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Book Immune maturation and modulation in childhood allergies

Download or read book Immune maturation and modulation in childhood allergies written by Johanna Huoman and published by Linköping University Electronic Press. This book was released on 2020-10-15 with total page 107 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The prevalence of allergic diseases has in the past century increased among children in affluent societies. Underlying causes are incompletely disentangled, but decreased diversity in environmental and microbial exposures could drive allergy development. Allergic individuals possess imbalanced immune responses, skewed in favour of Th2 cells along with lesser Th1 and Treg responses. As allergy development early in life increases the risk of developing further allergic manifestations later, early prevention is key. Thus, interventions in pregnancy, early life and childhood may modulate immunity towards tolerance, although underpinnings of immune maturation and modulation in allergy prevention throughout childhood are not entirely understood. In this thesis, these questions are addressed in children with a high propensity of developing allergic disease or who already have manifested allergies. Chemokines are crucial for immune cell recruitment to the allergic reaction site, and associate with allergy development in childhood. In Paper I, circulating levels of the allergy-related chemokines CCL17, CCL18, CCL22, CXCL10 and CXCL11 were studied in the natural course of allergic disease. Elevated levels of the Th2/Treg-regulated chemokine CCL18 in infancy and childhood associated with development of asthma and/or sensitisation. Moreover, this finding conferred higher odds of developing asthma and sensitisation from early school age until adolescence. Additionally, increased levels of the Th1-associated chemokines CXCL10 after birth, and decreased levels of CXCL11 at birth, preceded asthma development later in life. Hence, Paper I showed that circulating chemokine levels in different ways precede allergy development. Epigenetic modifications, such as DNA methylation, comprise a link between the genetic setup and environmental exposures, and regulate processes such as Th cell differentiation. Perinatal treatment with Lactobacillus reuteri and ?-3 fatty acids prevent development of some IgE-mediated manifestations. However, the drivers of the immunostimulating and pro-resolving effects of these treatments are sparsely examined. In Papers II and III, epigenome-wide DNA methylation patterns in CD4+ cells upon pre-and postnatal L. reuteri supplementation alone or in combination with ?-3 fatty acids were studied. In Paper II, the greatest epigenome wide differential methylation was evident at birth, mainly directed towards hypomethylation, indicating transcriptional availability of affected genes. Network analyses revealed several immune related pathways, and a relationship of differentially methylated genes to allergy development. Thus, prenatal L. reuteri treatment seemingly poises Th cells towards immune activation at birth, possibly influencing immune maturation as well as allergy development in the child. In Paper III, epigenome-wide DNA methylation patterns were surveyed at birth. In this on-going trial, mothers are treated during the latter half of pregnancy with a combination of L. reuteri and ?-3 fatty acids. Four different treatment groups were studied, and the largest differential methylation was seen in the double active treatment group. In contrast to Paper II, most CpGs and genes were hypermethylated, indicating repressed gene transcription. In line with Paper II, network analyses showed that T cell and immune mediated pathways were affected by treatment, and synergistic effects of the double treatment were indicated. Taken together, prenatal treatment with L. reuteri and/or ?-3 fatty acids altered the epigenome to different extents at birth, mainly towards hypermethylation, and often affected immune related pathways. Immunomodulatory effects of sublingual immunotherapy in children and adolescents are scarcely investigated. In Paper IV, circulating and salivary immune mediators were investigated in timothy grass-pollen allergic children treated with sublingual immunotherapy. Actively treated children had elevated levels of timothy grass pollen-specific IgA antibodies in saliva, along with increased circulating levels of the Th1-associated chemokines CXCL10 and CXCL11, both after treatment ending and two years later. Taken together, sublingual immunotherapy modulates local and peripheral immune responses in children with timothy grass pollen-induced allergy, by augmenting Th1-responses, lessening Th2-responses and inducing immunomodulatory responses, suggesting induction of tolerance, also partly in the long-term. Altogether, the studies in this thesis have shown altered immune regulation in children developing allergies. Moreover, immunomodulatory effects of prenatal treatment with probiotics and ?-3 fatty acids, and sublingual immunotherapy in children with grass pollen-induced allergic disease, were revealed. DNA methylation patterns and immunologic mediators in blood and saliva could potentially serve as appropriate biomarkers for allergic disease. Long term health benefits can be reached by intervening early in life, and further knowledge about the mechanisms behind this could promote the prevention of allergic diseases and hence improve the quality of life for children and adolescents. Förekomsten av allergiska sjukdomar, som böjveckseksem, hösnuva och astma, har under det senaste århundradet ökat markant bland barn i industrialiserade samhällen. De bakomliggande orsakerna är inte helt klarlagda, men samhälleliga förändringar har minskat vår mångfaldiga exponering för bakterier, virus och parasiter. Detta skulle kunna ligga till grund för immunförsvarets felaktiga reaktion mot egentligen ofarliga ämnen som ses vid allergier. Hos allergiska individer är immunförsvaret obalanserat, med en relativ övervikt av det så kallade Thjälpar- 2 (Th2)-svaret gentemot Th1- och det regulatoriska T-cells (Treg)-svaret. Allergiska sjukdomar utvecklas ofta tidigt i livet, vilket ökar risken för att utveckla vidare allergier senare i livet. Därför är det viktigt att motverka den allergiska marschens framfart tidigt genom förebyggande behandlingar. Ett tillvägagångsätt är att påbörja behandling under graviditeten och tidiga barndomen hos barn med hög risk för att bli allergiska, då grunden för immunsystemet läggs redan under fosterlivet. För redan utvecklade allergier är det tänkbart att omforma dessa immunsvar med immunterapi, som kan minska symptom av befintliga allergier samtidigt som det är möjligt att motverka utvecklingen av senare allergier. Det är dock inte helt klarlagt hur immunutmognaden under barndomen är reglerad, eller hur dessa typer av behandlingar skulle kunna påverka allergiutveckling under den perioden. I denna avhandling undersöks immunutmognad vid allergiutveckling hos barn, och möjliga immunmodulerande förebyggande behandlingar hos barn med genetisk benägenhet att bli allergiska eller som redan utvecklat allergisk sjukdom. För att celler ska rekryteras till platsen för en allergisk reaktion krävs bland annat s.k. kemokiner. I det första arbetet undersöktes dessa lockelseämnen, då våra tidigare studier visat att nivåerna av vissa kemokiner vid födseln förutspår utvecklingen av allergi hos barn. De allergirelaterade kemokinerna CCL17, CCL18, CCL22, CXCL10 och CXCL11 analyserades i blodprover vid födseln, 1 och 8 års ålder hos barn från en populationsbaserad observationsstudie. Förhöjda nivåer av CCL18, ett kemokin under reglering av både Th2- och Treg-svar, uppmättes vid 1 och/eller 8 års ålder hos barn som hade astma (särskilt svår astma) och/eller var sensibiliserade. De ökade nivåerna associerade också till högre odds för utveckling av astma från tidig skolålder upp till övre tonåren, med liknande resultat för sensibilisering. Även ökade nivåer av de Th1-associerade kemokinerna CXCL10 efter födseln och minskade nivåer av CXCL11 vid födseln föregick utvecklingen av astma senare i livet. Det första arbetet visade alltså på att cirkulerande kemokiner på olika vis föregår utvecklingen av allergier hos barn och ungdomar. Som länk mellan arv och miljö står s.k. epigenetiska modifieringar, vilka reglerar genaktiviteten utan att förändra den genetiska koden i arvsmassan. Till dessa modifieringar räknas DNAmetylering, en process som bl.a. styr utmognad av de allergirelaterade T-hjälparcellerna. Vi har i tidigare separata studier med den probiotiska stammen Lactobacillus reuteri och omega-3- behandling visat förebyggande av vissa IgE-medierade allergier. Vad som föranleder de immunstimulerande och immunmodulerande effekterna av behandlingarna är dock otillräckligt undersökt. I det andra och tredje arbetet undersöktes hur L. reuteri separat eller i kombination med omega-3-fettsyror påverkar DNA-metyleringsmönster i CD4+ Th-celler hos barn som behandlats före och efter födseln. I det andra arbetet undersöktes DNA-metyleringsmönster både lokalt och i hela genomet vid födseln, ett och två års ålder. Behandling med L. reuteri förändrade DNA-metyleringsmönster i allergirelaterade T-hjälparceller mest vid födseln mot s.k. hypometylering, vilket pekar på ökad tillgänglighet av generna för proteinuttryck. Vidare nätverksanalyser visade att flera immunrelaterade processer påverkades av behandlingen. Därtill var generna från nätverket till stor del associerade med allergiutveckling. Maternell behandling med L. reuteri under den sista graviditetsmånaden tycks alltså förändra DNA-metyleringsmönster i T-hjälparceller hos fostret mot ökad immunaktivering vid födseln, vilket i sin tur skulle kunna påverka både immunutmognad och allergiutveckling hos barnet. I likhet med det andra arbetet undersöktes i det tredje arbetet DNA-metyleringsmönster i hela epigenomet, fast endast vid födseln. I denna pågående studie behandlas mödrarna under den andra halvan av graviditeten med en kombination av L. reuteri och omega-3-fettsyror. Fyra olika behandlingsgrupper undersöktes och den största förändringen i DNA-metylering återfanns i den kombinerade aktiva behandlingsgruppen. I motsats till det andra arbetet var dock de flesta CpG positionerna och generna hypermetylerade, vilket tyder på att genernas tillgänglighet för proteinuttryck hämmas. I linje med det andra arbetet framkom T-cells- och immunrelaterade signalvägar i nätverksanalyser på dessa gener, och det fanns indikationer på synergistiska effekter mellan behandlingarna. Det tredje arbetet visade att behandling med L. reuteri och/eller omega- 3-fettsyror under senare delen av graviditeten förändrar T-hjälparcellernas epigenom i olika grad främst mot hypermetylering, och ofta påverkar immunrelaterade signalvägar. Relevansen av dessa fynd kommer i framtida studier att undersökas på proteinnivå och i relation till allergiutveckling. Med allergenspecifik immunterapi är det möjligt att modulera immunsvaret hos allergiska individer mot ett tolerant immunsvar, men effekter av sublingual immunterapi på immunförsvaret hos barn och ungdomar är knapphändigt undersökta. I det fjärde arbetet undersöktes olika immunologiska mediatorer i blod och saliv hos barn med gräspollenallergi, som deltagit i en studie med sublingual immunterapi. Nivåerna av allergirelaterade cytokiner och kemokiner undersöktes i blodprover från inklusionstillfället, efter tre år med behandling samt två år efter avslutad behandling i plasmaprov och allergenstimulerade blodceller. Dessutom mättes total-IgA, sekretoriskt IgA och gräspollenspecifikt IgA i saliv vid samma tillfällen. Barn som fått aktiv behandling hade högre nivåer av gräspollenspecifika IgA-antikroppar i saliv både när behandlingen avslutades och två år efter. Därtill ökade nivåerna av de Th1-associerade kemokinerna CXCL10 och CXCL11 i blodet vid samma tidpunkter. Sammantaget visade resultaten från det fjärde arbetet att behandlingen med sublingual immunterapi hos barn med gräspollenallergi modulerar immunsvaret både lokalt och i cirkulationen genom att öka Th1- svar, minska Th2-svar och inducera immunreglerande svar, vilket indikerar att tolerans har utvecklats hos dessa barn, delvis även på lång sikt. Sammanfattningsvis har studierna i denna avhandling visat på förändrad immunreglering hos barn som utvecklar allergi. Dessutom påvisades immunmodulerande effekter av prenatal behandling med probiotika och omega-3-fettsyror samt av sublingual immunterapi hos barn med gräspollenallergi. DNA-metyleringsmönster och immunologiska mediatorer i blod och saliv skulle kunna fungera som lämpliga biomarkörer för allergisk sjukdom, vilket är ett viktig led i att kunna förutsäga allergiutveckling och förbättra den kliniska behandlingen av allergier bland barn och ungdomar. Långsiktiga hälsofördelar kan uppnås genom att ingripa tidigt i livet, och vidare kunskap om mekanismerna bakom detta skulle kunna främja förebyggandet av allergiska sjukdomar och således kunna förbättra livskvaliteten för barn och ungdomar.

Book Finding a Path to Safety in Food Allergy

Download or read book Finding a Path to Safety in Food Allergy written by National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine and published by National Academies Press. This book was released on 2017-05-27 with total page 575 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Over the past 20 years, public concerns have grown in response to the apparent rising prevalence of food allergy and related atopic conditions, such as eczema. Although evidence on the true prevalence of food allergy is complicated by insufficient or inconsistent data and studies with variable methodologies, many health care experts who care for patients agree that a real increase in food allergy has occurred and that it is unlikely to be due simply to an increase in awareness and better tools for diagnosis. Many stakeholders are concerned about these increases, including the general public, policy makers, regulatory agencies, the food industry, scientists, clinicians, and especially families of children and young people suffering from food allergy. At the present time, however, despite a mounting body of data on the prevalence, health consequences, and associated costs of food allergy, this chronic disease has not garnered the level of societal attention that it warrants. Moreover, for patients and families at risk, recommendations and guidelines have not been clear about preventing exposure or the onset of reactions or for managing this disease. Finding a Path to Safety in Food Allergy examines critical issues related to food allergy, including the prevalence and severity of food allergy and its impact on affected individuals, families, and communities; and current understanding of food allergy as a disease, and in diagnostics, treatments, prevention, and public policy. This report seeks to: clarify the nature of the disease, its causes, and its current management; highlight gaps in knowledge; encourage the implementation of management tools at many levels and among many stakeholders; and delineate a roadmap to safety for those who have, or are at risk of developing, food allergy, as well as for others in society who are responsible for public health.

Book Regulation of the Immune Response

Download or read book Regulation of the Immune Response written by Pearay L. Ogra and published by S. Karger AG (Switzerland). This book was released on 1983 with total page 434 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book Allergy  Immunity and Tolerance in Early Childhood

Download or read book Allergy Immunity and Tolerance in Early Childhood written by Hans Ulrich Wahn and published by Academic Press. This book was released on 2015-09-10 with total page 410 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Allergy, Immunity and Tolerance in Early Childhood: The First Steps of the Atopic March provides valuable insights on the atopic diseases, including asthma, allergic rhinitis, atopic dermatitis, and food allergies, which have developed into major health problems in most parts of the world. As the natural history of these chronic diseases has been extensively studied, including their major genetic, environmental, and lifestyle determinants and potential protective factors, the book presents tactics on how pediatric allergists can provide early intervention. In addition, the book unites key, global experts in the field who summarize their collective, and current, knowledge of the early stage of the "Atopic March", along with novel ideas for potential options of prevention. Summarizes the current knowledge of the epidemiological, genetic, and cellular basis of allergic diseases Ideal reference for the study of allergies in young children, atopic dermatitis, allergic rhinitis, childhood asthma, and food allergies Provides landmark findings in the field of immunology and allergy development Fulfills the need for a book that focuses on primary and secondary allergy prevention, especially during the first years of life Unites key, global experts in the field who summarize their collective, and current, knowledge, along with novel ideas for potential options of prevention

Book Pediatric Allergy  Principles and Practice E Book

Download or read book Pediatric Allergy Principles and Practice E Book written by Donald Y. M. Leung and published by Elsevier Health Sciences. This book was released on 2010-10-13 with total page 705 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Pediatric Allergy supplies the comprehensive guidance you need to diagnose, manage, and treat virtually any type of allergy seen in children. Drs. Leung, Sampson, Geha, and Szefler present the new full-color second edition, with coverage of the diagnosis and management of anaphylaxis, the immune mechanisms underlying allergic disease, the latest diagnostic tests, and more. Treat the full range of pediatric allergic and immunologic diseases through clinically focused coverage relevant to both allergists and pediatricians. Understand the care and treatment of pediatric patients thanks to clinical pearls discussing the best approaches. Easily refer to appendices that list common food allergies and autoantibodies in autoimmune diseases. Apply the newest diagnostic tests available—for asthma, upper respiratory allergy, and more—and know their benefits and contraindications. Treat the allergy at its source rather than the resulting reactions through an understanding of the immune mechanisms underlying allergic diseases. Get coverage of new research that affects methods of patient treatment and discusses potential reasons for increased allergies in some individuals. Better manage potential anaphylaxis cases through analysis of contributing facts and progression of allergic disease. Effectively control asthma and monitor its progression using the new step-by-step approach. Eliminate difficulty in prescribing antibiotics thanks to coverage of drug allergies and cross-reactivity.

Book Food Allergy in Infancy and Childhood

Download or read book Food Allergy in Infancy and Childhood written by H.K. Harms and published by Springer. This book was released on 1989-04-18 with total page 248 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This book covers all basic and clinical aspects related to food allergy in both infancy and childhood. Pathophysiology, biochemistry, immunological mechanisms, as well as current problems of diagnosis and therapy are examined. In addition, the effectiveness of diets in infancy in the prevention of food allergy and atopy is critically examined.

Book World Allergy Organization  WAO  White Book on Allergy

Download or read book World Allergy Organization WAO White Book on Allergy written by Ruby Pawankar and published by . This book was released on 2011 with total page 210 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book Trends in Allergic Conditions Among Children

Download or read book Trends in Allergic Conditions Among Children written by Kristen D. Jackson and published by . This book was released on 2013 with total page 8 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book Middleton s Allergy E Book

    Book Details:
  • Author : A Wesley Burks
  • Publisher : Elsevier Health Sciences
  • Release : 2019-09-25
  • ISBN : 0323546986
  • Pages : 1840 pages

Download or read book Middleton s Allergy E Book written by A Wesley Burks and published by Elsevier Health Sciences. This book was released on 2019-09-25 with total page 1840 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Through eight outstanding editions, Middleton’s Allergy: Principles and Practice has been the reference of choice for both clinicians and researchers as both a practical reference and an effective self-assessment tool for board preparation. The 9th Edition continues the tradition of excellence with comprehensive coverage of all basic science and clinical applications regarding allergy practice and disease mechanisms. It brings you fully up to date with recent innovations in the diagnosis, prevention, and management of allergic disorders, including emerging global issues, the advent of precision medicine, and new immunologic therapies. Offers unparalleled depth and up-to-date guidance on the full spectrum of allergy across the lifespan, with significant updates throughout. Contains new chapters on Innate Lymphoid Cells, Systems Biology, and Treatment of Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases. Discusses emerging topics such as epidemic thunderstorm asthma and precision medicine in allergic disorders. Features more than 730 full-color illustrations, including many new cellular and molecular drawings of disease mechanisms. Includes new Summary of Important Concepts boxes, plus new multiple-choice questions online with explanations and answers. Features a new team of expert editors and more international contributors for a global perspective of this complex field.

Book Impact of Early Life Nutrition on Immune System Development and Related Health Outcomes in Later Life

Download or read book Impact of Early Life Nutrition on Immune System Development and Related Health Outcomes in Later Life written by Laxmi Yeruva and published by Frontiers Media SA. This book was released on 2021-05-28 with total page 208 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book Beyond Foods

    Book Details:
  • Author : Barbara Swanson
  • Publisher : Balboa Press
  • Release : 2016-05-03
  • ISBN : 1504354834
  • Pages : 130 pages

Download or read book Beyond Foods written by Barbara Swanson and published by Balboa Press. This book was released on 2016-05-03 with total page 130 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: If you have ever walked down a health store aisle to be confronted with thousands of supplements, and wished you could magically understand which ones really work for health benefits; or if you want to quickly and easily figure out whether a new fad food is really good for you or not--then this book is for you. Beyond Foods The Handbook of Functional Nutrition is a true handbook; i.e., short and easy-to-understand. It introduces the 4 Building Blocks of Health, a unique simple yet comprehensive health model that explains Functional Nutrition in laymans language. With its clear communication style, Beyond Foods successfully takes the very complex subject of how nutrition creates health and breaks it down into logical building blocks. You are not just told what to eat. You are given a clear understanding of why foods are good for you, or not; and this allows you to make ongoing choices in the marketplace long after the book is read. Beyond Foods won the 2014 Bronze medal at the national ELit Awards for Excellence in the health genre.

Book Summary Health Statistics for U S  Children

Download or read book Summary Health Statistics for U S Children written by and published by . This book was released on 2004 with total page 88 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book The Hygiene Hypothesis and Darwinian Medicine

Download or read book The Hygiene Hypothesis and Darwinian Medicine written by Graham A.W. Rook and published by Springer Science & Business Media. This book was released on 2009-12-24 with total page 312 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Man has moved rapidly from the hunter-gatherer environment to the living conditions of industrialised countries. The hygiene hypothesis suggests that the resulting reduced exposure to micro-organisms has led to disordered regulation of the immune system, and hence to increases in certain chronic inflammatory disorders, like allergic disorders, autoimmunity, inflammatory bowel disease, atherosclerosis, depression, some cancers and perhaps Alzheimer and Parkinson. This book discusses the evidence for and against in the context of Darwinian medicine, which uses knowledge of evolution to cast light on human diseases. The approach is interdisciplinary, looking at man’s microbiological history, at the biology of the effects of microorganisms on the immune system, and at the implications for chronic inflammatory disorders in multiple organ systems. Finally, the authors describe progress in the exploitation of microorganisms or their components as novel prophylactics and treatments.

Book Milk  Mucosal Immunity and the Microbiome  Impact on the Neonate

Download or read book Milk Mucosal Immunity and the Microbiome Impact on the Neonate written by P.L. Ogra and published by S. Karger. This book was released on 2020-04-24 with total page 194 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Considerable advances have been made in science in order to understand the varied mixture of bioactive components in human milk. The 94th Nestlé Nutrition Institute Workshop was designed to provide a comprehensive overview of the latest findings in human milk research and its potential to modulate mucosal immunity, the microbiome, and its impact on the neonate. The publication provides a balanced state-of-the-art update on the current knowledge about milk, mucosal immunity, and the microbiome as well as their impact on breastfeeding in mammalian neonates. The first part reviews data on the immunology of milk and lactation from a historical perspective to the latest scientific findings. The second part discusses the microbiology of human milk and lactation in detail, with a focus on premature infants and necrotizing enterocolitis. And finally, in the third part, light is shed on the protective factors in human milk and their role in influencing the neonate’s immune system. Important new insights will provide great scientific support for all people seeking a deeper understanding of human milk and its immunological properties and will enlarge the knowledge of those who have already specialized in human milk research.

Book Asthma

    Book Details:
  • Author : Richard F. Lockey
  • Publisher : Oxford University Press, USA
  • Release : 2014
  • ISBN : 0199918066
  • Pages : 513 pages

Download or read book Asthma written by Richard F. Lockey and published by Oxford University Press, USA. This book was released on 2014 with total page 513 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Diagnosing asthma requires knowledge of the multiple conditions that emulate it, and treatment requires addressing factors that modify the disease. This comprehensive, single reference will help practitioners identify and care for co-morbid conditions and improve asthma treatment.

Book Focus  Minorities  Communicating the Dream s Responsibility

Download or read book Focus Minorities Communicating the Dream s Responsibility written by National Council of Teachers of English. Committee on Classroom Practices and published by . This book was released on 1969 with total page 74 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Essays incorporating Afro-American, communication, and megalopolis themes.

Book Middleton s Allergy 2 Volume Set

Download or read book Middleton s Allergy 2 Volume Set written by A Wesley Burks, MD and published by Elsevier Health Sciences. This book was released on 2013-10-18 with total page 1900 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Boasting a worldwide reputation as the leading text in allergy and immunology, Middleton's Allergy continues its steadfast tradition of providing comprehensive coverage of state-of-the-art basic science, as well as authoritative guidance on the clinical concepts of day-to-day diagnosis and management of allergic disorders. Offering timely information that’s suited for clinicians and researchers alike, Middleton’s is a user-friendly and versatile source for the knowledge you need to provide optimal care to your patients! "A valuable source of reference and pre-sifted information ...the editors are to be commending in keeping the book up-to-date and clinically valuable." Reviewed by: Imnunology News, March 2015 Stay on top of continuous new developments in clinical allergy and immunology through online access to the Expert Consult site, which will feature regular updates as well as the fully searchable contents. Find all of the information you need quickly and easily with a glossary of allergy and immunology terms; highlighted key points for each chapter; hundreds of crystal-clear images with a full-color format, and access to relevant websites. Apply the latest scientific knowledge and clinical applications with new chapters on Innate and Adaptive Immunity, Immune Tolerance, Immunobiology of IgE and Its Receptors, Resolution of Allergic Inflammation, and Particulate and Allergen Interactions, plus sweeping updates throughout. Take full advantage of the major advances in asthma pathogenesis and management with significant updates on diagnosis, treatment, and special aspects of asthma. Obtain the best results from the newest therapeutics for allergic and immunologic diseases through an expanded discussion of immunotherapy that includes new chapters on Sublingual Immunotherapy, Biologics and Immunosuppressives in Asthma, and Alternative and Complementary Therapies.