Download or read book Psychosocial Factors at Work written by Joint ILO/WHO Committee on Occupational Health and published by . This book was released on 1986 with total page 104 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:
Download or read book Child Friendly Schools Manual written by and published by UNICEF. This book was released on 2009 with total page 244 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This Child-Friendly Schools (CFS) Manual was developed during three-and-a-half years of continuous work, involving the United Nations Children's Fund education staff and specialists from partner agencies working on quality education. It benefits from fieldwork in 155 countries and territories, evaluations carried out by the Regional Offices and desk reviews conducted by headquarters in New York. The manual is a part of a total resource package that includes an e-learning package for capacity-building in the use of CFS models and a collection of field case studies to illustrate the state of the art in child-friendly schools in a variety of settings.
Download or read book Obesity written by Amelia Marti del Moral and published by Academic Press. This book was released on 2018-08-10 with total page 306 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Obesity: Oxidative Stress and Dietary Antioxidants cover the science of oxidative stress in obesity and associated conditions, including metabolic syndrome, bariatric surgery, and the potentially therapeutic usage of natural antioxidants in the diet or food matrix. The processes within the science of oxidative stress are not described in isolation, but in concert with other processes, such as apoptosis, cell signaling and receptor mediated responses. This approach recognizes that diseases are often multifactorial and oxidative stress is but a single component. The book is designed for nutritionists, dietitians, food scientists, physicians and clinical workers, health care workers and research scientists. - Covers the basic processes of oxidative stress, from molecular biology, to whole organs - Highlights antioxidants in foods, including plants and other components of diet - Provides the framework for further, in-depth analysis or studies via well-designed clinical trials or via the analysis of pathways, mechanisms and componentsa
Download or read book The Oxford Handbook of Migration Crises written by Dr. Cecilia Menjívar and published by Oxford University Press. This book was released on 2019-01-16 with total page 953 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The objective of The Oxford Handbook of Migration Crises is to deconstruct, question, and redefine through a critical lens what is commonly understood as "migration crises." The volume covers a wide range of historical, economic, social, political, and environmental conditions that generate migration crises around the globe. At the same time, it illuminates how the media and public officials play a major role in framing migratory flows as crises. The volume brings together an exceptional group of scholars from around the world to critically examine migration crises and to revisit the notion of crisis through the context in which permanent and non-permanent migration flows occur. The Oxford Handbook of Migration Crises offers an understanding of individuals in societies, socio-economic structures, and group processes. Focusing on migrants' departures and arrivals in all continents, this comprehensive handbook explores the social dynamics of migration crises, with an emphasis on factors that propel these flows as well as the actors that play a role in classifying them and in addressing them. The volume is organized into nine sections. The first section provides a historical overview of the link between migration and crises. The second looks at how migration crises are constructed, while the third section contextualizes the causes and effects of protracted conflicts in producing crises. The fourth focuses on the role of climate and the environment in generating migration crises, while the fifth section examines these migratory flows in migration corridors and transit countries. The sixth section looks at policy responses to migratory flows, The last three sections look at the role media and visual culture, gender, and immigrant incorporation play in migration crises.
Download or read book Children of War written by Martin Walker and published by . This book was released on 2014 with total page 358 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Bruno, chef de police in the French town of St Denis, is already busy with a case when the body of an undercover French Muslim cop is found in the woods, a man who called Bruno for help only hours before. But Bruno's sometime boss and rival, the Brigadier, doesn't see this investigation as a priority - there are bigger issues at stake. Bruno has other ideas. Meanwhile, a Muslim youth named Sami turns up at a French army base in Afghanistan hoping to get home to St Denis. One of Bruno's old army comrades helps to smuggle Sami back to France, but the FBI aren't far behind. Then an American woman appears in St Denis with a warrant for Sami's extradition. Bruno must unravel these multiple mysteries, amidst pressure from his bosses, and find his own way to protect his town and its people.
