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Book Sherlock Holmes regresa   The Sherlock Holmes Returns

Download or read book Sherlock Holmes regresa The Sherlock Holmes Returns written by MEENACHISUNDARAM.M and published by MS SOFTWARE LABORATORIES. This book was released on 2024-09-05 with total page 951 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Sherlock Holmes regresa Editado/Agregado y Traducido por : M. Meenachi Sundaram (Original -Arthur Conan Doyle) TABLA DE CONTENIDO PREFACIO.. 5 El regreso de Sherlock Holmes. 11 LA AVENTURA DE LA CASA VACÍA.. 11 LA AVENTURA DEL CONSTRUCTOR DE NORWOOD.. 44 LA AVENTURA DE LOS BAILARINES.. 83 LA AVENTURA DEL CICLISTA SOLITARIO.. 124 LA AVENTURA DE LA ESCUELA DEL PRIORATO.. 155 LA AVENTURA DE PEDRO EL NEGRO.. 209 LA AVENTURA DE CHARLES AUGUSTUS MILVERTON.. 243 LA AVENTURA DE LOS SEIS NAPOLEONES.. 270 LA AVENTURA DE LOS TRES ESTUDIANTES.. 303 LA AVENTURA DE LOS QUEVEDOS DE ORO.. 334 LA AVENTURA DEL TRES CUARTOS PERDIDO.. 371 LA AVENTURA DE LA ABADÍA GRANGE.. 407 LA AVENTURA DE LA SEGUNDA MANCHA.. 444 ACERCA DEL AUTOR.. 486 PREFACE.. 490 The Sherlock Holmes Returns. 495 THE ADVENTURE OF THE EMPTY HOUSE.. 495 THE ADVENTURE OF THE NORWOOD BUILDER.. 527 THE ADVENTURE OF THE DANCING MEN.. 564 THE ADVENTURE OF THE SOLITARY CYCLIST.. 603 THE ADVENTURE OF THE PRIORY SCHOOL. 633 THE ADVENTURE OF BLACK PETER.. 684 THE ADVENTURE OF CHARLES AUGUSTUS MILVERTON.. 717 THE ADVENTURE OF THE SIX NAPOLEONS.. 743 THE ADVENTURE OF THE THREE STUDENTS.. 775 THE ADVENTURE OF THE GOLDEN PINCE-NEZ.. 804 THE ADVENTURE OF THE MISSING THREE-QUARTER.. 839 THE ADVENTURE OF THE ABBEY GRANGE.. 874 THE ADVENTURE OF THE SECOND STAIN.. 909 ABOUT THE AUTHOR.. 950 PREFACIO El regreso de Sherlock Holmes es una colección de trece relatos detectivescos de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, publicada por primera vez en 1905. Después de que Conan Doyle matara a Sherlock Holmes en "El problema final" en 1893, la demanda pública del regreso del legendario detective fue abrumadora. Después de casi una década, Conan Doyle resucitó a su querido personaje, para el deleite de los lectores de todo el mundo. La colección marca el resurgimiento de Holmes, con el Dr. Watson narrando los casos de su viejo amigo, haciendo una crónica de sus aventuras una vez más. La primera historia de la colección, "La aventura de la casa vacía", explica la milagrosa supervivencia de Holmes de su supuesta muerte en las cataratas de Reichenbach. En esta historia, Holmes revela que fingió su muerte para evadir a sus enemigos, en particular al coronel Sebastian Moran, un socio del difunto profesor Moriarty. Watson está emocionado y conmocionado de ver a Holmes con vida, y juntos asumen nuevos desafíos para resolver el asesinato del Honorable Ronald Adair. La historia destaca la cuidadosa planificación de Holmes, sus habilidades para el disfraz y su capacidad para burlar tanto a sus enemigos como a sus amigos más cercanos. El regreso de Holmes no sólo fue significativo para el mundo de la ficción, sino también para la carrera literaria de Conan Doyle. La presión de los fans para resucitar a Sherlock Holmes fue inmensa, y Conan Doyle acabó cediendo. "La aventura de la casa vacía" ofrece a los lectores una explicación satisfactoria del regreso de Holmes y prepara el terreno para una nueva serie de investigaciones apasionantes. La colección muestra la capacidad de Conan Doyle para mantener a sus lectores interesados ​​mientras desarrolla el personaje de Holmes y sus métodos. "La aventura del constructor de Norwood" es otro de los cuentos clásicos de esta colección, en el que las habilidades deductivas de Holmes se ponen a prueba en un caso que involucra a un joven abogado acusado de asesinato. El acusado, John Hector McFarlane, busca la ayuda de Holmes cuando todas las pruebas apuntan en su contra. Este caso es un brillante ejemplo de cómo Holmes junta detalles aparentemente insignificantes para desentrañar la verdad. La capacidad de Conan Doyle para tejer tramas intrincadas, llenas de pistas falsas y pistas falsas, mantiene al lector en vilo hasta el final. Una de las historias más interesantes de la colección es "La aventura de los bailarines", en la que una serie de mensajes codificados, representados por monigotes, conducen a un