Download or read book Neurociencia para educadores written by David Bueno i Torrens and published by Ediciones Octaedro. This book was released on 2019-02-01 with total page 225 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Un libro riguroso, claro y de agradable lectura, lleno de ideas para meditar sobre el oficio de ser aprendices. Neurociencia para educadores es un libro espléndido que lleva un subtítulo suficientemente explícito. Los lectores encontraran en su interior " todo aquello que los educadores siempre han querido saber sobre el cerebro de sus alumnos y nunca nadie se ha atrevido a explicárselo de manera comprensible y útil". Para sorpresa de muchos, el resultado no echa por tierra la totalidad de la pedagogía moderna, sino que da una explicación científica complementaria a por qué, si se trabaja con conocimiento y dedicación, todo funciona razonablemente bien. Y un argumento sólido para no dar marcha atrás, como parecen querer algunas voces desmemoriadas.
Download or read book How the Brain Learns Como Aprende el Cerebro written by David A. Sousa and published by Corwin Press. This book was released on 2002-08-12 with total page 321 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Segunda Edicion Now, the powerful best-seller on brain research and education is available in a Spanish Language Edition. El Dr. David A. Sousa es un especialista en educación a nivel internacional que ha realizado talleres de estudio sobre ciencias de la educación e investigaciones cerebrales a nivel primario, secundario y universitario, en centenares de distritos escolares. Es un frecuente conferencista en congresos nacionales de educación y se desempeña como Asesor de distritos escolares locales y regionales en todo Estados Unidos, el Canadá y Europa. El exitoso libro práctico y eficaz de David Sousa sobre investigación del cerebro y educación, ingresa al siglo XXI con una valiosa nueva edición que incorpora al texto principal previamente publicado, el manual de aprendizaje accesorio y los más recientes descubrimientos de neurociencia y pedagogía. Cómo Aprende el Cerebro siempre se ha concentrado en brindar información que puede ayudar a los educadores a tomar los descubrimientos sobre las funciones cerebrales y transformarlos en lecciones y actividades prácticas para la clase. La nueva segunda edición sigue incluyendo datos básicos acerca del cerebro que pueden ayudar a los estudiantes a aprender, brinda información sobre la manera en que el cerebro procesa información y da sugerencias para maximizar la retención, usando "los momentos de mínima retención." Y ahora el Dr. Sousa va más allá, agregando la más reciente información disponible para proveer: Un modelo de procesamiento de información actualizado que refleja la nueva terminología sobre los sistemas de memoria Nuevos y emocionantes descubrimientos sobre la forma en que el cerebro aprende habilidades motoras Un capítulo completamente nuevo sobre las consecuencias de las artes del aprendizaje Una lista amplia de fuentes originales para aquellos que deseen revisar las investigaciones que fundamentan los conceptos del libro Se incluyen la información y los conocimientos más actuales. Representa una herramienta indispensable para los dirigentes escolares, instructores de personal, educadores de maestros y personal administrativo de la educación, así como para todo educador que desee estimular el aprendizaje de sus alumnos.
Download or read book How to Improve Neuroscience Education for the Public and for a Multi Professional Audience in Different Parts of the Globe written by Analía Arévalo and published by Frontiers Media SA. This book was released on 2022-08-18 with total page 183 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:
Download or read book Neurociencia para educadores written by Lucas Raspall and published by . This book was released on 2021-05 with total page 210 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Hoy, al conocer el funcionamiento del cerebro, podemos sacar grandes ventajas en el continuoproceso de enseñar y aprender. Y si bien quedan muchos rincones aún por descubrir y explorar, lo que ya nos muestran las modernas neurociencias nos permite proponer nuevos caminos en la educación formal ... o, quizás, hasta nos obliga.Pero, ¿qué más aporta este libro, que no se haya dicho ya? El foco no lo voy a dejar posado solamente sobre las neuronas, las funciones cognitivas o lasvías cerebrales. Ya hay mucho escrito sobre eso ...Voy por más. ¡Es que a tanto cerebro le falta el corazón! ¡Somos personas las que aprendemos! Y esto cambia completamente la forma de entender los aportes de las neurociencias en torno a la educación.Con un recorrido profundo y entretenido, espero que este libro te anime a mirar las cosas de un modo distinto. ¿Arrancamos?EDITORIAL HOMO SAPIENS - ARGENTINA.Este libro contiene el desarrollo de los siguientes temas: -Escribiendo un cuento-Cerebro, seso, sesera...-Jugar con la plastimasa cerebral-El mundo emocional-Primero, lo importante-Sin motivación, olvidate del aprendizaje-¿Cómo estamos de atención?-La fábrica de los recuerdos-¿Soy un chico inteligente?-Cerebro de teflón-Cerebro con abrojos-Educar en y con valores-Promover la salud mentalCon este libro usted podrá profundizar sus conocimientos sobre educación/b> ¡Compre este libro y conozca más sobre neurocienciasEscuela, educación, educadores, neurociencia, aprendizaje, enseñanza, desarrollo personal.