Download or read book Street Gangs written by Max G. Manwaring and published by . This book was released on 2005 with total page 68 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The primary thrust of the monograph is to explain the linkage of contemporary criminal street gangs (that is, the gang phenomenon or third generation gangs) to insurgency in terms f the instability it wreaks upon government and the concomitant challenge to state sovereignty. Although there are differences between gangs and insurgents regarding motives and modes of operations, this linkage infers that gang phenomena are mutated forms of urban insurgency. In these terms, these "new" nonstate actors must eventually seize political power in order to guarantee the freedom of action and the commercial environment they want. The common denominator that clearly links the gang phenomenon to insurgency is that the third generation gangs' and insurgents' ultimate objective is to depose or control the governments of targeted countries. As a consequence, the "Duck Analogy" applies. Third generation gangs look like ducks, walk like ducks, and act like ducks - a peculiar breed, but ducks nevertheless! This monograph concludes with recommendations for the United States and other countries to focus security and assistance responses at the strategic level. The intent is to help leaders achieve strategic clarity and operate more effectively in the complex politically dominated, contemporary global security arena.
Download or read book Psicosociolog a Aplicada a la Prevenci n de Riesgos Laborales written by Juan Antonio Moriano León and published by EDITORIAL SANZ Y TORRES S.L.. This book was released on 2019-11-03 with total page 363 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: 1. La importancia de los riesgos psicosociales El principio básico de la Ley de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales (LPRL, cap. 1, art. 2) es la prevención de los riesgos profesionales para la protección de la seguridad y de la salud, así como la eliminación o disminución de los riesgos derivados del trabajo. En este propósito entran todos los tipos de riesgo y afecta a todos en la misma medida. Sin embargo, la conciencia preventiva y la tolerancia del riesgo es muy diferente ante la exposición a un riesgo físico evidente de accidente, por ejemplo, una caída o atrapamiento, que ante un riesgo psicosocial (ej. estrés o violencia en el trabajo), aunque ambos pueden producir daños a la salud similarmente graves. En general, se acepta como implícito al puesto de trabajo cualquier riesgo psicosocial y si resulta deteriorada la salud del trabajador, la atribución es interna en términos de vulnerabilidad individual (Vega, 2005). Por lo que, no existe todavía suficiente sensibilidad por parte de la mayoría de los actores implicados en la prevención (empresarios, trabajadores, servicios de prevención, técnicos, etc.). La importancia creciente de los riesgos psicosociales proviene del auge del sector servicios. Aunque los riesgos laborales de origen psicosocial no son exclusivos del sector servicios, pues están presentes igualmente en el resto de los sectores productivos (primario y secundario), su manifestación en el sector servicios es claramente prevalente (Moreno y Báez, 2010). Así, la reducción de los accidentes de trabajo viene acompañada de un notable incremento de problemas y trastornos psicológicos. De hecho, el estrés laboral es el segundo problema de salud relacionado con el trabajo más frecuente en Europa después de los trastornos musculoesqueléticos (Agencia Europea para la Seguridad y la Salud en el Trabajo, 2014). En España, el 59% de los trabajadores españoles sufre estrés en el trabajo, según datos del Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE), y la media de días de baja por estrés en España oscila entre los 15 y 30 días (INSS, 2017). Además, los cambios en la organización y gestión del trabajo (p. ej., el teletrabajo, la temporalidad o la flexibilidad) están provocando la aparición de riesgos psicosociales emergentes (p. ej., la adicción al trabajo y el presentismo) y nuevos retos en el ámbito de la salud y la seguridad laboral. Así, un estudio prospectivo de la Agencia Europea para la Seguridad y la Salud en el Trabajo (2018) sobre los riesgos nuevos y emergentes asociados a la digitalización, que incluye la robótica y la inteligencia artificial, señala que en 2025 los factores psicosociales serán cada vez más importantes, porque las TIC pueden promover cambios en los tipos de trabajos disponibles, en el ritmo de trabajo (cómo, dónde y cuándo se realiza) y en cómo se gestiona y supervisa. Además, se pronostica un aumento del estrés laboral, especialmente debido al impacto del creciente seguimiento de los trabajadores facilitado por los avances de los dispositivos móviles en entornos distintos de la oficina, la disponibilidad 24/7, la confusión de los límites entre la vida laboral y personal, y la economía de las plataformas de internet. 2. Definición de riesgos psicosociales laborales Los factores psicosociales son condiciones organizacionales del trabajo que pueden afectar a la salud laboral de las personas positiva o negativamente. Por ejemplo, la cultura y el clima organizacional, o el liderazgo pueden desencadenar óptimas o pésimas condiciones de trabajo que tengan consecuencias positivas o negativas para el bienestar de los trabajadores (Moreno y Báez, 2009). En el último caso, cuando los factores organizacionales y psicosociales de las organizaciones (p. ej., contenido del trabajo, sobrecarga y ritmos, horarios, relaciones interpersonales, ambiente y equipos) son disfuncionales generan respuestas de ansiedad que se convierten en factores de riesgo psicosocial que afectan negativamente a la salud y el bienestar de los trabajadores (Benavides et al. 2002), es decir, cuando estos factores organizacionales se materializan como factores desencadenantes de tensión y estrés laboral (Peiró, 1993). Por lo general, tienen características propias: a) se extienden en el espacio y el tiempo. b) son difíciles de objetivar; c) afectan a los otros riesgos; d) tienen escasa cobertura legal e) están moderados por otros factores; y f) es difícil intervenir sobre ellos (Moreno y Báez, 2009). No debemos confundir los factores de riesgo psicosocial con los riesgos psicosociales laborales. Un riesgo psicosocial laboral (p. ej., estrés, acoso laboral, acoso sexual, conciliación trabajo-familia) es un hecho, un acontecimiento, una situación o un estado resultado del diseño del puesto de trabajo, de la organización y de la gestión del trabajo que tiene el potencial de causar daño psicológico o físico a la salud y al bienestar de los trabajadores (p. ej., Cox, Griffithm y Rial-González; Gil-Monte, 2012), aunque los efectos sean diferenciales en cada trabajador. Las características definitorias de los riesgos psicosociales son que: a) afectan a los derechos fundamentales del trabajador; b) tienen efectos globales sobre la salud del trabajador; c) afectan a la salud mental de los trabajadores; d) tienen formas de cobertura legal (Moreno y Báez, 2009). Las causas más frecuentes son un deterioro de las características de la tarea (p. ej., cantidad y ritmo de trabajo, falta de precisión, monotonía), de las características de la organización (p. ej., procesos de socialización y desarrollo de carrera, estilo de liderazgo), de las características del empleo (p. ej., salario, estabilidad en el empleo, pérdida de estatus, pérdida de prestigio); y de organización del tiempo de trabajo (p. ej., turnos rotatorios, tipo de jornada). Es evidente, que la exposición a este tipo de riesgos no deteriora significativamente la salud del trabajador; no obstante, supone una tensión psicológica continua que, a largo plazo, puede cronificarse (Gil-Monte, 2012). Como se ha citado con anterioridad, actualmente se suele hablar de riesgos psicosociales emergentes, es decir, cualquier riesgo causado por nuevos procesos, tecnologías, avances científicos o percepciones sociales. Estos riesgos psicosociales emergentes se agrupan en cinco ámbitos (Gil-Monte, 2012): a) Nuevas formas de contratación laboral (p. ej., contratos precarios, subcontratación e inseguridad en el puesto de trabajo) que pueden aumentar los niveles de estrés y ansiedad del trabajador. b) Envejecimiento de la población laboral activa y retraso en la edad de jubilación, que la hace más sensible a la carga mental y emocional. c) Intensificación del trabajo (p. ej., manejo de una gran cantidad de información, mayor presión en el entorno laboral). d) Alta exigencia emocional en el trabajo y un aumento del acoso psicológico y de la violencia (sobre todo, en el sector sanitario). e) Desequilibrio y conflicto entre la vida laboral y personal, debido a la falta de ajuste entre las condiciones de trabajo y la vida privada de las personas. 