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Book CNN              2023     6        No 273

Download or read book CNN 2023 6 No 273 written by LiveABC編輯群 and published by 希伯崙股份有限公司. This book was released on 2023-06-01 with total page 78 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: 政治 The Iraq Blunder 伊拉克戰爭20週年回顧 A Retrospective Look at the Events and Aftermath of the US Invasion 20年前,美國與盟友的軍隊大舉入侵伊拉克,雖成功推翻了薩達姆.海珊的政權,卻也讓伊拉克陷入多年的內戰。本文回顧這場悲劇中的關鍵事件。 社會 Japan’s Population Cliff-Hanger 日本少子化加劇 搶救出生率大作戰 Birth Rates Continue to Spiral as Government Looks for Solutions 日本已進入超高齡化社會,出生率更是連年下降,使該國未來的存亡堪憂。日本政府推出多項措施,盼打造有利的育兒環境,力挽狂瀾。 科技 Virtual Humans 有喜、有悲、會聊天!虛擬人超進化 Visual Effects Company Pioneers New Advancements in AI 一家視覺效果公司結合動態捕捉技術和人工智慧,打造出像人類一樣有各種表情並能視不同問題做出回應的「虛擬人」,未來應用潛力不可限量。 太空 Modern Moonwalkers NASA 重返月球任務組員亮相! NASA Introduces First Lunar Astronauts in over 50 years 阿提米絲2 號預計在2024 年進行繞月任務,是自1972 年阿波羅17 號以來首項載人重返月球的任務。此任務還將締造歷史,包含一位女性以及一位非裔美國人組員。 藝文 The Return of Our Lady 巴黎聖母院火災後重建 預計2024年重新開放 Famed French Landmark Notre-Dame Aims to Reopen in 2024 2019年4月15日巴黎聖母院遭受祝融肆虐, 尖塔屋頂幾乎全毀。經過逾4年的安全評估和修復,這座偉大的建築將從灰燼中浴火重生。 保育 A Conservation Convert 盜獵者變守護者 拯救蘇門答臘虎 Former Poacher Dedicates His Life to Protecting Sumatra’s Tigers 印尼一個曾經的盜獵者改過自新後成為當地野生動物巡查員,以自身行動為大自然盡一分力,極度瀕危的蘇門答臘虎數量也在這樣的努力下漸漸復甦。 體育 It’s Sho-Time! 世界棒球經典賽 大谷翔平掀起旋風 Final Game of the World Baseball Classic Goes Down to the Wire 眾星雲集的2023年世界棒球經典賽決賽,最後一球由日本隊投手大谷翔平對決美國隊麥可. 楚奧特,最終日本以一分險勝美國,大谷也因精彩表現獲選賽事MVP。 保健 Sun’s Up, Suit Up 做好夏日防晒 遠離皮膚癌 Hugh Jackman’s Skin Cancer Scare Is a Sunscreen Wake-Up Call 演員休.傑克曼4月時透過IG 公布自己疑似皮膚癌再度復發,並強調防晒的重要性。醫學專家提醒,謹記ABCDE口訣,監看自己的皮膚狀況。 商業 Automating Everything 智慧科技時代來臨 AI應用無所不在 AI Is at the Forefront of the Future of Tech 今年世界行動通訊大會上最夯的話題無疑就是人工智慧了,AI在通訊業的應用除了客服、行銷,還可延伸到預測流量尖峰,即時調整頻寬等數據管理層面。 旅遊 Diving into Cape Town 潛進開普敦 自由探索海底世界 Richard Quest Holds His Breath on a South African Underwater Adventure 南非西南岸的開普敦是熱門的海上活動勝地。CNN主持人跟著自由潛水教練一同潛進海底,探索海底世界的浩瀚並體驗人海合一的境界。 焦點話題 CNN 全球瞭望 Pentagon Leak Reveals Troubling Information 五角大廈機密文件遭外洩 FDA Approves Lab-Grown Chicken in the US 美國食藥局核准販售人造雞肉 Warner Bros. Studios Brings Harry Potter Magic to Tokyo 哈利波特場景在日本重現魔法 談天說地話英文 全方位理解CNN Former President Donald Trump Faces Felony Charges 美國前總統川普遭起訴 面臨多項重罪 CNN主編教你唸 棒球場 單字聯想地圖 看棒球賽

Book CNN              2023     7        No 274

Download or read book CNN 2023 7 No 274 written by LiveABC編輯群 and published by 希伯崙股份有限公司. This book was released on 2023-07-01 with total page 77 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: 社會 Long Live the King 英國國王查爾斯三世正式加冕 The United Kingdom Celebrates a Once-In-A-Lifetime Coronation 5月6日,英國國王查爾斯三世在倫敦西敏寺正式加冕。查爾斯當王儲70年,是英國史上等候即位最久的王位繼承人。本文回顧加冕典禮的精彩亮點。 科技 Uncanny Algorithm 抖音演算法到底讓青少年看了什麼? What Kind of Content Does TikTok Actually Show Teens? CNN記者實測一個14歲青少年的抖音帳號,發現該程式會推薦或在搜尋時顯示一些不恰當的影片。除了要求抖音建立保護青少年的機制外,專家也建議家長多關心孩子的上網狀況。 社會 A Population Problem 印度成為世界人口第一大國是喜是憂? India’s Lack of Opportunity Overshadows Growing Workforce 印度今年正式超越中國,成為世界第一人口大國,不過該國就業機會遠不足以支持廣大勞動人口,使得原本的經濟契機恐成危機。 環境 Drought or Drown 年度全球氣候報告出爐 氣象專家大解析 Extremes of Climate Change Had Global Impacts in 2022 世界氣象組織的最新年度全球氣候報告顯示,全球極端天氣事件愈來愈頻繁,某些地方發生熱浪和大範圍乾旱,某些地方則因爆量降雨而受洪害之苦。 科技 Realer than Real 當AI人工智慧被惡意誤用! AI-Generated Images in a Political Ad Stoke Fears about Misinformation 強大又便利的人工智慧科技已漸漸進入你我的生活,政治圈也不例外,日前就有政黨廣告利用AI工具用假想內容生成仿新聞報導的影片,令人難辨真假! 商業 Time for Luxury 精品錶市場年輕化 新創品牌嶄頭角 Asia’s Youth Establish Themselves as Major Players in the Wristwatch Market 亞洲近年出現許多精品錶新創品牌,主打極簡風格和手工製作。此外,二手鐘錶交易網站的營業額也節節高升,顯示精品業走向年輕化、線上化。 科學 A Romantic Addiction 愛情讓人上癮 都是大腦惹的禍 A Biological Anthropologist Breaks Down Why We Love 生物人類學家發現,浪漫的愛情和成癮物質一樣,會刺激大腦中特定的區塊,而當人失戀時,與身體疼痛相關的大腦區塊會變得活躍,使人痛苦不已。 人物 Linsanity and Beyond 林書豪在台掀林來瘋2.0 場上場下都精彩 Basketball Legend Jeremy Lin Discusses Sports and Social Change 林書豪今年轉戰台灣職籃P. LEAGUE+的高雄17直播鋼鐵人隊,打出亮眼表現。他在場下也關注公益,以其基金會幫助亞太裔美國人。 藝文 Demystifying the Past 羅馬競技場展出珍藏文物 揭露古代生活樣貌 Visitors to the Colosseum Get Up Close and Personal with Ancient Roman Artifacts 近日羅馬競技場搭建臨時展館,讓眾多長年收藏在倉庫裡的古文物重見天日,並由考古學家親自導覽解說,帶遊客近距離看看古代生活樣貌。 旅遊 The K-Spa Experience 體驗不一樣的韓式三溫暖──汗蒸幕 Journey into the Furnace of Korea’s Traditional Sauna 韓式三溫暖稱作汗蒸幕,包含熱水泡澡池、火窯三溫暖和社交廳等設施。跟著CNN記者一同體驗爆汗淋漓後的抒壓暢快。 焦點話題 CNN 全球瞭望 Thailand’s Election Ushers in Youth-Driven Change 泰國前進黨贏得大選 青年世代崛起 Researcher Breaks Record for Time Spent Living Underwater 在海底生活74天 研究人員創紀錄 WHO Declares COVID Is No Longer a Global Health Emergency 世衛組織宣布終止新冠疫情全球衛生緊急狀況 全方位理解CNN Shows Are Delayed as Writers Strike for Better Working Conditions 好萊塢編劇大罷工 抗議薪酬不公 新聞片語通 CNN主編教你唸 名錶品牌 單字聯想地圖 精品店

Book The Anti Globalist Manifesto

Download or read book The Anti Globalist Manifesto written by Jerome R. Corsi and published by Simon and Schuster. This book was released on 2024-08-13 with total page 203 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: In his new book, The Anti-Globalist Manifesto: Ending the War on Humanity, bestselling author Jerome Corsi puts out a call for action to reverse the totalitarian goals of the New World Order globalists. Corsi addresses that these demons are well advanced in their planned “One World Government” takeover aimed at establishing an atheistic utopia that will have no respect for traditional human rights. Comfortable that their transhuman aspirations are achievable, the Malthusian elite is waging a war on humanity that embraces global depopulation as a means of preventing Earth's abundant natural resources for themselves. Tracing this dystopian nightmare back to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on November 23, 1963, as the day the deep state went rogue in a conspiracy involving the CIA, the Pentagon, the State Department, and the Department of Justice to affect a coup d'état that would allow the military industrial complex to go to war in Vietnam, the deep state has created an ongoing Truman Show—a series of never-ending psychological operations designed to induce citizens worldwide to surrender freedoms to government in return for security. With the premise that the globalist elite uses systems of mass manipulation and social engineering to induce the world's population to accept the implementation of the "reforms" it has already decided to implement, Corsi sets a detailed plan for organizing global resistance against the subversives who now sit at the top of the institutions or world government and finance. The Anti-Globalist Manifesto is a call to action to restore God to our lives, as those of us fighting for a return to personal freedoms and limited government, ending the war on humanity and driving once and for all time the New World Order globalists back to Hell where they belong.

Book Seeing Red

    Book Details:
  • Author : Sarah Oates
  • Publisher : Oxford University Press
  • Release : 2024-06-04
  • ISBN : 0197696422
  • Pages : 217 pages

Download or read book Seeing Red written by Sarah Oates and published by Oxford University Press. This book was released on 2024-06-04 with total page 217 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Seeing Red reveals the extent to which Russian disinformation, propaganda, and the Russian model of political communication have infiltrated not just the American media but been embraced by the American Right. From the 2020 elections to the Capitol Insurrection to the war in Ukraine, Sarah Oates and Gordon Neil Ramsay examine the penetration of Kremlin strategic narratives that attempt to project Russian power, blame NATO for Russian aggression, and attack democracy via the U.S. news. As Oates and Ramsay argue, the danger lies not in how foreign governments attempt to manipulate the media, but in how our media system has been compromised by domestic actors who follow an authoritarian playbook and promote anti-democratic narratives.

Book Live             2024     1        No 273

    Book Details:
  • Author : LiveABC編輯群
  • Publisher : 希伯崙股份有限公司
  • Release : 2023-12-28
  • ISBN :
  • Pages : 107 pages

Download or read book Live 2024 1 No 273 written by LiveABC編輯群 and published by 希伯崙股份有限公司. This book was released on 2023-12-28 with total page 107 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: 4 Live關鍵時事新聞 9 焦點話題 10 大師名作選 The Duplicity of Hargraves 〈哈格雷夫斯的化身術〉 14 旅遊好去處 Singapore: Small Country, Big Adventure 新加坡:小國大冒險 18 化學科學素養 The Cool Way Hand Warmers Work 暖暖包的酷炫原理 20 生活趣聞 Movie Dinosaurs: More Myth than Fact? 破解電影中的恐龍迷思 24 生活情境對話 Having Brunch with a Friend 和朋友一起吃早午餐 27 英語聽力測驗1 28 焦點人物 From Mainstream Star to Critics' Choice: The Rise of Robert Pattinson 羅伯.派汀森的崛起之路 32 克漏字 Puppy Poop Passports: One French Town's War with Dog Mess 狗狗便便護照:法國城鎮對抗狗排泄物的利器 34 發現臺灣 Nantou Bamboo Art Museum: All about an Amazing Plant 南投竹藝博物館:竹編工藝之美 36 食物趣聞 The Global Story of the Danish Pastry 丹麥麵包不是來自丹麥? 41 唱歌學英語 42 閱讀素養專欄 How to Avoid Making Bad Decisions 如何避免做出錯誤決定 Identifying the Topic Sentence 讀門祕笈:辨識主題句 45 翻譯練習 Translation Practice 翻譯練習 48 動物趣聞 Hanging Around with Cute Koalas 來跟無尾熊同一掛! 52 英語聽力測驗2 53 主題式會話 Offering Congratulations 祝賀英語 56 追本溯源 Uppercase and Lowercase: Why Have Both? 英文字母大小寫怎麼來的? 58 歷史文化 One in Three: The Horror of the Black Death 黑死病:改變世界的疾病 62 全民英檢中級模擬閱讀試題 64 看預告片學英文 65 中文翻譯與解答 72 全民英檢中級模擬試題解答 77 單字卡

Book Israel Disarmed

Download or read book Israel Disarmed written by Mark W. Smith and published by Bombardier Books. This book was released on 2024-05-14 with total page 109 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: “Where was the army? Where were the police? Where was the state?” –An Israeli mother on the 10/7 attacks America’s anti-gun lobby wants you to “leave guns to the professionals.” The police and military will protect you, they say. Really? Ask the people of Israel how well that worked out for them. On October 7, 2023, Hamas terrorists murdered 1,200 Israelis in cold blood. Civilians waited in anguish for the army or police to rescue them. Why? Because the country’s restrictive gun laws left most people unarmed. The Israeli government made an immediate about-face after October 7. They loosened gun laws to allow as many citizens as possible to arm themselves. So why are America’s anti-gun extremists so determined to brush aside the Constitution and force you to turn in your guns? The lesson from Israel’s experience should be clear: If you wait until catastrophe comes, it’s too late.

Book Accounts  Excuses  and Apologies  Third Edition

Download or read book Accounts Excuses and Apologies Third Edition written by William L. Benoit and published by State University of New York Press. This book was released on 2024-01-01 with total page 220 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: In our constantly plugged-in and connected world, image is everything. People, groups, organizations, and countries frequently come under suspicion of wrongdoing and sometimes require defense. Accounts, Excuses, and Apologies describes the image-repair strategies that may be used to help defuse these threats. The Third Edition of this classic book builds on theories for rehabilitating a damaged reputation by adding two new forms of denial: straw denial (appearing to deny an accusation by sidestepping it) and deflecting attention (trying to get the audience to focus on something other than the accusations against you). Five contexts for image repair are examined: corporate, political, sports/entertainment, international, and third party (when one person or organization tries to repair the image of another). The book’s case studies include current instances of reputation repair, including Vladimir Putin on Ukraine and President Joe Biden on Afghanistan; Southwest Airlines on flight cancellations; Kobe Bryant on accusations of rape; and Donald Trump on the January 6 hearings.

Book Detox Your Thoughts

    Book Details:
  • Author : Andrea Bonior, PhD
  • Publisher : Chronicle Books
  • Release : 2020-05-05
  • ISBN : 1797201441
  • Pages : 258 pages

Download or read book Detox Your Thoughts written by Andrea Bonior, PhD and published by Chronicle Books. This book was released on 2020-05-05 with total page 258 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: In Detox Your Thoughts, popular psychologist Andrea Bonior, PhD, identifies the 10 most prevalent mental traps that make people feel anxious, insecure, and generally just bad. Clinical psychologist Andrea Bonior has spent over twenty years studying, teaching, and practicing the science of thoughts, emotions, and behavior. In Detox Your Thoughts, she uses the latest research into mindfulness, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to teach you to understand your thoughts–and your body–in a completely different way. To challenge negative self-talk, you must change the way you relate to your thoughts altogether. Bonior shows us how to create new mental pathways that truly stick. For each of the ten mental traps, Bonior offers a new habit to practice, including: • leaning in to your feelings • recognizing and counteracting your blind spots to gain insight • valuing the present moment, and immersing yourself in it. Bonior deciphers the latest research in psychology and neuroscience to help disempower and conquer self-sabotaging thoughts with specific and actionable steps. You're not erasing negative thoughts, but rather growing bigger than they are–and improving your mental and emotional life along the way. • Dr. Andrea Bonior is a popular psychologist and contributor to BuzzFeed and the Washington Post. • Detox Your Thoughts was inspired by her popular BuzzFeed challenge of the same name. • Dr. Bonior's mental health advice column, "Baggage Check," has appeared for 14 years in the Washington Post and several other newspapers nationwide. With bite-sized psychology takes on the thought patterns that plague most people and a practical approach to quitting negative self-talk for good, Detox Your Thoughts is a transformational read. • Perfect for readers of the Washington Post's "Baggage Check" column, Goodful's Detox Your Thoughts, Psychology Today, and The Cut's "Science of Us." • Also a good fit for those who love pop psychology, self-help books, and any books related to motivation or happiness. • Fans of Anxious for Nothing: Finding Calm in a Chaotic World by Max Lucado, 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do by Amy Morin, and Dare: The New Way to End Anxiety and Stop Panic Attacks by Barry McDonagh will want this. Audio edition read by the author.

Book The January 6th Report

Download or read book The January 6th Report written by The January 6 Select Committee and published by Random House. This book was released on 2023-01-10 with total page 865 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • The official report by the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol, featuring an exclusive foreword on the state of American democracy by Congressman Adam Schiff On January 6, 2021, the United States came perilously close to losing its democracy. A mob instigated by the president of the United States violently attacked the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C., seeking to disrupt the certification of the electors in the presidential election and prevent the peaceful transfer of power for the first time in American history. The attack was the culmination of a plot organized and driven by a defeated president, attempting to remain in power through a complex web of deceit, intimidation, and violence. This is the official report of the investigation into the attack—perhaps the most vital congressional investigation in American history—with exhibits, witness testimony, and an exclusive foreword by Congressman Adam Schiff, who offers critical insights into this harrowing chapter in American history.

Book Pandemic  Inc

Download or read book Pandemic Inc written by J. David McSwane and published by Simon and Schuster. This book was released on 2023-03-14 with total page 336 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: “This startling, vital book deserves our attention.” —San Francisco Chronicle For fans of War Dogs and Bad Blood, an explosive look inside the rush to profit from the COVID-19 pandemic, from the award-winning ProPublica reporter who saw it firsthand. The United States federal government spent over $10 billion on medical protective wear and emergency supplies, yet as COVID-19 swept the nation, life-saving equipment such as masks, gloves, and ventilators was nearly impossible to find. In this brilliant nonfiction thriller, called “revelatory” by The Washington Post, award-winning investigative reporter J. David McSwane takes us behind the scenes to reveal how traders, contractors, and healthcare companies used one of the darkest moments in American history to fill their pockets. Determined to uncover how this was possible, he spent over a year on private jets and in secret warehouses, traveling from California to Chicago to Washington, DC, to interview both the most treacherous of profiteers and the victims of their crimes. Pandemic, Inc. is the story of the fraudster who signed a multi-million-dollar contract with the government to provide lifesaving PPE, and yet never came up with a single mask. The Navy admiral at the helm of the national hunt for additional medical resources. The Department of Health whistleblower who championed masks early on and was silenced by the government and conservative media. And the politician who callously slashed federal emergency funding and gutted the federal PPE stockpile. Winner of the Goldsmith Prize for Investigative Reporting, McSwane connects the dots between backdoor deals and the spoils systems to provide the definitive account of how this pandemic was so catastrophically mishandled. Shocking and monumental, Pandemic, Inc. exposes a system that is both deeply rigged, and singularly American.

Book Exhortation to the Monks by Hyperechios

Download or read book Exhortation to the Monks by Hyperechios written by and published by American University in Cairo Press. This book was released on 2024-07-23 with total page 195 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Hyperechios's Exhortation to the Monks for the first time in English translation Hyperechios is a little-known monk of the fourth to fifth centuries, who is thought to have lived in Roman Palestine, possibly coastal Sinai. He wrote the Exhortation to the Monks, 160 short sayings, much like the apophthegmata, or sayings of the desert fathers and mothers, but also structurally very different—most of the sayings are two lines of poetry that offer instruction. The Exhortation, and early Christian monastic writings in general, teach that a spiritual life requires a life of training and practice, individually and as a neighbor and friend within one’s community. This volume studies Hyperechios’s Exhortation to better understand the moral and spiritual values in a fourth to fifth-century Christian monastic community, while reflecting also on how these are contemporary with the modern day. Drawing on modern works by scholars and placing the Exhortation in conversation with contemporary writers on the spiritual life, Tim Vivian begins with an introduction about Hyperechios, his location, the text, then a lengthy reflection on spiritual matters. He follows this with an English-language translation of the Exhortation and the Greek text, both accompanied by footnotes that offer biblical and patristic cross-references. Exhortation to the Monks by Hyperechios will be of interest to scholars and general readers of early Christianity, early monasticism, and Christian spirituality, both ancient and contemporary.

