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Book 16 INSPIRATIONAL fitnesss recollections

Download or read book 16 INSPIRATIONAL fitnesss recollections written by Rahul Mookerjee and published by 0 Excuses Fitness. This book was released on 2020-03-29 with total page 56 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: If there ever was a product I enjoyed creating - - it is this! This morning, as I chatted with a lady from Shanghai (a high powered lawyer of all things, hehe) my brain - and MEMORY - went into overdrive. We were talking about life - and workouts - and bodyweight exercise - and the conversation soon got around to LIFE - again. "I wake up at 6 A.M.", she stated. "I get so much more done!" And in true form, she sent me a picture of her day - neatly planned out - almost as if it was on an Excel spreadsheet, planned out right down to the last minute - - and coming from a lawyer, that doesn't sound out of place either! Now, I'm NOT much of a one for early mornings, although I HAVE been in the past - most commonly when I was climbing the hill at the wee hours of the morning. Let me tell you, slogging up that hill was NO joke at 530 AM in the morning - especially during COLD and DESERTED winters - so deserted and DARK that it would be me and my trust phone torch - - and perhaps an oldie or two "Angel of the City" blaring out to keep me company for a while, hehe. I got some of the best workouts in - of my LIFE at that time - and I still remember EACH and every one of those numerous workouts, strange as it might sound! And I still remember EACH and every one of my workouts when I was in college - and the FEELING behind them. I still remember climbing up a hill in POURING weather that most wouldn't even consider going out in. I still remember ... ah, but this is the entire point of me writing THIS - and telling you THIS!! Just writing these tales - and recollections - got me so fired up that I literally pounded out a 100 pushups right there in my study -right after writing about a 15000 words or so (give or take) - and if this inspires me - a VETERAN when it comes to fitness and working out - I can just imagine what it will do to you, my friend. If you've got a pulse - just reading all this will inspire you like nothing else! If you're overweight - just READING about how I went out there and did it - - day by day - - rain, sun or shine - or hail, on occasion, hehe - - will give you JUST the boost you need! As my friend Marc once sagely said "I think you're great at motivating people". And I am - - and I enjoy doing it - - which is of course the reason I write my daily emails and newsletters - and do everything else I do on a daily basis. When I put FEELING (and indeed, when YOU put feeling) into my words and actions is when I perform best - and so will YOU, my friend. So will YOU - as you literally FEEL the emotion pouring off my words. As you're literally "there" with me, for instance, as I climb up the hill LATE at night - - or perhaps meet the old man in China I've met in the late afternoons! You'll feel me "breathing fire" - - so much so that YOU might well feel it too!! You'll BE THERE with me as I psyched up for that final climb. You'll be there with me, all those years ago, as yours truly went for a swim with his grandfather - at 430 AM in the morning, no less. Did any of that inspire you? I bet it did - and while all of this probably paved the way for my own fitness routines and indeed, LOVE for exercise ... it will for you too when you read it! 15 POWER PACKED and INSPIRATIONAL writings - for YOURS - to GRAB - right now, my friend. Don't hesitate a minute longer - dive in NOW, and be swept into my WORLD!