misterio mortal. Este caso es una muestra de las habilidades criptográficas de Holmes y destaca cómo puede descifrar pistas que otros pasan por alto. La historia revela la profundidad de las habilidades de Holmes, desde la lógica y el razonamiento hasta la criptografía, lo que refuerza su condición de detective por excelencia. El tema del engaño y el disfraz es central en muchas historias de la colección. En "La aventura de Charles Augustus Milverton", Holmes y Watson se enfrentan a uno de sus casos más ambiguos desde el punto de vista moral. Milverton, un chantajista, tiene la vida y la reputación de muchas personas a su merced, pero los medios legales resultan ineficaces contra él. Holmes adopta un personaje encubierto para enfrentarse a este villano, mostrando su voluntad de saltarse las reglas en pos del bien común. La historia se adentra en las zonas grises de la justicia, mientras Holmes y Watson afrontan las consecuencias de sus acciones. En "La aventura de los seis Napoleones", Holmes recibe el encargo de investigar una serie de incidentes de vandalismo aparentemente aleatorios relacionados con bustos de Napoleón. Sin embargo, a medida que se desarrolla la historia, queda claro que hay mucho más en juego. Holmes demuestra su gran perspicacia, ya que comprende que cada acción tiene un motivo, y su incansable búsqueda de la verdad lo lleva a descubrir una operación oculta de contrabando de joyas. Esta historia enfatiza la creencia de Holmes de que nada es aleatorio y que cada crimen tiene una explicación lógica. "La aventura del colegio del priorato" es otro relato memorable que trata del secuestro de un joven noble de un internado de élite. A medida que Holmes investiga, descubre una red de mentiras, avaricia y traición familiar. Este caso muestra el talento de Conan Doyle para construir intrincados misterios dentro de las rígidas estructuras sociales de la Inglaterra victoriana. También subraya el desdén de Holmes por la arrogancia de la clase alta y su compromiso con la justicia, independientemente del estatus social. A lo largo de toda la colección, las interacciones de Holmes con Watson siguen siendo una piedra angular de las historias. En "La aventura de las gafas de oro", Holmes y Watson investigan el asesinato de una secretaria, lo que los lleva a desentrañar una intriga política rusa de décadas de antigüedad. El papel de Watson como cronista de Holmes es crucial, y su admiración por los métodos de Holmes añade calidez y humor a la narrativa. Su asociación es el corazón de las historias, con la humanidad de Watson equilibrando la lógica a veces fría y calculadora de Holmes. En "La aventura de los tres cuartos desaparecidos", Holmes se ocupa del caso de un jugador de rugby desaparecido, lo que lleva a una conclusión emotiva e inesperada. La historia resalta la empatía de Holmes, un rasgo que no suele asociarse con el personaje. Este caso profundiza en la pérdida personal y los efectos de los secretos guardados en el seno de las familias. Conan Doyle demuestra que incluso el gran detective no es inmune a las complejidades emocionales de la vida, y la historia añade profundidad al personaje de Holmes. La relación de Holmes con la ley es otro tema recurrente en la colección. En "La aventura de Abbey Grange", Holmes investiga el asesinato de un aristócrata rico, pero a medida que se desarrolla el caso, se da cuenta de que la ley puede no impartir verdadera justicia. El sentido de la moralidad de Holmes a menudo entra en conflicto con el estricto sistema legal y, en esta historia, decide dejar ir al culpable, creyendo que ya se ha impartido justicia moral. Esta flexibilidad moral añade complejidad al personaje de Holmes, lo que lo convierte en algo más que un simple solucionador de acertijos. En "La aventura de la segunda mancha", Holmes es contratado para recuperar un documento gubernamental robado que podría provocar un conflicto internacional si se hace público. Esta historia muestra el trabajo de Holmes en cuestiones políticas, destacando su papel como protector de la seguridad nacional. Lo que está en juego es más importante que en los casos típicos, lo que demuestra que la influencia de Holmes se extiende más allá del submundo criminal de Londres y llega a los pasillos del poder. Conan Doyle utiliza las historias de El regreso de Sherlock Holmes para explorar más a fondo las habilidades del detective de formas nuevas y emocionantes. Holmes demuestra ser adaptable y refinar constantemente sus métodos para resolver casos cada vez más complejos. Ya sea descifrando mensajes codificados, desentrañando secretos familiares o enfrentándose a dilemas morales, Holmes se mantiene en la cima de sus poderes. Uno de los aspectos más singulares de esta colección es la forma en que explora la dualidad de Sherlock Holmes: su mente fría y lógica equilibrada por momentos de compasión y juicio moral. Holmes no es simplemente una máquina para resolver crímenes; es un hombre moldeado por el mundo que lo rodea, y sus interacciones con la sociedad enriquecen su carácter. En "La aventura de los tres estudiantes", Holmes descubre un escándalo de fraude en una universidad. La simplicidad del caso contrasta con los misterios más peligrosos y de alto riesgo de la colección, pero demuestra la atención de Holmes a los detalles y su creencia de que ningún caso es demasiado pequeño si está en juego la justicia. Conan Doyle utiliza esta historia para recordar a los lectores que Holmes es tan capaz de resolver pequeños problemas domésticos como grandes conspiraciones internacionales. A lo largo de la colección, Conan Doyle también hace hincapié en la naturaleza cambiante del crimen en el mundo moderno. Los casos a los que se enfrenta Holmes no son simplemente actos violentos, sino que a menudo implican engaño, manipulación y dinámicas de poder. En "La aventura del ciclista solitario", Holmes investiga al misterioso acosador de una joven, revelando una trama más profunda de secuestro y matrimonio forzado. El caso destaca los peligros a los que se enfrentan las mujeres en la sociedad victoriana y el papel de Holmes como protector de los vulnerables. Los escenarios de las historias, desde las calles neblinosas de Londres hasta la campiña inglesa, desempeñan un papel crucial en la atmósfera de la colección. Conan Doyle retrata vívidamente los callejones oscuros, las grandes propiedades y los pueblos aislados donde Holmes lleva a cabo sus investigaciones. Esta sensación de lugar añade una capa de autenticidad e intriga a las historias, sumergiendo a los lectores en el mundo de la Inglaterra de finales del siglo XIX. Los adversarios de Holmes en esta colección son tan variados como los propios casos. Desde chantajistas como Milverton hasta espías internacionales y simples ladrones, los criminales a los que Holmes se enfrenta lo desafían de diferentes maneras. En cada caso, sin embargo, Holmes demuestra su intelecto inigualable, resolviendo acertijos que dejan a los demás desconcertados. El regreso de Sherlock Holmes no es solo un resurgimiento del personaje, sino un testimonio del genio narrativo de Conan Doyle. Cada relato de la colección aporta algo nuevo, ya sea un nuevo tipo de crimen, un dilema moral o una exploración más profunda del personaje de Holmes. En "La aventura del pie del diablo", Holmes y Watson se toman unas merecidas vacaciones, pero se ven envueltos en un caso que involucra un veneno misterioso. El caso es uno de los más oscuros de la colección, con temas de locura y muerte como eje central. Muestra el costo psicológico que la búsqueda constante de justicia puede tener incluso en el mejor detective. El regreso de Holmes también pone de relieve la importancia de la amistad. A lo largo de toda la colección, Watson sigue siendo el fiel compañero de Holmes, documentando sus aventuras y aportando la calidez emocional que contrasta con la mente analítica de Holmes. Su vínculo es fundamental para el éxito de las historias y, sin Watson, el personaje de Holmes probablemente parecería mucho más frío y distante. Por último, El regreso de Sherlock Holmes es una celebración de la novela policíaca en sí misma. La colección refuerza por qué Sherlock Holmes sigue siendo uno de los personajes más emblemáticos y duraderos de la historia literaria. Conan Doyle equilibra con maestría tramas emocionantes, personajes complejos y dilemas morales, creando una colección que sigue cautivando a los lectores más de un siglo después. La brillantez de Sherlock Holmes no radica solo en su destreza intelectual, sino también en su humanidad, sus defectos y su inquebrantable dedicación a la justicia.

