Download or read book Il tuo piano per la prevenzione e il trattamento naturale della scoliosi written by Dr. Kevin Lau and published by La Salute Nelle Tue Mani. This book was released on 2012-06-22 with total page 370 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: UN PROGRAMMA DI DIETA ED ESERCIZIO FISICO COMPLETAMENTE NATURALE, SICURO E TESTATO PER CURARE E PREVENIRE LA SCOLIOSI! La seconda edizione è stata aggiornata con le ultime ricerche e contiene più di 90 illustrazioni di esercizi mostrati da personal trainer professionisti. Questo libro fornisce le basi del programma del Dott. Lau. La Prima Parte evidenzia le conoscenze mediche attuali sulla scoliosi, la Seconda Parte delinea un programma nutrizionale approfondito, e la Terza Parte insegna degli esercizi correttivi. CON QUESTO LIBRO POTRAI: Scoprire le ricerche più recenti sulle vere cause della scoliosi Scoprire come il busto ortopedico e la chirurgia vertebrale trattano semplicemente i sintomi senza andare alla radice delle cause della scoliosi Scoprire quali sono i trattamenti innovativi che funzionano, quali non funzionano e per quale ragione Scoprire quali sono i sintomi più comuni per chi soffre di scoliosi Capire come un facile test per la determinazione della scoliosi nell'adolescenza può aiutare a migliorare la qualità della vita in futuro Scoprire come la mancanza di elementi nutritivi essenziali crea malattie e colpisce la normale crescita della colonna vertebrale Leggere l'unico libro che tratta la scoliosi controllando il modo in cui i tuoi geni si esprimono Comprendere come funzionano i muscoli e i legamenti su tipi di scoliosi più comuni Creare un programma di esercizi personalizzato per la tua scoliosi che si adatti a tutti i tuoi impegni Sapere quali sono gli esercizi più efficaci per il trattamento della scoliosi e quali devono essere evitati ad ogni costo Trovare suggerimenti per modificare la tua postura e la meccanica del corpo per diminuire il dolore provocato dalla scoliosi Imparare le posizioni migliori per stare seduti, stare in piedi e per dormire Imparare dai casi studio e dalle storie personali di chi soffre di scoliosi Grazie ad anni di accurata ricerca esercitando la propria professione, il Dott. Lau è riuscito a separare i fatti dalla finzione. In questo libro egli sfata miti popolari ed esplora la gamma di trattamenti per capire quali sono validi, quali alternative ha un paziente affetto da scoliosi, e come sia possibile creare un piano dettagliato per godere di salute fisica e della colonna vertebrale. Ispirato dalla straordinaria capacità di recupero dei gruppi aborigeni dell'Australia e delle tribù native d'Africa, che raramente soffrono di scoliosi, il Dottor Lau descrive un programma clinicamente testato e facile da seguire, rifacendosi a ciò per cui i nostri corpi sono stati progettati e di cui abbiamo bisogno per sopravvivere. Questo libro vi porterà sul sentiero della guarigione attraverso un processo che richiede tre semplici passi. "La medicina moderna, da sola, non è riuscita a gestire efficacemente la condizione della Scoliosi," afferma il Dott. Lau. "Il programma di trattamento che ho creato combina la sapienza del passato con le tecnologie e le ricerche moderne, per fornire i risultati migliori. Oggi, da Dottore Chiropratico e Nutrizionista, sono ancora più convinto che sia la scoliosi che altri disturbi, possono essere prevenuti e trattati efficacemente. A CHI È RIVOLTO IL PROGRAMMA LA SALUTE NELLE TUE MANI? Il libro è fatto in modo che anche chi non abbia conoscenze in campo medico possa capirlo, ma allo stesso tempo è abbastanza approfondito e completo di referenze per i professionisti del fitness e della riabilitazione.
