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Book Clown Horror 150

Download or read book Clown Horror 150 written by I. D. Oro and published by I. D. Oro. This book was released on 2022-01-23 with total page 276 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: In a parallel universe the Government of the Racist (G. O. P.) Party wins the 2016 Presidential Election by forming the Fascist Coalition with other right-wing parties. President Führer Devil-Eggs fulfils his promise to the United States of America once elected as his “Made America 4 the Fascist Again,” arrives. President Führer Devil-Eggs thanks President Vladimir Putin for his help in winning the election by forming the Best Friends Forever Alliance. Officially known as the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact sequel this new alliance will fight the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (N. A. T. O.) and its newest member China. Alternative facts are now scientific proofs by executive orders. Social Security pensions and Medicare health benefits for senior citizens disappear after an executive order arrives which eliminates the taxes that are collected to fund these programs. The A. C. A. (Affordable Care Act) or Obamacare is eliminated while President Führer Devil-Eggs replaces it with Devilcare Death Panels & Camps. The Devilcare Death Panels & Camps feature free healthcare, free death panels where accountants ration off healthcare to save money, and free concentration camps that use government mandated flu vaccines to eliminate citizens, political enemies, and criminals in the country. A cast of characters must now deal with their new reality. Irene has always been the supporting character in the school play and she wants to be the star for once. Osvaldo is trying to fool the government to make money for his retirement. Shmuel is a government worker who is trying to serve his country and fulfil the mission of his department. Anthony knows everything even if his family think that he is just going crazy. Riya is stuck in a dead-end job and finds an opportunity to escape her boring life. Courtney welcomes the challenge of a new job opportunity in the Devilcare Death Panels & Camps. Aryanna knows that she must lead the fight against the fascist in her city. Jurnee is a pastor in the End Racism Church who leads her flock in the fight against evil. Naya is a French spy trying to pass information to her country before they catch her. (Word Count 59,116)

Book Clown Horror 150  Latin Edition

Download or read book Clown Horror 150 Latin Edition written by I. D. Oro and published by I. D. Oro. This book was released on 2022-01-02 with total page 280 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: In universo parallelo Regimen Racist (G. O. P.) factio 2016 electionem praesidentialem conciliat, coalitionem Fascist formans cum aliis partibus dexteris. Praeses Führer Devil-Eggs Promissionem adimplet Civitatibus Americae Unitis semel electo ut eius "America IV Fascist Iterum" venit. Praeside Führer Devil-Eggs gratias agens Praeses Vladimir Putin ob auxilium suum ad electionem conciliandam optimos Amicos Aeternum Foedus formando. Publice nota quod Molotov-Ribbentrop Foedus sequetur hanc novam societatem in tractatu Atlantico Septentrionali pugnabit Unitarum (N. A. T. O.) et membrum novissimum Sinarum. Res alternativae nunc sunt probationes scientificae per ordines exsecutivas. Pensiones securitatis Socialis et Medicare beneficia sanitatis pro senioribus civibus evanescunt, postquam ordo exsecutivus advenit, qui tributa eliminat quae ad haec programmata fundenda collecta sunt. A. C. A. (Actus praebenda cura) vel Obamacare eliminatur dum praeses Führer Diaboli-Eggs eum substituit cum diabolica Morte Tabulata & Castra. The Devilcare Death Panels & Camps pluma liberae valetudinis, liberae mortis, tabulae liberae ubi computatores rationem salutis curationis ad pecuniam conservandam et liberam camporum concentrationem, quae morbum vaccinum regiminis usui mandavit, ut cives, inimicos politicos et sceleratos in patria tollerent. Nunc notorum iactus de eorum nova re agendum est. Irene ingenium in schola ludit semper fuit et vult esse stellam semel. Osvaldo Stulte conatur imperium pecuniam pro secessu facere. Shmuel est operarius regiminis qui patriam suam servire conatur et missionem factionis suae adimplere. Antony omnia novit etiam si familia sua putat se tantum delirare. Riya in opere mortuo adhaesit et occasionem invenit ut vitam taedet fugiendi. Courtney provocationem recipit occasio novi operis diabolica Death Panels & Camps. Aryanna contra fascist in civitate sua. Jurnee pastor est in Ecclesia Racism end, quae gregem suum in pugna contra malum ducit. Naya Gallicus explorator est nuntiare patriam suam nuntiare priusquam eam caperent.