Book Sherlock Holmes Short Stories

Download or read book Sherlock Holmes Short Stories written by Arthur Conan Doyle and published by Simon and Schuster. This book was released on 2018-12-15 with total page 481 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Curated new collections. The fascination with Conan Doyle’s enigmatic anti-hero Sherlock Holmes, and his pompous narrator Dr Watson, has barely subsided over the years. Inspiring a long line of detective stories and Whodunnits, Holmes is a constant feature on TV, and movie screens, with new audio and radio shows joining the frenzy. The Holmes tales have earned their place amongst the most influential of popular fantasy, crime and gothic stories.

Book The Case Book of Sherlock Holmes

Download or read book The Case Book of Sherlock Holmes written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and published by Oxford University Press, USA. This book was released on 2009-07-30 with total page 337 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: These are the last twelve stories Conan Doyle wrote about Holmes and Watson. They reflect the disillusioned world of the 1920s and also include some of the wittiest passages in the series.

Book The Adventure of the Dancing Men and Other Sherlock Holmes Stories

Download or read book The Adventure of the Dancing Men and Other Sherlock Holmes Stories written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and published by Courier Corporation. This book was released on 2012-02-29 with total page 83 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Title story plus three others featuring the peerless sleuth and his faithful sidekick: "The Adventure of the Dying Detective," "The Musgrave Ritual" and "The Adventure of the Bruce-Partington Plans."

Book The Sherlock Holmes Book

Download or read book The Sherlock Holmes Book written by DK and published by Penguin. This book was released on 2015-10-20 with total page 1100 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The Sherlock Holmes Book, the latest in DK's award-winning Big Ideas Simply Explained series, tackles the most "elementary" of subjects--the world of Sherlock Holmes, as told by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The Sherlock Holmes Book is packed with witty illustrations, clear graphics, and memorable quotes that make it the perfect Sherlock Holmes guide, covering every case of the world's greatest detective, from A Study in Scarlet to The Adventure of Shoscombe Old Place, placing the sorties in a wider context. Stories include at-a-glance flowcharts that show how Holmes reaches his conclusions through deductive reasoning, and character guides provide handy reference for readers and an invaluable resource for fans of the Sherlock Holmes films and TV series. The Sherlock Holmes Book holds a magnifying glass to the world of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's legendary detective.

Book The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Sherlock Holmes  9  Annotated

Download or read book The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Sherlock Holmes 9 Annotated written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and published by . This book was released on 2021-04-28 with total page 350 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Adventures of Sherlock Holmes identify, and try to correct, social injustices. Holmes is portrayed as offering a new, fairer sense of justice. The stories were well received, and boosted the subscriptions figures of The Strand Magazine, prompting Doyle to be able to demand more money for his next set of stories. The first story, "A Scandal in Bohemia", includes the character of Irene Adler, who, despite being featured only within this one story by Doyle, is a prominent character in modern Sherlock Holmes adaptations, generally as a love interest for Holmes. Doyle included four of the twelve stories from this collection in his twelve favourite Sherlock Holmes stories, picking "The Adventure of the Speckled Band" as his overall favourite.

