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Book             1 263                                                        1901 English Classics1 263 The God of His Fathers  Tales of the Klondyke by Jack London

Download or read book 1 263 1901 English Classics1 263 The God of His Fathers Tales of the Klondyke by Jack London written by 잭 런던(Jack London, 1876~1916) and published by 테마여행신문 TTN Theme Travel News Korea. This book was released on 2024-02-29 with total page 1041 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: ▶ 영어고전1,263 잭 런던의 아버지 신: 클론다이크 이야기 1901(English Classics1,263 The God of His Fathers: Tales of the Klondyke by Jack London)은 19세기 미국작가 잭 런던(Jack London, 1876~1916)의 모험 소설(Adventure Novel)로, 아버지들의 하나님(The God Of His Fathers)부터 여성의 경멸(The Scorn Of Women)까지 11편의 단편 컬렉션입니다. 작가가 직접 경험한 1897년의 클론다이크 골드러시(in the Yukon Territory during the Klondike Gold Rush)란 특수한 환경을 배경으로 대자연의 가혹함, 인간의 불굴의 의지, 생존을 위한 야생의 몸부림 등 현대까지도 독자들을 매료시키는 잭 런던의 매력을 온전하게 만나실 수 있습니다. ▶ 미국인의 모험심을 고취시킨 일련의 작품군은 현재까지도 그의 작품을 미국 문학의 고전(a classic in American literature)으로 추앙받게 한 원동력입니다. 모험 소설가(Adventure Novelist)이자 동물소설가(Animal Novelist)로 명성을 날린 잭 런던이 25세의 청년 시절 발표한 작품으로, 모험 소설(Adventure Novel)에 관심이 있는 독자들에게 추천 드립니다. 테마여행신문 TTN Korea 영어고전(English Classics) 1,999선과 함께 어제도, 오늘도, 내일도 멋진 문학여행을! ▶ 아버지들의 하나님 1901(The God Of His Fathers) : “And myself. Not only do you bring trouble upon yourself, but upon us. I was frozen in with you last winter, as you will well recollect, and I know you for a good man and a fool. If you think it your duty to strive with the heathen, well and good; but, do exercise some wit in the way you go about it. This man, Red Baptiste, is no Indian. He comes of our common stock, is as bull-necked as I ever dared be, and as wild a fanatic the one way as you are the other. ▷ “그리고 나 자신도요. 당신은 당신 자신뿐만 아니라 우리에게도 문제를 가져옵니다. 당신이 잘 기억하겠지만 나는 지난 겨울 당신과 함께 얼어붙어 있었습니다. 나는 당신이 좋은 사람이자 바보라는 것을 알고 있습니다. 당신이 이방인과 싸우는 것이 당신의 의무라고 생각한다면, 좋습니다. 그러나 당신이 그것에 대해 접근하는 방식에 있어서 약간의 재치를 발휘하십시오. 이 사람, 레드 밥티스트(Red Baptiste)는 인디언이 아닙니다. 그 사람은 우리의 주식이고, 내가 감히 말할 수 없을 만큼 완고하고, 당신만큼이나 열성적인 광신자입니다. ▶ When you two come together, hell’ll be to pay, and I don’t care to be mixed up in it. Understand? So take my advice and go away. If you go down-stream, you’ll fall in with the Russians. There’s bound to be Greek priests among them, and they’ll see you safe through to Bering Sea,—that’s where the Yukon empties,—and from there it won’t be hard to get back to civilization. Take my word for it and get out of here as fast as God’ll let you.” ▷ 너희 둘이 함께 모이면 대가를 치르게 될 텐데, 난 거기에 말려들고 싶지도 않습니다. 이해하겠소? 그러니 내 조언을 받아들이고 떠나세요. 하류로 가면 러시아인들과 함께하게 될 것입니다. 