Book Clown Horror 150  Chinese Edition

Download or read book Clown Horror 150 Chinese Edition written by I. D. Oro and published by I. D. Oro. This book was released on 2022-01-02 with total page 280 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: 在平行宇宙中,種族主義政府(G.O.P.)黨通過與其他右翼政黨組成法西斯聯盟贏得 2016 年總統選舉。President Führer Devil-Eggs 兌現了他對美國的承諾,他當選為他的“讓美國 4 再次成為法西斯主義者”。President Führer Devil-Eggs感謝President Vladimir Putin通過組建“永遠最好的朋友聯盟”幫助贏得選舉。這個新聯盟正式稱為莫洛托夫-里賓特洛甫條約續集,將與北大西洋公約組織(N.A.T.O.)及其最新成員中國作戰。替代事實現在是行政命令的科學證據。一項行政命令出台後,老年人的社會保障養老金和醫療保險福利將消失,該命令取消了為資助這些計劃而徵收的稅款。 A. C. A.(平價醫療法案)或奧巴馬醫改被淘汰,而President Führer Devil-Eggs 用 Devilcare Death Panels & Camps 取而代之。 Devilcare 死亡小組和營地提供免費醫療保健、免費死亡小組,會計師可以通過分配醫療保健來省錢,以及免費集中營,使用政府規定的流感疫苗來消滅該國的公民、政敵和罪犯。 一群角色現在必須應對他們的新現實。Irene一直是校園劇中的配角,她想成為一次明星。Osvaldo 試圖愚弄政府為他的退休賺錢。Shmuel 是一名政府工作人員,他正在努力為國家服務並完成其部門的使命。 Anthony什麼都知道,即使他的家人認為他只是瘋了。Riya 被困在一個沒有盡頭的工作中,並找到了一個機會來擺脫她無聊的生活。Courtney 歡迎在 Devilcare Death Panels & Camps 接受新工作機會的挑戰。Aryanna 知道她必須領導戰鬥反對她所在城市的法西斯。Jurnee 是 End Racism Church 的牧師,帶領她的羊群與邪惡作鬥爭。Naya 是一名法國間諜,試圖在他們抓住她之前向她的國家傳遞信息。

Book Clown Horror 150  Russian Edition

Download or read book Clown Horror 150 Russian Edition written by I. D. Oro and published by I. D. Oro. This book was released on 2022-01-02 with total page 280 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: В параллельной вселенной партия «Правительство расистов» (G.O.P.) Побеждает на президентских выборах 2016 года, сформировав фашистскую коалицию с другими правыми партиями. Прибыл President Führer Devil-Eggs свое обещание, данное Соединенным Штатам Америки, однажды избранным им "Сделаем Америку 4 снова фашистом". President Führer Devil-Eggs благодарит President Vladimir Putin за его помощь в победе на выборах, сформировав Альянс лучших друзей навсегда. Официально известный как продолжение Пакта Молотова-Риббентропа, этот новый альянс будет бороться с Организацией Североатлантического договора (Н.А.Т.О.) и ее новым членом - Китаем. Альтернативные факты теперь являются научными доказательствами указов. Пенсии по социальному обеспечению и медицинские льготы по программе Medicare для пожилых людей исчезают после того, как поступит указ, отменяющий налоги, взимаемые для финансирования этих программ. A. C. A. (Закон о доступном медицинском обслуживании) или Obamacare отменяется, в то время как President Führer Devil-Eggs заменяет его Devilcare Death Panels & Camps. В Devilcare Death Panels & Camps есть бесплатное медицинское обслуживание, бесплатные панели смерти, где бухгалтеры ограничивают медицинское обслуживание, чтобы сэкономить деньги, и бесплатные концентрационные лагеря, в которых используются санкционированные правительством вакцины против гриппа для уничтожения граждан, политических врагов и преступников в стране. Теперь отряд персонажей должен разобраться в своей новой реальности. Irene всегда была второстепенным персонажем в школьной пьесе, и она хочет хоть раз стать звездой. Osvaldo пытается обмануть правительство, чтобы заработать денег на его пенсию. Shmuel - государственный служащий, который пытается служить своей стране и выполнять миссию своего ведомства. Anthony знает все, даже если его семья думает, что он просто сходит с ума. Riya застряла в тупиковой работе и находит возможность избежать своей скучной жизни. Courtney приветствует вызов новой возможности трудоустройства в Devilcare Death Panels & Camps. Aryanna знает, что она должна вести борьбу. против фашиста в ее городе. Jurnee - пастор церкви End Racism Church, которая ведет свою паству в борьбе со злом. Naya- французский шпион, пытающийся передать информацию своей стране, прежде чем они ее поймают.

Book Clown Horror 150  Japanese Edition

Download or read book Clown Horror 150 Japanese Edition written by I. D. Oro and published by I. D. Oro. This book was released on 2022-01-02 with total page 280 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: 並行する世界では、人種差別主義者の政府(G. O. P.)党が、他の右翼政党とファシスト連立を結成することにより、2016年の大統領選挙に勝利します。 PresidentFührerDevil-Eggsは、彼の「Made America 4 the Fascist Again」として選出された後、アメリカ合衆国への約束を果たします。 PresidentFührerDevil-Eggs はPresident Vladimir Putin、Best Friends Forever Allianceを結成して選挙に勝利するのを手伝ってくれたことに感謝します。正式にはモロトフ・リッベントロップ協定の続編として知られているこの新しい同盟は、北大西洋条約機構(N. A. T. O.)とその最新メンバーである中国と戦うことになります。もう一つの事実は、大統領命令による科学的証拠になりました。大統領命令が到着すると、高齢者向けの社会保障年金とメディケア健康保険はなくなり、これらのプログラムに資金を提供するために徴収される税金がなくなります。 A. C. A.(Affordable Care Act)またはObamacareは廃止され、PresidentFührerDevil-EggsはDevilcare Death Panels&Campsに置き換えられました。 Devilcare Death Panels&Campsは、無料のヘルスケア、会計士がお金を節約するためにヘルスケアを配給する無料のデスパネル、および国の市民、政敵、犯罪者を排除するために政府が義務付けたインフルエンザワクチンを使用する無料の集中キャンプを備えています。 キャラクターのキャストは、新しい現実に対処する必要があります。 Ireneはいつも学校の演劇の脇役であり、彼女は一度はスターになりたいと思っています。 Osvaldoは彼の引退のためにお金を稼ぐために政府をだまそうとしている。 Shmuelは、彼の国に奉仕し、彼の部門の使命を果たしようとしている公務員です。 Anthonyは、家族が夢中になっていると思っていても、すべてを知っています。 Riyaは行き詰まりの仕事に行き詰まり、退屈な生活から逃れる機会を見つけました。Courtneyは、Devilcare Death Panels&Campsでの新しい仕事の機会への挑戦を歓迎します。Aryannaは、彼女が戦いを主導しなければならないことを知っています。彼女の街のファシストに対して。 Jurneeは、悪との戦いで彼女の群れを率いるEnd Racism Churchの牧師です。Nayaは、彼女を捕まえる前に彼女の国に情報を渡そうとしているフランスのスパイです。

