Download or read book Leveraging Export Diversification in Fragile Countries written by José López-Cálix and published by World Bank Publications. This book was released on 2020-02-12 with total page 165 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Despite multiple past efforts, fragile Sub-Saharan African economies such as those of Mali, Chad, Niger, and Guinea still rank among the least diversified worldwide, with natural resources constituting a high share of their gross domestic product or exports. Large-scale production of gold for Mali, oil for Chad, uranium for Niger, and bauxite for Guinea offers substantial opportunities, but also has major shortcomings. Conclusive evidence shows poor economic performance by resource-rich but fragile Sub-Saharan African countries. The primary reason is not only their high vulnerability to external shocks, but the greed or grievances that typically lead to rents appropriation by a small group of elites in countries that are prone to conflict. Leveraging Export Diversifi cation in Fragile Countries explores the following questions: What are Mali’s, Chad’s, Niger’s, and Guinea’s main constraints to export diversification as perceived by key exporting firms? How it could be beneficial for these countries to target certain emerging export products? Are their current interventions to promote global value chain (GVC) adequate? What lessons can be extracted from specific cases? How can trade and logistic policies favor (or hamper) export diversification†“led growth? The book lays the groundwork for effective step-by-step multidimensional policies to propel export diversification in fragile economies that are hindered not only by poor governance and weak institutions, but also by their landlocked position (except Guinea), small domestic markets, and business-unfriendly environments. Recognizing that traditional project interventions in these countries have had limited success, mainly due to their unidimensional focus on single components of an agricultural value chain, the book proposes a GVC 2.0 cluster-based approach to export diversification, in which complementary efforts attract foreign firms and public investment in support of agribusiness. Promising pilot examples of joint implementation plans among multiple donors, risk-sharing facilities, and agribusiness clusters provide valuable insights into recent global value chain developer interventions.
Download or read book Peace Security and Post conflict Reconstruction in the Great Lakes Region of Africa written by Lumumba-Kasongo, Tukumbi and published by CODESRIA. This book was released on 2017-11-28 with total page 392 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The Great Lakes region of Africa is characterized by protest politics, partial democratization, political illegitimacy and unstable economic growth. Many of the countries that are members of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR) which are: Burundi, Angola, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Sudan, South Sudan, Tanzania, and Zambia, have experienced political violence and bloodshed at one time or another. While a few states have been advancing electoral democracy, environmental protection and peaceful state building, the overall intensity of violence in the region has led to civil wars, invasion, genocide, dictatorships, political instability, and underdevelopment. Efforts to establish sustainable peace, meaningful socio-economic development and participatory democracy have not been quite successful. Using various methodologies and paradigms, this book interrogates the complexity of the causes of these conflicts; and examines their impact and implications for socio-economic development of the region. The non-consensual actions related to these conflicts and imperatives of power struggles supported by the agents of ‘savage’ capitalism have paralysed efforts toward progress. The book therefore recommends new policy frameworks within regionalist lenses and neo-realist politics to bring about sustainable peace in the region.
Download or read book European Yearbook Annuaire Europeen 1963 written by Council of Europe/Conseil de L'Europe and published by Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. This book was released on 1965-01-07 with total page 486 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The "European Yearbook promotes the scientific study of nineteen European supranational organisations and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Each volume contains a detailed survey of the history, structure and yearly activities of each organisation and an up-to-date chart providing a clear overview of the member states of each organisation. Each volume contains a comprehensive bibliography covering the year's relevant publications.
Download or read book Annuaire Europ en Vol Xii European Yearbook written by B. Landheer and published by Springer. This book was released on 2013-12-14 with total page 898 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The term EUROVISION, invented-by pure chance-only a few years ago, is now familiar to millions. What the name covers is the subject of this paper. EUROVISION is not the name of an organisation or company, but rather an emblem. It signifies international co-operation in television programme exchanges within the framework of the European Broad casting Union - or rather the most spectacular element of that Co-oper ation. It appears conspicuously at the head of programmes relayed by several countries. To understand the full extent of this co-operation, it is best to look at the wider field covered by the structure and working of the European Broadcasting Union itself. The European Broadcasting Union is a professional association, grouping Western European radio-television organisations as active members, with organisations in other continents as associate members. It is financed by contributions from its members. Questions of principle, management and financial responsibility come under the Administrative Council or the General Assembly (from which it is elected) - in which the Directors-General of the several organisations are represented. The present Chairman is M. RoDIN6 of Italy who succeeded M. RYDBECK of Sweden. Four Committees are responsible for preparatory studies and routine problems: the Legal, the Technical, the Programme and the Sound Broadcasting Committees, which group the specialist Service Directors.