그들 중에는 반드시 그리스 성직자들이 있을 것이고 그들은 당신이 베링 해, 즉 유콘 강이 비어 있는 곳까지 안전하게 가는 것을 보게 될 것입니다. 거기서 문명으로 돌아가는 것은 어렵지 않을 것입니다. 내 말을 믿고 신이 허락하는 한 빨리 여기서 나가세요.” ▶ 상처받은 남자 1900(The Man With The Gash) : Jacob Kent experienced a tremendous yearning to try his shotgun on him, but the fascination of the gash was too potent. This was the real Man with the Gash, the man who had so often robbed him in the spirit. This, then, was the embodied entity of the being whose astral form had been projected into his dreams, the man who had so frequently harbored designs against his hoard; hence—there could be no other conclusion—this Man with the Gash had now come in the flesh to dispossess him. And that gash! He could no more keep his eyes from it than stop the beating of his heart. Try as he would, they wandered back to that one point as inevitably as the needle to the pole. ▷ 제이콥 켄트는 산탄총을 그에게 시험해 보고 싶은 엄청난 열망을 경험했지만, 상처의 매력은 너무 강력했습니다. 이 사람은 정말 자주 그의 영혼을 강탈했던 진짜 상처 입은 사나이였습니다. 그렇다면 이것은 아스트랄 형태가 그의 꿈에 투사된 존재, 즉 자신의 보물에 대한 계획을 자주 품었던 사람의 구체화된 실체였습니다. 그러므로 – 다른 결론은 있을 수 없습니다 – 상처를 입은 이 사람이 이제 그를 쫓아내기 위해 육신으로 왔습니다. 그리고 그 상처! 그는 심장 박동을 멈추는 것보다 더 이상 눈을 떼지 못했습니다. 아무리 노력해도 그들은 바늘이 기둥에 닿는 것처럼 필연적으로 그 한 지점으로 다시 방황했습니다. ▶ 여성들의 투지 1906(Grit Of Women) : “Life is a strange thing. Much have I thought on it, and pondered long, yet daily the strangeness of it grows not less, but more. Why this longing for Life? It is a game which no man wins. To live is to toil hard, and to suffer sore, till Old Age creeps heavily upon us and we throw down our hands on the cold ashes of dead fires. It is hard to live. In pain the babe sucks his first breath, in pain the old man gasps his last, and all his days are full of trouble and sorrow; yet he goes down to the open arms of Death, stumbling, falling, with head turned backward, fighting to the last. And Death is kind. It is only Life, and the things of Life that hurt. Yet we love Life, and we hate Death. It is very strange. ▷ “인생은 이상한 일이에요. 나는 그것에 대해 많은 생각을 했고 오랫동안 숙고했지만, 날이 갈수록 그 기이함은 점점 더 커져만 갔습니다. 왜 이렇게 삶을 갈망합니까? 누구도 이길 수 없는 게임입니다. 산다는 것은 노년기가 우리에게 엄습해오고 우리가 죽은 불의 차가운 재 위에 손을 던질 때까지 열심히 수고하고 고통 받는 것입니다. 살기가 어렵습니다. 아기는 고통으로 인해 첫 숨을 쉬고, 노인은 고통으로 숨을 헐떡이며, 그의 모든 날은 괴로움과 슬픔으로 가득 차 있습니다. 그럼에도 불구하고 그는 죽음의 팔을 벌려 넘어지고 머리를 뒤로 젖힌 채 끝까지 싸우며 내려갑니다. 그리고 죽음은 친절합니다. 상처를 주는 것은 오직 삶과 삶의 것들 뿐……. 그러나 우리는 삶을 사랑하고 죽음을 미워합니다. 매우 이상합니다. ▶ 프롤로그(Prologue). 테마여행신문 TTN Korea 영어고전(English Classics) 1,999선을 읽어야 하는 7가지 이유 ▶ 15가지 키워드로 읽는 잭 런던(Jack London, 1876~1916) 01. 미국 종군기자(War Correspondent) 출신 소설가 02. 미다스의 노예들(The Minions of Midas, 1901) 03. 야생의 부름(The Call of the Wild, 1903) 04. 바다 늑대(The Sea-Wolf, 1904) 05. 흰 송곳니, 화이트 팽(White Fang, 1906) 06. 스테이크 한 장(A Piece of Steak, 1909) 07. 존 발리콘(John Barleycorn, 1913) : 분홍 코끼리를 보다(Seeing Pink Elephants) 08. 