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Book The Army of the Undead  Alternate Reality

Download or read book The Army of the Undead Alternate Reality written by Ronald Wintrick and published by Ronald Wintrick. This book was released on 2013-05-20 with total page 509 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Favel's lower half fell away, kicking and thrashing, rolling across the cobblestones, then somehow managed its feet. A black gush of blood poured out of Favel's upper half, which still clung to the soldier, still feasting on the soldier's face. The man still screamed. His knife still plunged into Favel impotently. The soldier who had chopped Favel in half stepped back in horrific incomprehension. The look on his face would have taken tomes to describe. Then he spewed his guts in an explosive convulsion that sprayed over the two struggling men, but neither seemed to notice. At the last moment the soldier's head turned in time to notice the approach of the pair of legs. He swung his sword and chopped down through the hips and separated the two legs, which fell away from one another but continued to struggle on. When he came upon the first combatants, the Necromancers were nowhere to be seen. There was heavy fighting but the men seemed to be slowly overwhelming the Ignacian, fighting in a Line Formation where they could more easily bring their swords and axes into service. The men were steadily falling back, but that was only so that they did not have to walk among the fallen body parts of the enemy, which continued to fight even when cleaved to individual pieces. A legless torso would clamber forward and attempt to climb a man, and would have to be chopped away. When one of their own fell, the men turned and chopped their own comrade to pieces, even if he was not completely dead. The merest scratch by one of the Ignacian was a death sentence that arrived only minutes later, and as gruesome as it might seem to chop apart your own comrades, it was a duty that had to be done. The men continued to fall back, but the Ignacian were taking a heavy toll. The now tireless team pulling the woman's wagon followed them like lost dogs, but the woman and her children leaped out onto the first unwary humans they encountered. It was an amusing game to watch the Ignacian tear into the helpless people. There were many variations of the game. Kill one among a family and watch as the others rush to see what is wrong. Kill the child in the mother's arms and watch laughing as it rips off the breast it was feeding on. They rode into the city, killing and killing as they went, the chain reaction now unstoppable. Moruv nodded uncertainly. Since when did the Warlord make inspections of his land? Since when did he go anywhere without an armed escort? A sizable one at that! Who was the tall stranger with him? Moruv had the strangest sensation while looking at him that his face had wavered and rippled! Ridiculous of course, but after yesterday's events, Moruv was looking at the world with an entirely new viewpoint, one in which previously impossible things had just become the possible. He was sure that nothing could now surprise him, but he was wrong. The Ignacian poured forward over the lip of the trench, the front rows just falling in as their uncoordinated movements tumbled them forward. Some tried to step in, or jump down, but they could not accomplish anything so complicated. They continued to march forward into the opening until they had filled the trench and then their comrades walked over their bodies, into the bristling pikes. When he reached their point of origin, the westernmost end of the Big Wood's Road, and found that the Ignacian element had not yet reached the fortifications which had been erected there, he floated over the unknowing Army and the Sisters arrayed there to defend their breastworks and watched the Ignacian finish closing the short distance to the waiting Army. Lives would certainly be lost this day but Lester needed to see what kind of a defense the flesh and blood soldiers would be able to pose against their undead adversaries. His timing had been nearly perfect and he did not have to wait long. Daghula and the rest of the Necromancers were all alike in that regard- they thought they were too good to bow and grovel before their true Master! Malton was not impeded by such arrogant shortcomings. He knew and understood Sheitan's superiority. When that eventual day came he would grovel happily, in blissful acceptance of his fate, at the Master's feet. The Master would be pleased with him. He would pet him and croon to him as Malton groveled. No. Malton did not fear that eventual day. Not in the least. She was on the field of battle. All around her raged unceasing combat, men and women, even children, battling the undead Ignacian, and every time one of the living fell, mortally wounded, he rose immediately as one of the enemy, to strike down those he had just stood with, his loved ones, his own family. Jana was fighting with her short sword and Casting Wizard's Fire but there was little room in the melee for the use of it without fear of hitting the living. For as far as she could see, in every direction, there was nothing but the heaving bodies of those engaged in mortal combat, then the old woman's eyes seemed to withdraw and Jana reeled away. Cloudless and as bright as any night could hope to be under the brilliance of the billions of stars above, Daghula cast an illusion which made him invisible then drew the great Black Sword which Sheitan himself had given him, buried within the heart of a great volcanic rock which even his spells had been unable to dislodge; he had chipped the rock away by hand to expose the hungry blade, this direct Channel to the Lower Plane and Sheitan himself. He drew it now and felt it quiver in his hand, as if it were a thing alive unto itself, but it was not, it merely conveyed the hunger of its Master. For those who it consumed there could be no salvation, their souls sent directly to the Lower Plane, no matter what life they lived while here. "It was the Wizard Timan! He attacked me in Specter Form!" Nimian snarled. Everything unknown in life became clear after death when the soul's unlimited ability to comprehend