Book Clown Horror 150  Edition Francaise

Download or read book Clown Horror 150 Edition Francaise written by I. D. Oro and published by I. D. Oro. This book was released on 2022-01-02 with total page 280 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Dans un univers parallèle, le gouvernement du parti raciste (G. O. P.) remporte l'élection présidentielle de 2016 en formant la coalition fasciste avec d'autres partis de droite. Le président Führer Devil-Eggs remplit sa promesse envers les États-Unis d'Amérique une fois élu comme son « Made America 4 the Fascist Again » arrive. Le président Führer Devil-Eggs remercie le président Vladimir Poutine pour son aide à remporter les élections en formant l'Alliance Best Friends Forever. Officiellement connue sous le nom de suite du pacte Molotov-Ribbentrop, cette nouvelle alliance combattra l'Organisation du traité de l'Atlantique Nord (N.A.T.O.) et son nouveau membre, la Chine. Les faits alternatifs sont maintenant des preuves scientifiques par décrets. Les pensions de sécurité sociale et les prestations de santé de Medicare pour les personnes âgées disparaissent après l'arrivée d'un décret qui élimine les impôts collectés pour financer ces programmes. L'A.C.A. (Affordable Care Act) ou Obamacare est éliminé tandis que Président Führer Devil-Eggs le remplace par Devilcare Death Panels & Camps. Les panneaux et camps de décès Devilcare proposent des soins de santé gratuits, des panneaux de décès gratuits où les comptables rationnent les soins de santé pour économiser de l'argent, et des camps de concentration gratuits qui utilisent des vaccins contre la grippe mandatés par le gouvernement pour éliminer les citoyens, les ennemis politiques et les criminels du pays. Un casting de personnages doit désormais faire face à leur nouvelle réalité. Irene a toujours été le personnage secondaire de la pièce de théâtre de l'école et elle veut être la star pour une fois. Osvaldo essaie de tromper le gouvernement pour gagner de l'argent pour sa retraite. Shmuel est un fonctionnaire qui essaie de servir son pays et de remplir la mission de son département. Anthony sait tout, même si sa famille pense qu'il est en train de devenir fou. Riya est coincée dans un travail sans issue et trouve une opportunité d'échapper à sa vie ennuyeuse. Courtney accueille le défi d'une nouvelle opportunité d'emploi dans les panneaux et camps de la mort de Devilcare. Aryanna sait qu'elle doit mener le combat contre les fascistes de sa ville. Jurnee est un pasteur de l'église End Racism qui mène son troupeau dans la lutte contre le mal. Naya est une espionne française qui essaie de transmettre des informations à son pays avant qu'ils ne l'attrapent.

Book Evil Clown

    Book Details:
  • Author : Rainy Day Rainy Day Dreams
  • Publisher : Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
  • Release : 2018-06-26
  • ISBN : 9781721908400
  • Pages : 150 pages

Download or read book Evil Clown written by Rainy Day Rainy Day Dreams and published by Createspace Independent Publishing Platform. This book was released on 2018-06-26 with total page 150 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Evil Clown Journal Lined Paper - 150 Pages 6x9 - Glossy Cover Spook your friends and family with this creepy evil clown journal that's perfect for all you horror enthusiasts out there. Keep track of clown sightings, favorite horror movies and everything macabre. Also great for taking notes, to-do lists, doodling, journaling, sketching, drawing or for use as a diary to keep daily records of events and experiences.

Book Clown Horror 152

Download or read book Clown Horror 152 written by I. D. Oro and published by I. D. Oro. This book was released on 2022-01-23 with total page 301 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Osvaldo is a genius even if his wife Sariyah likes to make fun of him for his lousy job as a dish washer in a restaurant. Osvaldo does not care about his boring job since it is just a cover for his real job. Smuggling people in his Chevrolet Suburban’s secret compartment is his real job. His challenge is in beating the government and making money. He is a capitalist who is only interested in making money and getting paid. It does not matter who wants to get across if they pay him. This side hussle is the only thing that is paying his bills in southern California since his regular job is only a minimum wage job. A friend from Seattle, Washington arrives to ask Osvaldo to pay him a favor that he owes. Osvaldo is not sure that he is up to the task but he must pay his favor to get his annoying friend to stop bothering him. A new challenge arrives which puts him in the dangerous job of rescuing people from the Devilcare Death Panels & Camps. Now his life is in real danger once President Führer Devil-Eggs signs an executive order that will punish anyone who rescues people from inside of there with a firing squad. Osvaldo must deal with the stress and the danger while he makes sure that his wife will not tell the government about his new side hussle. He does not want to end up dead since his wife has panic attacks when they are doing illegal activities. (Word Count 66,749)

Book The Many Lives of Scary Clowns

Download or read book The Many Lives of Scary Clowns written by Ron Riekki and published by McFarland. This book was released on 2022-05-16 with total page 183 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The frightening yet comic clown is one of the best and most enduring characters in literature, theater, television, and film. Across the centuries, from Shakespeare's Porter in Macbeth to Edgar Allan Poe's "Hop-Frog," or Stephen King's Pennywise, horror and comedy have blended to create the perfect recipe for entertainment. This volume gives an in-depth analysis of the clown horror genre, including essays by revered horror scholars such as Kevin Wetmore, Dale Bailey, Kim Hester Williams, Jennifer K. Cox, and Joanna Parypinski. Their essays cover topics such as nostalgia, race, class, and new portrayals of the scary clown as zombies or phantoms. It also offers interviews with actors and directors working in the clown horror genre: Eoghan McQuinn (Stitches), Kevin Kangas (Fear of Clowns), and Jaysen Buterin (Kill Giggles). Some of fiction's most terrifying creations--like the Killer Klowns, Captain Spaulding, Art the Clown, Krusty, Frowny, the Joker, and Twisty--jig through these pages of analysis and deconstruction, asking what these many iterations of scary clowns have to say about our society and its fears.

Book Floppy Shoes Apocalypse

    Book Details:
  • Author : Alex Johnson
  • Publisher : CreateSpace
  • Release : 2014-11-01
  • ISBN : 9781503070394
  • Pages : 232 pages

Download or read book Floppy Shoes Apocalypse written by Alex Johnson and published by CreateSpace. This book was released on 2014-11-01 with total page 232 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Maybe Floppy Shoes Apocalypse editors Alex S. Johnson and John Ledger didn't invent clown horror, but as this new anthology demonstrates, they appear to have perfected it. Featuring a wide range of stories and poetry by such authors as Lisa Dabrowski, Dona Fox, Mary Genevieve Fortier and Stuart Keane, Floppy Shoes Apocalypse sheds new light on the dark side of the circus arts. A thoroughly entertaining read.--Jim Rose

Book Clown Horror 150  Arabic Edition

Download or read book Clown Horror 150 Arabic Edition written by I. D. Oro and published by I. D. Oro. This book was released on 2022-01-02 with total page 280 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: في عالم موازٍ ، فازت حكومة الحزب العنصري (G.O.P) في الانتخابات الرئاسية لعام 2016 من خلال تشكيل التحالف الفاشي مع أحزاب يمينية أخرى. وصل الرئيس Führer Devil-Eggs بوعده للولايات المتحدة الأمريكية بمجرد انتخابه "جعل أمريكا 4 الفاشية مرة أخرى". الرئيس Führer Devil-Eggs يشكر [الرئيس فلاديمير بوتين] لمساعدته في الفوز بالانتخابات من خلال تشكيل تحالف أفضل الأصدقاء إلى الأبد. هذا التحالف الجديد المعروف رسميًا باسم حلف مولوتوف-ريبنتروب سيقاتل منظمة حلف شمال الأطلسي (N.A.T.O.) وأحدث أعضائها الصين. الحقائق البديلة هي الآن براهين علمية بأوامر تنفيذية. تختفي معاشات الضمان الاجتماعي والمزايا الصحية للرعاية الصحية لكبار السن بعد وصول أمر تنفيذي يلغي الضرائب التي يتم تحصيلها لتمويل هذه البرامج. تم التخلص من A. C. A. (قانون الرعاية الميسرة) أو Obamacare بينما يستبدلها President Führer Devil-Eggs بـ Devilcare Death Panels & Camps. تتميز لوحات ومخيمات Devilcare Death Panel بالرعاية الصحية المجانية ، ولوحات الموت المجانية حيث يقوم المحاسبون بترشيد الرعاية الصحية لتوفير المال ، ومعسكرات الاعتقال المجانية التي تستخدم لقاحات الأنفلونزا التي تفرضها الحكومة للقضاء على المواطنين والأعداء السياسيين والمجرمين في البلاد. يجب أن يتعامل طاقم الشخصيات الآن مع واقعهم الجديد. لطالما كانت إيرين الشخصية الداعمة في المسرحية المدرسية وهي تريد أن تكون النجمة لمرة واحدة. أوزفالدو يحاول خداع الحكومة لكسب المال لتقاعده. شموئيل موظف حكومي يحاول خدمة وطنه وتحقيق مهمة دائرته. يعرف Anthony كل شيء حتى لو اعتقدت عائلته أنه مجنون. ريا عالقة في وظيفة مسدودة وتجد فرصة للهروب من حياتها المملة. ترحب كورتني بالتحدي المتمثل في فرصة عمل جديدة في معسكرات ولوحات الموت في Devilcare. تعلم Aryanna أنها يجب أن تقود المعركة ضد الفاشي في مدينتها. جورني هي قس في كنيسة إنهاء العنصرية وتقود قطيعها في محاربة الشر. نايا جاسوسة فرنسية تحاول نقل المعلومات إلى بلدها قبل أن يمسكوا بها.