Download or read book Hackea tu cerebro written by Nicolás Fernández Miranda and published by Ediciones LEA. This book was released on 2023-12-02 with total page 219 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: A Nicolás Fernández Miranda le dijeron que nunca sería bueno en Matemática y unos años después se recibió de Contador Público, con honores. Al convertirse en profesor, descubrió que había algo que no estaba bien en el sistema educativo, y era que nadie se había preocupado por enseñarles, ni a sus alumnos ni a él mismo, cómo aprender. Gracias a su pasado, descubrió que su vocación era compartir con el mundo sus conocimientos en la neurociencia aplicada al aprendizaje. Desde entonces, en sus conferencias, en sus clases y en sus redes sociales comparte videos, hacks y métodos en los que busca demostrarles a sus seguidores que aprender es fácil, divertido y necesario. Entender cómo funcionan los procesos de aprendizaje y productividad puede cambiar la vida de todos.
Download or read book Becoming Einstein s Teacher written by Erika Twani and published by . This book was released on 2021-01-29 with total page 216 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The Art of Awakening the Genius in Your Students I believe that teaching is a calling, and it is far from being a clich . Teachers develop the human capacity to do the unimaginable It is not the school location, the curriculum, the cool app, or the grading system that activates learning. Understanding and using an effective learning process is what enables students to find the motivation to learn for life. This is how teachers who care touch their students' lives, and this is how they contribute to a better world. Becoming Einstein's Teacher will help you understand what it is to be a genius, how the brain works, and what it means to learn in the 21st century driven by artificial intelligence. Becoming Einstein's Teacher will show you how to tap into this one thing ALL your students have that enables lifelong learning without extra-curriculum, new tech, more hours in class, or endless homework nights. Becoming Einstein's Teacher will show you how you can start from where you are without going through a complete change in your practices. Becoming Einstein's Teacher will help you grow larger into your calling and get your students on the path to purpose-driven, lifelong learning "Becoming Einstein's Teacher is a stroke of genius, a personal journey that compiles the thoughts of modern education leaders into a comprehensive and inspiring deep look into how we got here and how to move forward to harness the genius in each of us. Every chapter leaves me saying 'hell yeah '" - Virginia Emmons, School Principal and mother of two. "Becoming Einstein's Teacher is definitively a complementary addition to my work with personalized learning and Habits of Mind. It provides insight into what it means to be a teacher in the 21st century. Understanding it and putting it into practice may be a challenging task for those who have been teaching for many years. Yet, Erika manages to simplify a deep and complex methodology that honors the 21st-century learners' need for relationships, agency, and engagement. " - Dr. Bena Kallick, Educator, Author. "The most challenging aspect to consider when introducing anything to teachers is the requirement to change. Becoming Einstein's Teacher asks for no change, but to start from where teachers are. Brilliant " - Leonardo Garnier, former Minister of Education, Costa Rica.
Download or read book Homo Amandi Evoluci n Consciente del Miedo a la Solidaridad written by Dr. Silvia Casabianca and published by This book was released on 2019-12-14 with total page 336 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Los humanos nacemos con el cerebro cableado para el amor y la compasi�n y la neurociencia nos ense�a que el cerebro est� constantemente cambiando. Estos dotes innatos est�n en nuestros genes, nuestra fisiolog�a y nuestra bioqu�mica y pueden ser nutridos y desarrollados en funci�n de construir un mundo m�s solidario
Download or read book Teorizando en educaci n entre erudici n poes a y opinionitis written by Enric Prats and published by Editorial UOC. This book was released on 2016-06-30 with total page 166 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Podríamos convenir que en el cruce de la erudición, la ficción y la tertulia se vantejiendo las creencias y los supuestos a partir de los que cada cual forma su teoría educativa. Nos tememos que unas pueden tener más peso que otras: quizás las últimas, con su potencia mediática, sean más suculentas y de consumo rápido; seguramente las literarias tienen un alto poder explicativo y resultan siempre muy atractivas; sin duda, las eruditas suelen ser más aburridas y se alejan del gran público. En cualquier caso, lo que resulta notorio es que el bosquejo de la educación no es exclusivo de ninguna de estas aproximaciones teóricas: ni el sabio ni el artista ni el opinador amateur o profesional pueden atribuirse la exclusividad sobre la verdad en educación. Este libro debe leerse como una defensa corporativa de la pedagogía y está dedicado a sus practicantes, pedagogos y pedagogas –de ambos sexos, como exige la corrección política–, que se esfuerzan, también desde la buena fe, por intentar entender mejor la cosa educativa, quizás los más inofensivos, o por sugerir alivios para los males que la aquejan, los más atrevidos, fabricando las pócimas y los remedios más variados, no siempre del todo inocuos
Download or read book Applied Mindfulness written by Victor G. Carrión, M.D. and published by American Psychiatric Pub. This book was released on 2019-02-11 with total page 396 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Applied Mindfulness: Approaches in Mental Health for Children and Adolescents starts from the premise that mental health clinicians must have their own mindfulness practice before teaching the tenets and techniques of mindfulness to others, including young people. To that end, the book offers readers clear instructions on how to first practice mindfulness in their own lives and then extend their personal practice outward to others. Once this knowledge is internalized, the clinician can focus on mindfulness in terms of its application to specific clinical diagnoses, such as anxiety and depression, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and substance abuse. Because many mental health professionals work in multiple settings, such as in schools, in clinics, and online, the contributors, representing a wide range of creative and authoritative voices, explain how to skillfully tailor mindfulness interventions for effective application across diverse contexts. Drs. Carrion and Rettger, as Director of the Stanford Early Life Stress and Pediatric Anxiety Program (SELSPAP) and Director of SELSPAP's Mindfulness Program, respectively, have been engaged in ongoing community-based work delivering mindfulness and yoga programming to underserved youth and their helpers. This expertise is evident in their eloquent yet down-to-earth editing. The volume offers clinicians everything they need to begin their mindfulness journey, including the following: - Introductory knowledge on how to get started with a meditation practice. Specific mindfulness scripts are provided throughout the book to foster development of the reader's own practice. In addition, there are audio practices and clear written descriptions of practices to offer support for those learning to meditate, internalize mindfulness practices, and then adapt these skills for clinical practice. - A developmental and ecological approach to implementing mindfulness. The book offers insight into integrating mindfulness across many settings, platforms, and applications, and includes chapters on mindfulness online, at home, and in school, as well as chapters on incorporating nature into mindfulness practice and the relationship between mindfulness and creativity. - Material on specific clinical populations, including immigrant youth and incarcerated youth. A special chapter is devoted to trauma-informed yoga, which has been shown to be an effective therapeutic intervention for youth who have been incarcerated. - Comprehensive information on the current state of youth mindfulness research, which prepares readers to discuss these topics knowledgeably with colleagues and patients. Like ripples in water, the benefits of mindfulness spread outward, from clinicians to patients, families, schools, and communities. Applied Mindfulness: Approaches in Mental Health for Children and Adolescents is the first step toward stress reduction, peace, and compassion for a new generation.
Download or read book VI Congreso de Investigaci n Universidad de Carabobo written by and published by . This book was released on 2009 with total page 572 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:
Download or read book An Introduction to Curriculum Research and Development written by Lawrence Stenhouse and published by . This book was released on 1984 with total page 248 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:
Download or read book Las almas heridas written by Boris Cyrulnik and published by Editorial GEDISA. This book was released on 2015-11-15 with total page 222 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Las almas heridas es un libro sobre las huellas de la infancia, la necesidad del relato y los mecanismos de la memoria, elementos desarrollados a partir de la narración de sus vivencias personales hasta su adolescencia. Boris Cyrulnik, un joven cuyas inquietudes intelectuales ya se encaminan por las lindes de la psiquiatría, y que realiza sus primeras prácticas en un asilo para enfermos mentales (donde quedará en shock tras comprobar el aislamiento y las malas prácticas a las que son sometidos los pacientes: lobotomías, camisas de fuerza, etc.). Su nueva obra Les ames blessées (Las almas heridas) no es ni una autobiografía ni un libro de historia de la psiquiatría: se trata de un testimonio personal sobre el nacimiento de una disciplina difícil y apasionante que denominamos psiquiatría.
Download or read book Brain Behavior written by Bob Garrett and published by SAGE Publications. This book was released on 2017-10-04 with total page 1617 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Ignite your excitement about behavioral neuroscience with Brain & Behavior: An Introduction to Behavioral Neuroscience, Fifth Edition by best-selling author Bob Garrett and new co-author Gerald Hough. Garrett and Hough make the field accessible by inviting readers to explore key theories and scientific discoveries using detailed illustrations and immersive examples as their guide. Spotlights on case studies, current events, and research findings help readers make connections between the material and their own lives. A study guide, revised artwork, new animations, and an accompanying interactive eBook stimulate deep learning and critical thinking.
Download or read book Writing Systems written by Florian Coulmas and published by Cambridge University Press. This book was released on 2003 with total page 294 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: During its long history the problem of reducing language to writing, and conversely that of interpreting written signs as language, has found a variety of solutions which still exist in the form of different writing systems. Written by a leading expert, this new textbook provides an accessible introduction to the major writing systems of the world, from cuneiform to English spelling. Florian Coulmas presents detailed descriptions of the world's writing systems and explains their structural complexities as well as the intricate relationship between written and spoken language. The book also provides a clear and engaging account of the history of writing and its consequences for human thought and literate society. This illustrated textbook includes questions for discussion at the end of each chapter, and an up-to-date explanation of theoretical issues. Clearly organised and engagingly written, it is the ideal textbook for use on courses on writing systems.
Download or read book Mind Brain and Education Science A Comprehensive Guide to the New Brain Based Teaching written by Tracey Tokuhama-Espinosa and published by W. W. Norton & Company. This book was released on 2010-12-20 with total page 460 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Establishing the parameters and goals of the new field of mind, brain, and education science. A groundbreaking work, Mind, Brain, and Education Science explains the new transdisciplinary academic field that has grown out of the intersection of neuroscience, education, and psychology. The trend in “brain-based teaching” has been growing for the past twenty years and has exploded in the past five to become the most authoritative pedagogy for best learning results. Aimed at teachers, teacher trainers and policy makers, and anyone interested in the future of education in America and beyond, Mind, Brain, and Education Science responds to the clamor for help in identifying what information could and should apply in classrooms with confidence, and what information is simply commercial hype. Combining an exhaustive review of the literature, as well as interviews with over twenty thought leaders in the field from six different countries, this book describes the birth and future of this new and groundbreaking discipline. Mind, Brain, and Education Science looks at the foundations, standards, and history of the field, outlining the ways that new information should be judged. Well-established information is elegantly separated from “neuromyths” to help teachers split the wheat from the chaff in classroom planning, instruction and teaching methodology.
Download or read book Host Bibliographic Record for Boundwith Item Barcode 30112044669122 and Others written by and published by . This book was released on 2013 with total page 2392 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:
Download or read book Purpose in Life written by Kendall Cotton Bronk and published by Springer Science & Business Media. This book was released on 2013-09-04 with total page 180 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This volume integrates and makes sense of the growing body of theoretical and empirical research conducted on purpose across the lifespan. It opens with a comprehensive yet detailed discussion of the definitions of purpose most commonly used in studies on the topic. In addition to defining the construct, the author also discusses its philosophical roots and distinguishes it from related concepts, including meaning, goals, and ultimate concerns. This volume discusses the disparate perspectives on the construct and addresses the tendency to position purpose in the broader frame of positive psychology. It synthesizes distinct strands of research on purpose across the lifespan, it explores studies on the daily and longer-term experience of a purposeful existence, and it delves deeply into the wide range of measurement tools that have been used to assess the purpose construct. Further, it examines the prevalence and forms of purpose among diverse groups of youth and discusses the developmental trajectory of the construct. Other topics discussed include the central role of purpose in supporting optimal well-being and positive youth development. The book closes with empirically-supported steps adults, educators, and mentors can take to effectively and intentionally foster purpose among young people and makes recommendations for future research on the topic.