Download or read book Adolescenti con disturbi alimentari written by Giulia Rancati and published by FrancoAngeli. This book was released on 2024-05-10T00:00:00+02:00 with total page 146 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: 1414.30
Download or read book Psychological Constructivism and the Social World written by Gabriele Chiari and published by FrancoAngeli. This book was released on 2003 with total page 420 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:
Download or read book Gli adolescenti e i disturbi alimentari written by Loredana Cirillo and published by Edizioni Mondadori. This book was released on 2015-03-24 with total page 109 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: «Anoressia» e «bulimia» sono due termini con i quali abbiamo ormai imparato a convivere e che ci sono diventati dolorosamente familiari. Indicano due opposte manifestazioni del profondo disagio psicologico vissuto da quegli adolescenti che non si piacciono, hanno un cattivo rapporto con il proprio corpo e il proprio aspetto fisico e sfogano sul cibo i problemi tipici della crescita e del passaggio all'età adulta. Finora se n'è parlato principalmente al femminile, ma nell'ultimo decennio, di pari passo con l'accresciuta attenzione all'estetica del corpo maschile, i cosiddetti «disturbi del comportamento alimentare» hanno interessato anche un numero non trascurabile di ragazzi e giovani uomini. Perciò, sia per i genitori, che spesso inconsapevolmente sono loro stessi corresponsabili delle difficoltà e delle insoddisfazioni dei figli, sia per gli insegnanti, che ogni giorno passano molte ore a contatto con gli adolescenti, diventa ancora più importante prendere coscienza della sempre maggiore diffusione del fenomeno e della differenza tra «comportamenti» e «disturbi» anoressici o bulimici. Se i primi, infatti, possono essere accettati come «segnali di crescita», espressioni del naturale bisogno di assumere il controllo del proprio corpo e della propria immagine, del faticoso tentativo di adeguarsi ai modelli della competizione e del successo e agli ideali di bellezza proposti dal mondo dello spettacolo, i secondi sono vere e proprie malattie, e richiedono l'intervento di specialisti in grado di individuare e gestire il trattamento di cura più efficace. Attraverso esempi concreti e analisi di casi clinici, Loredana Cirillo ed Elena Riva forniscono ai genitori, e più in generale agli adulti, spunti di riflessione e suggerimenti pratici su come confrontarsi con il malessere manifestato dagli adolescenti con l'alterazione del comportamento alimentare, un grido di aiuto a cui è necessario rispondere in modo tempestivo e adeguato.
Download or read book Fragili Amazzoni written by Elena Riva and published by FrancoAngeli. This book was released on 2022-04-27T00:00:00+02:00 with total page 175 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: 8.60
Download or read book Health Food Junkies written by Steven Bratman, M.D. and published by Harmony. This book was released on 2004-07-27 with total page 258 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The first book to identify the eating disorder orthorexia nervosa–an obsession with eating healthfully–and offer expert advice on how to treat it. As Americans become better informed about health, more and more people have turned to diet as a way to lose weight and keep themselves in peak condition. Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa–disorders in which the sufferer focuses on the quantity of food eaten–have been highly documented over the past decade. But as Dr. Steven Bratman asserts in this breakthrough book, for many people, eating “correctly” has become an equally harmful obsession, one that causes them to adopt progressively more rigid diets that not only eliminate crucial nutrients and food groups, but ultimately cost them their overall health, personal relationships, and emotional well-being. Health Food Junkies is the first book to identify this new eating disorder, orthorexia nervosa, and to offer detailed, practical advice on how to cope with and overcome it. Orthorexia nervosa occurs when the victim becomes obsessed, not with the quantity of food eaten, but the quality of the food. What starts as a devotion to healthy eating can evolve into a pattern of incredibly strict diets; victims become so focused on eating a “pure” diet (usually raw vegetables and grains) that the planning and preparation of food come to play the dominant role in their lives. Health Food Junkies provides an expert analysis of some of today’s most popular diets–from The Zone to macrobiotics, raw-foodism to food allergy elimination–and shows not only how they can lead to orthorexia, but how they are often built on faulty logic rather than sound medical advice. Offering expert insight gleaned from his work with orthorexia patients, Dr. Bratman outlines the symptoms of orthorexia, describes its progression, and shows readers how to diagnose the condition. Finally, Dr. Bratman offers practical suggestions for intervention and treatment, giving readers the tools they need to conquer this painful disorder, rediscover the joys of eating, and reclaim their lives.
Download or read book L obesit written by Carlo M. Rotella and published by SEE Editrice Firenze. This book was released on 1997 with total page 176 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:
Download or read book Index Medicus written by and published by . This book was released on 2002-07 with total page 1742 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Vols. for 1963- include as pt. 2 of the Jan. issue: Medical subject headings.
