Download or read book La gestione della pena e l efficacia della politica criminale written by Cristina Farruggia and published by This book was released on with total page 220 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:
Download or read book Manuale di diritto penitenziario written by DELLA CASA FRANCO and published by G Giappichelli Editore. This book was released on 2023-03-07 with total page 20 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: È difficile licenziare questa edizione del Manuale senza che il pensiero torni ai tanti detenuti morti suicidi, quasi uno ogni quattro giorni, nell’anno appena trascorso. Si ha ragione di temere che quasi sempre si tratti di persone a cui lo Stato ha tolto legittimamente la libertà, ma illegittimamente anche la dignità e la speranza, al punto da indurle a togliersi la vita. Sono estremi gesti di disperazione che in genere ricevono un’attenzione fugace dai media, una costernazione di circostanza da parte della politica, un’accettazione come di una dolorosa e inevitabile calamità nel pensiero collettivo. Ma di inevitabile c’è ben poco. La causa va principalmente ricercata nell’atteggiamento di inescusabile inerzia di chi avrebbe potuto e dovuto rifondare il sistema dell’esecuzione della pena, di quella carceraria in ispecie; la causa della causa, nella bassa redditività politica del tema carcere. Nel chiudere la Premessa all’edizione precedente abbiamo già voluto far presente che, soddisfatte le esigenze più squisitamente didattiche, questo Manuale non trascura di prestare attenzione allo sfondo politico culturale delle norme, anche di quelle – se si potesse dir così – inopinatamente assenti. Ebbene, scriviamo questa Premessa a dieci anni esatti dall’ustionante condanna inflitta dalla Corte di Strasburgo per violazione dell’art.3 della Convenzione europea (sent. Torreggiani e altri c. Italia, 8 gennaio 2013). Se in questi due lustri, a parte qualche modifica di portata circoscritta, non ricordiamo altro che conati di riforma (Stati generali dell’esecuzione penale, Commissione di riforma Orlando, Commissione di riforma Cartabia); se le uniche recentissime innovazioni riguardanti l’esecuzione penale (giustizia riparativa, sanzioni sostitutive, ufficio per il processo) sono novità “di risulta” derivanti dalla riforma della giustizia penale di cognizione; se il Parlamento – con un ritardo che ha “attraversato” legislature e maggioranze differenti – ha impiegato quasi due anni, subendo un doppio sollecito da parte della Corte costituzionale, per mettere mano al regime del c.d. ergastolo ostativo, di cui la Consulta aveva rilevato l’incostituzionalità investendolo del compito di apprestare una disciplina che vi ponesse rimedio (ord. 97/2021 e ord. 122/2022); se in tanta parte della nostra realtà penitenziaria la pena continua a consistere in trattamenti umanamente degradanti violando la Costituzione (art. 27, co. 3°) e la Convenzione europea (art. 3), forse non è azzardato ritenere che, sia pure con motivazioni differenti, tutte le forze politiche abbiano gravi responsabilità in omittendo. Responsabilità delle quali sanno di non dover rispondere elettoralmente, essendo la realtà carceraria da tempo oggetto di una sorta di rimozione sociale. Anzi, una carcerazione inflessibilmente e ciecamente punitiva incontra largo consenso in una collettività che, attraversata da un’ansiosa ricerca di sicurezza, ritiene fallacemente di conseguirla recludendo chi delinque entro invalicabili mura e non già adoperandosi affinché ne esca socialmente migliore rispetto a quando vi è entrato. Quelle che precedono, naturalmente, sono soltanto considerazioni sommarie rispetto a temi costituzionalmente e democraticamente cruciali che richiederebbero ben altro approfondimento. Forse, considerazioni eterodosse per una Premessa. Confidiamo però che possano almeno testimoniare l’intento dei curatori e degli Autori di non offrire con questo Manuale soltanto uno strumento interpretativo, un prezioso sussidiario di lettura critica del sistema normativo, ma anche una sollecitazione a distogliere ogni tanto lo sguardo dalle norme per rivolgerlo alla realtà penitenziaria e culturale, che ancor più delle disposizioni legislative, costituisce la cifra di civiltà di un Paese.
Download or read book Manuale di diritto penitenziario Le norme gli organi le modalit dell esecuzione delle sanzioni penali written by Mario Canepa and published by Giuffrè Editore. This book was released on 2010 with total page 648 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:
Download or read book Innovative Learning Models for Prisoners written by Francesca Torlone and published by Firenze University Press. This book was released on 2016-05-17 with total page 134 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Prison education should be a top priority issue in most societies. Prison conditions must not infringe human rights and dignity and must offer meaningful treatment programmes in order to support inmates in their rehabilitation and reintegration in society. The use of ICTs within a penitentiary context plays a crucial role in that. The present Volume looks at the learning potential in prisons and reports on innovative (e-)learning pathways for basic skills education as designed and tested in Cyprus, Greece, Italy and Romania. Research investigated on what counts as ‘educational’ in such a complex context and how to combine relevant pieces in a ‘learning mosaic’ (the broad range of any learning opportunity across it). This Volume argues that such an approach may be adopted in a wider European perspective within the frame of dynamic security.
Download or read book The Suffering of the Immigrant written by Abdelmalek Sayad and published by John Wiley & Sons. This book was released on 2018-03-19 with total page 360 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This book is a major contribution to our understanding of the condition of the immigrant and it will transform the reader’s understanding of the issues surrounding immigration. Sayad’s book will be widely used in courses on race, ethnicity, immigration and identity in sociology, anthropology, cultural studies, politics and geography. an outstanding and original work on the experience of immigration and the kind of suffering involved in living in a society and culture which is not one’s own; describes how immigrants are compelled, out of respect for themselves and the group that allowed them to leave their country of origin, to play down the suffering of emigration; Abdelmalek Sayad, was an Algerian scholar and close associate of the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu - after Sayad’s death, Bourdieu undertook to assemble these writings for publication; this book will transform the reader’s understanding of the issues surrounding immigration.
Download or read book Evaluating the Effectiveness of Correctional Education written by Lois M. Davis and published by Rand Corporation. This book was released on 2013-08-21 with total page 110 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: After conducting a comprehensive literature search, the authors undertook a meta-analysis to examine the association between correctional education and reductions in recidivism, improvements in employment after release from prison, and other outcomes. The study finds that receiving correctional education while incarcerated reduces inmates' risk of recidivating and may improve their odds of obtaining employment after release from prison.
Download or read book Labour Law and Welfare Systems in an Era of Demographic Technological and Environmental Changes written by Michele Tiraboschi and published by . This book was released on 2019-09 with total page pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The book discusses how labour law and welfare systems will be affected by the ongoing transformation of work. The first section considers demography from two different perspectives. On the one hand, it focuses on chronic diseases and their impact on work, emphasising the role and the regulation of welfare systems. On the other, attention is given to youth unemployment and to those forms of employment which might have an impact on young people. Section II touches upon the relationship between the environment and industrial relations, while the third part broaches the topic of the impact of technology in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, also known as Industry 4.0. As such, this volume provides an exhaustive picture of the changes currently underway, considering all the aspects which will affect work now and in the future.
Download or read book Venetian Renaissance Fortifications in the Mediterranean written by Dragoş Cosmescu and published by McFarland. This book was released on 2015-12-23 with total page 243 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The Renaissance was a revolution of ideas, arts and sciences alike, with Italy at its center. Venice was among the first states to embrace new concepts in fortification, which would dominate military architecture for centuries. In the age of large galley fleets and an expanding Ottoman Empire, the mighty defenses of the Republic of Venice protected faraway territories in the Mediterranean, and some of the largest and best preserved Renaissance fortifications are found on the former Venetian islands. This book illustrates in detail the impressive defenses of Cyprus, Crete and Corfu, their design and their war record. Walled towns and fortresses were constructed to the latest standards of military technology, with walls capable of withstanding the largest armies and the longest sieges, including the longest in history--22 years.
Download or read book Manuale di diritto penitenziario e delle misure punitive written by Pasquale Troncone and published by . This book was released on 2023 with total page 0 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: La Riforma Cartabia del 2022 ha impresso una decisa svolta alla materia della pena nell’ordinamento italiano. Questa nuova stagione offre un volto del tutto inedito allo statuto costituzionale della funzione rieducativa della pena facendo ricorso a nuove tipologie sanzionatorie che hanno modificato l’assetto tradizionale del codice penale del 1930. Nell’odierna prospettiva sistematica accanto alle misure alternative alla detenzione della legge n. 354 del 1975 compaiono soluzioni sanzionatorie come la sospensione del procedimento con messa alla prova nel 2014, a completo recepimento del probation system, e le pene sostitutive delle pene detentive brevi nel 2022. Occorre, dunque, prendere atto che il diritto penitenziario cede il passo a un sistema dell’esecuzione della pena completamente nuovo e diverso, in cui il diritto penale sostanziale trova significativi incroci con il diritto processuale penale che non si esita a definire in una nuova dimensione punitiva come: diritto della pena in esecuzione.
Download or read book Learning Disabilities written by James F. Kavanagh and published by . This book was released on 1988 with total page 600 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:
Download or read book Introduction to European Union internal market law written by Raffaele Torino and published by Roma TrE-Press. This book was released on 2017-12-01 with total page 173 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Il libro costituisce un’introduzione al diritto del mercato interno europeo ed illustra e analizza l’evoluzione della disciplina del mercato interno e le sue caratteristiche e categorie giuridiche principali (Cap. 1 – Raffaele Torino), la libera circolazione delle merci (Cap. 2 – Federico Raffaele), la libera circolazione delle persone (Cap. 3 – Filippo Palmieri), la libera prestazione dei servizi e il diritto di stabilimento (Cap. 4 – Arianna Paoletti) e la libera circolazione dei capitali e dei pagamenti (Cap. 5 – Ilaria Ricci).
Download or read book A Renaissance Architecture of Power written by and published by BRILL. This book was released on 2016-04-08 with total page 479 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The growth of princely states in early Renaissance Italy brought a thorough renewal to the old seats of power. One of the most conspicuous outcomes of this process was the building or rebuilding of new court palaces, erected as prestigious residences in accord with the new ‘classical’ principles of Renaissance architecture. The novelties, however, went far beyond architectural forms: they involved the reorganisation of courtly interiors and their functions, new uses for the buildings, and the relationship between the palaces and their surroundings. The whole urban setting was affected by these processes, and therefore the social, residential and political customs of its inhabitants. This is the focus of A Renaissance Architecture of Power, which aims to analyse from a comparative perspective the evolution of Italian court palaces in the Renaissance in their entirety. Contributors are Silvia Beltramo, Flavia Cantatore, Bianca de Divitiis, Emanuela Ferretti, Marco Folin, Giulio Girondi, Andrea Longhi, Marco Rosario Nobile, Aurora Scotti, Elena Svalduz, and Stefano Zaggia.
Download or read book Rivista di diritto penitenziario studi teorici e pratici written by and published by . This book was released on 1943 with total page 464 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:
Download or read book Introduction to European Union transport law terza edizione written by Margherita Colangelo and published by Roma TrE-Press. This book was released on 2019-10-01 with total page 608 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Un manuale per corsi di Diritto dei trasporti dell’Unione Europea, una branca di crescente complessità segnata da una fortissima inter-relazione fra concorrenza, aiuti di Stato, servizi di interesse economico generale, tutela dei consumatori. Il volume, dopo una introduzione sulle principali disposizioni comunitarie, è diviso in cinque moduli: I. Trasporto aereo. II. Trasporto ferroviario. III. Servizi portuali. IV. Trasporto locale e piattaforme digitali. V. Diritti dei passeggeri. Il volume comprende le più importanti decisioni delle Corti UE che hanno aperto e configurato il mercato per servizi di trasporto trans-europei.
Download or read book The Punitive Turn written by Deborah E. McDowell and published by University of Virginia Press. This book was released on 2013-11-15 with total page 412 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The Punitive Turn explores the historical, political, economic, and sociocultural roots of mass incarceration, as well as its collateral costs and consequences. Giving significant attention to the exacting toll that incarceration takes on inmates, their families, their communities, and society at large, the volume’s contributors investigate the causes of the unbridled expansion of incarceration in the United States. Experts from multiple scholarly disciplines offer fresh research on race and inequality in the criminal justice system and the effects of mass incarceration on minority groups' economic situation and political inclusion. In addition, practitioners and activists from the Sentencing Project, the Virginia Organizing Project, and the Restorative Community Foundation, among others, discuss race and imprisonment from the perspective of those working directly in the field. Employing a multidisciplinary approach, the essays included in the volume provide an unprecedented range of perspectives on the growth and racial dimensions of incarceration in the United States and generate critical questions not simply about the penal system but also about the inner workings, failings, and future of American democracy. Contributors: Ethan Blue (University of Western Australia) * Mary Ellen Curtin (American University) * Harold Folley (Virginia Organizing Project) * Eddie Harris (Children Youth and Family Services) * Anna R. Haskins (University of Wisconsin–Madison) * Cheryl D. Hicks (University of North Carolina at Charlotte) * Charles E. Lewis Jr. (Congressional Research Institute for Social Work and Policy) * Marc Mauer (The Sentencing Project) * Anoop Mirpuri (Portland State University) * Christopher Muller (Harvard University) * Marlon B. Ross (University of Virginia) * Jim Shea (Community Organizer) * Jonathan Simon (University of California–Berkeley) * Heather Ann Thompson (Temple University) * Debbie Walker (The Female Perspective) * Christopher Wildeman (Yale University) * Interviews by Jared Brown (University of Virginia) & Tshepo Morongwa Chéry (University of Texas–Austin)
Download or read book Diritto penitenziario written by Leonardo Filippi and published by . This book was released on 2000 with total page 167 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:
Download or read book Getting Skills Right written by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and published by Organization for Economic Co-Operation & Development. This book was released on 2017 with total page 0 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This report describes the construction of the database of skill needs indicators, i.e. the OECD Skills for Jobs Database, and presents initial results and analysis. It identifies the existing knowledge gaps concerning skills imbalances, providing the rationale for the development of the new skill needs and mismatch indicators. Moreover, it explains the methodology used to measure skills shortage, surplus and mismatch, and provides key results and insights from the data.