Download or read book FITNESS PIONEER Volume TWO written by Rahul Mookerjee and published by 0 Excuses Fitness. This book was released on 2021-01-03 with total page 168 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Dear Reader, Well, well, well. I finally did it! While wearing my favorite red jacket, and on a COLD, blustery wintry day right smack in the middle of “covid shovid” season as it were. It’s 2021 at the time of writing this. We had tons of people tell us to “forget” 2020 and this was being said even WHEN 2020 was going on. As I heard these people prattle on, I RAILED against the nonsense of a) succumbing to panic and b) thinking it will just go away (the panic, not the disease itself). Now, granted the plague that China knowingly and willingly spread everywhere spreads in a manner not seen before. And it’s more lethal than the flu for those that do get it. But it usually only afflicts those with underlying diseases or in otherwise poor health, and even amongst those people, it is only terminal for ONE out of 10. You have probably got more chances of being run over by a school bus or something the minute you step out than get this damned thing. And yet, the panic spreads. And continues to. My advice in 2020 was the same as it is NOW. Do NOT succumb to panic. As U.S. President Donald Trump famously once said. Precautions, NOT panic! And he was RIGHT. I’m a huge Trump fan, but while I don’t agree with him on everything (most notably the shennanigans at not acknowledging the election loss etc) – I DO AGREE with everything he says about China. I say it myself! And he’s spot on about this damned plague they sent over to the ROW. They predicted the panic it would cause. And it did! But now, my friend, what you gonna do? They done spread it and bailed. (Ever wonder why the Chinese mysteriously, despite having the worlds largest population (though India is catching up) had less than 1% of the worlds COVID cases? One reason was underreporting and the Communist government in China blocking access to true numbers etc, but the other reason is they planned for this, PREPARED for it in advanced, and then, and only THEN unleashed this on the rest of the world). There is more, but that, my friend, like it or not is the gist of it. I do NOT, I repeat NOT get into politics. I dislike it to an extreme, but 2020 and the plague they spread was the straw that broke this here “misfit cranky camel’s” BACK. Anyway … we’re past that now. Now, we as the rest of the world have to, whether we like it or not DEAL with it. And buying into the panic and going into lockdown shockdown that kills economies globally and far more people as a result is NOT the way to go about it. The way to do it is a) don’t buy into the panic. And b) most importantly, recognize that the importance of HEALTH And fitness can never be overemphasized. When I say health and fitness, I mean from the inside out. When I say TRUE strength, I mean not just the bloated muscles on the outside that the boobybuilders at the “Jim Shim” preen and pump day and night and proudly boast about how “tight my muscles are” while not being able to privately raise their arms to put on their shirts. Or, so pumped full of steroids they are that they have multiple heart attacks at an age they should be in their prime, let alone heart attacks and what not. Neither am I talking chicken legged or pelican legged monsters benching Manhattan but not able to yank their own cords – have a miserably strong grip – and have little or no leg strength and consequently strength and stamina. Real health and fitness DOES not come from “sitting in the gym and yanking away on machines and doing set after set and posing and preening after each set”. IT does NOT come from retarded “pile on to the bar as much as possible” and get injured weightlifting dum shum contests. REAL strength comes from REAL fitness. So does real HEALTH. You work the legs and BACK and GRIP hard. And you do NOT neglect the CORE. And, the rest will take care of itself. I could write 100 pages or more about all this, but thats why I put out this Volume . . . Many more to come, but suffice to say that “mainstream” will get you the opposite of what you need i.e. REAL man – or woman – fitness. Fitness as Nature intened us to be. And these irreverent, pioneering, bucaneering tips have come from yours truly truly spending time in the trenches and imparting these gems of wisdom to you Sometimes, I look at the price of the book and think of increasing it, because some things are just priceless my friend. EACH of these tips by itself is worth a “goldmine of information” as it were. What you DO with it is up to you, but any serious trainee should have these for reading by his bedside – on the toilet (if thats your thang, hehe) – or for motivation (either life or fitness wise) – or to prepare for any sort of SERIOUS TRAINING! And these tips by themselves will get YOU in the best damned shape of your life, bro. Trust me on this (or sis, hehe). Enough for now. Let’s dive into it. But, first, a bit of a story from a “boobybuilder-cum-convert” I met years ago … Former BOOBY-builder tells all … Former “roid crazed” bodybuilder tells it like it is Those that know me well know that swimming is one of my favorite pastimes. In addition to it being a a great, great overall body exercise, swimming is also fun and enjoyable to do. It’s good for overweight people, it’s good for toddlers, and it’s great for the average person looking to get in some exercise. Cannot say enough good things about swimming. Anyway, swimming reminds me of something I thought I should share with you. There was a guy at the pool I swim at who used to participate in bodybuilding competitions. And when I say bodybuilding, I mean it – he looked every bit the part. Gigantic muscles popping out in all directions, an unnaturally slim waist, the flared lats; you get the photo. Now to his credit, this guy was learning how to swim – one of the best things you can do – and being that I used to hare up and down the pool at a pretty decent clip completing my laps, he’d come up to me at times and ask me for pointers on how to improve his technique, breathing style, etc etc. Now, while I’m certainly no expert on swimming, I helped him out the best I could with what I knew and some tips that I thought would improve his swimming. And while doing so, we started to chat, and got around to talking about exercise routines. And this brought up the topic of bodybuilding, and what this guy did full time for many years before taking to the pool. And it aint pretty – think 8 hours of pumping iron (not kidding you – 8 full hours pumping iron daily), making sure he got enough food in him, and of course, the anabolic steriods which is pretty much a must – do if your anyone of any repute in the bodybuilding field. “Well, at least you must have built up a considerable amount of strength with all that weight training”, I told him. And his response was this: “Yes, to a degree – but whats the point? My muscles hurt when I swim with any regularity, and I’ve already had TWO heart attacks. My wife fears the third one could be the last, so I quit professional bodybuilding at that point”. So, how old was this guy? The answer may shock you – he was 30. That’s right – THIRTY years of age, bloated muscles and all – and TWO heart attacks already! Now, I bring this up not to point fingers at this guy and give him a lecture on how bodybuilding is BAD for him – he’s done that better than I ever could by changing what he does, and hats off to him for that. But, his routine is about par for most modern day bodybuilder, and that sort of routine is best AVOIDED. The trouble is though, that all those fake muscles get folks thinking that they’re the “real deal” – and they start to ape the bodybuilder routines – and thats when the problems start. Think about it – doing all sorts of exercises for 8 hours a day daily – and eating next to nothing except protein shakes and eggs – and bloated muscles that don’t work worth a darn in the real world. Is it worth it? I can just begin to imagine how that guy would do if I asked him to rep out 5 pull-ups in good form. And as for HANDSTAND pushups – forget it – the dude would likely collapse in a heap if I even ASKED him to get into a handstand, much less execute, or TRY to execute a handstand pushup. (Those are two of the best damned exercises you can do, by the way!) Two heart attacks before the age of 30 and virtually no stamina/endurance left. Is it worth it? Only you can answer those questions for yourself, but I know what my answer is. And lest you think this type of thing is limited to bodybuilders, think again.”Professional” wrestling (not the real deal) is rife with cases of folks dying of drug overdoses, and movie stars routinely use drugs to maintain their “perfect” bodies. The question is though, what are YOU going to do, my friend? I mentioned pretty much everything the dude said to me in real life in the convo presented above – well, almost everything. While I did mention him telling me about his “ticker” issues at the “ripe old age” of 30, what I haven’t mentioned to you is the other comments he made to me – “man to man” as it were, and in the spirit of keeping this page “PG” rated, all I’m gonna say is that the ticker wasn’t the only thing not working correctly. He was having “pecker” issues as well, and as anyone that’s used steroids for a while will readily attest, while they may make your muscles bloat up unnaturally, you’ll experience “substantial size loss” in your “man bits” if you get my drift – – not to mention experience other “associated” problems. So much for the hours he spent in the gym building that functionally useless massive upper body … Show muscles, yes – beach boy muscles – yes – but what price the ticker, my friend? What price the pe … ah, but I think you get my drift? Question begets then – – what course of action are YOU going to choose now? Are you going to continue down the “bozo shozo” road of doing what the gym-shym tells you, and continue to preen and pump and pose and tone and bone and fone for hours with the bros (ugh that combo) and get NOWHERE (except whats mentioned above), or are you going to BUCKLE your ASS down, and get down to SERIOUS training, done the way yours truly does and advocates? Are you going to choose REAL HEALTH AND FITNESS over “fad shad” at the gym? Are you going to RECOGNIZE the fact that some of the fittest and baddest men on the planet do NOT lift weights or go to the GYM? Are you going to UNDERSTAND That your own bodyweight is all you need to give you a HECK of a workout, and them some? All these questions, and then some are up to YOU my friend. Only YOU can choose the path of “real man” and FITNESS – – and lifelong health as opposed to the B.S. If I were your brother though, I know what choice I’d tell you to make. On that note, lets just get straight into the BENEFITS now, and we’ll then get to the TIPS. Once again, thanks for your purchase. You’ve made the right choice! BENEFITS you can expect from understanding and then religiously FOLLOWING these tips! First off, and most importantly, it’s not enough to simply READ. You have to DO the thing, bro, to truly understand. Just like you have to walk a mile in a man’s shoes to truly understand what is going on with HIM or HER, the same thing with fitness. You cannot, I repeat, cannot be a lardassian “armchair workout fanatic”, and you’ll learn why and more on this in THIS manual. What REAL fitness entails as opposed to the preening and pumping in the gym shym. You’ll even learn about a LIST of exercises every real man (or woman) should be able to do, but precious few CAN. The two very best – and very WORST exercises you can do for your upper body that will build a ton of muscle at record speeds, and BURN lard off at record speeds as well (quicker than you can put it ON). How to literally EAT more – and WEIGH LESS – with PROOF! How to SKYROCKET past previous bests on pull-ups! How to get a core as HARD as a wall – quite literally – a core so ROCK SOLID that your elbows will BOUNCE off it. (yours, or others). And no, it ain’t just buying Corrugated Core, although those exercises in that course will sure as heck help! How to build that SEXY chest that women love, and the V taper to your back we’ve covered SO often here. And believe me, that alone might just be worth it for YOU! Why you can TAKE a horse to water – but cannot make it drink – and more to the point, why it’s pointless to try. Replace horse with idiots that think “bodyweight exercises don’t build strength” and/or “You need the Jim Shim” for STRENGTH training or the bench press/lat pulldown devotees, or the ape like nutters yanking each other’s cords and yakking away nineteen to the dozen while supposedly “working out”at the Jim Shim … Why you WILL get trolled initially when you do something that goes against the grain – and say it like it is – and why you should WELCOME that. And how to make these bozos literally cry TEARS of frustration while you laugh all the way to the bank. I know I said this was a fitness book, but given the Bozo Schofield saga, I thought I’d put this in here, and giv eyou a few marketing tips too. But hey, these tips are fitness related too! You’ll see what I mean. Why the FACT is that most people claiming to be “big and can’t do pull-ups” are actually FAT. Big time. Yes. I said it. Fat, with humungous gigantic bellies that grow by the day while they yank away at the gym shim pretending to build REAL strength while secretly admiring those that can pump out pull-ups for reps, smooth and easy as BUTTER … (And let’s face it, it’s TRUE). (And I’ve got PROOF). (Plenty of it) Why said bozos above would be better served by doing the thing as opposed to being “jealous shellus” and making EXCUSES, and hiding behind NON existent “facts” (that again, don’t exist). Really, dude. You want to do pull-ups. Just freaking admit it. Now lose the weight … and GET CRANKING! And if you know anyone like that above, YES, they CAN do bodyweight exercises – even tougher ones. Size is NOT a problem. FAT is! But of course, you gotta get past the “bozo defenses” and crack their minds open FIRST, and these tips will do just that. Why QUICK and dirty workouts that BLOW your heart’s valves wide open are far, far better than “marathon long workouts”. What you can learn from an older lady in India – a vegetable seller for one – in terms of FITNESS And on that note – what Chinese ladies and massueses can teach YOU about FITNESS … Believe me, those above two tips ALONE are so unusual and WORTH it that you’ll have gotten value – several times over and above what you’ve PAID for this course. Why Madam Jassy and her pink dumbbells ain’t the ticket to fitness I was taught as a kid … The single MOST important thing to learn when doing pull-ups or any exercise. Hint – no, it aint necessarily physical either! Well, my friend I could keep writing until 2022, and still not be done with the benefits. So I’ll sign off on those here – – and lets drive – DIVE – right INTO THE tips! (It “came out” as drive, and upon introspection for a nanosecond, I bet thats the better way). (The subconscious never ever lies! Yet something else you’ll learn about below) … Grab this now. Truly WELL worth it’s weight in GOLD! There has never EVER been a compilation of tips like this in the HISTORY of fitness. Yes, my friend. I truly am a PIONEER in certain regards and am NOT shy to blow a bugle about it from the ROOFTOPS either. Get this NOW, my friend – and you TOO will be called a pioneer – a TRAIL BLAZER – and MORE! YES!