Download or read book La famiglia in Europa written by Lorenzo Leuzzi and published by . This book was released on 2006 with total page 236 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:
Download or read book Gli adolescenti e i disturbi alimentari Quando il rapporto con il cibo diventa un problema written by Loredana Cirillo and published by . This book was released on 2015 with total page 120 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:
Download or read book Giornale Italiano di Psicologia written by and published by . This book was released on 2007 with total page 1056 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:
Download or read book Adolescenti con disturbi alimentari Per capire a affrontare i disturbi di tuo figlio written by Giulia Rancati and published by . This book was released on 2024 with total page 0 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:
Download or read book Developmental Science and Psychoanalysis written by Peter Fonagy and published by Routledge. This book was released on 2018-03-26 with total page 369 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: As a discipline, psychoanalysis began at the interface of mind and brain and has always been about those most basic questions of biology and psychology: loving, hating, what brings us together as lovers, parents, and friends and what pulls us apart in conflict and hatred. These are the enduring mysteries of life and especially of early development-how young children learn the language of the social world with its intertwined biological, genetic, and experiential roots and how infants translate thousands of intimate moments with their parents into a genuine, intuitive, emotional connection to other persons. Basic developmental neuroscience and psychology has also of late turned to these basic questions of affiliation: of how it is that as humans our most basic concerns are about finding, establishing, preserving, and mourning our relationships. These areas in broad strokes are the substance of mind and brain, and the last decade has brought much new science to the biology of attachment, love, and aggression.
Download or read book The Developmental Psychopathology of Eating Disorders written by Linda Smolak and published by Routledge. This book was released on 2013-01-11 with total page 445 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Although eating problems--ranging from body dissatisfaction and dieting to anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa--can begin and typically have their roots in childhood, theory and research in developmental psychopathology and developmental psychology have not received substantial attention in eating disorders research. This book provides crucial background material from both fields, and then makes direct applications to numerous aspects of the field of eating disorders including theory, research, treatment, and primary prevention. This book was born out of a transaction between frustration and optimism. The frustrations reflected the limitations of current knowledge about eating problems and disorders. Etiological "causes" which are sensitive and specific to eating disorders have been elusive. Although there is some understanding of risk factors, little is known about protective factors. This has made prevention, among other things, difficult. Furthermore, the mechanisms underlying the association between risk factors and disordered eating are poorly understood. For example, it is known that women are at greater risk than men are, but clinicians are hard- pressed to get beyond gender-based speculations and demonstrate why this is true. The optimism grows from familiarity with the field of developmental psychopathology. It seems evident that this approach has much to offer the field of eating disorders. This book is an early step in the integration of developmental psychopathology into theorizing, research, treatment, and prevention of eating disorders. It addresses four specific goals: * to introduce the principles and methodologies of developmental psychopathology, * to review the work of developmental psychologists in several major areas of behavior relevant to understanding the causes, treatment, and prevention of eating disorders, * to apply developmental psychopathology principles to the area of eating disorders, both in the form of theoretical models and in specific areas/issues raised by developmental psychopathology, and * to discuss the implications of developmental approaches for prevention programs and treatments.
Download or read book Origins of Attitudes Towards Animals written by Jenia Meng and published by Jenia Meng. This book was released on 2009 with total page 401 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Origins of Attitudes towards Animals is a truth-seeking journey that takes the study of attitudes towards animals to the global scale. The book relies on rigorous mathematical analysis of large amounts of data to make unprecedented discoveries about animal protection. Origins of Attitudes towards Animals steps off the path of focusing on animal welfare, which is only one aspect of animal protection, and reveals the science, philosophy, and cultural factors behind different groups of peoples' attitudes towards animals, worldwide. The book is based on the results of the ground-breaking survey research project, Global Attitudes to Animals Survey, which was initiated and managed by the author. Thousands of people around world were involved in the project, including many renowned academics, who worked as collaborators. The book also includes comprehensive and critical reviews of a large amount of existing literature. The quality of the study, in consideration of the issues it covers, the number of survey participants and the complexity of the mathematical methods applied, has no peers in academia. The book is a must-read for animal activists and people who are interested in the academic study of animal protection, and it contains a treasure-trove of data for researchers. To gain a full understanding of the study,knowledge of key mathematical techniques, such as factor analysis is required. Areas covered by the book include: Animal behaviour, anthropology, biology, chemistry, cosmology, cultural study, ethics, finance, history, mathematics, philosophy, physics, psychology, religion, and veterinary science. It is also available as an E-Book.
Download or read book Vitamin and Mineral Requirements in Human Nutrition written by and published by . This book was released on 2004 with total page 0 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: