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Book Construyendo agenda 21 para el departamento de Guain  a  una construcci  n colectiva para el desarrollo sostenible de la Amazonia Colombiana

Download or read book Construyendo agenda 21 para el departamento de Guain a una construcci n colectiva para el desarrollo sostenible de la Amazonia Colombiana written by Corporación para el Desarrollo Sostenible del Norte y Oriente Amazónico CDA and published by Instituto Amazónico de Investigaciones Científicas "SINCHI". This book was released on 2007-09-28 with total page 54 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: El propósito de este documento de construcción colectiva, en el que intervinieron actores sociales e institucionales del Departamento, es el de visualizar las políticas de corto, mediano y largo plazo que servirán de referente para los procesos de planeación y gestión del desarrollo territorial, acordes con la fragilidad de los ecosistemas, naturales, sociales y culturales del Departamento de Guainía. El documento incluye una síntesis de las problemáticas del Departamento, señalando sus prioridades y las formas de aprovechar sus potencialidades, y pone a consideración las líneas de acción estratégica que será necesario construir y articular para revertir las tendencias negativas del actual modelo de desarrollo.

Book Construyendo agenda 21 para el departamento de Caquet    una construcci  n colectiva para el desarrollo sostenible de la Amazonia Colombiana

Download or read book Construyendo agenda 21 para el departamento de Caquet una construcci n colectiva para el desarrollo sostenible de la Amazonia Colombiana written by Norma Calderón and published by Instituto Amazónico de Investigaciones Científicas "SINCHI". This book was released on 2007-09-28 with total page 68 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: El Estado colombiano, con el apoyo económico internacional y la participación de las comunidades de la región amazónica, inició un proceso que permitió adelantar diálogos y concertaciones sobre las problemáticas que aquejan este importante territorio y sus posibles alternativas de solución. En cada uno de los departamentos de la región, teniendo como insumo lo recogido en años anteriores (fases I y II), se propone una agenda departamental que se espera sea retomada en los ejercicios de planificación y gobierno, así como también que sirva de aporte a pueblos indígenas y comunidad afrocolombiana. Agenda 21 Departamento de Caquetá busca lograr este objetivo, proponiendo líneas de acción para cuatro ejes temáticos, atravesadas por estrategias que permitirán su puesta en marcha de manera integral. Estas líneas de acción no agotan las posibilidades existentes, pero sí tratan de recoger la mirada de los diferentes actores sociales participantes en el proceso. De su desarrollo e integración en los gobiernos municipales y departamental, depende que las próximas generaciones caquetenses nazcan y crezcan en un territorio en paz, con cordilleras, selvas, ríos, fauna, flora y, sobre todo, con hombres y mujeres amazonenses que luchan por el mejoramiento continuo de su calidad de vida y sueñan con una Amazonia exuberante y productiva, sin amenazas a supervivencia.

Book Construyendo agenda 21 para el departamento de Putumayo  una construcci  n colectiva para el desarrollo sostenible de la Amazonia Colombiana

Download or read book Construyendo agenda 21 para el departamento de Putumayo una construcci n colectiva para el desarrollo sostenible de la Amazonia Colombiana written by Guillermo Martínez and published by Instituto Amazónico de Investigaciones Científicas "SINCHI". This book was released on 2007-09-12 with total page 80 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: El aporte, participación y compromiso de los equipos directivos, ejecutivos y profesionales de las entidades que han liderado el proceso de construcción de Agenda 21 Amazonia Colombiana en sus diferentes fases, y de todas las personas, organizaciones sociales e instituciones del departamento de Putumayo, posibilitó la formulación de esta propuesta orientada hacia la generación de instrumentos de planificación que apoyen los procesos de desarrollo local y regional, a partir de la búsqueda de alternativas sostenibles a la problemática presente como expresión de diferentes factores de conflicto en lo social, lo político, lo económico y lo institucional, que de manera individual o al interactuar entre sí, han alterado en mayor o menor grado el equilibrio dinámico de los ecosistemas de la región, lo cual se ve reflejado en el deterioro ambiental, la disminución de la oferta natural y la disminución de los niveles de calidad de vida de las poblaciones locales que habitan el Departamento. Agenda 21 departamento de Putumayo, construida en un proceso participativo, se pone a disposición de los actores locales facultados para tomar decisiones sobre el desarrollo de la comunidad a la cual representan, un instrumento orientador y articulador de esfuerzos, voluntades y recursos para mejorar la calidad de vida de la población, el cual incluye alternativas de aprovechamiento sostenible de la oferta natural y cultural existentes en la región.

Book Construyendo agenda 21 para el departamento de Vaup  s  una construcci  n colectiva para el desarrollo sostenible de la Amazonia Colombiana

Download or read book Construyendo agenda 21 para el departamento de Vaup s una construcci n colectiva para el desarrollo sostenible de la Amazonia Colombiana written by Diana Alejandra Jiménez and published by Instituto Amazónico de Investigaciones Científicas "SINCHI". This book was released on 2007-09-28 with total page 70 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: La construcción de la política amazónica colombiana y la implementación de Agenda 21 como herramienta básica para alcanzar el desarrollo sostenible, parten del redescubrimiento de la Amazonia en su gran diversidad, en su condición de territorio donde converge una multiplicidad de variables ecológicas, socioeconómicas, políticas y culturales, que deben ser entendidas en sus articularidades. En este sentido, construir la visión hacia el futuro de la región como resultado de las realidades de cada porción de ella, invariablemente necesita la identificación de los elementos que constituyen las cosmovisiones particulares y su relación con el resto del territorio amazónico como fundamento de un intercambio y un diálogo prospectivos. Es por eso que este documento surge como una síntesis de las características conocidas más sobresalientes del Departamento de Vaupés, en un intento por develar sus condiciones particulares y vislumbrar soluciones para sus problemas. Es un acercamiento a los factores que han permitido la conformación actual del Departamento y una propuesta consecuente de alternativas para potenciar y resolver problemáticas -algunas comunes en el resto de la región amazónica y otras totalmente distintas- que, indiscutiblemente, representa un paso desde la autodeterminación dirigida hacia el logro de la sostenibilidad.

Book Construyendo agenda 21 para el departamento de Guaviare  una construcci  n colectiva para el desarrollo sostenible de la Amazonia Colombiana

Download or read book Construyendo agenda 21 para el departamento de Guaviare una construcci n colectiva para el desarrollo sostenible de la Amazonia Colombiana written by Heriberto Tarazona and published by Instituto Amazónico de Investigaciones Científicas "SINCHI". This book was released on 2007-09-28 with total page 62 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Ante el desafío de pensar el futuro cercano y el devenir de un territorio y sus habitantes, es menester identificar los objetivos fundamentales sobre los que se debería sustentar la intervención del Estado y los condicionantes de dichas actuaciones. La Agenda 21 definió cuatro bloques temáticos para diseñar una propuesta que apunte al desarrollo sostenible local y regional; estos bloques están relacionados con la gobernabilidad; el bienestar, la equidad y la interculturalidad; el territorio, el desarrollo económico y la sostenibilidad ambiental, y las alianzas y capacidades locales para la gestión del desarrollo sostenible. De igual manera, en el proceso se han identificado como actores del desarrollo al individuo, la familia, la comunidad, el sector privado (productivo) y el sector estatal, piezas del proceso de cambio que se quiere imprimir a la sociedad guaviarense.

Book Construyendo agenda 21 para el municipio de La Macarena  una construcci  n colectiva para el desarrollo sostenible de la Amazonia Colombiana

Download or read book Construyendo agenda 21 para el municipio de La Macarena una construcci n colectiva para el desarrollo sostenible de la Amazonia Colombiana written by Fernando Sacristan and published by Instituto Amazónico de Investigaciones Científicas "SINCHI". This book was released on 2007-09-28 with total page 60 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: La Agenda 21 de La Macarena asume el concepto de desarrollo sostenible, como aquel que “satisface las necesidades de las presentes generaciones sin comprometer las necesidades de las generaciones futuras”, definido en el Informe Bruntland y ratificado en la Cumbre de Río. Esto supone construir un nuevo modelo de desarrollo que, basado en procesos de investigación, reconozca las condiciones especiales del Municipio y promueva nuevas formas de interactuar con el ambiente. Como sucede con todo su entorno regional, La Macarena es un espacio en donde convergen diversas y complejas problemáticas -la economía extractivista, el incremento de los cultivos de uso ilícito, las ineficiencias institucionales y administrativas y las dificultades de orden público, entre otras-, que obligan a todos los actores involucrados a definir acciones y corresponsabilidades conducentes a la resolución integral de los asuntos del desarrollo local. Este documento es el resultado de un ejercicio colectivo y participativo, que busca coadyuvar a redireccionar el actual modelo de desarrollo municipal. Los esfuerzos se concentran en identificar problemáticas, alternativas de solución, estrategias y líneas de acciones concretas y posibles en medio del contexto identificado, haciendo uso de las capacidades locales instaladas.

Book Medell  n  environment urbanism society

Download or read book Medell n environment urbanism society written by Michel Hermelin Arbaux and published by Universidad EAFIT. This book was released on 2012-01-01 with total page 381 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: In recent times what has become known as "the case of Medellín " has generated a growing interest in the international community. These urban transformation that Medellín has experimented have become a focus of attention and reference for experts in many fields, around the world. The book ́Medellin: Environment, Urbanism and Society ́, that now published the Center for Urban and Environmental Studies, Urbam, of EAFIT University is a testimony of the value given by our culture to the accomplishments of the city, to the idea of the public sphere and the growing relationship between the technical sphere and the political sphere, understood in the broad sense as a form of disciplinary knowledge and construction of civil society. This book brings together a knowledge of the city from multiple perspectives; knowledge that is, without any doubt, impressive for its extension and profoundity, as well as for its capacity to combine objective data with conceptual reflections about the scope and impact of the different perspectives concerning the theme of urban transformation and the different actors that have participated in such processes. The book weaves a broad net over the city, its history and development, adopting a multidisciplinary vision. I think that this will be the first step in creating a speech that might finally liberate itself from the strict disciplinary boundaries, building a trans-disciplinary perspective that can amplify the urban dimension of the city. This is the beginning of a profound and complex reflection that is, at the same time, a project of knowledge and an instrument of action and participation.

Book The State of the World   s Forests 2018

Download or read book The State of the World s Forests 2018 written by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and published by Food & Agriculture Org.. This book was released on 2018-07-06 with total page 139 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Nearly three years ago, world leaders agreed to the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – the central framework for guiding development policies throughout the world. This edition of The State of the World’s Forests is aimed at enhancing our understanding of how forests and their sustainable management contribute to achieving several of the SDGs. Time is running out for the world’s forests: we need to work across sectors, bring stakeholders together, and take urgent action. The State of the World’s Forests 2018 identifies actions that can be taken to increase the contributions of forests and trees that are necessary to accelerate progress towards the SDGs. It is now critical that steps be taken to work more effectively with the private sector, and the informal forest sector must be transformed in order to bring broader economic, social and environmental benefits. Seventy years ago, when FAO completed its first assessment of the world’s forest resources, the major concern was whether there would be enough timber to supply global demand; now we recognize the greater global relevance of our forests and trees. For the first time, The State of the World’s Forests 2018 provides an assessment of the contribution of forests and trees to our landscapes and livelihoods. The purpose of this publication is to provide a much wider audience with an understanding of why forests and trees matter for people, the planet and posterity.

Book Conservation Is Our Government Now

Download or read book Conservation Is Our Government Now written by Paige West and published by Duke University Press. This book was released on 2006-05-31 with total page 353 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: A significant contribution to political ecology, Conservation Is Our Government Now is an ethnographic examination of the history and social effects of conservation and development efforts in Papua New Guinea. Drawing on extensive fieldwork conducted over a period of seven years, Paige West focuses on the Crater Mountain Wildlife Management Area, the site of a biodiversity conservation project implemented between 1994 and 1999. She describes the interactions between those who ran the program—mostly ngo workers—and the Gimi people who live in the forests surrounding Crater Mountain. West shows that throughout the project there was a profound disconnect between the goals of the two groups. The ngo workers thought that they would encourage conservation and cultivate development by teaching Gimi to value biodiversity as an economic resource. The villagers expected that in exchange for the land, labor, food, and friendship they offered the conservation workers, they would receive benefits, such as medicine and technology. In the end, the divergent nature of each group’s expectations led to disappointment for both. West reveals how every aspect of the Crater Mountain Wildlife Management Area—including ideas of space, place, environment, and society—was socially produced, created by changing configurations of ideas, actions, and material relations not only in Papua New Guinea but also in other locations around the world. Complicating many of the assumptions about nature, culture, and development underlying contemporary conservation efforts, Conservation Is Our Government Now demonstrates the unique capacity of ethnography to illuminate the relationship between the global and the local, between transnational processes and individual lives.

Book Tropical Agroecosystems

    Book Details:
  • Author : John H. Vandermeer
  • Publisher : CRC Press
  • Release : 2002-12-03
  • ISBN : 1420039881
  • Pages : 279 pages

Download or read book Tropical Agroecosystems written by John H. Vandermeer and published by CRC Press. This book was released on 2002-12-03 with total page 279 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Tropical areas present ecological, cultural and political problems that demand analysis that is distinct from general ecological analysis. The tropical environment is special in many ways, from the lack of a biological down season (winter), to generally poor soil conditions, to a reliance on traditional methods of agriculture in an undeveloped soci

Book Phosphorus in Environmental Technology

Download or read book Phosphorus in Environmental Technology written by E. Valsami-Jones and published by IWA Publishing. This book was released on 2004-05-31 with total page 681 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Phosphorus in Environmental Technology: Principles and Applications, provides a definitive and detailed presentation of state-of-the-art knowledge on the environmental behaviour of phosphorus and its applications to the treatment of waters and soils. Special attention is given to phosphorus removal for recovery technologies, a concept that has emerged over the past 5-6 years. The book features an all-encompassing approach: the fundamental science of phosphorus (chemistry, geochemistry, mineralogy, biology), key aspects of its environmental behaviour and mobility, industrial applications (treatment, removal, recovery) and the principles behind such applications, novel biotechnologies and, importantly, it also addresses socio-economic issues which often influence implementation and the ultimate success of any new technology. A detailed subject index helps the reader to find their way through the different scientific and technological aspects covered, making it an invaluable reference work for students, professionals and consultants dealing with phosphorus-related environmental technologies. State-of-the-art knowledge on the behaviour of phosphorus and its applications to environmental science and technology. Covers all aspects of phosphorus in the environment, engineered and biological systems; an interdisciplinary text.

Book Sociology and Social Justice

Download or read book Sociology and Social Justice written by Margaret Abraham and published by SAGE. This book was released on 2018-10-29 with total page 295 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: "Superbly conceptualises and contextualises social justice in and for our global age. The stellar cast of sociologists connect concepts to practices and outline the challenges we face, as well as providing necessary responses." Gurminder K Bhambra, Professor of Postcolonial and Decolonial Studies, University of Sussex" A collection of brilliant essays by international scholar-activists, examining concepts and practices from diverse contexts." Mary Romero, Professor of Justice Studies and Social Inquiry, Arizona State University "An excellent set of chapters bringing to the fore new perspectives on the social injustices and inequalities facing a world in crisis." Kammila Naidoo, Professor of Sociology, University of Johannesburg By using contextual global sociology, Sociology and Social Justice explores: Historic and contemporary sites and contexts around the world Sociological insights on topics ranging from social movements, to cyber space. International struggles, processes, and outcomes Written by distinguished international scholars, this is an essential text for those looking at issues of: Human Rights, Public Sociology, Democratization, Gender, and Globalization.

Book Water and Sanitation Services

Download or read book Water and Sanitation Services written by Jose Esteban Castro and published by Earthscan. This book was released on 2012 with total page 392 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Focusing on how to provide clean water for all - one of the key Millennium Development Goals, this book integrates technical and social perspectives. A broad, international range of case studies are provided, from developed, middle income and developing countries, in Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas.

Book Cultural Tourism

Download or read book Cultural Tourism written by bob Mckercher and published by Routledge. This book was released on 2012-10-02 with total page 274 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Examine cultural tourism issues from both sides of the industry! Unique in concept and content, Cultural Tourism: The Partnership Between Tourism and Cultural Heritage Management examines the relationship between the sectors that represent opposite sides of the cultural tourism coin. While tourism professionals assess cultural assets for their profit potential, cultural heritage professionals judge the same assets for their intrinsic value. Sustainable cultural tourism can only occur when the two sides form a true partnership based on understanding and appreciation of each other's merits. The authors--one, a tourism specialist, the other, a cultural heritage management expert--present a model for a working partnership with mutual benefits, integrating management theory and practice from both disciplines. Cultural Tourism is the first book to combine the different perspectives of tourism management and cultural heritage management. It examines the role of tangible (physical evidence of culture) and intangible (continuing cultural practices, knowledge, and living experiences) heritage, describes the differences between cultural tourism products and cultural heritage assets, and develops a number of conceptual models, including a classification system for cultural tourists, indicators of tourism potential at cultural and heritage assets, and assessment criteria for cultural and heritage assets with tourism potential. Cultural Tourism examines the five main constituent elements involved in cultural tourism: cultural and heritage assets in tourism sites such as the Royal Palace in Bangkok, the Cook Islands, and Alcatraz Prison in San Francisco. tourism--what it is, how it works, and what makes it a success five different types of cultural tourists consumption of products, value adding, and commodification integrating the first four elements to satisfy the tourist, meet the needs of the tourism industry, and conserve the intrinsic value of the asset Though tourism and cultural heritage management professionals have mutual interests in the management, conservation, and presentation of cultural and heritage assets, the two sectors operate on parallel planes, maintaining an uneasy partnership with surprisingly little dialogue. Cultural Tourism provides professionals and students in each field with a better understanding of their own roles in the partnership, bridging the gap via sound planning, management, and marketing to produce top-quality, long-lasting cultural tourism products. Now translated into simplified Chinese.

Book Sustaining Change in Universities

Download or read book Sustaining Change in Universities written by Burton R. Clark and published by Open University Press. This book was released on 2004 with total page 0 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: In this work, Burton R. Clark uses case studies from 14 innovative institutions to propose a new conceptual framework offering original insights into ways of initiating and sustaining change in universities.

Book The Modern Mind

    Book Details:
  • Author : Peter Watson
  • Publisher : Harper Collins
  • Release : 2011-03-22
  • ISBN : 0062039121
  • Pages : 786 pages

Download or read book The Modern Mind written by Peter Watson and published by Harper Collins. This book was released on 2011-03-22 with total page 786 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: From Freud to Babbitt, from Animal Farm to Sartre to the Great Society, from the Theory of Relativity to counterculture to Kosovo, The Modern Mind is encyclopedic, covering the major writers, artists, scientists, and philosophers who produced the ideas by which we live. Peter Watson has produced a fluent and engaging narrative of the intellectual tradition of the twentieth century, and the men and women who created it.

Book Earth System Science in the Anthropocene

Download or read book Earth System Science in the Anthropocene written by Eckart Ehlers and published by Springer Science & Business Media. This book was released on 2006-01-09 with total page 296 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Earth System Science in the Anthropocene aims to provide an in-depth perspective and update on special topics in Global Environmental Change in relation to Human Security. It gives an overview on the new Joint Projects of the four International Global Change Programmmes and on research efforts in Germany. It is also an up-to-date report on emerging necessities in Global Environmental Change research as well as suggestions for its future development.