Book Pull up CENTRAL

Download or read book Pull up CENTRAL written by Rahul Mookerjee and published by 0 Excuses Fitness. This book was released on 2023-04-25 with total page 151 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This is the fourth course in our pull-up series - and another highly acclaimed one from what the pre-orders say! I didnt need to put another course like this out given all the acclaim our other courses have gotten, but since there wasn't one dedicated to "tips alone" - here's a course for that alone. BENEFITS you’ll get from this course – If you implement these tips into YOUR pull-up and even other bodyweight routines, YOU will … … Progress to stratospheric levels at the pull-up – and do so effortlessly while getting better at pushups and all other bodyweight movements you do – INCLUDING squats. That alone is a mind bender for most folks that think squats have got nothing to do with pull-ups, but the Bodyweight Exercise Guru will show you otherwise as he is always “wont to”. … Be taken by the SCRUFF of the neck and literally forced, left with no choice but to get better at the exercise or just plain ole quit (in which case we don’t want you wanking around here no mo) … its either SURVIVE AND THRIVE, or DIE (metamorphically). Thats the spirit this course will arouse in you, like “no man ever has before” and you cannot go wrong with that sorta spirit! … tread paths on the pull-up NO man has ever trodden before – literally – some of these tips are literally worth their weight in gold my friend, you’ve never seen them anywhere else before, you never ever will. … lose fat and gain muscle so quickly that even you won’t believe it’s the same person looking back at you in the mirror a few weeks later. You’ll be fitting into clothes you wore as a teen – no kidding. …. get to “hallowed” numbers in the pull-up that even my other world class books on pull-ups did not address. Por ejempelo, 50 pull-ups per set – or even 100? Blink all you like, but it’s possible, very POSSIBLE, and in this book you’ll learn how! … build a grip of steel like never before. My other books do a fair job of this as well (the info in them) but THIS info takes that, pounds it into pulp, multiplies it by 10 or more and then re-emerges as lumps of muscle on those forearms. Don’t believe me? Ask Sly Stallone whose own forearms are the stuff of legend, and whose reported to have been on the same routines as what this book advocates. … will start cranking out one arm pull-ups effortlessly, willy nilly, truly the holy grail of strength and conditioning eh. … will take your core gains to the next level – so much so that punches will literally “rebound” off your midsection while you do very little other than stay “normal”. …. will turn into the closest thing to a human ape – or tiger in terms of that KILLER instinct which pull-ups build like few other movements can. … will turn into a mountain of muscle overall, and a bundle of sinew and tendons that will be every bit as strong, tough and rugged as they LOOK! … will be the STAR, the attraction at the gym, playground, or just at home as people look at you cranking out pull-ups effortlessly that they wish they could do, and in some cases cannot even after years of trying. And so much more, my friend. So much more!! I could write a tome here, and it would not be enough – so in short – take what the last three courses taught you, and this is literally the ICING on that cake which makes everything so special and worth it. And we’re just getting started! Friend, this course is MORE than worth it’s weight in gold, silver and platinum, and with the plethora of, the treasure trove of SECRETS – just WAITING TO BE UNVEILED by you – the pithy amount of LESS than $50 I am charging for it is a STEAL. This LITERALLY IS one of those courses every serious, or even halfway serious fitness trainee simply must have sitting on their bookshelf!! Get it NOW! Best, Rahul Mookerjee

Book SQUAT 101     THE TIPS

Download or read book SQUAT 101 THE TIPS written by Rahul Mookerjee and published by 0 Excuses Fitness. This book was released on 2023-04-26 with total page 119 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: “A 100 pushups a day keeps the doctor away, and …” So do a 100 SQUATS! I was going to say 250, but upon thinking about it I came to the conclusion that 100 is a fair number – both in terms of pushups and squats. Like most of my writing, this is something that a true “doer” will understand – and those that don’t do will scoff (like a recent fatass did) “who the hell made this rule”. No-one made the rule, my friend. But the bottom line is this – certain things just “are”. I could question this logic of “why do people eat three meals a day” – and given my extreme success in following a diet which is the polar opposite of this in terms of timings, and the success of those that have followed similar diets and exercises routines that make the so called experts “cringe” – well, ultimately FACTS count, my friend. And it didn’t surprise me that this rant came from a lazy fatass (that in his own personal life lives on his wife, never has any money, can’t for whatever reason hold down a real job, is the sort of person that reads from pre-prepared scripts and does so in a most bumbling manner “ole Bumble”, hehe – I am NOT referring to the cricketer here! – and most of all, can’t do either a pull-up or squat in proper form amongst others). He ain’t the only one either by far my friend .No he’s not! Why do boxers and wrestlers “refrain” before a match – months before? I’ve explained this galore, but those into “science” will question this too. By all means question it, but if all the logic you have for an answer yourself is “who the hell came up with it” – then you’re not qualified to ask the question, friend. Real doers don’t ask idiotic questions – they DO and experience for themselves. And they get results, like yours truly does. I could wax lyrical here, and have on my own site about this - but for now, lets get to the MEAT of the matter- The benefits you’ll get from this course - Every benefit you get from following what is mentioned in Squat 101 x 100. Yes, I could end that here … and not be wrong. But, here are a few more – Improved performance in all exercises, even those NON squat related. Improved strength and conditioning throughout the entire body – and youll BLAST past personal bests on squats like you’ve never imagined. If you thought 500 squats was a hallowed number, you’ll be aiming for a 1000 now, thats how confident you’ll be feeling after workouts imbibed with these tips. Your abs will turn into rock solid slabs of GRANITE – oh wait, I hear you say they’re that way already from squatting daily as in Squat 101. Ok, REBAR then! Trust me, this one movements works the core heavily! Something that might come as a surprise – your GRIP strength will increase exponentially as your leg strength does. Don’t believe me? Test yoursef on pull-ups after a month of getting good, damn good at squats, and tell me how you do! You’ll naturally have more energy and want to crank out more workouts. Your WORK output and output in life in general will increase by so much and you’ll achieve so much more on AUTO PILOT it ain’t even funny, but the factor, let me just say 10 or more! Your thighs will become so strong that you’ll be able to break into a sprint without warming up much as I did today – full speed, cheetah or TIGER style! Your derriere will turn into “dimpled” lumps of muscle *that description came from my wife who says the muscles make a “dimpled outline””. Ok, TMI? Maybe. But its also something everyone WANTS! And much more I’m not mentioning here, my friend. These tips – EVERYONE should own a copy of them, period. Its that simple. Get it NOW. Best, Rahul Mookerjee


Download or read book SQUAT 101 THE READER written by Rahul Mookerjee and published by 0 Excuses Fitness. This book was released on 2023-04-26 with total page 273 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Here it is – the long awaited compilation on SQUATS! Contains the two highly acclaimed and VERY WELL “received” books Squat 101 – and Squat 101 – the TIPS! Jack La Lanne, famous fitness pioneer once had this to say about fitness (and diet/health) in general – Exercise is king, nutrition is queen, TOGETHER they make a KINGDOM. There is great wisdom behind those words my friend, TOGETHER they make the kingdom, separately they might still be and are forces to be reckoned with – big time – but it’s only when they get together in concert is when they can really unleash their magic – their POWER as it is. Consider book #1 in the series to be the CAKE and #2 to be the ICING on an already splendid cake. “Cut it” any way you like, but the two books go together, lots of folks have wanted it and asked for it in compilation format, so here it is NOW. Like bread and butter, squats and the tips go together – together they will make up the BASE of your fitness kingdom, and catapult you to rarefied levels of strength and success in the mighty SQUAT like you never dreamt of before. Start today. Start NOW. And remember, 100 squats a day keeps the ole doc away. And also, always remember the cardinal truism of “if you ain’t squatting”? Then you ain’t training. Period! Get this book now, a must grab for every serious fitness trainee.

Book Grace Notes

Download or read book Grace Notes written by Katey Sagal and published by Simon and Schuster. This book was released on 2017-10-17 with total page 256 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: "Sagal takes you through the highs and lows of her life, from the tragic deaths of her parents to her long years in the Los Angeles rock scene, from being diagnosed with cancer at the age of twenty-eight to getting her big break on the fledgling FOX network as the wise-cracking Peggy Bundy on the beloved sitcom Married with Children. Sparse and poetic, Grace Notes is an emotionally riveting tale of struggle and success, both professional and personal: Sagal's path to sobriety; the stillbirth of her first daughter, Ruby; motherhood; the experience of having her third daughter at age fifty-two with the help of a surrogate; and her lifelong passion for music."--Book jacket..

