fresh insights into historical and ongoing debates about race, place and belonging. Suva Stories is a valuable companion to those seeking to engage with the city’s pasts and present, and will prompt new conversations about history and memory in Fiji.

Book The Forests of Setulang and Sengayan in Malinau  East Kalimantan

Download or read book The Forests of Setulang and Sengayan in Malinau East Kalimantan written by Kade Sidiyasa and published by CIFOR. This book was released on 2006-01-01 with total page 154 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book Vegetation Types of the Dieng Mountains and Their Influences on Bird and Mammalian Communities

Download or read book Vegetation Types of the Dieng Mountains and Their Influences on Bird and Mammalian Communities written by Siti Nurleily Marliana and published by Cuvillier Verlag. This book was released on 2013-01-21 with total page 140 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Kurzbeschreibung Der Druck des Bevölkerungswachstums auf der indonesischen Insel Java hat zu gravierender Entwaldung und Schädigung von Wäldern geführt, so dass nur noch 8,2 Prozent der ursprünglichen Waldfläche in den Jahren 2006-2007 vorhanden waren. Der Bevölkerungsdruck ließ Javas Waldflächen durch Landumwandlung in Siedlungen und Äcker weiter schrumpfen und kleine, isolierte Waldstücke an Berggipfeln wie die in den Dieng Mountains übrig. Das in der Provinz Zentral-Java gelegene Dieng Mountains Ökosystem spielt eine wichtige Rolle bei der Bereitstellung einer breiten Palette von Waren und Dienstleistungen, insbesondere bei der Versorgung angrenzender Gebiete mit Süßwasser und beim Erhalt der biologischen Vielfalt. Allerdings leiden auch die Bergwälder in den Dieng Mountains in Folge des Bevölkerungsdrucks unter Abholzung. Schlechte landwirtschaftliche Anbaumethoden haben zum Auftreten von Pestizidbelastungen, zu einem hohen Maß an Erosion, Sedimentationen von Seen und Stauseen, Erdrutschen, Schlammlawinen und Überschwemmungen geführt. Waldbrände und illegaler Holzeinschlag, gefolgt von Landbeanspruchung und Wanderfeldbau, führten dazu, dass reife Bergwälder durch junge Sekundärvegetation ersetzt wurden. Wiederbewaldungen sind zu einem bedeutenden Vegetationstyp rund um das Dieng Plateau geworden, und angesichts der gegenwärtigen landwirtschaftlichen Anbaumethoden zeigt der Trend ihres Flächenausmaßes, dass sie auch in Zukunft fortbestehen werden. Bisher hat man sich wenig mit den Wiederbewaldungen in den Dieng Mountains beschäftigt; ihr Wert in Bezug auf die Funktionsweise von Ökosystemen und den Erhalt der biologische Vielfalt wurde nur unzureichend untersucht. Da Bergwälder der Dieng Mountains dafür bekannt sind, viele endemische und seltene Tier- und Pflanzenarten zu beherbergen, ist es wichtig zu verstehen, wie Tier- und Pflanzenarten in diesem Gebiet den Habitatwandel bewältigen. Die vorliegende Forschungsarbeit ist ein Versuch, Auswirkungen von Landnutzungsänderungen, die durch anthropogene Störungen hervorgerufen wurden, auf die lokale Flora und Fauna, speziell auf Vogel- und Säugetiergemeinschaften zu untersuchen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie sollen einen Überblick über den gegenwärtigen Zustand des Dieng Mountains Ökosystems geben und dazu beitragen, Informationslücken früherer Studien zu schließen. Diese Untersuchung soll zuständigen Politikern Wissen über den aktuellen Stand der Dieng Mountains bieten. Sie soll ihnen ermöglichen, ein wirksames Programm mit angemessenen Zielen zu entwickeln und geeignete Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, um die ökologischen Bedingungen der Dieng Mountains zu verbessern. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Entwicklung der Sekundärvegetation der Dieng Mountains stark von der Geschichte ihrer Landnutzung und von den Aufforstungsprogrammen der lokalen Regierung beeinflusst wurde. Die Vegetationsstruktur der Wälder und des Buschlandes der Dieng Mountains waren einander ähnlich. Sie kennzeichnete die typische einfache Struktur mit einem offenen Kronendach und dichtem Unterholz, die in der Regel in einem tropischen Sekundärwald vorgefunden wird. Auf Grünland kamen wenige Bäume vor; kein Anzeichen der Einwanderung von Bäumen wurde in diesem Lebensraum gefunden, trotz seiner unmittelbaren Nähe zu natürlichen Waldstücken. Die relativ niedrigen Anteile von Baumverjüngungen in allen Lebensräumen können den in diesen großen Höhen rauen Umgebungsbedingungen, den Auswirkungen von Kahlschlägen in der Vergangenheit sowie der Konkurrenz von Kräutern zugeschrieben werden. Der Einfluss menschlicher Aktivitäten in diesen Lebensräumen kann auch ein wichtiger Faktor sein, der die Erholung der Vegetation verlangsamt. Die Auswirkungen der Aufforstungen auf die Gestaltung der Zusammensetzung der Sekundärvegetation zeigten sich in der Dominanz der Baumarten, die im Laufe des Programms gepflanzt worden waren: die nicht einheimischen Arten Acacia decurrens und Cupressus sempervirens und die indonesische Bergart Schima wallichii. Der Pionierstrauch Melastoma affine, die Gräser Imperata cylindrica und Isachne globosa sowie die Ruderalarten Eupatorium odoratum, Eupatorium riparium, Buddleja asiatica, und Rubus rosaefolius dominierten die Unterholzvegetation. Insbesondere auf Grünland schien die Dominanz des kleinen Farns Gleichenia dichotoma das Wachstum der vorkommenden Grasarten zu unterdrücken, was zur Dominanz einer Krautart, der Conyza javanica, über Pioniergrasarten führte. Naturverjüngungen einheimischer indonesischer Baumarten wurden in einer relativ kleinen Zahl vorgefunden. Verglichen mit ähnlichen Studien in anderen Sekundärwäldern wurde in den Dieng Mountains eine wesentlich geringerer Reichtum an Pflanzenarten, vor allem an Gehölzarten festgestellt. Der Beitrag der Strauch- und Krautkategorien mit mehr als 80 Prozent an der gesamten botanischen Artenvielfalt zeigt den Mangel an Baumarten in unserem Forschungsgebiet an. Generell waren der Reichtum und die Diversität an Pflanzenarten im Buschland am höchsten. Der niedrigste Pflanzenartenreichtum wurde im Wald gefunden, während die geringste Diversität an Pflanzenarten auf Grünland verzeichnet wurde. Diese Ergebnisse können mit dem Grad von Störungen in jedem Lebensraumtyp zusammenhängen, wobei Buschland auf einem mittleren Niveau liegt. Die Ähnlichkeit der Zusammensetzung der Pflanzenarten war zwischen den Habitaten in jeder Kategorie sehr hoch. Dies deutet trotz des Altersunterschiedes zwischen beiden Lebensräumen darauf hin, dass Waldund Buschland noch in einem vergleichbaren Sukzessionsstadium waren, während sich Grünland wohl nicht zu Wald entwickeln wird. Wegen der anhaltenden Bevölkerungsausbreitung in den Dieng Mountains dürfte das Schicksal der sekundären Vegetation dieses Gebietes von dem Ausmaß zukünftiger Störungen durch den Menschen bestimmt werden. Vögel wurden in den verschiedenen Lebensräumen der Dieng Mountains in relativ geringen Dichten gefunden. Nach früheren Studien anderer Autoren sind niedrige Vogeldichten häufig in einer tropischen Landschaft, in der landwirtschaftliche Flächen und Flächen sekundärer Vegetation gemischt in mosaikartiger Verteilung vorliegen. Wald hatte von allen Lebensraumtypen die komplexeste Vegetationsstruktur, und er wies die höchste Dichte und die größte Artenvielfalt von Vögeln auf. Da Vogelabundanzen durch die Lebensraumtypen in ihrer Umgebung beeinflusst werden, kann die Nähe der Waldstücke zu den Urwaldresten auf den Berggipfeln positive Auswirkungen auf die Vogelpopulationen im Wald gehabt haben. Mit einer ähnlichen, aber weniger komplexen Vegetationsstruktur und -zusammensetzung als Wald wies das Buschland ein mittleres Niveau der Dichte und der Artendiversität der Avifauna auf. Trotz seines Mangels an mosaikartiger Heterogenität und des Vorhandenseins von nur einer kleinen Anzahl Bäume zwischen den Flurstücken hatten landwirtschaftliche Flächen die zweithöchste Vogeldichte. Mögliche Ursachen hierfür sind die Nähe von landwirtschaftlichen Flächen zu städtischen Gebieten und zu Buschland mit seinen Randstrukturen holziger Gewächse; diese Faktoren sind dafür bekannt, positive Auswirkungen auf die Abundanz und Artendiversität von Vögeln zu haben. Grünland wies die geringste Artenanzahl, Artendiversität und Vogeldichte auf. Die gesamte Anzahl der Vogelarten in unserem Untersuchungsgebiet war gering im Vergleich zur Anzahl Vogelarten einer früheren Studie, die auch in den Dieng Mountains durchgeführt worden war. Allerdings war die Vogelwelt in unserer Untersuchung sehr heterogen, so dass es wahrscheinlich ist, dass die tatsächliche Artenzahl deutlich höher als die erfasste war. Die meisten der erfassten Vogelarten haben eine niedrige bis mittlere Abhängigkeit von Wald und können ihre Ansprüche in einer breiten Palette von Lebensräumen decken; es wurden nur sechs Vogelarten erfasst, die vom Wald abhängig sind. Unsere Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass das Dieng Mountains Ökosystem in seinem gegenwärtigen Zustand die Lebensraumansprüche von Populationen verschiedene Vogelarten decken kann. Das beruht vor allem auf dem Vorhandensein von Sekundärvegetation, die als Ersatzhabitat für waldabhängige Arten fungiert. Allerdings wird das Fortdauern dieses Zustandes hauptsächlich von der zukünftigen Ausweitung der Landwirtschaft abhängen. Eine Ausweitung der Agrarlandschaft wird letztendlich die Abundanz und die Vielfalt von Vögeln in den Dieng Mountains verringern. Lässt man es zu, dass sich die