was released from its limiting physical bonds. It would also make the torments of Hell that much more acute. "It be." Old Woman said. She had been called Old Woman for so long that she had completely forgotten her given name. She had bounced Hirren, their hot tempered King, on her knees when he was but a babe as she had bounced Hirren's father before him, and his father before him, and even beyond that, though her memory no longer served her well enough to remember just exactly how long she had been alive. The days just continued to pass and she continued to move through them. She was Old Woman. "The Balance," Marea emphasized, "is contingent upon toil and struggle. The future depends on Right and Justice, but Righteousness must come to its own as must Discord and Rebellion. The day will come, eventually, when Discord and Rebellion must finally cease to exist, but that cessation must be brought about by the hand of man. This is our world, and if we wish to keep the Good which is within it, we will have to fight for it. Excerpts; -"You don’t think the war in Parce will reach us here, do you, mum?" Timan asked, not really knowing what he expected, but in no way expecting the reaction she did have. The smile fell from her lips, the joy left her eyes, and clouds of sorrow seemed to cross her countenance. .......... -"Those who came through here last week claimed to be fleeing an Army of the Undead. An Army of the Undead led by a Necromancer they called Daghula Ichorious." "Not led," Marea corrected, "but forced through Evil spells from their very graves to rise and do the Necromancer’s bidding. They do not follow willingly. No one rises from their grave willingly." "You speak of it as if you know of such things!" Timan said, causing his mother to blanch slightly, as if this were a subject she had not wanted raised. Not ever. "Your mother was not always a farmer’s wife and a mother. She was once a very well-known Sorceress of not inconsiderable Power!" Jarod said, a small smile now twisting his lips, and something else was there, as well. A certain deference Timan had never noticed before but now that he had noticed it, realized it had always been there. He had always thought highly of his parent’s relationship, which was of a much more equal nature than some of the other Prairie folk, and now he seemed to understand why and also to have a new respect for his father. It would take a special man to marry a woman who possessed Power enough to overpower him if they should ever come to arguing. Timan was old enough to understand how difficult that would be for most men, but not, apparently, his father. .......... Timan immediately felt the spell coursing through his veins, throbbing like an additional heartbeat, a heartbeat that thrummed in tune with spoken words that held no conscious meaning, beating at his temples, pounding at his temples, and then he was no longer in his own body. He seemed to leap out of it and into the air, faster than he could have ever moved in his physical body, where such rapid acceleration would have ripped him apart at the seams. As he hurtled away he had just enough time to look back over his shoulder (he still seemed to be in his physical form) and watch . . . himself . . . be left far behind. This might be what it would be like to die, except that he would not be able to return after his brief sojourn. "Absolutely." Kenry said, and before Timan knew what was happening he was snatched from his seat and thrown roughly to the ground. Kenry turned back to Marea as Timan scrambled to his feet. "You understand I will not coddle him. I will do him no favors if I coddle him." Marea began to speak quietly under her breath. Had she spoken aloud Jarod still wouldn’t have understood her. She was speaking the Old Tongue. The language of Power which, if the oral histories were correct, could not be translated into any other language, the ancient meanings of the words so long lost in time that their present counterparts could not be discerned. Marea believed, possibly, with several dozen lifetimes available in which to research and experiment, the task could be completed, but the only way to live much beyond the normal span was to trade away your soul to Sheitan, the evil god of the Lower Realm, and if you did that, Sheitan would have demands that precluded using your time for your own purposes. Such Wizards who gave themselves to Sheitan were called Necromancers and through their unholy union with the God of the Lower Realms were able to perform many spells normal Wizards were not, including the ability to raise the dead. "What have you done!" Jarod exclaimed, running down the steps to challenge the man, who flinched back before the now greenly glowing blade and Jarod’s fury. "I’ve done nothing! What mean you, man?" "It’s not him." Marea interjected, coming down to stand beside her husband. "It’s the residue on the blade." The stranger’s eyes snapped down to the blade hanging from his belt. A look that contained both horror and revulsion and a dawning realization of just what this might mean. "I didn’t know! I swear! I cleaned the blade!" He was now nearly hysterical. Children in both the wagons broke out crying and looks of horror spread across the faces of everyone else not crying but old enough or smart enough to understand what this could mean. "It means you have probably carried the spell of the Necromancer with you!" Marea said. "Hurry and remove your scabbard. It must be purified. Quickly now man!" She added as he stood there a moment longer, stupefied. The child was in its crib, where it had been before the attack and where it had been tossed back into after it made its transformation and was no longer palatable to whatever had been eating it. Its left arm had been ripped raggedly away from the shoulder, the right at the elbow, as if two somethings had been in a tug of war with it to obtain it. Its stomach and inner organs were missing, as well as a ragged chunk from its face. Yet it was on its feet and trying to climb the high walls of its crib as if those wounds were of no more than a passing inconvenience. They were, however, enough of an inconvenience that even with its Evil strength, it could not free itself. It smiled up at Timan angelically.

