Download or read book Ma Bible des plantes qui soignent written by Sophie Lacoste and published by Éditions Leduc. This book was released on 2014-09-01 with total page 789 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Dans cette bible des plantes qui soignent, Sophie Lacoste a rassemblé tout son savoir et ses conseils pour que vous puissiez vous soigner naturellement, sans risque et sans effet secondaire. Tisanes, huiles essentielles, cataplasmes, sirops, teintures-mères : le mode d’emploi des plantes médicinales. + de 200 plantes et leurs propriétés thérapeutiques. L’abécédaire des maux quotidiens les plus courants et les conseils pour se soigner grâce aux plantes. 18 plantes ajoutées par rapport à l'ancienne édition : Bleuet, Buis, Café vert, Cardamine des prés, Cerfeuil, Dong quai, Épine vinette, Figuier de Barbarie, Grande consoude, Hysope, Jiaogulan, Mélisse, Moringa, Pâquerette, Renouée des oiseaux, Sanicle, Tanaisie, Véronique et 27 recettes ajoutées par rapport à l'ancienne édition : Angine, Anxiété, Aphtes, Blessures, Bronchite, Coupure, Diabète, Diarrhée, Digestion difficile, Entorse, Fatigue, Fatigue oculaire, Fièvre, Foie fatigué, Gingivite, Hémorroïdes, Herpès, Hypertension, Insomnie, Jambes lourdes, Mal à l’estomac, Pellicules, Règles abondantes, Règle douloureuses, Rhumatismes, Surpoids, Vers. Sophie Lacoste, rédactrice en chef du magazine Rebelle-Santé, tient aussi la rubrique santé de TV Magazine depuis plus de 10 ans et s'intéresse particulièrement aux remèdes naturels. Elle est déjà l'auteure de nombreux ouvrages sur ce thème.
Download or read book La bible des plantes qui soignent written by and published by . This book was released on 2017-01-18 with total page 672 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: 400 plantes médicinales et plus de 350 remèdes pour améliorer votre bien-être ! Dans cet ouvrage très complet, Michel Pierre, herboriste renommé depuis plus de quarante ans, vous dit tout sur les plantes médicinales : leurs composants actifs, leurs propriétés, leurs utilisations, les précautions d'emploi à respecter, etc. Il vous confie aussi sous quelles formes les utiliser (tisanes, poudres, gélules, teintures, huiles essentielles, cataplasmes, gargarismes, bains, etc. ) afin de vous permettre de trouver la bonne formule pour vous soigner et vous soulager. Et pour renforcer vos défenses naturelles et améliorer vos traitements, il vous livre ses remèdes : de "Acouphènes" à "Zona" en passant par "Insomnie" ou "Migraine", à chaque problème ses solutions !
Download or read book Ma Bible des secrets d herboriste written by Caroline Gayet and published by Éditions Leduc. This book was released on 2016-09-09 with total page 550 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: DÉCOUVREZ TOUS LES SECRETS DES HERBORISTES POUR VOUS SOIGNER 100 % AU NATUREL Dans cette bible très complète, l’herboriste Michel Pierre nous livre les secrets des plantes. Tisanes, poudres, gélules, teinturesmères, ampoules, gouttes hydro-alcooliques, gemmothérapie, élixirs floraux, huiles essentielles : découvrez comment utiliser les plantes sous toutes leurs formes. Saviez-vous... - Que le curcuma vient à bout des troubles digestifs ? - Que la pervenche et le ginkgo forment un binôme gagnant dans la maladie d’Alzheimer ? - Que le plantain lancéolé est la plante par excellence pour lutter contre les allergies saisonnières ? - Que l’aubépine et la mélisse aident à lâcher prise ? - Que le kudzu aide au sevrage du tabac ? - Que l’harpagophytum soulage les douleurs de l’arthrose et apporte du confort à la mobilité ? - La phytothérapie offre toutes les solutions aux maux du quotidien : à chaque plante sa vertu.
Download or read book A Hausa Botanical Vocabulary written by John McEwen Dalziel and published by . This book was released on 1916 with total page 128 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:
Download or read book Ma bible des trucs de sant written by Sophie Lacoste and published by Leduc.S Editions. This book was released on 2012-10-12 with total page 456 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Et si on cessait de s’empoisonner la vie ? La nature nous offre toutes les solutions douces pour se soigner. Plantes, aliments, huiles essentielles, ingrédients magiques comme le bicarbonate, l’argile, le miel. Tous ces remèdes de «grands-mères » qu’on se repasse de génération en génération montrent aujourd’hui encore leur efficacité au quotidien ! Dans cette bible, découvrez tous les « trucs » de santé les plus utiles et les plus naturels : Le kit des remèdes indispensables pour se soigner efficacement et sans danger : plantes, aliments (ail, amande, chou…), argile, homéopathie, huiles essentielles, produits de la ruche, vinaigre de cidre… qui fait quoi, mode d’emploi pour les utiliser au mieux. Les soins et les préparations à connaître : bains de bouche, cataplasmes et compresses, teintures-mères, massages et réflexologie, tisanes, sirops, masques… Acné, cellulite, cholestérol, lumbago, rhume, cheveux gras… De A comme Abcès à Z comme Zona, à chaque désordre sa « solution santé » : du jus de cresson pour l’acné, du sirop d’oignon cuit pour la toux, des frictions de varech pour la cellulite, du son pour les cheveux gras, des grains de café vert pour le cholestérol, du miel en rayons pour le rhume des foins ou des cataplasmes de feuilles de choux pour votre lumbago ! Les trucs d’autrefois n’ont pas pris une ride ! La bible de tous les trucs qui marchent pour bien se soigner !
Download or read book Life of Petrarch written by Ernest Hatch Wilkins and published by . This book was released on 1961 with total page 296 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Biography of the 14th century Italian scholar.
Download or read book French books in print anglais written by Electre and published by . This book was released on 2000 with total page 1844 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:
Download or read book Shepherds and Demons written by Hans Austnaberg and published by Peter Lang. This book was released on 2008 with total page 434 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The Malagasy revival movement, which started in 1894 and operates within the structure of the historical churches, continues to have a profound impact on Protestant church life. This book focuses on exorcism as practised and understood by the so-called shepherds (lay, unsalaried, consecrated church workers) and defines «exorcism» as the expulsion of demons and prayer with the laying on of hands. This study, with Malagasy actors at its centre, argues that exorcism constitutes a synthesis between the biblical message and the traditional Malagasy culture. The shepherds, who vehemently oppose traditional religion, understand exorcism as a practice appropriate for people with a wide variety of problems, and they assert that the purpose of exorcism is to create a living faith in Jesus. The shepherds consider the battle with demons absolutely decisive because it concerns nothing less than salvation or condemnation.
Download or read book The How Not to Die Cookbook written by Michael Greger, M.D., FACLM and published by Flatiron Books. This book was released on 2017-12-05 with total page 272 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: From Michael Greger, M.D., FACLM, the physician behind the trusted and wildly popular website, and author of the New York Times bestselling book How Not to Die, comes a beautifully-designed, comprehensive cookbook complete with more than 120 recipes for delicious, life-saving, plant-based meals, snacks, and beverages that's a perfect gift for healthy conscious eaters. Dr. Michael Greger’s bestselling book, How Not to Die, presented the scientific evidence behind the only diet that can prevent and reverse many of the causes of premature death and disability. Now, The How Not to Die Cookbook puts that science into action. From Superfood Breakfast Bites to Spaghetti Squash Puttanesca to Two-Berry Pie with Pecan-Sunflower Crust, every recipe in The How Not to Die Cookbook offers a delectable, easy-to-prepare, plant-based dish to help anyone eat their way to better health. Rooted in the latest nutrition science, these easy-to-follow, stunningly photographed recipes will appeal to anyone looking to live a longer, healthier life. Featuring Dr. Greger’s Daily Dozen—the best ingredients to add years to your life—The How Not to Die Cookbook is destined to become an essential tool in healthy kitchens everywhere.
Download or read book Fallacies Of The Anti Hadith Argument written by Zubair Ali and published by This book was released on 2013-03-14 with total page 219 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: In the Muslim society today, there are many individuals and groups who seek to eliminate Islam in its pure form. The introduction of heretical innovations and un-Islamic customs has seen a moral decay in the hearts of the believers. These increasingly dangerous movements are actively growing and spreading their influence. Among the most heinous of ideologies being propogated today is the rejection of the Prophetic Hadith. It is for this reason that this book has been written. Ignorance of the Islamic sciences is prevalent among the Muslim youth of today. The majority fail to differentiate between Halal and Haraam. It is these vulnerable minds which the rejectors of Hadith wish to influence with their Western influenced philosophies and practices. It is an obligation on the learned to eradicate the falsehoods of such movements and educate the masses regarding the Sirat e Mustaqeem (the straight and narrow path of guidance).
Download or read book Toward Peace building written by and published by . This book was released on 1987 with total page 108 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:
Download or read book The Golden Droplet written by Michel Tournier and published by Vintage. This book was released on 1988 with total page 222 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:
Download or read book Le guide des plantes qui soignent written by Lisa Butterworth and published by . This book was released on 2019-08-14 with total page 162 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:
Download or read book Ma Bible des aliments rem des written by Sophie Lacoste and published by Éditions Leduc. This book was released on 2018-01-09 with total page 519 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Plus de 1000 recettes simples et efficaces Parfois, il suffit d'ouvrir les yeux et de regarder autour de soi pour trouver ce dont on a besoin... Et, dans le domaine de la santé, la cuisine est une véritable caverne d'Ali Baba ! Non seulement on y trouve de quoi soigner les petits bobos dans l'instant – une pincée de poivre quand on se coupe, une cuillère de miel quand on se brûle, un poireau quand on se fait piquer... –, mais aussi de quoi soulager bien des petits soucis de santé parfois chroniques – des baies de genièvre en cas de cystites à répétition, de l'eau d'ail chaque matin en cas d'hypertension, de la décoction de laitue ou de pelures de pomme pour retrouver un sommeil apaisé. Dans cette bible, vous trouverez : - les ingrédients les plus courants de nos cuisines, classés selon leur catégorie : légumes, fruits, épices, plantes aromatiques, miel... avec pour chacun d'entre eux un résumé de leurs bienfaits et des recettes de santé dans lesquelles les utiliser ; - de Acné à Zona, + de 1 000 recettes simples pour faire soi-même ses remèdes de santé. Tous les remèdes 100 % naturels pour une efficacité déconcertante
Download or read book The Hashishin Club written by Theophile Gautier and published by SCB Distributors. This book was released on 2013-03-31 with total page 38 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The Club des Hashischins ("Club of the Hashish-Eaters”), was a Parisian literary group dedicated to the exploration of drug-induced altered states of consciousness, principally through the use of hashish, a concentrated form of cannabis resin. Notable members of the club, which was active from 1844 to 1849, included Victor Hugo, Alexandre Dumas, Charles Baudelaire, Gerard de Nerval, Honoré de Balzac, and Théophile Gautier, all dedicated to experimenting with drugs and recording drug-induced visions. Whilst Baudelaire notably produced his treatise "The Poem Of Hashish” based on his experiences at the club, the most notable record of the group's activities and experiences under the influence of hashish remains Gautier's "Le Club des Hachichin”, first published in the Revue des Deux Mondes in February 1846. This text also includes a section on the original hashishin, the assassins who served the Old Man of the Mountain, a figure later identified by William S. Burroughs as Hassan i Sabbah. Transmutation and insanity loom over Gautier as he explores a hypnagogic inner world of monstrous distortions and shadows, on a trip into the revelries of Walpurgisnacht. The result is an enduring masterpiece of drug literature.
Download or read book Zalmoxis the Vanishing God written by Mircea Eliade and published by Midway Reprint. This book was released on 1986 with total page 260 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:
Download or read book Friday and Robinson written by Michel Tournier and published by . This book was released on 2003 with total page 141 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: In the evening of September 29, 1759, a cargo ship runs aground and is wrecked in a storm. There is only one survivor, a young Englishman travelling to South America to seek his fortune. This is the ultimate desert island story - a tale of one man's struggle to survive on an untamed island.