Sekundärvegetation zu einer Klimaxgesellschaft entwickelt, so wird die Abundanz und Artendiversität von Vögeln zunehmen. Ähnlich positive Wirkungen kann nach unserer Einschätzung zukünftig die bislang im Untersuchungsgebiet noch nicht praktizierte Agroforstwirtschaft entfalten. Letztendlich muss der Zustand des Dieng Mountains Ökosystems verbessert werden, um seine Eignung als Lebensraum für seine einheimische Vogelwelt sicher zu stellen. Dreizehn kleine bis mittelgroße Säugetierarten wurden in unserem Untersuchungsgebiet mittels direkter Bestandsaufnahmen und Interviews erfasst. Zwei Arten, der schwarze Haubenlangur Trachypithecus auratus und der Java-Leopard Panthera Pardus melas wurden in der Roten Liste der IUCN als gefährdet bzw. vom Aussterben bedroht eingestuft. Unsere Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass die Sekundärvegetation der Dieng Mountains noch einen geeigneten Lebensraum für die Säugetiergemeinschaft aufwies, wobei im Wald und im Buschland jeweils ein viel höherer Artenreichtum herrschte als auf Grünland. Der Artenreichtum an Säugetieren war auf Ackerland fast so hoch wie im Wald und im Buschland, was bedeutet, dass die landwirtschaftlichen Flächen mit ihren angebauten Kulturen Nahrungshabitate für die meisten Säugetierarten in den Dieng Mountains bot. Die Mehrheit der aufgeführten Arten waren Lebensraumgeneralisten und fähig, sich an gestörte Umgebungen anzupassen. Hiervon sind zwei Primatenarten ausgenommen, der Javaneraffe Macaca fascicularis und der schwarze Haubenlangur Trachypithecus auratus, deren Lebensraum nur auf Wald beschränkt war. Die Ergebnisse der Habitatpräferenzanalysen von vier Arten, die direkt erfasst worden waren, waren bei drei Arten mangels ausreichender Daten wenig aussagekräftig. Das Wildschwein Sus scrofa zeigte eine signifikante Präferenz für Wald und Wiesen, es mied Buschland bei der Nahrungssuche. Die Mitglieder der Säugetiergemeinschaft spielen anscheinend eine wichtige Rolle als Samenverbreiter bei der Erholung der Wälder der Dieng Mountains, und wir erhoffen uns, dass diese Studie als Grundlage für die Schaffung eines wirksamen Naturschutzplans zur Verbesserung des Dieng Mountains Ökosystems dient. Betrachtet man den Trend der menschlichen Bevölkerungsexpansion und die Landnutzungsmuster in den Dieng Mountains, mag das Schicksal der Wälder und der Tierwelt in diesem Gebiet vor allem durch die Höhe zukünftiger Störungen durch Menschen bestimmt werden. Günstigenfalls kann sich eine wechselseitige Beziehung zwischen Wald und den Menschen, die ihn nutzen, entwickeln, was ein nachhaltiges Management von Wald und Landschaft zur Folge haben könnte. Weitere Forschung ist notwendig, um die Folgen der landwirtschaftlichen Praktiken in den Dieng Mountains, einschließlich der Auswirkungen von Pestiziden und Düngemitteln auf die Wildbestände, zu untersuchen. Description The pressure from population growth in Indonesia’s Java Island has resulted in grave deforestation and forest degradation, leaving only 8.2 percent of forest cover remaining in 2006-2007. Population pressure continued to shrink Java’s forest cover through land conversion into settlement areas and agricultural fields, leaving small, isolated forest patches situated on mountain tops, like the ones found in the Dieng Mountains. Located in Central Java Province, Indonesia, the Dieng Mountains ecosystem has an important role in providing a wide range of goods and services, especially in supplying freshwater to its adjacent areas and maintaining biodiversity. However, the montane forests in the Dieng Mountains suffer from degradation caused by population pressure. Poor farming practices have resulted in the occurrence of pesticide pollution, a high level of erosion, soil sedimentation in lakes and reservoirs, landslides, and mud floods. Forest fires, illegal logging, forest looting, followed by land encroachment and shifting cultivation, have replaced the mature montane forests with young secondary vegetation. Regrowth forests have become the major vegetation type surrounding the Dieng Plateau, and with current farming practices, the trend of their formation indicates that they will persist into the future. So far, little has been done to deal with regrowth forests in the Dieng Mountains, and their value in terms of ecosystem functioning and biodiversity preservation has been insufficiently studied. Since the Dieng montane forests are known to harbor many endemic and rare wildlife species, it is important to understand how wildlife species in this area cope with habitat change. This research is an attempt to examine the impact of land use change resulting from humaninduced disturbances to the local flora and fauna, specifically to bird and mammal communities. The results of this research will provide an overview of the present condition of the Dieng Mountains ecosystem and help to fill in the information gaps left by previous studies. This research will provide policymakers with knowledge of the current state of the Dieng Mountains, allowing them to develop an effective program with reasonable goals and take appropriate actions in their effort to improve the ecological conditions of the Dieng Mountains. Vegetation data were collected in habitats that represent various ages of second-growth vegetation, namely woodland, shrubland, and grassland. A stratified systematic sampling with a random start was used to collect data on various growthforms of plant species. Vegetation parameters (i.e. species density, dominance, diameter class distribution) were then calculated. Plant species richness and diversity, and stands similarity were analyzed using SPADE. The bird census was carried out in the same locations chosen for vegetation surveys using the point transect distance method, with additional data collections in agricultural land. The results were then analyzed using the programs DISTANCE 6.0 release 2 for estimating the bird densities, and SPADE for estimating bird species richness and diversity. Surveys of mammal signs were also carried out in the same locations chosen for vegetation surveys and bird censuses by using a strip transect of 2-m width, crisscrossing the habitats in a random direction. Mammal species richness and the habitat preference of each species were then analyzed. In addition, interviews with local people were also conducted to gather supplementary information regarding the mammalian community in the Dieng Mountains. Our results show that the development of the secondary vegetation of the Dieng Mountains was highly influenced by its land use history and reforestation programs run by the local government. The vegetation structure of woodland and shrubland of the Dieng Mountains were similar, characterized with the typical simple structure normally found in a tropical secondary forest, an open canopy, and dense undergrowth. Few trees populated the grassland; no sign of tree invasion was found in this habitat, despite its close proximity to natural forest patches. The relatively low tree regenerations in all the habitats may be attributed to harsh environmental conditions caused by the high altitudinal location and the impact of forest clearings in the past, as well as competition with herbs. The effect of human activities in those habitats may also be an important factor slowing down the vegetation recovery. The impact of reforestations in shaping the floristic composition of the secondary vegetation was seen in the domination of tree species planted during the course of the program: the non-native species Acacia decurrens and Cupressus sempervirens, and Indonesian mountain species Schima wallichii. Pioneer shrub species Melastoma affine and grass Imperata cylindrica and Isachne globosa, as well as ruderal species Eupatorium odoratum, Eupatorium riparium, Buddleja asiatica, and Rubus rosaefolius dominated the undergrowth vegetation. Specifically in grassland, the small fern Gleichenia dichotoma’s domination seemed to suppress the growth of coexisting grass species, leading to the domination of a herb species, Conyza javanica, over pioneer grass species. Native Indonesian tree species were discovered as natural regrowth in a relatively small number. Compared with similar studies in other secondary forests, the richness of plant species found in the Dieng Mountains was considerably lower, especially that of woody plants. The contribution of the shrub and herb categories to more than 80 percent of the total species richness indicates the scarcity of tree species in our research area. In general, plant species richness and diversity were found highest in shrubland. The lowest species richness was found in woodland, while the lowest plant species diversity was recorded in grassland. These results may be related to the level of disturbance in each habitat, which shrubland experienced at an intermediate level. The similarity of plant species composition among habitats in each category was very high. This suggests that woodland and shrubland were still in a comparable stage of succession, despite the age difference between both habitats, while grassland may not succeed in developing into a forest. Considering the trend of population expansion in the Dieng Mountains, the fate of the secondary vegetation in this area may be determined by the level of future interference by humans. In various habitats in the Dieng Mountains, birds were found in relatively low densities. Based on previous studies by other authors, the occurrence of birds in low densities is common in a tropical landscape in which farmland and secondary vegetation are mixed into mosaics. The woodland of the Dieng Mountains, which had the most complex vegetation structure compared with the other habitat types, bore the highest bird density and species diversity. As bird assemblages are influenced by their surrounding habitat types, the bird populations in woodland may have been positively affected by woodland’s proximity to the patches of remnant forests on the mountain tops. With a similar, yet less complex vegetation structure and composition than woodland, shrubland had an intermediate level of bird density and species diversity. Despite its lack of mosaic heterogeneity and the presence of only a small number of trees between plots, agricultural land placed second in bird density. Possible causes for this include the proximity of agricultural land to urban areas and its adjacency to shrubland, which provided woody edge habitat; these factors are known to have positive effects on bird abundance and diversity. Grassland had the lowest species richness, species diversity, and bird density. The overall bird species diversity in our study area was low compared with the number of bird species listed in a previous study that also took place in the Dieng Mountains in 2001. However, the bird community was highly heterogeneous, making it likely that the actual species richness was considerably higher than the observed one. Most of the bird species encountered have a low to medium dependency on forest and a broad range of habitat suitability; only six forest-dependent species were recorded. Our results suggest that in its current state, the Dieng Mountains ecosystem can still meet the needs of various bird species populations. This is mainly because of the presence of secondary vegetation, which functions as a substitute habitat for forest-dependent species. However, the persistence of this condition will depend mainly on future agricultural expansion. An expanding agricultural landscape will eventually reduce the abundance and diversity of birds in the Dieng Mountains. Allowing the secondary vegetation to develop into a climax community will increase avian abundance and species diversity. Agroforestry, not yet widely practiced in the study area, also has the potential to have similar positive effects on the avifauna. Nevertheless, the condition of the Dieng Mountains ecosystem still needs to be improved to assure its suitability as a habitat for its native avifauna. Thirteen small to medium-sized mammal species were recorded in our study area through direct surveys and interviews. Two species, the Javan langur Trachypithecus auratus and Javan leopard Panthera pardus melas, were categorized as vulnerable and critically endangered, respectively, under the IUCN Red List. Our results suggest that the second-growth vegetation of the Dieng Mountains still provided a suitable habitat for the mammalian community, with woodland and shrubland each supporting much higher species richness than grassland. The species richness observed in agricultural land was almost as high as that of woodland and shrubland, implying that agricultural land with ist cultivated crops provided food and habitat for most mammal species in the Dieng Mountains. The majority of species listed were habitat generalists and capable of adapting to disturbed environments, except for two primate species, the long-tailed macaque Macaca fascicularis and Javan langur, whose habitat was confined only to woodland. The results of habitat preference analyses of mammal species recorded directly in the field were mostly inconclusive, owing to the lack of sufficient data. The most meaningful result was with the wild boar Sus scrofa, which showed a significant preference towards woodland and grassland, while avoiding shrubland for foraging. With their function as seed dispersers, the mammalian community’s members play important roles in the Dieng Mountains forest recovery, and therefore we expect this study to serve as a basis for establishing an effective conservation plan towards the improvement of the Dieng Mountains ecosystem. Considering the trend of human population expansion and land use patterns in the Dieng Mountains, the fate of forests and wildlife in this area may mostly be determined by the level of future interference by humans. At best, a mutual relationship can develop between the forest and humans utilizing it, which would give rise to sustainable forest and landscape management. Further research is needed to study the consequences of agricultural practices in the Dieng Mountains, including the effects of pesticides and fertilizers on wildlife populations.