섬의 제리(Jerry of the Islands: A True Dog Story, 1917) 09. 공상과학소설(Science Fiction) 10. 잭 런던 르뽀 - 조선사람 엿보기(La Corée en feu - Jack London reports, 1982) 11. 美 우정국 위대한 미국인 기념 우표 시리즈(Great Americans Series Postage Stamp, 1986) 12. 잭 런던을 만나다 TOP10(TOP10 Places of Jack London) 13. 잭 런던 원작의 영화·드라마(Movie and Drama of Jack London in IMDb and Wikipedia) 14. 오디오북으로 듣는 잭 런던(Audio Books of Jack London) 15. 잭 런던의 어록 309선(309 Quotes of Jack London) ▶ 영어고전1,263 잭 런던의 아버지 신: 클론다이크 이야기 1901(English Classics1,263 The God of His Fathers: Tales of the Klondyke by Jack London) I. The God Of His Fathers I-I. I-II. I-III. II. The Great Interrogation II-I. II-II. III. Which Make Men Remember IV. Siwash V. The Man With The Gash VI. Jan, The Unrepentant VII. Grit Of Women VIII. Where The Trail Forks IX. A Daughter Of The Aurora X. At The Rainbow’s End X-I. X-II. X-III. XI. The Scorn Of Women XI-I. XI-II. XI-III. XI-IV. XI-V. ▶ 부록(Appendix). 세계의 고전을 여행하는 히치하이커를 위한 안내서(The Hitchhiker's Guide to Worlds's Classics) A01. 하버드 서점(Harvard Book Store) 직원 추천 도서 100선(Staff's Favorite 100 Books) & 판매도서 100위(Top 100 Books) A02. 서울대(Seoul University) 권장도서 100 A03. 연세대(Yonsei University) 필독도서 고전 200선 A04. 고려대(Korea University) 세종캠퍼스 권장도서 100선 A05. 서울대·연세대·고려대(SKY University) 공통 권장도서 60권 A06. 성균관대(Sungkyunkwan University) 오거서(五車書) 성균 고전 100선 A07. 경희대(Kyung Hee University) 후마니타스 칼리지(Humanitas College) 교양필독서 100선 A08. 포스텍(포항공대, POSTECH) 권장도서 100선 A09. 카이스트(KAIST) 독서마일리지제 추천도서 100권 A10. 문학상(Literary Awards) 수상작 및 추천도서(44) A11. 영어고전(English Classics) 오디오북을 무료로 듣는 5가지 방법(How to listen to FREE audio Books legally?) A12. 영화·드라마로 만나는 영어고전(Movies and TV Shows Based on English Classic Books) ▶ 테마여행신문 TTN Korea 영어고전(English Classics) 999선 ▶ 테마여행신문 TTN Korea 영어고전(English Classics) 1,999선 ▶ 테마여행신문 TTN Korea 도서목록(2,123) ▶ 테마여행신문 TTN Korea 영어고전(English Classics) 1,999선 테마여행신문 TTN Korea 영어고전(English Classics) 1,999선은 수백 년의 세월에도 변치 않는 명저 중 대중성을 겸비한 베스트셀러를 엄선해 선정하였습니다. 한국외대 경영정보학과(2000~2007)를 졸업한 후 직장생활과 함께 방송대 관광학과(2008~2011)에 편입한 것을 시작으로 문화교양학과(2011~2012, 2015~2017), 동대학원 영상문화콘텐츠학 석사(2012~2015), 일본학과(2017~2020), 국문학과(2020~2022)를 졸업하고, 다시 영어영문학과(2022~)에 재학하며 인류의 끝없는 지식 세계를 탐험 중인 조명화 편집장의 ‘키워드로 읽는 작가 & 작품 해설’을 더해 깊이 있는 독서를 돕고자 세심하게 기획하였습니다. 시간의 흐름에도 바래지 않는 고전명작의 향취를 손안의 스마트폰으로 언제, 어디서나 만끽하시길 바랍니다. 테마여행신문 TTN Korea 영어고전(English Classics) 1,999선과 함께 어제도, 오늘도, 내일도 멋진 문학여행을! ▶ 잭 런던(Jack London, 1876~1916) 54부작 Ⅰ. 잭 런던의 소설(Jack London‘s Novels) 24부작 영어고전1,238 잭 런던의 대즐러호의 항해 1902 English Classics1,238 The Cruise Of The Dazzler by Jack London 영어고전1,239 잭 런던의 눈의 딸(설녀) 1902 English Classics1,239 A Daughter of the Snows by Jack London 영어고전1,240 잭 런던의 야생의 부름 1903 English Classics1,240 The Call Of The Wild by Jack London 영어고전1,241 잭 런던의 켐튼-웨이스 서간집 1903 English Classics1,241 The Kempton-Wace Letters by Jack London 영어고전1,242 잭 런던의 바다 늑대 1904 English Classics1,242 The Sea-Wolf by Jack London 영어고전1,243 잭 런던의 게임 1905 English Classics1,243 The Game by Jack London 영어고전1,244 잭 런던의 화이트 팽(흰 어금니) 1906 English Classics1,244 White Fang by Jack London 영어고전1,245 잭 런던의 아담 이전의 시대(비포 아담) 1907 English Classics1,245 Before Adam by Jack London 영어고전1,246 잭 런던의 강철 군화(아이언 힐) 1908 English Classics1,246 The Iron Heel by Jack London 영어고전1,247 잭 런던의 마틴 에덴 1909 English Classics1,247 Martin Eden by Jack London 영어고전1,248 잭 런던의 버닝 데이라이트 1910 English Classics1,248 Burning Daylight by Jack London 영어고전1,249 잭 런던의 모험 1911 English Classics1,249 Adventure by Jack London 영어고전1,250 잭 런던의 붉은 전염병 1912 English Classics1,250 The Scarlet Plague by Jack London 영어고전1,251 잭 런던의 태양의 아들 1912 English Classics1,251 A Son Of The Sun by Jack London 영어고전1,252 잭 런던의 최악의 야수 1913 English Classics1,252 The Abysmal Brute by Jack London 영어고전1,253 잭 런던의 달의 계곡 제1부 1913 English Classics1,253 The Valley Of The Moon Volume 1 by Jack London 영어고전1,254 잭 런던의 달의 계곡 제2부 1913 English Classics1,254 The Valley Of The Moon Volume 2 by Jack London 영어고전1,255 잭 런던의 달의 계곡 제3부 1913 English Classics1,255 The Valley Of The Moon Volume 3 by Jack London 영어고전1,256 잭 런던의 엘시노어호의 반란 1914 English Classics1,256 The Mutiny Of The Elsinore by Jack London 영어고전1,257 잭 런던의 별 방랑자(스타 로버) 1915 English Classics1,257 The Jacket(Star-Rover) by Jack London 영어고전1,258 잭 런던의 대저택의 작은 아가씨 1916 English Classics1,258 The Little Lady Of The Big House by Jack London 영어고전1,259 잭 런던의 섬의 제리 1917 English Classics1,259 Jerry Of The Islands by Jack London 영어고전1,260 잭 런던의 제리의 형제, 마이클 1917 English Classics1,260 Michael, Brother Of Jerry by Jack London 영어고전1,261 잭 런던의 삼인의 마음 1920 English Classics1,261 Hearts Of Three by Jack London Ⅱ. 잭 런던의 단편소설(Jack London‘s Short Story Collections) 21부작 영어고전1,262 잭 런던의 늑대의 아들 1900 English Classics1,262 The Son Of The Wolf by Jack London 영어고전1,263 잭 런던의 아버지 신: 클론다이크 이야기 1901 English Classics1,263 The God of His Fathers: Tales of the Klondyke by Jack London 영어고전1,264 잭 런던의 혹한의 아이들 1902 English Classics1,264 Children Of The Frost by Jack London 영어고전1,265 잭 런던의 남자의 신념 1904 English Classics1,265 The Faith Of Men by Jack London 영어고전1,266 잭 런던의 해안경비대 1906 English Classics1,266 Tales Of The Fish Patrol by Jack London 영어고전1,267 잭 런던의 문페이스 1906 English Classics1,267 Moon-Face And Other Stories by Jack London 영어고전1,268 잭 런던의 갈색 늑대 1906 English Classics1,268 Brown Wolf And Other Jack London Stories by Jack London 영어고전1,269 잭 런던의 생명의 애착 1907 English Classics1,269 Love Of Life, And Other Stories by Jack London 영어고전1,270 잭 런던의 잃어버린 얼굴 1910 