3. La prevención de los riesgos psicosociales En toda la gestión de la prevención de riesgos laborales hay un factor humano donde reside la clave de los comportamientos seguros. En la medida que la gestión eficiente de los comportamientos seguros se extienda, se reducirán y/o evitaran accidentes, enfermedades profesionales y bajas laborales, y, en consecuencia, unos cuantiosos costes sociales y económicos. Así, en Europa el estrés cuesta cada año cerca de 705 billones de euros, por lo que una reducción de los riesgos psicosociales incrementaría, a su vez, la productividad de las empresas (Agencia Europea para la Seguridad y la Salud en el Trabajo, 2009). De hecho, se calcula que por cada euro que se invierte en reducir los riesgos psicosociales, las empresas retornan cinco. El principal motivo es que buena parte de las intervenciones preventivas se basan en mejoras de los sistemas de trabajo y de la eficacia organizacional (definición clara de los puestos de trabajo, aumento de la formación de los empleados, etc.), por lo que salud y productividad no son incompatibles. Acorde con lo anterior, el objetivo final de los programas y las actividades de prevención de los riesgos laborales ha de ser llegar a consolidar una auténtica cultura de la seguridad en el trabajo. Por cultura de seguridad se entienden las actitudes y valores de los integrantes de la organización y de la propia empresa en aquellos aspectos relativos a la seguridad. Así, la forma de entender la seguridad laboral se concretaría en un conjunto de comportamientos cotidianos. En las empresas, pues, se deberían plantean actividades que refuercen la cultura de seguridad de los trabajadores, mediante la promoción de una conciencia individual acerca del impacto de los riesgos y accidentes tanto en los productos y servicios ofrecidos por la empresa, como en el propio bienestar de los trabajadores. Para resumir, una cultura de seguridad fuerte conllevaría no sólo un impacto directo en la disminución del número de accidentes laborales, sino una influencia indirecta en la productividad de la empresa y en su competitividad frente a otras dentro de su nicho de mercado. Si la organización es capaz de eliminar los errores que están en el origen de muchos riesgos laborales, a la vez se eliminarían los costes subsiguientes, los que a su vez estarían asociados a una falta de calidad en productos y servicios. Así, además de mejorar la calidad de sus contribuciones, también se protegería el bienestar de las personas y se avanzaría en la línea del desarrollo sostenible de la organización (Di Fabio y Peiró, 2018). Los contenidos de este manual están orientados a la aplicación de psicosociología a prevención de riesgos laborales. En los primeros capítulos se aborda el estrés laboral, el síndrome de burnout y la violencia en el trabajo, para centrarse más adelante en la evaluación de los riesgos psicosociales y de sus consecuencias, así como el papel crucial que tiene el liderazgo en la prevención de riesgos laborales. En la segunda parte, los capítulos tratan temáticas más específicas como la adicción al trabajo y el presentismo, y el impacto de la diversidad organizacional en función del género y la edad en los riesgos psicosociales. Cierran el presente libro dos capítulos novedosos, uno de ellos centrado en los procesos de recuperación del trabajo y en los riesgos psicosociales en las emergencias sanitarias. Todo ello orientado a ofrecer una perspectiva amplia y basada en la investigación empírica más reciente para comprender y prevenir los riesgos psicosociales en el trabajo.
Download or read book European Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing in the 21st Century written by José Carlos Santos and published by Springer. This book was released on 2018-02-01 with total page 581 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This groundbreaking first volume of the Series has a number of features that set it apart from other books on this subject: Firstly, it focuses on interpersonal, humanistic and ecological views and approaches to P/MH nursing. Secondly, it highlights patient/client-centered approaches and mental-health-service user involvement. Lastly, it is a genuinely European P/MH nursing textbook – the first of its kind – largely written by mental health scholars from Europe, although it also includes contributions from North America and Australia/New Zealand. Focusing on clinical/practical issues, theory and empirical findings, it adopts an evidence-based or evidence-informed approach. Each contribution presents the state-of-the-art of P/MH nursing in Europe so that it can be transferred to and implemented by P/MH nurses and the broader mental health care community around the globe. As such, it will be the first genuinely 21st century European Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing book.