Book The Army of the Undead  Alternate Reality

Download or read book The Army of the Undead Alternate Reality written by Ronald Wintrick and published by Ronald Wintrick. This book was released on 2013-05-20 with total page 509 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Favel's lower half fell away, kicking and thrashing, rolling across the cobblestones, then somehow managed its feet. A black gush of blood poured out of Favel's upper half, which still clung to the soldier, still feasting on the soldier's face. The man still screamed. His knife still plunged into Favel impotently. The soldier who had chopped Favel in half stepped back in horrific incomprehension. The look on his face would have taken tomes to describe. Then he spewed his guts in an explosive convulsion that sprayed over the two struggling men, but neither seemed to notice. At the last moment the soldier's head turned in time to notice the approach of the pair of legs. He swung his sword and chopped down through the hips and separated the two legs, which fell away from one another but continued to struggle on. When he came upon the first combatants, the Necromancers were nowhere to be seen. There was heavy fighting but the men seemed to be slowly overwhelming the Ignacian, fighting in a Line Formation where they could more easily bring their swords and axes into service. The men were steadily falling back, but that was only so that they did not have to walk among the fallen body parts of the enemy, which continued to fight even when cleaved to individual pieces. A legless torso would clamber forward and attempt to climb a man, and would have to be chopped away. When one of their own fell, the men turned and chopped their own comrade to pieces, even if he was not completely dead. The merest scratch by one of the Ignacian was a death sentence that arrived only minutes later, and as gruesome as it might seem to chop apart your own comrades, it was a duty that had to be done. The men continued to fall back, but the Ignacian were taking a heavy toll. The now tireless team pulling the woman's wagon followed them like lost dogs, but the woman and her children leaped out onto the first unwary humans they encountered. It was an amusing game to watch the Ignacian tear into the helpless people. There were many variations of the game. Kill one among a family and watch as the others rush to see what is wrong. Kill the child in the mother's arms and watch laughing as it rips off the breast it was feeding on. They rode into the city, killing and killing as they went, the chain reaction now unstoppable. Moruv nodded uncertainly. Since when did the Warlord make inspections of his land? Since when did he go anywhere without an armed escort? A sizable one at that! Who was the tall stranger with him? Moruv had the strangest sensation while looking at him that his face had wavered and rippled! Ridiculous of course, but after yesterday's events, Moruv was looking at the world with an entirely new viewpoint, one in which previously impossible things had just become the possible. He was sure that nothing could now surprise him, but he was wrong. The Ignacian poured forward over the lip of the trench, the front rows just falling in as their uncoordinated movements tumbled them forward. Some tried to step in, or jump down, but they could not accomplish anything so complicated. They continued to march forward into the opening until they had filled the trench and then their comrades walked over their bodies, into the bristling pikes. When he reached their point of origin, the westernmost end of the Big Wood's Road, and found that the Ignacian element had not yet reached the fortifications which had been erected there, he floated over the unknowing Army and the Sisters arrayed there to defend their breastworks and watched the Ignacian finish closing the short distance to the waiting Army. Lives would certainly be lost this day but Lester needed to see what kind of a defense the flesh and blood soldiers would be able to pose against their undead adversaries. His timing had been nearly perfect and he did not have to wait long. Daghula and the rest of the Necromancers were all alike in that regard- they thought they were too good to bow and grovel before their true Master! Malton was not impeded by such arrogant shortcomings. He knew and understood Sheitan's superiority. When that eventual day came he would grovel happily, in blissful acceptance of his fate, at the Master's feet. The Master would be pleased with him. He would pet him and croon to him as Malton groveled. No. Malton did not fear that eventual day. Not in the least. She was on the field of battle. All around her raged unceasing combat, men and women, even children, battling the undead Ignacian, and every time one of the living fell, mortally wounded, he rose immediately as one of the enemy, to strike down those he had just stood with, his loved ones, his own family. Jana was fighting with her short sword and Casting Wizard's Fire but there was little room in the melee for the use of it without fear of hitting the living. For as far as she could see, in every direction, there was nothing but the heaving bodies of those engaged in mortal combat, then the old woman's eyes seemed to withdraw and Jana reeled away. Cloudless and as bright as any night could hope to be under the brilliance of the billions of stars above, Daghula cast an illusion which made him invisible then drew the great Black Sword which Sheitan himself had given him, buried within the heart of a great volcanic rock which even his spells had been unable to dislodge; he had chipped the rock away by hand to expose the hungry blade, this direct Channel to the Lower Plane and Sheitan himself. He drew it now and felt it quiver in his hand, as if it were a thing alive unto itself, but it was not, it merely conveyed the hunger of its Master. For those who it consumed there could be no salvation, their souls sent directly to the Lower Plane, no matter what life they lived while here. "It was the Wizard Timan! He attacked me in Specter Form!" Nimian snarled. Everything unknown in life became clear after death when the soul's unlimited ability to comprehend was released from its limiting physical bonds. It would also make the torments of Hell that much more acute. "It be." Old Woman said. She had been called Old Woman for so long that she had completely forgotten her given name. She had bounced Hirren, their hot tempered King, on her knees when he was but a babe as she had bounced Hirren's father before him, and his father before him, and even beyond that, though her memory no longer served her well enough to remember just exactly how long she had been alive. The days just continued to pass and she continued to move through them. She was Old Woman. "The Balance," Marea emphasized, "is contingent upon toil and struggle. The future depends on Right and Justice, but Righteousness must come to its own as must Discord and Rebellion. The day will come, eventually, when Discord and Rebellion must finally cease to exist, but that cessation must be brought about by the hand of man. This is our world, and if we wish to keep the Good which is within it, we will have to fight for it. Excerpts; -"You don’t think the war in Parce will reach us here, do you, mum?" Timan asked, not really knowing what he expected, but in no way expecting the reaction she did have. The smile fell from her lips, the joy left her eyes, and clouds of sorrow seemed to cross her countenance. .......... -"Those who came through here last week claimed to be fleeing an Army of the Undead. An Army of the Undead led by a Necromancer they called Daghula Ichorious." "Not led," Marea corrected, "but forced through Evil spells from their very graves to rise and do the Necromancer’s bidding. They do not follow willingly. No one rises from their grave willingly." "You speak of it as if you know of such things!" Timan said, causing his mother to blanch slightly, as if this were a subject she had not wanted raised. Not ever. "Your mother was not always a farmer’s wife and a mother. She was once a very well-known Sorceress of not inconsiderable Power!" Jarod said, a small smile now twisting his lips, and something else was there, as well. A certain deference Timan had never noticed before but now that he had noticed it, realized it had always been there. He had always thought highly of his parent’s relationship, which was of a much more equal nature than some of the other Prairie folk, and now he seemed to understand why and also to have a new respect for his father. It would take a special man to marry a woman who possessed Power enough to overpower him if they should ever come to arguing. Timan was old enough to understand how difficult that would be for most men, but not, apparently, his father. .......... Timan immediately felt the spell coursing through his veins, throbbing like an additional heartbeat, a heartbeat that thrummed in tune with spoken words that held no conscious meaning, beating at his temples, pounding at his temples, and then he was no longer in his own body. He seemed to leap out of it and into the air, faster than he could have ever moved in his physical body, where such rapid acceleration would have ripped him apart at the seams. As he hurtled away he had just enough time to look back over his shoulder (he still seemed to be in his physical form) and watch . . . himself . . . be left far behind. This might be what it would be like to die, except that he would not be able to return after his brief sojourn. "Absolutely." Kenry said, and before Timan knew what was happening he was snatched from his seat and thrown roughly to the ground. Kenry turned back to Marea as Timan scrambled to his feet. "You understand I will not coddle him. I will do him no favors if I coddle him." Marea began to speak quietly under her breath. Had she spoken aloud Jarod still wouldn’t have understood her. She was speaking the Old Tongue. The language of Power which, if the oral histories were correct, could not be translated into any other language, the ancient meanings of the words so long lost in time that their present counterparts could not be discerned. Marea believed, possibly, with several dozen lifetimes available in which to research and experiment, the task could be completed, but the only way to live much beyond the normal span was to trade away your soul to Sheitan, the evil god of the Lower Realm, and if you did that, Sheitan would have demands that precluded using your time for your own purposes. Such Wizards who gave themselves to Sheitan were called Necromancers and through their unholy union with the God of the Lower Realms were able to perform many spells normal Wizards were not, including the ability to raise the dead. "What have you done!" Jarod exclaimed, running down the steps to challenge the man, who flinched back before the now greenly glowing blade and Jarod’s fury. "I’ve done nothing! What mean you, man?" "It’s not him." Marea interjected, coming down to stand beside her husband. "It’s the residue on the blade." The stranger’s eyes snapped down to the blade hanging from his belt. A look that contained both horror and revulsion and a dawning realization of just what this might mean. "I didn’t know! I swear! I cleaned the blade!" He was now nearly hysterical. Children in both the wagons broke out crying and looks of horror spread across the faces of everyone else not crying but old enough or smart enough to understand what this could mean. "It means you have probably carried the spell of the Necromancer with you!" Marea said. "Hurry and remove your scabbard. It must be purified. Quickly now man!" She added as he stood there a moment longer, stupefied. The child was in its crib, where it had been before the attack and where it had been tossed back into after it made its transformation and was no longer palatable to whatever had been eating it. Its left arm had been ripped raggedly away from the shoulder, the right at the elbow, as if two somethings had been in a tug of war with it to obtain it. Its stomach and inner organs were missing, as well as a ragged chunk from its face. Yet it was on its feet and trying to climb the high walls of its crib as if those wounds were of no more than a passing inconvenience. They were, however, enough of an inconvenience that even with its Evil strength, it could not free itself. It smiled up at Timan angelically.