Book Arthur   George

    Book Details:
  • Author : Julian Barnes
  • Publisher : Vintage Canada
  • Release : 2009-02-24
  • ISBN : 0307371417
  • Pages : 445 pages

Download or read book Arthur George written by Julian Barnes and published by Vintage Canada. This book was released on 2009-02-24 with total page 445 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Brilliantly imagined and irresistibly readable, Arthur & George is a major new novel from Julian Barnes, a wonderful combination of playfulness, pathos and wisdom. Searching for clues, no one would ever guess that the lives of Arthur and George might intersect. Growing up in shabby-genteel nineteenth-century Edinburgh, Arthur is saddled with a dad who is a disgrace and a mum he wishes to protect, and is propelled into a life of action. To his astonishment, his career as a self-made man of letters brings him riches and fame and, in the world at large, he becomes the perfect picture of the honourable English gentlemen. George is irredeemably an outsider, and has no hope of becoming such a picture. Though he’s dogged and logical, a vicar’s son from rural Staffordshire, he is set apart, and he and his family are targeted in his boyhood by a poison-pen campaign. George finds safe harbour in the reliability of rules, and grows up to become a solicitor, putting his faith in the insulating value of British justice. Then crisis upsets the uneasy equilibrium of both men’s lives. Arthur is knocked for a loop by guilt and other dishonourable emotions. George is put to the sorest test, accused of a horrible crime. And from that point on their lives weave together in the most profound and surprising way, as each man becomes the other’s salvation. Arthur & George is a masterful novel about low crime and high spirituality, guilt and innocence, identity, nationality and race. Most of all, it’s a profound and witty meditation on the fateful differences between what we believe, what we know and what we can prove. George and his father pray together, kneeling side by side on the scrubbed boards. Then George climbs into bed while his father locks the door and turns out the light. As he falls asleep, George sometimes thinks of the floor, and how his soul must be scrubbed just as the boards are scrubbed. Father is not an easy sleeper, and has a tendency to groan and wheeze. Sometimes, in the early morning, when dawn is beginning to show at the edges of the curtains, Father will catechize him. "George, where do you live?" "The Vicarage, Great Wyrley." "And where is that?" "Staffordshire, Father." "And where is that?" "The centre of England." "And what is England, George?" "England is the beating heart of the Empire, Father." "Good. And what is the blood that flows through the arteries and veins of the Empire to reach even its farthest shore?" "The Church of England." "Good, George." And after a while Father will begin to groan and wheeze again. George watches the outline of the curtain harden. He lies there thinking of arteries and veins making red lines on the map of the world, linking Britain to all the places coloured pink: Australia and India and Canada and islands dotted everywhere. He thinks of blood bubbling though these tubes and emerging in Sydney, Bombay, the St. Lawrence Waterway. Bloodlines, that is a word he has heard somewhere. With the pulse of blood in his ears, he begins to fall asleep again. —excerpt from Arthur & George

Book Enola Holmes  The Case of the Peculiar Pink Fan

Download or read book Enola Holmes The Case of the Peculiar Pink Fan written by Nancy Springer and published by Penguin. This book was released on 2008-09-18 with total page 200 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Don't miss Enola Holmes: The Case of the Missing Marquess! Now a Netflix original movie starring Millie Bobby Brown, Henry Cavill, and Helena Bonham Carter! Enola Holmes--younger sister to Sherlock Holmes--is back on another case! (Cover may vary) Enola is thrown into a tailspin when she receives a desperate message from her old friend, Lady Cecily. Enola knows she must help her friend before it's too late - but she doesn't know how! This complicated case has Enola hunting down clues all over London until she finally discovers the awful truth: Lady Cecily is being held prisoner! Enola must risk her own freedom and join forces with her brother, the famed Sherlock Holmes, to free Cecily. Can Enola trust her brother, and can they save Cecily in time? Praise for Enola Holmes: The Case of the Missing Marquess: An Edgar Award Nominee! "Empowered, capable, and smart . . . [with] an impactful message that you can do anything if you set your mind to it."--Millie Bobby Brown, Stranger Things * "Enola shows herself to be an intelligent, rational, resourceful, and brave protagonist. Readers will look forward to hearing this heroine's unique voice again." --Publishers Weekly, starred review * "This is a terrific package. Springer not only provides two fine mysteries, breathtaking adventure, and key-eyed description, but she also offers a worthy heroine." --Booklist, starred review