Download or read book Safety and Health for Workers written by Bankole Fasanya and published by BoD – Books on Demand. This book was released on 2020-06-17 with total page 110 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This book provides workers and individuals with knowledge on the effective ways to understand the importance of human health and safety in workplaces. Workplace incident scenarios and research findings on human health and safety that could be an ideal information source for university students and workers are detailed in the book. Knowledge made available includes: • Ergonomics, spine deformity associated with human posture. • Gender differences in biomechanical effects of the upper extremities. • Working conditions and gender inequalities and their effects on health and safety promotions. • Social support and job satisfaction relationship at workplaces. • Recommendations to enhance good handwashing practices. • Worker’s Act impacts on health and safety practices. • Good hygiene practices at public places. Its comprehensive scope, along with its quick understanding, makes this book a handy working reference for good health and safety practices at workplaces.
Download or read book Cyberbullying and Cyberthreats written by Nancy E. Willard and published by Research Press. This book was released on 2007 with total page 322 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Online communications can be extremely cruel and vicious. They can cause great emotional harm and can take place 24/7. Damaging text and images can be widely disseminated and impossible to fully remove. There are increasing reports of youth suicide, violence, and abduction related to cyberbullying and cyberthreats. This essential resource provides school counselors, administrators, and teachers with cutting-edge information on how to prevent and respond to cyberbullying and cyberthreats. It addresses real-life situations that often occur as students embrace the Internet and other digital technologies: Sending offensive or harassing messages Dissing someone or spreading nasty rumors on sites such as MySpace Disclosing someone's intimate personal information Breaking into someone's e-mail account and sending damaging messages under that person's name Excluding someone from an online group Using the Internet to intimidate The book includes detailed guidelines for managing in-school use of the Internet and personal digital devices, including cell phones. Extensive reproducible appendices contain forms for assessment, planning, and intervention, as well as a 9-page student guide and 16-page parent guide. An accompanying CD of all the reproducible forms and student handouts is included with the book.
Download or read book Cities of Tomorrow written by Peter Hall and published by Wiley-Blackwell. This book was released on 1997-02-18 with total page 502 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Cities of Tomorrow is a critical history of planning in theory and practice in the twentieth century, as well as of the social and economic problems and opportunities that gave rise to it. Trenchant, perceptive, global in coverage, this book is an unrivalled account of its crucial subject. The third edition of Cities of Tomorrow is comprehensively revised to take account of abundant new literature published since its original appearance, and to view the 1990s in historical perspective. This is the definitive edition, reviewing the development of the modern planning movement over the entire span of the twentieth century.
Download or read book Addiction to Perfection written by Marion Woodman and published by . This book was released on 1982 with total page 222 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: "This book is about taking the head off an evil witch". With these words Marion Woodman begins her spiral journey, a powerful and authoritative look at the psychology and attitudes of modern women. Marion Woodman continues her remarkable exploration of women's mysteries through case material, dreams, literature and mythology, in food rituals, rape symbolism, Christianity, imagery in the body, sexuality, creativity and relationships.
Download or read book Sociology and Social Justice written by Margaret Abraham and published by SAGE. This book was released on 2018-10-29 with total page 295 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: "Superbly conceptualises and contextualises social justice in and for our global age. The stellar cast of sociologists connect concepts to practices and outline the challenges we face, as well as providing necessary responses." Gurminder K Bhambra, Professor of Postcolonial and Decolonial Studies, University of Sussex" A collection of brilliant essays by international scholar-activists, examining concepts and practices from diverse contexts." Mary Romero, Professor of Justice Studies and Social Inquiry, Arizona State University "An excellent set of chapters bringing to the fore new perspectives on the social injustices and inequalities facing a world in crisis." Kammila Naidoo, Professor of Sociology, University of Johannesburg By using contextual global sociology, Sociology and Social Justice explores: Historic and contemporary sites and contexts around the world Sociological insights on topics ranging from social movements, to cyber space. International struggles, processes, and outcomes Written by distinguished international scholars, this is an essential text for those looking at issues of: Human Rights, Public Sociology, Democratization, Gender, and Globalization.
Download or read book Dangerous to Your Health written by Vicente Navarro and published by . This book was released on 1993 with total page 136 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This book demonstrates why the U.S. health care system does not respond to people's needs. It describes diminishing benefits and growing costs and the possibilities for change. Critical of the proposals put forward by the Democratic leadership, the book also looks at health care systems of other advanced countries.