Book The Army of the Undead

Download or read book The Army of the Undead written by Stuart Daly and published by Random House Australia. This book was released on 2013-06 with total page 434 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: "The Watchers have roamed the Earth for millennia, searching for the Tablet of Breaking. If they find it, they will destroy the world. Jakob and his witch hunter companions are sent on a mission to locate the relic before it falls into the hands of the four fallen angels. From the cliff-top monasteries of Meteora to a trap-riddled mausoleum lying at the bottom of the Dead Sea, the Hexenjäger must stay one step ahead of the fallen angels and their army of undead--for the cost of failure is Armageddon"--Page 4 of cover.

Book The Witch Hunter Chronicles 2  The Army of the Undead

Download or read book The Witch Hunter Chronicles 2 The Army of the Undead written by Stuart Daly and published by Random House Australia. This book was released on 2011-10-26 with total page 321 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The Watchers have roamed the earth for millenia, searching for the Tablet of Breaking. If they find it, they will destroy the world. Jakob and his witch hunter companions are sent on a mission to locate the relic before it falls into the hands of the four fallen angels. From the cliff-top monasteries of Meteora to a trap-riddled mausoleum lying at the bottom of the Dead Sea, the Hexenjäger must stay one step ahead of the fallen angels and their army of undead - for the cost of failure will mean Armageddon.

Book Army of the Undead

    Book Details:
  • Author : Wintrick Ronald (author)
  • Publisher :
  • Release : 1901
  • ISBN : 9781005843083
  • Pages : 0 pages

Download or read book Army of the Undead written by Wintrick Ronald (author) and published by . This book was released on 1901 with total page 0 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book The U S  Army Zombie Combat Files

Download or read book The U S Army Zombie Combat Files written by Department of the Army and published by Rowman & Littlefield. This book was released on 2017-10-15 with total page 241 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The shocking undead discovery of a military historian Zombies remain popular – from The Walking Dead to Ash vs. Evil Dead, they just won’t go away A gifty, zombie collector’s item Authentic military design with 150 illustrations Unearthed from a dusty Army archive, here are portions of two draft manuals instructing soldiers on how to confront . . . ZOMBIES! Now declassified, these files offer a guided tour of the U.S. Army’s adaptable approach to the zombie menace: first through battle strategies and field tactics, and later through instruction on capturing and retraining zombies to use as military assets. Showcasing the seemingly outrageous illustrations from the original volumes, a military historian has selected points of interest, such as the use of zombie combatants during the Cold War, or changes in zombie behavior.