English Classics1,270 Lost Face by Jack London 영어고전1,271 잭 런던의 남태평양 이야기 1911 English Classics1,271 South Sea Tales by Jack London 영어고전1,272 잭 런던의 신이 웃을 때 1911 English Classics1,272 When God Laughs, and Other Stories by Jack London 영어고전1,273 잭 런던의 긍지의 집과 하와이 이야기 1912 English Classics1,273 The House of Pride, and Other Tales of Hawaii by Jack London 영어고전1,274 잭 런던의 스모크 벨루 1912 English Classics1,274 Smoke Bellew by Jack London 영어고전1,275 잭 런던의 밤의 탄생 1913 English Classics1,275 The Night-Born by Jack London 영어고전1,276 잭 런던의 강자의 힘 1914 English Classics1,276 The Strength Of The Strong by Jack London 영어고전1,277 잭 런던의 태즈먼 해의 거북이 1916 English Classics1,277 The Turtles Of Tasman by Jack London 영어고전1,278 잭 런던의 인간 표류 1917 English Classics1,278 The Human Drift by Jack London 영어고전1,279 잭 런던의 레드 원 1918 English Classics1,279 The Red One by Jack London 영어고전1,280 잭 런던의 섬 이야기: 마칼로아 매트 위에서 1919 English Classics1,280 On the Makaloa Mat: Island Tales by Jack London 영어고전1,281 잭 런던의 더치 커리지 1922 English Classics1,281 Dutch Courage and Other Stories by Jack London 영어고전1,282 잭 런던의 배와 바다 이야기 1922 English Classics1,282 Stories Of Ships And The Sea by Jack London Ⅲ. 잭 런던의 회고록(Jack London‘s Autobiographical Memoirs) 3부작 영어고전1,283 잭 런던의 더 로드 1907 English Classics1,283 The Road by Jack London 영어고전1,284 잭 런던의 스나크의 크루즈 1911 English Classics1,284 The Cruise Of The Snark by Jack London 영어고전1,285 잭 런던의 존 발리콘 1913 English Classics1,285 John Barleycorn by Jack London Ⅳ. 잭 런던의 논픽션과 에세이(Jack London‘s Non-Fiction and Essays) 3부작 영어고전1,286 잭 런던의 심연의 사람들 1903 English Classics1,286 The People Of The Abyss by Jack London 영어고전1,287 잭 런던의 계급전쟁 1905 English Classics1,287 War Of The Classes by Jack London 영어고전1,288 잭 런던의 혁명 수필집 1906 English Classics1,288 Revolution, and Other Essays by Jack London Ⅴ. 잭 런던의 희곡(Jack London‘s Plays) 3부작 영어고전1,289 잭 런던의 3막극: 여성 경멸 1901 English Classics1,289 Scorn of Women: A Play In Three Acts by Jack London 영어고전1,290 잭 런던의 4막극: 도둑질 1910 English Classics1,290 Theft: A Play In Four Acts by Jack London 영어고전1,291 잭 런던의 캘리포니아 산림극: 도토리 농부 1916 English Classics1,291 The Acorn Planter: A California Forest Play by Jack London ▶ 테마여행신문 TTN Theme Travel News Korea는 2012년부터 현재까지 2,000종 이상의 콘텐츠를 기획 및 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Along with professional writers in various fields, we regularly publish various travel contents such as 1 Course(원코스), Onederful(원더풀), Counting the Stars at Night(별 헤는 밤) Series. Von voyage with Theme Travel News TTN Korea(테마여행신문 TTN Korea)! ▶ 테마여행신문 TTN Theme Travel News Korea Webzine : http://themetn.com Publisher : www.upaper.net/themetn Youtube : https://bit.ly/3LFxOhm Facebook : www.fb.com/themetn Twitter : www.twitter.com/themetn