Book Clown Horror 152  Latin Edition

Download or read book Clown Horror 152 Latin Edition written by I. D. Oro and published by I. D. Oro. This book was released on 2022-01-02 with total page 280 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Osvaldo ingenium est etiam si uxor Sariyah eum deridere velit propter officium pessimum sicut in popina saturonis. Osvaldo officium taediosum suum non curat, quia solum est operculum pro officio suo reali. Smuggling homines in camera sua Chevrolet Suburbani verum officium suum est. Provocatio eius est in verberatione rei publicae et pecuniae faciendae. Capitalismus est qui tantum pecuniae lucrandae et mercedem accipit. Non refert, qui cupit transire, si eum solvat. Hoc latus hussle sola res est quae libellos suos in California australi solvens est, cum eius officium servile officium minimum tantum est. Amicus ab Seattle, Washington advenit rogatum Osvaldo ut ei gratiam solvat quam debet. Osvaldo Non certus est se in munere esse, sed gratiam suam reddere debet ut ab amico molestissimo sibi molestus obsistat. Nova provocatio advenit quae eum in periculosum officium liberandi homines a Devilcare Death Panels & Camps. Nunc eius vita in reali periculo est olim Praeses Führer Devil-Eggs ordinem exsecutivum signat, quo quis puniat qui homines ab intus cum manipulorum incendii eripit. Osvaldo De accentus et de periculo agendum est dum certior facit uxorem suam imperium de nova parte hussle non indicaturum. Finire non vult mortuus quia uxor eius impetum terroris habet cum actiones illegales agunt.

Book Evil Clowns Horror Movies

    Book Details:
  • Author : Laura Cremonini
  • Publisher : Self-Publish
  • Release : 2020-04-01
  • ISBN :
  • Pages : 208 pages

Download or read book Evil Clowns Horror Movies written by Laura Cremonini and published by Self-Publish. This book was released on 2020-04-01 with total page 208 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The evil clown is a subversion of the traditional comic clown character, in which the playful trope is instead rendered as disturbing through the use of horror elements and dark humor. The modern archetype of the evil clown was popularized by DC Comics character the Joker starting in 1940 and again by Pennywise in Stephen King's 1986 novel It. The character can be seen as playing off the sense of unease felt by sufferers of coulrophobia, the fear of clowns This book is the assembly of various texts that are freely available on the web, especially from Wikipedia. The next obvious question is: why buy this book? The answer: because it means you avoid having to carry out long and tedious internet searches. The topics are all linked to each other organically, and as a function of the subject and, in most cases, contain additional unpublished topics, not found on the web. Moreover, the inclusion of images completes the work so as to make it unique and unrepeatable. Contents of the book: The evil clown: Origins, Interpretations, Urban legends and incidents, Clown sightings, Response to evil clowns in media, Depictions. Evil Clowns Horror Movies: Clown Kill, The Clown Murders, Clownhouse, Fear of Clowns, The House on Sorority Row. Horror films about clowns. The poster of each film, scenes from the film, plot, criticism and other curiosities.