Book Sherlock Holmes Escape Room Puzzles

Download or read book Sherlock Holmes Escape Room Puzzles written by James Hamer-Morton and published by Simon and Schuster. This book was released on 2021-09-07 with total page 224 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Can you help Dr. Watson find his missing friend Sherlock Holmes? Follow the trail of clues in a series of interconnected logic puzzles to solve the mystery! Sherlock Holmes is missing, and he’s left a fiendishly puzzling trail of clues to his whereabouts. In Sherlock Holmes Escape Room Puzzles, you’ll take on the role of Sherlock’s trusted friend Dr. Watson and attempt to solve 10 interconnected puzzles to sort out the mystery. Each of the story-driven puzzles requires that you use logical reasoning, mathematics, and observation skills to find the solution. The puzzle pages in the book can also be downloaded using an included QR code if you want to share the fun with your friends. If you’re stumped, clues of three levels of difficulty will give you a push in the right direction. Button up your coat and don your sleuthing hat—for the game is afoot!

Book Mastermind

    Book Details:
  • Author : Maria Konnikova
  • Publisher : Penguin
  • Release : 2013-01-03
  • ISBN : 1101606231
  • Pages : 340 pages

Download or read book Mastermind written by Maria Konnikova and published by Penguin. This book was released on 2013-01-03 with total page 340 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The New York Times bestselling guide to thinking like literature's greatest detective. "Steven Pinker meets Sir Arthur Conan Doyle" (Boston Globe), by the author of The Confidence Game. No fictional character is more renowned for his powers of thought and observation than Sherlock Holmes. But is his extraordinary intellect merely a gift of fiction, or can we learn to cultivate these abilities ourselves, to improve our lives at work and at home? We can, says psychologist and journalist Maria Konnikova, and in Mastermind she shows us how. Beginning with the “brain attic”—Holmes’s metaphor for how we store information and organize knowledge—Konnikova unpacks the mental strategies that lead to clearer thinking and deeper insights. Drawing on twenty-first-century neuroscience and psychology, Mastermind explores Holmes’s unique methods of ever-present mindfulness, astute observation, and logical deduction. In doing so, it shows how each of us, with some self-awareness and a little practice, can employ these same methods to sharpen our perceptions, solve difficult problems, and enhance our creative powers. For Holmes aficionados and casual readers alike, Konnikova reveals how the world’s most keen-eyed detective can serve as an unparalleled guide to upgrading the mind.

Book The Strings of Murder

    Book Details:
  • Author : Oscar de Muriel
  • Publisher : Penguin UK
  • Release : 2015-02-12
  • ISBN : 0718179838
  • Pages : 350 pages

Download or read book The Strings of Murder written by Oscar de Muriel and published by Penguin UK. This book was released on 2015-02-12 with total page 350 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: 'A hugely entertaining Victorian mystery' New York Times 'I enjoyed this - properly creepy and Gothic' Ian Rankin A spellbinding concoction of crime, history and horror - perfect for fans of Sherlock Holmes and Jonathan Creek _______ Edinburgh, 1888. A violinist is murdered in his home. The dead virtuoso's maid swears she heard three musicians playing in the night. But with only one body in the locked practice room - and no way in or out - the case makes no sense. Fearing a national panic over another Ripper, Scotland Yard sends Inspector Ian Frey to investigate under the cover of a fake department specializing in the occult. However, Frey's new boss, Detective 'Nine-Nails' McGray, actually believes in such supernatural nonsense. McGray's tragic past has driven him to superstition, but even Frey must admit that this case seems beyond reason. And once someone loses all reason, who knows what they will lose next . . . _______ 'This is wonderful. A brilliant, moving, clever, lyrical book - I loved it' Manda Scott 'A great cop double-act . . . It's the pairing of the upright Frey and the unorthodox McGray that notches up the stars for this book' Sunday Sport 'A brilliant mix of horror, history, and humour. Genuinely riveting . . . with plenty of twists, this will keep you turning the pages. It's clever, occasionally frightening and superbly written - The Strings Of Murder is everything you need in a mystery thriller' Crime Review

Book Neil Gaiman s A Study in Emerald

Download or read book Neil Gaiman s A Study in Emerald written by Neil Gaiman and published by Dark Horse Comics. This book was released on 2018-07-10 with total page 92 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This supernatural mystery set in the world of Sherlock Holmes and Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos features a brilliant detective and his partner as they try to solve a horrific murder. The complex investigation takes the Baker Street investigators from the slums of Whitechapel all the way to the Queen's Palace as they attempt to find the answers to this bizarre murder of cosmic horror! From the Hugo, Bram Stoker, Locus, World Fantasy, Nebula award-winning, and New York Times bestselling writer Neil Gaiman comes this graphic novel adaptation with art by Eisner award winning artist Rafael Albuquerque!