Book By the Blood of Heroes

    Book Details:
  • Author : Joseph Nassise
  • Publisher : Harper Collins
  • Release : 2012-05-01
  • ISBN : 0062048775
  • Pages : 422 pages

Download or read book By the Blood of Heroes written by Joseph Nassise and published by Harper Collins. This book was released on 2012-05-01 with total page 422 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: “Joe Nassise has raised the bar for the whole genre.” —Jonathan Maberry, New York Times bestselling author of The Dragon Factory Combine the take-no-prisoners heroic grit of Quentin Tarantino’s Inglorious Basterds with the irreverent inventiveness of George A. Romero’s Dawn of the Dead, set it on the blood-and-gore-soaked European battlefields of World War One, and you get By the Blood of Heroes, a wildly imaginative alternate history zombie novel by acclaimed urban fantasy author Joseph Nassise. When the German high command employs a terrible new chemical weapon that reanimates the dead, Allied forces must take on the Kaiser’s zombie army in order to rescue a downed American flying ace in the first book of Nassise’s The Great Undead War saga. By the Blood of Heroes is a deliciously gruesome adventure that horror and alternate history lovers, steampunk aficionados, and fans of such zombie-centric offerings as TV’s The Walking Dead, popular literature’s World War Z, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, and Zombie Haiku, and the Resident Evil video game and film series will eagerly devour.

Book U S  Army Zombie Training Manual

Download or read book U S Army Zombie Training Manual written by Department of the Army and published by Rowman & Littlefield. This book was released on 2012-10-02 with total page 305 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: When a zombie is taken prisoner by the Army, it need not be uselessly destroyed. In fact, just as our Army trains dogs for combat roles, it has a program to train the captured Undead for combat roles. No zombie that our Army can capture will go unutilized. This is our Army’s “No Zombie Left Behind” policy. The manual in your hands is the Department of Defense’s principal source of information on care, conditioning, training, and operations of our Army’s Working Zombies – such as Blech!, the brave zombie who served in a capacity similar to that of his canine comrade Cairo in the raid that killed Bin Laden. From basics, such as “HEEL” and “STAY” to negotiating obstacle courses, to tracking, searching, attacking, and even zombies working undercover in the real world, this manual shows readers how our military trains zombies to be soldier zombies. Illustrations depict the dos and don’ts of zombie care, training, and operations. Contents include: * Zombie-Veterinary Training Priorities * Principles of Conditioning and Behavior Modification * Patrol Zombie Training * Clear Signals Training Method * Deferred Final Response * Detector Zombie Training Validation * The Military Working Zombie Program (MWZ Program) * Facilities and Equipment * And more . . .

Book Army of the Undead

Download or read book Army of the Undead written by Rafe Bernard and published by . This book was released on 1967 with total page 142 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book Fortress of the Dead

    Book Details:
  • Author : Chris Roberson
  • Publisher : Rebellion Publishing Ltd
  • Release : 2020-02-04
  • ISBN : 1786182661
  • Pages : 193 pages

Download or read book Fortress of the Dead written by Chris Roberson and published by Rebellion Publishing Ltd. This book was released on 2020-02-04 with total page 193 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: HITLER IS GONE. PLAN Z IS DEFEATED. BUT THE DEAD STILL WALK. Jun is a deadhunter—and a damn good one. For her, patrolling Northern Italy with Sergeant Josiah and his elite squad, eradicating zombies and searching for survivors is nothing new. When the squad encounters a group of refugees being relentlessly pursued by the Dead, they uncover a new threat: a secret Alpine Redoubt stuffed with SS and Hitler Youth, who have seemingly gained control over the Dead. The race is on: neutralise the Nazi menace, destroy the secret base, and stem the tide of Dead—or lose Europe to an unstoppable zombie army. World War Two is over, but the Dead War is just beginning...