Book Creepy Clown

    Book Details:
  • Author : Vance Mellen
  • Publisher :
  • Release : 2016-10-26
  • ISBN : 9781539759690
  • Pages : 156 pages

Download or read book Creepy Clown written by Vance Mellen and published by . This book was released on 2016-10-26 with total page 156 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Creepy clowns are everywhere, sighted all over the world. They are watching YOUR children. Why?Put your best face on... The circus is coming to town!A creepy clown stares at a young boy from the woods next to his grade school. The boy tells his father. The father wants to get to the bottom of it. Who are they? What do they want? Questions he never should have asked... The answers are here. This is the terrifying story of a desperate father, a simple medicated "beauty lotion," a secret clinical study at a big Pharmaceutical company north of Chicago, and how SERIOUS COMPLICATIONS changed MY life forever. Nothing will be the same again, for me OR for you. Creepy Clowns: Who are they? What do they want? The answer is as clear as the big red nose on your face.

Book Video Night

    Book Details:
  • Author : Adam Cesare
  • Publisher :
  • Release : 2017-01-24
  • ISBN : 9780692838983
  • Pages : 252 pages

Download or read book Video Night written by Adam Cesare and published by . This book was released on 2017-01-24 with total page 252 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Who better to repel a body-snatching alien invasion than a group of teenage horror nerds? Billy and Tom are best friends, but each knows that at the end of the school year they'll be moving in different directions. But why not go out with a bang and throw one last video night? They can invite some girls over, order a pizza, then maybe try and fight the alien infection that's taken hold over their suburban town. It's The Breakfast Club meets The Night of the Creeps in this slime-drenched '80s horror romp. "Hit that first chapter. It'll hook you, and the next time you look up, you'll have swallowed the book. It'll be nesting inside you like a seed, like an egg, like an invasion." -Stephen Graham Jones, author of Mongrels "The momentum keeps building. The stakes keep escalating. The monsters just keep getting worse and worse, the catastrophic mayhem more juicy and hopeless. Best of all, the writing moves like a greased torpedo, compulsively readable as it rockets through your brain." -Fangoria "If you put together the gore, action, monsters, and sense of excitement that made '80s horror movies so great, you'll only have about half of what makes Video Night a must-read tome for horror fans." -Horrortalk

Book The Creeping Clown

Download or read book The Creeping Clown written by Jessica Gunderson and published by Capstone. This book was released on 2018-08 with total page 73 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Josh is terrified of clowns, and the news that someone dressed as a clown in a neighboring town has been kidnapping children does not help, especially after the kidnapper escapes custody; so when he encounters a threatening clown at the House of Horrors at the amusement park he panics--but will he be able to save himself, much less rescue a little girl who is lost in the hall of mirrors?

Book Bad Clowns

    Book Details:
  • Author : Benjamin Radford
  • Publisher : UNM Press
  • Release : 2016-04-01
  • ISBN : 0826356672
  • Pages : 217 pages

Download or read book Bad Clowns written by Benjamin Radford and published by UNM Press. This book was released on 2016-04-01 with total page 217 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Bad clowns—those malicious misfits of the midway who terrorize, haunt, and threaten us—have long been a cultural icon. This book describes the history of bad clowns, why clowns go bad, and why many people fear them. Going beyond familiar clowns such as the Joker, Krusty, John Wayne Gacy, and Stephen King’s Pennywise, it also features bizarre, lesser-known stories of weird clown antics including Bozo obscenity, Ronald McDonald haters, killer clowns, phantom-clown abductors, evil-clown panics, sex clowns, carnival clowns, troll clowns, and much more. Bad Clowns blends humor, investigation, and scholarship to reveal what is behind the clown’s dark smile.