Book The God of His Fathers  Tales of the Klondyke

Download or read book The God of His Fathers Tales of the Klondyke written by Jack London and published by DigiCat. This book was released on 2022-07-31 with total page 141 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: DigiCat Publishing presents to you this special edition of "The God of His Fathers: Tales of the Klondyke" by Jack London. DigiCat Publishing considers every written word to be a legacy of humankind. Every DigiCat book has been carefully reproduced for republishing in a new modern format. The books are available in print, as well as ebooks. DigiCat hopes you will treat this work with the acknowledgment and passion it deserves as a classic of world literature.

Book The God of His Fathers  Tales of the Klondyke  1901  by Jack London

Download or read book The God of His Fathers Tales of the Klondyke 1901 by Jack London written by jack London and published by . This book was released on 2018-10-21 with total page 0 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: These tales have appeared in "McClure's," "Ainslee's," "Outing," the "Overland Monthly," the "Wave," the "National," and the San Francisco "Examiner." To the kindness of the various editors is due their reappearance in more permanent form.To the Daughters of the Wolf Who Have Bred and Suckled a Race of MenThe God of His FathersThe Great InterrogationWhich Make Men RememberSiwashThe Man with the GashJan, the UnrepentantGrit of WomenWhere the Trail ForksA Daughter of the AuroraAt the Rainbow's EndThe Scorn of Women

Book Tales of the Klondyke

    Book Details:
  • Author : Jack London
  • Publisher :
  • Release : 2021-02-21
  • ISBN :
  • Pages : 138 pages

Download or read book Tales of the Klondyke written by Jack London and published by . This book was released on 2021-02-21 with total page 138 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Book Excerptr father, with lying words, false promises, I know not what; so that the priest stiffened his neck and would not make us that we might live one with the other. As at the beginning it was the church which would not bless my birth, so now it was the church which refused me marriage and put the blood of men upon my hands. Bien! Thus have I cause to love the church. So I struck the priest on his woman's mouth, and we took swift horses, the girl and I, to Fort Pierre, where was a minister of good heart. But hot on our trail was her father, and brothers, and other men he had gathered to him. And we fought, our horses on the run, till I emptied three saddles and the rest drew off and went on to Fort Pierre. Then we took east, the girl and I, to the hills and forests, and we lived one with the other, and we were not married, --the work of the good church which I love like a son."But mark you, for this is the strangeness of woman, the way of which no man may understand. One of the saddles I emptied was that

Book The God of His Fathers

    Book Details:
  • Author : Jack London
  • Publisher :
  • Release : 1906
  • ISBN :
  • Pages : 314 pages

Download or read book The God of His Fathers written by Jack London and published by . This book was released on 1906 with total page 314 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book The God of His Fathers

    Book Details:
  • Author : Jack London
  • Publisher : Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
  • Release : 2017-01-04
  • ISBN : 9781542357111
  • Pages : 192 pages

Download or read book The God of His Fathers written by Jack London and published by Createspace Independent Publishing Platform. This book was released on 2017-01-04 with total page 192 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: THE GOD OF HIS FATHERS I On every hand stretched the forest primeval,-the home of noisy comedy and silent tragedy. Here the struggle for survival continued to wage with all its ancient brutality. Briton and Russian were still to overlap in the Land of the Rainbow's End-and this was the very heart of it-nor had Yankee gold yet purchased its vast domain. The wolf-pack still clung to the flank of the cariboo-herd, singling out the weak and the big with calf, and pulling them down as remorselessly as were it a thousand, thousand generations into the past. The sparse aborigines still acknowledged the rule of their chiefs and medicine men, drove out bad spirits, burned their witches, fought their neighbors, and ate their enemies with a relish which spoke well of their bellies. But it was at the moment when the stone age was drawing to a close. Already, over unknown trails and chartless wildernesses, were the harbingers of the steel arriving,-fair-faced, blue-eyed, indomitable men, incarnations of the unrest of their race. By accident or design, single-handed and in twos and threes, they came from no one knew whither, and fought, or died, or passed on, no one knew whence. The priests raged against them, the chiefs called forth their fighting men, and stone clashed with steel; but to little purpose. Like water seeping from some mighty reservoir, they trickled through the dark forests and mountain passes, threading the highways in bark canoes, or with their moccasined feet breaking trail for the wolf-dogs. They came of a great breed, and their mothers were many; but the fur-clad denizens of the Northland had this yet to learn. So many an unsung wanderer fought his last and died under the cold fire of the aurora, as did his brothers in burning sands and reeking jungles, and as they shall continue to do till in the fulness of time the destiny of their race be achieved.

Book Tales of the Klondyke by Jack London

Download or read book Tales of the Klondyke by Jack London written by Jack London and published by CreateSpace. This book was released on 2014-10-04 with total page 92 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: TALES OF THE KLONDYKEThe God of His FathersThe Great InterrogationWhich Make Men RememberSiwashThe Man with the GashJan, the UnrepentantGrit of WomenWhere the Trail ForksA Daughter of the AuroraAt the Rainbow's EndThe Scorn of Women

Book The God of His Fathers

    Book Details:
  • Author : Jack London
  • Publisher : Quiet Vision Pub
  • Release : 2003-07-01
  • ISBN : 9781576466773
  • Pages : 132 pages

Download or read book The God of His Fathers written by Jack London and published by Quiet Vision Pub. This book was released on 2003-07-01 with total page 132 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The God of His FathersThe Great InterrogationWhich Make Men RememberSiwashThe Man With the GashJan the UnrepentantGrit of WomenWhere the Trail ForksA Daughter of the AuroraAt the Rainbow's EndThe Scorn of Women

Book Tales of the Klondyke Jack London

Download or read book Tales of the Klondyke Jack London written by Jack London and published by CreateSpace. This book was released on 2015-08-22 with total page 202 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The God of His Fathers - Publication date: 1902 Large Print Edition

Book The Gods of His Fathers  Tales of the Klondyke

Download or read book The Gods of His Fathers Tales of the Klondyke written by Jack London and published by . This book was released on 2013-05-31 with total page 124 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: A classic collection of short stories, featuring the following:THE GOD OF HIS FATHERS ,THE GREAT INTERROGATION,WHICH MAKE MEN REMEMBER,SIWASH,THE MAN WITH THE GASH,JAN THE UNREPENTANT,GRIT OF WOMEN,WHERE THE TRAIL FORKS,A DAUGHTER OF THE AURORA,AT THE RAINBOW'S END,THE SCORN OF WOMEN.

Book The God of His Fathers

Download or read book The God of His Fathers written by Jack London and published by Musson Book Company, [19--]. This book was released on 1901 with total page 320 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt:

Book The God of His Fathers

Download or read book The God of His Fathers written by Jack London and published by Alan Rodgers Books. This book was released on 2006-08 with total page 136 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: This collection is London's second (the first being The Sun of the Wolf) and was first published in 1901.

Book The God of His Fathers  Tales of the Klondyke

Download or read book The God of His Fathers Tales of the Klondyke written by Jack London and published by Createspace Independent Publishing Platform. This book was released on 2018-06-03 with total page 184 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: Short stories collection. As a young man in the summer of 1897, Jack London joined the Klondike gold rush. From that seminal experience emerged these gripping, inimitable wilderness tales, which have endured as some of London's best and most defining work. With remarkable insight and unflinching realism, London describes the punishing adversity that awaited men in the brutal, frozen expanses of the Yukon, and the extreme tactics these adventurers and travelers adopted to survive

Book The God of His Fathers and Other Stories

Download or read book The God of His Fathers and Other Stories written by Jack London and published by Createspace Independent Publishing Platform. This book was released on 2018-05-15 with total page 152 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: The God of his Fathers & Other Stories by Jack London Tales from Northland. We are delighted to publish this classic book as part of our extensive Classic Library collection. Many of the books in our collection have been out of print for decades, and therefore have not been accessible to the general public. The aim of our publishing program is to facilitate rapid access to this vast reservoir of literature, and our view is that this is a significant literary work, which deserves to be brought back into print after many decades. The contents of the vast majority of titles in the Classic Library have been scanned from the original works. To ensure a high quality product, each title has been meticulously hand curated by our staff. Our philosophy has been guided by a desire to provide the reader with a book that is as close as possible to ownership of the original work. We hope that you will enjoy this wonderful classic work, and that for you it becomes an enriching experience. The God of his Fathers, Jack London books, Jack London

Book The God of His Fathers   Other Stories

Download or read book The God of His Fathers Other Stories written by Jack London and published by . This book was released on 2019-09-17 with total page 296 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: "On every hand stretched the forest primeval, -- the home of noisy comedy and silent tragedy. Here the struggle for survival continued to wage with all its ancient brutality.

Book The God of His Fathers   Other Stories Annotated

Download or read book The God of His Fathers Other Stories Annotated written by Jack London and published by . This book was released on 2020-10-11 with total page 186 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: "On every hand stretched the forest primeval, -- the home of noisy comedy and silent tragedy. Here the struggle for survival continued to wage with all its ancient brutality.

Book The God of His Fathers

    Book Details:
  • Author : Jack London
  • Publisher :
  • Release : 2020-08-06
  • ISBN :
  • Pages : 167 pages

Download or read book The God of His Fathers written by Jack London and published by . This book was released on 2020-08-06 with total page 167 pages. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Book excerpt: On every hand stretched the forest primeval,--the home of noisy comedy and silent tragedy. Here the struggle for survival continued to wage with all its ancient brutality. Briton and Russian were still to overlap in the Land of the Rainbow's End--and this was the very heart of it--nor had Yankee gold yet purchased its vast domain. The wolf-pack still clung to the flank of the cariboo-herd, singling out the weak and the big with calf, and pulling them down as remorselessly as were it a thousand, thousand generations into the past. The sparse aborigines still acknowledged the rule of their chiefs and medicine men, drove out bad spirits, burned their witches, fought their neighbors, and ate their enemies with a relish which spoke well of their bellies. But it was at the moment when the stone age was drawing to a close. Already, over unknown trails and chartless wildernesses, were the harbingers of the steel arriving,--fair-faced, blue-eyed, indomitable men, incarnations of the unrest of their race. By accident or design, single-handed and in twos and threes, they came from no one knew whither, and fought, or died, or passed on, no one knew whence. The priests raged against them, the chiefs called forth their fighting men, and stone clashed with steel; but to little purpose.