Book Transactions of the Fijian Society

Download or read book Transactions of the Fijian Society written by Fijian Society and published by . This book was released on 1918 with total page 400 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book Degei   s Descendants

Download or read book Degei s Descendants written by Matthew Spriggs and published by ANU E Press. This book was released on 2014-08-01 with total page 339 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Dr Parke’s monograph examines how Fijians, especially in western areas of Fiji, currently understand and explain the origins and development of the social and political divisions of late pre-colonial traditional Fijian society. It assesses the reasoning, consistency and, where possible, the historical accuracy of such understandings. The oral history research which forms the backbone of the study was conducted in either standard Fijian or one or other of the western Fijian dialects with which Dr Parke was familiar. The period on which the monograph concentrates is the two centuries or so immediately prior to the Deed of Cession on 10 October 1874. A number of the major chiefs of Fiji had offered to cede Fiji to Queen Victoria; and after the offer had been accepted, Fiji became a British Crown Colony on that day. The volume will be of interest to all archaeologists, anthropologists and historians with an interest in Fiji. It will also be of wider interest to Pacific Studies scholars and those of British colonial history as well as historians with a wider interest in indigenous traditional histories and their role in governance today.

Book My Village  My World

Download or read book My Village My World written by Solomoni Biturogoiwasa and published by [email protected]. This book was released on 2001 with total page 172 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book Biodiversity  Conservation and Sustainability in Asia

Download or read book Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainability in Asia written by Münir Öztürk and published by Springer Nature. This book was released on 2022-03-10 with total page 1072 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Of the world’s seven continents, Asia is the largest. Its physical landscapes, political units, and ethnic groups are both wide-ranging and many. Southwest, South and Middle Asia are highly populated regions which, as a whole, cover an extremely large area of varied geography. In total, this domain is unique in its plant diversity and large vegetation zones with different communities and biomes. It is rich in endemics, with specific and intraspecific diversity of fruit trees and medicinal plants, including a number of rare, high value, species. At the same time, much of the land in the region is too dry or too rugged, with many geographical extremes. Overgrazing, oil and mineral extraction, and poaching are the major threats in the area. This two-volume project focuses on the dynamic biodiversity of the region with in-depth analysis on phytosociology, plants, animals and agroecology. There are also chapters that explore new applications as well as approaches to overcome problems associated with climate change. Much of the research and analysis are presented here for the first time. We believe this work is a valuable resource for professionals and researchers working in the fields of plant diversity and vegetation, animal diversity and animal populations, and geo-diversity and sustainable land use, among others. The first volume guides our readers to West Asia and the Caucasus region, while volume two focuses on issues unique to South and Middle Asia.