Book Fitness for Every Body

Download or read book Fitness for Every Body written by Meg Boggs and published by Simon and Schuster. This book was released on 2021-04-27 with total page 224 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: From body-positive Instagram influencer and content creator Meg Boggs, an inclusive and empowering fitness and lifestyle guide to inspire readers of every shape and size. For years, Meg Boggs believed the narrative told to her by society: she thought that as a plus-sized woman, she could never be fit; she could never be strong; she could never love exercise; she could never be enough. But when Meg became a mom, she decided to rethink her preconceived notions and embrace her body for what it is, not what diet culture said it should be. In Fitness for Every Body, Meg shares her personal story and inspires you to celebrate your own body for all its capabilities. Featuring a dozen step-by-step, full-body workouts, this book is more than a workout guide or a training manual. It’s a reminder that you’re more than just your weight, that you are stronger than you believe, and that just because you might not be thin, doesn’t mean that you can’t be an athlete. Your body is capable of doing incredible things—you just have to let it. Equally uplifting and enlightening, this body-positive fitness guide will inspire you to love your body no matter your size and to approach food and exercise in a way that benefits both mental and physical health and wellbeing.

Book The Sense of an Ending

    Book Details:
  • Author : Julian Barnes
  • Publisher : Vintage
  • Release : 2011-10-05
  • ISBN : 0307957330
  • Pages : 158 pages

Download or read book The Sense of an Ending written by Julian Barnes and published by Vintage. This book was released on 2011-10-05 with total page 158 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: BOOKER PRIZE WINNER • NATIONAL BESTSELLER • A novel that follows a middle-aged man as he contends with a past he never much thought about—until his closest childhood friends return with a vengeance: one of them from the grave, another maddeningly present. A novel so compelling that it begs to be read in a single setting, The Sense of an Ending has the psychological and emotional depth and sophistication of Henry James at his best, and is a stunning achievement in Julian Barnes's oeuvre. Tony Webster thought he left his past behind as he built a life for himself, and his career has provided him with a secure retirement and an amicable relationship with his ex-wife and daughter, who now has a family of her own. But when he is presented with a mysterious legacy, he is forced to revise his estimation of his own nature and place in the world.

Book Guitar King

    Book Details:
  • Author : David Dann
  • Publisher : University of Texas Press
  • Release : 2019-10-15
  • ISBN : 1477318933
  • Pages : 775 pages

Download or read book Guitar King written by David Dann and published by University of Texas Press. This book was released on 2019-10-15 with total page 775 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Named one of the world’s great blues-rock guitarists by Rolling Stone, Mike Bloomfield (1943–1981) remains beloved by fans forty years after his untimely death. Taking readers backstage, onstage, and into the recording studio with this legendary virtuoso, David Dann tells the riveting stories behind Bloomfield’s work in the seminal Paul Butterfield Blues Band and the mesmerizing Electric Flag, as well as on the Super Session album with Al Kooper and Stephen Stills, Bob Dylan’s Highway 61 Revisited, and soundtrack work with Peter Fonda and Jack Nicholson. In vivid chapters drawn from meticulous research, including more than seventy interviews with the musician’s friends, relatives, and band members, music historian David Dann brings to life Bloomfield’s worlds, from his comfortable upbringing in a Jewish family on Chicago’s North Shore to the gritty taverns and raucous nightclubs where this self-taught guitarist helped transform the sound of contemporary blues and rock music. With scenes that are as electrifying as Bloomfield’s solos, this is the story of a life lived at full volume.

Book My New Roots

    Book Details:
  • Author : Sarah Britton
  • Publisher : Clarkson Potter
  • Release : 2015-03-31
  • ISBN : 0804185395
  • Pages : 585 pages

Download or read book My New Roots written by Sarah Britton and published by Clarkson Potter. This book was released on 2015-03-31 with total page 585 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: At long last, Sarah Britton, called the “queen bee of the health blogs” by Bon Appétit, reveals 100 gorgeous, all-new plant-based recipes in her debut cookbook, inspired by her wildly popular blog. Every month, half a million readers—vegetarians, vegans, paleo followers, and gluten-free gourmets alike—flock to Sarah’s adaptable and accessible recipes that make powerfully healthy ingredients simply irresistible. My New Roots is the ultimate guide to revitalizing one’s health and palate, one delicious recipe at a time: no fad diets or gimmicks here. Whether readers are newcomers to natural foods or are already devotees, they will discover how easy it is to eat healthfully and happily when whole foods and plants are at the center of every plate.

Book I ll Never Write My Memoirs

Download or read book I ll Never Write My Memoirs written by Grace Jones and published by Simon and Schuster. This book was released on 2016-06-14 with total page 400 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Iconic music and film legend Grace Jones gives an in-depth account of her stellar career, professional and personal life, and the signature look that catapulted her into the stardom stratosphere. Grace Jones, a veritable “triple-threat” as acclaimed actress, singer, and model, has dominated the entertainment industry since her emergence as a model in New York City in 1968. Quickly discovered for her obvious talent and cutting-edge style, Grace signed her first record deal in 1977 and became one of the more unforgettable characters to emerge from the Studio 54 disco scene, releasing the all-time favorite hits, “Pull Up to the Bumper,” “Slave to the Rhythm,” and “I’m Not Perfect (But I’m Perfect for You).” And with her sexually charged, outrageous live shows in the New York City nightclub circuit, Grace soon earned the title of “Queen of the Gay Discos.” But with the dawn of the ’80s came a massive anti-disco movement across the US, leading Grace to focus on experimental-based work and put her two-and-a-half-octave voice to good use. It was also around this time that she changed her look to suit the times with a detached, androgynous image. In this first-ever memoir, Grace gives an exclusive look into the transformation to her signature style and discusses how she expanded her musical triumph to success in the acting world, beginning in the 1984 fantasy-action film Conan the Destroyer alongside Arnold Schwarzenegger, then the James Bond movie A View to a Kill, and later in Eddie Murphy’s Boomerang. Featuring sixteen pages of stunning full-color photographs, Miss Grace Jones takes us on a journey from Grace’s religious upbringing in Jamaica to her heyday in Paris and New York in the ’70s and ’80s, all the way to present-day London, in what promises to be a no holds barred tell-all for the ages.

Book Recollections of My Nonexistence

Download or read book Recollections of My Nonexistence written by Rebecca Solnit and published by . This book was released on 2020 with total page 258 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: An electric portrait of the artist as a young woman that asks how a writer finds her voice in a society that prefers women to be silent In Recollections of My Nonexistence, Rebecca Solnit describes her formation as a writer and as a feminist in 1980s San Francisco, in an atmosphere of gender violence on the street and throughout society and the exclusion of women from cultural arenas. She tells of being poor, hopeful, and adrift in the city that became her great teacher; of the small apartment that, when she was nineteen, became the home in which she transformed herself; of how punk rock gave form and voice to her own fury and explosive energy. Solnit recounts how she came to recognize the epidemic of violence against women around her, the street harassment that unsettled her, the trauma that changed her, and the authority figures who routinely disdained and disbelieved girls and women, including her. Looking back, she sees all these as consequences of the voicelessness that was and still is the ordinary condition of women, and how she contended with that while becoming a writer and a public voice for women's rights. She explores the forces that liberated her as a person and as a writer--books themselves, the gay men around her who offered other visions of what gender, family, and joy could be, and her eventual arrival in the spacious landscapes and overlooked conflicts of the American West. These influences taught her how to write in the way she has ever since, and gave her a voice that has resonated with and empowered many others.

Book Good Stuff

Download or read book Good Stuff written by Jennifer Grant and published by Knopf. This book was released on 2011-05-03 with total page 194 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Jennifer Grant is the only child of Cary Grant, who was, and continues to be, the epitome of all that is elegant, sophisticated, and deft. Almost half a century after Cary Grant’s retirement from the screen, he remains the quintessential romantic comic movie star. He stopped making movies when his daughter was born so that he could be with her and raise her, which is just what he did. Good Stuff is an enchanting portrait of the profound and loving relationship between a daughter and her father, who just happens to be one of America’s most iconic male movie stars. Cary Grant’s own personal childhood archives were burned in World War I, and he took painstaking care to ensure that his daughter would have an accurate record of her early life. In Good Stuff, Jennifer Grant writes of their life together through her high school and college years until Grant’s death at the age of eighty-two. Cary Grant had a happy way of living, and he gave that to his daughter. He invented the phrase “good stuff” to mean happiness. For the last twenty years of his life, his daughter experienced the full vital passion of her father’s heart, and she now—delightfully—gives us a taste of it. She writes of the lessons he taught her; of the love he showed her; of his childhood as well as her own . . . Here are letters, notes, and funny cards written from father to daughter and those written from her to him . . . as well as bits of conversation between them (Cary Grant kept a tape recorder going for most of their time together). She writes of their life at 9966 Beverly Grove Drive, living in a farmhouse in the midst of Beverly Hills, playing, laughing, dining, and dancing through the thick and thin of Jennifer's growing up; the years of his work, his travels, his friendships with “old Hollywood royalty” (the Sinatras, the Pecks, the Poitiers, et al.) and with just plain-old royalty (the Rainiers) . . . We see Grant the playful dad; Grant the clown, sharing his gifts of laughter through his warm spirit; Grant teaching his daughter about life, about love, about boys, about manners and money, about acting and living. Cary Grant was given the indefinable incandescence of charm. He was a pip . . . Good Stuff captures his special quality. It gives us the magic of a father’s devotion (and goofball-ness) as it reveals a daughter’s special odyssey and education of loving, and being loved, by a dad who was Cary Grant.

Book Unfinished Business

Download or read book Unfinished Business written by Vivian Gornick and published by Macmillan + ORM. This book was released on 2020-02-04 with total page 136 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: A New York Times Book Review Editors' Choice. One of Library Journal's Best Books of 2020. One of our most beloved writers reassess the electrifying works of literature that have shaped her life I sometimes think I was born reading . . . I can’t remember the time when I didn’t have a book in my hands, my head lost to the world around me. Unfinished Business: Notes of a Chronic Re-reader is Vivian Gornick’s celebration of passionate reading, of returning again and again to the books that have shaped her at crucial points in her life. In nine essays that traverse literary criticism, memoir, and biography, one of our most celebrated critics writes about the importance of reading—and re-reading—as life progresses. Gornick finds herself in contradictory characters within D. H. Lawrence’s Sons and Lovers, assesses womanhood in Colette’s The Vagabond and The Shackle, and considers the veracity of memory in Marguerite Duras’s The Lover. She revisits Great War novels by J. L. Carr and Pat Barker, uncovers the psychological complexity of Elizabeth Bowen’s prose, and soaks in Natalia Ginzburg, “a writer whose work has often made me love life more.” After adopting two cats, whose erratic behavior she finds vexing, she discovers Doris Lessing’s Particularly Cats. Guided by Gornick’s trademark verve and insight, Unfinished Business is a masterful appreciation of literature’s power to illuminate our lives from a peerless writer and thinker who “still read[s] to feel the power of Life with a capital L.”

Book Reflections of a Vintner

Download or read book Reflections of a Vintner written by Tor Kenward and published by Abrams. This book was released on 2022-04-26 with total page 309 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: A compendium for wine lovers: a prominent vintner shares a lifetime of great wines, famous friends, deep knowledge, and insider insights Reflections of a Vintner recounts the lessons learned, relationships forged, and observations made from an insider’s nearly fifty-year journey through the burgeoning wine industry in Napa Valley. From the mid-seventies, when there were less than fifty wineries, to the present, with over eight hundred, Tor Kenward shares his recollections as the region became a world-class wine destination. Following the calendar year, each chapter opens with the challenges and opportunities a winemaker faces that month—in the vineyard, winery, tasting room, and out on the road. In addition to the wine knowledge Kenward imparts, the vintner shares stories of his friendships with legends of the modern American food and wine scene, including Julia Child, André Tchelistcheff, Andy Beckstoffer, and Robert Mondavi, among others. Kenward’s hard work as a vintner was recently acknowledged and celebrated. In the October 2021 Judgment of Napa, held forty-five years after the historic Judgement of Paris, TOR Cabernet was judged to be #1, outscoring legendary Bordeaux châteaux, Napa Valley, and international peers by leading critics and sommeliers. TOR wines, coveted by connoisseurs worldwide, received seven perfect 100-point ratings from leading critics for their 2018 Napa Valley wines. An iconic winemaker, Kenward has written, taught, and lectured on wine most of his adult life. What he is most often asked about are not facts or numbers about his wines, but the stories behind them. These are stories of inspiration and wisdom that shaped his journey. With Kenward’s impressive connection to Napa Valley and his legacy of creating inimitable wines, Reflections of a Vintner offers entertaining insights into an often intimidating and complex but highly enjoyable world.

Book Second Wave Positive Psychology

Download or read book Second Wave Positive Psychology written by Itai Ivtzan and published by Routledge. This book was released on 2015-10-23 with total page 215 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Positive psychology is currently equated with theory and research on the positive aspects of life. The reality could not be further from the truth. Positive psychology investigates and researches some of the most difficult and painful experiences. Second Wave Positive Psychology: Embracing the Dark Side of Life is an innovative and groundbreaking textbook that explores a variety of topics we consider to be part of the ‘dark’ side of life while emphasising their role in our positive functioning and transformation as human beings. This more nuanced approach to the notions of ‘positive’ and ‘negative’ can be described as the ‘second wave' of Positive Psychology. Positive Psychology is one of the fastest growing and least understood branches of psychology. Exploring topics at the heart of Positive Psychology, such as meaning, resilience, human development, mortality, change, suffering, and spirituality, this book engages with so-called ‘negative’ matters from a Positive Psychology angle, showing how the path of personal development can involve experiences which, while challenging, can lead to growth, insight, healing and transformation. Containing useful resources, case studies, practical exercises and chapter summaries, Second Wave Positive Psychology is an essential guide for undergraduate and postgraduate students studying positive psychology, as well as clinicians wanting to know more about the subject. It will also be relevant to the layperson who is interested in positive psychology.

Book The New Rules of Lifting for Women

Download or read book The New Rules of Lifting for Women written by Lou Schuler and published by Penguin. This book was released on 2008-12-26 with total page 273 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: In The New Rules of Lifting for Women, authors Lou Schuler, Cassandra Forsythe and Alwyn Cosgrove present a comprehensive strength, conditioning and nutrition plan destined to revolutionize the way women work out. All the latest studies prove that strength training, not aerobics, provides the key to losing fat and building a fit, strong body. This book refutes the misconception that women will "bulk up" if they lift heavy weights. Nonsense! It's tough enough for men to pack on muscle, and they have much more of the hormone necessary to build muscle: natural testosterone. Muscles need to be strengthened to achieve a lean, healthy look. Properly conditioned muscles increase metabolism and promote weight loss -- it's that simple. The program demands that women put down the "Barbie" weights, step away from the treadmill and begin a strength and conditioning regime for the natural athlete in every woman. The New Rules of Lifting for Women will change the way women see fitness, nutrition and their own bodies.