Download or read book Electronic Mass Media in Europe Prospects and Developments written by E. de Bens and published by Springer Science & Business Media. This book was released on 2012-12-06 with total page 535 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: L'histoire r~cente de l'audiovisuel en France ne peut ~tre rapport~e sans prendre en compte le changement de majorit~ poli tique de 1981. Sans doute les innovations techniques qui inter pellent aujourd'hui les diff~rents acteurs du champ audiovisuel ~taient-elles d~ja pr~sentes ou en germe d~s la fin de la d~cennie pr~c~dente. Mais la volont~ de l'Etat de faire de la communication audiovisuelle une des cl~s de voQte d'une nouvelle politique culturelle et ~conomique n'a cess~ d'entretenir une tension toute particuli~re dans un paysage qui n'avait que fort peu ~volu~ de 1974 a 1982, si l'on excepte la dissolution de l'ORTF et la cr~ation simultan~e de sept soci~t~s, chacune sp~cialis~e dans une des fonctions de la radio-diffusion (produc tion, programmation, diffusion-- l. Les exp~riences de t~l~ distribution lanc~es en 1975 n'avaient pas ~t~ relay~s par une politique plus ambitieuse. Seul le projet de satellite de t~l~ vision directe TDF 1 t~moignait d'une vision plus prospective, plus aventureuse du d~veloppement de l'audiovisuel.
Download or read book Une Transtion Juste written by NJ Ayuk and published by Blackstone Publishing. This book was released on 2023-06-30 with total page 289 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: EN SEULEMENT QUELQUES DÉCENNIES, les pays du monde entier sont devenus bien plus interdépendants qu’on n’aurait jamais pu l’imaginer. Notre regard sur le monde évolue et, avec lui, la demande pour que les cultures et les institutions politiques de la planète « pensent globalement » se fait croissante. Si penser globalement est souvent pavé de bonnes intentions, agir globalement sans tenir compte des réalités locales peut produire des résultats involontairement néfastes. Dans Une Transition juste, le célèbre auteur et entrepreneur camerounais NJ Ayuk montre comment cette triste réalité advient alors que les ambitieuses politiques de l’Agence internationale de l’énergie (AIE) en matière d’énergie verte étouffent et paralysent les économies énergétiques de l’Afrique. Avec une abondance naturelle de ressources pétrolières et gazières, l’Afrique a le potentiel d’être un leader mondial de l’énergie, mais l’énergie verte seule ne permettra pas d’opérer cette transformation. Une Transition juste analyse en détail la possibilité d’un avenir radieux pour les pays africains et les facteurs qui y font obstacle. NJ Ayuk nous présente un récit détaillé dans lequel il aborde avec expertise des sujets importants comme la réalité de la précarité énergétique, la valeur du gaz naturel en Afrique, l’impact néfaste de l’aide internationale en Afrique, l’adoption des nouvelles technologies ou encore la création de débouchés économiques pour les femmes. Avec une gouvernance réfléchie, du flair pour les perspectives d’avenir et l’attention toute particulière que les pays touchés par des réformes de grande envergure méritent, le continent africain est en mesure d’opérer une transition vers les énergies renouvelables juste et florissante pour toutes les parties concernées.
Download or read book Renforcer les comp tences au Cameroun written by Shobhana Sosale and published by World Bank Publications. This book was released on 2016-10-24 with total page 263 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Cameroon has strong goals for its growth and development. By 2035, it aims to be an emerging economy. The country s medium-term goals are focused on alleviating poverty, consolidating democracy, and achieving national unity while respecting diversity. This report contributes substantively to the Government s vision on Strategy for Growth and Employment, putting human development and employment at center stage. Cameroon faces three main challenges: Developing more robust formal and informal employment opportunities by strengthening human development. Increasing productivity in agriculture, mining, and key value chains (timber, tourism, and information and communication technology). Advancing growth by investing in infrastructure and improving the business climate and regional integration. The Strategy sets a target for reducing underemployment from 76 percent of the workforce to 50 by 2020 by creating tens of thousands of formal jobs. But based on results from the first two years of its implementation, the strategy is far from achieving that target. This report is meant to support Cameroon s efforts to build the skills of its workers. This report reaches conclusions and offers policy recommendations to answer six questions: What has been the trajectory of Cameroon s economic growth? Which sectors have contributed to growth? What jobs are being created? What types of skills are being used in the sectors where the highest percentages of the population are employed? What are the demand and supply barriers to skills? Which policies and institutions are in play? Are they sufficient? What needs to or could be reformed? Cameroon has good prospects for moving to middle-income status. It can create a more dynamic, responsive workforce. But a new strategy is required. It can be done.This report proposes new directions and provides recommendations. Outcomes are expected. Work has never been easy. But many have been working and Cameroon can work."
Download or read book Les ressources naturelles un enjeu cl pour l avenir de I Afrique written by James Cust and published by World Bank Publications. This book was released on 2023-12-06 with total page 292 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Ce livre se penche sur le rôle des richesses en ressources naturelles dans la transformation économique de l’Afrique et évoque les enjeux de la transition sobre en carbone pour les économies riches en ressources. La richesse en ressources constitue en effet un facteur clé dans la majeure partie des économies subsahariennes, dont le sol recèle un important potentiel inexploité. Les gisements souterrains de métaux, minerais, pétrole et gaz représentent des sources prépondérantes de recettes publiques et de revenus d’exportation, tout en offrant des possibilités de développement dans la plupart des pays du continent. En dépit de réserves conséquentes, la conversion de la richesse du sous-sol en prospérité durable n’a pas été pas couronnée de succès. Depuis la baisse du prix des matières premières constaté en 2014, la croissance des pays d’Afrique riches en ressources est plus lente que le taux de croissance moyen observé dans la région. Il est donc vital pour son avenir économique que le continent africain puisse tirer profit de ses richesses en ressources naturelles et ainsi favoriser sa transformation économique. Alors que le monde s’éloigne des combustibles fossiles conformément aux engagements pris dans le cadre de l’Accord de Paris, les pays africains riches en ressources voient surgir de nouveaux risques et de nouvelles opportunités. Des estimations récentes suggèrent que 80 % des réserves de combustibles fossiles attestées dans le monde doivent rester enfouies pour atteindre les objectifs de Paris; or, une grande partie de ces réserves «échouées» se situent en Afrique. Pour les nombreuses économies africaines qui dépendent de l’extraction et de l’exportation du pétrole, cette problématique des actifs «échoués», et par là -même, de «nations échouées», a des implications considérables. Mais cette transition énergétique va également avoir pour effet d’augmenter la demande en intrants de matières premières indispensables aux technologies des énergies vertes. La transition entre combustibles fossiles et énergies vertes devrait ainsi générer une demande de 3milliards de tonnes de minerais et de métaux nécessaires au déploiement des technologies à énergie solaire, éolienne et géothermique. Une question se pose alors: comment les économies africaines peuvent-elles pleinement saisir ces opportunités tout en gérant les risques inhérents aux combustibles fossiles, dans un contexte où leur demande est vouée à décroître? Les ressources naturelles, un enjeu clé pour l’avenir de l’Afrique aborde ces thèmes et offre aux décideurs politiques des pistes pour gérer les écueils de l’incertitude au cours des années à venir.
Download or read book Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of Economics and Management CIREG 2016 Volume II written by Houcine Berbou and published by Cambridge Scholars Publishing. This book was released on 2020-04-06 with total page 657 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This book brings together papers presented at the 3rd Conference of Research in Economics and Management (CIREG) held in Morocco in May 2016. With a focus on the challenges of SMEs and innovative solutions, they highlight the contribution of researchers in the fields of business and management, with all their micro and macro-economic aspects. They shed light on the universal scientific vision of the importance of SMEs with answers relevant to their local context and adapted to their specific national situation. The relevance of SME research lies in its heuristic value of analyzing change, rather than in constructing a category, a particularly useful empirical concept. This third volume is focused on marketing and human resources.
Download or read book Le concept de plurilinguisme written by Britta Hufeisen and published by Council of Europe. This book was released on 2004-01-01 with total page 192 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Afin de parvenir à une meilleure entente entre pays voisins, maîtriser une autre langue que sa langue maternelle serait souhaitable Selon ces recommandations, le Conseil de l'Europe et l'Union européenne présentent ici un projet sur l'enseignement et l'apprentissage des langues étrangères dans le contexte scolaire. Il a pour objectif de développer, dans le cadre du concept de plurilinguisme, les bases générales de méthodologie de langue tertiaire en les illustrant d'exemples, sur le modèle de la séquence linguistique "l'allemand après l'anglais ". Les organisateurs du projet, le Centre européen pour les langues vivantes du Conseil de l'Europe et le Goethe Institut Inter Nations, coopèrent à cet égard, en collaboration avec des institutions régionales actives dans le domaine de l'enseignement de langues étrangères.
Download or read book Mitigating Drought Impacts in Drylands written by Federica Carfagna and published by World Bank Publications. This book was released on 2018-04-13 with total page 204 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Drylands account for three-quarters of Sub-Saharan Africa's cropland, two-thirds of cereal production, and four-fifths of livestock holdings. Today frequent and severe shocks, especially droughts, limit the livelihood opportunities available to millions of households and undermine efforts to eradicate poverty in the drylands. Prospects for sustainable development of drylands are assessed in this book through the lens of resilience, understood here to mean the ability of people to withstand and respond to droughts and other shocks. An original model was developed expressly to consistently and coherently evaluate different type of interventions on the ground, which provided a common framework to anticipate the scale of the challenges likely to arise in drylands, as well as to generate insights into opportunities for addressing those challenges. Such modeling framework consisted in a) estimating the baseline vulnerability profiles of people living in drylands (2010), b) estimate the evolution of vulnerability by 2030 under a range of assumptions, c) calculated the number of people affectedby drought in the different administrative units of each country, and d) evaluate different types of interventions in agriculture and livestock for mitigating drought impact by calculating the potential for reducing the number of people affected for each scenario and conducting a simplified · benefit/cost (B/C) analysis for each type of intervention. For livestock, simulation models were used to estimate the impacts of feed balances, livestock production, and household income resilience interventions under different climate scenarios). For agriculture, the DSSAT (Decision Support System for·Agrotechnology Transfer) framework was used to assess the potential impact on yields likely to result from adoption of five crop farming technologies: (1) drought-tolerant varieties, (2) heat-tolerant varieties, (3) additional fertilizer, (4) agroforestry practices, (S) irrigation (6) water-harvesting techniques and selected combinations thereof.
Download or read book Enseignement sup rieur et quit en Afrique subsaharienne written by Peter Darvas and published by World Bank Publications. This book was released on 2018-04-11 with total page 204 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Despite a spectacular expansion of the higher education sector in Sub-Saharan Africa, the supply of tertiary education has generally failed to keep pace with demand, and the region continues to lag behind all other regions in terms of access to tertiary education. This is in part a consequence of deeply entrenched patterns of inequitable access to higher education, and the perpetuation of what researchers refer to as “elite systems.†? To date, access to tertiary education in Sub-Saharan Africa has unduly benefited students drawn from the region’s wealthiest households, and overall enrollment remains disproportionately male and metropolitan. These factors stifle the catalytic potential of higher education, corroding its potential for driving economic growth and sustaining poverty reduction. Instead, patterns of access to tertiary education have generally reinforced and reproduced social inequality, instead of eroding its pernicious social and economic effects. Sharing Higher Education’s Promise beyond the Few in Sub-Saharan Africa aims to inform an improved understanding of equity in tertiary enrollment in Sub-Saharan African countries and to examine the extent to which inequity functions as a bottleneck, inhibiting the ability of African universities to effectively drive improvements in overall quality of life and economic competitiveness. In our survey of the evidence, we also aim to identify which policies most effectively address the challenge of promoting equity of access in Sub-Saharan African tertiary education systems. To achieve these objectives, the book collects, generates, and analyzes empirical evidence on patterns of equity; examines the underlying causes of inequity; and evaluates government policies for addressing inequity.
Download or read book Innovations in Rural Areas written by and published by Presses Univ Blaise Pascal. This book was released on 2003 with total page 364 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:
Download or read book OECD Rural Policy Reviews Scotland UK 2008 written by OECD and published by OECD Publishing. This book was released on 2008-09-02 with total page 179 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: A comprehensive review of rural policy in Scotland, that includes a profile of rural Scotland, and assessment of current policy, and a series of policy recommendations.
Download or read book Zambia Country Assistance Review written by Gladstone G. Bonnick and published by World Bank Publications. This book was released on 1997-01-01 with total page 178 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This book draws on country case studies to focus on the environmental implications of economywide policy reforms undertaken at the sectoral or macroeconomic level. Although the emphasis is upon economic policies, other noneconomic measures are also relevant, such as social, institutional, and legal actions. The main feature of most policy reforms directed at various levels of economic decisionmaking are price changes designed to promote efficiency and reduce waste. This report reinforces the view that policies that address price-related distortions can contribute to both economic and environmental goals (win-win policy reforms). A recurring theme in the case studies is that the potential for achieving parallel gains in conventional economic, social, and environmental goals is often present when economywide reforms attempt to improve macroeconomic stability, increase efficiency, and alleviate poverty. However, in important cases these potential gains cannot be realized unless complementary environmental and social measures are carried out. Of related interest: The Greening of Economic Policy Reform: Volume I: Principles (ISBN 0-8213-3477-8) Stock no. 13477; Volume II: Case Studies (ISBN 0-8213-3797-1) Stock no. 13797.