Book Captain America  The Ghost Army  Original Graphic Novel

Download or read book Captain America The Ghost Army Original Graphic Novel written by Alan Gratz and published by Scholastic Inc.. This book was released on 2023-01-03 with total page 178 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: #1 New York Times bestselling author Alan Gratz delivers an all-new, original Captain America graphic novel! In this thrilling historical adventure, 18 year-old Steve Rogers (AKA Captain America) and his young sidekick, Bucky Barnes are fighting in WWII when they encounter a threat like none they've ever seen -- a Ghost Army. The dead of this war and wars past are coming back to life, impervious to bullets, flames, or anything else the Allies can throw at them. The armies rise from the ground in the night and seem to disappear without a trace. How can Cap and Buck fight something that's already dead? And just what does the mysterious Baron Mordo, sitting in his castle atop nearby Wundagore Mountain have to do with this? Award-winning, New York Times bestselling author Alan Gratz (Refugee, Ground Zero) merges the worlds of historical fiction and super hero comics in this one-of-a-kind graphic novel that is sure to be met with major enthusiasm from fans of all ages.

Book U S  Army Zombie Combat Skills

    Book Details:
  • Author : Department of the Army
  • Publisher : Rowman & Littlefield
  • Release :
  • ISBN : 0762757647
  • Pages : 259 pages

Download or read book U S Army Zombie Combat Skills written by Department of the Army and published by Rowman & Littlefield. This book was released on with total page 259 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book The Few  The Proud  The Undead

Download or read book The Few The Proud The Undead written by Peter Sankey and published by Lulu.com. This book was released on 2012-04-17 with total page 98 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Sergeant J. Torrence had some of the military's best under his command. His platoon was nothing but tough, mean-looking badasses, like The Wild Bunch in camouflage... but no amount of training could have prepared them for this mission! After they're sent deep into enemy territory to recover a crashed spy satellite, things take a turn for the horrific when one of them is savagely attacked by a strange, vicious creature. They're forced to turn their weapons on each other, as one by one they're transformed into hideous, indestructible, ravenous blood-thirsty monsters!

Book Zombie Attack  Army of the Dead

    Book Details:
  • Author : Devan Sagliani
  • Publisher : CreateSpace
  • Release : 2015-05-18
  • ISBN : 9781512271423
  • Pages : 188 pages

Download or read book Zombie Attack Army of the Dead written by Devan Sagliani and published by CreateSpace. This book was released on 2015-05-18 with total page 188 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: After being captured by his enemies Xander learns his troubles have only just begun! It seems the forces working against him have aligned leaving him no choice but to fight his way through bikers, warlords, mercenaries, rogue soldiers, ninjas, and endless hordes of undead flesh hungry zombies! Along the way he makes some unlikely allies who help change his perception of life after Z-Day and what kind of world he wants to build moving forward. Meanwhile a hidden enemy within the military is hell bent on creating a secret weapon: genetically engineered super zombies! With the assistance of a kidnapped scientist this power hungry monster bends the laws of nature and science to create his unstoppable Army of the Dead! Friends and soldiers are pitted against each other as one side races to spread the cure while the other battles to gain ultimate control over the fate of mankind. Will the future of humanity be determined by greedy warlords bent on destruction and chaos? Or can Xander and his friends stop them before it's too late?! 'Zombie Attack! Army of the Dead' is filled with pulse-pounding undead action from the very first chapter until the bitter sweet end. The story takes off like a bullet and doesn't slow down until the last sentence. You won't be able to put it down!

Book Undead

    Book Details:
  • Author : Mayfair Games Staff
  • Publisher :
  • Release :
  • ISBN : 9780923763923
  • Pages : pages

Download or read book Undead written by Mayfair Games Staff and published by . This book was released on with total page pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book Star Wars  the Clone Wars

Download or read book Star Wars the Clone Wars written by and published by Pedigree Books. This book was released on 2012 with total page 78 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The force continues to be very strong and the ongoing success of the CGI animated TV series, Clone Wars, has helped Star Wars to maintain its position as the best-selling boys' toy licence. A must-have for all fans!

Book Marvel Zombies Vs  Army of Darkness

Download or read book Marvel Zombies Vs Army of Darkness written by John Layman and published by Marvel Comics Group. This book was released on 2008-01-30 with total page 0 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Ash has faced legions of the undead before, but never has he landed in the heart of New York just as the zombie outbreak begins! See how his actions help turn more heroes and villains into zombies.