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Book L arte del cambiamento

    Book Details:
  • Author : Giorgio Nardone
  • Publisher : Ponte alle Grazie
  • Release : 2013-03-07T00:00:00+01:00
  • ISBN : 8862207689
  • Pages : 181 pages

Download or read book L arte del cambiamento written by Giorgio Nardone and published by Ponte alle Grazie. This book was released on 2013-03-07T00:00:00+01:00 with total page 181 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Risultato dal lavoro congiunto di Giorgio Nardone e di Paul Watzlawick, questo volume presenta in forma sistematica il modello di terapia breve per la soluzione di problemi psicologici specifici. L’approccio strategico alla psicoterapia, ossia la moderna evoluzione della terapia sistemica in simbiosi con l’ipnoterapia di Milton Erickson, rappresenta una prospettiva rivoluzionaria rispetto alle forme convenzionali di intervento psicoterapeutico. Si tratta di un modello teorico e operativo per la soluzione in tempi brevi dei problemi individuali, di coppia e di famiglia, applicabile anche a contesti interpersonali più ampi, e non solo clinici. La psicoterapia è intesa qui come una partita a scacchi tra terapeuta e paziente: una partita nella quale, però, si vince o si perde entrambi. Per vincerla, il terapeuta ricorre a raffinate tecniche di suggestione ipnotica, a paradossi e a trabocchetti comportamentali che aggirano la resistenza al cambiamento del paziente, conducendolo a percepire la realtà in maniera completamente nuova, e di conseguenza ad agire in modo non più disfunzionale.

Book From zero to hero

    Book Details:
  • Author : Wanda Montanelli
  • Publisher : Tektime
  • Release : 2023-12-13
  • ISBN : 8835459591
  • Pages : 182 pages

Download or read book From zero to hero written by Wanda Montanelli and published by Tektime. This book was released on 2023-12-13 with total page 182 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: In daily encounters on TV, press editorials and news reports, the only reason seeming to compel insiders is their circulation or audience. Everyone else turns a blind eye to it. Nobody cares about knowing that the higher the audience, the more links to Twitter there’ll be or that the more likes on Facebook there’ll be, the seeds of gratuitous violence are more effectively sown. This is called emulation or, in the psychopathology of communication, the “Werther effect”. Our society is full of frustrated individuals who ascribe their own failings to the world around them and it may be the case that some marginalised people regard themselves as being rather low on the social scale and therefore choose to give themselves hero status, worthy of the newspaper front pages. Consequently, they may happen to take action by seizing a firearm in search of verification of them transforming their empty existence into stuff of legend, giving enough to take about for days, months and years to come. Such a breakthrough, from zero to hero! Translator: Rhys Llwyd PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Book Il cambiamento strategico

Download or read book Il cambiamento strategico written by Giorgio Nardone and published by Ponte alle Grazie. This book was released on 2018-09-27T00:00:00+02:00 with total page 144 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Niente è nell’intelletto che non sia passato prima nei sensi, diceva Tommaso D’Aquino. Eppure in ambito psicologico e terapeutico continua a dominare l’idea che le vie privilegiate per aiutare le persone a cambiare passino attraverso apprendimenti che devono avvenire innanzitutto a livello cognitivo e razionale, relegando l’ambito delle percezioni e delle emozioni in un ruolo secondario. In realtà, in natura, i cambiamenti più repentini, sia negativi che positivi, non avvengono sulla scia di uno sforzo cognitivo, ma come effetto di quella che Franz Alexander ha definito “esperienza emozionale correttiva”. È proprio in virtù di queste esperienze emozionali concrete che la persona, spesso intrappolata da tempo all’interno di un problema, sperimenta per la prima volta la capacità di cambiare, si tratti di risolvere una patologia invalidante, migliorare la propria performance o introdurre cambiamenti nella propria vita relazionale e lavorativa. Questo libro, frutto di anni di ricerca clinica, fa il punto sulle principali nuove tecniche e scoperte e mostra come il terapeuta esperto possa guidare il paziente verso l’emozione correttiva, l’unica chiave per aprire il cancello che porta sulla nuova via, la via del cambiamento.

Book Problem Solving strategico da tasca

Download or read book Problem Solving strategico da tasca written by Giorgio Nardone and published by Ponte alle Grazie. This book was released on 2013-06-27T00:00:00+02:00 with total page 106 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Da ormai più di vent’anni Giorgio Nardone ha sviluppato con successo alcune modalità d’intervento basate sul modello di Problem Solving strategico, la cui applicazione va dalla psicoterapia, nel trattamento di gravi patologie come i disturbi alimentari, le fobie e gli attacchi di panico, al coaching individuale e alla consulenza aziendale, scolastica e sportiva. Questo testo descrive sinteticamente gli strumenti di cui ci si dovrebbe dotare per padroneggiare la «tecnologia» del Problem Solving, sintesi di conoscenza e arte pratica, di teoria e ricerca empirica. Definire il problema, individuare le «tentate soluzioni disfunzionali», introdurre il cambiamento sono i capisaldi di un approccio che punta tutto sull’efficacia e sul conseguimento degli obiettivi. In un’ottica strategica, non si conosce più per cambiare, ma si cambia per conoscere: il ricorso a una logica non ordinaria, basata sulla suggestione di stratagemmi antichi e insieme modernissimi, scuote le nostre convinzioni razionali e offre soluzioni inaspettatamente semplici a problemi di natura disparata. Per questo Nardone non si rivolge solo agli psicoterapeuti e ai manager, ma al problem solver che c’è in ognuno di noi: queste pagine vogliono insegnarci a «essere davvero artefici e non vittime del nostro destino».

Book Solcare il mare all insaputa del cielo

Download or read book Solcare il mare all insaputa del cielo written by Giorgio Nardone and published by Ponte alle Grazie. This book was released on 2012-06-28T00:00:00+02:00 with total page 122 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Nel 1988 usciva L'arte del cambiamento, il testo con il quale Giorgio Nardone introduceva quell'attività ventennale i cui risultati e successi sono raccolti e spiegati nel presente volume. Vent'anni durante i quali, mediante un sempre più consapevole uso terapeutico del paradosso, della credenza e della contraddizione - ossia delle logiche non ordinarie -, Nardone è giunto a individuare quelle costanti che permettono, caso per caso, di scegliere la strategia più adatta per affrontare e risolvere le più importanti patologie su scala individuale, di gruppo o aziendale. Un percorso in cui non si parte dall'astrattezza lineare di una teoria per procedere alle sue applicazioni, ma si opera nel modo esattamente opposto grazie a quella che Nardone definisce «consapevolezza operativa»: è attraverso la soluzione che si perviene alla conoscenza di un problema. Alla base di ciò vi è l'accettazione della realtà come mutamento e della credenza, della contraddizione e del paradosso come dati di fatto sempre operanti nei processi mentali e quindi nei comportamenti; e sono proprio questi dati che, una volta riconosciuti, ci suggeriscono la strada più consona per la risoluzione dei problemi. La verità di una teoria si deduce dai suoi risultati; una psicoterapia che funziona è una buona psicoterapia. Per spessore e ampiezza delle tematiche trattate, Solcare il mare all'insaputa del cielo dev'essere considerato un testo imprescindibile, punto di partenza per qualsiasi sviluppo operativo e teorico nell'ambito della psicoterapia breve strategica e fecondo stimolo per la riflessione filosofica e in particolare epistemologica che ha per oggetto l'essere umano.

Book Cambiare occhi toccare il cuore

Download or read book Cambiare occhi toccare il cuore written by Giorgio Nardone and published by Ponte alle Grazie. This book was released on 2013-06-27T00:00:00+02:00 with total page 111 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: A volte le parole paiono vuote, inutili, eccessive. Ma se sono poche ed efficaci, come nel caso dell’aforisma, possono diventare potenti e magiche. Non a caso tutta la tradizione orientale e occidentale di saggezza ha utilizzato l’aforisma per esprimere se stessa, per diffondersi, per creare consenso, per educare. Anche i nostri tempi, straripanti di informazioni, hanno bisogno di questo sapere conciso, dalla forma essenziale, lapidaria. Giorgio Nardone, psicologo e terapeuta, ha studiato a lungo l’effetto magico che una massima breve e folgorante può avere all’interno del colloquio terapeutico: tra le argomentazioni logiche e la comunicazione non verbale, una sentenza ben calibrata può portare a un’illuminazione improvvisa, una visione fino a quel momento nascosta agli occhi dell’interlocutore, proprio perché fa leva sia sull’intelligenza che sulle emozioni. Così l’aforisma dopo esser stato per molto tempo un accessorio da salotto, ritorna in sede terapeutica al suo antico rango, quello sapienziale, curativo, magico.

Book La sottile arte di incasinarsi la vita

Download or read book La sottile arte di incasinarsi la vita written by Bernardo Paoli and published by Edizioni Mondadori. This book was released on 2019-02-26 with total page 254 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Hai mai pensato che la causa dei tuoi problemi stia proprio nella strategia che impieghi per risolverli? Che le soluzioni che adotti per superare una difficoltà, in realtà non facciano altro che peggiorarla? Rimuginare, esercitare ossessivamente il controllo, evitare per timore, procrastinare, cercare l'approvazione altrui: ciascuna di queste azioni viene messa in atto per contrastare un disagio, ma nella realtà dei fatti molto spesso non fa che accrescerlo. Ecco allora che, per spezzare i circoli viziosi della mente, diventa necessario adottare una strategia diametralmente opposta. Bernardo Paoli, psicologo specializzato in terapia breve e ipnosi, ci spiega come fare: utilizzando la formula del "dialogo terapeutico", il resoconto reale di sedute terapeuta-paziente, ci guida alla scoperta di quaranta tra le più comuni trappole mentali in cui, più o meno consapevolmente, cadiamo, e ci mostra le strategie più efficaci per evitarle. Per capire quali sono i nostri "angoli ciechi", gli autosabotaggi che tendiamo a mettere in atto, basta scoprire quali sono le storie in cui ci identifichiamo di più. E per ciascun angolo cieco l'autore ci indica la "virtù psicologica" complementare da perseguire, che illumini come un faro la strada verso il cambiamento. Un percorso pratico che in tempi brevi ci porterà dal problema alla soluzione.

Book The Art of Change

Download or read book The Art of Change written by Giorgio Nardone and published by . This book was released on 1993-01-01 with total page pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book Brief Strategic Solution oriented Therapy of Phobic and Obsessive Disorders

Download or read book Brief Strategic Solution oriented Therapy of Phobic and Obsessive Disorders written by Giorgio Nardone and published by . This book was released on 1996 with total page 228 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This book is about psychological disorders based on irrational fears - those apparently unmotivated, paralyzing, panic-filled, gutwrenching fears whose multiplicity and diversity are barely contained in the diagnoses phobias and obsessional disorders. The author, worldrenowned therapist Giorgio Nardone, offers a brief (usually less than 20 session) treatment method that leads to a change in the interpersonal, cognitive, and emotional organizations underlying these painful and all too-common problems. Therapists using a strategic framework focus on reframing patients' representations of self and other, and on changing the relational patterns that sustain fearful perceptions. Based on extensive research and illustrated with in-depth clinical examples, this book offers hope to those whose lives have been unnecessarily limited by their phobias and obsessions. Strategic brief therapy, as developed by John H. Weakland, Paul Watzlawick, and Richard Fisch, is based on a very simple idea problems are accidentally maintained by our repeated, failed attempts at solving them. In this book, Giorgio Nardone uses the strategic brief therapy lens to focus on how particular troubles are accidentally maintained and how therapist and client can overcome them. The follow- up (79 percent resolved and 7 percent much improved) certainly points to the efficacy of Nardone's approach. Giorgio Nardone's strategic psychotherapy model shows specific originality and an innovative quality compared to other brief therapy models. Phobic and obsessive disorders are difficult to treat. Nardone's model achieves rapid symptom remission even in severe forms of panic, fear, and phobia. This book is a very practical manual for professionals because it guides the reader clearly through the different stages of therapy and presents treatment protocol as well as concrete examples of results. A study of two clinical cases, complete with a transcript of therapy, not only enhances comprehension of the model but underscores the brilliance of the

Book The Suffering of the Immigrant

Download or read book The Suffering of the Immigrant written by Abdelmalek Sayad and published by John Wiley & Sons. This book was released on 2018-03-19 with total page 360 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This book is a major contribution to our understanding of the condition of the immigrant and it will transform the reader’s understanding of the issues surrounding immigration. Sayad’s book will be widely used in courses on race, ethnicity, immigration and identity in sociology, anthropology, cultural studies, politics and geography. an outstanding and original work on the experience of immigration and the kind of suffering involved in living in a society and culture which is not one’s own; describes how immigrants are compelled, out of respect for themselves and the group that allowed them to leave their country of origin, to play down the suffering of emigration; Abdelmalek Sayad, was an Algerian scholar and close associate of the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu - after Sayad’s death, Bourdieu undertook to assemble these writings for publication; this book will transform the reader’s understanding of the issues surrounding immigration.

Book The Myth of Achievement Tests

Download or read book The Myth of Achievement Tests written by James J. Heckman and published by University of Chicago Press. This book was released on 2014-01-14 with total page 469 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Achievement tests play an important role in modern societies. They are used to evaluate schools, to assign students to tracks within schools, and to identify weaknesses in student knowledge. The GED is an achievement test used to grant the status of high school graduate to anyone who passes it. GED recipients currently account for 12 percent of all high school credentials issued each year in the United States. But do achievement tests predict success in life? The Myth of Achievement Tests shows that achievement tests like the GED fail to measure important life skills. James J. Heckman, John Eric Humphries, Tim Kautz, and a group of scholars offer an in-depth exploration of how the GED came to be used throughout the United States and why our reliance on it is dangerous. Drawing on decades of research, the authors show that, while GED recipients score as well on achievement tests as high school graduates who do not enroll in college, high school graduates vastly outperform GED recipients in terms of their earnings, employment opportunities, educational attainment, and health. The authors show that the differences in success between GED recipients and high school graduates are driven by character skills. Achievement tests like the GED do not adequately capture character skills like conscientiousness, perseverance, sociability, and curiosity. These skills are important in predicting a variety of life outcomes. They can be measured, and they can be taught. Using the GED as a case study, the authors explore what achievement tests miss and show the dangers of an educational system based on them. They call for a return to an emphasis on character in our schools, our systems of accountability, and our national dialogue. Contributors Eric Grodsky, University of Wisconsin–Madison Andrew Halpern-Manners, Indiana University Bloomington Paul A. LaFontaine, Federal Communications Commission Janice H. Laurence, Temple University Lois M. Quinn, University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee Pedro L. Rodríguez, Institute of Advanced Studies in Administration John Robert Warren, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

Book Handbook on Restorative Justice Programmes

Download or read book Handbook on Restorative Justice Programmes written by Yvon Dandurand and published by United Nations Publications. This book was released on 2006 with total page 0 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The present handbook offers, in a quick reference format, an overview of key considerations in the implementation of participatory responses to crime based on a restorative justice approach. Its focus is on a range of measures and programmes, inspired by restorative justice values, that are flexible in their adaptation to criminal justice systems and that complement them while taking into account varying legal, social and cultural circumstances. It was prepared for the use of criminal justice officials, non-governmental organizations and community groups who are working together to improve current responses to crime and conflict in their community

Book Prison of Food

    Book Details:
  • Author : Roberta Milanese
  • Publisher : Routledge
  • Release : 2018-03-26
  • ISBN : 0429917546
  • Pages : 239 pages

Download or read book Prison of Food written by Roberta Milanese and published by Routledge. This book was released on 2018-03-26 with total page 239 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This groundbreaking volume concentrates on solution-oriented treatment of some of the most difficult pathologies - anorexia, bulimia and vomiting (as a separate category introduced by Nardone et al). The logic and apparent simplicity of the way these complex conditions are treated is truly outstanding. As opposed to a long-drawn psychotherapy, Nardone and his colleagues offer a relatively short period of treatment, consisting of dialogue between the patient and the therapist, and sometimes the patient's family. The patient is also given some "homework" to do in-between the sessions. Rather than looking at the "why" of the situation, this approach looks at "how" the problem manifests itself and what can be done about it. The book starts by outlining the pathologies and the logic behind this type of brief therapy. It then moves on to examine particular case studies and the reader gets immersed in the fascinating dialogue between the therapist and the client.

Book Changing Attitudes to Punishment

Download or read book Changing Attitudes to Punishment written by Julian Roberts and published by Routledge. This book was released on 2013-01-11 with total page 257 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Throughout the western world public opinion has played an important role in shaping criminal justice policy. At the same time opinion polls repeatedly demonstrate that the public knows little about crime and justice, and holds negative views of the criminal justice system. This book, consisting of chapters from leading authorities in the field, is concerned to address this problem, and draws upon research in a number of different countries to address the issues arising from this state of affairs. Its main aims are: to explore the changing and evolving nature of public attitudes to sentencing to examine the factors that influence public opinion and to bring together recent international research which has demonstrated ways in which public attitudes can be changed to propose specific strategies to respond to the crisis in public confidence in criminal justice.

Book APA Handbook of Career Intervention

Download or read book APA Handbook of Career Intervention written by Paul J. Hartung and published by APA Handbooks in Psychology. This book was released on 2015 with total page 0 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: In practice, psychologists, counselors, student affairs personnel, and various other professionals apply career interventions such as individual and group counseling, assessment interpretations, curricula, workbooks, computer-assisted guidance, and workshops to foster individual career growth and development. The APA Handbook of Career Intervention presents information about the historical, contemporary, theoretical, demographic, assessment-based, and professional foundations of career intervention (Volume 1), as well as specific career intervention models, methods, and materials within each of these career services and applied to easing career transitions (Volume 2). In whole or in part, the handbook aims to be useful to researchers, practitioners, educators, consultants, policymakers, and students alike across a full array of professions, including psychology, counseling, education, and business and industry.

Book Sentimental Education in Chinese History

Download or read book Sentimental Education in Chinese History written by Paolo Santangelo and published by BRILL. This book was released on 2003-01-01 with total page 632 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: A pionering inquiry on the role, perception and representation of emotional sphere in traditional Chinese culture provides a fascinating contribution on a key anthropological problem, in order to understand not only pre-modern private history, but also contemporary Chinese society. The importance of this work goes beyond Chinese studies.

Book Restorative Justice  Self interest and Responsible Citizenship

Download or read book Restorative Justice Self interest and Responsible Citizenship written by Lode Walgrave and published by Routledge. This book was released on 2013-05-13 with total page 248 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Lode Walgrave has made a highly significant contribution to the worldwide development of the restorative justice movement over the last two decades. This book represents the culmination of his vision for restorative justice. Coming to the subject from a juvenile justice background he initially saw restorative justice as a means of escaping the rehabilitation-punishment dilemma, and as the basis for a more constructive judicial response to youth crime that had been the case hitherto. Over time his conception of restorative justice moved in the direction of focusing on repairing harm and suffering rather than ensuring that the youthful offender met with a 'just' response, and encompassing the notion that restorative justice was not so much about a justice system promoting restoration, more a matter of doing justice through restoration. This book develops Lode Walgrave's conception of restorative justice further, incorporating a number of key elements. • a clearly outcome-based definition of restorative justice • acceptance of the need to use judicial coercion to impose sanctions as part of the reparative process • presenting restorative justice as a fully fledged alternative to the punitive apriorism • development of a more sophisticated concept of the relationship between restorative justice and the law, and acceptance of the need for legal regulation • a consideration of the expansion of a restorative justice philosophy into other areas of social life and the threats and opportunities this provides • a consideration of the implications of the expansion of restorative justice for the discipline of criminology and democracy