Download or read book Annuaire Europeen written by B. Lamdheer and published by Springer. This book was released on 2012-12-06 with total page 729 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Avec ce quatrieme volume, I' Annuaire europeen entre dans 1a seconde phase de son existance. A l'origine, la pUblication de' cet Annuaire avait ete, a titre d'experience, prevue pour trois ans. Cette periode est deja depassee, et Ie succes de l'experience est demontre par de nombreuses critiques elogieuses comme par l'accueil tres favorable que lui ont reserve les milieux inte resses aux affaires europeennes. En consequence, Ie Comite des Ministres du Conseil de l'Euro pe decida, en mars 1957, que l'Annuaire europeen continuerait a paraitre sans limitation de duree. Ainsi les assises de notre oeuvre sont, pour ainsi dire, devenues permanentes, et ce fait meme prouve les progres realises dans la voie de I'integration europeenne. En effet l'annee 1957 a ete extremement fructueuse en ce qui concerne l'integration europeenne et, alors que, dans l'ensemble, ce volume IV devait etre consacre a I' evolution des faits en 1956, nous avons dll egalement porter notre attention, aussi bien dans les articles que dans la partie documentaire, sur les nouvelles institutions, dont l'impQrtance est capitale. C'est pourquoi Ie Traite instituant la Communaute Economique Euro peenne figure parmi les textes documentaires du present volume; toutefois, en raison du manque de place, Ia publication du Trait6 instituant I'Euratom a ete differee jusqu'au prochain volume. Etant donne l'importance de ces deux nouveaux traites pour l'integration europeenne, Ie Comite de redaction demanda a M.
Download or read book The European Coal and Steel Community written by Henry L. Mason and published by Springer. This book was released on 2013-03-09 with total page 165 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The European Coal and Steel Community has been called "a new structure in the marches between internal and international law. " 1 To describe this new type of structure the term "supra national" has found increasing usage. Supranational organs have been defined as standing "midway between 'international' and federal organs. " International organizations - such as the United Nations or the Council of Europe - are based on the "sovereign equality" of their members and non-intervention in domestic affairs; they are really at the intergovernmental level. Supra national organs transcend international organizations in both these respects without, however, constituting a federal state. They are based "not on a mere restriction, but on a transfer of [national] sovereignty, but a transfer of sovereignty in a particu lar area only. " 2 This pilot experiment in supranational organization is of twofold importance. In the first place, although operating on a regional level only, it could teach valuable lessons concerning future attempts at world organization through the "functional approach. " In Prof. Mitrany's words, national divisions must be overlaid "with a spreading web of international activities and agencies, in which and through which the interests and life of all the nations would be gradually integrated. " 3 The Coal and Steel Community could be an excellent testing ground for the develop ment of an international community, growing from the satis faction of common needs which people of different nations share.
Download or read book European Yearbook Annuaire Europeen 1965 written by Council of Europe/Conseil de L'Europe and published by Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. This book was released on 1967-07-01 with total page 916 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The "European Yearbook promotes the scientific study of nineteen European supranational organisations and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Each volume contains a detailed survey of the history, structure and yearly activities of each organisation and an up-to-date chart providing a clear overview of the member states of each organisation. Each volume contains a comprehensive bibliography covering the year's relevant publications.
Download or read book Narrating Europe written by Michael Gehler and published by Nomos Verlag. This book was released on 2022-10-26 with total page 653 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Die Autorinnen und Autoren dieses Bandes haben eine Reihe von Reden von Spitzenpolitikern zur europäischen Integration aus einer großen Zeitspanne (1946-2020) analysiert, wobei sie jede Rede in ihren zeitgeschichtlichen Kontext gestellt und in den biographischen Hintergrund des Redners eingeordnet haben. Die vergleichende Analyse zeigt, dass es notwendig ist, wieder zu entdecken, dass das Ideal des europäischen Einigungswerks genauso spannend sein kann wie andere nationale geschichtliche Kontroversen. Angesichts eines grassierenden Euroskeptizismus kann eine historische Einordnung und Kontextualisierung der Rolle der Kommunikation der europäischen Integration ein nützliches Instrumentarium sein, um die Bedeutung der europäischen Einigung und ihrer Werte zu erklären und zu verstehen. Mit Beiträgen von Dr. Andrea Becherucci, Prof. Frédéric Bozo, Prof. Elena Calandri, Prof. Andrea Catanzaro, Prof. Sante Cruciani, Dr. Deborah Cuccia, Prof. Elena Dundovich, Prof. Laura Fasanaro, Dr. Eva Garau, Prof. Dr. Michael Gehler, Prof. Piero Graglia, Prof. Giorgio Grimaldi, Prof. Gilles Grin, Prof. Maria Eleonora Guasconi, Prof. Giuliana Laschi, Prof. Guido Levi, Prof. Antonio Moreno Juste, Prof. Mara Morini, Prof. Marinella Neri Gualdesi, Dr. Jean-Marie Palayret, Prof. Simone Paoli, Prof. Daniele Pasquinucci, Prof. Laura Piccardo, Prof. Francesco Pierini, Prof. Ilaria Poggiolini, Prof. Daniela Preda, Prof. Sabine Russ-Sattar, Prof. Carlos Sanz Diaz, Prof. Jan Van der Harst, Prof. Antonio Varsori und Laura Wolf.
Download or read book European Yearbook Annuaire Europeen 1960 written by Council of Europe/Conseil de L'Europe and published by Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. This book was released on 1962-01-07 with total page 820 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The European Yearbook promotes the scientific study of nineteen European supranational organisations and the OECD. Each volume contains a detailed survey of the history, structure and yearly activities of each organisation and an up-to-date chart providing a clear overview of the member states of each organisation.
Download or read book European Yearbook Annuaire Europeen 1966 written by Council of Europe/Conseil de L'Europe and published by Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. This book was released on 1968-07-01 with total page 910 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The "European Yearbook" promotes the scientific study of nineteen European supranational organisations and the OECD. The series offers a detailed survey of the history, structure and yearly activities of each organisation and an up-to-date overview of the member states of each organisation. This special anniversary volume celebrates 60 years of publication of the Yearbook, and its contents differs from that of the regular volumes therefore. It offers a selection of the most important articles, dealing with European cooperation and integration, to appear in the Yearbook during its 60 years of publication. These are of particular interest not only because they provide a unique historical snapshot of the many successes (and occasional failures) in the field of European integration but also because they discuss the ideals and aims that lay behind these efforts, many of which still resonate today as Europe confronts questions about its political destiny and ideal shape. This volume contains articles in English and French."
Download or read book European Yearbook Annuaire Europeen 1955 written by Council of Europe/Conseil de L'Europe and published by Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. This book was released on 1957-01-07 with total page 566 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The "European Yearbook promotes the scientific study of nineteen European supranational organisations and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Each volume contains a detailed survey of the history, structure and yearly activities of each organisation and an up-to-date chart providing a clear overview of the member states of each organisation. Each volume contains a comprehensive bibliography covering the year's relevant publications.
Download or read book Annuaire Europ en European Yearbook written by B. Landheer and published by Springer Science & Business Media. This book was released on 2013-04-17 with total page 804 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:
Download or read book European Yearbook written by B. Landheer and published by Springer. This book was released on 2013-03-09 with total page 545 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Le troisieme volume de l'Annuaire Europeen suit le schema deja trace par ses predecesseurs, qui, pour autant que nous puissions en juger d'apres les critiques publiees, paraissent avoir rencontre l'approbation generale des lecteurs auxquels l'ouvrage Hait destine. Le volume III est cependant plus mince que les volumes anterieurs: l'ampleur du second volume (et, partant, son cont) ayant depasse les previsions initiales, on a voulu en effet maintenir une moyenne raisonnable au double point de vue du format et du prix. Les articles reproduits dans ce volume et la documentation comprise dans la partie II embrassent, selon nous, les principaux developpements intervenus dans la cooperation europeenne au cours de la periode consideree, c'est-a-dire, en principe, l'annee civile 1955 avec, pour des raisons de continuite, certaines incursions dans l'annee 1956. On relevera cependant une lacune majeure: l'omission de toute documentation concernant la Relance europeenne amorcee en juin 1955, a Messine, par la Con ference des six ministres des affaires Hrangeres des Etats mem bres de la Communaute Europeenne du Charbon et de I' Acier et les negociations ulterieures de Bruxelles en vue de l'etablissement du Marche commun et de I'Euratom. Etant donne que ces nego ciations Haient encore en cours au moment ou ce volume a He mis sous presse, i1 a semble preferable d'attendre leur conclusion et d'en donner un aperc;u plus complet dans le volume IV.
Download or read book The European Rescue of the Franco Regime 1950 1975 written by Fernando Guirao and published by Oxford University Press, USA. This book was released on 2021-01-28 with total page 482 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This book explores how the governments of the six founding members of the European Coal and Steel Community and the European Economic Community, acting collectively, assisted in the consolidation of the Franco regime from 1950-75.
Download or read book General Catalogue of Printed Books written by British Museum. Department of Printed Books and published by . This book was released on 1969 with total page 1362 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:
Download or read book The European Council and European Governance written by François Foret and published by Routledge. This book was released on 2013-12-04 with total page 201 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: In recent years, the failure of the constitutional process, the difficult ratification and implementation of the Lisbon Treaty, as well as the several crises affecting Europe have revitalized the debate on the nature of the European polity and the balance of powers in Brussels. This book explains the redistribution of power in the post-Lisbon EU with a focus on the European Council. Reform of institutions and the creation of new political functions at the top of the European Union have raised fresh questions about leadership and accountability. This book argues that the European Union exhibits a political order with hierarchies, mechanisms of domination and legitimating narratives. As such, it can be understood by analysing what happens at its summit. Taking the European Council as the nexus of European political governance, contributors consider council and rotating presidencies' co-operation, rivalry and opposition. The book combines approaches through events, processes and political structures, issues and the biographical trajectories of actors and explores how the founding compromise of European integration between sovereignty and supranationality is affected by the evolving nature of this new European political model which aims to combine cooperation and integration. The European Council and European Governance will be of strong interest to students and scholars of European studies, political science, political sociology, public policy and international relations.
Download or read book The Law of the European Union and the European Communities written by Pieter Jan Kuijper and published by Kluwer Law International B.V.. This book was released on 2018-09-28 with total page 1251 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The Law of the European Union is a complete reference work on all aspects of the law of the European Union, including the institutional framework, the Internal Market, Economic and Monetary Union and external policy and action. Completely revised and updated, with many newly written chapters, this fifth edition of the most thorough resource in its field provides the most comprehensive and systematic account available of the law of the European Union (EU). Written by a new team of experts in their respective areas of European law, its coverage incorporates and embraces many current, controversial, and emerging issues and provides detailed attention to historical development and legislative history of EU law. Topics that are constantly debated in European legal analysis and practice are touched on in ways that are both fundamental and enlightening, including the following: .powers and functions of the EU law institutions and relationship among them; .the principles of equality, loyalty, subsidiarity, and proportionality; .free movement of persons, goods, services, and capital; .mechanisms of constitutional change – treaty revisions, accession treaties, withdrawal agreements; .budgetary principles and procedures; .State aid rules; .effect of Union law in national legal systems; .coexistence of EU, European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR), and national fundamental rights law; .migration and asylum law; .liability of Member States for damage suffered by individuals; .competition law – cartels, abuse of dominant position, merger control; .social policy, equal pay, and equal treatment; .environmental policy, consumer protection, public health, cultural policy, education, and tourism; .nature of EU citizenship, its acquisition, and loss; and .law and policy of the EU’s external relations. The fifth edition embraces many new, ongoing, and emerging European legal issues. As in the previous editions, the presentation is notable for its attention to how the law relates to economic and political realities and how the various policy areas interact with each other and with the institutional framework. The many practitioners and scholars who have relied on the predecessors of this definitive work for years will welcome this extensively revised and updated edition. Those coming to the field for the first time will instantly recognize that they are in the presence of a masterwork that can always be turned to with profit and that helps in understanding the rationale underlying any EU law provision or principle.
Download or read book Annuaire Europ en Vol Xii European Yearbook written by B. Landheer and published by Springer. This book was released on 2013-12-14 with total page 898 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The term EUROVISION, invented-by pure chance-only a few years ago, is now familiar to millions. What the name covers is the subject of this paper. EUROVISION is not the name of an organisation or company, but rather an emblem. It signifies international co-operation in television programme exchanges within the framework of the European Broad casting Union - or rather the most spectacular element of that Co-oper ation. It appears conspicuously at the head of programmes relayed by several countries. To understand the full extent of this co-operation, it is best to look at the wider field covered by the structure and working of the European Broadcasting Union itself. The European Broadcasting Union is a professional association, grouping Western European radio-television organisations as active members, with organisations in other continents as associate members. It is financed by contributions from its members. Questions of principle, management and financial responsibility come under the Administrative Council or the General Assembly (from which it is elected) - in which the Directors-General of the several organisations are represented. The present Chairman is M. RoDIN6 of Italy who succeeded M. RYDBECK of Sweden. Four Committees are responsible for preparatory studies and routine problems: the Legal, the Technical, the Programme and the Sound Broadcasting Committees, which group the specialist Service Directors.
Download or read book Annuaire Europ en European Yearbook written by Council of Europe Staff and published by Springer Science & Business Media. This book was released on 2013-12-01 with total page 1002 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The "European Yearbook promotes the scientific study of nineteen European supranational organisations and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Each volume contains a detailed survey of the history, structure and yearly activities of each organisation and an up-to-date chart providing a clear overview of the member states of each organisation. Each volume contains a comprehensive bibliography covering the year's relevant publications.
Download or read book Recueil Des Cours Collected Courses 1956 written by Acadimie de Droit International de La Haye and published by Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. This book was released on 1968-12-01 with total page 996 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The Academy is a prestigious international institution for the study and teaching of Public and Private International Law and related subjects. The work of the Hague Academy receives the support and recognition of the UN. Its purpose is to encourage a thorough and impartial examination of the problems arising from international relations in the field of law. The courses deal with the theoretical and practical aspects of the subject, including legislation and case law. All courses at the Academy are, in principle, published in the language in which they were delivered in the "Collected Courses of the Hague Academy of International Law .
Download or read book European Yearbook Annuaire Europeen written by Council of Europe and published by BRILL. This book was released on 1969-01-07 with total page 1014 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The "European Yearbook promotes the scientific study of nineteen European supranational organisations and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Each volume contains a detailed survey of the history, structure and yearly activities of each organisation and an up-to-date chart providing a clear overview of the member states of each organisation. Each volume contains a comprehensive bibliography covering the year's relevant publications.