Book Entangled Objects

    Book Details:
  • Author : Nicholas Thomas
  • Publisher : Harvard University Press
  • Release : 2009-06-30
  • ISBN : 9780674044326
  • Pages : 284 pages

Download or read book Entangled Objects written by Nicholas Thomas and published by Harvard University Press. This book was released on 2009-06-30 with total page 284 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Entangled Objects threatens to dislodge the cornerstone of Western anthropology by rendering permanently problematic the idea of reciprocity. All traffic, and commerce, whether economic or intellectual, between Western anthropologists and the rest of the world, is predicated upon the possibility of establishing reciprocal relations between the West and the indigenous peoples it has colonized for centuries.

Book The Fijian Colonial Experience

Download or read book The Fijian Colonial Experience written by Timothy J. MacNaught and published by ANU Press. This book was released on 2016-06-01 with total page 217 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Indigenous Fijians were singularly fortunate in having a colonial administration that halted the alienation of communally owned land to foreign settlers and that, almost for a century, administered their affairs in their own language and through culturally congenial authority structures and institutions. From the outset, the Fijian Administration was criticised as paternalistic and stifling of individualism. But for all its problems it sustained, at least until World War II, a vigorously autonomous and peaceful social and political world in quite affluent subsistence — underpinning the celebrated exuberance of the culture exploited by the travel industry ever since.

Book Conservation  Management and Monitoring of Forest Resources in India

Download or read book Conservation Management and Monitoring of Forest Resources in India written by Mehebub Sahana and published by Springer Nature. This book was released on 2022-08-04 with total page 573 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This volume is devoted to compiling recent advancements, methodological improvements, new processing techniques, integration methods and rigorous applications associated with conceptual techniques on the conservation and monitoring of forest resources for a scientific audience, with a focus on cases and applications in India. The primary objective of the book is to advance the scientific understanding of the recent trends and technological improvements in forest conservation, management and related research themes in forest resources and human-wildlife interactions. The book is organized into five sections: (I) Forest Conservation Ecology (II) Forest Conservation and Society (III) Forest Management (IV) Forest Monitoring using GIS and Remote Sensing and (V) Human Wildlife Conflicts. It covers various research themes related to forestry, wildlife, habitat fragmentation, forest management and human-wildlife conflict research, and therefore will be beneficial to a diverse range of researchers, scientific organizations, wildlife scientists, biologists, ecologists and planners in the fields of wildlife and forestry. The book will further be of use to post-graduates, PhD research scholars, professors, geospatial experts, modellers, foresters, agricultural scientists, biologists, ecologists, environmental consultants and big data compilers.

Book Urban Foraging in the Changing World

Download or read book Urban Foraging in the Changing World written by Shalini Dhyani and published by Springer Nature. This book was released on with total page 428 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book Proceeding Celebes International Conference on Diversity of Wallacea   s Line  CICDWL 2015

Download or read book Proceeding Celebes International Conference on Diversity of Wallacea s Line CICDWL 2015 written by Sharma, S., Deshar, R., Rianse, U., Kusmaryono, Y., Zamrun F., M., Analuddin, Sahidin, I., ... Rahim, S. and published by Unhalu Press. This book was released on 2015-10-30 with total page 500 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Prosiding ini memuat sejumlah abstrak dan makalah yang disajikan dalam Celebes International Conference on Diversity of Wallacea’s Line (CICDWL 2015). Mengusung tema "Sustainable Management of Geological, Biological, and Cultural Diversities of Wallacea's Line toward A Millennium Era" seminar ini diselenggarakan di Kendari pada 8–10 Mei 2015.

Book The Lau Islands  Fiji  and Their Fairy Tales and Folklore

Download or read book The Lau Islands Fiji and Their Fairy Tales and Folklore written by Sir Reginald St.-Johnston and published by . This book was released on 1918 with total page 162 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: