Download or read book Enjeux europ ens et mondiaux de la protection des donn es personnelles written by Alain Grosjean and published by Éditions Larcier. This book was released on 2016-02-10 with total page 367 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Cet ouvrage offre une analyse des grands enjeux en matière de protection des données à caractère personnel, à la lumière des dispositions de la proposition de règlement européen et des législations européennes en vigueur. Nous assistons actuellement à une véritable révolution sociale, économique et technologique. L’exploitation des données avec le big data, l’internet des objets, va changer le monde. Face aux avancées, mais également aux inquiétudes que cette révolution suscite, il est important de s’appuyer sur les droits fondamentaux. Ainsi l’ouvrage revient sur la jurisprudence tant de la Cour de justice européenne que celle de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme. Une attention particulière est également donnée au champ d’application territorial de la proposition de règlement et au transfert des données. L’ouvrage met également en relief la perception américaine des règles de protection des données personnelles par rapport aux dernières négociations entre l’Europe et les Etats-Unis ; il traite en particulier du droit à l’oubli, du profilage ou de la notification des failles de sécurité ; il met en exergue les défis de la protection des données personnelles dans le domaine des services financiers, notamment en matière de fraude au paiement. L’ouvrage s’intéresse ainsi non seulement aux mesures à prendre par les entreprises pour respecter les règles de protection des données, mais aussi à la façon des autorités de les faire respecter. Un ouvrage qui propose une approche aussi bien juridique que pratique sur le sujet. À PROPOS DE L'ÉDITEUR Larcier Group, composé des marques d’édition juridique prestigieuses que sont Larcier, Bruylant, Promoculture-Larcier, propose des solutions documentaires adaptées aux besoins spécifiques de tous les professionnels du droit belge, luxembourgeois et français (avocats, magistrats, notaires, juristes d’entreprise,...). Fournisseur historique et privilégié de toutes les sources du droit, son offre éditoriale est composée, notamment, de la base de données juridique la plus complète de Belgique (Strada lex), de plus de 300 nouvelles monographies par an, plus de 70 revues juridiques, plusieurs collections de Codes, de logiciels de calculs et d’un riche catalogue de formations. Larcier Group est l’éditeur numéro 1 dans le segment juridique en Belgique.À côté de ce segment juridique, Larcier Group s’adresse également aux professions économiques et aux professions RH en Belgique avec sa marque Larcier Business et son offre éditoriale principalement numérique.Avec Indicator, Larcier Group fait partie, depuis juin 2016, du Groupe Éditions Lefebvre- Sarrut, à présent leader en Belgique sur tous les segments de l’édition juridique et fiscale.
Download or read book La protection des donn es m dicales written by Deryck Beyleveld and published by Anthemis. This book was released on 2008 with total page 220 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:
Download or read book Protection des donn es sur Internet written by LE GUYADER Patrick and published by Lavoisier. This book was released on 2013-01-01 with total page 274 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: La cybercriminalité croissante atteste de la difficulté de trouver un juste équilibre entre la sécurité, la protection de la vie privée et la liberté de naviguer sur le web. Cet ouvrage expose les menaces de confidentialité qui pèsent sur les technologies fixes et mobiles, plus particulièrement au niveau de la protection des données personnelles, qu’elles soient fournies volontairement par l’utilisateur ou recueillies à son insu. Illustré d’exemples et de décisions jurisprudentielles, il décline également l'ensemble des législations nationales et internationales destinées à protéger l’internaute tout en assurant l’ordre public. Enfin, ce livre énonce les règles de bonne conduite et alerte le lecteur sur les pièges dont il peut faire l’objet sur Internet.
Download or read book Les syst mes de mise en uvre de la protection sociale written by Kathy Lindert and published by World Bank Publications. This book was released on 2023-01-13 with total page 727 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Le Manuel de référence sur les systèmes de mise en œuvre de la protection sociale synthétise les expériences et les leçons apprises des systèmes de mise en œuvre de la protection sociale à travers le monde. Il adopte un concept de la protection sociale large, qui couvre différentes populations telles que les familles pauvres ou à faible revenu, les chômeurs, les personnes handicapées et les personnes confrontées à des risques sociaux. Il analyse différents types d’interventions des gouvernements pour la protection des individus, des familles ou des ménages, au travers de programmes spécifiques allant de programmes ciblant la pauvreté, aux prestations et services en faveur de l’emploi, et aux prestations et services au bénéfice des personnes handicapées et d’autres services sociaux. Ce Manuel de référence cherche à répondre à différentes questions pratiques soulevées au cours de la mise en œuvre, en particulier : • Comment les pays mettent-ils en œuvre les prestations et services de protection sociale ? • Comment le font-ils avec l’efficacité et l’efficience voulues ? • Comment assurent-ils une inclusion dynamique, en particulier celle des personnes les plus vulnérables et les plus défavorisées ? • Comment favorisent-ils une meilleure coordination et intégration non seulement entre les différents programmes de protection sociale mais aussi avec les programmes mis en œuvre par d’autres acteurs gouvernementaux ? • Comment peuvent-ils répondre aux besoins des populations ciblées et assurer une meilleure expérience client ? Le cadre de mise en œuvre des systèmes de protection sociale précise les principaux éléments de cet environnement opérationnel. Il se décline en différentes phases qui s’échelonnent tout au long de la chaîne de mise en oeuvre. Ces phases sont les lieux d’interactions entre différents acteurs, parmi lesquels des personnes et des institutions. La communication, les systèmes d’information et la technologie facilitent ces interactions. Ce cadre peut s’appliquer à la mise en œuvre d’un ou plusieurs programmes ainsi qu’à la mise en place d’une protection sociale adaptative. Le Manuel de référence des systèmes de mise en œuvre de la protection sociale s’articule autour de huit principes clés qui constituent le code de conduite de la mise en œuvre : 1. Les systèmes de mise en œuvre ne suivent pas un modèle unique, mais tous les modèles partagent des points communs qui forment le coeur du cadre de mise en œuvre des systèmes de protection sociale. 2. La qualité de la mise en œuvre a une grande importance et la faiblesse de l’un des éléments constitutifs de la chaîne de mise en œuvre affectera négativement l’ensemble de celle-ci et réduira les impacts du ou des programmes qui lui sont associés. 3. Les systèmes de mise en œuvre évoluent dans le temps, de manière non linéaire et leur point de départ est important. 4. Dès le début de la mise en œuvre, des efforts devront être déployés pour « garder les choses simples » et pour « bien faire les choses simples ». 5. Le premier segment de la chaîne, à savoir l’interface entre les futurs bénéficiaires et l’administration, est souvent son maillon le plus faible. Son amélioration peut nécessiter des changements systémiques, mais ceux-ci contribueront considérablement à l’efficacité globale et atténueront les risques d’échec de cette interface. 6. Les programmes de protection sociale ne fonctionnent pas dans le vide et, par conséquent, leur système de mise en œuvre ne doit pas être développé en vase clos. Des opportunités de synergies entre institutions et systèmes d’information existent et les saisir peut améliorer les résultats des programmes. 7. Au-delà de la protection sociale, ces systèmes de mise en œuvre peuvent aussi améliorer la capacité des gouvernements à fournir d’autres prestations ou services, comme les subventions à l’assurance maladie, les bourses d’études, les tarifs sociaux de l’énergie, les allocations logement et l’accès aux services juridiques. 8. L’inclusion et la coordination sont des défis omniprésents et permanents. Pour les relever, il faut donc améliorer de façon continue les systèmes de mise en œuvre à travers une approche dynamique, intégrée et centrée sur la personne.
Download or read book Data Protection in the Internet written by Dário Moura Vicente and published by Springer Nature. This book was released on 2019-12-01 with total page 540 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This book identifies and explains the different national approaches to data protection – the legal regulation of the collection, storage, transmission and use of information concerning identified or identifiable individuals – and determines the extent to which they could be harmonised in the foreseeable future. In recent years, data protection has become a major concern in many countries, as well as at supranational and international levels. In fact, the emergence of computing technologies that allow lower-cost processing of increasing amounts of information, associated with the advent and exponential use of the Internet and other communication networks and the widespread liberalization of the trans-border flow of information have enabled the large-scale collection and processing of personal data, not only for scientific or commercial uses, but also for political uses. A growing number of governmental and private organizations now possess and use data processing in order to determine, predict and influence individual behavior in all fields of human activity. This inevitably entails new risks, from the perspective of individual privacy, but also other fundamental rights, such as the right not to be discriminated against, fair competition between commercial enterprises and the proper functioning of democratic institutions. These phenomena have not been ignored from a legal point of view: at the national, supranational and international levels, an increasing number of regulatory instruments – including the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation applicable as of 25 May 2018 – have been adopted with the purpose of preventing personal data misuse. Nevertheless, distinct national approaches still prevail in this domain, notably those that separate the comprehensive and detailed protective rules adopted in Europe since the 1995 Directive on the processing of personal data from the more fragmented and liberal attitude of American courts and legislators in this respect. In a globalized world, in which personal data can instantly circulate and be used simultaneously in communications networks that are ubiquitous by nature, these different national and regional approaches are a major source of legal conflict.
Download or read book Law Norms and Freedoms in Cyberspace Droit normes et libert s dans le cybermonde written by Cécile de Terwangne and published by Éditions Larcier. This book was released on 2018-05-29 with total page 686 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Professeur, chercheur, directeur de centre, doyen et recteur, Yves Poullet s’est illustré dans toutes les étapes et fonctions d’une carrière universitaire bien remplie, marquant des générations d’étudiants, de chercheurs, de collègues et de pairs. Spécialiste éminent et incontournable du droit de l’internet et des technologies de l’information et de la communication, il en est aussi l'un des précurseurs en fondant dès 1979 un des premiers centres de recherche européens en la matière. Par cet ouvrage, collègues, amis, anciens doctorants rendent hommage à l’une des plus belles plumes de la discipline, en lui offrant leurs réflexions sur l’influence réciproque du droit et de la technologie. Leurs contributions démontrent l’étendue de l’expertise et des réseaux européens et internationaux d’Yves Poullet. Elles s’articulent autour de trois axes qui furent autant de perspectives dans lesquelles il a inscrit sa recherche : le droit, les normes et les libertés. La richesse de ce volume témoigne de son attention à l’humain, des amitiés qu’il a nouées, mais aussi des sillons qu’il a tracés en droit des technologies de l’information et de la communication, sillons dans lesquels a poussé une forêt luxuriante, toujours fertile. C’est l’héritage d’un grand penseur, d’un véritable universitaire. =========== Yves Poullet has not merely served but excelled in all functions of the University world. Whether as professor, researcher, director of a research centre or as dean and rector, he has left a lasting impression in the minds of generations of students, researchers, colleagues and peers. He is a preeminent expert on the law of Internet and Information and Communications Technologies who, already in 1979, pioneered one of the first European research centres in the field. This volume is a tribute to Yves Poullet from colleagues, friends, former PhD researchers, offering their reflections on the reciprocal influence of law and technology. These contributions highlight both the range of expertise and the extent of the European and international networks he has nourished. They address the three main research axes Yves Poullet has developed through the years: law, norms and freedoms. The authors of this volume pay homage to a mentor, a friend, but above all to an exceptional researcher who has sown countless seeds in the field, enabling a luxurious landscape to grow and become a source of inspiration for many scholars. This is the heritage of a genuine thinker, a real academic.
Download or read book Data Protection Around the World written by Elif Kiesow Cortez and published by Springer Nature. This book was released on 2020-11-20 with total page 279 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This book provides a snapshot of privacy laws and practices from a varied set of jurisdictions in order to offer guidance on national and international contemporary issues regarding the processing of personal data and serves as an up-to-date resource on the applications and practice-relevant examples of data protection laws in different countries. Privacy violations emerging at an ever-increasing rate, due to evolving technology and new lifestyles linked to an intensified online presence of ever more individuals, required the design of a novel data protection and privacy regulation. The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) stands as an example of a regulatory response to these demands. The authors included in this book offer an in-depth analysis of the national data protection legislation of various countries across different continents, not only including country-specific details but also comparing the idiosyncratic characteristics of these national privacy laws to the GDPR. Valuable comparative information on data protection regulations around the world is thus provided in one concise volume. Due to the variety of jurisdictions covered and the practical examples focused on, both academics and legal practitioners will find this book especially useful, while for compliance practitioners it can serve as a guide regarding transnational data transfers. Elif Kiesow Cortez is Senior Lecturer at the International and European Law Program at The Hague University of Applied Sciences in The Netherlands.
Download or read book Data Governance and Policy in Africa written by Bitange Ndemo and published by Springer Nature. This book was released on with total page 229 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:
Download or read book Enjeux et usages du Big Data Technologies m thodes et mise en oeuvre written by BRASSEUR Christophe and published by Lavoisier. This book was released on 2013-04-01 with total page 226 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Le développement spectaculaire d’internet, des réseaux sociaux, de la technologie mobile et la multiplication des capteurs provoquent une croissance exponentielle des données à laquelle les entreprises doivent faire face : c’est le phénomène du Big Data. Ses enjeux sont considérables. Au-delà de la simple question technique du stockage, il offre la possibilité de tirer profit du contenu de ces nouvelles sources d’information. Les solutions décisionnelles classiques laissent progressivement place au Business Analytics et aux méthodes prédictives, transformant l’avalanche de données en valeur ajoutée. La technologie est aujourd’hui disponible, les bases de données traditionnelles ont évolué et les solutions dédiées à l’exploitation des données massives, telles que Hadoop, sont désormais opérationnelles. S’appuyant sur différents cas pratiques, Enjeux et usages du Big Data met l’accent sur les méthodes, les techniques et les ressources nécessaires pour permettre aux entreprises d’entrer avec succès dans l’ère de l’information à grande échelle.
Download or read book Data protection in the context of covid 19 A short hi story of tracing applications written by Elise Poillot and published by Roma TrE-Press. This book was released on 2021-11-13 with total page 458 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The volume presents the results of a research project (named “Legafight”) funded by the Luxembourg Fond National de la Recherche in order to verify if and how digital tracing applications could be implemented in the Grand-Duchy in order to counter and abate the Covid-19 pandemic. This inevitably brought to a deep comparative overview of the various existing various models, starting from that of the European Union and those put into practice by Belgium, France, Germany and Italy, with attention also to some Anglo-Saxon approaches (the UK and Australia). Not surprisingly the main issue which had to be tackled was that of the protection of the personal data collected through the tracing applications, their use by public health authorities and the trust laid in tracing procedures by citizens. Over the last 18 months tracing apps have registered a rise, a fall, and a sudden rebirth as mediums devoted not so much to collect data, but rather to distribute real time information which should allow informed decisions and be used as repositories of health certifications.
Download or read book The Emergence of Personal Data Protection as a Fundamental Right of the EU written by Gloria González Fuster and published by Springer Science & Business. This book was released on 2014-04-28 with total page 284 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This book explores the coming into being in European Union (EU) law of the fundamental right to personal data protection. Approaching legal evolution through the lens of law as text, it unearths the steps that led to the emergence of this new right. It throws light on the right’s significance, and reveals the intricacies of its relationship with privacy. The right to personal data protection is now officially recognised as an EU fundamental right. As such, it is expected to play a critical role in the future European personal data protection legal landscape, seemingly displacing the right to privacy. This volume is based on the premise that an accurate understanding of the right’s emergence is crucial to ensure its correct interpretation and development. Key questions addressed include: How did the new right surface in EU law? How could the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights claim to render ‘more visible’ an invisible right? And how did EU law allow for the creation of a new right while ensuring consistency with existing legal instruments and case law? The book first investigates the roots of personal data protection, studying the redefinition of privacy in the United States in the 1960s, as well as pioneering developments in European countries and in international organisations. It then analyses the EU’s involvement since the 1970s up to the introduction of legislative proposals in 2012. It grants particular attention to changes triggered in law by language and, specifically, by the coexistence of languages and legal systems that determine meaning in EU law. Embracing simultaneously EU law’s multilingualism and the challenging notion of the untranslatability of words, this work opens up an inspiring way of understanding legal change. This book will appeal to legal scholars, policy makers, legal practitioners, privacy and personal data protection activists, and philosophers of law, as well as, more generally, anyone interested in how law works.
Download or read book Vers un droit d acc s l information publique written by Canavaggio, Perrine and published by UNESCO. This book was released on 2014-04-14 with total page 107 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:
Download or read book Data Protection in Luxembourg written by Marcus Dury and published by Fachmedien Recht und Wirtschaft. This book was released on 2019-05-02 with total page 286 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This book offers a practical presentation of the special features of data protection law in Luxembourg and the way it interacts with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The GDPR has been effective since 25 May 2018. It has been obligatory to comply with the new Luxembourg Data Protection Act in all data processing operations that relate to Luxembourg as a supplement to the GDPR since 20 August 2018. In the first part of this book, you can learn what new legal requirements the GDPR and the new Luxembourg Data Protection Act impose on companies in Luxembourg and group structures with relationships to Luxembourg respectively. The second part contains a systematic presentation of the GDPR and the Luxembourg Data Protection Act. The book aims to help you to meet the requirements of data protection law in Luxembourg in everyday corporate life and implement them in practice with as little expense and effort as possible. The book, which also includes the text of the Luxembourg Data Protection Act, is available in three languages: French, English and German. The German and English translations of the legal text have moreover been authorised by the supervisory authority in Luxembourg, the CNPD, so you can be sure that using the translations will not cause any disadvantage as compared with applying the law in its original wording.
Download or read book The Right To Be Forgotten written by Franz Werro and published by Springer Nature. This book was released on 2020-03-06 with total page 317 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This book examines the right to be forgotten and finds that this right enjoys recognition mostly in jurisdictions where privacy interests impose limits on freedom of expression. According to its traditional understanding, this right gives individuals the possibility to preclude the media from revealing personal facts that are no longer newsworthy, at least where no other interest prevails. Cases sanctioning this understanding still abound in a number of countries. In today’s world, however, the right to be forgotten has evolved, and it appears in a more multi-faceted way. It can involve for instance also the right to access, control and even erase personal data. Of course, these prerogatives depend on various factors and competing interests, of both private and public nature, which again require careful balancing. Due to ongoing technological evolution, it is likely that the right to be forgotten in some of its new manifestations will become increasingly relevant in our societies.
Download or read book European Data Protection In Good Health written by Serge Gutwirth and published by Springer Science & Business Media. This book was released on 2012-02-23 with total page 368 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Although Europe has a significant legal data protection framework, built up around EU Directive 95/46/EC and the Charter of Fundamental Rights, the question of whether data protection and its legal framework are ‘in good health’ is increasingly being posed. Advanced technologies raise fundamental issues regarding key concepts of data protection. Falling storage prices, increasing chips performance, the fact that technology is becoming increasingly embedded and ubiquitous, the convergence of technologies and other technological developments are broadening the scope and possibilities of applications rapidly. Society however, is also changing, affecting the privacy and data protection landscape. The ‘demand’ for free services, security, convenience, governance, etc, changes the mindsets of all the stakeholders involved. Privacy is being proclaimed dead or at least worthy of dying by the captains of industry; governments and policy makers are having to manoeuvre between competing and incompatible aims; and citizens and customers are considered to be indifferent. In the year in which the plans for the revision of the Data Protection Directive will be revealed, the current volume brings together a number of chapters highlighting issues, describing and discussing practices, and offering conceptual analysis of core concepts within the domain of privacy and data protection. The book’s first part focuses on surveillance, profiling and prediction; the second on regulation, enforcement, and security; and the third on some of the fundamental concepts in the area of privacy and data protection. Reading the various chapters it appears that the ‘patient’ needs to be cured of quite some weak spots, illnesses and malformations. European data protection is at a turning point and the new challenges are not only accentuating the existing flaws and the anticipated difficulties, but also, more positively, the merits and the need for strong and accurate data protection practices and rules in Europe, and elsewhere.
Download or read book Market Integration Through Data Protection written by Mario Viola de Azevedo Cunha and published by Springer Science & Business Media. This book was released on 2013-02-26 with total page 236 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: In the context of the continuous advance of information technologies and biomedicine, and of the creation of economic blocs, this work analyzes the role that data protection plays in the integration of markets. It puts special emphasis on financial and insurance services. Further, it identifies the differences in the data protection systems of EU member states and examines the development of common standards and principles of data protection that could help build a data protection model for Mercosur. Divided into four parts, the book starts out with a discussion of the evolution of the right to privacy, focusing on the last few decades, and taking into account the development of new technologies. The second part discusses the interaction between data protection and specific industries that serve as case studies: insurance, banking and credit reporting. The focus of this part is on generalization and discrimination, adverse selection and the processing of sensitive and genetic data. The third part of the book presents an analysis of the legislation of three EU Member States (France, Italy and UK). Specific elements of analysis that are compared are the concepts of personal and anonymous data, data protection principles, the role of the data protection authorities, the role of the data protection officer, data subjects’ rights, the processing of sensitive data, the processing of genetic data and the experience of the case studies in processing data. The book concludes with the proposal of a model for data protection that could be adopted by Mercosur, taking into account the different levels of data protection that exist in its member states.
Download or read book Personal Data Protection and Legal Developments in the European Union written by Tzanou, Maria and published by IGI Global. This book was released on 2020-06-12 with total page 375 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: In the age of technological advancement, including the emergence of artificial intelligence, big data, and the internet of things, the need for privacy and protection has risen massively. This phenomenon has led to the enforcement of two major legal directives in the European Union (EU) that aim to provide vigorous protection of personal data. There is a need for research on the repercussions and developments that have materialized with these recent regulations and how the rest of the world has been affected. Personal Data Protection and Legal Developments in the European Union is an essential reference source that critically discusses different aspects of the GDPR and the Law Enforcement Directive as well as recent jurisprudential developments concerning data privacy in the EU and its member states. It also addresses relevant recent case law of the Court of Justice of the EU, the European Court of Human Rights, and national courts. Featuring research on topics such as public transparency, medical research data, and automated decision making, this book is ideally designed for law practitioners, data scientists, policymakers, IT professionals, politicians, researchers, analysts, academicians, and students working in the areas of privacy, data protection, big data, information technology, and human rights law.