Book Platform Neutrality Rights

    Book Details:
  • Author : Hannibal Travis
  • Publisher : Taylor & Francis
  • Release : 2024-07-24
  • ISBN : 1040087019
  • Pages : 159 pages

Download or read book Platform Neutrality Rights written by Hannibal Travis and published by Taylor & Francis. This book was released on 2024-07-24 with total page 159 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This book analyzes questions of platform bias, algorithmic filtering and ranking of Internet speech, and declining perceptions of online freedom. Courts have intervened against unfair platforms in important cases, but they have deferred to private sector decisions in many others, particularly in the United States. The First Amendment, human rights law, competition law, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, and an array of state and foreign laws address bad faith conduct by Internet platforms or other commercial actors. Arguing that the problem of platform neutrality is similar to the net neutrality problem, the book discusses the assault on freedom of speech that emerges from public-private partnerships. The book draws parallels between U.S. constitutional and statutory doctrines relating to shared spaces and the teachings of international human rights bodies relating to the responsibilities of private actors. It also connects the dots between new rights to appeal account or post removals under the Digital Services Act of the European Union and a variety of fair treatment obligations of platforms under American and European competition laws, “public accommodations” laws, and public utilities laws. Analyzing artificial intelligence (AI) regulation from the point of view of social-media and video-platform users, the book explores overlaps between European and U.S. efforts to limit algorithmic censorship or “shadow-banning”. The book will be of interest to students and scholars in the field of cyberlaw, the law of emerging technologies and AI law.

Book Fair Shake

    Book Details:
  • Author : Naomi Cahn
  • Publisher : Simon and Schuster
  • Release : 2024-05-07
  • ISBN : 1982115149
  • Pages : 368 pages

Download or read book Fair Shake written by Naomi Cahn and published by Simon and Schuster. This book was released on 2024-05-07 with total page 368 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: A stirring, comprehensive look at the state of women in the workforce—why women’s progress has stalled, how our economy fosters unproductive competition, and how we can fix the system that holds women back. In an era of supposed great equality, women are still falling behind in the workplace. Even with more women in the workforce than in decades past, wage gaps continue to increase. It is the most educated women who have fallen the furthest behind. Blue-collar women hold the most insecure and badly paid jobs in our economy. And even as we celebrate high-profile representation—women on the board of Fortune 500 companies and our first female vice president—women have limited recourse when they experience harassment and discrimination. Fair Shake: Women and the Fight to Build a Just Economy explains that the system that governs our economy—a winner-take-all economy—is the root cause of these myriad problems. The WTA economy self-selects for aggressive, cutthroat business tactics, which creates a feedback loop that sidelines women. The authors, three legal scholars, call this feedback loop “the triple bind”: if women don’t compete on the same terms as men, they lose; if women do compete on the same terms as men, they’re punished more harshly for their sharp elbows or actual misdeeds; and when women see that they can’t win on the same terms as men, they take themselves out of the game (if they haven’t been pushed out already). With odds like these stacked against them, it’s no wonder women feel like, no matter how hard they work, they can’t get ahead. Fair Shake is not a “fix the woman” book; it’s a “fix the system” book. It not only diagnoses the problem of what's wrong with the modern economy, but shows how, with awareness and collective action, we can build a truly just economy for all.

Book Intelligent Systems and Applications

Download or read book Intelligent Systems and Applications written by Kohei Arai and published by Springer Nature. This book was released on with total page 890 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book 9th European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference

Download or read book 9th European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference written by Tomaž Jarm and published by Springer Nature. This book was released on with total page 404 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book Quantitative imaging and artificial intelligence in breast tumor diagnosis

Download or read book Quantitative imaging and artificial intelligence in breast tumor diagnosis written by Xiang Zhang and published by Frontiers Media SA. This book was released on 2023-02-13 with total page 306 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book International Conference on Cyber Security  Privacy and Networking  ICSPN 2022

Download or read book International Conference on Cyber Security Privacy and Networking ICSPN 2022 written by Nadia Nedjah and published by Springer Nature. This book was released on 2023-02-20 with total page 432 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This book covers selected high-quality research papers presented in the International Conference on Cyber Security, Privacy and Networking (ICSPN 2022), organized during September 09–11, 2022, in Thailand in online mode. The objective of ICSPN 2022 is to provide a premier international platform for deliberations on strategies, recent trends, innovative approaches, discussions and presentations on the most recent cyber security, privacy and networking challenges and developments from the perspective of providing security awareness and its best practices for the real world. Moreover, the motivation to organize this conference is to promote research by sharing innovative ideas among all levels of the scientific community and to provide opportunities to develop creative solutions to various security, privacy and networking problems.