Download or read book Children on the Move written by Mike Dottridge and published by UN. This book was released on 2013 with total page 118 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Millions of children are on the move, both within and between countries, with or without their parents. The conditions under which movement takes place are often treacherous, putting migrant children, especially unaccompanied and separated children, at an increased risk of economic or sexual exploitation, abuse, neglect and violence. Policy responses to protect and support these migrant children are often fragmented and inconsistent and while children on the move have become a recognised part of today's global and mixed migration flows they are still largely invisible in debates on both child protection and migration.
Download or read book A History of Violence written by Oscar Martinez and published by National Geographic Books. This book was released on 2017-04-11 with total page 0 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: “A necessary read.” —Los Angeles Review of Books “A chilling portrait of corruption, unimaginable brutality and impunity.” —Financial Times This revelatory and heartbreaking immersion into the lives of people enduring extreme violence in Central America is a powerful call for immigration policy reform in the United States El Salvador and Honduras have had the highest homicide rates in the world over the past ten years, with Guatemala close behind. Every day more than 1,000 people—men, women, and children—flee these three countries for North America. Óscar Martínez, author of The Beast, named one of the best books of the year by the Economist, Mother Jones, and the Financial Times, fleshes out these stark figures with true stories, producing a jarringly beautiful and immersive account of life in deadly locations. Martínez travels to Nicaraguan fishing towns, southern Mexican brothels where Central American women are trafficked, isolated Guatemalan jungle villages, and crime-ridden Salvadoran slums. With his precise and empathetic reporting, he explores the underbelly of these troubled places. He goes undercover to drink with narcos, accompanies police patrols, rides in trafficking boats and hides out with a gang informer. The result is an unforgettable portrait of a region of fear and a subtle analysis of the North American roots and reach of the crisis, helping to explain why this history of violence should matter to all of us.
Download or read book Journal of Elder Policy written by Eva Kahana and published by . This book was released on 2020-06-21 with total page 186 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The Journal of Elder Policy (JEP) aims to offer a forum for innovative thinking, theorizing, program planning and empirical research relevant to elder policy. We seek to publish informative articles relevant to policies that enhance quality of life and well-being of older adults including the old- old. Why a new interdisciplinary journal about old age and policy? The study of age is thriving as the scientific community works to identify and study the changing circumstances and options in later life among new cohorts of older adults. The welfare of older adults is importantly influenced by social changes, including policy arrangements, impacting both the young and old. We seek to understand factors that shape family supports available to those with needs for medical and social care in late life. We will apply diverse disciplinary lenses to explore the social forces that shape elder policy and affect what care providers can offer and sustain. Current policies and service programs to protect the growing old-old population are often inadequate to ensure a good old age. The organization and delivery of medical care poses major challenges to older adults with co-morbid conditions and disabilities. Income inequalities put low SES individuals at greater risks in old age. Strains on policy systems and inadequate resources limit care of the old-old population. But there is also great opportunity at hand as exemplified by technological advances and breakthroughs. We aim to call attention to these issues and propose improved policies that are informed by sound research in the US and around the world. Table of Contents: Introducing The Journal of Elder Policy During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Why Policies That Protect Older Adults Are MoreImportant Than EverEva Kahana PhD, Editor-in-Chief Policy Does Matter: Changing an Unchangeable Long-Term Services SystemRobert Applebaum PhD, Matt Nelson PhD, Jane K. Straker PhD, & Katherine Kennedy MS Life in a World for All Ages: From a Utopic Idea to a RealityLiat Ayalon PhD Is There No Place For Us? The Psychosocial Challenges and Rewards of Aging With HIVCharles A. Emlet PhD & Mark Brennan-Ing PhD Policy Challenges for Grandparents Caring for Grandchildren with DisabilitiesMadonna Harrington-Meyer PhD & Ynesse Abdul-Malak PhD Restructuring Public Policy for Large Numbers of Elders Living with DisabilitiesJoanne Lynn MD & Nils Franco Developing Age-Friendly Cities: Policy Opportunities and ChallengesChris Phillipson PhD & Tine Buffel PhD Public Guardianship: Policy and PracticePamela B. Teaster PhD & Stephanie Chamberlain PhD