Book Three Nights of Sin

    Book Details:
  • Author : Anne Mallory
  • Publisher : Harper Collins
  • Release : 2009-03-17
  • ISBN : 0061753998
  • Pages : 388 pages

Download or read book Three Nights of Sin written by Anne Mallory and published by Harper Collins. This book was released on 2009-03-17 with total page 388 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: A woman engages the help of handsome private investigator in this Regency-era romantic suspense from a USA Today–bestselling author. Three nights of danger . . . When her brother was arrested for murder, the ton shut its doors to Marietta Winters. No one would help her save him from the gallows—no one but Gabriel Noble. In exchange for taking the case, Gabriel requests three favors from the desperate young beauty, and Marietta has no other choice but to make a deal with the sinfully handsome devil. Three nights of pleasure . . . Searching for clues in the rough underbelly of London, Marietta must masquerade as a shamelessly wanton wench—much to Gabriel’s delight. But Marietta swears to herself that her passionate moans are just for show. She could never fall in love with such a maddening, arrogant, seductive stranger . . . could she? Three nights of sin . . . Night after night, she satisfies his wicked cravings. But soon Gabriel wants more from Marietta than just three nights of sin—and even a sordid secret in his past won’t prevent him from trying to possess her forever. “Anne Mallory gives classic romance a fresh and delightful spin.” —New York Times–bestselling author Teresa Medeiros

Book Stories of Sherlock Holmes

    Book Details:
  • Author : Arthur Conan Doyle
  • Publisher :
  • Release : 2015-02-12
  • ISBN : 9781295973897
  • Pages : 328 pages

Download or read book Stories of Sherlock Holmes written by Arthur Conan Doyle and published by . This book was released on 2015-02-12 with total page 328 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

Book The Return of Sherlock Holmes

    Book Details:
  • Author : Arthur Conan Doyle
  • Publisher : Independently Published
  • Release : 2020-11-20
  • ISBN :
  • Pages : 258 pages

Download or read book The Return of Sherlock Holmes written by Arthur Conan Doyle and published by Independently Published. This book was released on 2020-11-20 with total page 258 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The Return of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle

Book The American Detective Novel in Translation

Download or read book The American Detective Novel in Translation written by Daniel Peter LINDER MOLIN and published by Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca. This book was released on 2011-09-01 with total page 524 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Empleando una metodología propia de los estudios descriptivos de traduc- ción, se analiza un corpus de cuatro novelas del autor norteamericano Raymond Chandler (The Big Sleep, 1939; Farewell, My Lovely, 1940; The Little Sister, 1949; y The Long Goodbye, 1954) y las traducciones al español publica- das en Argentina y España.

Book Under the Water

    Book Details:
  • Author : Paul Pen
  • Publisher : AmazonCrossing
  • Release : 2019
  • ISBN : 9781542042062
  • Pages : 0 pages

Download or read book Under the Water written by Paul Pen and published by AmazonCrossing. This book was released on 2019 with total page 0 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: What does the perfect family have to fear most? The perfect stranger. From the outside, Frank and Grace seem to have the perfect family. He's a loving husband, she's a devoted wife, and together they have two happy children. But appearances can be deceiving. A strange series of misfortunes has left them reeling: an unexplained break-in, a catastrophic accident, and a bizarre poisoning that's left Grace feeling especially unnerved. Packing up their RV for a move across the country, they're ready for a fresh start, expecting to leave all their problems safely behind. Then one night on the road to their new home, the figure of a young woman emerges from the darkness, causing them to swerve off the road. The injured stranger says her name is Mara. Miles from help, they invite her to stay. But Mara is hiding a secret. And she is not the only one. Was it all just another inexplicable accident? Or have they opened the door to an escalating family nightmare designed to tear their perfect world apart?